OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, December 04, 1919, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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If hc HandavtL
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the
Postofflce, Ogden, Utah.
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circu
lation and the Associated Press..
fcity $9.00 per year
Wall $5 40 per year
ft An Independent Newspaper, published
.every evening except Sunday, without a
muzzle or a club.
The Associated Press Is exclusively en
titled to the use for republication of any
news credited to It not otherwise cred
ited In this paper and also the local nevs
published herein.
j j '
Not until today -were the people of
gden directly reminded thai a great
-coal strike is on in the United States.
iFires have been burning brightly in
bgden stoves and furnaces and no one
iiad even suggestd economy in fuel
$Now the government regulation lias
invaded Utah and Ogden is tc begin
.in feel the restriction which has put
B'out fires in eastern cities.
Every lump of coal in the bins of
;Ogden is made more precious by rea
son of the forecast of a shortage which
jnay become acute. Thirt;, moe days
of a close-down of the big mines
''throughout the country and Ogden
homes will be burning screened
Sashes, wood and any other material
affording heat.
On Sunday the Salvation Army was
rout on the street in force. Tambou
rine, cornet and drum were in serv
ice and a captain of strong voice could j
be heard a block away.
' l''i
; The crowd that gathered was not :
Jjlarge, but when the big drum was i
placed in position to receive R shower
-of silver, those who were near throw
'nickels and dimes, and then a soldier
I cast "four bits."
1 There was a time when the Salva-
1 tlon Army was poorl recognized;
-when the lassies had to search high
and low for the nickel. Today the
change in public attitude Is noticeable
and it all comes from the heroic rec-
B'll F
i ord of the Salvation Army workers in
.the battle zone of the great war. The
nil M v
soldier boys regard the Salvation
Arm with respect. No organization
operating in welfare work behind the
trenches in France gained more by
j I .reason of extreme sacrifice than did
2thc Salvation Army.
UiV a nn
j Serving notice on tho women of
Paris that they must dress within the
bounds of decency or be excluded
from church, the archblnhop cf Paris
ha sissued a second warning, as fol
lows: "Our repeated warnings have fallen
upon deaf ears. Mothers are now even
dressing their young women in a man
ner contradictory to Christian decen
cy. Women tell me that unless they
dress according to the latest fashion
they are unable to enter society cir
cles, but Christian women must organ
ize to purify society if such is the
case. Women must also positively
cease to Indulge in indelicate dances.
An- ,aitempt to reconcile mmoral
dancing with religious practices is de
plorable. The pope has exhorted Cath
olics to form a league against inde
cent fashions. Our blessings have
j been given to a similar loague in
Paris. We now urge it to work active
ly against the banned dances also."
Seemingly the German invasjou was
not less difficult to meet than tte etis-
. toms America inflicted on the French.
I Our girls went over in short dresses,
silk stockings, high shoes, and low
necks, and our soldier bnvR ragged to
i he music of their Jazz bands and
France female France yielded. Now
the church is seeking to correct this
innovation in dress and the strange
.motions In the dance, but so fat there
seems to have been no real response
and warnings have been necepfary,
If the church succeeds in making
the women of Paris forsakw the pre
vailing fashion, then the church will
prove to be a power greater than any
force aimed at fashion's reform in the
United States. In America no one
would undertake to Issu" a mandate
against the things in fashion Which
had won woman's admiration.
oo 1
No man in Utah is better Informed
on Mexican affairs than Apostle A. W.
Ivins, who has lived in that countr
twenty-five years. In discussing the
possibility of armed intervention oy
the United States, the apostle, in ad
dressing the Commercial elub in Salt
Lake yesterday, said:
"If by exercise of patience, the
great, ast country of Mexico can bo
brought to friendly feeling with the
United States, think how much better
it will be than settling our difficulties
by lorce of arras. Armed interven
lion will mean the loss of tens of thou
sands of our American boys, for the
will be brought face to face with fe
er, pestilence and sickness and will,
be compelled to fight in a country of !
desert waste where water is scarce
and poor. When victory does come
I to the United States for this must
'come eventually it' we go to war with '
! Mexico It will result in the utmost
j bitterness and hatred among the na
'tives of that country, even after they1
are conquered. This will exist for
'years to come. I sincerely hope that
jreason can effect a settlement, but In
'order that this may be done od prej-'
udlces and policies must give way to
the light of reason. I urge tnat you
men present do all in your power to
prevent war, and, by use of reason, aid
in the settlement of difficulties, T.et
us sit down and reason together. The j
situation is serious, but not so ee-j
rious that we cannot talk it over."
That is good advice. If there is 1
hope of an understanding being ar I
rived at, by which outrages shall be
Btopped, then patience should prevail
But how is this country to be assured 1
that crimes against Americans along
the border and in the hecn. of Mexico
will not continue as they have since-
When a telegram was read at the
Commercial club, stating that Senator
Fall of New Mexico had introduced a
resolution calling for intervention in
Mexico, Apostle Ivins said:
"Senator Fall has long represented,
as attorney, some of the largest of ,
Mexican landholders. General Ter- J
razas is one of these, and this man has
lhed at the home of Senator Fall. '
General Terrazas Is one of ihe lare
est landholders, not only in Mexico,
but in the world. He controls thou
sands of square miles of land with the
villages and farms which are upon
the land.
Terrazas, Apostle Ivins said, refers
to the peons on his land as "my peo
ple,"" and exercises a mastery over
them through the company si' res to
I which they are kept in constant debt,
i Apostle Ivins told of occasions when
these peons had been literal!)
'"bought" fre from then peonage b.
the payment of their indebtedness to
I the company.
Our own opinion of Senator Fall is
not favorable. On more than one oc
casion, the senator from New Mexico
ihas been accused of gross exaggera
tion and his sole cry in the part eight
I years his been, "War." Ho is for
blood and, as Senator Ivins states, he
is the paid attorney of a slave driver
who, since the days of Diaz, has been
facing the possibility of having his im
mense holdings divided among the
peons who have slaved for him with
out getting beyond rags and wretched-,
This country will be following a
mean leadership when It places Sena
tor Fall at the head of our foreign
policy and accepts his program.
SALT LAKE. Dec. 4. Mrs. Em
meline Pankhurst. leader of the Eng
lish militant suffragists, will be hou
orded at the Bonneville club banquet
in the Hotel Utah Saturday evening,
according to George 0. Rolf, secretary.
The affair will be directed by women,
With Mrs. W F Adams presiding.
Mrs. Pankhurst will explain the
English militant movement and give
reasons for its rapid growth Mrs.
Pankhurst has completed recovered
from her illness, caused by starvation
and imprisonment In England, and Is
touring the United States to promote
the suffrage cause.
"Bmllo when you can," Miys a. poet.
That's all riyht, but why didn't he con
fer an everlasting favor on humanity b
tolling us how to smile when we can't?
! f Knitting Yarns
I Jlffi . rW We UBt rcelTed a shipment of knitting
fllu'rfB1! yarns We have & rorapletn assortment
'J EHsK1 l98Sk. f colorp W re xrPtlonally fortunate
8 - 1 receiving auch a large shipment. It is
Wt almost Impossible to buy It. We have the
WL following colors: Peacock Blue, Belgium
j ! "Kai3p. Blue. Navy Blue, Baby Blue, Pink, Wild
' '81 Rose. Old Rom, Cherry, American Beauty,
r SppwBPP Burgundy. Harvard Crimson, Flame, Mixed
TJ I mf ft Gray, White, Black. Gobelin. Yallow,
I l Wll Shadow Lake Green.
HI Silk Fleece Yarn
Shadow Lake and Silver, Flame and Silver, Rose and Silver
Orange and Silver, Olive Drab and Silver
Now Is the time to buy your yarn. Next year it may be higher.
II Stafford Millinery Co.
24415 Washington Avenue.
PARA. Brazil. Nov 4 Athough only f)
miles, from UlC eQUator 0r city of Pnri
enjoys a peirennlal climate of what miKht
bo culled mild summer. There Is a show
er cf rain nearly every aftrmoon through-
out the year which topethcr with liio
welcome trade windfl hlowinsr In from tho
Atlnntlf- temper, the Intense heat of
the mm and chc Para n climate that
for evenness rui equability cannot prob
abl h surpassed.
The mornings .iirl evening are always
cool, and the mid-day heat never ap
proaches that of a "regular" Aiiguat day
In Now York or Chicago Sunstroke is
entirely unknown There Is no record of
a case in th entire Amazon Valley.
Schoolboys Play football In the open Hty
spaces during th- hottest hours of early
afternoon and laborers, naked to tho
sralsl toll sweating on th- docks m the
blazing sunshine without any apparent
Si raw hats an worn the cai rouno
In Parn, and a sun Ivlmet would b
reganled with :imn.ii as much curiosity
on the AvcnH da Republics hert as it
Would on Fifth A.venu
The clothes worn by men arc also a
matter of surprise to the foreignei visit
ing this equatorial city. Brazilian pro
fessional men, doctors, lawyers mi n
gfneerSi invariably wear HolheB such as
nro worn in New York in the spring or
fail. Government officials senators and
deputies favor the conventional "cut
away," and in official rails on tho state
governor, for Instance, this cry untrop
iclcal garb is the ru!
Business hit and especially foreigners
however, adhere to the cool -looking white
cotton, linen or duck. In the matter ol
evening clothes the citizens of Para ar
very formal. In the days of the rubber
boom when public- departments were m
rule and not, as now, the exception
the conventional full evening dress was
always worn by them.
Heavy Drop in
Rate of Exchange
NEW YORK. Dec. 4 Exchange
on England, France and Italy dropped
yesterday to the lowest points of de
preciation ever recorded in thi
market. Btedllng fell to $3.87 1-2 to th
pound, against tho pre-war quotation
of $4.86 5-8. This represents a dis
count of sliphtlv more than twenty per
cent in what for srenrrations was re
garded ae. the most stable form of in
ternational remittance
Francs or bills on Paris fell to the
point where it took nearly ten francs
to buy nn American dollar, represent
ing a depreciation of fully fifty per
per cent, while the lire, or Italian
change, valued al 19 3 cents before t he
war, fell to a level where it took
12 2-3 of Ihem to equal an American
Dealers In exchange stated that a
large part of yesterday's pressure to
sell, especially of French and Italian
bills, came from commercial interests
hefe and abroad who offered their
bilh almost regar.ilr-ss of n-v. - -Detained.
Cables from Loudon quoted Amor
lean exchange there at $3.88 for a
Pound sterling, vith predictions that
the huge debt of England to tins coun
try would precipitate a further slump.
Ogden's boxing fans are promised
one of the best boxing matches that
has ever been arranged locally for
next Monday, when Pat Gilbert. Salt
Lake's favorite, will meet Al Youns.
the popular Osden boxer. The eveni
Is to he at the armory and Is being
arranged b Herman Baker Pom No
9, American Legion.
Ten rounds to a decision Is the plan
for this bout, the winner to take part
in the next contest staged by the le
gion, for there will be a series of
elimination contests to decide on the
western lightweight championship
The two preliminaries are expeoted to
furnish considerable entertainment
particularly the ml windup between
Red Hogau or Ogden and Joe ' op"
Fhnn of Chicago. Flynn has been
,-seen In two Ogden matches and has
gained considerahle popularity whilo
Hogan is known as a real mixer.
Senator Smoot
To Select the
Convention City
' SALT LAKE. Dec. .--Senator
Reed Smoot will attend th quadren
nial meeting of the national RepubM
can committee in Washington, D. O,
December 10, according to word re
ceived from Will H. Hays, national
chairman Mr. Smoot will represent
Utah as national committeeman. Hen
ry Welsh, state Republican chairman
of Utah, will speak for Utah at fh
meeting of the Association of State
Republican Chairman, to bo held in
Washington the following day
Delegates will fix the time nnd
place of the next Republican conven
tion. It is expected that Senator
Smoot and Mr. Welsh will both use
their influence to have this conven
tion held in San Francisco.
The meeting will begin with an open
session Wednesday morning, Decem
ber 10, at 11 o'clock. Addrees by
several committeemen and r.tate -h::ir
men will feature the progr?m. All
delegates will bring messages from
their respective sections.
NEW YORK. Dec. 4 Progress in
the use of kerosene, crude oil and
other substitutes for gasoline, were re
ported at the annual meeting of the
American Society of Mechanical Engi
I neer.
WOMEN are proud to have beautiful "Wear-Ever" in their kitchens
the quality-utensils that are in keeping with the finest home furnishings.
Because of their shining silver-like beauty, the daily convenience they
afford and the better cooking they make possible, "Wear-Ever" utensils are
most welcome Christmas gifts.
"Wear-Ever" I
Aluminum Cooking Utensils I
give enduring service. They do not "Wear-Ever" utensils are the most
chip or scale. They are made of economical utensils it is possible to
metal so thick and strong that it with- buy. They cost least in the long run.
stands the hardest usage does not A complete "Wear-Ever" equip
rea dilyd ent or bend. "Wear-Ever" ment saves the bother and expense
utensils are made in one piece, with- of constantly buying new utensils to
out joints or seams in which food can take the place of utensils that have
lodge are pure and safe. worn out.
wear-ever Replace utensils that wear out weaever
with utensils that "Wear-Ever" Sfes
SDgpJ aTajminTTM
TOAttiuj Look for the "Wear-Ever" trade-mark on the bottom of each utensil eIam
The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., Dept. 3681, New Kensington, Pa. Lj,
, p
Killing of Former
! Yanks Declared
j Planned For Weeks
CEXTR LIA, Wash.. Dec 4 An of
in In I tiitement by the mayor and city
c-oniiniioners ihfiued on ihe nhojtinK
and iwis here armistice day, says the
industrial Workers of the World at
. tack upon former Boldiers was planned
six weeks In advance and was nupro
V Oknl
The plot, according to the statenie-nt
which was in (he- form of an affidavit,
wiiH treasonable" and was "conceived
in hatred and vengefulneas which for
diabolical plan and execution is with
out parallel In the history of tho
United States "
The statement says high powered
arms and ammunition were collected
In advance to an extent which made
an arsenal of the I W W. headquar
ters and from the nature of the firing
J it "is evident there was a pre-conceiv
ed plan to kill ex service men of the
U. S. army."
Probe of Federal
Trade Commission
Ordered By Senate
WASHINGTON. Dec. I. Full insti
gation of the federal trad commission
was ordered yesterday by the senate,
without a dissenting vote on a resolu
tion directing a general inquiry by the
interstate commerce committee Into the
commission's activities and also into the
charges by Senator "Watson, Republican.
Indiana, that some of its employes have
been engaged in radical propaganda
Hearings probably will not begin unll
January as loth senate and committee
are busy with railroad bjclsliitlon. A
ojb-rommlttee hoadud by Sf-naior Watson
will b appointed next VMk, however, to
conduct the Investigation
The resolution piovld for an Inquiry
of wide scope. As originally proposed
by Senator Watsoo.
JUAREZ, Mcx, Dec 3. (By tho
Assoi iatod PropR ) Vigorous efforts
v. ( to made tonight by civil and mill
i tary officials here to obtain official
: information regarding the reported
capture of Francisco Villa near Parral,
I announced m a message received by
P, V. (.'aballero, superintendent of the
National Railways erf Mexico for
Chihuahua, who is here on an inspec
tion trip. Dp to 7:30 o'clock no con
Ifirmallon of the report had been re
J ceived
The first word of the reported cap
I ture was given to the Associated Press
by Senor Caballero Later If was ex
' plained that tho report had come
. from a telegraph operator at Parra!.
j by way of Jimenez and C hihuahua
, City, and tlu-nce to Juarez
I(?nacio Bonillas, Mexican ambas
sador at Washington, telegraphed An
dres Garcia, Mexican consul-general
at El Paso, asking confirmation of the
rumor. Senor Garcia replied that he
w.is pushing strenuously to obtain of-
j tieial advlCM, and that he would ad
vise 'he Mexican embassy as sonn as
I he succeeded.
General J. Gonzales Escobar, com-
i mander of the Juarez district, said
that he had dispatched a telegram
to General Manuel M Dieguez. com-
mander of military operations in the
north who is now reported to be in
Jimenez, Chihuahua. General Dieguez
has a force of 17,000 operating in the
northern zone, it is said.
"If Villa has not been captured now
and I have strong hopes that he has
been he Will be caught soon within
two months at the outset," General
E---.ro bar said
Baby Coughs
require treatment with remedy tint con
tains no opiate piio's is mild but effec
tive; pleasant to take. Ask your druggUt for
British Rule In .
Ireland Denounced
At a Meeting
SALT LAKE, Dec. 4. Conditions
in Ireland under British rule- arc i qual
ly as bad as those in Belgium after
the German invasion, said Patrick
Coyne before the Friends of Irish Free
dom in the Hotel Utah last night Mr.
Coyno was formerly with the Ameri
can expeditionary forces and was
granted a detail to England.
T. H. Maginni?. state chairman of
the Iri.-'h Victor;, fund bein:: rai-d In
America, also spoke outlining the puiv
pose of the fund. This campaign, he
declared, is being launched to sell
bonds to support the Irish independent
A resolution appointing a committee
to assist in the drive In Salt Lake was
Tiger" Joe Cramer llcht heavy-'
weight wrestler who arrived in Ogden!
last evening to prepare for his match!
with Jack Harbertson on Wednesday!
December 10, commenced training this
morning when he hiked to the Hot
Spring! and back. Cramer declares
that road work is one of the- essentials
of wrestling, not only to reduce weight 1
but also to keep all the musqles in
good trim. This afternoon the grap
pier started on the other angle of train
Inc with a workout at the Eagles" gym
nasium. The Colorado grappler Is accompa
nied to Ogden by his training part
ner, Charles Kodot. who will work out
with him. But. the wrestler expects
that several Ogden men who desire
Rome vigorous exercise will also be j
willinc to go through tho prelimlna
ri's with him.
Ogden wrestling fans who met Cra-j
mt-r stenhn d- elite ilia' Harbison
is to face a uey style ui wrestler when .
ho inrc-ts frame! In Un roped arena
at the ( irplo uni 'ram r is lithe.
that'- lii-' r.-asiiii n. has been nick- ,
nam-d Tiirer." !,. aggressive anl
he Is strongly built In height neap
pars shKlitlv l.irgrr than Harbeitfon JJ
'and triers Is nothing of the stock) na- 1
ture about him (Turner is 26 years j
of age but he has met and dcfea'.rt w
a doz.-n of Hi. .-oun'r' - t"';' wr'ler. IJhe
He declar. s his rhiH' ambition is 10
i defeat Harbertson. iv
nn I "
' NEW YORK. Doc. -H--nrj Mw-
'gan Tllford. one of fhe prominent fig- i
ur.-s In Standard il companv for J
many years, is dead here. It JJJ
i mated that he leaves an estate of -"
i.ooo. He was boin in Lexington. J Kfe
Kv , G2 years ago. .a J.
At various times he was the act) tif
head of the Pacific Coast Oil conipan).
the Central Oil company of rper, , H
and a doctor of many subsidiaries Oil
the parent organization.
Some mm ll? when they attempt t
stnnd up for themselves. J i
Mil MfflS
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets . 1
If your skin is yellowcompjoPj ,
pallid tongue coated appetite pow s
you have a bad taste in your moutn
a lazy, no-good feeling you shouw
take Olive Tablets. -
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets- sub
stitute for calomel were PP?"1?? j n
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of stud v. V
Dr. Edwards'OlivcTabletsareapureif
ve?ctablccomrx)undmiA'evuthonoi'- j
You will know them by their olive cowr
Tohaveadear. pink skin, bright e
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy "
childhoaidaysyoumustgetatthew . j
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act W
the Uver and bowels like calornei-ycv
have no dangerous after effects. I
They start the bile and overcome con l j
rtipation. Millions boxes areJ ;
annually at 10c and 25c Take one or
i wo nightly and note the plca.nng result

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