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I'lj 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDIN, UTAH, I RIDAV, OCTOBER 17, 1915 M" - I J .ACOODVUfe TO TRADE j ! A Great Two-Day Sale Of j ffffe" Stylish Pattern Hats J 7 XY I Hero's the best Millinerv news wo have'given you in months. j Xj N A great fcwo-day sale in whi h some of the handsomest Hats of I V X v Wl the year will be on sale at prices that in some (fases is less than W, half. We aim to make Friday and Saturday of this week the j 7Tr i two greatest days in the Millinery section this fall. Don'tmiss P' (ovH seeing these unulsual values. I T r r Dozens of hats many h 13 A OA Pattern Hats represent- I j ! 11 of them direct from our --.ft 1000 l'1'11'' "r the 3 i ipf oJ'XJ eastern departmenl taiVV new styles Hats for S Hats for all occasions all new trimmed patterns strcel wear, for dress, tailored h its. Beavers, Hats that are priced from $9 to $15. A splendid hatter's plush. Trimmings of handsome rib- I selection from which to choose. Friday and bons, handsome flower feathers and ostrich. Saturday only. Values to $22.50. Friday and Saturday only. jj It WHAT THE MISTER j SIW n A CROWDED 'J STREET Last night at the Methodist churrh TtiR Jim" Kramer was more than ever .ible to hold his audience with the" jronderful and gripping message whlcS lifff ne Savc iro,n ,no following then ' What I Saw at Third and Market. I -.wi Franr isco His telling hits tor real iraerlcan ism were though-provoking. He said that it is equally important to Ai m j ranize the foreigner as it is to Chris tianize him.' Ancl when he said, l' that the panacea for all our social and political ills would be not to Rive the franchise to any man, white or black, until he is able to read a section of the constitution, as well as to write the same," there were hearty amens i all over the church. "Sometimes I think," said the evan gelist, "that if heaven over opens on la earth, with all due respect to Utah, it will be in California where all nature gathers at its holy shrine for worship. If I ever Ret to heaven I want to shake hands with the saint who drove the first stake in California. There Is no City in the world like San Francisco and there is no corner on earth where so many people pass as Third anil Market streets As I looked at the vast throngs go by I was impressed with the thought that we must Amor1 canize the foreigners. We issued the invitation to all humanity to come and rest beneath the shade of liberty trees and in response the caravan moved westward to blotch and poison this beauteous Father Land. We must Americanize the foreigner or they will foreicnize us I never believed thnt our fathers meant for this country to be a dumping ground for the old world's filth The founding of this na tion was an appeal to God and so must its salvation b' We have driven the last nail in the coffin of the Divine right of kings and the leaven of oir democracy will soon send to oblivion every Prussianized throne. And must see that all Kaiser Bills go to hell croaking "The Watch on the Rhine ' "As I 6aw the great crowds go by I said to myself, a crowd doesn t amount to much after all David mad a great mistake when he. numbered Israel and worshipped the God Oi -tistics. I prefer one royal man to all the vulgar multitude. The Belk-ia - exposed the weakness of numbers. Japan slapped the face of great China, and the small Moravian church nas put us all to shame Numerical Mronsth is a boomeninK. "A9 1 stood there, it seemed to me that all the people were In a furious hurry A mile a minute will not satis fy us now. The great disease now is 'Amerleanltii ' The largest crowd 1 ever saw gathered in one place was not there to cheer a man on his way to work With a dinner pail on his hand, to sing the praises of a boy or clrl graduating, to applaud the man I who overcomes a temptation, to give a hurrah for the mother who brines a baby into the world, or to g. .e tne man who Is converted a boost, but ! there to see automobile speed-demons I co at the rate of better than a milo la minute. Nervous prostration is the road most traveled now The con fusion at the tower of Babel, the world's first skyscraper was a pro test ugainsi hurry. "As I stood there I saw hundreds of j successful faces but few happy faces. I The human face has a universal lan guage All understood the lancuape of a tear, the symbolism of a smile, i the meaning of a frown and the shrug of a shoulder Behind the face I slumbering all the qualities of the soul.l I Most of us are round-shouldered and hump backed from carrying the world 'upon our shoulders. One of the sad-i I Styleplus Clothes 9H 30-t35-t40;H5 JKl The sleeve ticket tells the price. jJWRmWp j WINNERS I O TYLEPLUS have these big winning points in-clothes. Styleplus Clothes and the men who wear them 1 win because they inspire confidence good clothes help to do that very thing. I Styleplus have the real style that young men recognize. by instinct and men less young know through experience. All-wool fabrics and many models to choose from. They are well-tailored appearance and wear prove it. They are America's known priced clothes the sleeve ticket tells it the makers attach and seal the ticket. Buy early and buy more than you need prices will be I higher nextseason. 'I "SEE US FIRST." I Watson-Tanner I Clothing Go, dest pages is kept by the reeord of men who have been damned by their successes. David never foroi his kinsllness until he became a kins, and then he played the fool. Many a man cries, 'If I only had a million ' I know what h would do. He would trj his best to get another million Some times ou wish you were the other fellow, but If you could be lifted rat of your environment into his and he into yours, and changing places von would imagine that you had ehan d worlds 1 had rath r trust the small' est planet that swings In its orbit than ten comets shootlns ever way in: periling the life of the world. "As I stood there. I learned (he greatest of all lessons, one that bas changed my outlook altogether that God is no respecter of persons, he be-:n- the (iod oi the good as well as the iod of the bad. The gun sends as plud a ray of light Into the hovel as it sends into the brown stone front and sloritic the same spectacle for every ye M. -thinks that If God has a rhnst'li ennl iinnn ,.,w-tU it c k i. "i"-"' ii in nn.- nu:ii" of humble poverty Every man a devil. He also has an angel Every man is a divinity in disgulal and a God trailing in the dust Just as th deformed child has the largest place in the heart of Its mother, Jusi so G I 1 would bankrupt heaven to help his er ring child I crae no higher honor anad warn no greater compensation than to live in the house by the side of the road and be a friend to man.' Rev. Christian It Garver san? a ;olo. "The Old Rugged Cross " A full ehorus 'hoir made the sung srviee most helpful. Tomorrow night the evangelist promises that at the con clusion of the sermon there will be a burial service of all hammers. Evry ! one left the room last night with a smile. oo It's surprising how ninny otherwise sen- I sibly inclined men bellcvo In signs ari l omns. on Read the Classified Ads. ILE6 BROKEN WHEN 5 BOY IS SHOCK . i BUM I Clyde Stone, 1,, years of ag re eeived a broken leg at 5:30 o'elot I: lerday evening wh n he was st;a. k I by a delivery truck while attempt'.rc to cross the street) at Twenty-fifth and Harrison avenue Young StdnO was in a semi-conscious condition when he was picked up Examination showed that his left leg was broken in two places. The boy wa removed to his home b Judge Age ;md was repotted to b resting today. The case Is being in-' vestigated by the polico : Colds Cause Headaches and Pains Feverish Headaches and Body P'in caused from a cold are r-ion relieved i taking LAXATIVE BROMO Ql'' NINE Tablets Titer. -: only "Bromo Quinine.' E W. GROVE'S : Ignature on the box. Go or. Subnormal Boys Are to Appear Before Judge Habitual truants and an alleged youthful check artist will appear be fore the juvenile court tomorrow, ac cording to information from JutlS! I Dan Sullivan. 1 One of the truants is thought to be I subnormal and is said to have spent i r in- entire lime while in school in 'making an effort to solve a puzslej mad.' from two bent nails The bpy who writes checks is aiso i thought to be subnormal I Information from Judge Sullivan Is to the effect that country chll Iren cause much less delinquency and. trouble than the children who live in the city. Of the cases that aprear before his court, comparatively tew are from ihe country. l ack of dlvet sions In the country is cited by him 'as the cause of this condition. He statt d that school is looked upon , by the country boy as a commu.iit.-, center, where one may go and st-id work and enioy the companionship of , ,,, , Th' hae the alt. ma'. v. i of remaining at home and performing chores or of ROins to school Judej Sullivan River, this reason for less de Unquency among the young peop1 s 'if the country rn 1 Read the Classified Ads v oo Sure Relief J ;:' ' Hot water ICl'L- Sure Relief RE LL-ANS BaFOR INDIGESTION Shoe Sale I CONTINUES Today and Tomorrow j 7Z7 Lot No. 1 $5.85 II LotNo.2 $2.98 I Xw Thesc arc last -ear s stock j y to sell them at such aston- I Lvvww-uwi ishing prices. ;!j They went like "hotcakes" yesterday, and we sug gest that if you want to save on your shoes, here's i your opportunity. j We say, with all frankness, that we haven't been able to offer such exceptional values to our patrons for many months. j Come in TODAY before they're all gone! YOU'VE GOT TO HURRY! Yesterday was a busy one nearly all large sizes were favorite sellers but let us remind you of the small ones, sizes 2A, 3 and Vi. Now ladies, here's your chance to put your "Petit" foot in a :omy shoe at a price you cannot equal they're extra good quality, too. ! 2356 Washington Ave. j j For Saturday Selling ! i j Some time ago we told you that the demand for hind ; j quarter meat was so great that it made the price very "nigh ! and the front quarters very low. Condition-s have now j changed so that the price between hind and front quarters ' ' are about normal. We are now able to offer for i Saturday selling I 1 i f 5 Tea Bone Steak 25c lb. Sirloin Steak 25c lb. Rib Steak 25c lb. Round Steak 25c lb. Chuck Steak 20c lb. I ti Spring Chickens 35c lb. Nice Fat Hens 30c lb. ' t ' 1 Juicy Pot Roasts 17c lb. h Rib Roasts .20c lb. ! Rump Roasts 20c and 22c lb. Rib and Brisket Boil 2V2c lb. Veal Stew neck or breast 20c lb. Veal Pot Roasts 25c lb. j Veal Chops 25c lb. Eastern Hams 37c lb. Swift Premium Hams 40c lb. Delivery Schedule: J North . 8:00 a m. 4.30 p. m. j jS South 9:00 a. m. I .00 p. m. !!j j jj Hill 10:30 a. m. 3:30 p. m. ' RUSSELL-JAMES CO. j I 181-189 TWENTY-FOURTH ST. T Phones 412 413 136. ! j Two Small Fires i Tho firo df-partniont rupptfded to' iwo calls this morninc Tho I r s t vu sent In at C:55 o'clock when a Jefer j tive flue at tho residence of H B.I I W I HHIIMIIllMlll mil lab Clark, 721 West Twenty-flrs street ' set fire to the roof, wh ch was dam aged to the extent or $:i Tn s.-ron,. t fire wan shortly before noon .k b re of H r.ov. n. :'2"n Monr,,( 1" avenue The iw nn- nre v.. ) UAftff ' attributed to n defective chimuev j INI There w;i5 small damage I : - m CLOTHES- - For Crisp Days i i i mm M kt si Dttud n :: I hf? mad. f&X$$L Brisk, biting weather sends --.J:, I 'JJ' the blood a tir;:- f AmJ through your body. ( lriH You Feel Great! jg1 A ! Pi Df0P 111 an et us measure . ill M yu fr a perfect fitting i Suit or Overcoat. HAND TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE I 1 We claim to save you the "W T" iffiB m must money NOT by giving V .L-K you a cheap, short-lived VM Q vf JZ vt garment, but by building ) iJm one that is as durable as it U is smart. j j Kll :j $25 Up to $60 $ Jl . . UNION MADE fBtiSl j Winter won't wait! Neither k I should you! Come in today! li j On Hudson Avenue By the Alhambra Theatre ti I j OWEN BENNETT