Newspaper Page Text
II I I F0R 3ALE ieiic, Rl Esttt ) cK ROOM modern red pressed brik ' l lo hall" block lrom paved streer, ear line- Price for quick sal"' E ?cKf.n Furniture for pale separate NorrlB, 1650 Wash. 868.4 ITr-7rrNEn, new 6 -room brick, on gU-J" 852-W. 870.- TiEFN home and furniture for Salt! c, sacrifice by owner Phone 2110. Bl ' S707 ; rr: oTvNER A flno modern resi !j.Dce owner wishes to leave .Its Will sacrifice. Inquire 2113 LifiOOln 86o4 j jjOOM frame, modern, garage SB tj l bemeni, on Adams Ave.; fine loc I Uon $2500 cash Inquire Room 12,: 26th and Grant. 8LJ I I FIVE-ROOM strictly modern home, on p Jcnch. Term?. "Not built to pell ' I I Call 3070 W27 i f REVEN room brick residence consist ing of commodious lniu room with J tpMii'l ;",rl grate, large dining room.j I ,our bedrooms, kitchen, bath, separate! I toilet room, three closet;., hall. built- jn china cabinet, best hot water bent A lng gvstem, large porch, electric light, ( i-a lruit and vegetable basement, lur BV dBcc room, in fact every modern con m? venience. This home Is situated on the bench within three blocks of Wash-; ington i0iiue, has larse lot located j l'' on pa'. ed street, has plenty of shade u nod a most desirable location. This' lkl-7. home ran be purchased with part pa) - I J?" nient down and balance on cas terms i If interested phone S77 and make an iV 1 Hppointment to sec interior as home is' I must be seen to be appreciated. sM) 'j (ooD 7 room brick hoUpe, good loea- tion Bargaiu Inq 820 Plaea Apt. S577 HVE room bungalow on 301b street, 2a only partl modern, GO Tool lot, good condition. $2400 on part time Furui ? tare also for sale. O. A. Kennedy, base k tnent Utah Natl. Phone 913. 8557 k; 4 ROOM brick, cellar, pantry, closet, to city water, electric light, cement walk, J? firet class repair R. R distric: $i!00, eas terms. L. F. Bratr, 417 EccIpm building. S574 !2' I CITY home and farm 177 N. Wash. S I 84S0 3 I BY OWNER Neat cottage, H acre ol ' choice land or more. Fine location. Bargain for Cash. Terms to right partj. Phone 1 127-J. Sillo bid THE most elegant lot on 20lb street, i 10& feet front and 1J9 feet deep to an alle - This lot has all special laxes I0- i-ald, is iu the moat exclusive residence astrict, has all kinds of shade, truit r and ornamental trees and a great variety of bmall fruit. These trees ad Iruits were selected by a nursery uaa and are all choice varieties. This is tba most elegant lot on 25th street. Will be Bold cheap; any kind of terms ' given; low rate of interest. Here is I your opportunity to own the most ele- k gant resident lot in the city. J. J f urummitt, 2417 Hudson. bOJ2 I 5 ROOM modern brick. Lot 822i.264 ft Uauire 83b Twenty-fourth street. 62oi 5 FOR SALE 0 ROOM frame, modern except heat. Llo in on pawd street, lot 50x132. Will Sell on small cash payment, ha I oncefti oathlj. Only $270u. ; ROOM brie, close in, lot 50x138. Will ant mjij cash, $20 monthly on f Uiance. 1 18(H). J. A. McCuL'ocn, under First National bank. Phone 301. 5007 FUR SALE My cement brick house, I L men rooms, corner 25th street ana ttanison. F, N. Bletcher, 120ii 25th. mi ONE hundred lol6, well located on the beach, between 2ath and 30th stroets, very choice and sightly, lor only (12 ver lot; one-fourth down and oue i lourth each year, at low rate ot inter I est, J. J. Bruuiiuitt, 2417 Hudoou Ave. 6052 A GOOD modern 7-room brick house, within two blocks ol the I Irst Na tional bank building This is a good I buy at $4,500. J. J. Brummltt, 2417 Hudson Avo. 6052 ; a GOOD lot 60x135 to alloy, well locat- , ed on the bench neur stroet car line; in a good resident part ot the city J Only $176. J. J. Druniuiltt, 2417 Hud- eon Avo. 6062 A GOOD S-room house, close in on the I bench, only $1600; $3oo down, balance bunie as pajing rcnL J. J. Drummnt. Phono 59 6052 AN ELEGANT lot on Twenty filth etreet, facing the Sacred Heart acad- f emy grounds, 50x132 feel, largo trees, i great buy at J150U; all special taxes ! P-id. J. J. BrummitL Phone 59. 6052 OGDEN REALTY CO. 2422 Hudson Ave. Phone 236 Ogden, Utah. 25 ACRES first-class land, 6-room brick house, barn, granary, all imple ments used on the place, somo live stock. 325 shares water, also arte t alan well. Family orchard. Price, In t eluding crop, ?10,250; M.000 down, balance 7 per cent interest Other good buys In farms. 6-ROOM brick, strictly modern. Good location; $4,000; one-half cash, bal ance at 8 per cent 4-ROOM brick, modern, new; fine lot, garage; paving paid; $3,760; $1.5w down. 4-G-6 ROOM homes in good locations. Let U3 show these to you. Good terms. 8433 A GOOD 6 room modern home, located Within two blocks of the postofflce building on Grant avenue, for only $2600. Seven hundred ($700) dollars down, the balance on terms, a splen did opportunity to get a home for vr:' much less than the building would cost, with a valuable, lot throw, i In as bonus. J. J. Brummltt Phone 69 6052 6 ROOM modern, good as new, only $3300. ROOM modern, only $2000. COME and see me before you buy and ave mone. H. Van Braak, 302 35th. 8593 Tomorrow never comes unless ) ou hve a bill to meat. QRSALE .REAL ESTATE 2 ACRES of choice land, just inside of City limits, 1 block from car line; goo' water rlebts; an Ideal place for a home or small truck garden Phone Mr Thomas at 45 or inquire at C97 Harrld ville Road sfif)y - ROOM modern home and lot, 71x140 1 60S Wash. TeJ 1127 n gA2 O. E, M REALTY CO. Phono lf96. 2375 Hudson A NEW 4-room brick, modern, baft mcnt. sleepinc porch, hen hou?e and runs, lawn and flowerB in front jard and back yard Cheap at $3700. 4-ROOM brick, with extra alcove, pan try, nice bath, basement sleeplnr port h. laro lront porch; lot 50x1(9 A good bu must, be seen to be appro elated. $4200. Terras. B-ROOM frame, modern, large sleeping porch, fine garden, cood lot. $3800 Terms gggg FOR RENT Untarnished Mj mi., , wmmmm 2 ROOMS, DlOsets and pantry, ?7 00 pe ind&th Rear 2731 Madison Inquire 66 27lh. vcn, 2 OR 4 ROOMS 2159 Jeff. sGiT: A FINE modern home to rent tut boardinc owner. Good shade and fruit Phono after 9 p. m. No. 1250 8662 FOUND 1 BICVCLE in Glenwood Park Set park foreman. 86 IS WANTED . Salesmen L-xtnr "in on "inn r - in i in-fT" Wil have a very lnie propotion for a few good active salesmen in anj parti of Utah, Idaho or western Wyoming. Special offer to party capable of hand ling state aeettcy Write to or call nin-s at 607 7th St, Ogden. 8644 WANTED To Rent WANTED, by responsible couple; fur nished apartment or hou?e, four or five rooms, modem. Phono 1561-.M 8641 6- OR 6 ROOM modern furnished or unfurnished house, by young couple; no children; best reference furnished, permanent if possible; desired Sept. 1 or before Phone 2585-W or Room 30'J ficclel Bldgs. m; , 4-ROOM modern brick, unfurnishJ, close In, by iceponsible party at once. Box T, Standard. 8619 DESIRABLE furnished house or apa t ment of four or five rooms. No chil dren. Phono 538 o 2414-W. 8609 DESIRABLE couple wish 4 or 5 room modern cottage. Long term preferred. 1'hone 2V.79-W. . 8572 VERY desirable tenants, small fur-J nlshed house; 6 months ur a year. Phone 322. 8320 BY YOUNG couple, Bmall furnished or unfurnished house; niUKt be clean; no children. L. J. t'., care Standard. 4950 MONEY TC LOAN DO you need a small amount of money for 30, 60 or 90 days? ASK Ell D1.X. 402 lIudKon Bldg. He will lend to you if you are working or have furniture, piano or bonds, for se curity. 6073 RALPH P. HUNTER, iLBtabllKhed 1869. Mortgage LojnL-, Real Estate Insurance, Utah, Id. ho land, larmd and city propertj. Persons desiring to loon money on good firm mortgagt security will do well to consult m. Good appjcallons always oa hand. 431 24th Su. Ogden. Utah. MONEY to loan on improved real es tate. Kelly & Derrick. 778 Id ONE T to loon on real estate secur ity. J. J. lirummitt -ll-(f j WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Office furniture; must oe in good condition. Reply G, Ogdn Standard. 8690 A MODERT rooming house, furnished or unfurnished. Phono 1717. 8567 LIBERTY bonds bought J. J. Brum mltt Phone 69. 2539 CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan dard office. Phonograph Repairing SCOTT STORY, expert phonograph re pairing; work guaranteed. We main tain a repair department for both pi anos and phonographs. Phono your orders to us. Phone 173 Lyric Music Co., 2524 Wash Ave. 8334 Concrete OrnamentaJ Works I ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. CEMETERY concrete coping Wheel wright, Twentieth and Douglas. Phone 2628-W. 4284 I SECOND HAND STOVES WE take your old range as first pay ment on any new range or will buy your old rango outright Homo Fur niture Co. 4672 FOR RENT Miscellaneous OHIO vacuum cleaner for rent, $1J0 per day. Phone 2097. Fortunately for skin-deep beauties, the skin is Invariably worn on the outside. If WANTED Female Help 1 i , W'o.MAN for washing and ironinR. To take home. Phone 3250. 869"i I EXPBRIENt BD saleswoman for ready-to-wear dept The Leader, Inc 2351 J Wash. 87'i COMPETENT firl for eneraj boos -wort Good wages. No laundry. Call 2187. afi06 fclXPBRIENCBD girl stenographer. p ply BOS 742 8628 ;FRL for general housework, no laun-, trv. 2f.j2 Wash. 8616 ; . EXPERIENCED ironrs in dry clean-( lng department Good wages. Oqdrn Steam Laundry. 8560; WOMAN to do housecleaning one day o week, good pay. 2474 1-T Washing ton. kCoi IvXPERIENcED stenographer wanted Address K, Standard 8464 EXPERIENCED cbocolato dipper Good pay. 282 25th St 84V3 GIRLS wanted to sew cn overalls. Wo pay wiille you learn. Only those who want steady jobs need apply Scowcroft Manufacturing. 5014 EXPERIENCED and inexperieuctO help, $D to $1S per week, eight hours a day. Union Pacific railroad laund.-v 4381 WANTED ! Male Help " '' - L H. , f EXPERIENCED shoe salesman. Las' A Thomas Shoe bepl Sot Mr. VY'l son. 86S2 BOf0 to set pins. Call Glasmnnn Milliard and Duwllng Parlors 2 177 Wash 8690 tf AN or boy with auto, or motorcycle with side car, to work a few houis each evening. Address Box 554, Ogdi n Standard. ttot SEVERAL wide-awake salesmen, will ing to work for results In the mus'c business; n!ust furnish references of reliability; no experience necessary Al60 a Janitor wanted. Address writ ten applications to Mr Madsen, Mgr., Lyric Music Co , 2521 Washington Ave. 8636 BETTER messenger service. Ph. 502. 8289 BEFORE selling Liberty bonds 6ct prices from J. A. Hogle & Co. 2451 j HELP WANTED j Male and Female j GOOD poBlllon open for energetic per son in this county. Can devote all or part of your time. Some experience in selling or soliciting preferred, but noil essential, nB training will be given you I Write tOdajr! J. B Bennett, field man-! ager, Curtis Pub. Co., Reed Hotel, Og den. 85231 LOST LEATHER poeketbook with t no repi -I ration card and $33. Reward Re turn to 135 26th St B708 IN Ogdl it t .mvon, lady's black slipper Reward. Phono S08. 86(6 LOST One gold wrist watch, Sunda night, between Palace Candy Store and 22nd and Grant Reward. Phono 36T 86'G WRIST watch at Lagoon. Engrave i Opal 1915. Finder return to Harris Barber Shop. 2476 Hudson Ave. or phono 2002 v , and receive roward. 8671 HAND satchel, containing toilot articles, between Fielding and Willard Roward. Return Stlmpsun's Cafe, Og den. 861 li A ROSE colored sweater between Ogden and South Fork Return 24D1 Madison. Liberal reward. 8606 LOST 1 Davie Cup" tennis racket at Ogden Tennis club Roward for re turn. Pleaso notify H. Crea, 723 Ec cles Bldg. Phone 666. 8642 PAIR reading glasses with rims. Ro wurd. Return to 2646 Adams or phone 3095 -W. 857li GIRL'S wrist watch lost in month of May Reward for return to 2646 Adams or phon. 3095 -W. 8569 BAR pin sapphire sotting. Reward. Tel. 2449. 8566 TWO Standard receipt hooks. Roward If returned to Standard at ouco. 6189 ONE green octagon bracelot watcn llyst at iagoon Wednesday c ening. Roward. Crown Painless Dentlsu 2168 Washington. bOill BLACK leather pocket book on So. Fork road. Return to Star Restaurant, 174 26th St. Reward. -973 GOLD RIMMED glasses, Jm.'; 14. Re turn 2832 Nye. Reward. -'40 WANTED Situations JAPANESE girl, speaks perfect Eng libh; in good small family, us maid o: ! house girl; no cook. Box M, ca;o Standard. 8652 LADY with baby, wishes work us j housekeeper. 223 W. 31st St Phono 2807. 8618 'DON'T worry if your roof needs palnt 'ing or repairing. Call Joo S. Johnston, 12776 Washington. Phone 1217-M. 8333 PRACTICAL nurse. Phooe 1163. 6237 CAPABLE, energetic man experienced as salesman and as director of labor, seeks employment with reliable local firm who can pay for good service. Address box II. E. 6162 EXPERIENCED clerk wishes position in either dry goods or grocery store. Address P. O. Bex 135. 601- Weaw men believe in lurk, strong men believe in cause and effect It is folly to cry over spilled milk; there Is enough water wasted as it s. LFOR SALE Miscellaneous MILK cows, fresh and coming fresh; also 20 head of choice heifprs. Phone 87-JS. B6S8 GOOD Dartlett pears. Geo .Steed, Clinton, Utah. 87'Jl P.AP.Y buggy. Inq. 319 Healy. 8678 ONB Buffet t'larinet, B-flnt, 13 kev?, hiKh pitch; $20. Gal 2HS5-R. 8677 JEWEL gas range with oven. Inquire mornings 2532 Fowlor 8613 DARTLETT PEARS Call at Merlin I. Stone orchard. 85t) Canyon Road. 0 to 9 p. m. 8668 DESKS, show cases, ;afe, register and counters. 127 25th St. 864 1 OOLDEN Oak chRfonler at 886, 12th I St 8643 1 NEW davenports, 152.60, 644 2Sth Stl Phono 2360. 8640 GOOD milk cow lor stile Phono ll4. 86S9 I 40 I M M 6 N E pigs Phone 914. U. ft STOCK V API'S 8014 BANNER STATE range, 2322 Jeftef on. X622 MONARi II range and turnlture at 2624 Adams. Sb06 PICKLING cucumbers for aale, 608 31st S596 NICE 3 year-old riding pony with or WllhOUt saddle, weighs 900 lbs. Chenp. Phoue 161. 546 16th St 8590 POUD truck bed. ESxbeilSni condition. Cheap. 2061 Madison Phone 2628 R. 8576 DOUBLE rigged Hard Wear saddle No 440; sSddle hags, bridle, chaps, in good Gonditldfh Box 4, Standard 8559 JERSEY cows and calves. Phone 1573 8481 FOR sale, one hand plow, wood or steel beam, one gas range, one wagon, call at 2812 Grant Ae. 8451 ONE Quick Meal enameled range 2741 Grant Ave. 83(6 CANARY birds. 2220 Lincoln. 8331 TWO good 1400-lb. horses. Good shape and fat 230 W. 33rd St Phone 2U82 M. 8311 EARLY peaches. 1050 Canyon road. Phone 357-R. 8305 HOUSES to bo removed from r?perry Mill site. Numbers 23i. 234, 250. 254 West Patterson Ave. Sead your bid In writing this week for the building jou want, ie O. J. Stilwell at Weber ciub 8294 CALL a messenger. Phone 602. 6274 FOR SALE cheap New iver Johnson blcyclc heating stove, washstand and Edison phonograph with records. Mum go quickly. 2042 Quinc 61t3 3r I'ARGE work mare, with fine Belgian colt Also work torse. 3677 Ad. tin . 6124 SECOND-HAND grain and potato BaeatS. Phone 210, Ugden Junk House. 5083 NEW range cheap at 252 1 went) sec ond street &u 10 GOOD farm wagon, band plow, grind itche, a bargain. Call at 146 17th tit, 4636 HIGH grade line uf paints and brushes lur sale at cost 1800 Washington Ave. Phone 686-J. 2621 , SECOND-HAND goods bought, sold and exchanged, 1800 Wabhingtun Ave. Phone 636-J. 2625 J A IlUGLE t CO. pay highest prices in Ogden fo.- Liberty bonds. 245() LNCALLED for suits, tailor made, big reduction. Gordon's, 211-25 25th St. Phone 410. 2157 THREE good milk cows. Phono 730. 1472 SIX lacks wood for $1, Phone 828. Wheelwright Wood Yard. 1417 GROCERIES In retail quantities at wholesale prices. Ugden's Groceries, lbl 24th St 6841 THREE good milck cows. Phono 730. 1477 FOR SAtE ELEVATORS. WE furnish and install high grade electric or hand elevators, any capa city. Write Wm, Watrous, 249 Edison street, Salt Lake City. We buy second hand ones. 2366 FOR SALE OR TRADE j VwfrwwoKwwMww ww ona ami FINE Oakland propeit for property here. Phono 333. 6194 DRESSMAKING 1 I SCHOOL sewing dun' Inquire 29C1 Lincoln. 8699 PLAIN and children's sewing, 2314) Juckson Ave. 8681 'DRESSMAKING 256 26th St. 86-19 DRESSMAKING, rear 233C Adams. : Phone 1551-W. 6017 DRESSMAKING. 427 24th St 6232 FRATERNAL UNIVERSAL Ancient and Accepted I Scottish Rite (Symbolic) Free Mason ry Ogden Lodge No 81 meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 8 p. m. at 363 24th St. R. W. M., Geo. C. Wcms ler. 3050 Wash Ave. G. A Mull secretary, 2644 Wash. Ave. 8633 FOR RENT Board and Room PRIVATE family will take two gent run, with references, to board and room. Bath, phone and garage, Phou: 1550-J. Sometimes a man's neighbor consid ers him ungrateful because ho insists on managing his own affalra. FOR RENT , j I Furnished i RouMs for hskpg 564 25th. 8702 j TWO moderu housekeeping roomr; l6 per month. Inquire Alhambra Cafe. 8671' WILL the U T. brakeman or his wife who called at 2201 Lincoln Ave. last Saturday evening call again or phone 1559-W 8672 N'li ELY furnished sleeping room. 58'5 26th St Phone 927. 8656 FOUR rooms, ground floor, for house keeping; no children. 2201 Lincoln 8631 SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms for working men. 72 Washington avenue. 8591 1 WELL rurnlshed modern room for! gentleman onl 441 Herrick 8584 j LARGE cool sleeping rooms, COO 24th St PhQUe 610. 5051 ACCRUED Int. rdro market price for liberty bond paid V J A Hoglo & Co. 2449 PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY furnished for light housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, heat and gas. Maid service if desired. RateB ?20 to $37 50. 7909 ' V ON. . I. K i. FOR SALE AUTOS poR SALE, light six Bulck 5-past tOUfinp , a, bargain. Andrews-Nash Motor Co. Phono 55. 2333 Hudson Ave. 8701. I 1 r-PASSEGER Overland; good condi tion, M00. 446 27th St 8705 FORD touring. Good condition; ?2S5. p. O. Tawney, Marlon hotel. 8680 Jl'ORD speedster. Inq. 24th and Hud sou (barber shop). 8674 !NEW 1919 model 6-cyllndcr, 5-passeh-iger Nash touring car. A bargain. Call 2844. 8682 !o-PAS6ENGER Allen In good Condi Uon. Call 2266 Monroe Ave. Phono (2813-M. 8650 6 PASSENGER E. M F.; four good tires, $125 oasb. Phone 1217-M. 8616 AUTOMOBILE for sale In firm class condition. Call after 5 o'clock. 2u26 Jet I lerson. Phono 1647. 8594 A FORD chassis cheap. Apply 620 24th St. 8580 FORD owners: We specialise ou Ford I ! repair w ork. Guaranteed. See Jack, 1 24th and Grant. Ph 262-W. 84UJ l 1918 MODEL, 6-cyllnder touring car. Call after 6 p. m. Phone 3277-J. K370 CUT-DOWN Ford; windshield, top; classy looking. 3216 Adams. 83o7 GRANT Six, 1917 model, In fine con dition, cheap for cash. 2640 Orchard 6019 LIBERTY motor mechanic, 2 1-2 years 1st cl.i mechanic U. S. aviation ser vice expert. Cadillac, PaekarJ, other I fine cars. 2206 Washington Ae., ; Franklin agency. 4964 CAR for sale, excellent running condi , tiOn. Inq. 2213 JLdncoln. 4686 ONE 5-passenger automobile. Inquire Cheesman b Auto Shop, foreman. 712 OLDSMOBILE 8 cylinder, 7 passen ger; first-class condition. Will cou iBider small car on trade. Tel. 856 8655 pMeaSSaaaaaeS aawaawow ' mH' WANTED To Bqp 6 OR b-HUUiu uioUeri hoiuo ou goid termB. Phone 236. 8432 1 BUY Liberty bonds. J. J. Brummltt 2417 Hudson Ave. 26i8 ACCRUED int plus market price for liberty ponds doIU by J. A. Hogle & Co. 1441 WANTED Cattlo, one Lad or one carload. Call us and our buyer v"i come out and price your stok. Wes tern Live Stock Com. Co., J. A. Leo Mgr. Phone day 730, night Zili, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notlco is hereby given that Ogden City proposes to mako tho following public Improvement, to-wlt: Construct removable dam on Ogden river at Lorin Farr park, together with work Incidental thereto And sealed bids aro invited for said work and will bo received at the office of tho city re corder in tho City Hall at Ogden, Utah, until ten o'clock a. m., on tho 2nd day of September, 1919. Instruc tions to bidders, plana and specifica tions for said Improvement can be seen and examined at the office of the city engineer in tho City Hall of said city. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects. By order of tho Board of Commis sioners of Ogden City, Utah, this, the 5th day of August 1919. W. J. CR1TCHLOW, City Recorder. First publication, August 5, 1919. Last publication August 27, 1919. Published in Ogden Standard. Removable dam on Ogden river at Lorin Farr park. Claims His Wife Has Thrown Two Stove Lids at Him Abe Sheskins is seeking divorce from his wife, Alvina Sheskins, accord i mg to a complaint filed in district court yesterday. Complainant says that J his wife has been in the habit of treat ling his cruelly, throwing stove lids at him, mistreating their 2 year-old baby, selling his furniture, and ultimately abandoning him. The marriage took place in Ogden, October 30, 1916. uu The pesslmis'. who is always loolo lng for something to rail it can find It by looking in a mirror. LIKE THIS AVIATION COSTUME? j . . NEW YORK. Bit thin for 10.000 feet In the air. you'd ss.y to look at the costume of these fair maidens Well, may bo they didn't ato that high, but they did fly from Port Washington to Manhattan and return, with an airman all wrapped up in his aviation coat. Moreover, thctr pilot was Lieut. Walter Hlnton who piloted the NC4 overseas. Of course, they are Mack Sennett girls. Want their names? Virginia Fix and Jane Allen are tho names they gave the cameraman. Ouimet Risks His Health to Win Match And Is Sent to Bed PITTSBURG, Pa . Aug 18 Francis Ouimet of Woodland, risked his health today to struggle the thlrty-slxholv qualifying round of the National Am ateur Golf championship at the Oak mont couutr elub, in order that he would not lose the opportunity he has waited for more than four years an other chance to win the amateur cham I pionshlp. Ouimet was barred from amateur I golf in 1916 by the officials of the jtnited States Golf association who i ruled that ho was a professional be- Ln.n U n ko,l nlnr,l lntn tl,A -nr,r-t. lauow lie Ucin uutvitu iuiu tut' spui l-i lng goods business Later v. hen ho went into service, he was rSdnStStsd and this tOurnatnent IB the first op- c portunity he has had to regain tho J title ho once held The Boston golfer was forced to play In the rain most of the way. A num ber of times he swayed atir-r hitting his shots, and he was so weak on tho final nine holes of the afternoon playj' that he topped his tee shots at tho 13, j 14 and 18. But he finished the day with a medal score of 166. in a tie for , sixteenth place, with the thirty-two who will continue tomorrow in tne match play rounds Ouimet was attended b two physi cians after he completed his play ano was ordered to bed 1n the Oakmont clubhouse Physicians said that be was suffering from poisoned tonsds and that his back was exceedingly lame, Indicating that he had C&Uffht cold today There was a triple tie for the best medal at 16s between James S. Man Ion, the public links golfer from St Louis; Davidson HerrOIl of Oakmont and Paul Tewkesburg of Aronlmin Robert T. Jones. Jr. ol Atlanta, was In fourth place with 169. it required a score of 172 to qualify eight players taking part In a playoff for two places at that figure. The hopes of many golfers were washed away by the hard rain that fell. Anions those who failed was Ebert M. Byers, a former champion, who could do no better than 186 Th.? real upset occurred when Oswald Kirk by. the New York crack Rhot. came ; trudging homo in the wet with a card of 175, to find himself outside the fold. I Harry Lkk of Minnikhada, western umaleur championship, was just out side with 173. The parings for the first round of match play are such that if Evans beats Armstrong ami Ouimet beat? i iSSry in the first round, the two Stars will meet in tho second round Wednes day. Among those who qualified was Rudolph K Kneppei i Sioux City His M r ,1 Paring, upper half: ,f I rcore was 77-91-168. . " Jones vs. Manion; MarcUon vs, Rob- J t JHil ert Gardner; Newton vs. Knepper; -Crook-ton - Lon?, White s Hof !)''H ner. Bankhard vs Peacock, Traver3 vs. Waldo; Maxwell vs. Fownei. Lower half: Woolworth vs. Jacoby; Stearns VS! Bockencamp; W. H Gardner vs. Har rou: Anderson vs I'lntf; Dean Vs. a Tewkesburg; Evans vb. Armstrong; Ouimet vs. Clear. ANNOUNCEMENT J I I will not be responsible for bUlB contracted bv Mrs Clara Wood Dated j August 19, 1919. JOSEPH WOOD. i 8687 I r.rt A true genius is a man who, whpn" ' I I he accidentally says something good, can make his hearers believe It was llH I premeditated. . M GCV?G M- COAV fjfjj George M. Cohan, who Is a star I, Ot the stage and a manager oa well, has resigned from the Friars, of which he was one of the found ers and from the Lnmbs club and says he'll run an olovator bfora he'll give in to the strlkors. Fltchburg, Masa . whore Pat lan t saw dayUsht, is golrx H to celebrate away from home Aug. 20. Fitchburg en mosae (which means in a bunch and not In Massachusetts) will descend on Bwm Field Boston, and root loud and long for the Redlegs of Cincinnati. Fitchburg never thought much about Cincinnati one way or another until Pat Moran took up the big burden In the southern Ohio me- k tropolis. but they're for anything that will boost fcf. dl PWJjt in Redvllle where steona of other managers havo failed, will cerU nty boost Moran. It will make hlra tho modern miracle man. The last enthusiastic reports from Fitchburg said the . whole tWJ fijMj nd that shouldn't hurt the Boston magnate feelings for Htchburi h a bur of some 40,000 eouU. if H