Newspaper Page Text
. THE OGDEN STAND AKP: OGDETN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1919 - f, Ij - --, i- n. i.iuuvwut 1.11- IWUWMW l I FOR SALE Real Ettet OGDEN REALTY CMFANV 2422 Hudson Ave. Phono 236. Ogden, T tab. J ACRES choirp land, all in crops; 4 room bouse, hnrn, hen house. Close to Ogden. Price 51900. Part cash 4 room frame with bath and basement Ml, Lot 37x136, 'n R. R. district, only - 51900; 5700 cash, balance time. Elegant 5-room pressed brick. Strict.1 modern; gum wood finish, oak floirs, in ideal location Price 55700; part rash. Many other fine listings, whi h WCft be glad to show vou. il'2 C-ROOM strictly modern brick bunga low on the bench, good location; bar gain for quick sale. Terms. Phono 1409-M. 4778 MODERN 4-room house, w,th garage, cheap, on 0th street. 'Jail 2766 Gram Phone 972. 17b6 ( A 5-ROOM house in good condition on 23rd street, between Lincoln and Grant avenues, lot 59 by 165 feet. This is semi -business property; is a good rev enue producer and will bring you"a good revenue on your money while it becomes business property. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 4608 A GOOD 5 room modern home, local-) ed within two blocks of the postoffice hufMine nn (Irnl avpnup lor onl 52600 dollars. Seven hundred (5700) dollars down, the balance on terms; a spi.ndld opportunity to get a home for very xnuch less than the building would cost, with a valuable lot thrown in as a bonus, J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hud son Ave. 460b A PERFECT dream of a bungalow on a paved street, in the most exclusive residence part of the city on the bench. This is the kind of a home that the modern housewife has demanded; ev erything complete and in good shape; all special taxes paid. This for the next 10 da.) s can be bought for about one-half of what other homes not so favorably located are being sold for. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 4608 OGDEN REALTY COMPANY 2422 Hudson Ave., Ogden, Utah. Phone 236. 1160-ACRE ranch ic Og den alley ; 2o0 acre3 in peas, hay and grain; 100 acres more can bo culti vated and irrigated; bal ance first class grazing land good iu all seasons. There are 4 houses, barns and out buildings, all ' kinds of machinery, from small implements to threshing machine, also 25 horses, 14 cows, 11 calves, 10 pigs, chickens. Can lake possesion at once. We can sell on lib eral terms. A good buy at 545,000. 4339 j A GOOD S room house, well located! within two blocks ol the Lnion deot, I large lot and good revenue producer. Only $2000 doin rs. oreat snap as an investment. J. J. Brummitt, 2417, yud- son Ave. 4008 1 I 1 CJSL sale by Skeeu Realtj Co., .3 room and summer kitchen, water, lights and j itwer connection, ..Jl specials paid,; lot 40x165, some Iruit and garden, a II p, 1100. This is now vacant. 434G! ACRES land, mail house and eel-1 . bixty acres under euitnaaon. lb! eo iu wheal, J acies allalla and 12 1 es corn, ispiing water. All crops go I th place, ioca .ed about 4 V2 miles J m cenier 01 Ugdeu. Will want $uou' sn, balance is yeais at u per ceni a teres t. iTice $76vU. j. a. McCul-j loCh. 4264; FlVE-ROOM house. Price 53.000. 748 -3rd St. 1149 LOT BARGAINS. 4'j.jxiOO tefct; siuovialK and sewei paia in luu, -oU, Both anu Auauia. ' .Hii.: leet, -illi &nd Jouursou, $0U. i'none wj. jt; ! 1-KOOAd modem lrame hou6o; lull L-asemcnt. Close in, J,000. cull at v oiuei LumDer Co., J ziui Su Jliuy l-'Olt SAL.E My cement brick house, teen loonu, cornet' iioih btxeel anu iiaii'isou. '. N, Hielcber, I20o Jbtn. 3697 4 liOOM houso, 3 acres of land. Apply o20- iieeu. 1000. J001 A GOOD 5 room inoaern home, iocateu wiinin DlOCk 01 the postoitice ouiluing uu Uiant avenue, lor only $2600 uoi- j iar-. seven nunured Uvu) uown, thw 1 balaco on terms. A splendid oppor- 1 1 unity to get a tiomo lor very much less thau me buwaiug wouiu cost witnl a vaiuaule lot Uirown in as a bonub. j. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Ave. 367b 1 A GOOD j room bungalow with steam' heating plant and ail modern conven iences ol every sand, well located,' ciose in on th bencu, loi $50oo doi .aid. J. J. Brummitt. r'hone 69. A GOOD aijt-room modern housi ex cept heat, within a half block ol the postoffice building, on Grant avenue. llh ail special taxes paid, for oni I $3500; 520U down balance $25 per month. T.K.e house ought to rent tor euougn to make the payments, which win give you a good six-room house within a half block of the posiolfico building for only $200. j. j. Brum mitt. r-houe 59. 3678 AN elegant corner lot on Madison avenue, well located on the bench, 1 60x137 feet. This is a great bargain' it 5500. ylOO down, the balance same -ao paying rent 1. J. Brummitt, 2417' uuuson Ave. 3t7b LOT on 31st below GranL Reason able. Mrs. A. L. Ramsperger, Logan, Utah. 4169 v E have a number of tomes of 4. 5 and 6 rooms. We can sell for pay ments of 5200 to $500 cash and bal-j inco like rent Prices from 51750 to 53000, Ogden Realty Co., 2422 Hud bon. 4371 THREE-ROOM trame on Healy ave nue; 30 loot lot; $1,000. Pay 5100 ca:h and $15 per month. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah National. Phone 913 4793 1-ACRE lot, also 5-room homo. rG77 Adams Terms. Esther E. Smith. 4C4r. TOR SALE, 55.000 home on bench. 5500 cash will handle period deal rlf-r-ct with owner and save commission I Box 285, care Standard. 41 1 j FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FROERER & FOWLES I Real Estate. Loans and Insurance 2409 Hudson Ave. Phone 917. Ogden, Utah. I NEW 5-room modern bungalow, situ ated in the north part of tho city. This f place has a cement basement, a fine Bleeping porch and is surrounded by fruit trees of many varieties. Can give immediate possession. Prlc ?3.000, on easy terms. Practically new 1-room modern brick, in a choice location Has fine lawn, full front and back porch A: hargain at 53,100. 5-room strictly modern brick bunga low, on paved street, within 2 blocks of Wash. Ave. and 25th St. Improve ments all paid. Price 54,000; terms. 4-room frame cottage on the bench in first-class condition. Iarge lot, water right, fine garden. Snap at $1,500; easy terms. FROERER & FOWLES Phone 917. 2409 Hudson Ave. 4?0i ' A GOOD five-room lrame house, well j I located, on bench; modern Uwn and shade; 53 000, and worth the prio- 1 R, P. Hunter. 431 24th St. 4797 FOR sale by owner -5-room brick UVil large kitchen and screened porch, mod- j rn except heat; lot f0.132 teet to alley; lawn and shade and fruit trees; finest location in Ogden; paved street and one-half block from car Imr. Phone 567. Price 54000. 425 ..20-ACRE dry farm in southern Idaho for sale, or trade for small acreage near Ogden, or would accept good modern home in city, 275 seres under cultivation, good buildings, all rca chinery necessary for the place. This lis one of the best of dry farms. For I particulars write Box 129 Logan, Ulan. 4722 FOR sale by owner at a sacrifice, s room modern frame .esidence with barn and other outbuildings on premi ses. Located on 23rd between V all land Lincoln. Will take $3750 to quick sale. See Mr. Mlnnoch at Min noch Glass and Paint Co 42U 6 OR 7 room brick. Phone 2S89-R. 4675 GOOD modern homes, easy terms. 302 35th. 4663 FROM owner, lo' large enough for two houses, 66x140 ft. on Ogden and 8th bi. $550. 3Vj acres on 7th and Adams, 3,500 Phone 1619-N R. Call 75G Wash Ave. '-S43 SIX room frame house in railroad dis trict, terms, $2750 FIVE room brick house nearly mod ern, railroad district, $2700 FIVE room modern brick house, de sirable location on bench 55500. SEVEN room brick house, nearly mod ern, large lot, on bench, 55000. FIVE room brick house, modern, large lot, located on east side, terms $4000 Kelly & Herrick. 4592 THE most elegant lot on 25th street, 105 feet front and 139 feet deep to nn alley This lot has all special tazef paid, is in the most exclusive residence district, has all kinds of shade, fruit and ornamental treeb and a great va riety of small fruit. These trees and fruits were selected by a nursery man and are all choice varieties. This is the elegant lot on 25th street. Will be sold cheap, any kind of terms given, low rate of Interest. Here is your opportunity to own the most ele gant resident lot in the city. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Ave. 4608 E. F. BRATZ THESE were built before labor and ma'.enal doubled In value. 4 ROOM brick, pantry, closet, ci'y water, electric lights. R. R. district, bargain at 51250. Easy terms. 5 ROOM modern frame, lot 50x135 to alky, all apecial taxes paid in full, choice location, southwest, easy pay ments. $2500. 4 ROOM modem brick bungalow, base ment and large lot, choice location on bench, close to car line E. F. BRA rZ, 417 Eccles Bldg. Phone I960. 4547 6 ROOM brick. 60 ft. frontage. Wash. Ae. 80 ft. 17th. No. is 1712 Y ash. V. L. Keller, Box 17, Twin Falls, Ida. 4570 c ROoM modern brick; lot 52xi7o. Can 2894-M, 45b 21st St. 4tr.7 A MODERN six -room Drlck bungalow with Juil basement, well located on WablL3t4)n Avenue, with all pave ment auj special taxes pa.'d. This housu oughv to be worth $'000. but can bti told ak $3500. $500 down, bal ance same as paying rent. J. J. Brum mitt, 2-417 iiudson Ave. 3678 LOT, 25th St, lacing Eccles addition. 40 by 150 feet. Fruit and shade trees, lawn; garage Ideal location for sn'all borne. Phono 1138. 4:CS 1 WANTED 1 To Buy 1 .i,v t S L i.juuouse and frames. 9th St. 4798 WANTED To Lase, for one year with the privilege of buying, a modern six or seven-room bungalow or bungnlow type house, in good location, on the bench. Address it A Rowlands, 2522 Orchard Ave., City. -17S0 5- OR 6-ROOM house, near R. R. Mod ern. Address '2571 Lincoln, WANTED to buy a 7 or room house, frame or brick, su or seven blocks' from center of town. Write box 266, Ogden. 4353 I BUY Liberty bonds. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Ave. 2538 ACCRUED int. plus market price for Uberty ponds paid by J. A. Hogle & Co 2448 WANTED Second Hand otflco rurnl ture. Phone 888 or Box 30 care Stan dard. 1803 WANTED Cattle, one L?ad or one carload. Call us and our buyer w'l como out and price your etowk. Wes tern Live Stock Com. Co., J. A. Lee Mgr. Phone day 730. night 2918, SRI -unrj-J--.J--nr(xn Tnj. DRESSMAKING DRESS M A k I N G ! 2330 A "Jam V. Phono L661-W 4323 DRESSMAKING, 256 26'.h St. 47l3 WANTED Female HeJp YOUNG lady about 20 years old. Ap-J ply in person at Cozy Theatre after noon or evenings. No phone calls con sidered. 4820) flIRL for ice cream parlor. Kerns. 2459 Wash 4769 EXPERIENCED waitress. Kerns 2459 Washington. 1788 OMAN or girl for housework. Apply 2741 Grant Ave. or 232 25th St 476! GIRL wanted at Orpheum Candy Co. t726 CHAMBERMAID wanted al the Rrcd. 4728 A GOOD girl for general housewrk Phono 1460-R 887 23rd St. 4723 A WOMAN for cooking; good wages. No Sunday work. Greenwell Confec tionery, 4-541 EXPERIENCED chocolate dipprr, 516 per week, 8 hours a day, 35 cents an hour extra from 6 to 9. Orpheum Can dy Co. 4562 EXPERIENCED and inexperienced help, 59 to 518 per week, eight hours a day. Union Pacific railroad laundry 4381 I Concrete Ornamental J Work jj ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE (CEMETERY concrete coping. Wheel -I Wright, 20th and Dougla6. Phone 2628W. 4284 1 FOR RENT Furnished - Kun.u 1 1 j i eitner housekeeping r isleeping 2610 Monroe. Phone 3261-M 4823 .LARGE cool room. 1 or 2 gentlemen. 2222 Adams. 4813 6-ROOM modern house. Phone 1144 4811 (NICELY furnished front room with j lights, bath,- phone, suitable for one or two gentlemen. j73 24th St 1801 FIVE-ROOM modern house, 'furnished. on bench. Call 1890 177 1 COOL, well furnished room in private family. Gentleman onh. 441 Herrick. 4(61 CLEAN furnished rooms for light housekeeping; no children. 2671 Wall. 4732 LARGE modern room, 1 or 2 iadles, close in; references. Phone 2333. 4711 3 ROOMS, 2571 Ltncoln Ave. 4251 ACCRUED Inlt plus market price for liberty bond paid by J. A Hogle & Co. 2449 PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY furnished for light housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, heat and gas Maid ervice if desired. Rates 520 to 537.50 j 7909 I FOR RENT i Unfuraiibed 1 1 t I x NEW modern rooms. 2245 Wash 4 72 UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment; no children. 2746 Madison. 4.29 I 1 fg J PACKAGE containing voile dress Re turn to Wright s Exchange. 4822 1 1917 FORD louring car taken from 2325 Jefferson; license No. 26786; rear right spring broken, lilting car to the j right; two new Racine tires on left and New Diamond tire on front right; old tire on rear right; had gas-saving device and oiling system, windshield (.Tin ked Reward for any information leading to Its recovery. Phone th" Standard. 4826 PARTY who took the black leather bag from the Utah theatre Sunday nihi is known and unless returned 1 iiinm uiati-ly. prosecution will follow. Return to Utah theatre. 4806 i 1 RUBBER hip boot, bet. Hermitage and South Fork Phone 417. 4310 SORREL mare, white face, 1100 lbs., v, hire hind feet Scar on right lund fooL Notify Henry Walburg, Roy, Utah. 4790 LOST Sunday, in Ogden canyon I en tleman's coat. Please phone 1927 J. 4794 TWO brown horses, one 1300 lb , J on Jaw; other H O on left thigh, stripe on face J. W Child, Roy, Utah. Re ward 510. 4771 J I GOLD-RIMMED glasses, Juno 14. Re turn 2832 Nye. Reward. M0 BROWN Balmacan overcoat in South Fork canyon Finder please call at 705 22nd St. Reward. 1(38 MEDAE for Liberty loan services; en graved "M. J. Davis"; valuable to own er as keepsake. Reward. 3173-W. 4719 j FOUND PURSE with considerable mone Owner can have same by identifying and paying for this ad F. W. Wool worth Co. 4833 WANTED j Miscellaneous LIBERTY bonds bought. J. J. Brum mitt. Phone 59. 2639 CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan dard office. L BUSINESS ll OPPORTUNITIES GOOD going business, well located; $1500 for lease and fixtures and stock at wholesale Invoice, o. A. Kennedy basement Utah Nat' Bank Bldg. U91 FOR SALE Miscellaneous WWW - - - fi ii aw Mt tim xrjf NATIONAL cash register, hotel rane, coffee urn and fixtures complete. 220 25th St. 4824 PIANO, lathing machine and wick?r baby carriage. Phone 2216-J, 4829 HOUSEHOLD refrigerator Phon-2316-J. 4817 NEARLY new steel range; fruit bot tles; Winchester shotgun, with case, etc Rear 2330 Adams. 480S ONE good Jersey and Durham row. Price $135 558 12th St. Phone 3294-R 4S05 NEW wicker baby buggy. Wool L.nd Ave. 4800 i , JEWEL gas range, lady's bicycle, show cases, cash registers, soda fountain, awnings, paper cutter?, oil stove, canopy tent, two good rentertables, j stools for counter 1640 Washington 4799 I BLACK cherries for sale. Call 4149-N-J 4775 LARGE Jewel gas range (iood as new; cheap. 315 27th St., in rear. 477'J j M A RS H A LI,-WEN DELL upright piano. Mahogany finish, slightly used; same as ne Inquire 312 32nd St Phone 2030-M. PLAYER piano at sacrifice. 555 Ches ter; after 4 p. m. 4 759 GOOD Jersey rows cheap. 1423 ITCU HEATER and fruit jars 252 22nd St 47'j I FOUR rooms of fine furniture with rugs. Call after 6 p. m 705 22nd St. 4-39 FoRD starter and battery, $30 In quire 2631 Hudson Ave. NICE, young milch Jersey cow and Jersey calf. 1915 Grant. 4737 WATER POWER washing machine iind wringer, refrigerator. 422 26th Pt Apt. 18 4730 THOROUGHBRED Flemish Giant rab bits Inquire at 3323 Stevens Ave 4701 SOME oid furniture for sale. Phone 520-J. 2741 Adams. 4710 GOOD work or saddle horse, 900 lb". ; bargain. 980 Monroe. 4(3 5 GOOD Jersey cows cheap. 302 35th Street. 4664 ; GOOD horse, at 281 W. 33rd St. 4647 SPECIAL bargain, f. bp Hercules Swi-1 tionary -lis engine; cheap if taken .it once. R. T. Mitchell Co., 2439 Hudson Fhone 331. 4oJo GOOD farm wagon, hand plow, grind stone; a bargam. Call at 446 17th St 4636 3-ROOM house, rubber tires Burrcy, also good Jersey cow. 2207 Pingree. 437b FIRST class alngmg canaries. 2220 Lincoln. 4246 J-ROOMED house, rubber tired surry and good cow. j20 Pingree. 40 3 liL'jGi and harness. Phono 2889-R, iU N. Waah. yyy HIGHEST prices paiu ior secuiid-hanu guuiic ai Suiwe's New and becv,uu-hand oioru. lauu Washington, i'houe o&o-J. 3484 FOR SA-LE l-utre power 1L & V. (jj-ouane w'ugme, useu 00 di-yt, 14o. vouncr-AUULub cseeu o. 346i HIGH grade line of paints and brushes lor sale at tobt. lsuu Washington Ave. ruoiiu 060-J. 2621 SECOND-HAND goody bought, sold and eAcuuuge, Lbvv Washington, Ave. Phone ofct-j. 262 J. A. liuGLE dt Co. pay highest prices in ogden for Liberty ondt?. 24oy UNCA-LLLD for suits, tailor made, big reduction, Gordon', 311-26 6ih St. i-hono 419. 215 THREE good milk covts. Phone 730 1472 6 SACKS wood lor $1.0u. Phone 828. Wheelwright Wood Yard. 1417 GROCERIES in retail quantities at Wholesale prices. Ogden's Groceries, 181 24th St. 641 THREj gooa milch cows. Phone 730. 1477 FCn SALE ELEVATORS. WE furnish and install high grade leclric or hand elevators, any capac ity. Write Win. Watrous. 249 Edison SL, Salt Lake Civ. We buy nd hand one. 2366 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOUR ROOM modern house, Kaysville. Acre lot, 2 shares water, will sell at bargain or trade for Ogden property Rear 452 22nd. 4S03 1 VIM truck, cheap or will trade for touring car. Phone 10-R-l. 4550 w MONEY TO LOANj TO salaried people without Security; to others ou pianos, furniture bonds, etc. 402 Hudson Bldg, Phone 871 -J. 3276 RALPH P. HUNTER. Established ! 1889. Mortgage Loans, Real EsUito Insurance, Utah, Idaho lands, farms and city property, persons desiring to loan money on good first mortgage Becurlty will do well to consult m& Good app. IcationH always on hand. 431 24th St-., Ogden. Utah. &ilu MONEY to loan on improved real es tate. Kelly & Herrick. 778 IdONET to loan on real eitate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt 6-21 U Scott Storey, expert phonograph re pairing. Work guaranteed. We main tain a repair department for ooth pianos and phonographs. Phone your order to us. Phone 173 Lyric Music Co, 2524 Wash Ave 4283 Read The Classified Ads. WANTED Male Help ' i n-i-WM-M-w-n-M-MT---i,-in ruxn nn -mr -, r WANTED A young man over IS to , learn the culling trade in our under wear factory'; good chance for ad vancement Apply John Scowcroft & Sons. Dept K. 4831 YOUNG man. over 18, to learn trade on steam-pressing machine OnVj willing and steady workmen need ap : ply John Scowcroft. & Sons I 0 . Dept. M. 4820 ' SODA dispenser at Utah Hot Springs 479& FIRST-CLASS soda dispenser Or pheum Candy Co. 4787 I SHOE salesman by Last ft Thon as shoe department. 4;L,o MAN with car living at Riverdale or Uintah for few hours' work each d'.y. Address Box F9. Standard. 47'8 EXPERIENCED marker and sorter and linen clerks. N. P Laundry. 4563 FARM hand, married man preferred. Wedell. 2468 Washington. 4306' , i BEFORE selling Liberty bonds get) prices from J. A. Hogle & Co. 2451 WANTED Situation! YOUNG man w ishes position as book-j keeper and typist. Call 2183-W. 4882 EXPERIENCED stenographer and of fice assistant. Box L E., care Stand ard. 45ln COMPETENT experienced stenograph- it and dictaphone operator. H. S., care Standard. 4809 EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position. Phone 1636-J 4779 , , FOR SALE AUTOS j Hi t .uoLiLL (1913) lor sale or trade. Liquire D R. Roberts, City Hall. 4823 FORD touring car. Price $300. In quire 1943 Odell Ave. 4828 LET me sell your car for you C E Yorgabon. used car dealer. I have the following cars for sale at 2b0S Wash : 1914 5-pass. Studebaker, 1913! 5-pass. Cadillac, tires, oil. 4782 OAKLAND SIX, 1919 model, drove 1:700 miles Coleman, Biigham hotel 4 7 '1 6 Oakland, 5-pass., in good mechani cal condition, would make danuy j truck; lor bale oi would trade lor cliy lot. See Brook.-, Anderson Larson Co. 21th St 4717 i CAB for sale, excellent running condi tion, lnq. 2213 Lincoln. 4685 A FORD. Dodge, Buick and Oakland. Lurruws Auto Co., 425 25tn St. Phone 387. 4620 TWO cars lor sale cheap. Call at 29o Adams. 4069 MODERN 6 cylinder 7-pa6senger Jeff rey. In good condition. See Kay Sburl liff, 2150 Washington Ave. 365 LIGHT Buick truck cheap. Ray Shuit liff. 2150 Washington. 2935 NOTICE We make a specialty of Ford work, seU curs ou commission, aibo are agents for tne Day ion L'mver- Bal Ford btarter. Ford Uaragc, Tweu ! ty -fourth and Grant A.eoue. Phone 252 -W. 2126 ' I FRANKLIN Asency and service sta ! tion. Fine automobde repairing. Bar low Brothers. 423 22nd. 2357 AUTO for sale, CaJJ 784. 25i2 630 CHALMERS. Inqulro Mi Harpsvor . Thoesmao Auto Co. 77i ONl S passenger automobile. Inquire i Chec.' .jn's Auto Shop, foreman. 713 FOR RENT Miscellaneous WMWWWWW ! w'wniw m mmti I oiiiu acuum cleaner iui mui, i jo 'per dav. Phone 2097. 4382 'MACHINES rented by week or month. ! Parts and supplies for all makes. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 2338 Wash. Phone 24. 4166 SECOND HAND STOVES j : WE take your old range as first pay imcnt on any new range or will buy I y our old rang- outright. Home Fur niture Co. 4672 j WANTED To Rent 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms or one room with the ue of kitchen in a mod ern private home, by young couple without children. First class refer ences can be furnished Address P. O. Box 578, City. 4796 WE are looking for a room 20x80 feeu good ventilation and light, down-stairs, basement or up stairs Will take 5 years lease in business district. Answer let ter B, care Standard. 4802 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern, or just one room with use of kitchen. First-class reference can be furnished. Young couple with no children. Box 979, care Standard. 47J6 j FOR SALE Farms S 1-2 ACRE chicken farm, all equipped, i six room house, big barn, 2 large chick- c s houses Cheap. 1050 7th St. 4584 i NOTICES SUMMONS. In i ho district court of Weber 'County, Slate of Utah Lauretta Klngeter, plaintiff vs. Gus Klngeter, defendant. The State of Utah to said defendint You are hereby summoned to appear i within twenty days alter service of this summons upon you. if served I within th county in which this action Is brought; otherwise w-ithin thirty j days after service, and defend the .ibot entitled action, and in case -f HUSbAlND'S SONGS LEAD ' WIFE TO WYORCE I COURT I j3j Bfe1!! Clarke I mm k "iflHn i 6b i r Jmmmmm' MmW T jjj . if. i 'v.-- I The story of a shattered romance told In song titls that's I the evidence that Mrs. Grant Clarke offers in asking for a divorce. She was Helen Patten when Clarke wrote "One In a Million Like j You " They were married 45 mlnntes later Bnt after two years or married life Clarke wrote. "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat." "That meant me." says Mrs. Clarke "But after that he i virote. "I Hate to Lose You and I Love the Ladies." and when "There's a Little BR of Bad in Evorv Good Litt Girl'! followed i these, I decided to get a divorce." your failure so to do. judgment will i be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, wh'cr. j has been filed with the clerk of said 1 court. This action (s brought to recover a judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing be tween vou and the plaintiff. SAMUEL C. POWELL. Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O address: 605 Eccles building, Ogden, Utah SUMMONS In the district Court of the Second Judicial District, in and fo- the Coun ty of Weber, State of Utah. The Wright-Whit tier Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs Emmett F. Annis, Nora Annls, and Inland Can ning Company, a corporation, defen dants The State of Utah to said defen dants : You are hereby summoned to ap ' pear within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise, wilhiu thirty (30) days after service, and de fend the above entitled action, and in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court This action is brought is recover a judgment foreclosing plaintiff's mort gage upon the land described in said complaint ARTHUR WOOLLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff. 727 Eccles Bldg.. Ogden, Utah. ALIAS SUMMONS In tho District Court of Weber coun ty, State or Utah. Myrtle Jackson, plaintiff, vs. J. M Jackson, defendant The State of Utah to the said De fendant : You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days alter service of this summons upon you, if served .within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty 'days after service, and defend the I above entitled action; and in case of j your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to ; the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the marriage con tract now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and (custody of tho minor children and is sue of said marriage. T. R. O'CONOLLY. Plaintiff! Attorney. P. O. Address. No. 069 24th street, Ogden, Utah. Rooms 16 and 17 Com. Nat. Bank building. First publication April 29tb, 1919. Last publication. June 3, 1919. ALIAS SUMMONS In the District Court of Weber Coun-1 ty. State of Utah. Barbara M. Greer, plaintiff, vs j James A. Greer, defendant The State of Utah to said defen dant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of j this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action i is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the ! above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which! hus been filed with the clerk of said court This action is brought, and the same is being prosecuted, lor tho purpose of securing a decree of said court, dis solving the bonds of matrimony ex isting between plaintlft and defen dant; for the custody of tho minor child, the issue of said marriage; and alixnon and costs of this action. J. G. WILLIS, Plaintiff's Attorney. P O. Address: 311-312 Hudson Bldg., Ogden. Utah. SHERIFF'S SALE. ; In the district court of Wcher 'county. State of Utah. Evona Investment company, eop- Bsfa 'x3x poration, plaintiff, vs. Andrew Mon- tague and Maria Montague, defend- ants ss. W To be sold at sheriff's sale on the j. 10th day of Julv. 1919, at 12 o'clocK 1 noon of said day. atthe south from. 1 door of the Weber County Court House, in Ogden City, Weber County, 1 Utah, the following described prop- J ! erty, to-wit; M Situated in 0?den City, Weber Coun- jt ty, Utah, and particularly described as tfl follows: Mmm Lots twenty-seven (27) to fifty-two (7.J), both inclusive, in block two (2); H lots sixteen (16) to thirty-two (32). j bo;ii inclusive, iu block one (1); lots 'H I twenty-eight (2S), twenty-nine f?9) f 'and thirty (30). in block six (6). all in Brummitt's Addition to Ogden Cit. P H. C. PETERSON, i Sheriff of Weber County, Utah. I By Curtis Aliison. deputy sherif t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposal;- will be received at -i the office of the State Road Corsiuis- I jsion, State Capitol Building, Salt Lakt i City, according to the plans on filfl , in the office above mentioned, until j 2 p m. July 11, 1919. for paving on J the following state roads: W Paving with a 2-lnch bituminous ' concrete on tho existing tarvla brs from the end of the present paving at North Ogden to the Utah Hot Springs. I la distance of approximately three 1 miles; from tne end of the present 1 paving near Roy to the south city limits of Ogden, a distance of appro.t- ' mately three miles, and from the cist I city limits of Ogden up Ogden Canyon, a distance of approximately six mi'es, : all in Weber County, Utah. I I Instructions to bidders, together with plans and specifications, form Of 1 i contract and bond, may be obtained at the office of the State Road Comroij Bion upon depositing $5.00. j The State Road Commission baj I and hcrebv retains the right to reject I any and all bids or to accept any bid j which it deems best and waive minor I Refects. STATE ROAD COMMISSION, I By Ira R. Browning, Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ! Notico is hereby given that Ogden " I City proposes to make the following public improvement, to-wit: Build I sidewalks in Sidewalk District. No. 150, together with work incidental thereto, according to plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the city p engineer. And sealed bids are invited I for said work and will be received at j the office of tho City Recorder in the j city hall at Ogden, Utah, until ten o' clock a. m. on the 22nd day of July, ' 1919. Instructions to bidders, plans I and ,-pecifications for said improe--" ment can be :seen and examined at the"" ll office of the city engineer in the city hall of said city. The right is reserved to reject any j and all bids and to waive any defects. By order of the Board of Commis sioners, of Ogden City, Utah, this 23rd day of June. 1919. I W. J CRITCHLOW, City Recorder. 1 First publication June 24, 1919. Last publication July 16, 1919. 1 Sidewalk District No 150. 1 ALIAS SUMMONS. I In the district court of Weber lb county, state of Utah. Avis O. Black, plaintiff vs. Byron L. I Black, defendant The State of Utah to said defend- I ant: I You are hereby summoned to appear t within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served r within the county in which this action p is brought; otherwise within thirty days aljter service, and defend tho H above entitled action; and in caso of .our failure so to do, judgment will v be rendered against you according to I;, the demand ol the complaint, which f has been filed with the clerk of said -.': court This action is brought to dissolve j... tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the above jjf named plaintiff and defendant p.... CHEZ fe PARKER. gfc Plaintiffs Attorney?. p. O. Address: 402 First National , tank building, Ogden, Utah. mmm mi ftfSBH . I