OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, October 17, 1919, LAST EDITION - 3:30 P.M., Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1919-10-17/ed-1/seq-6/

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I; hi Now Playing
fiAT,I,-ST R-ACTS fl
, "' and BROWN
nd Oflior BIk Feature
Three shows lntlv 1:45, 7:30. D.I.",
IVIc-om. Matinee 20, 30c
fight. 20c, SOc, 40i
I1 mJ?
Learn Fancy
I Mm and Ball
Room Dances
Private Classes
Tomorrow, 2 to 8 P. M.
Hi Phonos 854 or 323
; Ji - -
For Subscription and Advertising
Department, Call Phone No. 66.
Wanted Boy with wheel for deliv
ering at Bramwcll's. 9610
Will Speak at Funeral Apostle
n. o. RffcKaj of ii.Ihii will be the
speaker at tiie funeral of K . onway
Ashton, prominent Salt Lake Attorney,
which will be held at 1 o'clock todaj
in the L. r. s. assembly hall si
Lake. Tributes will al?o bo given B)
John P. Howells Steven F. Richards
William 11 Folland and Presldi
Heber J. Grant A representative trf
the Ogden Bar association is also .
pected to be present.
Dr. Geo. W. Baker 1 now located ftl
-4 7 C Washington avenue, 0V6J i ulle
I Drug. 166
Night School Making ihe opproxi
mate enrollment at the night school
almost four hundred, a hundred stu
dents entered last night for a ci
of study, acrording to Principal Noall
I' The students are all over 18 years ol
., Jp ;'Pe a,1(l rP lakinc substantiti studi. -with
the view of fitting themselves to
pursue their chosen caret r
Old papers Tor eie. ugdtn ctar.-
ISperry Mills Work on the new con-
struction tower of tho SpeiT) mills nas
I" given assurance that the cement and
1 1 concrete for the mill foundation will
h proceed The excavation has bene
completed and Hie work on the foun
dation has been started.
Clean rsgs wintfJ t Ti,e Stanoj-d
Fined $150 Each Ah in Trlbo,
Arthur Tribe and Fred TOwen.xtein, :jr
rested some time ao under the pro
hibition law, were ordered to pay fines
of $150 each yesterday by Judge D. R
FtobertS in the municipal court The
alternative sentence of 150 days in (ail
was also favored should tho fine; lit t
be paid Bach Of the defendant., o
n automobile In their recent liquor
haul into Ogdeu.
I JONATHAN apples. We deliver. 55S
12th St. Phone 3291-R. 9300
Dance Thu Evening Tr v. s of t igfj. :i
will hold a dance si the Knights of
Pythiai hall this evening The Lillian
Thatcher orchestra will furnish rhe
music. The proceeds from the dance
will be URcd for welfare work.
Elevator girl wanted nt The Reed
Fugitive Captured Matt Hann. es
cined prisoner of war from Fori Doug
las, has been returned to Salt Laki
Hann slated today that h. worked In
ogden for some time after making his
1 1 1 , getaway from the t.rison
I Indian tanned buffalo rug. Reason,
able. Write Box F, care Standard. 8971
Masons Are Guests ilore than slxl V
members ot the Acacia lodge, r ft a
M of San Lake visited the local Ma"
tonic lodge here last night ban
quet was served In th. dining hall iu
honor of the Sail Lakers.
Henry Blair, piano tuner Ph
II 1245-NM. 995
The Western Sales company of Salt
Lake has purchased the interests of
Oruciani Bros & I'ugh, operating tu
The Mercantile Broki rnge com pan
at 2348 Washington avenue The deal
was dosed jrestrday The new firm
will be open for busln Saturdnv
October 25th.
Monty to loan. Kelly & P.errlck.
Enlisted Frank Perce Brown, aged
21, enlisted in the naval air service in
Ogden yesterday. Brown nas been. In
Ogden but a short time. His home is
at Pine Bluff, Ark.
Clean rag wanted t xhe Olanjjrc)
Central Junior High rids lor :he
building of the . entral Junloi high
were received by tha board o' educa
Hon last night. The contract, it is ex
pected, will be awarded Immediately.
Artisilc funeral places n specialty.
Dunike Floral Company, Ph, 62-W.
Prompt service elenning and pret
I jjMfj Regal Cleaners. Phone 513 418
Returns From Logan Corporal Wil
Ham Hornberger, In charg" of the lo
cal army recruiting staMon, has re-
Here a Las S
W A I A. C l
SSsl s
jfffatumou& -irtcmflQlciiuv
THE secret is out! With
200.000 women on his
rail any one of whom mav
hold the ticket that will
claim him for life fack
Wright (alias Wallace Reid)
has confessed that the
Lottery Man is he.
Yet he still smiles even
when receiving a letter hkf
"Dear Sir: Here be my
ticket. Have been married
3 times. Sumhow they die.
I Glad to try Lottery Man if
young and strong
"Mrs. Sadie Dunn."
A picture that roars wi.h
laughter. Better come wi th
the rest !
turned from a trip to Logan.
COAL, all kl. is Buy now. M. L. Jones
Coal & Ice Co. Ph. 1603. 2568
Photograpns are history of the fara
il. Have them taken today a; The
Tripp Photo Studio. 320 25th St-
For Worthy Cause Mote lhan seven
j solicitors are seeking aid from busi
ness and professional men of Ogdon
for the Martha society.
Five-room brick; modern; close in.
basement, 3 closets. Immediate pos
session, $4,200. Gem Realty. 2375
Hudson. 9
WANTED Paper of May 9th at Stan
dard office. 9972
Teachers' Institute Supi I). A
, Fowler, will address the teachers of
Nothing Like Plain Buro Phosphate to I
Put on Firm. Healthy Flesh and
to Increase Strength Vigor
and Nerve Force
.Tudpinp from the countless prepare
Hons ami tir.-itim-nt.-i which firo rontln
unl!y In in.,- mjvt-rt i.sel for thr purpose
'l making linn people fleshy, developing
m ins. ne k and imnt. imd replacing ugw
hollows and ant;les by the soft rurv.-d
lines, ot health and be&Qty. ther nrr. fvi
dently thousands of men nd women nrhh
keenly feel their excessive Ihlnncfs.
Thinness and wcukness are oilc-n du
V "farved norves n,,r bodies need more
r' ,n Is contain. (1 In modem
.Ph-icl.m(i claim there la noih-
5n "'whi supply this deficiency so
wen ns tho organic phosphate known
LTrTu , '''UKglsln as bllro-phosphate.
MMeh Is Inexpensive nnd ll Mid by mmt i
rfii druggists under a guarantee of .satis
taction of money back By feeding the I
TVf8 d'r,rtl and hy supplying phos
pnor u food elements, blti o-phosplui te
snouid t roduce a welcome transformation
n the appearance: the Increase in weight
rrequentl being astonishtng.
Increase In weight also carries with it
a general Improvement in the health
iwervouanessi sleeplessness and ick of
energy, which nearly always uc-umpnny
excessive thinness, should noon dlsnn
pear, dull . y, ouglit to biighton and
pole cheeks glow with the l.loom of per
1 ' '.-.. HI, Mi . Hamilton who
wjis t.n. tliln and trull, ni.ortlng o r
own experience, writ.--. liltro-Phoi-phace
has brought about s magii tran
fonnHtlon with tw I cnn.-d " jounds
rihI nfvor lnforc felt fo well "
CAUTIOK; While Bltro-Fhosphatc is
iin.iirps.vf d for the relief of nervous
n-'.s p-ttt r.il d- l.iiin-, ft,-., those uikln:
It who do not desire to put on flesh should
uxr- extio ar; In Hol'jing fat-produ Ins
foods. AdV
Thai the government will prosecute
the en?e against the boxcar robbers,
is the belief of the local offleers, who,
It is stated, have received advices thai
iho speelnl agents of the Southern
Pacific at San Francisco and the Union
I'aclfh at San Francisco and two kov-
ernment men at salt Lake will bo In
Ogden in COnectlon with ihe case Tho
Big men arrested yesterday are stiU
held in the county jail. No compla;nt
has been tiled against them Ii ll
probable the complaint may be forth
coming tomorrow either in the federal
court or tho state court.
The men accused of the robbery and
held at the county Jnil are
Fred Harvey, 38 a local restaurant
man. and tho following railroad switch
men David V Sackley, alias David A
Sickly, 472 Twenty-fourth street;
Carter R Chellgord, 317 piaia part
ments; R, O. Griffiths, 46x Twenty
second street; E. B. Estes, 309 Plaza
apartments; ( harles E Newman, alias
Charles E. Noonan, Lucerne hotel
All the men except Newman are
married and have families living In
The men were arrested by Sheriff
H (' Peterson. Deputies Ray West,
Robert Burk, Lick Wool ton, Bert
Crlte.s, H 11 ("ordon, special agent l
the railroad company, and V. A. Ta -lor
of the police department.
Sheriff Peterson said that all the
accused had admitted having partloi
pated in ihe robbery and had some of
I tho stolen goods concealed in their
'homes A large quanlit of tubes for
I auto tires, canned goods, sugar, beans,
various articles of food, expensie
shoes, shirts and miscellaneous arti
cles have been taken to the sheriffs
office from the residence of Frr J
Weber county at the opening session
of teachers' institute at 10:3u o'cl k
I tomorrow morning The gathering will
be div ided Into three BW ' ions.
Join our dancing class. Tuesday ind
Thursday eVenlngS from 7 to 8 30. All
the latest dances and steps taught.
Assembly Lance Hall. Olio Reeve.
Phono 2890-M. 127
Bids to Be Considered Members Of
the board of education will meet in the
rooms in the Colonel Hudson building
this evening to consider bids lor the
Ceutral Junior High school
To Be Tried Oct. 24. V H.irt. ar
rested a few days aA.j on charge of net
it larceny, will be tried hefore Jur go
:L R. Roberts in the city court Oclo
ber 24. Hart is out on ball
Wanted B responsible people, de
sirable furnished house. Phono 807
I ' 136
Watching Game Coach Clarence
Long Id s- and .1 number ol his rid -" ta , s
are in Salt Lake today witnessing the
game between the Bast High Leopards
and the Davis County Warriors.
Dr. Clyde Smith, recently mustered
out of army service, has opened of
fices in rooms 41fi-4JO, Lust National
Bank building. Office phone 494; rem
dence phone 456. 123
l' acres choice land, water right,
7-room frame house, city water, lights,
car line $8000.00, 50( lown Phone
'69 or 2296-J 18
Wanted paper of September Dili at
Standard office. 9i
Third Ward Dance The Mutual Im
provement associations of the Third
Ward are to give a dancing part In
ihe amusement hail this evening,
j Splendid music will be ottered.
will sell 1000 shares Ogden Petro
leum ''tock. Bid. Addre. s PoStOfflce
I box 597. 2of,
'WHITE Leghorn pullets for sale.
iH. Hey wood, Riverdale Road- 43 I -5.
I 240
MEDIUM sized early Ohio potatoei
for sale. Corner of state road and
I poor farm street. Dix place. 239
ONE furnished sleeping room for
school teacher. 2523 Adams Ave. Zit
SAXON roadster for sale cheap. Ap
ply 306 2Kth St. 237
WANTED To sell good paying busi
ness; small cash payment required.
Business will pay balance. Addi' s:,
O. A , care Standard. 242
BCIt.'K Roadster, must sell, four tires,
three new, in good condition, If you
have $3U0 00 to imest in 1918 model 1
Box 939 care Standard. 211
FOR SALE 2 Holsteln cows, 1 peg.
latere. 1 Fersey, 1 Durham. Phono
2524 -J. 1456 23rd St. 235
In ihe District Court of Weber
County. State of Utah.
Hazel Holabird. Plaintiff, s Harry
Hunt Holabird. Defendant.
The State of Utah to said defen
dant You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of
this summons upon you. If served
within the county In which this action
is brought, otherwise within thirty
days after service, and defend the
above entitled action; and in case of
your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint, which
PM been filed wilh the clerk of said
This action is brought to obtain B
judgment of the above named court
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now and heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and the defendant, nnd
for BUCh other relief as is proper
plaintiffs Attorney
P. O. address No 60S David Eccl3
Bids. Ojden Utah,
Harvey, ll is said a similar nnoim'
will be secured from ihe resident 1
of the married switchmen
In tin opinion of the railroad .,ffl
cials, the robberies have been R ing on
about four months. Sheriff I 1 ter on
nnd his deputies hae been working on
Ihe case for the pa?t six weeks li Is
said that although the accused de
elared that they have only been m
volved m the more recent robberies,
it is said that some o. the stolen goods
found in their possession may show
the time of the opera'ions to be over
a greater period.
The method of the robberies commit
ted in this ease were not different from
those in the box car robberies 1 shout
Iwo years ago when the gang un
down bj the sheriff and his depu les
nnd a great quantity of beans and ,1
ar recovered from various stores
where it was sold. In the frst In
Stance, th gOOdfl v. '-re taken from the
cars after Ihe seals had been broken
:.ut in the prest ni .1 p the doors wore
sprung al the bottom and 011 opening
was made big enough for a man to
crawl Into the car and pass uut the
loot The door was then sprurg back
into lis original position and the 3cal
was not In ok D
The railroad companies are unable
to give the amount jf the stolen goods
in the present case until way bills are
checked up, but It is said will amount
to many thousands Of dollars
It was stated today tint a number
of local men, not employed in the -ail-load
yards, will probably be placed un
der surveillance by the officers and
ether arrests may follow The officers
are cheeking up the Boiling aient lor
ihe robbers
In times past the people of our eiiy
have had Just cause for a feeling of,
pride in the achievements of its men
and women who have excelled in bV
nance, invention, business and he fine
arts. Crowing up in our midst are
nlso those whose ..omlse and present
achievements justify a faith that s:ni
others will become recognized 13 their
various fields of endeavor
Miss Mildred Ware, whose beautiful
contralto voice has so often thrilled
I Ogden audiences, has rccentlv received
s deserved recognition from the peo
ple of Salt Lake City. A' tho evening
cession of the late general conference
I in Salt Lake City, Miss Ware was in
vlted to render a number of soios and
the profound impression created vas
plainly manifest in the expressions of
public and pres9.
Attending this conference was E.ias
Conway Ashton, whose sad death
j through accident wis a great sh ck
'to the entire state tor Mr Ashton was
'not only one of the greatest attorneys I
jin the state, but a man so genial that j
i , dren e. rj one to him. The funer- ,
al Bervlces of Mr. Ashton are being
held t!iN afternoon m the assembly
hall in Sail Lake and one of the ,irst
requests of Mrs. Ashton was that Miss
Wan- attend and sing Mendelssohn's
"O. Rest In the Lord,' from Elijah.
Those who are responsible for Miss
I Ware's training and the general puhlit
are expecting great things of tiis
promising artist, and with her love j
for. and devotion to, the art there is
every reason to feel the ultimate g"al 1
will be reached.
We desire to extend our sincere and j
heartfelt thanks to our friends and,
neighbors for their many acts of kind
nt SB shown us durjng the death of
our beloved son. Grant The kindness
of our good friends will ever be cher
ished. (Signed) MR AND MRS. LAU
I Society
The Ladles Aid Society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church met yesterday
In an all-day session with Mrs. Gert
rude Carr Work was done for the
annual holiday bazaar, which is to be
h. Id on December 5 and 6
The Ladies' Aid society is planning
to make this an outstanding event and,
In spite of the high cost of living, the
public will be given a chance to eat a
real chicken dinner
This evening in the Woodman hall
there will be a card party over which
the Brotherhood of American Yeomen
will preside The affair is to be ihe
first of a series of winter patties and
everyone is invited. The party begins
at 8 o'clock. .
Lieutenant Arrives
First Lieutenant Roland E. Everly,
military instructor assigned to the
Ogden high school by the war depart
ment for military work, arrived today.
Lieutenant Everly conferred witll
officials of the high school and wffl
make complete plans for the season
during the remaining days of the
present week. He is eager to get down
to work and get the cadet organiza
tion here under way with the same
p.-n and ginger that characterized the
Organisation m past years. He will
meet with the oftlcers of the corps to
morrow and regular drill will 3 tart
during the coming week.
It Is expeeted that more than 800
boys will take the work as part of
their Instruction at the high school
during the coming season
Lieutenant Everly was assigned .0
the University of Idaho prior to br-.ne,
transferred to the local school. '
Peter O. Norseth, an Ogden tailor 15
for many years, died last evening at j I
11:30 o'clock at the family residence,
562 First street, of general debility, j
Mr. Norseth was born In O Dallon, I
Norway, January 10, 1S52. the son of '
Olo and Enger Olson Norseth. and j
when a young man he became a mem- I
ber of the Church of Latter-day Saln's j :
while in Norway In March, 1889.' he j
was married to Miss Mary Larson In
Salt Lake City and has resided in Og- .
den since that time. ,
Surviving arc his widow and th"
following children: o. r. Norseth,
Ogden; 0 L Norseth. Grace, Idaho.
Mrs. Bertha Hollands of Ogden; Mr
Margaret Wing, Omaha, Neb , Lizzie j
Norseth. C. E., P. E. L, W , H. M an I
Lillian K Norseth, all of Ogden T n
grandchildren also survive. Funeral :
services will bo hold Sunday at 2 I
o'clock in the Eighth ward meeting
house, Bishop W W. Rawson offiei- ;
atlng. The casket will bo open at h I
home Saturday afternoon and evening I
and Sunday until time of services. In
terment, City cemetery, 1
Knights of Pythias j
To Have a Parade j
In Salt Lake City j
The Knights of Pyihlas will give a
banquet for Supreme Chancelkr Cnas.
L Davis of Denver, Colo., on Saturday
evening, at the Non-house hotel, Salt
Lake, and about loo new members will
form a class in the third rank and be
initiated before the banquet, A 'pa
rade -will begin at 7 p. m. from Knights
I of Pythias hall. Salt Lake. Consisting
Of members from all over the a,., ,H
Icompanied by a 60 piece band, with
Initiatory work at 8 p. m.( followed by
the banquet.
Deaths and Funerals
E I LANDER Ties Eilander. aged
66. died at the family esidonce In
Wilson Lane lasl night after a pro
longed illness. Death was due to can
cer of the stomach Eilander wall
Lorn in The Netherlands December '
15, 1852, and came to America eight j
years ago. Besides his wife he is sur- 1
Vlved by the following children: Ger
tje, Detrpreas. Pieke, Kolmp, Oates.
Vlnig, Kaperiene, Sadie, Wassel and
Cornelius. Funeral services will bo
held from Larkin & ;ons char el Sun-
day afternoon at 2 o'cIoCR Bishop E. j
A. Bingham will oti'eiate. Interment
will be in Ogden city cemetery
Thieves Enter Store
Thieves entered the store 0, ILrt
man & Thomas, 2374 Hudson avenue,
late last night, and managed to make
their get-away with two boxes of cig.
ars. They made their entrance through
a rear window. The ease was leport
ed to the police.
, !
! 1 .U
I s iL,
j A Big Sale j ;
I of Boy's Suits
i i 2C
I Mothers of school boys! Here's good news. In I k
I spite of the scarcity of materials in spite of j JJ
f high prices we have just managed to get 100 !
j extra suits for boys. We are going to put the
entire lot into one great sale at prices that are i
an average of $3.00 below the actual values I c
I and we expect to sell the hundred suits Friday j
and Saturday. Come in and see them in the 1
jj Men's Downstairs Store.
a 4- & T C Fifty nifty suits in neat striped ma- I
Ut p.ZtO tcrials. Pants full lined. New?
belted models direct from our New York office suits I
1 that positively cannot be matched under $10.00.
j O Fifty smart new suits in a good ! Wi
0 ClL PS.ksO quality of blue serge. Newest j lt
Knickerbocker pents, which are full lined. Coats in !
1 smart new belted models. VAalues that cannot be j
matched in Osrden un der $12.50. ' lle
All sizes up to sixteen years. Some mothers will buy (
a two suits when they see the remarkable value. Come i
9 early, while sizes are complete. On sale Friday and H
j Saturday in the Men's Basement Store. j
RUBY DE REMER os. x carr.gan g
j eriBjr : I A Most Entertaining J am
I vould ficTURts 'v H Picture. 1 I
deREMEP rv. umiOT OF ,
ssire" mimmmfT fflliwhi in u u U a U i
SBBSSm uby De Remer will be re- pl
membered as the immortal mk
Haroid ! ick wood's fiancee. J
the very best in photoplay
Wf. will miss this unusual i
A Wonderful Opportunity to Secure an Up-to-Date L new
Hat at Small Cost j 3 Harr
These Hats are made from Paon and Silk Velvet. All the new styles are represented- V
Chin Chin, Rolling Sailors, Mushroom Sailors, Pokes, Side Rolls, and many Hats for the jto., '
matrons in solid black and all colors. Clt
Very Special at $3.95
EXTRA An unusual variety of Beavers in dUCTiiV 1 A fifl P' i
banded effect for street wear! D.UU tO $ 1 (J.UU Vllf

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