Newspaper Page Text
sj THE OGDEN STANDARD. OGDEN. UTAH, MONDAY AUGUST 4. I'M 9. II 'I H I P FOR SALE Real Estate TIIK PERT farm In Weber eoun.y, nbour seventy acres. Best of grain Wa 1 jnd beet lnnd. fine orchards of apples, UK poacbes, apricots and cherries Large house and barn I'lentv of water. Not m the hands of agents. See owner. Phone 425 or 50S. J M. ForrlStall Id ACRES of finest land with 4-room Fj irarue house, barns and equipment ; six miles south of ogden lnqui e room 12, corner 26th and Grant. 8390 MODERN pebble-dashed cottage, sleep ing porch, basement, garage, largo screened front porch 3519 Adams. Phone 2119. 83G5 LOT 40x140 to alley, between 29th and JtiiW' f'''1 ' on -dams, ,,, owner. Phone Ml I 3207-J. 83fi6 FARM FOR SALTS 40-acre farm, 5 juiles from Ogden, all under cultia- t ' lion, paying over $7,000 a year. Weber j 'and Davis water besides good lrrigat- I I irv sprines, fair improvements; all implements, horses and uiilk cows, I complete for $1S,000 This is a bargain 1 Federal Land Company. 8364 ; i-ROOM modern mriek home, large re ception hall, large bath room, bricked-1 i back portch, ideal for sleeping porcii I I nr can be fitted up as extra room; solid ( hardwood lloors: located in best resi dence district on bench, preltj grounds, fruit trees, grape ines. many nowers, lot 10x132. Phone 8S7 J It 8326! &-ROOM modfrn brick house at West Ogden. Inquire 767 WeBt 21th St. 8320 f BY OWNER Neat cottage. i acre oi 1 choice land or more. Fine location.1 Bargain for cash Terms to right 1 party Phone 1127-J. 831 3 1 u-ACRE cu.ckcn ranch, 5-room hou ;i coops Vi block from good school, terms. 4U44 Adams S3271 6 ROOM st-ictly modern brick bunga low on bench, good location. Bargain, tor cash or terms. Phone 1409-M. G269) FIVE room modern house, built-in cabinets for sale at sacrifice by own - cr. Apply 451 31st. Phone 2280. 8282 4 ROOM house, partly modern. $1200. IS00 down. Phone 2'J2:i 8296;' J 2Su ACRES, pari pastu-e, near Grace. ; Idaho. Dwelling houses and out build ings, including 4 horser 2 cows, all II farming tools and implements, $8500. Incumbrance $2000. CaLh payment of $2000 required. Will take Ogden prop I 1 erty for balance. E. F. Bratz, 417 Ec- j cles building 6258 THE most elegant lot on 25ih htreet, ' 105 fi et front and 139 feet deep to an i alley. This lot has all special taxes j f paid, is in the most exclusive residence I c'lstrict, has all kinds of shade, fruit j and ornamental trees and a great variety of small fruit These trees and fruits were selected by a nursery Lian and arc all choice varieties. This , is the most elegant Jot on 25th street. 3 I Will be sold cheap, any kind of terms! m I given; low rate of Interest. Here is 9 I your opportunity to own the most ele j gam resident lot in the city. J .1 F nruinmltl, 2417 Hudson. 60J2 5 ROOM modern brick. Lot 82&X264 Inquire 838 t wenty-fourth street. 6238 J FOR SALE 5 ROOM frame, modern except heat (.lose in on paved street, lot 50x132 I Will sell on binall cash payment, bal- I anctin onlblv. Duly $2iUu. 1 i ROOM brie, close in, lut 5oxl38. Will want av0 cash, $20 monthly on1 ualance. $l8t0. I J. A. McOuT'icn, under First National ! bank Phoro 301. 5007 j he 10 ACRES good land, house, poultry tm houses, Darn, water right, apple and' i prune orchard, oLher rruits, 4 acres n alfalfa, ideal truit, ejarden and chicken i II I ranch, close to ogden on good load, i. close to electric line. Price $5500 id Eao terms. Jtt. G. Agee, phone 683 Hi or t'j. 5022 ; 9 F1VE-HOJM house. Prices $3,000. rig 23rd St. 4149 1 I i FOR SALE My cemout brick house, I eevea rooms, corner 25th street and ' HaxriBon, F. N. Bletcher, 1203 25Lh. SMI J, E. F. BRATZ ,' - THESE were built before labor and material doubled in value. JH 4 ROOM brick, pantry, closet, city; water, electric lights. R. R. district,! bargain at $1250. Easy terms. I I m I 5 ROOM modern frame, lot 50x135 to 1 trS alley, all special taxes paid in full,; (ft choice location, southwest, easy pay Itft . uients. $20UU. I I M 4 ROOM modc-n brick bungalow, base- rilf ment and large lot, choice location on fcrf bench, close to car line. E F. BRATZ, 417 Eccles Bldg Phone 1960. 4647 1 ONE hundred lots, well located on the! bench, between 29th and 30th streets; i very choice and sightly, for only $12 per lot, one-fourth down and one fourth each year, at low rale of inter est. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Ave.! ; : 6052 ! CASH, 5 room brick, modern. Phone' 91 1446-W. 5059; , A GOOD modern 7 room brick house, Pgjl within two blocks of the First Na-! M 'ional bank building. This is a good tu at $4,500. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Ave. 6052 H mm7 1 A GOOD lot 50x135 to alley, well locat-l rim r ed on e bencn n?ar street car line; Jtj ln a good resident part of the citv. I Onlj $175. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hud 55l Ave. 6052 fill (-'U(,- 8-room house, closo in on the I -'encD' onl $1600; $300 down, balance rtH tamo tis paying rent. J. J Brummitt Phone 59. 6052 btf H AN ELEGANT lot on Twenty fifth street, facing the Sacred Heart ncad W j Pniy grounds, 50x132 feet, largo tiens, ' J great, buy at $1500; all special taxes j Paid, J. j. Brummitt. Phone 59 6052 E ' 1 m . 0 Room modern bungalow, built-in- features, sleeping porch, large cement basement, n paved street, all special ,h ;. 'axes paid. Price (8260, Terms. H f: Agee, 374 1-2 2ftth. Phone I 69. 8293 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , FROERER & FOWLES Real Estate, Loans and Insurance 2409 Hudson Ave. Phone 917 ONE acre of choice land, highly im proved, with 32 different varieties of fruit. Has the best water right in the city and fine six-room house. This place will pay 10 per cent on .1 5,000 Investment and at the same time af ford a fine home. The best buy in Ogden City for $4,750. Reasonable terms PR ACTUALLY new .",-room modern red pressed brick bungalow, close in j on the bench. House has plate-glass 1 windows, cut-glass chandeliers, shades and built-in features. Snap at $4,750. NEW 1 room modern bungalow Sit uate in the north part of the olty on lot 50x200 feet deep. This Ib a real bargain Price, $3.150 00 Terms. 8301 G E M. REALTY CO. Phone 1096. 2375 Hudson Ave 7- ROOMED brick, strictly modern; well located on the bench This Is very well built The linoleum, gas stove, window shades and beautiful electric fixtures go with the house. A rood home. Price $ 1,750 Cash a'.id t crni i-ROOM frame on bench, modern: front, porch and back screen porch; good lot; $1,725 GOOD homes at $1500 and up that can be sold ti.r -mall payments and terms 83S3 THREE homes for dale. $4,500. Quick Bala Phone 2673-W 8S85 CLARK, Apts . turnished throughout . modern. 429 Hrrrlck vi5u MODERN apartment house of si: apartments; close in, on paved Btrool Pays $1800 year. Will sell cheap ind ' take Libertv bonds. Phone 1008-J ' S3b0 j A 7-ACRE rruit farm; 8-room modern house Bleeping porch; lnrg- b.i.n chicken houses and runs for 2,000; chickens; 20 head of thoroghbred Tog- genberg milch goats, 3 horses; 100 1 .hickens, 2 Ludlow wagons; 2 sets of Ludlow harness; 1 buggy and 1 set Of buggy' harness; 1 mower, 1 hay rake. 2 breaking plows, 2 cultivators. 2 ! harrows.. 1 motor, 1 feed cutter, 1 bone grinder, 1 wood saw. 1 cider press. 576 Canyon Rd. Phone 1787. S33S 8- ROOM brick house. $3500, on large) lot; bam. garage and large brick eel-j lar. Apply 1728 Wash Phone 1470. 48S5 A GOOD 5-room modern home, locaud l within two blocks of the postoffice building on Grant avenue, lor oniv $2600. Seven hundred ($700) dollars j lown, the balance on terms; a splen did opportunity to get a home for t much less than the building would cost, with a valuable lot thrown ln as a bonus J J Brummitt. Phone 59 6052 26 A( RES, 3 room hou.-o, 5 acres good farm land, balance patue, good place for cows or chickens. For quick -ale will sell for $1500. T'jis farm located at Syracuse, 1'tah. Write J J. Walker,1 Layton, Utah. 6241 I j MONEY TC LOAN j MONEY to loan on real estate secur ' Ity. Phone 2158-W 8368 ' DO you need a small aoaount ol monev for 30, 60 or 90 days? ASK Eli Dix. 402 Hudson Bldg. lio will lend to you if you aie working or bave furniture, piano or bonds, for se- curity. 5073 1 RALPH P. HUNTER, Established , 1683 Mortgage Loans. Real Estate Lacunuice, 'Jtah. Id; ho landa. lasma and city property. Persons desiring to loan mone on good first mortgage j security will do well to commit me. Good app. .cations always on hand. Ml 24th Su. Ogden, Ut&n. AHQ MONEY to loan on improved real es tate. Kelly it Hemck. 774 MONEf to Ictn on real estate secur- ' Uy. J. J. Brummitt Ml-U I WANTED J To Rent 1 L J WANTED 6 to 8-room house, fur aished or unfurnished by September 1. Phone 2477. 8382 VERY desirable tenants; small fur nished house; 6 months or a year. Phono 322 8320 WANTED Furnished apartment or bungalow Sept 1 for winter, by youn married couple. No chiidrt-n Refer ences furnished. Call 2380-R or 55. 8306 3- OR 4-ROOM house or apartment, by August 9th. Give references. Phon" mornings, 1 144. 831 1 COUPLE wants to rent 5 room mod ern house, with sleeping porch and garage 1st of September, ben prefer red, best of references can be furnish ed. Phone 100. 6192 2 OR 4 room furnished house. Phono 2002-R. 5012 BY YOUNG couple, small furnished or unfurnished house, must be clean, no children E. J C, care Standard. 4950 j Fishing, Hunting Parties j LIGHT truck for all kinds of picnics and parties. 425 25th. 8395 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED An adjustable dress form Phone 1997 -W. 8286 ! LIBERTY tonds br-ight. J. J. Brum ' mitt. Phono 69. 2639 CLEAN RAGS wnt0 at the Stan dard office. I SECOND HAND STOVES j WE tnko your old range as first pay ment on any new range or will buy ..our old range outright. Home Fur : nituru Co. 4672 1 . . . I Read the Classified Ada WANTED 1 Female Help j j S I EXPERIENCED cand salesgirl. Good wages to start. Apply F. W. Wool-, worth Co 884 LADY stenographer, must have 'some knowledge of books. Home Furniture. 8304 MIDDLE aged woman far housekeep- j mg. small family, good home fqj right p.nrU. Call evenings 2444 'AdataB. Phone 1390 -W S283 GIRL for general housework, no wash ing. 2535 Madison. Phone 2199 J. 6030 1 RELIABLE woman or girl as house keeper. Two in family. No washing.' Phone 725. 5U82 ; G1KLS wanted to sew cn overalls. We pay while you learn Only thoso who, want steady Jobs need apply. Scowcroft' Manufacturing. 5014 EXPERIENCED and lnoxpenenctd help, $9 to $18 per week, eight hours ; a day. Union Pacific railroad laundry. 1 4381 1 - WANTED I Male Help J BETTER messengei Benrice. Ph. 502. 1 S289 I EXPERIENCED marker and sorter and linen clerks. N. P. Laundrj 46631 BEFORE selling Uberty bonds get' prices from J. A. Hogle &. Co. 2451 j (WANTED To Buy SHOT gun. automatic preferred 2G0 20th St. Phone 2673-W 8384 WANTED 4-' and 5-roomed modern houses Phone lu9G. 8308 MOTORCYCLE with side car. Must be ln first class condition Circulation manager. Standard. 8291 WILL bu modern six room house or will trade 16t acre homestead for same. P. O. Box 196. 6261 I BUY Liberty bonds. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson Ave. 2538 ACCRUED int. plus market price for liberty pond paid by J. A. lloglo & Co. 1419 WANTED Cattle, one L?ad or one carload. Call us and our buyer w"l come out and price jour Bleak, Wee tern Live Stock Com. Co., J. A. Lee Mgr. Phone day 730, night 2918, 81 WANTED Situations ',...ii.n 10 So practical our-mi; 5y experienced ladv 142 West Patterson 8374 MAN' with light truck, by week or month. 425 25th St 8396 WANTED Position by good sewer tor tailor, family or store. 929, care Standard 8391 WANTED by experienced woman, po sition as housekeeper or manager of hotel or first class rooming nous.-. Phono 1717. 8319 CLERICAL position wanted by young man, holding com'l. diploma. 684 22nd or Box 84, care Standard. Phone 2183-W. 8298 DON'T worr if your i(if n 0 paint ing or repairing Call Joe B Johnston, 2776 Wash Phone 1217-M 8333 LADY wishes position as housekeeper Phone 34-R-5 B281 Phone 1163. 6237 CAPABLE, energetic xperienc-d as salesman and as director of labor, seeks employment with reliable local firm who can pay for good service Address box H. E 6162 EXPERIENCED clerk wishes position in either dry goods or grocery' store. Address P. O. Box 135. 6012 YOUNG man desires clerical work mornings only 4 yea,s experience. Phone 1086-.7 62 7 0 LOST I BUNCH of keys marked M. C Charles worth & Daniels, Hudson Ave. Reward. 8380 SWEATER at Hot Springs. Reward Hendrickson. 465 Rose Court. 8391 ! LOST Boston Bull Terrlor, 2 white noni fei-i white tip on hind foot, neck I white, streak across nose Reward lor I return. 769 28th St. Phone 739. 8359 I (.LASSES in J. T Rushmer case. Ret !to European Hotel, 368-24th 61 Howard. 8330 1 LOOSE-LEAF leather eovered memor andum Name, Cyril A. Call inside. I Please return to 2604 Jeff. Rj-- 8351 LARGE white camoo pin. Reward !turn to 563 25th St. 8297 LOST at Hermitage, gold Hour do-lis !pm. Valuable as keepsake. Heturn 561 Twenty-second street. Reward 6271 TWO Standard receipt books Reward I if returned to Standard at once. 6189 ONE green octagon bracelet watcn lost at Lagoon Wednesday evening. Reward. Crown Painless Dentist. :Mb8 Washington. t021 BLACK leather pocket book on fco. 1 Fork road. Return to Star Restaurant, 1 174 25th St. Reward. 4978 GoLD-RIM M ESD glasses, Juno 14. p.e lurn 2832 Nye. Reward. -1 40 U FOUND YEARLING colt. Owner can have Uamo by describing, paying for thia fid. and pasture. Pholie 620 83 1 Phonograph Repairing BCOTT STORY, expert phonograph re pairing, work guaranteed. We main !ain a repair depart mcnt for both pi pnof n cl phonographs. Phone yi u orders to us. rhoue 173 Lyric Musit Co., 2524 Wash Ave. 8334 FOR SALE j Miscellaneous ONE Quick Meal enameled range 2711 lirant Ave 8376 PIERCE- bicycle for sale; used ihro months. 2715 Grant 8393 CRAB apples Phone 2149-N-J. 8392 SHED 12 bv 12 7 it higlT Call 285 Child's Ave 8388 BRASS bed, springs and mattress 1817 Hudson Ave. B378 FURNITURE for Bale. 354 28th St. 8379 K l'K YEAR-OLD row wiih calf C21 ?lst St. 8381 HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, in cluding rugs, dining table and chairs Monarch range and player piano. 637 Washington. Call Sundays or ecn ings 8357 BABY bugfry In ANo-1 condition Ihono 1031. 8355 LIGHT spring covered wagon, horse :.nd harness cheap; also good milch cow. Phono 620. 8352 GOOD bicycle, new tires, cheap. H W Jones Shoe Co. 2461 Wash Ave 8324 3SPEED Excelsior motorcycle And sidecar, in good running condition. 150 cash 262 Wesl 20th St. 8325 CANARY birds 2220 Lincoln"! S331 TWO good 1400-lb. horses Good shape and fat 230 W 33rd St. Phone 20S2-M 8311 EA.RLY peaches 1050 Canyon road. Phone 357-R. .8305 ALL kinds of summer apples Call 12 R-l. 8299 HOUSES to be removed from Sperry Mill site Numbers 232 24. 230. 254 W( ll Patterson Ave. Send your bid in writing this week tor the building you want, to 0 J Stilw.-ll at Weber club 8294 ONE bay work mare, weight 1200 lbs. one bay horse, weighi 9."u lbs. One bay horse 1000 pounds 2224 Wash. Phone 133. 8301 FIRST class alfalfa, alfalfa seed. BUgSJ beet or grain land with plenty of wat ler. Price 65 to $75 pei acre. Easy terms. Enquire 431 21th ttreet or phonr j 1803-J or 2163-J. 8284 .SECOND hand wagons, buggies and jharness. Studebaker Bro Co., 2221 I Wash. Ave. Phone 133. 83UC MASON fruit jars, cheap. Phone 82. 627 1 . ; WILL sell or exchange 2 doz. 2 qt Ma son jars for 1 qtS. ' 7 4 7 Wall. 6281 j CALL a messenger. Phone 502. 6274 . FOR SALE One farm wagon, $45. srind stone md gas range complete I $30. Call 2812 Grant Ave. 6257 FOR SALE cheap New lver Johnson I bicycle, heating stove, washstand and 1 Edison phonograph with records. Must go qulcklv. 2042 Quincv rjit.j 1 A RE onions, corner Canyon road and Gltnwood acres. Thono 1645-M 6157 CUTE pet Spitz dog. Phone 885. 8375 LARGE work mare, with fine Belgian colt. Also work horse. 3677 Adams. 6124 SsijE Panlone for bargains in pianos and phonographs. No interest 6014 1 SECONDHAND grain and potato sacks Phone 210, Ogden Junk House.' 5083 NEW range cheap at 252 22nd SL 5046 SPECIAL bargain, 9, bp Hercules sta tionary gas engine, cueap if taken at j once. R 1 Alucheil Co., 243U Hudjon. ' i bono J J i 43U GOOD farm wagon, hand plow, grind stone; a bargaiu can at no liih St. I j 4(06 1 FOR SALE 1-ncrso puwei K. & V. iiasuiino angina; u.u 6u days; $i4u coulter-Aduuitt beed Co. Jisjx , HIGH grale line or paints and brushes 001 taie a.t COS U 1800 S ashing ton A e. PhO&S 680-J. OJi I SECOND HAND goods bought, sold, laud exchange, 1800 Washington, Ave.: ! PhuDo 686-J. 2626 1 j , J. A. HOGLE ic CO. pay higheat prices 1 I in Ogden lor Libei ty 'lunda. 2450 ' UNCALLED lor sulU, tsiloi maUe, bl ! I reduction. Gordon s, 2U-2fi ulu Su I i'uuuo 419. 216 i ' THREE good milk cows. Phono 730. I 1472 1 0 SACKS wood for $1.00. Phono &25. Wheelwright Wood Yaid. 1417 1 GROCERIES in retail quantities at wholesale prices. Ogden s Groceries, Ul 24Lh SL 6V41 . THRE. goou milch cows. Phone j30. 1477 I rrnp '.;-:( ---13, WE lurmsh and install high grad) electric or hand elevators, any capac- I ity. Write Wm. Watrous. 24( Edison SL, Salt Lake Chy. We buy -ud hauu one -i. 2366 FOR RENT Unfurnished I FIRST-CLASS garage 668 24th St 8317 TWO housekeeping rorms cheap. S51 1 32nd. After 5 p. m. 6280 MtOOM modern apartment, no chil dren. Phone 1008 J 6056 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. 685 22nd St. 8328 I DRESSMAKING, rear 2330 Adams. Phone 1551 -W 5017 j DRESSMAKING, 427 24th St. 6232 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ummwwwwi own ttt WWW K i I I FINE Oakland property for propert I here. Phone 333. 6191 INFORMATION BUREAU notice to Advertieers On and after April 1, 1919, bulns directory II ertlslna In The Standard will be $1 per line per month. : 1 ; r r i ! I "'red's Auto Repair Shop. 23rd and Monroe avenue Firstclass work guar anteed. Electric starters, generators, magnetos. Fred E. LofquisL 6096 Accident Insurance Aetna Accident & Liability Co., Auto and Liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy, 3377 Hudsoa Ave. Phono 483. ANYTHING new or old ANYTHING A to Z new or old bought, sold or traded. Phone 333, Books and Stationery Bramwell Book and Stationary, 2362 Washington Ave. Phone 3C0, 2068 Banking Utah National Bunk, toutiioaat cor ner Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phone 61. Buttermilk Try our Mal-i o' Clovor buttermilk 10c a gallon. Mutual Creamery Co., Twenty-third and WalL 2671 Counselor-at-Law T. R, O'Connolly, Ogdon. Utah, .Legal advice by mail. Wrlto mo the facta. I'huJ.e 2i3. Carpet Cleaning K. van Kan-pen for upholstering; carpeta clcaueo. altereJ ...ud laid. Ro- making of mattrcaes. Phone 888. Expert carpet cleaning, raatress renovating upholstering, and springs restretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co., Feather renovating. Phone 2586-W. Chiropractor Owen W. Halvereon, D. C. Res. Phone 1086-W. 701-7';2 Ecclea Bldg. J. A. Browning, 302-303 First Na ' tional Bank Bldg. Hours, 2 to 8 p. Ll. , 6131 1 City Scavenger McCarthy & co., 2734 Grant aenue. Phono 2018-W. Dentists Tho New Method Dentists are spe clallat3 in all brrtccha of Dentistry. 246V aahlngton. 2208 , Electrical Work Wiring repairing, fixtures. Alham I bra Electric Shop. Phone ''84. 2773 , FOR RENT II I- I I'O 1 i'Li'L.t, witnout children, two or Lhre6 upstairs rooms, furnished ior light housekeeping. 2940 Lincoln Ave. 8373 MODERN turn sleeping room. 2638 Adams Ph. 2966-W. after 6 p. m. 8313 NhWLY furnished sleeping rooms with bath at 555 J7th St Phone 617 nm Rates reasonable. 8303 FURNISHED room 2363 Jeff. Ave. 6256 LARGE cool sleeping rooms, 6U0 24th St. Pho-e 610. 5051 ACCRUED int. ph a m-rket price for liberty bond paid by J. A. Hogle & Co. 2443 PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY furnished for light housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, beat and gas. Maid service if desired. Rates S20 to $37.50 7909 Concrete Ornamental j Work j ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE CEMETERY concrete coping. Wheel wright 20th and Douglas. Phone 2628V. 4284 FOR SAlX-AUTOS I I I 1 TON truck. A-l condition. 260 20th St. Ph. 2673-W. 8386 1 1918 MODEL, 6-cyllnder touring car. Call after 6 p. m. Phone 3277-J. 8370 FORD, cut down, for sale cheap B 01 B. M . care Standard 8356 CUT-DOWN Ford, windshield, top; 1 laeaj looking. Phone 1638-J. 8367 FIVE-PASS, automobile, four good tlrea, $13o cash Phone 1217-M. 8332 FORD for sale. D. O. Tawto y, Marion Hotel. Leave name and address. 8335 FOR SALE Ford ton truck, worm drive. Sell reaaonable. Inquire 3272 Ad ,aas Ave, 82U0 CHEVROLET roadster, bab grand model; perfect condition 2526 Ada in Phone 1935 after 6pm 6265 GRANT Six. 1917 model, in iine cou uition, cheap lor cash. 254U Orchard. 6019 LET me sell your car lor you. C. B, i'orgaaon, used car dealer. 1 have :ho iclloVing cars lor sale at 2308 Wash Chalmers 5-paseiiger 1913 mod. I, I Dodge 5-passeuger 6UU9 LIBERTY motor mechanic. 2 1-2 years 1st claai mechanic J. 8 .iiation ser . ice expert Cadillac, Packard, other fine cars. 220o Washington Ave., 1 Franklin agencj , 4964 1 CAR tor sale, excellent running condi tion, luq. 2213 Lincoln. 46S5 NOTICE We make a tpL-c.aUy ol Ford work, sell can on comuussion, also are agents for tho Duyton Univer sal Ford starter. Ford tjargo, lvon ly-fourth and (Jrant A euue. Phone 262-W. 2726 ; ONi t passenger automobile. Inquire Che.- &Q'a Auto Shop, forvman. 713 1916 OVERLAND S3, newly palmed and overhauled, new seat covers and . mp, v'iF.ii Call between 6 and 8 p. m. 2715 Crant. 8359 Drain Tile for Sale Intermountaln Concrete Co. Twen tieth and Lincoln avenue, Ogden, Utah. PhoneB 2068 and 487. , 2310 Engraving Ogden Engraving oorvlce Co., mak ers of fine cuts ln one or more colors, 416 Twenty-fourth streeL Phone 463. Florists Sweet peas, cut flowers and funeral j designs. 20th. & Jeff. Ph. 2623-W. 4579 I ! Fire Insurance Charles Eisenberg, Phono 1859-J I Calendonlan and Micl igan Conunercial I Standard Insurance. 1675 Hay and Grain Hay, grain and 'ouitry feed. Dell Bros., 37i Twenty ihird. Phone 2845. 2100 Hides, Wools, Furs O. M. Runyan, 2269 Wail avenue, j pays lop pricua. t'hono 781-W. 152S Junk and Hides Western Hide & Junlc Co , 2223 : Yvasningion Ave. Phone 861. , Ogden Junk Houau, 2059 Washington Ave. Phoue 210. Key Fitting Key filling and lock repairing. Hud son Repair Shop, 1468 Hudson. 3197 Money to Loan Money 10 loan on improved real es laio. Kelly & Herric 2146 New and Second Hand Goods A. Siner, new and second hand fur niture, clothing, etc., bought and sold. Suit cases cheap. 241-ii43 Twenty-fifth Phone 1321. Painting Fapcr cleaning and fining. Ned Wil kinson. Address Rear 738 Twenty sixth street. Phone 1520-J. 2457 Sign painter. 413 First Nat'l Bnk F. S Peery. 836 J Messenger Service Measenger? Our rates are lower, I service better. Phone 502 for mes senger 8238 Read the Classified Ads. i FOR RENT jj V Miscellaneous iwiwiM . 1 90ttt000)0t0ttm 1 tmt0 OHIO vacuum cleaner for renL $100 1 per da. Phone 2M97. 5091 j PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTiCEJ Consult County Clerk er ths Reps tlv Signers for Furths Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho district court of Weber couuty, state of Utah. In tho matter of the estate of Bir: Griffin Blackman, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the law offices of Henderson & Johnson. L-uite 215 First National bank building, Ogden City. Weber county, state of Utah, on or before the sixth day of October. A. D. 191J Dated, this the 4th day of August, 191C OLA B BLACKMAN. Administratrix With Will Annexed of the Estate of Birt Griffin Blackman. Deceased. Henderson & Johnson. Attorneys for said Administratrix. Date of first publication, Aug 4, 191!t. Date of last publication, Sept 1, 1919. 1 NOTICE. Estate of Eveln Pratt Woods. Creditors will present claims with vouchers 10 the undersigned at Room 805 David Eccles Bldg., on or before tae L2tta daj of Sept.. 1919. MORONI CHARLES WOODS, Administrator C. F. FARR. Attorney for Administrator. 1st publication, July 15 1919. Last publication, August 12, 1919 SUMMONS. In the district court of Webe Countv . State oi Utah. Lauretta Klngeter, plaintiff vs. Jus Kingeter, defendant. The state of I. tab. to said defendant: Vou are hereby summoned to appe ir within twenty .lays ifter service of this summons upon vou, if served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within thirtv 1 days after service, and defend the above entitled iiction; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will to rendered ajiainst vou according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court, This action is brought to recover .t Judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing Se tween vou and (he plaintiff. SAMUEL C. POWELL, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. address: 605 Eccles building, Ogden, Utah. FARMINGTON REPORTS MARRIAGE LICENSES FARMINGTON. Aug. 3. County I Clerk Siotn C. Jones has issued mar riage licenses to the fbUovlnu couples! during the last week: QeorgS ESnnil and Maud Rochel, bo'h ..i KaysvlUe; Dr. E. W. Smedley and Laura Boulton, Bountiful; W. S Pub Ram, Jr., Bountiful, and Veda Ander son, Cleveland. Idaho; Fred Pearson,! Moore, Idaho, and Alke Putnam, Bountiful; Clarence H. Vincent and R becca B. Albertson, Salt Lake; George G. Peters and Nancy B. Nel son. Salt Lake; Keller C Robins and Louise Robinson, Salt Lake; Joseph j t Trao) and Janice Swan, Sail Lake; Villmui W. Knaup. St Loiii M . aP'l .Helen G Erickson, Murray; Andrew Brown. Murray, and Mndge Roberrv. J Salt Lake. Willar.l II. Wrisht. s. ' 1 Lake, and Josephine Kirk. TboelCj l James J. Jakeman and Gertrude Plysr, Ogden; Lorenzo a. Chrlstensen andi rnnting I All kinds or job printing. Dee-Noute- I boom Printing Co. Phone 11C6. 2198 Punting and Paperhanging J H. A Kogenkamp, 906 28th St.. paint H er. paperhanKer Tinting, all VOrk 11 guaranteed. Phone 2072-J. 6233 ll Physician and Surgeon j Dr. A. Fernlund, office boura 11 to jl', 4 p. m. New Peery Bldg.. Hudson Ats. j Rea. Phone 646. Office phone 1900 W. Real Estate and Loans WiHard K;,y, real estate and loans. 2474 Washington. Phone 409. 1874 1 Repairing I We repair all makes of automobiles. OGDEN AUTO REPAIR CO., 2462-64 1W Grant Ave. Phone 178; night phone ll, 851. H. F. Snell, Geo. C. Theobald. m Trunk, Bug aad Case Lepairing. Gal- 111 I lacher's, around lrum Standard. 477a Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds ot rubbish hauled. Phone 620. jewing Macliinei I We rent, repair, carry needles anu parts lor ail makes 01 machines. White J dewing Machine Co., 2273 Washington avenue. Phone 2834. I Specialists f ; Fool sufferers get relief at Fry Lab- ! I oratory. 320 lluuson bldg. leuts and Awnings I ugden Tent anc Awning Co., manu- I ' ;jctarcry ui high grade stoe, oifice ( m and resident awnings. Waterproof cov- j I CY6, bags, etc. Anything in canvas. I 2268 Washing'.', u juu i'huuj - H I Vacuum Cleaners jpIJONE 2582-J for vacuum cleaner, 31 . 1 for 24 hours, sterilized dust bag. 5074 vM Windows Cleaned lipert window and v.ill paper clean- H ,ny anywhere. American Window j Cleaning. Phono 563. 2370 Washington. Welding 1 Ogd-'u Welding & Repair Co., 2274 Washington. Phone 993-J. Key fitting. ,l Marie Swartz, Provo; Edward H Liny j ind Irene M. Despain, Salt Lake Big Prussian I Police Force of I Trained Soldiers I COBLENZ. Fridav Aug -The Prussian governmem, nccordins to 1 1 American reports, is planning to ar ganize a new and separate "police B " tO n'lSISt of lr II 1 l I I HI 1 1 I 300,000 trained soldiers, solely n- a force with the l.;te-t type of military H weapons and to put the men in .gar I rlsons throughout Germany. This forc i- proposed a.- an or- I ganliatipn distinct from the army of I 20O.0U0 non authorized by the treaty, the existing civil police and 'I the great force of home guards plan- 1 H n i L m 111 -1. 1 1 I The Germans plan to recruit the H force entirely from non commission, d 1 offieers who h..v seen servic. and to require them to live in barracks The Prussian governnieni. it 1- -aid 1 h pes to induce ..-Iit -tat. 9 of the for ; I no r German enipire to adopt he plan H . on Mm SIXTY HOSTAGES RELEASED. 'APEST. Aug 3 -Sixty hostages held in the parliament building hav iH I been released by the new government, WM A member of the entente commission 'declared today that the entente was? 4m 'not satisfied with the new ministry 'AM Ini . lar - - I ' ..;npcse( ..nii.-i- so- .1 Jviet leaders and members of the Ccn tral Workmen s council Read the Classitied Ads. I IN MURDER MYSTERY ' KANSAS CITY, KAN. Fitzroy K. Simpson, formerly a lieutenant in tho 30th Field artillery (bo low) was shot by an unknown man while riding with his sweet heart, Miss Evelyn Hall, In Kan sas City's most exclusive residence section. According to Miss Hall, she waa putting on the former officer's coat when a man's hesfl and a hnnd holding a revolver were thrust Into the electric and a voice said, "Get out. quick " The lieutenant eppod out and , I was shot dcatL m ' 1 1 1