OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, December 08, 1919, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1919-12-08/ed-1/seq-9/

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11 MZXICO CITV. Sunday. Dec. 8 -J
Tj.mrn who furnlehcd the ball
61 tr Hanhl '
I vih W O Jenkins, the American
upon wnicn "
ur . . ,ecM at ruebla. wax rolcasod,
f ron.,i,',r
I Jeclrxl tonlffht that he had acted on hi
0 initiative
Helwued this statement
J -i wlch to say the following.
-On Tuesday mornin. laat, on account
cer.ln facts that came to m atte.i
I e.' hirh I am In no position to dlsclo$
I trtldiJcn'y rcallfd that war between ilir
. ((fj suts and Mexico was inevitable
i lncst one of the two government was
BERLIN. Nov. 20. A Beries of tele
ms aiiec;rd io have been sent in
(. earlv stapes of the war by the
I then German Crown Frederick, to the
rtflperor. the imperial chancellor, Dr.
I Von rjethmaun Hollw. r, ( ounl Ernt st
Von Rcventlow. editorial writer of I ho
L rj-jges-Zeitunc and others, containing
I criticisms of men and event?, is pub
lished In the Vorwaerta.
In February. 1915, the crown prince
jj said by tnP newspaper lo have
I vired to the chancellor, expressing
di?3PProvnl of an edtorial ln ,r,e
North German Gazette discussing the
r Var aims. He also expressed disgust
with Professor Hans Pelbnieck, of the
univer?iiv of Berlin and others whom
j.e dejipnaled ;- "r.-rlusr- idots " Del-
brjeck imperially appt.irs to have
I jed ori'ly the patience of the mipe
r bI hen , who. under 1 - t of I u ember
20 1911, wired his lathe as Follows
Professor Delbrueck of Berlin, has
written an unheard r,f article In the
Prussian yearbook in which he dis
I plays Ihc most vulgar and most unpa-
triotic sentinn n's l nrcentl beg you
to remove this fellow from the uni
versltv It he has influential friends
ready to sacrifice Ita honor, prestige and
dlgnliy by receding from the dangerous
position Into which it was forced.
"J thcreforn took all the steps necessary
to effect the Immediate release on oail
of W. o Jenkins and relieve the tension.
I did so spontaneously and of my own
Initiative and I am ready and wllllnc to
lk upon myself the full responsibility,
or credit, according to the point of vle.
It was a source of infinite pleasure
to me to hear that the news of the re
lease of Jenkins cheered our provident
and I ardently hope that his complete
recovery la near.'
in higher civilian positions, this cir
cumstance does not alter the case."
The Vorwaerts expresses the belief
that lJelbrue?k, whom the paper de
j scribes as "Bethniann's intellectual
paladin, a man who was pious in his
! devotion to the Hohenzollerns," will
be surprised and amused when he
learns of the proposed Christmas gift
the crown prince had in store for him
five years ago.
In a message to Rcventlow the
crowd prince complimented the Pan
I German editor for his rebuke to Edit
or Zimmerman of the- Lokal Anzeiger
I who, earl) in 1915. ventured to discuss
war aims. That same day the Hohen
irollern sejon telegraphed to August
Schorl, owner of the Lokal Anzeiger,
thus :
"I regret exceedingly that your edit
or Zimmerman, has been allowed to
write such nonsense. All of us recog
nize only one war aim: down with
England. "
The Vorwaerts states that the
crown prince apparently inherited
j from his kire not only the "gift of
gab" but also a fondness for telegraph
ing The paper concludes:
With such pleasantries this army
lender and dangler after petticoats
amused himself before the enemy."
LOGAN, Doc 7. Professor Mosiab
Hall, state supervisor of high schools,
has concluded a visit of Cache county
hieh schools. He issued a statement
of praise for the work being done by
the North Cache hiqh school at
According to Professor Hall, the in-
I How to Beautify Yosif
f Complexion and Bring
Roses to Your Ctseeks
I A Free Oatmeal Prescription Docs Its
Work Overnight. You can
Prepare It At Home.
I N"w York Exposure to dry atmps-
I phr. brlp-lit sunlight, dusl and cold wind
I' nu a very lnd eficrt upon the skin and
I anplexion. When von oni-. :n r.ntict
I Tith artificial heal you have often nj-
I tlced thnl th- rli .p t rnosph'-l e causes
I vour kin to feel drawn and puckcry.
this is icry harmful and there i.- a wa
to overcome It "It is in; own i I
' tcA takes Jiiit one nijciit t. i
nrvUu r-- ; i f ' . Mai Edna Wild
er, when hei friends ask In i about lii r
I wonderful complexion and Lhi Improv
If ippesranre of hi i hands and arms 'You
I can do the same thing If you follow nr.
I advice." she says. "I feel it is m duly
K to tell every girl and woman what this
L wonderful prescription did for me Just
I think of It. nil this change In a single
I night. I never tire of telling others just
what brought about such remarkable re
I suits. Here is the identical prescription
I that removed cverj defect from my face
hands, onus, ne . i - In til
I you try it you can form no ld i ol tin
marvelous change it will make In Jui i ono
application The proscription which you
i can prepare at our mm Imiin is a ; i -1 -
lows Go to nn trroci rj store and svi lfl
etnts worth of ordinal o t . . .1 u i I
I any drug store a lottle of Derwlllo Pr
pare tho oatmeal as directed in every
r'acKf of Derwlllo and apply night nnd
raomlng The first application will
I tonUh you It uinke; the Fkin appe t
. I rost-whlte, trfin -parent, sinoc.th and vel
j I ttty I especially recommend this
i od for a dark sallow skin, slnn- nos .
warse rorc-. rough chapped skin ruddi
l res, wrinkk s. and In fact, every blemish
j ,J 'ace. hands and arms are h li to
K you- neck, or cheat Is discolored ncm
I expos'ii.. r,r,,i' h,i, . unblnation then
land the objectionable defect will disap-
I rr as If by marie. It Is nbiohitel
I Mrmlcjs and will not produce or stlrnu.
J Mta a growth of linlr No matter how
reuph or ungainly Hk- hands and arms
I r hat abuses they have had through
hard work and 'xposuir. this oatmeal
Derwlllo combination will work a won
derful transformation ln 12 hours at tho
most. Thousands who have use-1 it re
port the same results I have had."
Miss o. C. aoya: "My complexion was
1 pool' and .my skin rough. My face, neck.
I chest, hands and aims wort durk fiom ex
I posure. The very first application of this
wonderful Derwlllo oatmeal combination
. convlrwed me that my poor complexion
and skin blCRllSflM would soon be a thing
iif the past. In a few weeks all these un
1 Sightly defect had entirely disappeared
( anil 1 .shall alwnys use It to keep my com
plexion at It! lst nil the time. I hnv
ifi ommended it to my girl friends and
th.- are Just ;.s enthusiastic over It as 1
i am We all use it before going to the
' theatre, dances or ponies nnd It's won
I derful what a uiiference it makes in our
' appearance. "
Mrs. G. V. writes: "Oatmeal and Der
wlllo have worked mlrai lea ith my com
plexion. I had many despised wrinkles
and 3i dark. BaUlOW, rough skin Mv
bands and arms were covered with
freckles.' After eight weeks use of Mae
Edna Wllder's wonderful complexion pre-
Bciiption these objectionable defects haev
entirely vanished I now use It Just as
a heautlfier and look ten years younger.
I advise OVCrj girl and woman to try It.
and I feel Confident that nfter one or
two applications they will use It contin
ually and be Just as favorably Impressed
with It as I am. I recommende It to all
my friends."
NOTE To get the best effect be sure
to follow the complete directions con
tained in Over) package of Derwlllo. JTOU '
have only to get Derwlllo and oatmeal.
You need nothing else, and It la so simple
that any one can use it. and so Inexpens
ive that any girl or woman can afford it.
The manufacturers and druggists guaran
tee Hint there, will be a noticeable im
provement after the Hrst application or
they will refund the money. It Is sold In
this city under a money refund guarantee
, bj department stores and all druggists.
I including A. R Mclntyre Drug Co Adv.
( i S Ukflu, did you WfctfT
Not (a; hat SrJOHC: seeciu- RfttiSr :
N i
Elks Pay Beautiful Tribute
to their Departed Brothers
. V J 1
"In these days when the spirit of the
f, . W. and of Bolshevism is ram
Jpanf. it la gratifying to know there
Is an organization of more than 600,000
' sturdy patriots w ho are devoting ef
; forts toward bringing about a stronger
This was the tribute paid to the B
IP O. Elks by Judge Tillman D. Joha
son of the United States District court
I at the annual memorial services held
by Ogdcn lodge yesterday afternoon
at the Elks home.
These services were held In mcm
I ory of the deceased members of the
' lodge.
I Prior to the exercise bouquets of
roses were delivered to the families of
'the departed Elks
Th ritual of the memorial services
wag conducted bj 'he lodge officers.
1 Chaplain T. H. Davis offering the in
vocation. Exalted Kulor P F Kirken
jdall and Secretary Walter Herrlck
, -s. . .
I creased enrollment in the eountv high
schools is astonishing The South
ache high school has 300 more stu-
! dents this year than w ere registered
I last year, while the North Cache high
chool has l'ihi more than last year.
Professor Hall said also lhat the new
a i compelling boys and girls under 18
' i arfl of age to attend school is In no
(Instance being violated In Cache
1 county.
new building Is the only solullon
of ihe Increased attendance problem
at the North Cache high school, he
The quick aclton of simple witch
hazel camphor, hydrastic. etc., as
mixed in Lavoplik eye wash, will sur
prise Ogden people. One girl with
weak, strained eyes was helped bv a
single application. Her mother could
hardly s,. wor read because of eye
! pains. We guarantee a small boitle
.of Lavoplik to help ANY CASE weak,
strained or inflamed eyes Aluminum
I eye cup FREE A. R. Mclntyre Drug
Co., and all leading druggists.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. A Los An
g lea ordinance authorizing removal
Imoval of privately owned electric light
wires interfering with the extension
lof (he municipal street lighting sys
tem was declared unconstitutional to
day by the supreme court
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 Validity of
a city ordinance requiring street car
companies in Sacramento, Cai . to
sprinkle their tracks, was upheld to
day by the supreme court
Secret Emulsion
I Recipe to Produce
j Color Photography
LONDON. Dec. 8 A secret emul
Ision, invented by a Russian protessor,
which iP Is asserted, will make color
photography possible for everybody, is
about to be introduced into this coun
try. The problem of making the pro
Icess capable of snapshot as well as
time work is claimed to have been ov
oi come and the exposure can be as
rapid .as with the ordinary emulsion,
thua fitting the invention ior moving
picture work also.
Special cameras and plates will be
n the market shortly and the cost of
a colored film is expected to be only
15 to 20 per cent higher than the or
diiinry black and white type.
Real Estate Transfers
Rosie Callaghan to John J Cailng
!han, part of lot 7, block 12, plat B.
Charles R. Cole and wife to Joseph
I Williams, pari of lots 0 and 3H. block
10. South Ogden survey. $2000.
Ogden State bank to Alfred E. East,
I part of southwest quarter of section
ill, township 6 north, range 3 west.
You can't enjoy life and have on
stipation Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Ta will drive Constipation to Halifax.
Mclntyre Drug Co. AdvertiM-m nt
Children Take
Part in Sunday
School Exercises
Several hundred children participat
ed ln the Sunday school exercises in
the Eleventh ward chapel, yesterday.
Christmas carols were sung by the
youngsters, whose faces were alight
with the Christmas spirit. The chil
dren sang, "Beljcild a Royal Army."
in tnir Lovi-h 1 leseret " Hark, the
Children Sweetly Sing." and "If the
Way Be Pull of Trial. Weary Not."
A uniform Insson given in all de
partments ni the school, "as to the ef-
fei t that ihe children should observe
the 'word of wisdom."
"Six Feet Four"
Well-Acted Picture
From any angle von look at it ' Si
Feet Four," which is on the program
of the Ogden theatre, for toduy is a
corking picture It Is ihe latest pro
duction of the American Film com
puny, Inc.. and fully bears out the
large promises that have been madt
for it during the six months it has
been in the making.
Like many auotlier play about the
great outdoors, "Six Feet Four" I
abound In thrills haid riding, lasM
shooting and hnlr-ralslng holdup
ailing the roll.
The Very Rev W Y Fleetwood, !
dean of St. Mark's, Salt Lake, a mem- j
b r of Ogden lodge, gave the first ad
dress In which ho touched upon the j
social trend toward a spirit of brother
Praises the Elks.
Judge Johnson gave a brief hlstorj
of the order, touching upon it3 prin
cipal accomplishment? and thenj
praised its stand against violent rad
icalism He urged unceasing vigilance
to prevent the breaking down of the
government's foundations.
sfuaica numbers were given by Sam
F. Whitaker, lodge organist; a quartet
made up of Mrs Fred N Hess, Miss
Mildred Ware, Lester Hlnchcllffe and
Henry Ware, and by the general as
semblage, which sang 'Nearer M
God, to Thee," ns the closing ode.
The Rev. lohn W Hyslop pro
nounced the benediction
; Where it stands alone in Its class,
however, is in the strength and power
of iis dashing, well-knit plot So
swiftly and skilfully are the various
twists and turns oi the story man
euvered, and so brisk and effective is
the work of the star and his associates,
that interest never lags for a single
seionil Ingenious incident leads
smoothly to rousing i Umax, and there
Is interwoven a wealth of romanth and
humorous detail to lighten Ihe serious
ein of the main story.
Special credit is due to the mem
bers of the perfectly balanced east
which supports William Russell in this
picture Whoever Is responsible for
having picked these ipes certainly
did an excellent Job. From Vola Vale,
leading lady, to the oungster who
plays the boob, one and all work wiUi
ini and skill to put over the story ta
the best form possible. The- cas' ia
clttdes such old-timers in the screen
world as Harvey Clark, Charles K.
i French, Clarence Burton, Jack Bram
mall, Al Garcia, Jack Collins, Perry
Banks, Calvert Carter, John Cough
and Anne Schaffer
Private Ownership
of Electric Roads
is Recommended
WASHINGTON. Dec 8 Continua !
tion of private ownership of electric
railways and protection of private cap
it.i invested in loi ;il 1 1 apsportat urn
was recommended in a brief filed to
day With the federal electric railway!
commission by Bentlev W Warren,
counsel for the committee of 100 of the
American Electric Railway associa-j
To safeguard the interests of In
vestors, the committee suggested he
enactment of measures providing a '
ilexible automatic rate of fare based'
upon the cost of service, including a
fair rale of return, and a further re
ward based upon efficiency in opera-j
, t Ion.
link is being spilt by Turkish newspa-
paper editors over Ihe declared resolve
!of the Greeks, Armenians and Jews
'not to participate in tho coming elec
lions for parliament. If the Christians
land Jews stick to their decision, it is
realized the future Assembly will be h
farce BO far as its authority to speak
i for all the Ottomans is concerned.
Turkish leaders are trying to per
.suade the christians that abstention
Will hurt only the abstainers, but tin
(Christians stand pat.
Some active Turkish politicians de
plore the attitude of the other na
i tlonalities, inasmuch as the parlia
ment, deprived of their collaboration,
Will only mark another rift in the de
sired Ottoman unity instead of heal
ing old wounds, as was hoped ln
view of the approaching departure
of the Turkish peace delegation for
Paris, the refusal of the Greeks and
Armenians to choose their representa
tives for parliament is regarded as a
.calamity by the Turks.
! oo
A little cranky looking cross eyed
man rang our frunt door be'l the other
day and gave ma a tickit saying on
lit. The holder of this card is intltlcd
to 6 fotograffs at half pric e r Jen
kins Famous Fotograff Gallories. And
yestldday after skool ma took me
there to have my fotograff took at
halt price and who was In there
standing alongside of a big camera but
the little cranky looking cress eyed
man ma saving. My goodness, Wy
youre Mr. Jenkins yourself.
And if my wife was heer she- wovild
be Mrs. Jenkins, sed the little cross
eyed man Proving he was as cranky
as wat he was crank looking
O, I dldent moon enythins; fn i sina!,
Im sure, eed ma, and the liltlc cross
even man seu, mi in that euair over
there, Meening nie. wich I went and
did, being 4 fancy looking chair not
mcnt lo br comfortable in nnd the
cross eyed little man came over and
pushed m face over on one side and
then pushed my face over on the oth
er side ware it was in the iei.-U place,
me starting to giggel on account of j
If face was funn loking far iWfty Wat
must it of bin up clost
Wats you giggelmg aboui? Sed the
little cross eyed man, Me jest keep'; 5
on giggelmg without saying wal about, j
and ma sed, Contane yourself, Benny.
1 cant take vour pickturS if youre I
going to carrj on like .1 clown in a I
sirkus sed the little cross oyed man.,
"For Irritated Throats
trier tried and tested remedy one thtt
Ml promptly and effectively and containt
no opiatei. You get thatremedy by eitine for 1
And he went in back of his camera
and stuck his head under a curtain,
ma saying. Benny, stop that Jnimedit
ly. Meening giggellng. Wich I did,
being easier to stop on account of the
mans face being behind the uriin
Ony jest then he quick stuck t OU1
agen looking cross eyed as enythiftg,
saying. Look at me. Wich I did. .nd
started to glggi agen. the man savinp.
Tell me wat to laff at 111 laff to. Me
not telling him. nnd he proberly WOttld
ent of lafled even if I hid, r.ud every
time I stopped giggeiing he stuck his
hed under the curtin and every time
he stuck it out agen I started to uig
gel agen, and after about 5 times lie
slammed the curtin down 01 the floor
and sed he WOUldent take my plcktUte
i for 1000 dollers, and ma took m-- home
1 agen, saying it was the last place she
, would go to for piektures because she
dident like the man in the ferst plae.
! r
Rhymes I
Winter has unpleasant features, as I
all honest men admit, when it comes,
half frozen creatures are inclined to
throw a fit. When big chunks of
snow are whizzing on the bosom of
the blast, and tho blizzard comes a
blitzing, people sigh and say, 'Dod
Gast'" But for all the beastly geath
er there is recompense nt night, when
we camp together by the grate fire,
glowing bright. Father sits and reads
a story and he chortles as he rocks;
mother's f eltng hunkydot y, while she
darns a pair of socks: and the little
sons and daughters pla around until
they're tired; they have put away the
swatters that the summertime re
quires. There are sounds of joyous '
laughter, there is happiness galore,
though the tempest shakes the rafters!
and comes pounding at ih door. Oh, i
this is an hour enchanting, for our
compensation meant, and old winter's
wildest ranting cannot scare us worth
B ent. And he thunders in his mad
ll S8, and we hear him roaring bass,
but our hearts are full of gladness, and
we chuckle in his face.
One for all and all for one
This was made the cry that once we
And great the building reared upon
The stones which our forefathers
laid ,
I Our Flag lights every skv today,
symbol of the world's renown,
The beacon of the better way.
"-hall selfish creatures tear it down?
Beyond your need for yellow gold,
Above your love for hours of ease,
Oh, 'oiler at the bench or mold,
.i ater than all Idolatries.
There is a trust for you to keep,
A love that's better than them all;
For ages shall your children weep
If now the Starry Flag shall fall.
1 Honest the toil and fair the pa '
1 United thus must free men stand
To hold tho gate and bar the way
To all that would destroy our land
Above ihe fortune and the place
Of which too much the wealthy brag.
Now, tor the glory of our race.
Must capital esteem our Flag.
But one way now all men must take
ine path to journey, side by side;
No discord must our courage shake,
N hatred must our strength divide
Th greatest union calls us all,
Its fate upon our will awaits; '
Now rich or poor, whate'er befall,
Must work for our United States.
Girls! Girls!! j
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura J
Soap end Ointment to -'r Putdraff ind f-i-.ir.. 2-- i
BU& S.ti-f frr,n!Cillet;i,D.V. X i.d.n Km j
j The Commercial Na-
I tional Bank experiences Mi
y a steady growth. It (j
grows by helping its fvJ
(jo customers to grow. J
When you think of jv'jl
La prompt, obliging serv- nxjj
X ce, think of the Com- Hfs
A mercial National Bank (ftjll j
which will be pleased hOf!
A to welcome your bank- Bs?
J mg business. B !
Hundreds of well pleased Customers today
j Bargains Galore-Yoor Opportunity j
I Thousands of pairs. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. Such well known makes as
I J. T. Cousins, Utz & Dunn, Queen Quality and Boyd Welsh,
J $1.95 special 300 pain of Growing-girls' black gun metal Children's specials, all black -
I black, kid or patent shoes, ace boots, low, broad heels,
B cloth or kid tops, Cuban or mil- just the thing for school, all EXTRA
Ltary heels. Values up to izes' 212 to 7. Regular $8 to Sizes 1 to 5, $2 values. $1.65
$8 00 $i 95 10 valwes. Special . . . $5.95 gizes 3 t0 8 $2 50 values $1.95
J T Cousins high grade kid, Black kid just in from Boyd Sizes 5 to 8, $3 values $2.25
cloth tops, lace or button, cov- Welch, 9 inch top, slender Sizes 8 to 11, $3.50 values $2.45
ered heels to match. Regular Louis heels, long narrow Black kid and patent, button,
$13,00 boots $8.45 vamps. Regular $16 8L: to 11, values to $4.50,
Boyd Welch high grade two value $13.95 for , . . . $2 95
tone brown boot and light gray Hundreds of other bargains. 100 pairs of ladies' felt slip
boot, covered heel to match. Come early get your needs. pers, hard soles $1.50
Regular $12.50 value for $8.45 i . nrp n filVM k O 0ther g00d shPPers T0 S at
Queen Quality high grade black ST & THOMAS Zn1 elU P irom $1 25 '
kid leather, Louis heels. Regn- onuaren s ieus, nuiu
I lar $10 and $12 boots for $8 45 BUSY SHOE DEPT. to $1 95.
f 1

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