Newspaper Page Text
1 J , 4 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1919. The Associated Press Is exclusively entlUed to the use for republication of all news credited to It not otherwise credited In tils paper and alao Lbi local new6 published herein. OUR GUEST TOMORROW. HI i TomoiTOW President Wilson will be in Ogden, and drive through the city, but will make no speech. Woodrow Wilson must be a man of powerful intellect. Let us say this much by way of impartial comment. Have you read what the special correspondents have written as to the impressions the man has made on his trip? He went into California, the home of Johnson, where the senator has been idolized and he tore down the Johnson ! standards by the power of his logic. He has even won over mem-1 bers of the co-workers of Lodge on the national executive committee,.! one woman member who had been scheduled for an anti-league speech completely reversing her position after hearing the President andl sending a message acknowledging her conversion. The President's triumph is recorded as extraordinary by newspa per correspondents who are cold and calculating in their analyses. So tomorrow we have with us not only the President of the United States, but a man of mental calibre with perhaps few equals. A young man was in Ogden this summer, the private secretary of a senator, and the editor put this question- What is the judgment in Washington on Woodrow Wilson? His answer was candid. He said- "His cabinet is not strong, but the President is recognized as tow ering above the senators in brain power, and, by pure mentality, he absolutely dominates." Allowing somewhat for the young man's political bias, because he is a Democrat, we still have isualized a leader of men who, though powerful influences would destroy, cannot be denied his place in world's history. We all stand ready to pay deference lo our President and to his mas terful mind. Even those who do not accept Woodrow Wilson's doc" trines must see in the man much to admire, and feel a pride in the ; knowledge of the fact that, out of our form of government, there i come human forces as commanding as a Lincoln, a Roosevelt or a Wil son, to be proudly compared with the crown heads of Europe, once so mighty, now so unimportant. Woodrow Wilson has written more changes into the boundaries and governments of nations than any man of the present or past. Such is the man we greet on tomorrow. THE AMERICANS AT CHATEAU THIERRY. ' In his history of the war, General Ludendorff attempts to minimize the fighting ability of the Americans, but constantly refers to his dis turbed state of mind in June of last year over the constantly increas ing army of Americans. . Ludendorff claims he did not aim to make the deep salient from the Aisne to the Marne, which brought him disaster and also declares his purpose in driving to the Marne was not primarily to reach Paris, but to force the allies to draw off troops from Flanders so that he might break through to the coast. ' In telling of the drive to the Marne, Ludendorff says: J "The center of the 7th army adanced to the south as far as the Marne. Its left wing and the right of the 1st army, which had, as intended, prolonged the attack on the left toward Rheims, pushed ahead between the Marne and the Vesle toward the wooded heights of Rheims, where they soon encountered re sistance too stiff to be overcome. "The right wing of the 7th army gained ground between the ( Aisne and the Marne, southwest of Soissons and as far as the eastern edge of the forest of Villers-Cotterets, and a captured Chateau Thierry. General Foch concentrated stiong reserves southwest of Rheims and near Soissons, with which he made fruit less counter-attacks which subsequently extended as far as Cha teau Thierry. (It was in these operations that the Americans stopped tlic advance on Paris and beat back the German tide.) "Early in June we stopped our advance. G. H. Q. did not in tend to attack further except between the Aisne and the Forest of Villers-Cotterets, southwest of Soissons. We wanted to gain more ground to the westward, on account of the railway which leads from the Aisne Valley east of Soissons into that of the Vesle, and affords tactical support to the attack of the 18th army on the line Montdidier-Noyon. "In spite a few unavoidable temporary crises, our troops re mained masters of the situation both in attack and defense. They proved themselves superior to both the English and the French, even .when their opponents were assisted by tanks. At Chateau Thierry, Americans who had been a long time in France had bravely attacked our thinly-held fronts; but they were unskilful ly led. attacked in dense masses, and failed. Here, too, our men felt themselves superior.'' Ludendorff undoubtedly misrepresents the situation at Chateau Thierry. If there was any one form of attack Americans were taught 1 1 GIRLS I WOMEN We need about fifty more girls in our overall factory to learn the trade. We are going to move into a new I daylight factory soon and we want experienced operators I to start it out. COME IN NOW! DONT PUT IT OFF. I Wages are exceptionally high. You will earn more I j; "nonev than ever before. Why not take home a few I j , more dollars each week? We pay you while you learn. I Apply I John Seowcroft & I Sons Co. to avoid it was dense masses. Our whole army training has been skir mish line, a movement which was developed in the United States. At Chateau Thierry parts of two American divisions, numbering ap proximately 40.000 men, met and defeated six German divisions, es timated at 10,000 each. The Germans at the time were at the height iof victory and filled with the fever of conquest, but when they met the Americans, they came to a dead halt and then were forced back. Tins feat of American arms marked the turning point in the war. It was the first bright day of the entire summer for -the allies, and the day after The Standard said Chateau Thierry would be historic. CONSTITUTION 0 UNITED STATES. Last Wednesday was observed as "Constitution Day"' and as a re sult many opimonf on the great American document were published, but none of the comments were more frankly stated than the follow ing in the New; York World: The constitution of the United States is a great and venerable document, but we know of no particular reason why it should be erected into a theology, or why anybody who finds fault with it should be branded as a political heretic, according to the gospel of some of its vehement champions. Wc know much more abou. the constitution of the United States than the men did who adopted it in convention I 32 years ago today, because we have had the experience of those 1 32 years and accordingly have earned the right to criticise it. Since they framed it there have been eighteen amendments, and a nineteenth is now pending before the legislatures of the several slates. Of those amendments two have been null l fied in their entirety and another has been nullified in part. Although the fifteenth amendment was ratified nearly fifty years ago, the right of citizens of the United States to vote is still d(?niecj on account of race and color. Congress has never lilted a finger to enforce the reduction in representation pro vided for by the fourteenth amendment when the right to vote is denied. The constitutional method of electing the president of the United States has been ignored for a hundred years. The method that is now in force is wholly extra'constitutional. and the electoral college in practice merely registers the popular vote in the several states on nominations made by national conven tions which have neither constitutional nor legal standing. The most extraordinary fact in this connection is that no presidential elector has ever asscited his icgal authority and been false to his 1 1J1UI dl 11 UM. On the gravest domestic issue that has arisen in the history of the country no solution could be found in the constitution, and a distracted people finally resorted to civil war. The failure to provide any means of settling a contested presidential elec tion all but led to another civil war in 1876. The original pur pose of the constitution to establish a government of three inde pendent, co-ordinate branches long ago broke down. From the very outset, the president was forced by circumstances to be come the leader of his party, and this position of leadership made him the initiator of legislation. In times of crisis, practically all legislation originates not in congress but in the executive, and the president has come to be a prime minister as well as a president, without the direct responsibility of a prime minister to parliament and people. While the federal courts are still nominally independent, they exercise powers that were not expressly delegated to them by the constitution but w hich are held by their own assertion of inherent powers, and because of this power of life and death over legis 1 lation, every president appoints judges who for the most part are in sympathy with the general policies of his party and his ad mniisiralion. Nobody could be more astonished than the fathers if they could see how their constitution had worked out in practice. It is doubtful if they would recognize it as their child. Yet the fact remains that under this charter of government, in spite of all its numerous defects, the American people have achieved a most extraordinary political, economic, industrial and financial development. The troubles that they have had under it have been due chiefly lo their own impulsiveness, their own impa tience and their own folly, and against stupidity the gods will continue to battle in vain regardless of constitutions. There is no substitute for that "organized self-control" which Mr. Root once said was the essence of popular government. If the American people keep then heads, if they cling steadfastly to their great traditions, their constitution will always be found workable. If they do not keep their heads, no constitution can save them, and that is the lesson of today's celebrat'on. Misrepresented 6. H. Roberts in Editorial Comment September 19, 1919. Editor of The Standard; As i did nm SSS In your last nlRht's paper rhal I lencc of the statement h made in ihe 'editorial of Thursday morning! Kxara-, iner I am enclosing you berewlU) & ropy of a letter that I am v. r it i n i? to tne editor of the Examiner, and re i quest that you publish same In the col umns of vour paper. Yours vrrv truly (Siffnpd) H. M. MONSON. Editor of th Examiner: It is hard to Imagine a more flagrant distortion of truth than appeared In the editorial page of your Thurs day morning paper. If you heard Mr. Roberts in his tabernacle address last Tuesday evening, you should know as every one Hse who heard him knows, that he did not say that Great Brit ain had but on" vote in the league of nations. If you did not hear him, ou .-bould be careful what you say for fear of fntelllceni peo ple thinking that your purpose was to deceive and mislead instead of to inform, as should be the purpose of every good newspaper. I If you have read the league ) covenant you should know, as I know and as every other American citizen who has read it knows, that the covenant provides for an as sembly, whose powers are limited to discussion of questions that may come before It and a council which Is the executive body of the league. When Mr. Roberts exclaimed that Great Britain was enttiled to only one vote, he referred to the council and explained that while votos in the assembly where qu'v tions were freely discussed a.i suitable or unsuitable for deCOia mendation to the league and its members, she had but one vote in the council which has the exclu 1 alve right of aetl04 for the league. The last paragraph of Article 4 reads as follows; "At meetings of the council each member of the league represented in the council shall have but one vote, and may have not more than one representative " Did you not know that this was nnr of the provisions ol the cove nant? If not, what business have 3 nu pretending to instruct in in telligent publi- in regard to it f if you did know that this was one of its provisions, why did you make such an attempt to garble tho question ss to quote a provision regarding the assembly as apply ing to a statement made b Mr. Roberts r warding the council? Mr. Roberts told his audience e en more plainly than you did that the covenant provides for six otcs for Grat Britain and her col onies in Ibe assembK. and there was no occasion for misun derstanding him. If you know what he said, your editorial re ferred to can have but one interpretation- that Jt was a willful at tempt to mislead the people who have enough confidence In you to read your paper. If you do not know what Mr. Three Injured in ! Automobile Crash In Salt Lake SALT LAKE. Sept. 22 When th-jr ; motorcycle and sidecar was struck : yesterday afternoon by an automobile ! snid by the police to have hern driven 1 by G. R Peterson and owned bv A. M. Jensen of Silver City, at the june 1 lion of Fostofficc plaee and Miin street, R. H Sargant, 33 years of age, living at the Lenox hotel, sustained a compound fracture and dislocation at the wrist of his left forearm, nn I Thomas O'Menra, 25 years of age, -iio registered at the Lenox hotel, re ceived numerous body bruises and abrasions Elswortb Jeffs, 13 years ol age, 1034 Euclid avenue, also an oc cupant of the sidecar, sustained bruiser and abrasions on his le-s Aeenrdlng to the police, the Gycls and sidecar, piloted by Sargant, was cning south on Main street - neared Postoffico place the automo bile, driven by Peterson, appeared sud denly going east Not seeing the on j coming machine because his view was obstructed by another automobile po 1 Ing Boutb on Main street, S&rganl ion jfinued on his way and his vehicle v .- struck on the si'do by tho machine driven by Peterson, the police sa; When the collision occurred, wit nesses say. the occupants of the side ear were thrown several feet into he air by the impact The injujred per sons were taken to tho emergency ft' . pltal for first-aid treatment. Sargant, tho driver of the motorcycle and side car, was removed to the St Mark's hospital. The others were taken to iheir homes Plain-clothes-man J H Clavlon. Jr., investigated the . ccid ut, ' It's a riot "Bear Cat" and i "Rowdy Ann." Last time to day. Schedule 1 p. m. today. Each show two hours. 6c, 15c, 20c. Alhambra. I of) Why Sailors Are Tattooed Is Explained Lieutenant Commander Richard Mann, of the T s. navy, who was an Ogden visntor a short time ago, com municates the following interesting in formation which will be eagerly read by many boys and young men as to a ustom in ihe navy, and amon si going men generally, the cause tor which is not widely knovn: ' Since being in Sail Lake City many people have asked me why sailors are tattooed. I therefore compile this story for you "The old time sailor man is the most superstition person in the world He travels in all ports and visits all kinds of st ranee supersti tious people, it is natural, therefore, that he should be affected by their j strange and superstitious customs. "Among tho oldest practices by sai age people Is that of tattooing Tat tooing iates back to the tlmfj or the cave dwellers and is practiced bv the North and South American Indians, t'hinese, Japanese, and Burmese, it js' sometimes used to distinguish differ ent religious beliefs The Arab tooed their infants in order that they j might be easily recognized and not confused with other ehildren. Th El klmo if not tattooed is regarded b I the rest of his tribe as risking Ins1 .happiness In ihe future world. In the' Samonn islands the native who is tat tooed the most is considered the most beautiful in Polynesia and in then I Marquesas group of islands nu n tat-' I tooed themselyei all over From the age of twelve jreaja and nvr r with all' designs which take them fn-m tlir-.- to six months to complete, in New Zea land the lace is tattooed In the Solo-1 mon islands a girl cannot be married until she has her face and chest tat tooed' The same custom holds good I in the FYrmosas. In the South sea llslandl all the natives are tattooed ex cept the priests. The sear tattooing is' used by the South sea Islanders to de-j note rank "The old time sailor believes that If1 Roberts said, better find out before attempting to criticize his state ments. No, the document Itself does NOT refute Mr Roberts' state ment and you know II if you don't know it you bad better read It for the purpose of finding out what it contains, instead of for tho purpose of distorting and gar bling to meet the partisan ends of it opponents. If such distortion of truth Is your only defense for your objection to thet league of nations, the people will ?n,,n be able to see that sneh tactics alonl furnish the best of arguments agaiusl the soundness of the position of tho It ague i , n n i - I would like, this to reaeh ay 0X7 rr er of your puper who read your edi torial referrod to above, and In the In terest of fairness ask that you publish it in an early issue of your paper. I -hall take the liberty of giving It to the Standard for publication also so that every one who board Mr. Rob erts will know that such mis-sthte-ments as you made cannot go unchal longf d Yours very truly, I (Signed) H. M. MONSON. ! McLaren - goode co. Certified public accountants of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Salt Lake, announce that they will shortly open an office at Ogden, Utah, under the style and address of McLaren - goode co. i ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS David Eccles Bldg. Ogden, Utah. 1 iORPHLUM -TodaTH Hundreds turned away at Sunday shows. g 1 THREE DAYS MORE i Now in Pictures ! P ft THE WORLD'S GREATEST STORY PHOTOPLAY I l&fegS MOST POPULAR AMffilCAN NOVELj 1 0UNG MATT tfS ffc ll sOFTP By fpjl HHarold Bell Wright IJpWi I i xw' I I SAMMY LANE. Screen Time Today, 2:30, 6:45 and 9:15 p. m. B Matinee Prices 25c and 35c. j Night Prices 35c and 50c. War Tax Paid. h N"OT"E Special Children's Matinee Tuesday and " Wednesday at 4 p, m. , s " " l j Press notices tVomfteoi critics s 9 of the debut of Margaret Romaine I in the Metropolitan Opera: i The New York Times said: She is young, good looking and temperamental. Her mimicry is dynamic, to put it mildly. Her audience rose to the compelling volition of the fiery lady and Miss Romaine made the hit of the evening. in The World aid: The American girl (Miss Ro maine) was the first Musetta offc d in several seasons who did justice either to music or character. Wednesday evening, Sept. 24, at 8:30 o'clock, in the Tabernacle, the City Federation of Women's Clubs presents MARGARET ROMAINE in concert. lif has a plR tattpoed on his left foot he will never die from drowning. "The principal designs fnunrl on the (American sailor loday arc: Birds, anl 'mals, grotesque figures, butterflies. ! stars, sailor's head, eagle and shield, land sometimes tombstone with thi 'words "Sacred lo the rnerupry of my ' mother" on his arm "The tattooer can easily tattoo the back In a day, and it is very painful, requiring from a week to ten days to 'heal permanently Several fmc BSW ! lug needles placed together are prin cipally used to prick the skin and vu- rious colors, such as black, red, yel low and green are inserted between i the outer and inner skins. Tattooing Is very difficult to remove and a de- sign can usually only be obliterated surcharging! that is. by tat'noinfffij n- pattern over another, as cov ring C B srnull design by a large red rose. J Th- tsttQped borny handed old sail, j L' with hie rolling gait has h. en rephicdHj H in l;ite . us in mir navy by the alerfl I youn oi traveling and to world I . fun i filing down. K The old time sailor with his tattroingJ W v. Ill m llv on! in mnr r.0ng with the dodo and the auk It's a riot "Bear Cat" andl "Rowdy Ann." Last time to-lje day. Schedule 1 p. m. today. IV Each show two hours. 6c, 15c, jjf 20c. Alhambra. ESTABLISHED 875 KNOWN 4fa VORtr OVCIl j i tvEnXTHING FOfX E v E r v SPOILT for cvrev scason 1 1 AH Records Look Alike and faithfulness all its I own. I In Is Your Phonograph a Brunswick? U Perhaps you already have a phonograph, but unless it's a I j Brunswick we are certain you have not realized the com- IS plete enjoyment to be derived from instruments of this sort. "n We are so confident of your approval of the Brunswick mik that we invite you to come to our store any day and ask Pj 10 u us to play any record for you. In that way. you can judge I Hi for yourself the particular merits of this wonderful. I 1 coun1 instrument, 3-451 HUDSON AVE rowt FOUR FIV'L 3 EvcnvriiiNc ron eveny sroqr ron evercv scv&Q 1 U5 ,