Newspaper Page Text
smW Tfj THE OGDEN " STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1919. If ' NAME "BAYER" ON 1 I - GENUINE ASPIRIN 1 Safe and proper directions are in every "Bayer package" I I'Bayr r Tablets "i Aspirin to be - n Jlji Ulne must bo marked iflth the snfptyl I, Bayer Cross." Then you are gcttlnc the true, world-famous Aspiriu, pre-l ( j1 F-rribed by physicians for ovpr 18 ifr yoars. I i I, Always buv an unbroken package of ilj "Bayer Tabids of Aspirin." which oon-( , j tains proper directions 10 snfdv relieve' Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, j . toil . . ' ILut episode of "The Red Glove;" Pete Morrison in I "Neck and Noose;" James J. Corbett in 'The Midnight Man" and a Harold Lloyd comedy at the Cozy today and tomorrow. f jj The Chevrolet valve-in- head motor with which Chevrolet closed cars are equipped is of the type cele brated for its remarkable economy and efficiency. It is a short cut to maximum power. In this particular type of I motor, the propelling force hits the piston "on the head" and thus gives maxi mum power with minimum fuel consumption. The motor is accessible for grinding valves. The cyl inder heads are detachable I end can be easily removed from the lower half of the casting, and the interior of the cylinders left open for inspection. This ease of accessibility is worth the entire cost of the motor car, for it means all the differ- ence in the world in the en joyment, utility and effi ciency of your automobile. Ogden Motor Car Co. Ogden, Utah. 2345-55 Hudson Ave. I Neuralgia. Lu'mbapo, Rheumatism, j Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain gener ally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets, coat but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" .acka?es. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Kanuiac-I lure of Monoacetkacidester of Salicy licacid. Advert lrment. Seeking Reduced Rates for the Biq Celebration In order that November 11 be cele brated as one of ihe greatest of state' days, efforts of local members or the j American Legion will be made to have reduced rates on the railroads for the big celebration in Ocden on thai date. With one of the classiest programs ever arranged, the members of the legion are enger to have outsiders on that day. For Bad Breath Coated Tongue, BilioueDe, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Bloating, Gu, Constipation, or oth;r remit of Indigea- 1 tion, no remedy ia more highly recom mended than FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS ! They cause no griping or nausea. I j Cleanse the bowels, aweeten the stom ach and bencht the liver. Never dis appoint. Wn Eliaatvcih Slamon. 137 So Main Sr., So. Norwalk. Cooo. "I cio hooe-ttJy sy Foley , Cathartic Tableta ore wocderful." A R. MclNTYRE DRUG CO. oo Meetin? for the Celebration on I Armistice Day Committees for the big celebration of soldiers sailors and marines here on November 11, will meet at the fjni verslty club rooms this i vf-nins at S o'clock Plans for thr' cala celebration will be outlined and Ihe complete uro gram for that day will be arranged by the various committees Tr R Kanzler, chairman of ,ho gen eral rommittrc, staled that t.-.e pro prntn would be prepared in detail this evening and that .-.teps o make the dav :i BUCCeSfl would be mad"- Tin va rious sub committers have worKed out the details and their reports will be made this evening All members of (hp subcommittees are urged to be present . II. " LACK OF REST worry, overwork or mpe-iec nourishment, all ir a measvre contribute io 3nd aie the be ginnings of nervous prostration. I SCOTT'S EMULSION s a dee ded he'p to those who are nervous, in thai it provides an easily assimilated food that quickly builds up the genera health by nourishing the whole body. Give less attention to worry; enjoy regular rest and sleep ijjjsk and take Scctt's Emulsion regularly after meals. 1 rf cof'5 nevei tails to nourish and strengthen, h V etfjnalwi grade of cod-lit roil .-l i' Scoifs FmuUion la th- fam-.u VlV t Sk riocetl ninric in Norwa-. nn! refinnl in our ova aVy laboratories, li i g:1(1Tn:ite of purity ami palalability iumirpaa flj, tcotl 4: Bowne. L'.ooin field. N J. 19-30 11 I j SPECIAL SALE Or I !, USED CARS FORD 5 passenger car. I PAIGE 7-passenger car. OAKLAND 5 passenger car. J Kill BUICK C, 25. "f STUDEBAKER 1918 series. 1919 NASH nearly new. i FORD 1-ton truck. REO 1 ton truck. STUDEBAKER Half-ton truck. If you are looking for bargains in used cars, see us. We I are making a Fall clean-up. 1 jj KNOWLDEN AUTO CO. j 2331 HUDSON AVE. PHONE 521. Hjjj Drug SCHOOLS OF COUNT! mil LARGE Thomas R. Jones, county probanon nfficr-r, reports that a checking up of county communities shows a nearly perfect school registration this year. The attendance of the schools Is sreatr r than ever bclore and plans for additional rooms are binc con id'-rcd. Part time classes. If need of such Is found, will be organizer after Thanks giving. The demand for such classes are very liht, it is Bald, the majority of the older etudi-nts .itunding the Oeden high school or the We;er normal college. oo Governor Goes East on Unitah Railroad Business Governor Bamberger and State Fn glneer George W BfcGonagle were in Ogden vosterday for a short time, en route to Washington, D C, where they will discuss with federal authoriMes matters pertaining to the prop. sod construction of a railroad through Uintah basn. other Utahns will visit Washington on this natter. o " Catarrhal Deafness j and Head Noises TELLS SAFE AND SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME. If you have catarrh, catarrhal diaf nnss or head noises caused by catarrh, or If phlegm drops in youi throat and! has caused catarrh of the stomach orj bowels jrou will be glad to know that' these distressing symp'om.s may be en tlrelj overcome m many Instances bv the following treatment which you can "asih prepare in yovr own home at llt 'le cost. Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength) ; Take this home and add to it pint of1 hot water and a little granulated sug-; ar; stir until dissolved Take one ia blespoonful lour times a day. Au iin-l provement is sometimes noted alter the first days treatment Breathing: should become easy, w hile the disti Sfl ing head noises, headaches, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., should gradually! disappear under the tonic action of thel treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defec tive hearing and mucus dropping in ' the back of the throat are oth r smp toms which suggest the presenci of ce I tarrh and which may often b- over come by this efficacious treatment. It is said that nearly fu p r rent of all ear troub'es are caused by catarrh and there must, therefore, be many peu pie whos"1 hearing ma be restored by this simple, harmless, home treatment. I Advertisement. oo Call on J. J. Brummitt at 2417 Hudson avenue, if you want to sell your Liberty bond3. Fhone 59. WEBER 111 HOLDS ENTHUSIASTIC ASSEMBLY One of t he most interesting assem blies thus far in the school was held at the Weber normal college th's raun ilng. The time was given over to the student body officers, who arranged a 'rousing rally in view of the footrall game with the Brigham Young college Logan. At the rise of the curtain, two 'oc Itors were seen operating jn two pj&y I ers, namely, Weber and B V a new hr-ari and ppirll were put mm Lhe 1 Web-r play r. frhlli the heart rnd spir- it were taken, from the B. Y. C. Then the game was played, dur ng which a steady bombardim nt was 1. pi I Up by three shotguns in the halls. Then lhe victorious Weber players vrr rushed into the assembly, To cap the J climax a rousing yell practice was held. The students. art now beginning I to wake up to the fact that Weber has a lootball team that is out to win. oo BO! CALLS UP JUDGE I IB ASKS TO BE j ARRESTED ; Telephoning Judge Sullivan at the uivenile court room estrdav. a boy; made the unusual request ihat a ju 1 nile officer be sent to the borne to ! take him into custody. He also assed how old a boy had to b' betore he could be committed to the s'ate in- dustrial school. I Judge Sullivan inquired as to why t the boy asked for arrest and was glv t en full particulars of a rather amus I ing family quarrel. f It seems that the boy' motner had I ord-r-d him from the hoim bj'au' ut j a disagreement. Tne boy started to comply with the request and had c packed his things Upon starting from i the room, his mother threatened to ' I scream "murder-" if he left. Fiobibly thinking that his mother was not in e arnest, he proceeded to leave to he vociferous hcrams of his mother, wno. true to her word, houted "murder." The boy then called the uiveulle court and asked fhai he might be ar rested He was instructed by Jujg? Sullivan to visit the court and .alk matters over. C. J. SAiSERG HAS A CROIX BE GUERRE FOR BRAVER! Wearing a distinguished service cross end a French croix do guern C. J. Snngberg of Ogden, n leather :neck of the Sixth rccimont, has n turned from service overseas berg enlisted with tho marines Sep tember 1, 1917. and was among the 'first Americans to take part in the 'fighting In France. Ho was In the battle of Belleau Woods and the St. Mihiel drive. Tho French citation was gi en to Sangberg, i nine other enlisted men and a lieu tenant, who were leu of an original eommand of 230 men. Sangberg was awarded the D S. C. for having carried a captain, wounded, through Intense fire to a dressing station In the St Mihiel drive he further distinguished himself by beading an American unit which captured a German machine gun and with it three officers and eleven men. In this battle he was shot through the Jace. oo 10 DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA If Mixed with Sulphur It Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. The old time mixture of Sage 'lea and Sulphur for darkening graj streaked and faded hair is grand mother's recipe, and folks are again using it to k'-jp their hair a sood. even color, whieh is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance is of th greatest advan tage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task ot gatlnuing the sage and the mussy mixing at home All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved oy the addition of: other ingredients, called Wyeth'sj Sage and Sulphur Compound It is verj popular because nobody Tan dis cover It has been applied Slmplj moisten your comb or a soft brush With it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time by morning the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with I Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound, is thai, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a lew applicaUons, i' also produces that soft luster and ap-1 pearancp of abundance which la so at tractive. Advertisement. If you are in the market for hay, corn, oats or potatoes in carload lots get in touch with G. C. McPeek, 513 National Bank Building. Phones, day, 442 night, 1654. ANOTHER AIRPLAI IS SEEN Offl THE OTOE OGRE! J Lieutenant E, B Lyon, flying a dc Haviland plane, bearing number 28 in Ihe big tiir race, soared over Ogden at 9 55 o'clock this morning en route to Salt Lake. Lieutenant Lyon was flying low j when he passed over the city and. due I to the settled condition of the siuok. the was only visible for a short dis itanco He made his way over the 'city from Weber canyon and aft r flj i ing several miles West, turned his 'plane to the south The drone of the big de Haviland i attracted scores of Ogdonites, but only a few were able to get a glimpse of the big air mach'.nc. Lieutenant Lyon followed the same j route that Lieutenant Colonel Reyn olds did when he passed over this ci'y last week. DOUBLE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR "Danderine" creates mass ' of thick, gleamy waves In a few moments you cau transform your plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and i ull of life. Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderine" tor a few cents Then mois'en a soft cloth with the Danderlnr" and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a lime. Instantly. , immediately you have doub.'ed the beauty ot your hair It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil Is re moved. Let Danderine put more lif . coior. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair and help your hair to grov long, thick, strong and beautiful. Advertise, ment. Jj I WHY RAILROAD MEN WILE VOTE FOR FRANK FRANCIS AS MAYOR ! AT THE ELECTION NEXT TUESDAY Editor Standard: Having benvisUcd the question by several of my uptown friends. "Why are a big percertage of the railroad men employed in ;he transportation department in favor of Mr. Francis for mayor" I will ask the Standard sufficient space to answer the question. In ihe first place, Mr. Francis :s a working man, having gone step oy step through honest t o I and lnbor until at last he has attained the poal sought by all who entr that profession Throughout his pro;recsior!. and ai times we believe when his wonis find actions would have bom more to 'he liking of the upper classes, he nas championed the cause of the working man. Well do we rallror.d m n remember three years ago th stand he took, and when all others were accusing us of bordering on tho I W W and wage hog. simply because we demanded houis of service that would pemit us lo enjoy our homes and dear ones, hours that would permit us to be'er serve t h public alonK' our lins, and hours that would m.tko us better citi zens and enable us to enjoy that foi w hich the four big I rotherhoods were organized, it was Mr. Francis Wno gve us tavoraDie support ana aeciarea mat we were entitled to that for wnfch we asked. Let me state right here by way of explanation that railroad men in the, transportation department do not be lieve in strikes only an a last resort After all other efforts have faliod wo ha"e found that a concerted deter mined stand for fair and Just v.ork;ng onditions, has a good effeet as it did , in the eight-hour movement. The attitude that Mr. Francis has taken in relation to capital and lat'Oi ( meets with the hearty approval of the big majority of the railroad men. By j this I refer to editorials in the Ogden Standard under dates of Apri' 24 anu I June 12 wherein he states: "Railroad engineer, conductors, brakemen. shopmen, telegraphers. I vardmen, clerks, will average vp well with the finest element of our Cltlseas. They go lo make up the sr.lid -ubstan-tial part of anv community ii wh.'ch they live Thov are the brain and brawn of Amerlci. -.nd th3 should be encouraged to trvke a deep in'erest in the political welfare of the cilv slate :and nation They ate a big pan of 'he I industrial strength of America and we respect them tor what thej n- There lis less selfishness in their make up than is to be found at 'he extreme? of 'society. W h:n v on warn a Judgmenl Jon men or principles that is baian.ed. go to ihe industrial army of Arm . ca and you will receive Why? He cause the men and w iron of this co.m I try who toil, who have children, who are building homes, who are dream'ng i of bettering their conditions who ire i neither hopeless I W W s nor grasp I ing. sordid, predatory lord, are b ii line of their environment, and their as iplraiions. wholesome, sound clean, right. They seek no advantac; cLtim i no special privilege, demand no boun ty, and ask for nofning more ran an equal chance in tho battle (Jf life. In i herenllv they are for a square d al 'they lot'o fair play Tl-e laboriis man can absolutely control this eoun'ry by I . I .resorting lo Ihe ballot box. II m:st I be f air. ha Ing ' guiding policy of f and lei H must be just to hu X employer. Capital mu?t be encouraged to reinvest And vith ihose guiding principles his rule uf the nation wU be one of supreme contentment." And again. Mr Franeis. we are with von mi your munii Inal lii:hMne plant and all othei public utilities th.-.t would lend i" reli.-ve ihe rain nf r-nst:nt-I. Increasing taxation We are inter- r e8ted in oui ' it;, and are plad 'o h iv H the privilege of voting for on- wmm I f '. e all know is our 'nrnd and r h m- ! I elf nt' resti d in he ( ii financia,j J as well as heme in . nur of s.fe nd TIP - i ii idministration -r citj cafn Llli Yours very ;ruly, i 31 tned) W L MOORE, M" Bmpto C8. O. U. & ! C NOTICE II It you -n m ihe mark' for h. 1 j 5 A r-orn. ial--. (lour, ot pnfaturs cet in Jafetll touch With Mile'l-1 Mi Peek Produc iflk(lktb I o Roi.iii Ker,--' lihie Phano ltpt cat Da 176; nlghl 1654 oi 1349 :- lraPi m DR. BURROWS DIES. 'ill ATI. N'I '"-a . e i 17 IT Uii- 3t Tiger sing Burrows im f.ii inir- thn ju a at eff a jreai tai ( the southern j mml Bap 1st conventinn di. d -it r hospi M T: h here today of bronchial pneumonia. J fete Dl Ifp was 77 yen:.- old and a born In j Itkflnl Philadelphia repUt II-.. ..! ' ' the Harter wa- or-;- Wl CODti inati d bj Bd tvard m in 1344 vVhlske; tvas first known as a drink j qfmy I In the seventeenth century. - Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YFrS AG' ahr.o-t every tiotli-r thoucht le-r . Ii M must haT f i; i ,' , I ,. ud mum n ike 11 eep. i In ,;r i ill produC ! 5 Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce, tl SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING Mauy are the children who . . have leen killed or w hose health has boem ruined for life by paregoric, laud- Mell num and morphine, each of which is a nan-otic prodm t of opium. ImigguU w .. are prohibited from selling either of the nan uc n,inei to children at all, or ifrut p to anybody without labelling them 11 ,i-u.n " Tlio definition of "narcotic is : ikA medicint which reliev? pnin and produces sleep, but which in poison ous doses produce $tupor, OOT1UX, convulsions and death." The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under tli" namM of " Drops," " Cordials, ' " -Vxthing Synjps." ete. You should not permit anr j medicine to be given to vour children without you or vour physician know ; of whnt it is composed." C ASTORIA. DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it tears the signature of Chas H. Fletcher. fXs7fA, ' INFORMATION BUREAU , Notice to Advertiser On and after April 1, 1919, business director advertising in The Standard will be $1 per lire per month. i . ANYTHING New oi Old ANYTHING A to Z new or old bojgbi, boiu or traded i'bone 333. Boohs and Stationery liramweii iiook au.i Stationery, J362 AabUiliiion Ave fhone 360. 206S Banking bub .National Bank, eoulheaat cor aex rwenty-fourth and WashiDgnon. t'booe bl. C junselor-at-Law T. R. O'Connolly, Ogden. Utah. Legal advice by mail. Write me the lact. i honc lik Jarpet C'eaning K. Van Rauiiieu lur upholstering, caiiieLo cicaueu, altered ami laid. Ite- uimg ol tuaiu ebbfcs. 1'none t'o-'J Expert carpet cleaning, maitre&s teuuauug, upnolatenug, and prngj i c-Ktretcbea- Call ii. J. Hampton Co., r eatlier Uenovallug lJhone XMS-W. chiropractor Owen VS. . llaJverson, D. C. Res. j Phone lObb-W. 7ul 7U3 Lk:cies Bldg. i city Scavenger McCanh c Co., 2734 Grant avenue. ' Oentists The New Method Dentist are spe- c.austi in ail branches of DentiMr; . U69 Washington. 2203 Drain Tile for SaJe Intermountaln Concrete Co. Twen trvtb and Ljncoln avenue, ugden. Utah. Phones 2068 and 48 .. 2310 Lngraving Ogden Engraving Service Co.. mak ers of fine cuta In one or more colors, 41C Tweilty-fOttrth street. Phone 463. Foot Specialist Flat feet, corns, etc., currecled. Fry Laboratory, 320 Hudson Bldg. 8583 ire Insurance Lhariei L,itt uberji. I'bone 1859-J ( an-UU.uili.ili .iuj .UH-lilgaU CuUllilcTCUU biauuaia luciuiauce. 1076 "lay and Grain Hay, grin aud poultry leed. lieu j 'Qav., oil i weniy-uiii'u, i uiio iteto 2101' til H, Voois, run u. M. Kuuyau, -o W raU avenue, i-uyo toy Dl n-v-i, I'houe 781 Vv. I j.: Junk and liiiies Western Hide- JunV Co., 2 - "Va.snuigion Ave. Phone 861. Ugden Junk House, 2t'6 atbingloL Ave. 1'Uuau 210. rCey Fitting tvey uiuag anu ,o:k repairing. Itud son iCepair ishop, -469 lludsun. Jl'jj Life Insurance W. C Stewart, special repies-uta(iv c of the New York Lile Insurance Lo. 44 Lewis U.dg. Phone 7 J 7 . j.jj Madame Capiau Gown Shop Fancy buttons, hemstitching, piijuol JUc a yard. Third Hoor, W. H. ngLi & Sons. 8241 Money to Loan Mune) lo luni, on improved real late. Kelly 6l Herrick. U45 New and Second Hand Furniture New and second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for second hand lunuture. Trunks and suit cases a epeciaity. Sia i: Trunk & Furniture Store, 241 Twty fifth street. Phone 1321. Painting Paper cleaning and tinting New Wli kmsoo. Address Hear 738 Twenty sixth street. Phone 1520 J. 2457 Read the Classified Ads. Printing All kinds of job inln'mg. L'ce-Neolfr buum u 1'l.ouu lioo. Piano Tuning f Repairing and hand polishing Pla.T' pianos a specially Guaranteed. eon. Phone 29 ii J .'hysician and Surgeon Br. A. Fernlund. olfitB 11 ; 4 p. m. New Peery bid.. Hudson AT j Lea Hhone 046- UUice pbuno 1 Real Estate and Loans Wiilaiu i-waj, itai -oi.-.o sad I 24,1 Vf aohiiivon. I U'jQm 40. 1 Trunk, bag and caoe repair.!.". u Ml lachera. around iroui Suudard, Wi Scavenger l...rl,:.i: :ind ru bbish hauJed, e- 1 ft pools and loileia cleaned, iobu CfiiP I J 6. Co., Phone 828. 234a Hudn vB anitary Work , I Sanitary OarbaSc Co, .11 kiadl rubbish hauled. Ir-hon 2V. jewing Machines I 1 We rent, repair, -arry ad'f , 1 pane lor ail m,. ol huM I aewing klachUM Co.. 22i3 W "" IT avenue. 1'hono 2884. lenU and Awnings W Ugden Teni aad auic , thciurera oi hign grade o.. (f , and realdeni awninga. watery rt4 w era. bags, etc Auy a 2263 wasningion avenue ruw ( j Vacuum Cleaners jeaa. W rnoue laaaVJ 101 'uu cja. i for 24 hours, itemized oust w m indows Cleaned fCin: I Expert window and a" f Vind-." I . Ing anywhere. AmjaJ. .laff W UDH Cleaning. Phone s63. I ,. M