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I. "''a .t-m' ' work while you Bleep: They l tart the lhcr and 'oohen th battels without griping -r sickening jWhen you wake t'p all constipoMor. i ji hjhousness. headache. p&llowneas, hid j 1 breath, stomach misery or cold Ife gone. II ; , -ER IS COPINy MTHE WORLD! A with Our Office Boy. OLD. OLD STORY' J bart foot boy. bashful maid iiji "Aw, come on' i r" You ain't afraid?" prrp behind, To either wide. "Oh, vou brute!" The maiden cried. Jli Another peep IrOUnd in back fhre'' nothtne like i a stolen "smack " An injured air She's very cool j! Still by his side She goes to BChOOL An old era: Bl&t scrawling hand I Mis heart it beats To beat the band. He hebi it up So she could see. The missive said Spalin 'SCOUld be If I" luv me Az I b.i D ll So nife kin cut t II I hit lii in 2." I I fit Th day of the labor leader' blue hirl is past. Styles are all right in their place I uf it's a safe het the girls won't lut little Btenciling take the plaCQ of ilvir winter hosierv. l. (JJ rh ex banoms in this town Rre 'iuw featuring root, beer instead ot tho F fidar product. Lif Is Just one .soft fi drink after anothtr 1 fl Folks may be grouch) with me all week, but I notice they have a wc-1 ome smile on Saturday," said B p friend ot ours who is a payroll man If applause were allowed in the - nare galleries, the Behatt might i i a baseball At the reat American Hi on There s one thing you'll have m hand to the Socialist He never ;nis.. !d 'A a chance to vote ouce at lensl 1'' With only 2S7 authorized rotes, 335 Ifj if ere found to have been cast in ih lirst ballot for president of the Sei 1 1 e Star Legion at their run1. enlion in j"Cascarcts" never keep you unxlpus or u-icon'-cnicnced all the next day L'ke Calomel, Oil, Salts und violent Pills. I'sscarets" are delightful laxative (atb. 11 tic tor grow n u; s and children 1 Switch to "Caacorets" Cost so lit tle! Advertisement. I Baltimore recentl It doesn't take a j woman long to get the hang of tne po j iitical same And some of 'em blamed Tammany hall. The difference between Socialism and Bolshevism is the same as the difference between a bull dog and an other bull dog There Is some question of pedigri however. A strike of musicians doesn ' neces sarily mean the end of Jazz. D'Annunoio has joined the 'The once I r r.r A n v fnr i li r noMna nprs" rlnh ' along with Villa and Lenlne Any man who claims to be an Am erican before h Democrat had beiter keep clear of the Oklahoma Egg Dis trict, Ardmore There are two sides to every arta ment but only one is logical. Jack Warwick says the next thinr will be a fifteen -cent ten cent store One never hears of the public's rep resentative at the industrial confei ence. sufficient: Editor of I W. YV paper "Has .he annlicani anv RneHnl 011a 1 it icn : Ions frn our work'''' "Yes, he's been dishonorably dis-l charged from he rnited States army 'Life. I There's a vast difference between how we could appear to other people and how we do. Ir may occur to Uncle Sam to ask I tho president what he did in the great' I ?r WHAT HAS BECOME OF The boy who used to steal green apples and then have an attack of colic? Profiteers are making c ipit;il of the I great American trait of bluffing ou can call one anything anil lie won't resent it trirls are not ihe only ones to base "coming out'' parties. President-can -didates are in the same boat either too soon or too late. 1 HARD LUCK' ! Lady Here, my poor fellow. a East High Meets Davis Grid Stars In Salt Lake Today SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Oct. 17 -Coach Ott Romney s team of grid dors will battle the husky eleven Of the Davis county high today on Cum mings field. The East high first team has not been scored on this year and it Is x pected that they will put up a hard fight with the stronc Davis Count; Farmers this afternoon in order to I keep their record clean The Leop ards defeated Jordan by s score of t5." I to 0 and the L. D. S. U. by a score of It1 to 0. the latter establishing what ; is thought to he a world's record for i scoring. The team Is in tip-top condition. 1 The probable lineup; East high. Davis County. Paporth c A Harvey Anderson rg Barker Dyer rt I). Harvey Kump lg Render Dern It Lov? Smith le Dawson Henderson qb Barton Livingston lh Sanden Taufer rh Adams Whitney fb Chitman Many students from Davis County hish will he down and the entire stu dent body from the East high is c: pei ted to turn out to see the same. (quarter for you It must be dreadful ; to be lame but 1 think it must b : worse to be blind " I Tramp: "It is, mum. When I was blind the was handin' me counii rfei quarters "American Legion Weekl And now the Washington Post that no contleman uses perfume ex cept as a beverape We reckon Burleson is holding his job because President Wilson isn strong enough to fire him yet We never heard of a case vrh re COUrageousness caused anv hard feel- Ing. WHICH REMINDS US THAT There's more life than is countei in j the census SHORTAGE OF CARS IS AGAIN SERIOUS POCATBLLO, Idaho, Oct. 16 Ihe seriousness of lh-. car shortage situa tion in the western part of the state Is still unabated, according to report received in this city, and so numerous have been th companies to the public utilities commission tnat the commis sion has sent a man out throuch the affected district to make .1 eompii i. survey of the situation to enable the commission to place the matter Intelll gentl before th' railroad administra tion. Ipple shippers are uquallv affei 1 d with the potato shippers, and a general congestion of these products is. .saiti 10 ba e resulted from the prolonged shortage of cars. The reports from the various parts of the affected dis trict are more or less conflietms, and I one of the purpose?, of the inspection trip Is to determine just where ihe ! cars are most needed, and to get them spotted in the shortest time possible ; IH Hpiv's vour opportunity In mako a RTO saving on Suits right when vc.n want thom most. We are offering you our choicest Suits 60 from our regular stock, and 110 Suits of a new shipment just received from FIFTH AVENUE. I SMARTNESS IN EACH I EXCLUSIVE IN ALL SMARTNESS IX EVERY LrXE-these are the very cleverest designs, exhibiting the newest innovations for Fall. ' Exquisite Silk Linings, too wonderful to describe. A collection at once rep resentative and exclusive. The very latest ideas in materials tinseltones, duvetyne, peaeh bloom, silvertones, serge, broadcloths, tricotine, are just a few of them. You can't afford to miss this sale it is a revelation in style and reasonable pri--3. ;! LOOK AT THESE PRICES 1 Considering Quality These Prices are Koek-bottom $30 Suits at $22.50 $ 75 Suits at $56 25 $40 Suits at $29.75 $ 90 Suits at ..... " $67 25 leo 23 2 fe' 110 Suits - -jS S60 Suits at $44.75 $125 Suits at ..$93.75 M DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY 1 Come in today, next week will be too late! 2Z- Waahlnaton Avnu li ! YOU'LL find more p men this Fall waiting than there are clothes, or good woolens to make Kt. them. Stick to t'ne staunch re- JJlg HOUSE Oif liable make that you know or you'll find KUPPENHEIMER yourself paying full price for less than the full j standard of service and J atr quality. IS KUPPENHEIMER j Clothes mean the new m styles with the old integ- pj rity of all-wool fabric wlli and sound tailoring. I j The House of Kuppenheimer JSatlOTlCll I A Natwnal Clothe rvics ClottlCS SeTllCC KuL Kuppenheimer Cloth es are sold in Ogden by BUCHMILLER -KAPLAN I " The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes" tSi IE S fi