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1V1E QGDEN STAINUAKD: UGDIlN, UTAH. I"HURSDAY, JULY 17, lEDlf H'DAYj Remembered as Leading Lady in "Going bp I J "A ROMANCE j j OF THE AIR"! Ijl I Bflfll A big aerial love story full of J thrflJs in the cloud?, with jBSt Lieutenant Bert Hall of the i fllr" famous Lafayette Escadrille. g j MN FAY TINCHER3 I yyftiL in her first $ BjpP Cliriiic Comedy , OGDENI j I THEATRE I I j I "Playhouse of Originality Where Quality I I Meets" I Over Paine 4. Hunts For Subscription n0 Advertising OepartmenU, Call Phone No. 66. I RANDOM REFERENCES Order Railway Conductors and L A. of O. R C. will" hold their annu;il out ing at Lorin Farr Park, Aug. 7. C0J7 New Building A building permit was granted by the city engineer's of tlce to R. A Seager for the erection of a one -story brick dwelling to be i rerted on Jefferson avenue, between Thirty-first and Thirty-second Btreel and to cost $2800. C O. Cherry, the old time fruit buy er, is back in Ogden buying fruit, po tatoes and onions. 5084 Secretary of Club Jack Taylor was selected ypsterday by the Rotary club to act as secretary )n the place of John C. Lynch, the latter being unable lo perform the duties on account of illness. Ogden Canyon rooms, accommoda tions for two young women or men emploved in city. Auto ride baek and forth included Phone 808. 5049 Phonograph cases for sale at Proud -fits, 24th and Hudson Ave : inspection rets i nr- wwiiiiiia I sion allowed a claim this morning for 54.70 in lavoi of H. C, Taylor for in spection fees for inspecting the Con i mental Oil companp ArUetJc Funeral Piece a specialty. Dumke Floral Co Phone 52-W. A'JZU Dog Taxes The report of the dog tax collector for the week of July 10th to 17th Inclusive was rendered this morning and shows that the sum of 55. 50 was collected on two dogs. Four dogs and eleven eats were killed. Cleland and Cleland chiropractors. Palme Mfcgfjl fgjggfc OWm at feaaav MB Maftar in. Phooe ;aw. ait Old papers for tale. Ogden Stand art Sergeant F. H. Wainwright, half brother of J. A. Speer of Ogden, ar rived here last evening for a visit, after having been released from serv ice at San Francisco after spending 2u months in the military service ft largo part of which tune waa spent overseas. lea Pure distilled Artificial only. M. L. Jones Coal ft Ice Co. Phono 1603 Clean raga wanted at The Standard office. Car Stolen E. C. Clark reported to the police this niorninc that his Ford car, valued at fo00, was stolen last nifcht at Ijorln Farr park. The police H have not been able to locate the miss- B ' ing automobile. "Yes. sir. I landed that 6Ti pound trout ilh Geo. A. Lowe Co. fishing tacklt last year so I have bought this $ ear's supply from that old reliable store." H, t From France -Sergeant F H I H v. nirht. formerly of the 162nd infant r 91st division, and Lieutenant L. B H Lang, of the Cnited States navy, have H arrived in Ogden for a short visit with H f ""J. A. Speer, half-brother of Wain H wright. Both of the Ogden men have seen more than twenty months of for eign service, most of the time being spent in Franee. Wainwrigbt went to France on the lllfated Tuscania. Att t perving through the war with the Wild West division, he was transferred to the signal corps with the chief signal office at Tours, France. Ogden Welding & Repair Co,. 2274 Washington Phone 993-J. Key fitting. C. M Marriott, attorney, moved to Room 11. Commercial Natl bank Bldg. Phone 753-J. 5008 WE do cus'.om milling ot all kinds of fiour and feed. West Ogdeu Milling and Elevator Cc. 3608 Drove By a Car James Bailey of Huntsvllle was arrested this morning by traffic officer of the police depart ment lor driving hi- automobile past a standing street car while it was tak ing on and discharging passeneers. He Will appear in the city court tomorrow morning to answer the charge. QUICK messenger tervloe. Phone 50'j. 2900 G W. Tripp, 320 25th street "The photographer in vour town." Eatab llsbed 19tJ Reliable. THOXt (GRAPH cases for sale at Proudfit. 24th St. and Hudson Ave. 5093 For Sale Six -hole Jewel range. $50. electric washer. $35, hall tree $15; 2579 Monroe Ave. 6002 Dr. W. E. Whalen. 821 Eccles Bldg. Phono 403. Residence phone 1329-R. 49SS For Fruit I'ndcr an agreement reached yesterday morning by the American Railway Express company and County Crop Pest Inspector C. E. Pettigrew, a section of the express : ii ifi a .it the Oerlon 1'ninn Ar.rrt been set aside for the receiving of fruit that will be held pending in spection. Money to loan. Kelly & Herrick. 47ti "FlsWng tackle that's fit for fith j ing." Tb.u la the kind we sell. Geo. j A. Lowe Co. Tackle fishing with our fishing tac- kle Is the advice of Mr. Fisher at the Oeo. A. Lowe Co. fishing tackle de partment. He will sell you lh6 tacKlo and the license to use iL Usm msje wanted t the Standard I office, oo Livestock in Utah in Fairly Good Condition I Dr. It. W. Hoggan, state livestock inspector, and Dr. R. N. Mead of the United State? bureau of animal indus tr have returned from an eight-day inp into the Uintah basin country, where they looked oer the LivfestOt k conditions and also the conditions af fecting the campaign for the destruc tion of predatory wild animals. Saturday afternoon a meeting was I held at Vernal, attended by livestock men. when the subject of the exter mination of predatory animals was taken up It was the sentiment of the meeting that the sheepmen of the ba sin i-ountry are willing to co-operate with tho state and to furnish bait for the poisoning of the ranges against these pests. The sheepmen expressed the opinion, Da Hoggan says, that the lack of success which has attended j campaigns In the basin in the past has bain due to a lack of supervision. This was attributed to tho difficulties of travel to the basin ranges. It was urg ed that a supervisor be appointed to take charge of that territory and this will he taken up by the livestock board at its next meeting. FREIGHT RATES REDUCED FROM OGDEN TO EAST i I Local Packing Company Wins Out in a Long Battle for Equitable Treatment on Shipments of Livestock Products From Ogden to the Mis souri River Points Means Much for Local Industries. The following telegram dated at Washington, D. C. today noon was received by H W. Prickett. manager of Utah traffic service bureau at Salt 'Lake City, who has been handling the I freight problem- for the Ogden Pack i ing Provision company. Washington, Julj 17. 1919. "Division of traffic has finall agreed to issue freight rate au thority establishing rate of ?1 25 for fresh meats Ogden to Mis souri points. $1.00 on packing house products Rate recommend ed by western committee was $1.57 1-2 for fresh meats and no reduction on packing house pro ducts Issue of freight authority The officials report that the live stock of the basin country is in good 'condition, and that crops also are I good where there is water enough to ' irrigate, but that the weathei has been very hoi in the agricultural sections I of the basin "Alfalfa is selling ac $15 a ton at Durhesne," said Dr. Hogqan, and (there are portions of the basin where 'there is no hay to be had The out I look for winter feeding is very bad." Fire Alarms Are Rapidly on the j j Increase in Ogden A brush fire in the rear of 2070! Adams avenue, yesterday afternoon, necessitated the calling of the fire de portment to provide protection lor .sur rounding property. According to reports at the fire de partment, there have been 172 fires' this year to which the department has j responded. There have been 31 al ready this month, against 36 for all 1 of last month. Sheriff Files a Motion in Suit By Lulu Stephens Sheriff H. C. Peterson has filed a I motion for interpleading in the ease j filed by Lulu Stephens, in which cer tain plumbing fixtures are sought or their equal in cash It was alleged I that the sheriff of Weber county had possession of the fixtures. In his interpleading. Sheriff Peter son asks that the Mountain States : Supply company and .James I! Ander son, trustee, be made the party de i fendants. The motion sets forth that the suppl company filed suit in the district court against W .1 Stephens, I Jr., and David L. Butters to recover $1,83 after the suit was started and the plumbing property in question was placed under garnishment. Later I Stephens was adjudged bankrupt in the federal court in March. 191'" It is further set fortli that W J. Steph ens, Jr., and Lulu Stephens are hus band and wife and claim a community Interest in the affairs of this suit. The suit is the outgrowth of the unfinished apartment houses on Twenty-seventh street, between Washing- ton and Adams avenue, which were started by W. J. Stephens, Sr., and W J Stephens, Jr. When the work I was partially along, certain litigation was commenced which was the caus" I of the suspension of the work II SUPEBIHTEHDEHT IS TO TAKE GIGE NEXT WEEK Tn a statement of the finaneial con dition of Weber rounty schools, the amount paid teachers should have en A 22 Since 1906. the county schools have erected school houses in 19 precincts and a new building to cost $14,000 is I now being constructed at Uintah b "rge A Whitmeyer. Ben A. Fowler, the new superintend : ent, is expected to take charge of the work for the coming season some I time next week. Trainmaster of j U. P. at Evanston j Comes to Ogden R. E. Titus, trainmaster of the ' t'tnun Pacific at Evanston, accora-; pained Hale Holden over the westi rn i division of his road yesterday and spent the afternoon In Ogden. oo BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. July 17 Bar silver. $1.01. Mexican dollars 79 r. I and publication of tariff will be rushed. Letter follows. (itrnedi Max Thelen. "Director General of Public Service " The rates effective today are $1 75 on fresh meal and $125 on packing house products, which. therefore, means a reduction of 50 eents on fresh meats and 25 cents on packing house produetv This reduction will apply on all ship ments made by the Ogden Packing & Provision Co., to any point on Mis souri river and east as well as on all ! of the export, business. In the, it has been cheaper to ! ship livestock alive to the east then dn B 11 there, which condition this new adjustment of freight rates en FRANK L GEIGK IS NAME BE 1 NEW LEGION POST At Marshalltown. Town, the local post of the American Legion has adopted the name of Frank L C.lick. the first boy from that place to be killed in action. Choice of Post Name. A resolution explaining the choice Of a name for the post was adopted, and it was directed that a copy be ! framed and hung in the meeting place ii the post and that a copy be sent to Mrs. Helen Click, mother of Frank L. Glick. who lives in Ogden. The resolution follows: "In memory of Frank L. Glick, of I the United States marine corps, one of the first men of Marshall countv 1 to be killed in action, it is hereby re- I soh ed that this post, No. 10. of the' Marshall county chapter of the Amer ican Legion, be known at this time 1 1 and in the future as the Frank L. J Glick Post. No. 46. "In worthy esteem of Frank L. j Giick who. with thought only of serv- I ing his country to the best of his ability enlisted in the United States marine corps, May 26, 1917. Serving as first sergeant of the Eightieth com pany. Sixth regiment. United States marine corps, he was killed in action 1 in that world famed battle. Chateau Thierry, defending tho ideals held sacred to the American Legion "And, whereas, Frank L. Glick was of high character, esteemed, of great 1 j moral courage and 100 per cent Amer lean representing in person those ! qualities we wish this post to repre- i sent in form." 00 1 Coming Sunday and Mon day only, the greatest of all great actresses, Alia Nazimova, Utah Theatre. Si u let your body breathe nature pro a Long way toward keeping von cool if you let her wear the Borl of gammer under wear we show you here the sorl that is hygienical' ly and Militarily correct. lipht filmy textures that let the body-heat out and the natural breezes in they make you comfort" able, too, because they ab sorb perspiration. a variety of models and p eaves all pood in com fort, style, quality and value $1 00 to $5 00 mmmmtmmmmmmm0 - I Urelj changes Livestock can now be shipped at the new freight rates cheaper dressed than alive The Ogden Packing & Provision Co in connection with Mr Prickett of the I Utah traffic bureau, has been working for a reduction in freight rates for a long while past in order to place Og den on the same equitable basis of freight adjustments as that maintained 1 at other packing centers Max Thelen. upon his recent visit to Ogden, in pected the plant of the Ogden Pack Ing & Provision company and at that time promised that proper adjustment would be made and the telegram in dicates that had it not been for his efforts, the reduction would have been only 17 1-2 cents on fresh meat and nothing on packing house products, as against 50 cents on fresh meats and 2" rents on packing house products. As a result of this reduction in freight rates, the local packing com panv will be able to extend its opera tions into eastern territory, and will also be able to matenalh increase their expert business It is expected that this reduction which establishes a relationship be tween the freight rates on livestock and on dressed meat?, will be the basis for reductions on freight rates from Ogden to the Pacific coast and elsewhere An effort will be made in that direction at oner STATE ENGINEER 10 INSPECT ROADS ABOUT OGDEI Controversy over the re surfacing of the Rlverdale, Tleaant View and Og den Canyon sections of the state high way in Weber county has resulted in the determination of Governor Simon Bamberger and State Engineer Mc Gonagle to come here to make a per sonal Inspection of these sections be fore starting the vsork. In order to make doubly certain that the old road bed can be used to advantage for a bitulifhie surface, according to infor mation received in Ogden this morn ing. The governor and the members of the state road commission make the admission that the contract for these seetions has been let to Gibbons and Reed of Salt Lake and the documents signed Governor Bamberger Is said to have remarked, however, that this fscl would not prevent him from tak ing action to stop the building of the road if he is finally convinced that this should be done. The state engineer is said to have frankly admitted that a ronlt oi ?2600 a mile will have to be paid to the bituhthic concern, making a total sum of more than $30,000 for these three sections which comprise about 12 miles of roadway. It was the con tention of the state road commission that bitulithic re-surfacing results in patronage to home industries as the mixing of the material requires oil and some asphaltum which is purchai 1 d from ULah firms. On the other hand. Ogden business men point out the fact that this $30,000 royalty goes to tho Warren Brothers firm In the east, and that if the permanent hard concif' roadbed were laid practically all of the material used would be from Utah When the governor arrives he will be met by the same committees that caused the protests to be entered with the county commissioners and the state road commission, and they will make an effort to present the matter to the governor in such manner that he will see the justice of their claims. 1 t"r 1 hey allege that th present plan I will cause a large expenditure, the I royalty on which would constitute ten per cent at least of the cost of a con crete roadbed and still leave a tem porary road. 1JO LORENZO AMES DIES I LOGAN. UTAH Lorento Ames, the 14 year-old son ' of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ames of 616 1 Twenty-seventh street, this city, died this morning in Logan at the home of his grandfather, Lorenzo Hansen, ac cording to a telephone message rt ceived at noon. Death was due to an affliction of the heart from which the boy had suffered for some time 11. had gone to Xhe home of his grand father tor a quiet vacation period, I K pecting to return in the fall and re sume his studies in school. Lorenzo Ames was well known among the Boy Scouts and was one r.f the most active members of Troop No 3. He was active in the Liberty loan campaigns and other movements in which the Boy Scouts took part All his scout comrades considered him j one of the finest chums they kn-w and his scoutmaster has often praised the work he has performed and the man ner in which the boy lived in the scout spirit. The boy was born February 8. 1905. The funeral will be held iu Logan Sunday at 11 a m. at the home of the grandfather. H J. Ames 00 ARTHUR SMALLEY IS i GRANTED DIVORCE Arthur Smalley was granted a de cree of divorce In the district court 'yesterday afternoon from Kate S. j Men's Shop j lit I j "Palm Beachers" Ii The man who goes around these days in a j I ! warm serge or woolen suit, is punishing him- I j self. The day you put on your first palm j beach suit, you ask yourself "Why didn't you j tell me before." J A Palm beach suit lets out the heat lets in j j ' 1 the cool. A Palm beach is good looking in the best of I style. j I A Palm beach comes from the laundry like a j ! fresh handkerchief. l A Palm beach will wear this year and next. ( j and next. j II We want you to come in just long enough to j j I see the smart Palm Beachers we have readv ! i for you at $15 to $19. S IT 4j ! j "Cool" I jj And under thai Palm Beach, JDllck ! doll .1 suit of these Sa. I , Take a "duck" in any of the B boj 1 Comfort, wh, every , f " " good swimmini; resorts c i pore in yonr body will shout aroun(, Qgden am, thm, j ! for joy We have all the are some dandies but take ! good kinds of these athletic it in your own suit. Ever suits B. V. D.'s, Munsing fft a public Btti! lize 16 when I and have them in various yonr sie is 34 1 Yes, mostly style. Long sleeve, knee Take your own suit along- ! a , ... , it looks right and you know i I lengthWithout sleeves or wh wore it last. $125 and j 5 legs any combination p IOIen's Basement) .Men's Shop) . v , 1 V J ' Smalley upon the irrounda of cruelty. The complaint in the case was filed shortly after Bmallej enlisted in the Canadian army He served about elgh lei -i months with the Canadian forCW In the complaint Mrs. Smalley was (harmed with cruelty in that she would "fro out in the company of men and women whose character and mor als are ques Uonable and highly objec tionable to the plaintiff." The defend ant was further alleged to have re fused to take up wifely duft I The fouple were married at Brifrham City, January 1:0, 1910. Tannery May Be Constructed in Ogden by Company A tannery with a capital of $150,000 It proposed for Ogden in the immedi ate future, according to the plans of A Cohne of this city, who has announced the sale of his Interest in the Utah Wool & Hide company The plans for the tannery will be worked out upon the arrival in Ogden' of Ja k Koaberg Minneapolis, and J. Sinykln. SL I'aui. who will probably be associated with Cohen In the tan nery' Cohne said that he had looked the field over in the west and decided Ogden was the logical center for tho establishment of a tannery, in view of Its well-established livestock busl ness He said, in his opinion, Ogden would develop into one of the great est livestock centers in the west. " j Society v WELCOME HOME PARTY FOR SOLDIERS. In the Wilson ward amusement hall i tomorrow evening the amusement committee of the ward will entertain at a dancing party for a number of re turned soldiers. Early in the evening there will be a program to be followed b dancing for which the Thatcher or chestra will furnish the music. The boys in whose honor the party 13 to be given are. John Eusb, Finley Fife, WH Ham Nash, Ira Drake. Henry Williams and Janie Palpaa. Every one Is In vited to be presenL No admission fe will be charged. net SUGGESTIONS MADE By ONE Of OGDEI TRAFFIC OFFICERS j One the local traffic officers of th City submits a number of sugges'1""" to citizens and visitors to the CltJ which would aid materllh in avoidln? accidents at crosslnr. The lis' r hints to motorists and pedestrians fol lows Approach crossings slowly. Do not use Kl&xtoon too frea0" Point direction you intend going Turn military eorner and have m- l chine well in control. Park your cars as well as posslbl and comfortably close to the curb Avoid hydranLs and marked rones. Go single file across Intersection? Stop and start Immediately upon Quest of officer. Do not walk diagonally across in tersections. oo Coming Sunday and Mon day only, the grreateat of all great actresses, Alia Nazimova, Utah Theatre. oo Read tho Classified Ads.