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i 8 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2, 1919 L- ..... i . II'HUP SHOOTING, C O i O T I rVT C1 IV I? MT C I I BASEBALL, AUTOS, BOXINCj WRESTLING I JlUlt 1 IllU 111 Hi W J LAWN TENNIS, GOLF , I rVERNON SHLTS j I out je bees; H LOS ANGELES. July 1 Salt Lk I had a bad day when they mot "Fatty" 1 Arbuckles Vernon Tigers today. It 1 wu almost .i calamity when the locals would not allow a isitor to roach I 'third base Markle and Houck each ,i I allowed bo i n hii. K Score: R. H. E. i Malt Lake u 7 2 i Vernon 4 0 Markle and Byler; Houek and De-j H orm i I I OAKS DEFEAT SENATORS BAN FRANCISCO. July 1 Score; R H. E.I I Sacramento 3 12 2 I Oakland .8 9 01 Batterit-v Vance, Piercy and Cook; I Kremer and Mitze I BOSTON MAKES ONLY TWO HITS PHILADELPHIA. July 1 Boston 1 made only two scattered singles off j three Philadelphia pitchers today, but nine bases on balls helped their bcoi I ins and they were ahead until Du-1 I mfni weakened in Hie sixth inning. L the Athletics winning 7 to 4. Score:' r Boston 101 020 0004 2 lj Philadelphia . .210 003 01 7 12 l Caldwell. Dumont, Winn and Wal-j tors: (ri-evell, Seibold. Kinnej and P rkin, Mi Avoy. oo I AMERICAN! LEAGUE .LUB STANDING. W. L Prt Nt w York 35 18 .660 Ifhieago 35 22 614 Jleveland 33 23 .589 t "Detroit 2S 26 .519' I St. Louis 26 28 .481 I Washington 25 31 .446 I Boston 23 31 .426 1 Philadelphia 13 39 .250 ' Yesterday's Results, j At Philadelphia Washington 3,, I Philadelphia 4. I At St Louis -Detroit 6. St.; I Louis 1. 1 At Cleveland Chicago 5, Cleve I land 2 I At New York First game Boston' I 4. New York 7 Second game Boston I , New York t Today's Schedule. f I Detroit at St. Louis I 1 Chicago at Cleveland I New York at Washington. L Boson .i Philadelphia. 1, r' o Classified Ads. The Classified Ads. THE WORST iS YET JO COME . OF pickr-rbevtrs v ! ' KILLIFER HELPS DEFEAT REDS CHICAGO, July . KU lifer's bat today enabled Chicago to defeat I in inn.iti. 3 to 2, in a 12 inning pitcu rs' battle Killifer made half the lo cals' hits, drove in the first two runs and started a winning rally with his fourth hit He was sacrificed to sec ond by Martin and retired to permit Lear to run for him. Lear scored on Flack's single. Score: R. IT. E. Cincinnati .100 001 000 000 2 6 2 Chicago . .101 000 001 001 3 S 1 Eller and Wingo; Carter. Martin and Killifer PIRATES 11. CARDS 4 PlTTSBl'Rc.. July 1 Pittsburg de feated St. Louis today 11 to 4, the locals batting heavily against thro 31 I Louis pitchers. Doak yiolded in throe innings and gave way to Meadows. who was also hit hard, Ames pitching . the last two innings. Score: R. H. E. ' ! St. IOUls 020 010 001 4 8 4 Pittsburg .. . 400 300 04x 11 15 1 Doak, Meadows. Ames and Snyder; Mayer and Schmidt. BRAVES 9, PHILLIES 1 I BOSTON. July 1 Led by Marran I Tllle, who made two home runs, Bos ton batted Rivey and Murray hard to day and won easily from Philadelphia, 9 to 1 Pemaree allowed only five scattered hits. Score R. H. E. Philadelphia ...000 100 000 1 5 0 Boston 030 210 03x 9 11 1 Murray, Rixey and Cady; Demaree end Wilson. GIANTS 6. SUPERBAS I. NEW YORK. July 1 Heavy hittinq In the early innings of tho game i q. abled New York to defeat Brooklyn in the first game of their series to-1 NAPS AT LAST ! WIN ONE GAME: CLEVELAN, JulyD 1 Afer losing six straight games, Cleveland today de feated Chicago 14 to 9 Williams and Danforth were knocked from the box while Shellenback also was hit hard Scon- R. H E. Chicago 003 101 103- 9 15 6 Cleveland .703 201 10X 14 16 1 Williams. Danlorth, Shellenback and! srhnlk. Jenkins; Jasper and O'Neill. YANKEES SHUT OUT SENATORS. , WASHINGTON. July 1 Russell I rid Wellington to five hits, two- of which were not made until In the ninth inning, after two outs had been re-1 corded and New York won the open- ing game of the series today, 1 to 0 Score: R. H E New York .. 100 000 000 1111 W ashington .000 000 000 0 5 1 1 Russell and Hannah . Harptr, Whlti house and Oharrlty. day six to one. Konetchv, Brooklyn's first baseman, in his first two trips to the plute banged out two hits, run r!ug his streak of consecutive hits up to ten, a season s record. Score: R. H E Brooklyn 000 100 000 1 7 2 N. w York 131 001 OOx 6 13 1, Batteries: PTeffer and Miller, Toney and McCarty. NATIONAL LEAGUE I CLUB STANDING W. L Pc' ' New York 36 19 .655 ! ( incinnati 36 22. 621 ' Chicago - 32 27 542, Pittsburg .. 31 27 .5311 Brooklyn . 29 29 .500 1 St. Louis 25 32 .439 Boston 19 35 .352' Philadelphia 18 35 .340; Yesterday's Results. At Boston New York 7, Bos ton 4. At Pittsburg- St. Louis 1. Pitta burg 4. At Chicago First game: Cincln nail t. Chicago 1. Second game: Cln-; l innali 2. Chicago 1 No other games scheduled Today's Schedule. Philadelphia at Boston. Brooklyn at New York. Cincinnati at Chicago. St Louis at Pittsburg. Read the Classified Ads ' Read The Classified Ads. LAST OF FIGDT DETAILS DEING MADE AT TOLEDO TOLEDO. O.. July 2 Tho last of the preliminary details of boxers, pro moters and arena constructors will he completed today and with the gather ing up of si ray strands the st;ige w ill he set for the heavyweight champion ship bout between Jess Willard and fack Dempsej scheduled for Friday af ternoon. The principals will do but light training work. Wlllard boxing a few rounds with his tired sparring partners while the challenger will con fine his efforts to easy limbering up exercises and some shadow boxing. At about the game hour the last nail will be driven In the greal ar'-na which la to seat some 80,000 spectators. In many respects it is the greatest sport amphitheater ever erected certainly the greatest ever constructd for tem porary use only. Arena to Seat 80.000 Built at a cost of $150,000. the struc ture includes 1,750 000 feet of lumber and hundreds of kegs of nails and j bolts. In addition to the 80 000 spec tatOM who can be seated comfortably, there is standing room for close i, 2O.rto0 more so that the total capacity approaches the 100,000 mark. The ring in which the heavyweight championship of the world will be contested will rise five feet above Hie floor of the stadium and will measure 21 feel square over all. The floor ing consists of a two-inch thick plank ing with a top layer of one Inch close ly matched planks laid in cross sec tions. This fighting foundation is braced and supportod by the heaviest kind of posts and beams until there is noi quiver when 20ii men plunge around on the structure, over the ring flooring has been spread heavy felt padding one inch thick and atop of this a canvass ring covering which it is claimed is the heaviest ever used for, such a purpose Over 20 feet square, I it contains but two seams and will be, stretched through especially construct ed eyelets placed eight inches apart. H will be dressed with lamp black and 24 pounds of resin after being put Into position which will not be until one hour or so before Wlllard and I Dempasy appear. Sale of Seats The sale of seats has kept pace with, the speed in rcna construction and last night Promoter Tex Rickard stat-j od that close to half of the 80.000 Beats had been sold including the greater portion of the higher priced sections Counterfeit tickets for admission to the arena have turned up in the hands M uu i BUKsr m mm iRiiK j THAT'S TH(E MATTER jf, STRONG. NouV You OoNlT lT MR3 TRue -SecrM To B5 V(5RY J fs j. NOT, TMIN K of innocent purchasers who state that they bought them in other nearby I cities. The tickets are but a poor copy! of the real steel engraved admission' cards and are not likely to cause trou ble to the gatekeepers on Friday. The button and picture card vendor is also present in force as well a. the promoter of all kinds of games of chance in which the player lakes about 90 per cent of the chances. The po lice have taken cognizance of this par- 1 tioular angle and have issued orders! that the wheel, dice and playing card! must be conspicuous by their absence! henceforth. TOLEDO Jul 2 The first tents were pitched in Toledo last night with I' V DOINGS OF THE DUFFS ! RA"T SLMJs' 13 15 ' OQ. rU6MS UAlR GPOVJeCt"- ' ' "IThaT ISSOLOF MV CUd T"- j r - VJEXL,lLL PUT ThE J OMOERJHL 5TOFF- IVE I' RECOMMENDED fN SOME MAE AMD lU oUAReTTEE. PoTTM. Oi OS HAD IT Oil TWEAlTV V of T e-r BOtrSHEVtrs I IT OlVH VcA) A PULL HEAD AlJD LEAVE rT OKI foc I THE KATZ1ES Alec Tries to Follow Directions . hrve: you trken your fj Y Sure! don't mno it (did you trke. r whole j ( not exactly i couldn't jl ( MEDICINE REGULARLY SO MUCH fIS I DID RT FIRST- VSPOOvc. EVERY HOUR 1 FIND R TERSPOON 50 I TOOK J V Rll DRY'S GETTIN' USED TO JJjyJ FORK , - " " H SAY POP! AlkaH Ike's Choice of Game Hardly Appeals to Pop " By C. M. PAYNE the arrival Of 'he vanguard of the great crowd for the Willard -rempsey heavyweight championship contest Friday. They were brought by auto ists among a steady stream of ma hires which began pouring into To ledo at daylight. With months of training a4 their backs the champion and the challen ger are lrtuallv on edge. Nothing' remains but to hold th.s form. Dr. Joseph J. Sweeney, official physician for the Toledo boxing commission, ex amined Willard and said he found him in such remarkable condition that he should be able to go the full twelve rOnnds at whatever speed Dempsey Bets He said Willard's stomach muscles are three and a half inches thick illard took a light workout yes Iterday, boxing six rounds and will re peal this today. Dempsey took only isome light limbering up exercises. Willard's weight was announced as 245 pounds and Lcmpse's 196. Train- , er Jimmy do Forest said the challenger I probably would enter the ring at 195 I pounds. oo Americans Fight f Bolsheviki Near the Suchan Mines I i VI ADIVOSTOK June 25 (By the Associated Press) -An American of ficer and three enlisted men were killed and two wounded near the Su- han mines on June 22 when the American- pursued Bolsheviki who had surprised and captured an officer and four enlisted men while they were fishing. W En'ering Niviiskayn bordering op ; the mines, the Americans sen a de tachmenl of ten to demand the re lease of the men. The Americans were fired upon am' a fight followed. As l result the Bolsheviki were driven out, but they carried the prisoners on to Frolovka village Reinforcements, instructed to take immediate energetic measures to re ?aln Hi" captured men and to elim Inate the danger 'o Americans from Bolsl evik gangs were sent out. m eral places there have been scenes of unrest hut the Americans hereto - , lore ha e not been moh ltd Two stations on the Cuchan rail road were blown up on Juno 23 and twot hlnese killed On June 22 a train guarded by Americans and Japanese was fired upon. oo SUBSTITUTE WANTED "What's good for a black eye, Bill?" "Oh, a small piece of raw beef steak. ' v "Yea, but supposin' yer ain't no bloornin' millionaire?" uu UNPRINTABLE. Mother dear, what is that man say ing? Y hat man1 That man sitting on the sidewalk talking to the banana pool! GOOD ADVICE "I am tirod of always being the goat. " Than why don't you stop butting in1'' oo j 1 nkissed kisses are not the sweet esl They are usually in the keeping Of sour spinsters and cranky old bachelors. The joy of feeling fit and fresh rewards those who heed the laws of health, and keep the habits regu lar with 6 IMS I pills I Sold ET.ry.Kcr.. Im boxg, 10c. 2&C