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I J I HI 'MS 51ANDAKU: OGDKN U I AH, SAiUKUAY, ULLKMtl 9 '? -irr 11 ivmhiui- t .cu:aj nicarrjTrTviOT.Tili .11 - . rui u gMMMMM w jmiji S""HB T MB SBBBBBr I 1 IN OGDEN'S SOCIETY 'H Miss Edith Granger and Miss Mildred Mcintosh To Speak Tuesday H I MJss Edith Granger, who i? just back from France is speak in;; in i his H J Moid during the month of December. She has been overseas ever slnct Ihe j beginning or 191S. and can tell almost H ia many tales a- the men themst ( ior she has seen more of Trance than I niMin of them have. Her throe trips to Europe before the war and her splendid knowledge of the French H I language made her pre-eminently fit- i ,rri to go as one of the fir.;i s cretariea H ent over by the Y. YA C A. Three j months spent as social soorctary of the U Hotel Petrograd in Paris, brought her B ) into contact with American women war B a workers of all organizations. She B spent some time in the Foyer des Al lies at Tours studying the conditions of the French women munition work-, ers Her organisation of the travel de partment at the newly opened Paris I headquarters of the Y. W. C a. kept her in touch with all the new secre taries sent over from America as well a with the tremendous development 1 j ol the work in France Miss Granger arrived In Paris jusi in time to go through most of the bad air-raids and the shelling from the Big Bertha Hotel Petrograd was Just, opened and everything was In a Btate of chaos. She followed the develop ment of the work in other centei through the Hostess House in Tours and the rapid growth of the work for the French munition women in the J B j great factories all oyer France Then. upon her return to Pans, she saw the fl. linal stage of the work with nearly one hundred and fifty secretaries and centers throughout the length ;.ni breadth of the land for French women, nurses, signal corps girls, and with Hotel Petrograd grown to such j proportions thai Hotel Oxford and Cambridge had lo be rented as an an HII u nex. During this last stay in Paris Miss Granger made an extensive trip along the American front, visiting Toul. Nancy, Si Mihiel, Verdun Montsec, where the famous dugOUl of the Crnwn Prmi t was -nn uteri .n hi II as the Hindenburp line and all Its ; branches, down to Rhelms, returning j lo Paris by way of Chateau Thierry. Alter her return to America Miss Grainger address V eighty-two audi ences with an a 'erase of two hundred R j and fifty persons at each mating, tell- BL'I 1 ing them of the work of the Young Women's Christian association in France and explaining the reeonstruc-' lion needs of thai devastated country. Since the close of her Bpeaking tour, j Miss Granger has hern devoting her I time to the study of the work done by I the Y. W. C. A. in other fields ;ind, i what the future program of the Y Y k, "What are the problems of the women and girls at home and abroad?"! What is the- M ' doing to meet , B. ij 'hese problems?" these are Ihe ques- Kj tions which Miss Granger will answer in her splendid and convincing talk Tuesday eveninc, in the First Con gregational church. Ogdenites will HKI have the pleasure of hearing Mis Pl,! tiranger and Miss Mcintosh and un- BiIm doubtedly a large audience will be; H'j present to greet them. IFOR MRS. MALT MAN. The Ladies' Society of the Brother I hood of Locomotive Firemen aud En ginemen gave a vers enjoyable party last Thursday evening in honor of Ml -Thomas Maltman who has served at collector for the order for the past i ear. In appreciation of her faithful service, the society presented her a beautiful hand-paintrd plate Mrs. J C Rush, treasurer of the organization, j was given a beautiful dish also ' The entertainment for the evening , f , I i Miss Jetia Carstensen i . , j Miss Jetta Carstensen daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. C. M Carstcji-I sen, will bee the bride ol Mr W C Jones, boh of Mr and Mrs .Miles L Jones, next Thursday. The ceremony will be perfoined in Ithc Salt Lake tempi. The bride-elect luis been honored at $ num ber of showers during the past two weeks. was centered in playing cards and j still later refreshments were served .Those present v. pro; Mr. and Mrs. A I. Mouten, Mr and Mrs . c. Bush. Mr and Mrs. a p Parker, Mr and Mrs H. H. Brizzee, Mr. and Mrs Bert Siprelle. Mr. and Mrs N A. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Westemelr, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Malt man, Mrs. J. J Rouse, Mrs. H. Speak. Mr W F Loul i ten. Miss Pearl YVostmeir, Miss Rose Morrison Master Sherman Westmeir and Master Kenneth Brizzee. VISITING IN OGDEN. Mrs. Jack Major and little son. Jack, Ir., who have spent the past summer and early fall months in San Francisco With husband and father. Lieutenant lack Major of the 30Sth cavalry, are visiting in Ogden with Mrs. W Y. Browning and Mrs. John W Scow croft, Lieutenant Major's mother and sister. SPENDING WEEK-END IN CITY. Mrs. T C. 'Wright and Mrs J. J Bybee of Idaho Falls, are spending the week-end In this city as the house guests of Mrs Joseph V. Bailey. Yes terday Mrs. Wright was honored at a tea at the Joseph Scoweroft home when Mrs. Scoweroft entertained This afternoon Mrs. Clarence Wright is en tertainlng for Mrs Wright. The ladies I l HM .Miss ,(.. VM Jon. daughter of Attorney John A. Sneddon of this eitv ;.().t Clif-! bsssH I 5 . ?reenweIl ylso of Qgdeu. Che couple are tp make this ,-tvi I f1T hom''- haae fl large circle of friends who wis', thinn hnnJ HilM i ni ess, BsH BsHH sssl I liWt 13 1 I '; ) I I are to leave for their home tomorrow. WELL-KNOWN COUPLE MARRIED. Mrs. Fred Arnold of 2919 Adams ! avenue wishes io announce the mar 1 rlage of her daughter Abbey k Ernest Balch, the wedding occurring at Farm inston, December 4. Both young people are well known in ihe ctlj and both are employes of the W 1! Wrighi and Sons company, the bride having conducted the desk in the ladies' sun lahd loak department, while Mr Bakh was head salesman in the mens cloth ing department. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mi and m. Enoch Parr, Jr.. wish to announce the engagement of Uinlr I daughter, Marj Myrtle to O. ictor Bel nap, the weddiyg to occur in the Sail ! Lake temple. December 18. I AT PLAIN CITY THIS EVCNING One of the interesting M. I progrnnis of the week will he given nt Plain City this evening, beginning at 7:.-0 o'clock when the following program -will he given. CongTOSatlonal Singing. "Come; Come. Ye Saints." Prayer. Singing, O. Ye Mountains High." Historical Sketch of Y. L M. I a... Rose Ken Vocal Solo La vaun Drany P.- i or. of nn early M I A. Meeting ' Vocal Solo. "The Kerr Dance F. J. Kcnlcy Piano Solo .Ldia Garner Historical Skelth of the Y. m m. i a. ua,'t Elizabeth Lund and e.'j. Reminiscences, by Visitors I Old Time Classic Junior Girls I Congrccat'ona! Singing. Hard Times Corr.c Again No More." Benedict. on . Dc.rM.ig In Amusement ball. All memdbre cordially invited to bo I present. METHODIST BAZAAR. The ladles of the Methodist Episco ' pal church are busily preparing fori their annual bazaar and chicken din 1 Her As this i.- the first large affair i which they have undertaken since the; war they nre putting forth every ef fort to make it a great success. On j Thursday evening, December 11, din-' uer will be served to which all mem-1 bers and friends of the church are! asked to lend their patronage. The young ladies of the church are pre phrlng an entertainment to follow in! the evening, Attractive booths will j display all manner or beautiful arti cles in needle work, embroidery and ochel : stable for Christmas gifts, rhe children will receive especial at tention as booths will be devoted to' toys and candies for them MUSICALE IN FIFTH WARD. The following musicale wan given Friday evening in the Fifth ward ?hapel : Mano Solo, "Valse" Chopin Miss Florence O'Nlell. Juitai Duet (a) Melodies. (b) Serenade Ernest Shreeve. Orval Carstensen. Saxaphone Solos (a) '-old Madrid" (b) "Wild Irish Rose " Edris Christensen. Piano accompaniment. . iolin S0I05 (a) "Allta." (b) "In the Mountain Coti Le Roy Johnson. At the conclusion a dancing party in id in the amusement hail. VISITING IN OGDEN. Mr? .1 Alvin Rune and littio dauch ter, Kathryn, of (ireen River, Wyo., are the bouse guests of M p, ; no Mrs. James Rune Mrs. Rune came down to am n.( (he Rune-Power wedding P.nd will visit with friends and relatives 1 her and in Salt Lake until after the ' holidays. , ( Miriam Chapter No. 14 A. E. S The regular meeting of Miriam C'hnp ter, No. 14; (irder ot ihe La stern Si or, will In held next Tuesday evening in the Masonic temple when the annual election of officers will be held. A full attendance of members is re quested. Lai Cos Ciub. Mrs Ra Si one was hostess to the members of ihe Lai Cos club at her home. 7o6 Canyon Road, last ed nesday afternoon, when "500" was played and honors were given to Airs Walter Ashment and Mrs p. r. Eck harl The next meeting of the club will he held in tWO weeks with Mrs. Ashment as hostess. Home Culture Club. The members of the Home i ulinre club are meeting today al the home of Mis. J. C. Gephardt, 2621 Barlow ave nue "Child Welfare" g the subject for the afternoon's meeting and the discussion will be led bv Mrs 0 P Skaggs. I Westminster Guild The young ladles of the Westminster Guild will be entertained Monda) n,;Jn bj ihe Misses Cortez and Miss! Larned at the home of the Misses 1 Cortez, 535 Twenty-seventh street 1-iistoncal Society. The Historical society mei Novem ber 29th. at the home of Mrs. J. R. Morrell, en Eeelcs avenue The hostesses were Mrs. A W Agee and, Mrs. Morrell At ihe business session it was de Cided that this societ, wiih ihe Teach-! ers' association, secure two abb lec turers to speak in Ogden In the near lulu re The program for the afternoon was well directed by the chairman, Mrs. . . w. v .-n. wuiyr-, aim U'MIMMI'U III a p-iper on thp subject. Pageantry," by Mrs P W Knislej Th subjei t matter was ably ihouchf out, well prepared and interestingly presented This was followed bj read ling of printed articles on the same subject, by Mrs. Newcombe, Mrs Mor 'rell and Mr. W H Meal A short discussion followed. Miss Mary Fisher rendered a violin solo, accompanied by lui sister Mrs R C. Hunter conducted the community sincine. All present on I joyed a very pleasant and profitable afternoon I Lndles Literary Club A splendid mcctinp of the iarlieS' Liter ary club was held last Wednesday after j.noon with the president. Mrs H. W Dunn j when Mrs. John Culley gave a flu ly j prepared paper on "Mush- and Art During j '. the War. ' Mis. Culley had COtnpilid I . her notes and formed them Into a verv ! intcrertinK story. Mrs. C. V. ."Inn I gave the current events and the cluo ; I adjourned to nv et in two weeks with 1 Mrs. Julia JSccles. Vincent Chautauqua Circle. Members of the Vincent Chautauqua circle will meet Friday, December L2, ! at 7 30 o'clock at the home of Mrs George J. Kelly, 2117 Adams avenue. jThe circle invited all who are interesr ed in the work to meet with ihn This year's subjects to be taken up b. the circle are especially intcrestin. and instructive. Queen Esther Chapter No. 4. O. E S At the regular meeting of Qupoi Esther chapter No 4, Order if h Eastern Star, held last evening C e Eol lowing officers were elected to seryi diir'ng the 1 DSUlng ear Worthy matron Margaret Craven Worthy patron Norman Sims Associate matron Helen Cole. Conductress Gertie Chilton. Associate conduct reps Pearl Hiner Trustee Kathleen Vicfes, Secretarv Linda Irwin Treasurer Edith Gibson. Neighbors of Woodcraft. Grand Lodge Ad.isor Heine:- of the grand lodge or Woodcraft ol Tort land Ore has been in Ogden during week and on one day was entertained by n joint commit tee ot to two cir 'less of local Woodcraft at 8 lun' h eon at Ihe Kerns' cafe. From fjgden circle No. 581, Neighbors Frances HUBS, L. Best and J. furnish vi r hostesses and from Sgo Lflj circle No. 174, G. N. Laura V. Car?y, Mrs. E. Cnshraore and Mrs. w. Wardleig 1 entertained the honor guesr. Mr. Ilemer left Ogden yesterday t"i Si II Lake City where he will meet n!,h ihe circles there find will 'etnrn o this city next Tuesday, December 9, ?hen he will address the members of Ogden circle No. 581. On this lecns on the members of ije.go ,y circle ar tnit ed to meet with Ogden circle S. O. H. CV.-i. The 3. 0, H club met on Tuesday evening at the home of the Misses Rose and Margaret Spidel, 2519 Adams avenue The first event of interest w;is the election of officer.-, which re sulted In the following members be- Inn- nnncr.. f Ui H 1 ins -ii"-" II lui iiieu I rsji'i i ' po-l tions: Miss Marguerie Clements, president; Miss Mary McKenna, secre tary; Miss Margaret Spnhl. treasurer. Following an enthusiastic busings., session, during which plans were dis cussed for the second of a series of p social affairs, to take place :;con, a dainty and delicious lunch was served. On Monday. December S, Miss Mar guerite Clements will entertain. Lr.tln Club of O H S. Members of the Latin club of the Ogden high school gave a jubilee in the school auditorium last evening at which time they held nil sorts of odd stunts" aid served refreshments. The girls and boys i of the club were chaperoned by mcmb-i t of the faculty and Mrs J T. Hurst and a most delightful time was spent. Sewing Club Miss Ruth ami Mii.s Uosa Mostelle:- weVe hostesses to the members of thu sewing club last evening at the Moatelter home on Capitol avenue The evenin.r was pleasantly spent and the hostesses served refreshments. Tin next meeting I of the club will bo held Monday. Decern- bor 0 at the home of Miss Mary Parmley, 710 Twenty-fifth street. Scmpre Musical Society Miss Dorothy Wright of L'3t2 Van Bur n avenue was hostess to the members ot ' the Sempre Musical Society last Tuesd;i at her home. A finely Interesting pro- t Mrs. Thomas F. Powers ! v , t - 1 rDiiday oventnif at th.- home of fr end Mrs. A. Eune of 2060 Jcffer eon avenue. Mlsa V.'oiet liur.o becsni the bride of Thomas Forrester Power, i Iso of th'.a cty. The ceremony was pei -o:meii by Rtversad Jo'.'.r. Edward CrvT jf the Presbyterian Church of the city and lie. F! Bune V. hctwrtght. slate; ji the bride, was brldo9r::iild, v.hlU j: other of the SToom, Vlnoant Powi n.tcd as best man. The bride wus a- tract tvely frowned In purple sutin with lace overdres3 and carried a boquet ot whits ruses Vita. Wheelwright wore attiactive suit. Following the ceremony a perfectly prepared Widdlng suppei was ser.-d ii tl:n dining' room where it wealth of lovely flowers reeled the party. There Were present only members of the tw-o tamllle. Ml and Mrs Powers left for a short honeymoon trip and will soon be at hom to their friends at 10CO Jefferson avenu- j 1 1 1 1 H I I : selection rrmn'H i.l . . flTWBi from Thais, areompanled b her sister at the plar.o. Mrs Fcrroro. one of the bi it known and accomplished pianists c: the cit. played the "Allegro" by Cyril ieoit and "Country Dance" by McFadden, The meeting was ono of the most de lightful of ihe several so far this season and the next meeting of the club will bf lu hi m two weeks with Mrs. Fred N Hess as hostccs. Bnp'.ist Mission Circle Members ol the Indies' Mission Circle of the First Baptist .hurch of the city will meet at the home of Mrs O P. Skaggs. 875 Twenty-eighth street. Tues day at 2.30 o'clock, when Mrs. J.oon?y and Mrs. Day will bo assisting hstesse. Liberty Club J The Liberty club of the L. A to O I G will meet at the home of Mrs. Wii j liam Wilson. 102 Thirtieth street n.-xt I Thursday afternoon w ith Mrs, Wilson an I Mrs. Robert Harlan us hostesses. , members of the ub are asked to be present. Bc ux Esprit Club I The Beaux Esprit iub met on Friday I afternoon with Mrs Fred C. Schade. 2i70 ' Fov l. , avenues and the time was plea--antly spent In playing card games, at which honors wen- given to Mrs Carl 1 Raamusson and Mrs. Charles T Farr The afternoon was a delightful one and j at five o'clock Mrs Schade served r--freshments. The dining table w.s prei v j with n bowl of red rosebuds ns the central decoration. The next meeting of j the club will be held on January 12. wih I Mrs Carl Hasmusson. 1324 Twentv-fifth street. i L-dies" Aid Society The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society Will meet at the .hurch next Tuesday j afternoon, when all members are asked I to be present Child Culture Club The meeting of the Child Culture , h I at the University club rooms last ThUM- dcy proved to bo one of especial inte -est to all members of the club. Mrs. H. M. Barrows, president of the club, pre sided at the business session which w3 followed by a report of the League oi ' Women Voters' convention which wits held in Salt Lake City recently and- si wlUch Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt gave la finely Instructive address, explaining in detail Lhe purpose and work of ho league, Mrs. Smith very minutely gave the message of the aim of the league to the members of the Child Culture club i and her. report proved to be especially interesting. Mrs Eleanor J Hirst of the City Fed M ration of Clubs, who had b. r-n Instructed I to inform the ladies of the Child Culture I ciub of the change in the constitution i and by-laws of th.- ( It Federation, aas I j present and with a copy of the revised! laws explained the changes as they hav0 f.een made. Delightful numbers on the program were the readings by Miss Frances Maui. She k-uvi- Tennyson's "liti Ouiniverw and "The Passing of King Arthur" in a most entertaining manner after whl h .vrs. Ben Tyree sang in her usunl iin. voi.e. "Star of Bethlehem" by Iajuis PlogSted and al an encore selection. J Indian tove Seng" Thurlow LIuu- j ranee On this occasion Mrs Eliza MeFarlsnd I ami Mrs. Flora Farnsworth were host- 0 'fssn I I bbbbbbbbbbbbI BbbI r?$Lipi 9BBBS Wf mm I BBBBBBtSBlaBSB VGUBH "'BBS bbbbQ IBbbb h WW l K evening of this reekB ise party was ixen furfl irrjriHBsjflnlev, c.-ebraliosB of her fifty-nintHfcinhday, Onlr rehfl ; tivos of the honond ?uest were prfJ 'nt. The partv was heVl at tiie HioH ley home, 517 Twenty seiond "(WM and Iki d;n'-liler, Mr. J. W i)Bri, was the hostess. The "ynin?: T?fl pleasantly spent in playin? jOO ani delicious luncheon was served. ThosSlj present were Mr .md Mr-'. Earle CflH Richardson and children, Ruth and Stephen- Mr and Mrs. Herbelil Hinley and small son; Hi ' Mrs. Charles S. Noble, Mr. and Nr Emil Almquist. Mis Ann.; M. Noble,' j Mr, and Mrs Jesse Burt Nye and th J j honoicd guest ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT . Mrs Sophia MeBridc of 23S HirriM avenue, wishes in mii"tm ' the can?'! ment of her daughter, Anna Delta tH ' Ira E Brown, son of Mr? and JlriM i Chris .1 Brown of this city. The weddiftsW to occtir in the near future. I 1 1 RED CROSS SEALS Each year the Red Cross sends oufl all over the 1'inie.i Stare?. throushW;! various division sentei- hne fbn 1 mas seas (0 be in-: it,.-- (nlarginj; 1 of the fund win. h i- us. , for die bene-, of tuberculosa ultereis and for ,B 1 prepntion of ihe dread disease TBIM year Ogden ha? received a large quotM to be disposed of ami nu 1 vi bt the cltf-s will have sold e., rv ,' mip befors Christmas we..;. un Sundiy W I nrst Congregational church will h"'m $50 worth of Red Cross seals and JH booth will be -arranged where memberfSM r'' the church. Sunday school and JM Kie-ation ma purchase them tomoi row at all services. Chiropractic j Proncunce it CH I RO -PRAC-' CHIRO means by bare haid ppactic, the practice. ROSS H. McCUNE r Chiropractor Third Floor, Ltwij Block. Look K McCune, not the clcck THREE-YEAR GRADUA it 'IHIIiiaiBVl111 I