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ft JJ' ft THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1919. I I PLANS LAID TO I ! BRING TREATY :!5 INTOACTION WASHINGTON, Oct 16 -YVhll HO I i official declaration run be made In ad-j vance of the action if the senate Oil r i t lie treat 'f Versailles it was learned ' i unofficially toda i hat plans were be ' lng laid for bringing the league of na - .,.. lions into existence nlmost immcdiate H ly upon the publication In Paris of H the ratification of the treaty b tlreal Britain, France, Italy and Germany which will put it into force. Although the United States cannol 'ii. participate in the initial stages of the leagues work, it is understood thai jH; the decision has hern reached to have iyj President Wilson issue a call foi the "II 'rst meeting of the council of the ' jttlj league within the fifteen i a pent j,t, provided In the tre;t for the appoint , ment by the c ouncil of three members 1 II: of the commission which 1b to deicr .9: mine the boundary of the Saare basin. ' j' Article 5 of the covenant provides tfi' thai decisions of the council shall re jlflj quire the agreement of all the mem bers of the league represented at (he !fjj meeting" and it is held here that this jjj does not specifically require tho at tendance of an American member to uj legalize such decisions. No less than fifteen commissions I IB created by the peace treaty appear to I "pj require American participation and lljjl certain plebiscites confirming title to various disputed territories also are 10 iwii De conducted under a joint Interna IU tional control. I lie present few r r the officials here however, Is that J representatives of Great Britain !gl France. Italy and possibly .Tip. in, ll whose ratification of the treaty Is ex- I 4 Constipation i Vanishes J: Forever Prompt Permanent Relief CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS never fail Purely rfl table act surejv hvt & 00 " CARTELS Stop after fcWITTLE dinner dis- I V E R tress cor- 4 B?PBIS rect indiges- Wqta tion; improve iJBJ i the complexion b:ighten the eyes. Small PHI Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplsness and Female Weakness. GmiIm ant kiar iljittire sLnr crc. And The Worst Is Yet to Come pected daily, will function in these matters without any challenge of the legality of the proceedings on account of the absence of the American rep resentatives. Plans for the Inauguration of the league were discussed by Colonel E. M. House, during his recent sta n England, and he is understood to have pursued the work as far as he fell warranted In advance of the action of the senate on the treaty. It also is understood that quarters for tlio league secretariat In Geneva tenta tively have been obtained and while iu London Colonel House is believed to have arranged with the representa tives of other nations a tentative pro gram for the first meeting. If Col House's health permits, he is expected In Washington perhaps next week and it will then be In order to frame the call for the first meeting of the council of the league, which President Wilsons physicians are ex pected to permit him to sign. In the view of officials here this first meeting of tho council must ar range for the appointment of the va rious commissions and the plebiscite described in the treaty but aside from that its proceedings are expected lo be rather limited. Later on. If ihisj initial Bt&ge is safely parsed, and ihei senate shall have consented to the ratification of the treaty, the presl-.' dent will Issue a call for the first meeting of the assembly of the lencae which will be in Washington some time early next year. oo If you are in the market for hay, corn, oats or potatoes in carload lots get in touch with G. C. McPeek, 513 National Bank Building. Phones, day. ; 442 night, 1654. NOTICE Neighbors of Woodcraft. Ogdea Cir cle 581 Election of officers Saturday evening. Oct. is. A full attendance requested, ALICE SM ALLEY, Guarding Neighbor 195 r - NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted bv any person other; than myself H A. PARRELL. 156 Read the Classified Ads. 1 14 REPUBLICANS SWING OVER TO MATY FORCES 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. The ion debated Shantung amendment to the peace treaty, presented i Senator Lodge and approved by the foreign re latione committee, finally ira reject ed in the senate today with a ma jority of an even scorn agalnsi it In the vote of 86 lo 55, fourteen He publicans swim? nir in tlip pro-treat; forces while three Democrats lined up wiih those supporting the proposal Of the six senators absent, two Republi cans were put on record as In favot of the amendment and one Reublican and three Democrats as opposing it. Tho roll call which came at th" end of another BbC and n half hours nf sharp debate, in reality swept awaj six amendments instead of on eaca ehange in the treaty text halnc been niiMi Kr.rril onnn r'j tftl v hv t Vi r rrn-i r -. ( f . tee In Its decision to strike out the! word '"Japan' and substitute tho word China throughout (he sections re lating to the province of Shantung riy unanimous consent, however, the six changes were debated and voted on as one. Only three of the committee's forty five amendments now remain to b acted on by the senate, thirty - six pre viously having been rejected Of these remaining one relates to American representation on the reparation commission and two to equalization of voting power In the league of na tions assembly, Lodge to Make New Move. Vfter the vote was completed S n ator Lodge announced that later he v,-inlrt m.-.vr, tn ulrlL r.llf i-nftrr-K ll.n sections awarding the Shantung rights to Japan Notice also was given by a number Of Republican senators who opposed the committee amendmt u( that they would present reservation dissenting from the Shantung award. More than twenty senators took pur: in today s debate extended speeches being made for the amendments by Senators Johnson of California. Sher man of Illinois and Lafollette Of vVls- Ns Ctokin;" A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quid; Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes THE ArOo DON'T ClRCULATS ARO'OND I Z AMONG people who, fo orve 1r?eSON Of? ANOTMCR.DON'T WANT TO consln; all Republicans, and against II jby Senators Phelon, Of California, la Democrat and BfcCumber of North Dakota, a Republican Senator Hams Democrat, Mississippi, injected into the discussion a bitter denuncia tion of the attiiud' of some Irish -Am-erlcans and sharp replies were made by Senators Phelan and (ferry, Demo-1 crat, Rhode Island After The roll call a few minutes I I was devoted lo (he formal reading of :the long treaty text and the leaders expect to continue the task tomorrow. (The general prediction was that a i vote on the remaining amendments I would not he reached before The mid - die of next week. THE GOOD LITTLE BOY. j Once there was ,i boy who never ! Tore his elo'hes. or hardly rer, 1 Never made his sister mad Never whipped f f r bein' bad, Never scolded by his Ma Never frowned at bv his Pa. Always fit fer folks to see. Always good as good could be. This good little boy from Heaven So I'm told, was onlv seven. Yet he never shed real tears. When his mother scrubbed his ears. An' at times when he was dressed Fer a party, in his bfst. He was careful of his shir' Not to get it smeared with dirt. IJsed to study late at night Learnin' how to read an write; I IT'S UNWISE to put off tn-dav's duty until to norrow. If your stomach ia acid-distarbed take RM10IDS the new aid to digcfilon comfort today A pleasant relief from tho discomfort of acid-dyspepoia. HADE BV SCOTT & BOVrNE MAKERS Or SCOTrs EMULSION Ii TOOiJj AND lAoPtR ' ti"RWt 0P.7G07t I VC I jVOU LL FIND JHtiM 'WdEZK-.. ; iBtUWE. ME ,THrTcM I OJLL. BLtcj eAtc K1 I BLuJLINk ? x I j C : SAY POP!- I : ' I 1 p I I I DOING OF THE DUFFS 7 &!J1Z& MEJr K VV' WAV UTTOMA BRANCH Of Tfe VHUXHO R1CHT 7u 2oOC R I ? GZ ip A A Sit. UOIOCE W T6 COMPAQ MEAiJS H WOVJ Ai-L Pt4XHQJc; AJP EKPTCT- To CXMLL Te4 Tat PtoPBBTV- ObP Avt) TUujk: A MAATTE - VcJOTJ ' I, SOMenjWG l3 VfELLAS raUtM E Hoeg. 4TH AieT TuPEE M0WTM3-VMW SUOOLD PPoBAftl-W LlVO- To GO X EUROPE AUO VlMT TUE SuiV'1 'T U L A MAU 9FToi 1115 MaueV Wimif vie Was A &H(l,i battle reips tuac-Voo PfioaABLV woaut J&a? a II opp MAK What is a good tea fnr mc? The kind you like, un i less ou like common tea Which is full of tannin I you know tannin is bad for the insides. j 1 Fine tea has very little tannin; and you don't get 1 even that little unless you steep it too loner. Schilling Tea is the fine tea w ith real tea-flavor. T here are four flavors of bchilhng Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Hreakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof pac Icagej. At gro'.c everywhere. A Schilling & Co Sun Francisco - I Whn he played a baseball game, j i Right nay he alv,a came i When his mother called "him in. I An he never made a din But was quiet na a mouse "When they'd eomp'ny in the house. 3t Liked to wash hi hand. ;m' face, ' I.ilcp.l to work around the place; ;. when he'i 1 1 play, 1 1 ' hie wagon In he h a 1 ' stol or his bat an ball around I'ui 'em where thej could be found, An' that good boj married Ma. n' today Is my Pd o:e at OO J CO STOLEN p I The rh''i!.. ..n.i in . n-:. orders 'na- "H w ,r ia .. i, !.. . . I .'.Tw iito nie rn ly I'le.-,- M:1, ih,-,., i,ck wndi lg;and kepp the currency l-'-i II L, BO WELL. I ;;: I 15 288 Twenty-fifth Street. I OO 1 ' i I Prayer for Divisse Guidance for U. S. ft President Js Said riih I'FrRolT net 16 retltion for M vine guidance tor the president of trr '-ie i I'nr.e, State? v.-: 1 1 not h0 laM fioni the morninc: servirr- of r h . IVi- BBiki sstanl Episcopal (iiurei, T h r.-'in of appeal-, mad.- in ihr- house ol U ( !?rBPl lies in the triennial . n.-i-.' cor . 'HUttl ilon ioda b Thruiia- Wl-on I I-WJe former ambassador to Ital; , and Mi j 1 liur;-', Pa. Ul The imposed rumrrdal b;. le , J'5QJd is hoped 10 brine about closer unit) i7 th denominations lor spiritual wetter the world was saved to consid 1 by in the convention b an appe.i J the house of bishops h;. i: - J harlea H. Bient, western New I j formerly chaplain general of the IJVa There were two oulslnndinc lea turos in ihr delibera'ii lam important general church 1 held since the war on what delegare 1 characterize us "bicgesf" day. W healed debate mWW house of deputies on the recommend- J B tion of the reislon commission thai (Wf" the prayer book rubric be so tran.1- WJJ posed as to permit shortenings of ;.W 1 jj morninpr service by omission of tbe II prayer for the president when t he lit any is said, or communion service fel j j lows immediaieh llfV Are you having ys jg "7S with your skin? 1 1, Yo If you have eczema, ringworm or sim- I Grjj lar itching, burning, slec)-detroyir4j ikin-eruption. t-' Resinol UintmenJ I Resirxnl Soap ar.d sec how quickly the itching sLops and the trouble disapi I it 5 RcU I 5op nd R.nol Oin-wc; ire to f I tr. ll druceU. r,.r wmo'.c, (r. -nf; lo U. ' I . Rejiool. Balumorc, Md. RimtmtrttM 1 1 Resinq1 Jg make tick skins well Hjsjr i Blade ha. '''' 8treet