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'1 p ,) Woman's Page 8 Dorothy DiPfhlkV ,JJ WIFE OR CHILDREN lilt D0RTIIY DIX' th Woild'8 H,ehost paid Woman Writer j A favorite subject of discussion in 8( .purine societies used to be: Should i a man save his wife or his mother, if I both were drowning and he could only , I , u- one ' W An equally interesting question is I vhetber a man owes a greater duty W 10 hi? wife or hiF' children i I ' Tbls problem has been poignantly J j,n(j dranir:: ioili jui b' fnr us b the I Chicago man who recently ehosi death HI with hi wif'"" rather ihan life without Hlf her leaving three poor helpless little i children to their fate. Ml Thj., devoted husband was crossing l HI raiiroail uth his wife in' (roni ol a fa i express train Through W I -onie accident the woman's foot be- 1 ranif ucdeed between two planks so V!lf ,:. it couhl net be ir.r ;ied Si i n cr I ihat ber doom was sealed, the man I I. . ,epped in front of the fast coming irwin. threw his arms about his wife, I I :'n, with her clasped in nis arms they I were both hurled iuto eternity In its splendid heroism, in its proof) E of a lev so crrat that it counted no J jvi f0St, in Us fhivalr, the deed belong.-, I :unrc to tlx r. Im of romance than this I sordid and practical world, but for all' I I , if that mans .if i was a crime, a glo-1 nous frinu- Ihat makes one think bet uv hut still a crime for there are :jnus nln n the hand and not the heart ) must determine the right or wrong, r( fir act ion Oreal as is a man'a duty to his wife, j. jt seems to me. thai it does not com Enare for an instant with his duty lo his i children and that if there comes a I time when we must sacrifice one or I, the other, it is the wife who should1! Wbe ihe victim, not the children Every marriage is a contract into j f which two adult people enter of their,, own free will and accord Thev chose I 90s ,ach other. The, assume certain obll L nations towards each other True thej , ,rr mere or less in each other's pow r , tmL , nd their happiness and well being lie nil U lw.r-o 1-, -i rwl o K.i t Ihn acociiki, I HID ram uwi o ' bmhiw thl of the whole relai ion.-hip is that It Is KvoluntarN ' It was not forced upon them nor are thev powerless if either one defaults' j nr if either one desires to break up I I ihe arrangement. 1 Cut when a man brings children into , Ihe world he give-; hostages to fate Il has assumed an obligation thai pnlj death can end He has thrust life upoD I ihetn He has brought them, without j i h e i r desire into the world, and it ic his supreme dui to rare for them, h nd protect thein and to fit them as well as it is in his pow er, to make good land useful men and womi n Children have a right to look to their father for food for clothes, for educa tion, for a decern nvlronment in1 ' I which to grow up, for love and tender ! ness and protection and if he does not. 1 ghe them ihi- he has defrauded them' out el their birthright His debt to ihem is a debt of honor that he should! be all 'he more punctilious about paj -i ing because their hand?, are too weak Ml to collect it l Therefore, at its highest, a man is m w- ! "Won't you stay for " tea? I've just got some perfectly delicious tea, and I want you to try it." 'What's the name of it?" "Schilling's". "Why that's the veiy kind Fred brought home r last night comes in a red I package, doesn't it? We're crazy about it." There arc four flavor pf Schilling Tea- I apan, C eylon - India, Oolong, English BreakfaM.' All one quality la parchmyndined moisture proof package!. At grocers everywhere. A Scltiliticr & Co San Francisco j 4 BUSINESS MEN SHOULD CONSIDER Ji the advantages accru- jj mQ from having an ac- S? count with the Commer W cial National Bank X I which makes It a point A to extend to its deposit KM ors valuable banking 5 X service. Checking ac- & H counts are solicited. HCoMiiEaciAi m 1 1 i :only partially responsible for his wife's I ; well being, but he is wholly responsi ble for his children, and if he must 'i ChoSe between them the children .should have the preferenc. Thev should ' have the best. It is this right of the children to be .considered above one's own individual inclination That Is the chief objection to divorce No one can argue that mo ralit is served by a man and woman living together who have ceased lo love each other, and who bicker and (quarrel and brine out all the worst ! that is in eac h other s natures But dhorce means the breaking up of a home generally the removal of jfhe children lrom their father's care and influence, and i often happens that woman who Is a poor wife is a good mother. In such cases it is )nariab! the father's duly to put his chlldrt n's food above his own. and for the sake of 'keeping them together, and throwing J about them the restraints of p home, ,to sacrifice himself for their welfare I b enduring a wretched marriage. It Is to be regietted thnt so min ( men take their duties to their children very llghtl Thev seem, somehow, to dump the w hole burden of parental re sponsibilitv upon the shoulders of their i wives, and to feel Ihat they have dono j 'heir share when they pay the chil I dren's bills It is cry seldom that you see a man who thinks about the subject enough j to realize that sometimes a man must decide between his w f ie and children , and must even protect the children from their mother. As, for instance in a case where a wife must be denied luxuries that her extravagant taste raves in order that the money may be1 saved to send the boys to collpge or j where a child should be removed frmi ihe care of a sill) and doting mother who is ruining its whole life by inju dicious indulgences. That a man is apt lo care more for his wife than he does for his chil dren is amply proven in the fact that second wives almost invariably wrap their husbands around their fingers, and if they ore selfish and jealous wo men can even induce their husbands to be hard and cruel to their own chil dren. It Is no uncommon thins to seu a man's second wife and children li-j ing in )uxur while his first children are struggling along in poverty, and it Is a matter of common observation that the second set of children are 1 nearly always given better opportuni ties than the first children had. and: inherit the bulk of the fortune when their father dies. So it would seem that while a man's first duty is to his children it is a deb? i ihat he very often repudiates. And In this men differ from women, because the great majority of women pul their children first and their husbands sec ond, while men reverse the place- oo STEEL STRIKE ; IS NOW ON (Continued Prom Page ) PITTSBURG. Pa., Sept 22 - The Carnegie Steel eomanpy did not issue a formal statement, but gave out lor publication information which it was announced came to the offices here from superintendents of various plants. At Homestead, where the company's 'largest works are located, the Carne gie representatives said, whole depart ments are in operation with some n. n absenl Blast furnaces were banked (The same situation was reported at the company' s works at Braddock. At I'uquesne. the company said Its infoi i mation was that the works were m IPnj per cent operation. The Carrie furnaces of the. Carne ' sle company at Rajikin were reported I to the offices here as not operating full, approximately 15 per cent ol the men remaining away. t Clairton, where the Carnegie i product coke works are located and where the Pennsylvania state poliee j clashed yesterday w ith a crowd of linen, the situation was reported worse Ithan at u.nv other plan heard lrom I by t he com pany At New Castle, the Carnegie Poll ing mills blast furnaces were reported , f n good shape w ith one furnace bank (down and with all the men concentrat , ed on the the furnaces All ihe plants of the Carnegie com pan) within the clt) Ol Pittsburg were reported to the company as opera1 ins ; close to 1A0 per c ni Foreigners arc Men Who Strike Summing up, ihe representative of !the company said 'the situation might have been worse" He said that in all plants where men failed to report thej were nearly all foreigner- Mr. Foster, in his review 1 1 1 Hi' sit uation from his early reports, said he iwas agreeably surprised at the num ber of men out. It will be two days jbeforn the lull weight of the Btrike j win be felt," he sa id He disputed Ihe information given out by the Cai aegle companj ami said that Hom Btead and Braddock were in bad shape " Mr Foster said his reports showed' that the Carnegie plants at Donora and Moneasen were complete! shut down, a total of three nu n reporting for work in the two places. Representatives of the Jones and ( Laughlln Steel company reported that all the plants of the compain are work ing 100 per cent. From labor, corporation and police sources camu the information that i there was no trouble reported ftnj where in the Pittsburg district during the early hours of the strike. PUEBLO. Colo , Sept. 22 Two hun dred men were pulling the fires in the Minnequa plant of th Colorado Fuel C lion company here this morning, preparatory to u complete shut-dov n of the plant where 6,000 men are em ployed, according to an announcement from J. F. Welborn, president of th company, who said that until a suffi- fruity flavored POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL "alivays fresh" Servo It With All Your Salads Sold Everywhere i i cien'. force of men was secured no of fort would be made to operate Pickets have been stationed by the union at all approaches to the steel Works. These men are unarmed. The company is not employing ex ra (guards, the regular force of watchmen i being deemed sufficient to run the I plant. Unicn Sailors Quit. CLEVELAND, O.. Sept. 22 Accord ing to an official of the Lake Seamen's union, union sailors at thU port this morning quit several steel corpora tion freighters at the docks, refusing to work on the boats. He would give no estimate of the number of men out COLORADO FUEL & IRON CLOSES DENVER, Colo., Sept. 22 The ste. ; pl mi ' t the Colorado Fuel & iron com pan at Pueblo closed this morning as a result of the strike of workers, ac cording lo a statement issued at the Offices of the company here. Not enough men reported to opcrate the plant, it was said. Gompcrs Makes No Statement. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 Officials cf the American Federation of Labor raid today no reports were being re ceived on the progress of the trik of steel workers ever the coun'ry PreSidenl Gompert announced that h had no statement to make on t he i strike for the present. All Gary Mills Operating. GARY. Ind . s pt 22 -All mills In I the Gary district were operating this morning, the opening clay of the na j 'lion-wide strike of steel workers The' 'forces at all plants, however, were ma-1 Jterially reduced in number Three : ! thousand men of Ihe da shift of 8000 1 had reported for work at 7 o'clock, according to operating officials. It ' I was said that virtually all the Ameri can born employes had remained at! 1 work Early this morning an official of the steel corporation announced in all of, the subsidiary plants here, one-third of the regular force had reported by that time while in the tin mills, the per i . niae was mm h larger I n:on lalmr leadi rs art confident (hat not more than 10 per cent of the regular em-1 ployes had reported for work Al though picketing Is active in all sec tions leading to the mills, the crowds are oraeny and there has been no trouble. Mayor William F Hodges, appearing Up ui the scene at 6 o'clock this morn ing. assumed personal charge ol police supervision "Keep ihe crowds mov ing" was the gist of his order. "Lon't iei anybody congregate. Be courteous but firm." In spite of the orders of the inferna tional body not to strike, the steam and I operating engineers, upon whom the movement of material inside the mill depends, went out today. Mill officials j claim enough non union men are left in this department to operate, however. Gary Refuses to Comment. NEW YORK, Sept. 22 Elbert H I Gary, chairman of the board of direc tors of the United States Steel corpo ' ration, declined to comment on the steel strike today. He came to his office at about 10 30 o'clock, his usual hour. STEIBENVILLE. O., Sept. 22. 'The only plant in this district in op eration is the WIerton Steel plant at ' Wierton. W. Va., which was operating ' nine ty per cent. LORRAINE, o. sept. 22. Officials of steel plants here and in Elyria an nounced that their mills opened as J usual this morning with practically all of their men working. WILMINGTON, Del . Sept 22 Re ports from all the steel plants in Wil mington and vicinity showed that all workmen reported lor work as usual this morning. There was no indication j of a strike. uu MEN'S HEADS CLUBBED. PITTSBURG, Pa . Sept 22 Several I men had their heads clubbed and I twenty arrests were made today in 1 the borough of Clairton when the Penns) 1 1 anla si it'- polii e had anol hi r brush with crowds that refused to dis j perse. Several shots were fired by each side, according to Clairton po- lice headquarters If you are suffering bom skin trouble and have tried various treatments with out success don't be discuuraged, Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap bring speedy relief from eczema and other itching or embarrassing eruptions, and usually succeed in making the skin clear and healthy again. Ycvor droggiM Cirrifi Knalnnl Ointmest f4 ttsiul o4?- Try thm I 9 HEBER J. fiRANT DECLARES MORMON DOCTRINE IS !N FAVOR OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS ; SALT LAKE, Sept 22 'The posi tinn of the Church nf Jesus Christ ! Latter-day Saints Is that the standard works of the church are not opposed to the league of nations." declared I President Heber J. Grant, in a stirrint address delivered at the afternoon sea sion of the Salt Lake stake Quarterly conference held yesterday in the tab ernacle. President Grant urged the ratifica tion of the peace treaty and the league of nations without reservations. He said it could not he chanced without submitting it again to Germany, and. lo his mind, thnt would be a calamity Among those present on, the ros trum were President Charles W. Pen rose, Bishop Charles W N'ible . An hon W. Ivins and Melvin J Ballard of the council of twelve; President Nephi L. Morris and counselors and high councillors of the Salt Lake stake "Before speaking today on matters pertaining to our faith, I desire to make a little statement," President Grant said. I have been requested b; word of mouth and by letter, on more than one occasion, to state my opinion regard ing the league of nations I received a telegram asking me io join ex-Presl-denl Taft ex Attorney General Wick ersham, President Lowell of Harvard and othc r leading Americans in sign ing the following manifesto In the senate at Washington, now thai the committee on torein rcla i am - has reported th.. treats hi line. an Sharply drawn between the imme diate ratification of the treaty of peaer with Germany, and its amend men! with a re-assemblint of the con ference and a reopening of negotia tions that would bring great delay and prolonged uncertainty in settling th" sreat issues of the peace. No parti 1 san plea can be made. Party 1 i n J are alredy broken Ratification as Immediate Need. "'Standing at a distance from the conflict in the senate chamber, we plead for immediate ratification with out delay Our land requires i' A state rd nervous strain, tension and unrest exists, manifesting itsetf in disturbances which in some cases have no self evident connection with, the war but which are in fact its af termath. The world is put in Immi nent peril of new wars by the lapse, ot each day. Dissensions between us' and our former allies are being sown,; We firmly believe and solemnly de-' clare that the states and cities in which we dwell desire immediate peace ' 'The waging nf war steadied and united the Americ an people. Peace I will bring prosperity, and prosoerit content. Delay in the senate postpon ing ratification in this uncertatin, period of neither peace nor war has resulted in indecision and doubt, bred strifn and quickened the cupidity of those who sell the dail) necessities of life and the fears of those whose daily wage no longer fills the daily 1 market basket. " We beseech the senate to give the land nMM and pprlainlv hv a rat-1 Iflcation w huh will not keep us longer in the shadows of possible war, but give the whole world the light of peace. Reservations in the nature of -lari jflcatlons in the meaning of the treaty, 'not inconsistent with its terms, will not require the reopening of the nego tiations with Germany and with our : associates in the war. which we all and each united to win " But there Is no possibility of doubt ihat amendment of the treats as Is now proposed b the senate com mittee on foreign relations, would re ( quire negotiation and a reopening of 'all the questions decided at Paris .Months of dola would follow. The perils of the present would become the 'deadly dangers of the near future AH the doubt engendered would aid the i plots for violent revolution in this and other lands The issues here and elsewhere betwei n capital and labor, the conspiracy of speculator and prof Iteer. would all grow, and be ome more perilous. " This cannot be. The American people cannot, after a victorious war, nermit its government to petition Ger many, which has accepted the treaty, 'for its consent to changes in t'.u treaty Vet if the United States : hould amend the treaty tor its own purpose ami policy, Germany would ,have full right to ask for concessions. Germany lias agreed to make no claim in regard to enemv property seized in this country to an amount of (700,000, '000. Our recent foe could ask fo.- a reopening of this issue and of the Lu<ania claims I could raise every jquestlon open before hostilities in re- igard to BUbmarlnt warfare and the treatment of its nationals in this coun try. All the provisions for our trade in Germany raised by the economic 'clauses of the treaty, many of them vital to our industries and our farms. I ps in dye patents, dye supplies and fer tilizers, the working of the reparation commission which superintends U H j trade of all with Germany could all be brought up by Berlin foj readjustment by our negotiators, acting for the l ulled States alone and no longer as sociated with other victorious powers or supported b a victorious Ame:l can army on the German border " 'Peace itself, the peace of the world. Is delayed until ralifica'iou come.-: And any amendment post pones peace. Germany and England Ldone o the principal powers hae ratified. The other principals nece sarll await our action, Influential and I powerful as we are today in the world's affairs. The ravages of war on more than a score of fighting fronts are continued b an) needless delay. Lei the senate pive the world peace by latlflcatlon without amendment. Sbantung Clause Defended. " Even the amendment lor which most can be said, the provision in rc gard to Shantung will secure nothing which cannot be gained it t'hiua.J backed by the powerful advocacy of the United States, addresses itself to the machinery for righting interna-! tional wrongs and meeting just claims I Created by the league between nations china, after 80 years of oppressive treaties and despoiled right.-. b which all ihe great powers have profited di rectly or indirectly, has for the first time, in this covenant and treaty, the means and method to secure justice and the removal of the oppressive )i onomlc interference of stronger na Ions whose citizens are within her 'ates, protected by a long succession f international agreements More ver, it should be remembered that !he clause regarding Shantung was mn.; upon the statement M Japan that she will return the territor to Qhina, and therefore upon that condition; eomr.l' . nee with which promise the league can require The peace of the present and the righteousness of the future can be best tsecuied by the ratification of the co e j nam and treaty w ithout amendment Let the Benal take no action that will give any party to the treaty, and espe cially Germany, ground lor maintain ing that the ratification of the United ! States is not complete and th..t changes requiring a resumption of conference and negotiations have ben made in i! . Church Works Not Opposed. President Grant said that he replied as follows- " 'I have pleasure in joining ex-Prrs-Ident Taft and other leading Ameri cana in signing manifesto as outllr.ed In your telegram of yesterday.' "The sentiments contained in the I above manifesto express m personal position with regard to the league of Inations and since signing the tele gram I have neither heard nor rad of I anything thai has in any degree changed my position on this very i:n I portant quest ion i regret exceedingly that the stand lard works of the Church of Jesus I Christ of Latter Day Saints have been I brought into controversy which has I now become practically a partisan con tTOVersy. It Is m opinion that this j important question ought to have been kept absolutely out of politics. "On one important matter I deirc to place the position of the Church of h sua Christ of l atter Day Saints f ir ly before the people An Illustrated handbill has been circulated and has been widely republished in newspaper under the heading: 'Mormon bible prophecies become issue in opposition to league of nations ' The position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is that the standard works uf the church are not opposed to the league of nations. "As stated in what I have read to, ou I regret exceedingly that this! great and important question has be-' come a political Issue and I desire to ash each and all of the members of i the church that I have the honor to I I'm Ide over, in all controversy in con nection with this great issue, that they express themselves as to their! irjews with due deference to the opin ions of others. "I regret exceedingly ihat in politi i al controversies men seem to lack that courtesy and that respect for their opponents Ihat I believe all Latter-day Saints ought to have, I hae neer yet heard a Democrat make al political speech that I felt was fair lo the Republii an.- Being a I ' mo crat, I won't say anything of what I think of the speeches of Republicans ' regarding Democrats. Now It is aj : blind, and some people have added, 'and cannot smell.' And I have some times thought that both statements were true, and from my own personal 'contact with Republicans and Demo crats I have not been able to dis- j cover that, what you might call char it if you like, for the opinions of ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk For Infants and Invalids Avoid imitations and Sabatitat 1 I jpigl FURNITURE CO. jl 5 H 1! 50 Hours on One Charge lif I 4 of Soft Coal I j Xn gh t-hoiir 1 av i j Lteoa1a)R buckling ring, tight ash j in box doors and hot U m blast attachment that make the Estate Oak perma- B IH nently air tight and easy, simple and economical j j You will find that it will pay you most decidedly I III to come in early while the selection is good. Set ; ift up your heater now and be ready for the first drisly m evening for the first icy morning. Our moderate HI prices give you great heater value. ! LIBERAL TERMS OF CREDIT jjS jLa Seas t others, that oppose them politically, that I see existing among our people. I am a thorough convert my&elf to the idea that it is not possible for all men to see alike, knowing the re mark that was made b a man once, He said, "It is :i splendid thing that we don't all see alike, because if we did everybody would want to marrj my Sally Ann,' and the other man re marked, 'Yes. thank the Lord, if every body saw your Sally Ann as I sec her nobody on earth would have her and she would die an old maid.' League Means Peace. "I am a thorough convert in my feel ings that the great nations of Eng land, France and the United States have common aims common desires and common objects, and that a league in which those three nations are combined means peace as far as we weak mortals can gain it for the benefit of mankind The C000 miles of border between the United States and Canada, maintained for over a hundred jears without the sligntest trouble, without any great forts such as thev have had to have between Germany and France and other Euro pean countries, gives me absolute as surance in my heart that Great Brit- Io i u iiuu nil ouijri-ia uaic :i . aiu1 desires for the welfare of mankind .and for the liberty of mankind that jwe here in the United States have. ' 1 believe that but for the fact of! 'our joining in the controversy !n the great war Germany would have con-i quered France and Great Britain, and immediately thereafter would hve I picked a quarrel with the United j States and tried to conquer tliis eoun- try. In a little speech of ten minutes, the limit given to me. when, as chair (man representing you for the state of I tah in selling Liberty bonds, I i was attending a banquet in San Fran j Cisco. 1 announced that we were sure: to win the war, that tnere was no1 doubt of It in my mind, absolutely; none, because I accepted the etate- Fire Insurance Charles Eisenberg. Phono 1859-J. Lalendonian and Alichigau Lummcrcial oioxidaxd Insurance. 1675 Hay and Grain Hay, gram and poultry feed. BeU Frva., 81 Xweiuj-Lhiru. Uuon -o4i. flu es, Wools, Fur O. M. Runyan, 2269 Will avenue, taji lop priceu. i'hon 781-YY. 15Jb junk and Hides Western Hide & Junlr Con 2223 Vashuigion Ave. Ubonc 861. Ugden Junk House, WasLungiuD A e. 1'hono 210. fLey Fitting Key fitting and iock repairing. Hud son Repair Shop, 216'J Hudson. 3197 Life Insurance W. C. Stewart, special representative of the New York Life insurance Co. 44 Lewis bids Rhone 727. 3463 tYladame Capiau Gown Shop Fancy buttons, hemstitching, piquot 10c a yard. Third floor, W. H. right & Sons. 'tJ 11 Money to Loan I Money to loan on improved real es tate. Kelly Herrick. 2145 New and Second Hand Furniture New and second hand goods nought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for second hand furniture Trunks and suit cases a specialty. Sin.j: Trunk & Furniture Store, 241 Twenty fifth Btrjet Rhone 1821. Painting I'aper cleaning and tinting. New Wil kinson. Address Rear 738 Twenty-sixth street. Rhone 1&20 J. 2457 Read the Classified Ads. CnlJ on J. J. Brummitt a! 2417 Hudson avenue, if you want to sell your Liberty bondt. Phone 59. . ( I ment of an inspired prophet of the liv ing God that resided hundreds of years ago on this continent; that if. was a land choice above all other lands, and that no king should ru'.e in this land. Changes Mean Calamity. "Therefore. I had no fear of Ger many or any other country conquering these United States of America, none whatever But if Germany had con quered France and England, which I j believe she would have done but for our help, instead of less than a hun dred thousand of our boys slain, there would have been hundreds and hun dreds of thousnds who would have I M 'fl fallen before we had won the victory j I believe in mv heart that it is our dut to stand by those nations that J stood the brunt of the battle and that saved the lives, perhaps, of millions of our boys. "I am not saying that I would not be delighted if the terms o fthe league ll of nations, this covenant of peace, could be changed some; but they can- not be changed without submitting it again to Germany, and, to my mind, i that would be a calamity." POISON OAK Wash with weak sol u- Ml tion of b'.uo stono or lime water, dry thor oufihly, follow with light appli- cauon of Crrf r ii 'I VICRS VAPORUBSi "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f. 6071.20 INFORMATION BUREAU I Notice to Advertisers On and after April 1, 1919, business directory H advertising In The Standard will be $1 per line per month. I ANYTHING New or Old I ANYTHING A to new or old bought, sold or traded. Rhone 333. Books and Stationery Bramwell Book and Stationery, 2362 ahington Ave. Rhono 360. 2058 Banking Utah National Bank, southeast cor ner Twenty-fourth and Washington, i'uone 61. Counselor-at-Law T. R. O'Connolly, Ugden, Utah, Legal , advice by mail. Write me the laUe I bone 3yJ. I . ri ' carpet t'eanmg K. Van Kampen for upholstering, carpets cleaueu, altered aud laid. Re luaaiug ol mattresses. i'Dune. J7oZ J Expert carpet cleaning, mattress renowung, upholstering, and springj restretcned, Call E. J. Haiupton Co., feather Renovating. Rhone -6S6-W. thiropractor Owen W. Halverson, D. C. Res. ; rbono 1086 W. 7ul 702 Ecclcs Bldg. Lity Scavenger McCarthy Co , 2734 Grant avenue, i'hone J018-W. Dentists The New Method Dentists are spe cialists in all branches of Dentistry. :46a Washington. 2203 j Drain Te for Sale lntcrmountain Concrete Co. Twen tieth and Lincoln avenue, Ogden, Utah. Phones 2068 and 48 i. 2310 Engraving Ogden Engraving Service Co., mak ers of fine cuts in one or more colors, 416 Twenty-fourth street. Rhono 4C3. Foot Specialist Flat feet, corns, etc., corrected. Fry Laboratory, 320 HucLson Uldg. 8583 Printing ! All kinds of Job printing. Dee-Neute-boom Rrlnting Co. Rhone 1166. 2193 Piano Tuning Repairing and hand polishing Playez pianos a specialty. Guaianteed. Atkin- 1 ' J son. Rhone J9-R-3. 9537 Physician and Surgeon j Dr. A. Fernlund, office hours 11 to 1 4 p. m. New Reery Bldg , Hudson Ave. , H Res. Rhone 646. UHice. phoue lauu W Real Estate and Loans ' Vvm&rtl iv a, ical uu.o and loana. 24 1 4 vv asningion. Phone 409. ls.-i Trunk, bag and case repairing. Cai lacticra, around Hum btauUaro. i7ii r.l janitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds ol J rubbish hauled. Rhone 620. t IftH " 1 J jewing Machines Wo rent, repair, arry needles and ' pans for ail makes of machines. What be wing Machine Co., 2273 Washing toi. j lhuc, Rhono 2884. i ents and Awnings Ugden Tent and Awning Co., manu factureis of high grade ttiorc, ottitt l !l and resident awnings. Waterproof co'v ers, bags, etc. Anything in canvas. 2268 Washington avenue. Rhone 26i. 1524 Vacuum Cleaners Rhono 2582 J for vacuum cleaner, $1 for 24 hours, sterilized dust bag. 5074 ll - vVindows Cleaned Expert window and wall paper clean ing anywhere. American Window Cleaning. Rhone o63. 2370 Wushingtou. Some spinsters advance stop by st-p until thoy become stepmothers. ' uu im e;ri !;i,- compliiTii-nii nl-o ;- . r n