Newspaper Page Text
.I g , THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH. TRIDAV, OCTOBER 17, 101", 7 illl I Open Tomorrow Pork 20c Our new market at store No. 10, opposite Woolworth's will open for business Saturday morning. All markets will seli 30c fresh pork shoulders weighing 10 to 14 pounds each at 20c a pound as Ion gas they last Saturday. We suggest that you do your shopping Saturday morning. j 30c whole pork shoulder, pound 20c I V2 pork shoulder or less, pound . . 25c 15c and 20c boiling beef, pound jqc I 20c and 25c pot roasts, 15c and 18c Ti n ,-onnH sirloin o T-hone steak, pound . ' 25c j SHOP EARLY ON i GROCERIES " I LlZt. ponu7d ""! P'a'" 3 STORAGE EGGS, 55c . 10 pounds potatoes 25c Many stores are charging 60c for I j 5 pounds on.ons 25c storage eggs and 70c for butter on I iimc datski or tne cla,m that they have better HAMS BACON, 35c quality than Skaggs There j6 no 45c vshole ham or whole side of better than our stocks at any price. I bacon, pound ...... 35c storage eggs ,5c I 1 Vz ham or small lotl of bacon, Fresn creamery butter 65c I J : pound 38c Sweet cocoanut butter 35c 0 , Streaked salt pork 30c j 2 CANS TOMATOES, 25c RIPE IVE; , Ijl Large tins of largest size ripe ol- Ask the clerk about these toma- ives, sell elsewhere at 35c and 40c', H Of j toes and you will then want a case our price, can .... .... 25c H f i I r iwrnocAc ic 40c RED SALMON, 28c he 20c CANNED PEAS, 15c ilc ; An unusual value even at 35c or I ifo : New pack Early June peas at 40c. per can, 15c; case $3 45 25c small flat cans medium red j J j 20c cans sugar corn . 15c salmon 20c I 25c cans Country Gentleman corn 20c small cans oysters .... 15c I I3)? can 20c Pioneer minced clams 20c I 1 BRING YOUR OLD - HAT aod We have hundreds of extra feathers, flowers and fancies at fMi j less than half the price you ever paid before. Bring in your old i jjj I i hat and have it mark new at a slight cost to you. Expert de i signing and neat work don? at small charge. Once you are here you may find new hat so cheap that you will take it home with you also. Salesroom 423, fourth floor, Hudson W I building. me if 1 SKAGGS S55 I me ii i 1 mm. mm GIVEN POINTED ' QUESTIONS "Runnins fnr mayor," paid Frank Prancls, editor of The Standard, "has iis many phases 'r r Instance, down "I Cured Myself of Tuberculosis" i" Every sufferer rt I dfJSb rem Wcuk Lunits 1 , - everyone a f - : fwarkabl hl- I i. erculosls. w h o till -f'V xpcrlmented on 80 Pounds road to healtli r . iWlth hlj simple I JwCt;.. t Ten tirxrit any v ( C " K h - ra k. I. rtured per son H may 'ind fiulck ! tSC pleasant; any WP VI on m iv u.-o it SET" Urtder iilfiin dirr r- gT" lions. Just .-. ad yStf I ii.ii, ii- and addn L " '"'" ' ard lo loo Pound!, In i ill his. Ohio Ad vertl so ni o n : I GLEN HOTEL j jj Under new management Mrs. ' jj W. J. Harris of Pocatello, Ida,, j has purchased the Glen Hotel jj and will conduct a first class j jj house. Steam heat, hot and cold A j; water. Prices reasonable. Best j 'fit j !j trade solicited. at our house, the election is a eubjecl that has lound an echo among -.ho ouns:stcr8. and the conversation at the dinner table one day of lte ran something as follows "If, on next Tue. da eveniag, you are not elected, daddy, I will feel i;ad, and maybe I will ask fo be excused from school next day." To this voice of doubt, (he prosper tlve mayor said. "Never mind, my boy, Abraham Lin coln ran three times before he was successful " Then the young miss, with an entire ly different thought and with more as surance, brought up the question of autos. I " hen you are e'ected, daddv, -.vlll you have an automobile? All my sirl friends their folks- have autos, ex C( pi :t tew and those ho haven't cjrs have catalogues 'Wefl,' said the candidate for may or, "I can assure you that we'll have at least a catalogue of cars, when I am elected." oo Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Stops Irritation, Soothes and Heals You can get restful sleep after the f :i a t appll ation. I'ric e Our, V J Violent circular currents make navi gation in the Bay of Biscay difficult I LODATO MINING and! MILLING CO. Thi6 company has an office at S John J. Greiner's, 128 Twenty-fifth I itreet, where Andrew Kissel, ope- f c la I agent for the company, is sell- S ing stock at 20c a share. 150,000 shares is all that will be sold at the ij oresent time, for developmtnt pur-!; S poces, the stock being taken off the j s market November 15, according to ji Mr. Lodato's statement. He left on ! , Thursday the 10th for the mine to j I ? arrange for the shipment of the ij i first carload of ore which should IS bring about $5000 for the carload. Anyone interested in getting in on i j a good proposition for making mon- ! ey would do well to investigate this. ) I Girls Ladies Women FIND 1 HOLLISTER'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA a great Laxative mild, pleas v nt, crtaln so Ihcroly .I. insint; and purifying that CONSTIPATION dis 1 lpf-fn :s. nnd whe.-i your CONSTIPATION gof8- vour COMPLEXION hn PfOves you work a- ttci cat better teel beti r IV it a ihoro innl and you will i ismmend it to all your women friends AUSTRIA j RATIFIES VIENNA. Ort. 17 Thf Auetrlon na tional assembly today ratified tho peace treaty of St. Oermaine. The ratification was voted without dehati'. The Oernian party alone opposed favorable art Ion. that rarty being a unit In opposition 00 : BANISH CATARRH j Breathe Hyomei for Two Minutes and Relieve Stuffed Up Head If you want to pet relief from ca itarrh, cold in the head or from an irri tatlriK couch in the shortest time hrp.Hth HyomH If should clean out your head and open up your nose in two minutes and allow you to breathe freely. Hyomei often pnds a cold in one iiav, and brlnKK quick relief from snuffles, hard crusts in ihf nose, hawking, -ipJt-tlriR and catarrhal mucus. Hyomei is made chiefly from a sooth I ing. healing antiseptic oil. that comes from the eucalyptus forests of inland Australia where Catarrh, Asthma, J Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Influenza, Pneu jmonia and Consumption were never known to exist . Hyomei is pleasant and easy to breathe Just pour a IJew drops into the hard rubber inhaler, use as direct ed and relief is almost certain. I A complete Hyomei outfit, including !:haler and one bottle of Hyomei, costs I but little at Culley Drug Co , and drug gists everywhere. If you already cwn an inhaler you can get an extra botlle of Hyomei at druggists. Advertisement. Ill Police Court I I Harry Murphy and P McDonald were found puilty of drunkenness Jn (the city court this morning by Jud: D. R Roberts and fined $.r,0 with the alternative of 50 das in force. The two men were committed to jail in de fault of the bail. I Jim Wilson of Salt Lake City was Mined $90 lor brnz intoxicated. This was Wilson'.-' second appearance in the city court on a drunk charge and for that reason he wa fined in excess of $50. nn . I Tobacco Habit i Dangerous says Doctor Connor, formerly of John Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men suffering from fatal diseases would tC in perfect health to-day were it not for1 the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop the habit now before it's too late It's a vlmplc process to rid ourself of the tobacco naMt In njiy form Just po to any up-to-date drup store and gel some NlCOtOl tablets: take them as directed and ': the pernicious habit quickly vanish) l Druggists refund the money if they fail L'.e sure to read larpe and interesting an nouncement by Doctor Connor soon 10 appear in this paper It tells of the du:- ' I per of nicotine poisoning and how to avoid It tn the meantime try Nlcotol I I tablets; vou will be surprised at the suit Adv. oo I buy Liberty bonds at highest prices. If you have , bonds for sale see me. J. J. I Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave nue. Phone 59. I oo CUT LIGHT PUT HAS BEEN I BIG SUCCESS ELSEWHERE "One obstacle to the obtaining of an electric lipht svstem in Ogden," said Frank Francis, candidate tor mayor, "us the lonfi-term franchise which was Blood Poisoning Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Safe First Aid Treatment How often lockjaw and blood po? soning result from the neglect of a ' slight scratch or little cutl Hamlin's , Wizard Oil is a safe and effective first aid treatment. It is a powerful anti septic and should be applied imme diately to wounds of this kind to pre vent danger of infection. It is soothing and healing and quick ly drives out pain and inflammation in : cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as reliable, too, for stiff neck, sore fect, cold sores, canker sores, earache and toothache. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. Advertisement. I ?lven away six yearn ago and llif forfeiting of the city's option to buy I the Merchants' Light interests, but I am quite certain thoae difficulties can I be o ercome. "In Longmont, Colo., a simihi situa tion arose, and the business men joined ith the city m fighting off the monopoly and in establishing a munici pal lighting plant, and today Iong mont's city government Is in pari tuia ' talned by the lighting plant Every I porch in the city is allowed a free .light as a means of brightening the streets of the residential district. A letter from Rae H. Kil , major of Longmont, sayi : "The plant paid for itself and all Its Your Best Asset A Skin Cleared By Cuticura Soap til 4rtifWj Se S. OlnhMM K t il. Ttkan A I SENATE DEBATES IDispatch of Force to : Police Silesia Text of Next Chapter. WASHINGTON, Ort 17. Dispatch of sdditlonnl American troops to Europe for thc ultimate purpose to policing Silesia during th" plebiscite proposed in the peace treat formed th' of another chapt er of senate debate today on the treaty. The authority of the war department to lake such a step was Questioned by Senator Brandec?. Republican Con n ctlnit .-ind the searcltv of informa tion available to the senate on such sub jects was deplored by Chairman Wadi worth of the military committee. The department's action was defended by Senator Xclson. Republican Minnesota, a. u". other';. ' Nobody knows under what authority the.xe tioo..7 ari' b. inK st-nl." said Senator rtmndnpes. Senator ":jds worth slated: I was civen to understand that th dispatch of this force was due to some arrangement made by tne American peace commission at Paris Tt was in timated also that the authorit for send ing them springs from Ihe fact th it technically wc still are at war with Ger man " Senator Nelson interrupted to suggest that the plebiscite was to determine whether upper Silesia should become 8 part of Poland and added: "They simply want our troops th r- to see that there is a fair plebiscite, that'll all. I nless the senator opposes the establishment of Poland as a free countr he ought not object to this." extensions and betterments, in 'lvo years, I enclose the rate sheet Many people cook with electricity exclusive ly. All users are entitled to one t-eel porch light, or two if on a street cor-J ner. We have a fire street htchdng Bystem, and tho porch lights add to the cheerfulness. "Longmont is proud of Its light ys teni and the results justify the pride." i oo CIS II THE ST01CH IS DISK Recommends Daily Use of Magnesia to Overcome Trou ble, Caused by Fermenting. Food and Acid Indigestion. Gas and wind in the stomach accom panied by that full, bloated feeling after eating are almost certain rvi dence of the presence of excessive hy drochlorilc acid In tho stomach, creat ing so-called "arid indigestion ' Acid stomach are dangerous be cause too much acid irritates the dell cato lining of tho stomach, often lead ing to gastritis accompanied by se rious stomach ulcers Food ferments and sours, creating the distressing gas which distends the stomach and ham -pert the normal functions of the vital internal organs, often affect ng the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat With ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the Stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Blsurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonlul in .1 quarter pjass of water right after eat ing. This will drie the Bases, wind ind bloat right out of the body, sweet en 'he stomach, neutralize the excess icid and prevent its formation and hero Is no sourness or pain. Blsurat ed Magnesia (In powder or tablet form - neved liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and the besi form of magnesia for Btomach purposes. Ii la used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more f-ar of Indigestion Adertise- ment u,j Found Guilty Pete William. Arrest' 1 1 ir. 8 pti mber on a charge ol drunk enness. was lound guilty In the city 'court this morning and fined $50 by Judge D. It. Roberta Williams en tared a plea of not guilty but he was found guilty by the court WOMEN, HERE IS A MONEY SAVER Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry (.leaning everything in the home just as easy as laundering. You can dry clean suits, ccats, walstf. silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies, rugS, men's lollies everything bat would be ruined oy soap and water. Place a gallon or more of gasoline in a dishpau or wash boiler then put in ;he iiunqs to be cleaned and wash 'hem with Solvlte so.ip. Shortly every thing comes out looking like new. Nothing Cades, shrinks or wrlnkie No pressing needed. Io not ett mpl to dry clean without Solvite so 10. This gasoline soap Is the secret of all dry cleaning. A package of Solvlte soap containing directions fi home dry cleaning costs bul a few cents ftl any drugi Kiocery or department store. Drj clean awaj from flame or oul of doors. -Adverlise nacnt. S Ba "The is yet to come. I'm . mSaiigjajii '"1 . traveling fast, and my advance Sggk keeping ahead of the main show BytfTl xjh slttEM ' this year I got here a little early 85 Wnm'wwlmin&' J Qj rSe3 and have ust 5tarted to limbr VtfP" ESb (S3iH Up' When my P' Bil1 Blizzard Sj vtaflP" 883i)ig& and Sam Snowstorm, get here g . j y3l&y jSjfiJ there will be something doing. ; '! yESr! frtftvi k- y ust to show yu my ncart's in Wm i&SteTL the riht Place, I mention that If you are still holding back on that Coal Order, phone to your dealer without ?ttj delay and have your bins filled with Castle Gate or Clear Creek Coal, the free- 1 burning, heat-producing fuels, sure to give you warmth and comfort during the 1 g reign of Old Man Winter. g j . , . l " ' OGDEN BOY SE1 UPON By JAFS AND A RATTLE FOLLOWS IN WHICH THE AMERICANS WIN ! Alber Masseit, priate of the Fif teenth infantry, Chinese expedition of the United States army, who has ar rived from the far east, related now Jacob Jensen, son of Sergeant A R Jensen of the Ogden po'ice depart raent. was brutally assaulted at T'cn jyEURALGIA K yk&i or Headache f Rub the forehead and temples with rp 7icics4porijS "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30r. 607T2G Tsln, China, before being rescued b fellow soldiers. Massett stated that the American provost guard was unarmed when at tacked by Japanese soldiers in an at tempt of the Japanese soldiers to "run out" all American soldiers who were holding former German concessions A hatt It nf three days' duration Ui lowed, the Americans being victorious. Massett further stated that the Jap anese soldiers are constantly seeking ' trouble with the American boys and that among other things, the wirelesp of transpoRs carrying American troops arc sealed, while the British transports are allowed to sail with no eals on the wireless apparatus. He had been in China since December 1917. 00 Read the Classified Ads. NOTICE """ j If you ire in 'he market fur ha, jt'ifk I (.in, iji-. lie hi r. or pntatoer. Kr't in 2 j I ni"h wish Miteh.-l-.M. I'eek I'ro.lure f'll I Co, Room 503 Eccles Bldg. Phones- HI I ay ITii. r.i 10 I or !" V) 2 s j I LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE. , In the District Court of Weber Coun ty, State of Utah. State of Utah. Plaintiff, vs. Hynuu 111 .Tenson, and Certain Intoxicating Liquors, Vessels and other property unlawfully used, One Hudson Auto- j; mobile, C. H. Reilly and P. B. Ryan, Defendants. 36. 1 To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the tj ' 27tb day of October. 1919, at 10 M I o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the Weber county court house. In Ogden City Weber county, nil Utah, the following described proper- j ty, to-wit: Eil One Hudson automobile, Roadsto", Engine No. 21528- Jjj I Dated at Ogden City, Weber count, Utah, this 14th dav of October, 1919. H H. C PETERSON'. Shf riff of Weber county, LTtah. By CURTIS ALLISON, Deputy Sheriff. jll -y j I Flatcote cleans like new with soap and water and tan be applied over old walU or new, either sand . finish or smooth; on wood or metal, over old wall J . .:r 1 t3b paper or burlap. It dries with the soft appearance of water color and will not lose its eokr with age. Made in 16 colors and white. Write for Color card. TMMurtryM FG.Ca PaUll bnd Varnish Makers k Sold By Denver. Colorado. Eaj L i Mmnoch Glns &. Pjint W hoelwr ioht Lumber Co. j, 5 "-"Ir.."'l ;.1 jj Co., 2370 Wash. Ave., Capital and Qulncy Ave., , 0 3d "' 0,;Jcn. Utah.