Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE "1 Real Etta j hI Vr I'"' h"u ' ""':' ' luil base' C!rIB5 n i.vplng ponli Lot 50x147. 5A! I 5"o ' ' " ''"on" -029' 1436 jOlB , I,, .. ii.iii.i I'l ick bun nI i'R' s(", ; j . rn, hardwood ' -"' HP r' furnace heat; .-1. , ping porch VRll rapo. Inquire 2770 Oram. 1393 sSfB Trp'TT' " 1 JUl ?E ' i n Ionise, close Bu3 B f10-1,"'. ', ,,: oi.l "' .h?Ii O gSndard M29 Cl i ""TlfT'v - Rm ''Oiise, bar ': H' . ,ir p-.r. h. I!C i- nd . ,i, :-..-e i r. a If.: W MS -l.tSt." ' 11 "s JjM rTTvi E i: ' 1 ,vvn i i: M n I. m WL LmVi'"' " '"" " "" ' "" gQK v. inn ami 31 r'','r'i (t a i 52 1 1 "ne sr.: i ThT of ground with two modm M ' M i. locks froiu Heed hotel. yfc 2? JUII vr- .room bungalow, at) wit?: and IMfl I u ;. I h" fisC L 10'l hrlek strict!) modern on Itf f Jmli'p"'" "' 71u0; lerms M fK ' inirar.o and Real Estate. 4.: lityj 24tb SI FOR SALE BY OWNER- 8bl oR1M i ni-'i' :i: ! '(-.. .. . .it i , ai, )( in f r 1 1 1 cken nousl '"' -' 1 chick- HS ' RU -M iK'Uf. "'- 1,1 $. it" sold ( Wtf WILE taLe good ear on 5 acres with Hi Srooai new house on paved road, out 5fi! mllc uuib ul uty. Lliune LJOl'M 1259 . N32 19-AI'R- fan;1' ore l-.arc -ood hulld IDI ' jjjg ou ma;t: --it'"- read to Salt Lake, fAw o' 5 11 trade lor in-town pi uycrt." for JJT! pin pa.Muent. Thonc 11 R 1. 1116 5-RUoM lull, nioti. ; n hi ... k. '.aM front Jh5 oa bench, fireplace, hardwood floors,; W( sleepine purcb, work i j '-1 i , 1 J ce-, ULM jnfDttd bas'iuiii'. unnacc heat, . mi JvK (jry iubs, ei'-i iru : ;ui'-. Iniu-N, iii.o Ljl jeum and e1'-1 --''I'.'l:- ,f-al all go 1 (Ay ri'-b ptoperty. Loi 50x137, close to IT! T hue .niu v'hools. ()nl ?54tJO 00. v,'jU require $Ja5o U'J cas.j, ttrras on I balance 1-ROuM m.v oiodern brick fouth fre,n: UMI 0E bench, 1 be., a 'o - a. i;ne j.,e 37 kpsl H3. tan g.'j aliine-'t uniiieaia' e pus J4lf8?s5ion buiall ash payment, verms to fct 0)1 baiant... $4-Vo uo J A Me i Cullotb 950 TENKuura modem fiauu- houc , 10 percent cash, and ?J5 per in?nili, or 'Till rem loi ,"au p' r mouth. W. B. WLL-LLL lyS Li BY cm NEK I l.o.e or. Washington At Ave j'.'jj. 55 t.'.-iA i.J'j.) all or part. y2 Kate Leckiuari. 2s. T. Salt SK Ukt ( it v. 'jo i, K 25-AUiE firm, j a 1 1 s . e.-T ; (sd'. n ) 5-rtwia irniLe hoabe, West 2UIU Ji. W1 Termi. i'aouc .oy IC. G. T. Tens. : i ML IMOOBlVS e" A 7 room modern house lj( cluse in on ih- bench; V4 good barn and yard, rsf i'el'Jls. f 5-R0UM V.'i'Li; LKli K Large lot 60x1112 it. Goorl Bv fruit trees, located on bench, lor immediate sale J2.50, terms. '1950 ml 37Vixl50 ft. lot on thw fnt benen, with the excart- Wf tion done and cement foundation already In, and enough cement blocks to sSSm oull(l a 6-room house; this is an opportunity to savo MwB ?10UO on om n v. lioiue. JJjl GLAHAN'I Mok'KiAiii; t lj. m J-1'J - Kb St. 1' 115- Ini IT Kill pay you .o et-e us about goou Al firms, loans, city residences and lots J .'none Ks;tj r0i,,r K. .lM , .j74 W Wash. Ave., bajement. List with us ! p 1 Uol g FOR RENT I n.r. fljj "SB or two rooms with or withoul Jj bejrej,,,,, ,M , , )im Hi WELL, torn, eight-room modern acme foi wintei Address with rel M jncejj;,, ,,,, , l06 ! RGt froni room with alcove, suit- 8 ' !, -0I lv " -.- mi. I.,, i: 612 !th j I'h on... 2591 J i ... '"; WI 1 I.tC.llT- 1 , Mlertr ay bl,M '"oojii lor one niJjC-nil.m.n. 2122 W asn 1 hone 5 JL i.'..i 26lLfurn'sh0(J ftonT room. 2216 1J cry,f. A,honc 15:)M 13Q6 SSn"NlSHElj aarlmuts 2571 Lin- fjr y-,- 1298 fli !LiED ",i plij "- - !-ii M Wl b"'i l P-U.l I,;. J A. iirjglt & Co I Cm j U Adam, a..- 1551-W 1300 I fc;VA":;"" -' 5 S'ii' LU",,IJ" Hl'iv-n . L p" tijirJ llur v. SuiJi 5oi iI&.MAK,N'M.M.dl,ng. rhil- i l iicksun 1K U",J' " "--"""ble 231 i I FOR RENT Unfurnubed FOUR-room modern furniehed. 2345 Lincoln. Bargain. Inquire ictorv Iiarber Shop 10q- TWO 'infurnlshed rooms. 329 26'h SI Phono 237 1 . u5 tu-Kuuji mouern bo ..-- li ...ken at once Phone 'Wedell, 2222 1344 LARGE from room for housekeeping 031 Grant Tel. 2679 k. 1 :s i DESK room for rent, basement Reed Hotel, phone 144 1346 3 OR 4 l FURNISHED rooms. i block from city hall 457 20th St. 1312 j FOR RENT T I Miscciliapeoua i 1 OHIO, beat revolving brush vacuum. $1.00 day. Dual proof bag. Ph. 2613-J. 1224 j SECOND HAND STOVES j t, lake . o'ir old range as first pay ment on an new rane or will ouy ..our old riiiige outrifitu Home Fur nituro Co. 4672 I MONEY TG LOAN MONEY to loan 1 lion e 2158-W. 1356 IT Will pa;, ; ou to see us bout j.ood farms, loans, city 1 evidences and lots L'hont i6.o. Porter Realty Co., 2371 Wash. Ave. Libi with us yoi I10NE 10 salaried peopo. wilhoui security. Uelieis ou luimiuiu ani pianos, iiitty weekly or Luonilin paymeues. JJIX, 227 Cut. liuUSon iildfe 1'houo 2b4. 6iS7 liALPH P. UlUNTER, i-SvAOiisbed lt.59. Mortfcae Lojni, Lea. Kltaia joaurtuicc, L'l&n. luuno liuids, larui.i kiiU city property, lerbona ueslilng 10 . ..oi, money on tuud tnoi ittortgagc ecurity wi2: uo well to conout Coou a Op. IcatlOttM uJ'..a. -j ou La.-:. Ul 14th sL, ugdon. Uuui. &310 UGNEV to loan on improved load e3 tale. Kelly A: llerr:ck. 773 MONEi 10 lean on real es'.ata etcir Ujr. j. j. jruminttt. o-il-U FOR SALE OR TRADE TO TRADE. SAXON Six, 1517 model, 5 good tires, ; for Jf'ord and dlfierence. fall 307o 1366 FOR SALE OR TRADE AT WILSON", WYOMING. ! I GENERAL merchandise, stock invoice between ten and twelve thousand. Store building forty -four by eighty, big warehouse, eight room bungalow al most new, barn forty by seventy, stor age and buggy room 111 center. Earn all floored, two acres of land, post oliio iii bloie. uoing two ihousund dollar business a month. Will take one-third cash, balance in trade or terms to suit purchaser. The Walker company, 623 Ecclcs Rldg., Phone 1130. 1292 WANTED j 2 OR S BOOMS lor llgiit housekcp ing; will take partly turnished; close in. Box 66D care Standard. 1411 WANTED TO RENT Furnished or partly furnished four room or five room house. No children. Address 887. care Standard. 1402 1 OR G ROOM modern cottage or apt. Will lease for year or more. Phone 2901. Rm. 329 Ectles Bldg. 1348 WANTED To rent a barn. Tel. 917. Fro.ver A: Fowels. 120 7 GZS 3 e1UiM.11 oi Keys. Return to L. J. tiaight- 2o79 Grant. Reward. 1442 1 tES'E black mare, roached mane. Pkone1 16-J-12. ?43l LIGHT Jersey heifer with small horns. Near!) 2 years old. Reward, Pbone 2049-W. Address 841 E. 7tli St. 1419 WHITE Angora cat. Return to 1169 2.5th st. Phone 515. Reward. 1418 THE parly who picked up gray bag: Saturday Is known. Return to Stanu ard ana no questions will be asked, ; nlhirwlsH arri-Kt will follow. 1 4i:u RIBBON bag with green cord, con ! tainin embroidery work. Phone 2999-M, Re-ward. . 1413 TWO $10.00 bills between Gtdden Rule store and 26th St. Return to 2739 Madison Rewaru 1377 BROWN, rolled brim hat, on 22nd anil Hudson. Telephone 2919 1232 MACKINAW bet Monroe and 22nd St and 33rd and Grant. Phone I473-W. 1234 WHITE Spitz dog, answering name of Teddy, belonging to DorOtb) Newman Phone 556 or return to 1100 Glenwood Acres. Reward. 1354 ( Concrete Ornamental Work. j ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. CEMETERl concrete coping. Wheel wrlghtj Twentieth and Douglas Pbone j 2628-W. 4284 Head Hie Classified Ads F WANTED J Female He& EXPERIENCED B l LEE its 4 WANTED. WE hf!e permanent positions Open for two experienced billers -f Experienced girls who can handle a typewriter billing machine ex- portly. Do not need to know 4 f stenography. People who are 4 4 familiar w-nh the Remington ma- 4 1 Ine pi fen ed ippl) 10 Miss 4 4 Reno, Main Office Wright8' Store 4 4 1433 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444 cnLOEEh .i).-:mherm.iitl at th Alta rooms, 223s 25th street. Mrs Lee- 1840 OIRL for general housework. 2512 ; T ler Avenue. 1320 : GIRLS w anted. Wcssler's Cigar Pac ' tory (296 EXPERIENCED and reliable lady stenographer Address E ox 1 i EXPERIENCED grocery store huh Apply 620 24th. Phone 525. 1274 DRESSMAKING taught tc anyone willing to applj themselves See Mad am CanlaUf 3rd floor Wright s siore 9242 WANTED -A chamber maid. Healy hotel Applv in person. 9011 girls wanted to sow cn jveialle. We pay while you lefrn. av those who aat stead) j-bs BJted .ipy .cowcrott Mtinufaciunng. f5014 wanted Male Help 1 1 1 11 - -11-1.1-Lrn ..-in 1-1 ri 1 - ----- - - j COMPETENT janitor wanted at Catho lie church at once. 1432 BOYS for messenger work Merchants' DiBpatCh, under V. N B BldK Pb 602 1303 THREE or 4 days work for man and I team; plowing and leveling. Phone 2835-R. 1062 BEFORE selling I2b'-.:y bone'i gel p:tcea from J. A. Hoftlt. fit Co. 45) WANTED To J 2-DOOR steel cabinet safe. The Waiker I Co., 623 Eccles Bldg. Phone 1130. 1437 HIGHEST cash market price pain for veal calf, dressed hogs, Hieep and beef, We pay top prices for hides, pelts, and furs. us up and g't prices or write Great Western Hide & Livestock I v , Phone 1164. 616 24th St. 1314 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes New York Clothing Store. 259 25th St 1315 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. We do cleaning, pressing ami repairing lit reasonable prioeB. New York Cloth--ing Stoie, 259 26th St. 1327 FORD runabout ,op Phone .2.2 1 1 0 7 ACCRUED Int. pltla matMel price fo; liberty pond- uam ojr J. -V lioie & Co LIBERTY Lon'Lb bought J. J. Brum mm. Phone 6S. 2649 CLEAN KACS wanted at Xho S'-an lard office. FOR SALE AUTOS BRAND new 1919 five pass. Overland can be had at a discount, car ne-ver Ueen used lieason for selling, party buying closed car. Call 200WJ! 1424 NEW Ford with demountable rims and shock absorber; two extra tires. 249 Grant. 1414 USED TRUCK BARGAIN. G M C 3-4 ion with express body and top. PURD 1 ton with express body. COMMERCE 3 4 ton with panel body. GRANT 1 ton with express body and lop. t INDERAL Wit ton with stake body, ALL are in excellent mechanical con dltlon. SAVAGE MOTOR CO. 2354 Hudson Ave. 1338 1919 BABY GRAND Chevrolet, excel lent condition, tuiiy equipped. Bargain lor cash. Box 11, care Standard. 1339 - - 1 1917 CHEVROLET, self-start Will sell or trade for lighter machine. Bargain. 557 20th SI. 1322 FIRST $500.00 BUYS. FOUR-CYLINDEK ive-paaaenger car, first-Clasa condition. Call 623 Eccles Bldg. Phone 1130. 1157 1'jlT MODEN N Hupmobile. A bargain. Newly equipped. P. o. Box 500. 1139 BARGAIN Buick SLi, nioucl D-15. Phone 2702. 9967 FIAT, liupuiobile, Chalmers, all ID ,.'. )j running "ider. vajatcU Garage and btoiage. i'huue .26. First-clasa diop in couuectlon. 91 lb WANTED MiacclUneoai ; i art '1 tj Ooard two Russian wolt hound dogs in country, one partly trained on coyotes. Inquire ai Red Iront Livery, or 2517 Grant Ave, or room 1, 2245 Wash. 1423 WAN I'LL A paper ol November 8th with supplement at Standard office. 1375 T i do your moving, deliver your trunk, haul your freight, etc. Our motto 'Service.'1 Auto Transfer Taxi Co., phone 22. 1352 PJ ANo in store in my home for its use Will pay drayage one way References furnished. 2130 Madison. Telephone 1373 J. 126. j FOR SALE 1 Miscellaneous L50 HENS, 50 brown leghorns; also 2 horses, cheap Phone 1787, 576 Can yon Road. 1 36 BEETHOVEN piano, $150 2112 Adams yn 1421 NEARLY now high oven pas rane and heater, ( heap is) ,,t 3 n., SL RREY. harness and pole, Webster'! dictionary, mandolin and Washburn I guitar. 2 brais bird cages. 462 27tb St. I 1357 FURNITURE for sale at 2539 Grant ; a'--- 1349 FOR SALE-22 W. R E. Special 523 j22ndSt. Phone 23 R 1.12 TWO heaters. 3468 Wash- Phone "I52 1316 MARSHALL AND WEN DALE pi. -no In first class shape, $250.00. At 923 iBmford e. 138I ELE' riUC player juano with drum and cymbals for dance hall, resort or cafe. Originally coal $2000.00. Used onl sho, nine, for quick sale will take $950.00. Address 2415 Washing- .v.. , uu'iiiiuiii. mi, ejguen, UUb. 1369 ONE Airedale, Al witch dog. Call I 19JL 1304 1 BATTERY charging outfit complete in good condition. Browning Automo- ("'" c O J ; ; 7 j M-: new 250 gallon i, i tank and pump. Never been used. Browning , Automobile Co. I37x '). I. C. boar for service. 3170 Jackson. 1302 1 GOOD yearling heifer. Call i873 Park Ave. 197 PEDIGREED Boston bull doe; A beauty. 2021 Wan Ave. 1295 DETROIT Jewel high oven gas range, good condition. 22211 Lincoln. 1325 COMBINATION bullet, libraiy 'able, hall tree, in good condition. Mr-?. H. I h. Hoover, 2203 Washington Ave. 1282 'NEW furniture, dishes, cooking uten sils to completely turnish a 1 100m . house. 466 Rose Court. 1333 SECOND-HAND goods bougnt, sold and exchanged. Uoo Washington Ave. Phone 6S6-J. i24 i I DIN EN G room chairs and table, but 1 fet, china closet, dressing tabid, dishes j and cooking utensils. 825 Loth St. , i'hones 866 and 513. 1216 j EXCELLENT bargains on fino vloilns, new and old rantone, 29th and Dud son- 1188 ALL makes of sewing machines repalr .ed. Work guaranteed. Second-hand machines soid cheap lor cash, singer i.-ewing Machine Co, 233i. Wash. Ave. Phone 24. nyi 1 1 TO 10 A 1 YOLNG Jersey cow- s I eral coming trosh Phone 1573. 1423 Loth Si. H69 SECOND-HAND goods bought, and sold. t. c. Lverson, i6io w.'ibn ,e ph 19. .mi . , BIG sale on canaries; come hear them sing. 222u Lincoln. my I FOR new and 2nd hand truck bodies, sec Brooks, 2219 Hudson trices nghu 1129 1 FURNITURE Excuauge paj s highest prices tor second hand lurnlture and iOves. i'hone 2464. Lo3 2oth street. 933 etjuipmeut of noustuold luini lUie lor saio. 2do0 Grumercy avenus 597 csECOND-HAisD goods bouiht anc. soid. lverson, 1640 wr.52. Plum 1 49. 9632 i'lGS lor sale. Siatu Industrial School 9466 ujUU bliAlCLS Cub Oil. 4u Must raise money, lua s, StaadanL 690. NEW and second hand goods bought SOld and exchangtd. Highest prices 1 paid lor second hand furnnure. "lruuks and suit cases a specialty. Siner Trunk j 6c Furniture stoie, 241 Twenty -uftb IstreeL Phono 1321. 592 j J. A. hogel a: co. pay highest prii ' . m ogden lo. Liberty bonds. 2450 1 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made, b:g 'reduction Cordon.-, 211--5 20U1 Si 'Phono 419. 2157 i FOR SALE ELEVATORS. I WE furnish and in 'all high grade electric or hand eltv. urs, any i.iya j city. Write Wai. WutXS, 2iy Edison street, Salt Lake City. We buy second : hand ones. 12366 L WANTED j Situation MAN wants position as cook at board I Ing house, camp or on ranch. Reason-abb- wages. Address P. O. Box 335, Ogden. 1404 I BY capable elderly man as janitor or inside work. Phone 306 1387 W ANTED Position by expt rl( Ci 1 d stenographer. I'hone B4-J-2. 1311 YOUNG Japanese school boy wiahes position to work or board and room j lnq 259 21th St. 1226 1 CARD and character reading. 449 26th st 1046 , EXPERT typewriting and clerical work geneologlcal records arranged ! Phone 12Si) W . 958 DRINK ALCOHOL AND DIE. SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. 9. Two per sons are dead and three are ill, one seriously, as a result of drinking al cohol to which, what Is thought to have been oil of mlrbane, was added last night The dead are Hugh Mont gomery and (ra Rlgby, stepson Ol Mi .m gomery. LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE. In the District Court of Weber Coun ty. State of Utah. Samttel N. Cole, plaintiff, vs. E I. HammOttd Esther G Hammond, frank A 1 lark. Consumers' Wholesale Groc ery Companj. J A. Dalton and James E Hart, defendants To be nob! at Sheriff's Sale on the IDh tiny of December. 1915), at 12 o'clock noon of said day, at the south front door of the Weber county ecurf hoi!Re: in Ogden City, Weber county, Utah, the following described proper ty, to-wlt: All the ri?ht, title and interest of E. I Hammond and Esther G. Dam Imohd, In and to the following describ ed real estate: j Beginning at a point fifty-eight (58) feet west of the northeast corner of Lot Eight (8), in Block thirty nine 1 (39), Plat "A", Ogdon City Survey, running thence south seventy-eight j (78) feet, thencp west one hundred fif ; ty (150) feet to Hudson avenue, thence north Seventy-elghl (75) feet; hence east one hundred fifty (150) fcrt, to ithe place of beginning, and a strip of an, fifty (50) feet In width, lvlng di rectly south of said premises, being a ; leasehold interest for an indefinite I time. j Also, all the right, title and interest !of SMid narll. In ulnl !r. tho fr,llnu-inr - " . w . . w . . . . described real estate: That Certain piece or parcel of land .beginning at the northeast corner of lsr eight (S) In Block thirty nine (f59), l Plat "A", Ogden City survey, and run 'nlng thence west eight (8) rods; thence south twenty six (26) feet, j thence east eight (8) rods, thence 1 north twenty-six (26) feet to the place I of beginning; al?n that part of said hot eigh (8), beginning eight (8) rods west frnrn the northeast corner of said I lot and running thence w est ten (10) :rods, thence" south fifty-eight (58); fe. t. thence east ten (10) rods; thence north fifty-eight (5S) feet, to the place ; of beginning; being a lease-hold inter ! est for two and one-half years. Also, all the buildings and structures on the first and 3rd parcels of real es tate above described. Dated at Ogden City, Weber bounty, Utah, this ISth day nf Novembc.-, 1919 H. C PETERSON, Sheriff of Weber County, Ufr-.h. I By CURTIS ALLISON, Deputy Sheriff AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance granting a franchise over, across, along and under certain I streets and highways in the Village of4 Eden, in Weber county, state of Utah,' and prescribing restrictions, condi tions and limitations attaching to and covering said franchise. The Board of County Commissioners I6f Weber county, state of L'tah. ordain las follows; Section 1 Subject to the conditions ,and limitations hereinafter prescribed, a franchise Is hereby granted to the Eden Water Works Company, a rorpo ration, organized and existing under and by irtue of the laws of the state of Utah, for the purpose of supplying water to the Inhabitants of th? said town of Eden, in said county, and as set forth in Article II of the Articles of Incorporation of said corpo ration for the period of Bfty I (50) years -over, across, along and under all or any of the streets and! highways of Eden precinct in Weber county, state of Utah, for the purpose of laing plp lines and installing, op erating and maintaining a water sys tem to serve the inhabitants of the vil lage of Kden who are or who may here after become stockholders in said cor-j poratlon. with water for culinarv, do-' mestlc and other purposes. Section 2. Said pipe line shall be laid in said streets and hlgbways un der the direction of the Board of' County Commissioners of said county, and said system shall be installed, op-' erated and maintained in such a man-1 ner as not unnecessarily to obstruct! said streets and highways, or in any! manner to substantially hinder or in-j terfere with the traffic thereon, and I LEGAL NOTICES s.i id corporation shall be liable for all legal iiimages Incurred in the con struction, operation, maintenance al teration or repairs of said pipe lines or Wati r system Si lion 3. In case sahl corporation shall not within the period of two pears irom the date of the passage of this ordinance construct said water system po thai the same shall bo capa ble of operation to the extent of sup-; plying the inhabitants of the said town of Eden, who arp stockholders in said corporation, or who may hereafter be come such, with water for culinary, domestic or other purposes, or shall 1 I neglect to operate and maintain said' Water system after the same shall ! (have hem constructed and Installed for the period of one year, then this I franchise shall become null and roid,1 land said corporation shall rorfeit all I , rights hereunder. Section 4 This ordinance shall take leffec: within nfteeu (15) rjays after Us passage; 'provided. Ihat said corpora' tlon shall accept the conditions hereof, within fifteen (15) days from the paSBH ; age of this ordinance. MARTIN P BROWN, Chairman of the Board of Countv1 Commissioners or Weber Countv 1 , State of Utah.' I (SEAL) Attest: Walter N. Farr, V- .CI l . Commissioners voting in favor of the foregoing ordinance M ' RTIN P. BROWN, J M. CHILD, D. IE ENSIGN. Date of first publication, Dec 6, 1919 Date of last publicaf inn, Dec. 13. 1919. 1395 ALI A i SUMMONS. In the District Court of Weber Ccun ty. State of Utah. Luella Humphries, plaintiff, vs. Ed die Humphries, defendant The Stale of Litah to said defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days alter service of this summons upon ou, if served wifnn the county In which th: action is brought; otherwise within thlrty ilays after service and defend the above entitled action' auo :n case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to re covei a Judgmenl dissolving the bonds dl matrlmon heretofore and now ex isting between you and said plaintiff. JOHN A. SNEDDON, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address: 316 Fir. t National Bank Building, Ogdeu Cityt Weber county, Utah. PRO B ATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Contult Ccunt Clerk er the Reip live Slfcnera for Furth information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the Second Ju dicial Ldstrlct, in and for Weber County. Slate of Utah In the matter of the estate of Isa bella Wilson, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at thw of fice of Joseph E. Evans, suite 518 David Eccles building. Ogden, Utah, on or before February 10. 1920. Dated Ogden, Utah, December 9, 1919. JOHN WILLIAM WIDSON, Administrator with Will Annexed. JOSEPH E- EVANS. Attorney for Administrator First publication December 9. 1919. LkSl publication January 6, 1919. PARIS, Dec. 9 The decree of di vorce obtained by Frank J Gould, ol New Y'ork, lrom his wife. Edith Kelly Gould, was sustained in judicial pro ceodlnss here today. The court over ruled Mr-. Gould's plea that it had no jurisdiction because of her being 'a resident of the United States. NOTICE SERVED ON RETAILERS TO CUT PRICES LAWRENCE, Mass., Dec. 9. Wil liam M. Wood, president of the Amer ican Woolen company today served notice on retail business men of this city tha unless prlceB of commodities essential to living were marked dowm sharply and within a short time, he would sei up a letail 'tore organiza- .. tion here on a large Hcale to supply employes of the company with groc eries, provisions, fuel, clothing, hard ware and Other articles Referring to the discontent prevail ing over existing prices. Mr Wood said that it was useless to raise iH wages and find the effect lost in an lleH Increasing cost of living. "I am act ing from a Christian point of iew," he said, and added that having no wih to drive local merchants out of busi ties he would give them "a reason able time" to readjust their prices. j EVANS' NAME NOW BEFORE PRESIDENT According to a dispatch received' I from Washington, D. C, last night. Senator Ring has :--..nt the name of ISaac Blair Evan.-, assistant I nlted : States attorney, to President Wilson to BUCCeed W. W. Ray as United stater district attorney. The judiciary ' oinmittee expects to receive the name of Mr. Ray's successor from President -V llson back any time. Mr. Evans IS acting as district attorney in the abl . I Si hce of Mr. Ray, who is on leave of absence. j Musical Comedy I In the rooms of the Ogden Conserva tory of Music, the second rehearsal ot the American Legion musical comed, j"Pirf, Paff, Poof,' will be held this-" evening. Invitation to all young la- 1 (dies who can sing 'and dance has beenlT j .extended. Girls who wish to take part I in the production are urged to be on (hand and state their qualifications. Rehearsals will be held on the eve nings of Tuesday, Thursday and En da'. Sunday afternoon will also be devoted to rehearsal?. EXCHANGE RATES DECLINE. NEW YORK, Dec 9, The decline ,in foreign exchange rates continued in the earl) afternoon dealings Demand 'bills on the English pound sterling I dropped to $3.82, franc checks went down to 11.80 for the dollar and Bel-., jgian francs broke 32 centimes to 11 2u ! for the dollar. Lire checks were quoted at 13.10 kH on . FAST COLORS ' j "I thought you Mid this bathing suit g 1 was in fast colors." said Rinks indig neatly to the hosirr of whom he had I bought the suit that morning. f 1 ' Yes. sir. that's whnt 1 SAid," return nl the hosier. "Well, every wretched stripe on the i ill I things has come off on my back," re- I i ) tor ted Rlhka H ' Ah, but wait until you try to get j H m off your back." smiled the hosier j ?H suavely. "Then you'll see." London J . Tlt-EBlts. L A SURE SILENCER j Names of general importers in Athens j J and galonikf, Greece, have been prepared. from lists submitted by the American 'mmm consuls. These lists may be obtain-'! ' ' ) la commerce or Its district and co-operate I i.H offices by xTrrinp to flics No. D887 and ' 988. rapecUvelj i DOINGS OF THE DUFFS I TgK.' coliass suzms Just a, moment Tuis IsTn esr J LIKE A LOT OF I MB O0FF-J j f MAT WE CAPRN jes fop a H I 1 y rrTTI let e oce r 1 Soo Slf? A MAT Llke ReA0V UTuatA SoBTuikiG ELSE. : -K 1 NOKjevj I ejOOP HAT f il VeoN BCCDMlMell ' T J 41 per 00 TUe PRtc ts COME IM iVrfD- TW4T FIV& DOLLARS AC7AlKj J jf w J ' 'Trl m Umm m CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are payable in advance, if you cannot bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect the following; day. p We absolutely cannot afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Please do not ask us to.