Newspaper Page Text
i I " .inn---- nuirr. i mew " f j FOR SALE Red Estate j fjlOl kkk VXD Ft WLES .. . iiai Insurance Loans !U-T or own oner has. practically 4 room modern bungalow. iiuat I ' nn paved nrwi in choicest location I tunrh. Homo has dandy basement, j JJL-iar- sleeping porch, built-in lea W JJJ oii.iMon flni.-h Is vacant now. Cm onl) 13250 Term. I FROF.KEK AN I FoWLKS I Loans Phone 917 ISTI I ToqoM modern frame, 12150, S35l J i5 a month Immediate pos- I tama Call at Dairy. 3Ct7 Washing I ;oo '"" ' I rj7"KE of ground with two modern I I u"- 24 blocks Irom Reed hotel. I -ciVm site for coun or apartment i I owner. 2648 A'lams Ave. rear. j " 1290, I WILL t;ik (food car on 0 acres with 1 iroorn ne house on paved road, one i '! mie south of city. Phone 2360 M. 1291 (I 'ROOM modem brick home Furnace, ioqulr- Ad-""" l-'i , fuBEtTH' oM frame house al 3950 J t)(jf Ave., i lose In to It. R. district , Lf m I ltsce on lime. O. A. Kennedy, base- I iffnt lTtan Nat'- B,dK Phone 913. 1261 I cgooM modern brick house. Inquire j oer. 2340 Jefferson. 1199 ., nn.YJ full) modern brick, cast fiont II oO bench, fireplace, hardwood floors, f! .-pinc porch, work porch, 1 J ce- mente.l bafemetit. furnae hem, l;un I dr tubs, electric fixture.-, blinds, lino I MB) and good supply of coal ill go I with property. Lot o0xll7, close to I m schools i inl) K) 00 H riulrc $1350.00 c;is.,, terms on I S-ROl'M new modern brick routh front 1 on bench, 1 block to car line. Lot 37x Hi. Can 'VJ almost lniuiediate pos- icjiIcd. bniall cash payment, terms to I iu:t on balance. $4joo.OO. J. A. Mc- nlloch. 980 I WOOM modern brick house, fall I jveniut- i 22 ihlngton. U5b fEN-Room modern frame house, 10; I tti cent cash, and $30 per month; or I I will rent lor per month B. WEDLLL luGS B : I . M uv 1 1 m.k i Wai mngton I t. 2933. i Uetx43'.'.6 all or part. Kate BtckmaD. l it W. N. T. Salt 1 Uk- 1 9U I I I A' eleganl lot near the Pingree .xhool I lcr on'y 3ct', $5u.uo uov. n, balance on i die ib.i!m.iit plan; .i great buy. j. I J. Brduiuiu, 241'i Ave 754 I .U'AKIMENV house, 4 beautiful I iptrtmepts, puru lurmshed. Can yive I LaXucdlate potse.-.sion oi one lunmheu I p .-uutiii. rem - "i cash. Inquln I atmna, 2lo4 Jeifcrson, afternoons 746 I A GOOD i room modern noust, within I biock o! the Union Depot, large lot, I ftii( trees, will pay ui; per C0DI per :r.Dih interest ou the iuesuuent, lor i eal) :"0. J. J. Lruuimlti, Phone 59. j 7 54 i I AN elegant loi on Washington avenue. I ltd fen deep, nice shade trees, only I 48.0U per from loot This is a good I tuy. J. J. iiLunilti, 241V Hudson I Ave. 7G4 I 2S-ACKE (arm, Z uilea west of Ugden j-rwiai irau.u lio iae, est ium oi . Lao i L'uuv i.u-1-it. o. i. i'eriy M I MODERN bui.galnw, 6 rooms, bard--voodfloors, while enamel and uttura gum wood work, tile bath, fireplace, lot water heat, sement basement, lruu rwoi, lrtundr iray, t;as range, gas healer, auu laundry stove, ail .-ooms papered. ileciiK lixtuies, shades and drapes complete, sarae and chicken coop. Built 3 months ago for oui.or's home. Lot 56x129. Puce $6500.00. Call C. L Wright at Wright's. 1036 m I3wkj BUYS rl A 7 room modern house M clorfe in on the bench; J KOod barn and yard. I t'erms -ROO: MODI UN DRK K I Lar 6Gxl32 fl Coorl JB fro it trees, located on bench, lor immediate sale B ?275o, terms. Xl50 ft. lot on the bench, with the excava tion done and cement foundation already In, m.i enough cement blocks to build a 6 room house, this la an opportunity to savo llooo on your n -w home. GUARANT MORTGAGE CO. lib 24th St I'!,,, , 1 5 I , l;; JU :o see us about good I loaQt'' cit residences and lots. I ?..kC I870' Por,er L'o. 2374 I "sa. Av., baseuient. List with us. M 10J 1 ! SEtN" acrs ol ,and' abcul onL-' I 1 1 io fruit, with a frontage ot H naA n t,,st 1J'h slreet- w;'h a B nui 8U ruuUl ll""'s' pl ot chlcKcn tairy'i Jind outbuildings, for only I Hi!. ' Wor,u ntMjUt $lo,yi-0 J. J. Urummitt. l'hone 09. 751 7 , I krV mlkru iroorn house, well llorr '.V b;i"-K" u on 'h'-' t. rich. Jjjoaly mui,. $40o.tio down, balanct SnoVa,,IJS ""Ul J' J Brumniitl' I J 754 I h!nE.UL!UM mdom bungalow. JJ'1- - clothes closets, extra large JMtry, larK, screened in potch. '- block rom no A bar I ', down and rest on tennp. nq'llrr' "29 25th St. Phone 3200 ii 1254 ' S00n,lJ m,xJ,ru furnished. 2845! i bcr Sbrgam Itl(u1 Victory I J5th) PsEuT n Gr&Dl bet 24t,i 1 Il4$.w P1,ly -7;j0 Wa,!l Phone Qr sallRal estate MODERN hom. 7 rooms with bath full basement. 66 f bv 215 ft. at 349 IB Avf. prlrc fcoon RMflld cs J'Hie Applj Thos. L Whitehall, nd mlnlstmtor. at above addre? 12IJC HV OWNE-Fln lot. beM locatton on bench. Pavrd St. 54x132 to Blley Phone 82. j49 SECOND HArtiTsiwS WE lake ; our ola range aa first pay ment on any new rane or wdl buy our old range outright. Homo Fur niture Co. itji2 I MONEY TO LOAN IT will pay you to see us - bout good farms, loans, city residences and lots. Phone 176. Porter Realty Co.. 2374 U'asn. Ave. List with us "jbs Mu.SLl advanced to .-aluiitu peopie without security, other on Furniture al piano.. as weekly or uioiio.., i-4;Uii Dti. Lux, --7 Cul. iiuUau Uidi l'hone 2$4. t ala7 RALPli P. CNTL. SOUshe LkSf. Morigag Lo4o. tieal l-tie aurance. :ua, iuij ii, Cen and city property, i'erooo ueifirlug 10 loxu uiotio on gooO Ini rijortgag security ei Oo well to oonauL OO'JU app. ca l. una uivsaj uu 1ja."'.u. 31 Mill be., Ugden. Cul tjlO Mo.'.EV to loan on improved raj cj to. iily t lierrick. 7 7a MONK I to lOU oo re- auvt eec j &y. j. J. )rumltc -21-u jFOR SAliToR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE AT w ii. si :;. W yoming. GENERAL merchandise, slock invoice between ten and twelve thousand.1 Store building fori j -four by eight , big warehouse, elghi-room bungalow al-' mo-t new. barn forty by seventy, stor age and buggy room in center, barn ail floored, iwo acres of land, post office in store. 1'olng two thousand dollar business a month. Will take one-third cash, balance in, trade or terms to suit purchaser The Walker company, 623 Eccles Bldg.J l'hone 1130. i2'J2 140 ACRES of irrigated land, part in hay, 50 acres fall plowing done. Good lantl and plenty of water. Inquire Box 684 Dlackloot, Idaho. 1266 i FOR RENT j Miscellaneous 1 J I OHIO vacuum cleaner, revolving brush, sterilized dust bag. S0c for 4 hours Eight machines. No waiting. De illverod and called for. Mrs A. C W!J liamn, Phone 2097, 1286 I OHIO, best revolving brush vacuum, $1.00 day. Dust-proof bag. Ph. 2613-J. 1224 I n -i i-i i-i - - -M--m WANTED MisccLUneocs b www mmmmmmmmtmM I'lAN'ti to -t.,re in my home for its u.e Will pav drayage one way. References i furnished. 2436 Madison. Telephone ;'J 1267 TEAMS and wagons with drivers to deliver coal. Lion Coal Co., 31st and Washington Phone 666 1270 WANTED L Board and Room lis i e,L. i Privets Cs illy. Close in Address Box 124, care bian idard. 1269 ROOM and board with refined family I lor mother and 4-year-old child, break fast lor mother, with care of child uur ing da , mother employed, liix C, care Standard. 1265 fl0f0i WmWHHJIHlWWW .- r lJ. WANTED ! Situations L J .v.n i i x'oaUIOll Uy' e-Ajn i n I'ci el stenographer Phone- 34-J-2. 1311 POSITION as housekeeper by widow in cay or country. Write Box 413, Og den, l tah. L26 1 WANTED Woi k b the day. LbSVO veold or note ul .So. Corej Apts. 124 0 YOUNG Japanese school boy wishes position to work lor uoard and room, mq. 259 24th St. HIGH school student desires won; be fore and alter school hours. Will tend furnaces niht and uiurui. Applj American Legion, telephone 1131. 100 CARD and character reading. 449 6ui St. 1046 EXPERT typewriting ana clerical work, geneologlcal records arranged Phono 1286 W. 958 PRACTICAL nurse by Lho day or weeK. Phone U21-M. 763 DRESSMAKING Kt,AR 2oJU Auums Ave. l'hone 1j51-W . 1301' DRESSMAK 1NQ, plain sowing 35u 31st St 97 REAR 233U Adams Ave. Phone 1661-W. 681 PLEATING, buttons, bemstltcnlng, picot at luc per yard; third nou.- . H. Wrighi ft Sons- 5ul DRESSMAKING. Phone 1912 J 207 DRESSMAKING, remodeling, chll areu's sewing done reasonable. 2314 Jackson. 1332 1 ! WANTED Mnle Help ROYS for mTnRr work. Merchants' DUnatch. under F. N B Bid- Fh 5"2 1303 THREE or 4 days work for man and team; plowing and leveling. Phone 2335-R 106" WANTED Lalor rs lor oui-ot-ton wort Good pay. Apply 215 Eccle .; ' DEFORR sellinK Liberty bonds et prices from J. A. iioKK ft Co. 2451 I WANTED j 1 T- 1 HICHE.sT cash market price paid for veal calf, dressed hogs, sheep and beef. We pay top prices for hides, pelf, and furr. Call us up and get prices or I write Great Western Hide A: livestock I Co., Phone 1164, 616 24th St. 1314 HIGHEST prices paid for old rlo'hes. Nl R Vork c lothing More, 259 2rjtb St. I -1 c HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. We do cleaning, pressing and repairing at reasonable pnet s. New York Cloth Ing Store. 259 25th St. i327 WILL buy four second-hand pianos if suitHDlc lor our purpose. Phone 5u3 or ask lor Ben JansSD at Williams Music Co. 60 FORD runabout top. Phono 2222. 1167 1 BUT Liberty bondb. i. j. Brumuui.t, 241V iiuelbcn Ave. 2&3 ACCRUED int plus markel price lot uo-."., pond- Qju oy J. -. Hogle ic Co SMI LIBERT! oonds o-ighc. J. J. Brum-' aiitt Phone 6i. 2639 I.LEA-T1 RACb antd at o b'an lard offico. Concrete OrnamentaJ Works j ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. CEMETERY concrete coping. Wheel ungL;, Twentieth and Duugias. Phone j 262B-W. 424 11917 CHEVROLET, self start Will sell or trade tor lighter machine. Bargain. ! 5a7 20th bt. J3J2 I FOR SALE BV OWNER A Bargain ' in a used louuster luily equipped, 1918 model, riiu.ii see to appreciate it. ioom ooj rust National iuuk Uldg. J2.9 I FIRST $600.00 BUI S. ! four CI li.nuLr n. e-passenger car, first-class condition. Call 623 Eccles iildg. Phone 113U. 1157 1917 MODEN N Hupmobile A bargain, ! New ly equipped. P. O. Box 600. 1139 BRAND new Ford touring. DORT roadster, cheap I j-PA;?&E.M.iER Ovenand, PEERLESS 8 cyl. 7-pasa I CADI LAC B-cyl. 7 pass. 1 BROWNING AL aOMOBILE lo. 1073 BARGAIN Bulck Su, model D-45. , l'hone JiuJ- 996i iiAi, Hupmobile, Chalmers; ail in jd oiuer. usatch Garage laud Storage. Phone 228. t irsl-clias .-nop in conneceion. 9110 FOR SALE E LEVATORS. WE untish and l 'ail high grade eiecuic or hand elev ur$, any cupa City WrlM in. W mi;s, 249 Edtsun bireet, salt Lake City. Wo buy secoud hand ones. 2366 j WANTED WANTED TO RENT Four or five, un furnished rooms, close in. No small children. Would pay severs months in advance. Phone 3265-J, 1289 W AN TED To rpnt a barn. Tel. 917. Frower Fowels. 1207 FOUND PI ! ND a ring. European Rooming house, room 4. 1267 POUND A parasol. Tel. 2710 J. 1294 FOR RENT Unfurnished nmmm ' i I A S-ROOM house. 2du5 Adams. l'Zl MODERN 3-roomed apartment, close in, 13600. Phone 1UUS-J. 1269 COZY thrce-roorn Apt., upstairs, no children. Phone 1U99-W. . 1201 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED room block from city hall. 457 26th St. 1312 LOST BLACK and white Mexican ;oal. Phone 2114 NJ. Reward. 1217 LOST On north Washington, a ;-reen hat pinned at the top 'Irade mail- Stetsou. Phone 318-M. 1280 BROWN, rolled brim hat, on 22ml and Hudson. Telephone 2919. 1232 MACKINAW bet Monroe and 22nd SL and 33rd and Grant. Phone- 1478 W. 1234 A hero la the doctor who proscribes I hix own Whiskey for someone else. FOR SALE Miscellaneous TWO heater? 3tb Pronc MM ISM ONE Airedale. Al watch dog. Call 7g 1304 O. I. C. boar for service. 3170 Jack-on. 130J 1 GOOD yearling heifer. Call 1873 Park Ave. 1297 'PEDIGREED Boston bull dog. A beauty. 2624 Wall Ao. 1 295 DETROIT Jewel high oven gas range, sood condition. 2220 JUnooln. 1 1) , COMBINATION bullet, library table, hall-tree, in good condition. Mr. H. H. Hoover, 2203 Washington Ave. 1282 TWO Persian cas for sale, 8-mo. old. 351 27th St- 1288 2 TONS of hay for sale 397 Harris villc Road. 1278 2 HORSES, (Cheap. 168 Wash. Ave. 1273 NEW furniture, dishes, cooking uten- ! slls to completely furnish a 4-room house 466 Rose Court. j333 SECOND-HAND goods bought, sold and exchanged. 1800 Washington Ave. Phone 686-J. ItH SHETLAND pony, bucgy and hanicss, saddle and br.dle 6KU Z4th M. 1242 A SMALL heating stove. Call at 3065 Porter avenue. uiu VARIETY of sewing machines, reas onable for cash, bee to appreciate 1 jJll Grant. I'M J COMBINED und china closet tor saie- Good conuition. r. 2u7. 1211 DINING room and table, but ' iet, cuiua closet, clre-bsing taoie, dishes I una cooKing uicnsii&. 8-o -oth 6t. I i-nones oab and 513. Uloj ALL kinds of secondhand furultuie for ! sale at lou 25tn street. 1218 EXCELLENT bargains on line violins, new and old. A'uueone, -9m and Hud -su- 1188 22 WINCHESTER repeater rifle shot gun. Phone 1421. nj FOR SALE B-.dstead. springs ; nd mattress. Dining room taulo and oido board. 2671 Wail. 1198 ALL makes of sewing machines repair ! . .1 H ni'lf ll-,ri,nul C.Ki.,nH I -machines soid cheap lor cash. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 338 Wash. Ave. j Phone 24. 119 1 jLuNLNG room table s;0 00; pusb cart (.tu, couch cover 87.00; gas range j20.uu; rug 5u.0U. rhono )13 i to 10 A 1 YOUNG Jersey cows. Sev eral coming iresh. Phone 163. 1423 25th St. 1 ltjy l SECOND HAND goods bought, and 1 ooid T. C. Person, lo-lu U aali. Ave. J 'h -9- 1141 BIG sale on canaries, conic hear them sing. 222U Lincoln. my ( FOR new and 2nd hand truck bodies. Bee Broot, U ifudaou. Prices right. H26 NBV and slightly used sewing ma chines at the Light House Electric Co. 3464 Washington Ae. Phemo 581. ! 1068 iFLICNlTL'RE L'.vu...:,3u pays highest prices lor secoad nanu luioiluio auu otoves. Phone 2i6l. J53 -ciii btreel. 888 It ULi., eyuipmeut of nouse jold luinl I ture for sale;. juOu Gramercy avenue 0 J 1 SECOND-HAND goods bought aijo , old. iversou, 161U 1 49. 9632 1 iuo lor sale, iouae lnduoLxial school, i 948b uuu blLlix-Lo iuL utL, 4c. Aiubi raio-one-y. ,uX V , iLauai"d. 8U0 .nLH' and second hand goods bejght I ooid and e-Acnanged. Highest puces puid lor second hand furniture Trunks and suit cases a specialty. Siner Irnk 'ot Furniture Store, 241 Twenty -lit in otreet. Phono 1321. T-9; J. A. HOGLB CO. pay highest prh B8 m JdJuu 10. Liberty Uonels. 2460 UNCALLED lor suits, tallur made, big reuuction. Gordon s, 311-,5 25th St. i'houo 419. 2157 FOR RENT 1324 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2818 W ashington Ave. 1321 NICELY furnished front room, 2215 Lincoln Ave. Phone 1669-M. I3ub FURNISHED apartments. 2571 Lin coln. 1298 MODERN steam-heated bed room. 2946 Oram. 1271 j FURNISHED rooms for rent. Phone 1 1597. luuu NICE modern room, fine location. Call mornings or evenings. 458 24th street 1222 ROOM for gentleman. Phone 1880 1022 I ONE upstairs hjisekeepiu npa.-:meiiu $3u a mouth. 63 GranL 10a". ACCRUED int. plus maritet price for liberty bond paid by J. A. Hoglc Go. 2449 1 2 NICE housekeeping rooms. Phone 2443-M. 1323 Men who always want to think it over have koI to find som-tlunK to think with. WANTCD . Female Help -330 1 USE girl wanted at 2512 Tyler Ave. ' 1320 GIRLS wanted. Wessler's Cigar Fac 'ory. 1296 EXPERIENCED end reliable lady I tonoRrahper. Add. Box 742, Oden Commission. U63 EXPERIENCED crocery ytore ladv. Apply 620 24th. Phone 525. 1274 (iIRL wanted for light house wor:. 659 I 21st St. 7 76 DRESSMAKING taught tc amcne willing to apply themselves. See Mad- Jam Caplau. 3rd floor Wright' siore. ( 9242 WANTED - caatuber maid liealy bOSSL Apply in person. 9011 I HAM DERM AID wanted. Virginia ho tsA. 1268 illtLS wanted to aew on jvei',;. Wt, Dav whilo vr.i :-rr, r m'. . -,,... v,r wam steady Je bs -ed ic'y. ScowcroP Manutacturing. 6014 AUTO STORAGE. j WASATCH garage, 2224 Washington Ave. Some room left at $5.00 and $6.00 per month. Phone 726. 1248 j TREE PRUNING. J R. N. Rasmunson . Le Roy Marsh TREE PRUNING We are expert.- in orchard and ornamental pruning Cor rect pruning is s science. We under stand it. Contract work our specialty Phono 937-W. Res. 654 21st St. 1239 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND DE LINQUENCY OF THE SAME To Whom It May Concern. Under authority of Section 278 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, and i's directed by Section 1056 of tS K vised Ordinances of Ogden City, 1 tah, 1915 The undersigned Treasurer of Ogden City, Utah, hereby gives notice that a special tax for the purpose of payinc the costs of building asphalt paving in Paving District No 129 in Ocden City, Utah, has hern levied and confirmed by an ordinance of the Board of Com missioners of Ogden City, Utah, a. '.opt ed and passed Nov. 24th, 1919, and published Nov. 25th. 1919. Said special tax is levied upon all property abutting on the following street, to-wit: Both sides of 24th street, between Washington and Madison avenues, and further described as follows, to-wlt: Lots 6 to 10, inclusive. Block 26. Plat , A"; Lots 6 and 7, Block 27, Plat "A" : Lots 1 and 2. Block 29. Plat "A"; Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, Block 20, Plat "A" ; and Lots 1 and 2. Block 31. Plat "A", all in Ogden City Survey, to a depth of 50 feet back from the street !in-' Said tax is payable Jn ten Install , ments. The first installment becomes delin quent on the 14th day of January. 1920; the second installment becomes delinquent on the 25th day of Novem ber, 1921; the third installment be comes delinquent on the 25th day A November, 1922; the fourtli install ment becomes delinquent on the 25th day of November. 1923; the fifth In stallment becomes delinquent on the 25th day of November, 1924; the sixth installment becomes delinquent on the 25th day of November. 1925. the sev enth installment becomes delinquent on the 25th day of November, 1926, THE WORST IS YET TO COME I LEGAL. NOTICES the eighth installment becomes Jeiln 1 quent on the 25th day of November, 1927; the ninth installment becomes .delinquent on the 25th day of No. m ber, 1928; the tenth installment be comes delinquent on the 25th day ot November, 1929- Each of said install menic except the first draws interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 25th day of November, 1919, until delinquent, nnd if said tax or any installment thereof shall remain un paid after the delinquency of tthe same; interest thereon thereafter will be at the rate of eight per cent per annum until such assessments are lui ly paid. All special taxes are payable at the : office ot the City Treasurer in the City Hall, at Ogden City, Utah. WALL.M'E F(H LCER. City Treasurer. By C T. Koons. Deputy. First publication Nov. 29th, 1919. Last publication Dec. 4th, 1919. Published in the Ogden Standard. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND DE LINQUENCY OF THE SAME. To Whom It May Concern. Under authority of Section 278 of the Compiled Laws of 1 tah 1907. and Sfl directed by Section 1056 of tbe Re vised Ordinances of Ogden City, Ltah, ( 1915. The undersigned Treasurer of Oden Cily, Utah, hereby gives notice that a I special tax for the purpose of paying , the costs of building concrete side I walks, in Sidewalk District No. 149, I in Ogden City, Utah, has been levied and confirmed by an ordinance of the ' Board of Commissioners of Ogden City, Utah, adopted and passed Nov. !17i"h. 1919, and published Nov. 18th, 1919. Said Special Tax is levied upon all property abutting on the following stVeet, to wit : All that part of Wall avenue on both 'sides between 31st and 33rd streets, ,aud which is more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lots 1 to ,11 both inclusive, Block 6. Central Park Annex; Lots 1, 2, 33 and 34. Tqm VsltLL VOU (yQ OUT Am) L -, CALL P Tell uim h& 1 voi 6"f?T UiM MOST COME J MOJ - CT WPlP.! - lM I '- ' 60'J6 DOvoiJ AMD f B'lllO A COAL f Ft?P vj THE j aiwN. VoiiPe A Dl560Aci I 1 on. Tom' cone op TO TUe FAmilN wsAUr Wtrf6 QK.UT AwAV VOUQ ATMEC. TO 5E ' AMT Yo" T , Noo- M;J STft.0 rf, E SOi&TUMC;. n RIGHT TM6P- ( 3' 1 fl . ' ,Block I, Central Park Annex; Lots' 1, 2. 33 and 34, Block 2. Central PHrk Annex. Lots 6 to 27. both incluelvo, Bloct 5. South Park Addition; Lots 1 U to 36, both inclusive. Block 3, South U Park Addition; Lots 37 to 72, boch in elusive. Block 2, South Park Addition; and an unnumbered lot in South Park I Addition, being a part of Lot 25, Block j 10, South Ogden Survey, all in Ogden 1 ( Itv Survey, to a depth of 50 feet back from the street line. Said tax is payable in five install menu. The first installment becomes delln quent on the 13th of November, 190; the second Installment becomes ael'in j quent on the ISth day of November, 1921; the third installment becomes , delinquent on the 18th day of Novem- comes delinquent on the ISth day of November, 1922; the fifth installment becomes delinquent on the ISth dav of November, 1924. Each of said in stallraents except the tirst draws inter est at the rate t b!s per cent per an num from the ISth day of November, 1919, until delinquent, and if said tax or any installment thereof shall re main unpaid after the delinquency o! the same; interest thereon thereafter ! will be, at the rate of eight per cent per annum until such assessments are I fully paid. All special taxes are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City Hall at Ogden City. Utah. M WALLACE FOULGER. City Treasurer. By C. T Koons, Deputy. First publication Nov. 29th, 1919. Last publication Dec. 4th, 1919. Published in the Ogden Standard. j Hi PARIS, Dec 4 (Havufl) Terms of the trl-partito agreement guaranteeing France against unprovoked attack b Germany will bo carried out by Great lirltion, regardless of whether the United Stales, the other participant ratifies lho pact, according lo newspapers hci- which state thai negotiations to this end have been almost completed between the 'French and British government. ''JZ ?ET .-io CHPTV ? v"l- FAC- ! 1 I VJUAT OO VOD , WAWT fvJTO gXr76Vg- j I 'MBjaMrHMIiaMHnualBB ' - -.. .- ... mi n, t LL, LLLI.H " HI lllll ! JU JT I 1 II I I I !! I .. I j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are payable i,i advance, if you cannot bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect the following; day. j 1 We absolutely cannot afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Please do not ask us to. j E I l B1H &" H rUfa.