OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, December 08, 1919, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1919-12-08/ed-1/seq-6/

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BFcr Subscription and AO'tr'-tSlng
Department, Call Phone to. 66
For Rent Ohio Vacuum clearer,
Kc to fl.OO, guaranteed. Phone 2079.
Merchants to Meet A Bp Cial
ilk i,- of the directors of the Merchants
1 Ogden has been called for Friday.
Btl December 12. in the office? of the
Hfj ionization in the Eccles building
rians for the forming of Ihe Chamber
or Commen e will i" die ui ed Prei
dent John S. Lewis will preside.
rholosrapns art- history of Ihe Jam
ftjr Hnvo them taken today at The
Tripp Photo Studio, 320Vi 25tb Bt. .
Troop 18. Boy Scoutl of Troop
1? held n meelins al the 1 ourtB
. musemenl hnii last ntRht, al which
rime eight boys were Invested second
rtass patrol leaders. Scouts Invested
vorr Clyde Barton. Clarence Clarl
1-jdwin Woolly, Vi-mo Snedden, LIcm
wn Summerhlll, Blaine Dlnsdale, J R
Doxey ;nd Reed Hellem. Charles
Hj Clark, scoutmaster of the troop. prr-
Old papers ior sale. Ogden Stand-
Enjoy a Flight i CcU-n t"
H n Is men. Dr. Wiley Crarrun and l'zr.i
Bi Steele, tool; to the air In one of Uncle
H Sam's modern hydroplane! in Wash-1
( lngton on Thanksgiving day, accord-
H. i ing to word received here. The men j
f were In ihe air minutes. Con-
i gressman Welling i ntertalned the men
following the fligh
Bueno Tlempo club dance. Tenth
ward hall. Monday eve., Dec S. Adm
Bit ISc. Thatcher orchestra. 1367
Preliminary Hearing. Lester Cook,
alleged to have committed highway
robbery at the suq.ir factory .it Wilson
l.nne some time sgo, w ill be arraigned
pefore Judge D R. Roberts, Tuesday,
for preliminary' hearing Cook has
been confined in the city Jail for more
II than three weeks
Clean rags wanted at The Standard
Seeks Water Power -Application for
unter power in the Targhee' forest,
near Idaho Falls, was made al the dla-'
trlct engineer's office at the for' stry
service building by Mrs Nellie P
Bean. The application Involves about
3000 horsepower. Mrs. Bean intends
running a transmission line from the
power site alone the Snake river to
Ashton. Idaho. Her application will
, be submitted to the secretary of agri-'
Bueno Tlempo club dance, Tmh
ward hall. Monday eve., Dec. 8. Acini
2"( . Thatcher orchestra 1367,
- To Retire Recruiting Officer (-old
en Pugh, of the local naval office, with
a record of 12 years of service in the
I United States navy, will retire from
the service with the completion o' his
sixteenth year, according to his state
H U raent today. Puth has traecd over)
Bp H the world and States that his experi
MjJ n knees would require several books to
Clean rags wanted at The Standard
Auto Stolen. Th- IhOfl of a
I'.issenger 1 9 1 1 model Studebaker au
tomobile wai reported to the police by 1
Salt Lake officers this morning. Th-!
machine was stolen last night and
bended toward this Ity, iccordlng
to the Information received
BU1CK. cement and plaster jobbin-,
j himney?. firewalls, etc. Phone 770,
? Marriage Licenser. - Marriage li
fenses wore issued at the office "t the
bounty clerk this morning lo lia E
Itiown and Anna Delia McBride, both
li Ogden and to Amos W, Warren, Ids
Bo Falls, i-.nd Leons M Wilson, of Og-
Bueno Tlempo dub dance. Tenth
ward hall. Monday eve.. Dec. 8 Acini.
25t. Thatcher orchestra 1367
Big Yeoman dance Friday, Dec 12th.'
P W hall. Goo.l muait i!mi-
Bjjljj sion 50c a couple. Extra lady 25c. 1391
Hfjjj Ridge's studiu sittings at night by
Ippointment. isej
Car stolen. The thieves who stole
Bl Ih a CfdUlac motor tar bearing Utah li
B lit nse No. 9893. have not been locate!,
B 111 according to the police department.
l I Robert Proudflt of nr.dcn i the ownei
f t Of the machine which was stolen last
1 ijj Friday evening from In front of his
jjj place of business.
Hj Beautiful Xruas plants and cut flow
j crs order nov Dumko Floral Co
H 1 vlr l-Hgue will hold a meeting
W j With Mr. A. W. Agee. Falrvlew Apts .
Ill in W-dnod.iv. lu lu-li. . .
i 1 All members requested to be prcs nl
B welfare workers m t! bold!
BSSKllll meeting Wednesday afternoon, at
Lssmlll! 'c,ocl(' m (he Home Service
H i I H Rnreau offices in the rirst National
i bank building The distribution ol
Ji Kiatinei- and index cards, to be used'
ft li in the confidential exchange work, win '
be made at this meeting. Miss Kthel
1 j Smock organizing acent for the
ft J,' fldential Kxrhaut;.-. will explain In de
ssH H! ' h' plnni o( h oraniu,l"n
I In Police Court
Bl . A. L. Kirhanlson arre.t..l on a
HVlir rhrge of drunkenness, failed to ap-
ssssTllE prar for ,r,fl1 ,n tne '" ' ur ,n,,
B . morning and forfeited ball In the sum
B! '5 A warrant for his arrest was
IB rdrrd IssuM by Judpo l. R. Hob
gfWllr Ularence Swaner and Ray Fnddis.
B arrested on a charge of lev ,i and
llaclvloua conduct, pleaded g be
I HI f0r th c,ty court tn,s corning and
B Ve', ,,nod 30 Arh w,,h ,le alterna
j tive sentence of SO dsys.
i Herbert Iindis pleaded gulltv to a
BsKll charge of vagrancy and was fined $5
1 "',n ,ne alternative sentence of 5 dav5
H I he ct jail.
Practically oil r.iilrorid eommunie.ition
i from the aat into Ogden waa severed
today, following the arrival of first an!
Mcond )e tlons of train No. 19 of the
Union Parlfle. the road hHnK1 blocked
! by hen'. Hiiowfall lfiwcin 'Evnnston nnd
t5rTTi River, WyOtnUig. It la reported
I thai th snowfall In many points in
Wyoming was exoessivcly heavy yatcr-
day and laft niRtit. and that .trong- wind
(drifted the snow into cuts.
Three freight train, which are in. are j
; i . iitlng the movement of pae.entr-r
The trains which pre I elm? held up. and
which are not expected in Ogden until
Madeline Farley
Funeral Sunday
)"un'r:il aervlcfll for Mrs Madeline Far
ley were hold at 1.' o'clock yesterday in
the Eleventh ward meeting house, Bishop
W, H Jar.line officiating. The chnpel
was crowded with relatives and friends t
die deceased and a wealth of flornl trib
utes lo the memory of the departed wa
in evidence.
"I Know Thaat My Redeemer L,ivoR."
sung hy If ra. Mary Furlcy. and Mrs.
Sfelba Read Jones sans, ' Oh. My Father."
r P Ferrln ynng. "I Will Go Where You
Want Me to Go" and "V Perfect Day"
wan sung by Dale Farr
Speakers ai t!i" sarvlcea were Patrlareb
James Taylor. Bishop W. H. Inrkln.
Bishop M. B. Jones. Judge George A
Baker, and Bishop Budge. Interment w-s
in Ogden City cemetery. B A Barkin I
dedicating the grave
Train service north and south of Ogdn
will he reduced tonight under coal re- I
fliictlon orders, effective at midnight.
Mnicrlal reductions an the Oregon
Short Bine and JVnver &. Rio Grande.
IMSS have heen announced.
Train No. al, of the Oregon Short Bine
will run only between Ogden and Salt
Bake. Formerly this train went to points
In Cache valley. Train No. 42. will oper- '
ate belwicn Ashton and f'oeatello, hcln
eliminated between F'oeatello and Ofrdep.
Ttaln No 31 ls discontinued to Pocatcl!.,
while Train No. 3 has been discontinued
altogether. Branch line cuts also have
been announced.
On the D. & R G . trains No. 1 and 2.
between Ogden and aii ike have been
dlacontinued, leaving trains No. 3. and .
to carry the business
O B. McOord. one of the lest poultry
Judges In the United States has heen
engaged for the poultry ahow wht-h will
bo held in Ogden December 2S to Jan
uary 3.
McCord Is a resident of Illinois and ha
Officiated al s -ral of the large poultry
show In New '.rk state
Business men of Ogden are supporting ,
the show and entries for the event will I
rl.'... I v., -P,1.. ;t
Stock and Fixtures
of Store to be Sold
The stork and fixtures In the store
of lassj Demos, at the corner ofj
Twenty fourth street and Jefffraonj
avenue, which was attached some
weeks ago by the sheriff In civil
tlons, will be sold at auction by Deputy
Sh riff Curtis Allison tomorrow.
Some weeks ago Demos was arrest ;
ed upon the charge of selling tobacco ;
to minors. He secured a continuance
! CAS- . Th' n he di appi-ured
Whin 1 1 mos left, a warrant charging
him with a felony was given to the
anerlff to aerve. Three civil actions
were filed against Demos In the dia
trlct court and then the store was at-1
tached. The atock and fixtures are'
now to be sold to satisfy the creditors, j
; late this afternOOn, are No. 1, two se.--
' tlons: No. 3. and No. 7.
The second sections of (rains which
are being held up by the snow had
started for their destinations before ths
orders reducing the number of train'
1 was effective These art the only second
sections of trains Which are now on the
road. It is stated.
Wrecking and snow plow equipment
has been rushed from Green River ana
f"heenne to the points 'where the frelgnt
trains are stalled, and it la antlchiated
that one of the hug roisrles will have
the road cleared before evening, unl-s
further .mow fall.
Entries for the
Livestock Show
Knl l ies for the Ojjden livestock shO'VT
are fast being received according lo R
C. Evans, secretary The first entries
were received this morning b Secretary
BVBJIS from S. V. Grow of Huntavllle.
second list of entries wns received from
the Teton LtveatOCk company of Drlggs.
Mr Grow is entering some of the
best thoroughbreds in the T'nlted State-,
5ald Secretary Evans this morning.
" Entries are helm; received daily from
vrious parts of the 1 nlted States and it
is expected that the local show will ro
on record as being one of t Be best in th.
United States"
A frrand auction rMc under tli direc
tion of t Be show will bo held at the
I'nlon Stockyards. Friday and Saturday,
January 0 and 10. at which time some of
the best thorotighbreda in the show will
be sold. Boy Griffin hns been ngag'd
as "inr tioneer.
I District Forest
Officers Are Back
At Their Desks
District forest officers have returned
to Ogden, after having attended the
national conference of forest service
executhes, held at the New House
hotel In Salt Iake. during tin past
Week. Anionc Ocdrn officers who are
back are District Forester L. F.
Knoipp, J E. Scott, C, D. Simpson and
Carl Arntson
Supervisor C. C. McCain of the
Targhee national forest gave a detailed
account of the condition of elk in the
vicinity of Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
and told of the measures which are i
being taken to insure ample food for.
the animals during the winter monthsJ
District Forester R. H. Rutledge
p.nd Assistant District Forester Glon Vj
Smith of Missoula Mont., are here to !
day inFpf-cting the local offices
Franklin W Reed, of Washington,
I' C . supervisor of eastern forests, is
also visiting with the Ogden officials.1
The conference was mainly devoted
to a discussion of the personnel and ,
present organization of the forest serv
ice. No importani changes are ex-'
pected. Considerable time was given'
over to discussions on the cutting of!
annual fire losses and the tendency of
forestry employes to leave their post-j
tlons for more lucrntlve occupations. I
Harry Knowlton well known In og
den sponinc circles, has ber-n engaged
to referee the Gilbert Young ten
round boxing contest at the Armory
this evening.
Knowlton is furnishing his services!
free to the American Legion He has
had years of experience as a ring gen-
eral and hia decision will no doubt
meet with approval.
British Traders
are Getting In on
the Ground Floor
LONDON Nev ;i-(n Mall) Hrlt
iSb Interests re pun haalng Amer:ciB
goods to aell in the new iamc states j
as part of their plan to 'jjet in on Ihe
ground floor" commercially irhen turmoil
in that part of the world ceases.
The American rh-imher of Commerce
in Indon underiands thai Ksihonia ns
sold to Great Prltaln Its exportable sur
plus of timber for ths next eighteen
months In return for supplies which Gre
Britain can not now produce and which
en- being purchase,! In the fnltcd Stales
in order that the contract may he car
ried out.
It le pointed out that 40 per cent of J
Russian exports normally pass through
Lettish porta. The chamber atrong'y '
advises American business firms to try 1
for some of this business.
Water Power Project
George Noble Todd Wlndermer. m
glneer and inventor. Mr Mattle B
Maltby and her father. Chester Hi
ler. are at the Broom hotel They
have a plan for a water power project
I in Grand county, using the Invention
! f Mr Wlndermer. who says his In
ventiona should greatly decrease the'
cost of producing hydro-elecLrtc pow-1
ler. Cheajer Miller is a former poxt !
I master at Richardson. Grand county
I Charles Dean. "4 years of iro, i in the
county Jail on a charge of making on
Inaultinit remark to two women who
(were going home and after bring cha
Lfor five blocks by the husbands of tha
I Women, was cauc-ht and turned over to
Deputy Sheriff Joe Chadwlefc. Today it
I developed that Dean deserted from ths
army In 1012. He probably r.ill be tUTOsid
' over to the army at th expiration of
his sentence for the attempted assault
According to the Information of tho
officers. Dean was walking along the
stiert near Adams and Twenty-second
Ktrect, when the two women, going home
from a show, were accosted and Insulting
hinguage was employed by IVjin. Th
. women, who were near their home,
screamed, and Dean started to nin. The
I hushinds of the two women and three
j other oung men were at the borne and.
when they heard the screams, th-
dashed out of the house In their shirt
sleeves Tho owner of the house wa
j In his stocking feet. After slopping long
erough lo barn that the fleeing man had I
I Insulted the women, the fire men took up
I the chase.
The pursued and pursuers ran down
Twenty-third street to near Hudson ave.
UUS and through alleyways and baeV: !
of buildings. The trail was lost for a
minute, but was quickly found when two
remaining pursuers came out on Hudson
avenue near Twenty-fourth street. Dean
was taking a breathinc spell when h
i saw the men In their rhlrt sleeves ana
, he again started to run. One of tt"
pursuers soon covered the space hetwc.m
I the fugitive and hlms If and overhauled
hlnf at the corner of Twenty-fourth j
I street and Grant avenue.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Charwlck appeared
I upon the scene and took Dc.m to the
I sheriffs office.
WASHINGTON, Dec 8 President
Wilson today nominated Charles E.
Bunnell of Fairbanks, Alaska, to be
jCnlted States district jud,ge, district of
' Alaska, division No. 4.
I Real Estate Transfers
Sarah A. Ekeen to Louetta J. Miller,
part of the northwest quarter, section
1 4. township 6 north, rnnsr 2 west
$2 i
Jane C. Jones to J. E. Simpson part
of lot 1, section 22, township 5 north,
range 3 west. $1.
James M. MeClain and wife to Owen
N. Sherwood, part of the northeast
quarter of section 17. township 6
north, range 1 west.
WASHINGTON Dec, 8 The supremo
court today ordered re-argument of ap
peals In proceedings brought by minority
stockholders of the Alice Gold and Sliver
Mining company contesting the solo of
the company' properties near Butte. Mont,
to the Anaconda Copper Mlnlrr company.
Xo date for the arguments was fixed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 The New
Mexico state authorizing expenditure or
funds derived from the sale of public
lands for adertlslng the state's resource,
was declared unconstitutional today ny
tho supreme court Appeals came from
Injunctions granted the federal gover -ment
reetraining such ue of its fund.
"My poor man " said the sympathetic
prison visitor, "do let me send you rome
"Thank you. mum. That would suit me
fine "
"What kind would you prefer?" j
"Any kind, mum." said tho prisoner,
lowering his volco to a whisper. "Just
j so It's got a file In "Birmingham Aj,--
Hcrald. ,
"What can I do." asks Smallholder,
"to keep the birds from destroying mv
plums, apples and pears"" The best way
Is to sell the orchard whrn they are
asleep. The simple creatures will go on
destroying some one else's plums, apples
and pears without dlscoerlng the decep
tion that has been practiced upon them.
London Punch.
The wishbone of a turkey, at fifty
cents a pound, is worth twenty five
cents, but you have to pay five dol
lars to get It And all the wishing you
do on it won't bring back more than
th qunrtt-r
m i 4 W
m w -Hi -
?- Ml ffincnfll EaAS
-wsSsi :
I.O.VPO'-The flrv lljththouae
to guide airmen at night la this
erected .it llounalow airdrome.
Its beams are thrown upward.
MB&i T Shows start 1:45, 3:30, 5.00, 6:30, 8:00 and 9:30 p. m. 9
a fKESsfifirr'' n a nrr,S six-reel drama from the novel J
I "Six Feet!
i If Four" j
fl W I I Palhc Newt Topics of the Day (First Run) 9
If 1 OGDEN j
& SM- ''Big Feature Productions Only No Yearly Contracts" J
- i
Thi theme of the morning sermon
' in the Firat Presbyterian ehurch yas
terday was the "Psychology of the Re
fleeted Influence of the Faith in God.
The pastor said in p:irt
"One of the interesting studies of
the Uvea of religious people is the de
gree and manner In which they vrere
influenced by the fact of God. One
of the more recent of such book is
the story of Man Slrnser of Calabar.
She had to serve God in the solitudes
and so became accustomed to talk
to God quite as naturally as she
talked with men She Just spoke to
God as expectantl and earnestly as
a little child speaks to the mother or
father. Once in Scotland when she
was very tired after a long journey,
she sat down to tea and srid, as it
speaking to one across the table.
Thank You Father; Ye k.n I'm
'tired.' It was Austin Phelps in The
j Still Hour,' who said so patly 'The i
'truth Is, that we never feel God to
be a reality until we feel Him to be a
necessity' Then we must have vital!
faith in Him or w have none at all. j
We may not arise above the dead level
or ordinary doings In our deeds, but
we may in our thouht and in our
faith climb the heavenly steeps of a '
soul's aspiration. Some have said that I
this aspect of faith should b,e called
mysticism. Perhaps so, for mysticism
Is now studied as a branch of the)
PMchology or r'lif:i'in Wordsworth
has it in fine thought when he speaks!
" 'A sense sublime.
Of something far more deeply inter-:
Whose dwelling is the light of set
ting suns.
And th round ocean and the living
And the blue sky and the mind of;
man.' "
ui . iuy raiun'i ti t'aciieu oUUUaj
morning at the Fim Baptist church
on the topic text: "Thess 2 13, "Y'e
Received From Fs the Word of the
Message, Even the Word of Go!, ye
Received It Not as the word of men,
but as It Is in Truth, the Word ot
Tho speaker said in part:
This pame apostle says In I. Thess.
4.15: "For This We Say Unto Y'ou,
By the Word of the Lord."
The preposition "by," here. Is the
dative of investiture and means not
only that the thouchts, but that the
i words, were the very words of God.
1 Pal. in I Cor. 2:13. says. "Which
I Things We Speak Not In the Words
Which Man's Wisdom Teacheth, But
in the Words Which the Holy Ghost
I Teacheth."
I Paul claims that all of his fourteen
pistles were written by inspiration.'
The writers of the old Testament,
make the ame claim; thy .ay acaln
and as.-iln: Thus sayath the Lor. I "
A great many lines they declare that
the Lord had spoken to them.
David said. "Tho Words of the'
! Lord Were in My Tongue."
The Prophet Jeremlth. tells us that
:God spoke to htm and said "Take
I a roll of a book and write therein all
the words that I have ipojten lo thee."
Jeremiah called Baruch. Ron of Nc-
i riah. and Baruch wrotf from the'
(mouth of Jeremiah, all the words of
the Lord which Ho had spoken untoi
him upon a roll of book."
The Prophet Gzekiel assures us
Ihat Jehora said unto hfm "Speak,
with my words unto them."
Ezekiel says: "The spirit entered'
into me, when He spake to me and
raid When I speak with th r. I will
open thy mouth and thou shall say
unto them. thus, saith the Iord." "
The Apostle Paul commends Tim- '
othy because from a child, he had
known the Holy Scriptures, he mant
thr i dd Testament, from Genesis to
Malachi; these Scriptures were famll-1
lar to every Jew.
Anv reasonable exegesis makes it
clear that Paul means to teach that
the whole of the Old Testament was
Inspired of God; hence, he says: "All
Scripture was given by inspiration of
Peter's testimony is no laa conclu
sive than Paul's for he sayi of these
same scriptures, that "They came, not
by tho will of man. but Holy Men ofj
old. spako as they were moved by tho
Holy Spirit." the word "moved," here,
means literally, "carried along." Thus
the Bible claims Divine authorship.
Man surely ne-ds a perfect guide from
time to eternity. We are ' Pilgrims of
night." groping on thorough darkness
to an unknown world, we crave a
perfect guide all alone this trying pil
grimage, and especially when the final
hoar of dissolution shall come, we
shall supremely need an unerring
The Bible somes to us and says:
"I am a light to your feet and a lamp
to your path, I am the God-given, In
I fallible guide, from earth to heaven."
; Tho Bible proves itself to be from
IGod, because man, uninspired, would
never have written such a book.
Life of the Sugar
Equalization Board
' May Be Extended
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Senator
McNary's bill extending the life of the
agar equalization board for one year
from January 1. the date on which At
torney General Palmer has announced
the government will relinquish control
of sugar, will be called up in the sen-j
ate tomorrow for final consideration.
Senator McNary announced his in-i
tenfion of pressing for a vote after'
the senate today had discussed the
shortage and price of sugar for at!
hour The debate was provoked by J
the statement of Senator Borah, Re-j
publican, Idaho, that Americans were
eating sugar made of corn while tho
United States was exporting fifty per
cent more of the product than at (his
time last year.
Senator Smoot, Republican. Utah,
declared production this year was no'
sufficient to meet the needs of the
country. Answering Senator H.-.rri
son. Democrat, Mississippi, who said
sugar had sold in his state at 27 cents
a pound. Senator Smoot insisted there
was law enough to prosecute profiteers.
Senator Ransdell. Democrat, Louis
iana, said that while Louisiana usual
lly produces 300,000 tons, this year's
'crop woubl not exceed 100,000 tons.
Much of th shortage over the coun
try, he insisted, was due to the larger
1 amount of sugar consumed per cap
I ita. this having increased to 91! from
J 84 pounds.
NEW York. Dec. 8. A writ of
habeas corpus obtained by counsel for
Alexander Berkman in the hope of
preventing his deportation to Siberia
because of his anarchistic activities
was dismissed today by Federal Judg
M a er.
Bo very earBfol what you say to your
enemies and be more careful wha you
Writs to your friends.
Jpr flyK
"Macnlflcenee" Is the demand
tn evening wrap Kur, errolns
and brocade hold nrst place
Standing out among them all
this wrap designed by Polret. of
regal brocade in midnight bluu
and gold The enormous collar,
extending as facing do n the r vs 1 1
length of the wrap. Is of Hying
squlrrei in its natural gray blue
I .
I T ATOM A, Wi-sh . I v s F'dra)
Judne K. IJ. ('ushman called today a
federal grand Jury in line with th'
! government policy of prosecuting rad- ,
icals in this part of the state.
The grand Jury will examine erl-
dence laid before it by the prosecut I
nrs and special Investigators engaged fl
in the work of collecting evidence here
and in southwest Washington for the
past month.
It was said that a request for indict
ments under the amended section of j
the espionage act will be asked for J
against tho nin. iv uirinlMTs ni the In j I
dustrial Workers of the World who 1 I
I were arrested following the killing of 1 1
'four members of the American Legion I
: in Centralla November 11.
Members of the organization against 1 1
whom definite charges of murder 11 '
have not been brought will lace federal I ' '
charges, District A'lnrn. v sauinicr- ,
announced following the fatal shooting j a
at Centralla. i S
Sixteen Football
Players Awarded
the Official 0 s
Sixteen football players of the Or l
den high, school won the official J n
block "O" awarded grid stars at ths j
'school during the season which just 1
ended This information was given out I
bj Coach larence Douglas this morn- I
The men winning the official "0" j 1
with sweaters are as follows: I
aptaln Lee Richards. Captain-elect J
Bkeen, Hirt. Promberg, McNultjr, Dox- j
ey. Stone. Williams. Brown. Vowle?, j U
Allen, Johnston, Paetch, Veaey, Thorn- j
as and Irwin. j .
rn I
Denver Aviator Is To J
j Arrive in Ogden
Ian-nee Johnson. Denver aviaior
land business man. will arrive In Of rjp
den tomorrow from San PranclSCO SM I
I will confer with local members of th I
I Ogden aviation eonunlttSS
Johnson h.n been on 'he raHnc
! coast for some time. Inspecting tbs I
landing fields and during m m11 10
Ogden it is expected that plans for t I 7
landing of l,is planes in thh city will Jdl
Fohnson Is associated with 'he El
llson-Johnson Air Line company of H
I t. r He . pi-nt eighteen months'0
the air at 'ice. M
oo mk
for sale Miscellaneous.
LIGHT Jen (, i'. r i'h finsilbornj i
Meai I ears old Reward ron flpj
2048-W. Address 841 E. TTh J2Z 1
WHITE Angora cat. Return to
21st St. R.-ward 1
LOST. . J5jj
THE party that took gray hM fH
i . Standard JC
rest will Olio BWi.
WANTED. . lfcJjl
TO board two Russian wolf , "jTnll BlBlH
'logs in countrv. one partly ,ra'n!,T 1
."of,P Inquire .it Red Front u,4r 1I1
or 2517 Grant Ave. or re ai J. -'j flj&jjj
. - flt
eaa b- had at a discount; ear 4
been uacd. Reason for selling, ( i if
buying closed car. Tall 2 J j 1 111
PWO unfurnlsh.-d room. 3?9 -e 4 1 Hj
I'hnno 23T1

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