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m I OGDEN, UTAH I For Christmas RIGHT NOW the chief of your worries is molt likely "What to give hei." So we are making this announce ment as a sort of first aid to your shopping list It sug gests the things women like, desire and appreciate and the recommendations are made by a shop that is schooled in serving women to the highest degree of satisfaction. I I We Suggest Camisoles Pajamas Furs Govn; Negligees Suits Petticoats Evening Dresses Blouses j Kayser Silk Vest6 Envelope Chemise Kayser Silk Knickerbockers A SHOP FILLED WITH PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Don't fail to sec our windows. i SFs 1IETS !N t NEW YORK. Ded. 0.- More strin- lll cent light and heat regulation and BU I yesterday's late riuvry in call mcne) Mjl 1 accounted lately for the Irregular to Hl jl 1 heavy opening of today's stock ruar- 1 II 1 ket. Reactions of 1 to 2 points ei H If made by th' steels, motors nnd num- rous Industrials 'whose operations are Expected to suffer further curtailment by reason of the fuel shortage. Anions rails, where the coal famine already has caused country-wide reduction of I transportation facilities, changes were i 1 latively moderate Early declines in automobile, oil. 1 Steel, equipment and shipping shares; wore materially increased during the dull first hour. General Motors iosi 7 points. Crucible Steel 5. Atlantic Gulf 2 and Mexican Petroleum 21-..- Most of these losses were recovered when! Belling pressure relaxed, while food, to- j bacco and textile issues made actual SILK H J SHIRTS I 1 1 We equipped wh tbe lar&est and finest line of Silk Shirts in the city tasty patterns newest J . coloring finest qualities. Silk Shirts. The most SL practical, most welcomed, most appreciated gift flf jjp for a man. Come in. j pel Buy Men's Gifts at a Man's Store. H Buehmiller-Kaphji Co. gains of 1 to 3 points. Announcement that President Wilson's message deal ing with the railroads would soon be submitted to congress was of little as sistance to that group. Pacifies and coalers reacting a point. Call loans I opened at 7 per cent, against yester- day's linal rate of 10 per cent The inarkrt became apathetic at midday when call money rose to B D r 1 cent traders evincing great interest In the latest phase of the coal controver sy. Apart from equipments and mo tors. In which gains of 1 to 8 points I wore made, the list moved within very 1 narrow limits. CHICAGO GRAIN t j ; CHICAGO. Dec. 9 Forecasts of a blizzard with consequent uncertain , railroad traffic conditions led to up turns today in the price of corn At I first, however, the market showed x temporary weakness as a result of I lower quotations on hoes and on for eign exchange. Commission houses, were persistent buyers on both on the 1 decline and then on tbe ensuing ad vance. Opening prices, which ranged I from the same as yesterday's finish to 94c lower, with January $1 or 1 3234 to 1.32. were followed by mod-, erate gains all around Oats duplicated the action of eorn. After opening unchanged to 1 4c low it. including May at 70 to 79 C, the market scored a fair advance. Provisions were lowei with hogs Rallying power was shown, howeor, when grain took an upturn. Offerings were light in the last part of 'he day. The close was nervous 1 j to lc net higher with January $1 , 136 s to 1.36 and May $1 34 to 1 34. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Oppn High Low Close I Corn Dec. $1.3914 142 1.39 1.41 ft Jan 1.35 1.37 1.35 1.36 May 1.82 134 1.82 134 Oats Dec. 76 .78 .76 .78 May .79 .81 .79 .80 Pork 1 Jan 35.45 35.25 35.40 1 Mav .... 34.20 33.S5 33 85 Lard Jan 22.52 22.82 22.52 22.75 . May 22.85 23.07 22. SO 22.90 1 Pubs 'Jan. 18 65 18 75 18.40 18.40 1 May 18.80 18-95 18.80 18 SO BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Butter lower; creamery 57?70c Eggs easier; receipts 1026 cases: firsts 789 80c. ordinary firsts 709 (72c; at mark, cases included 70 1 79c. Poultry unchanged; springs 23c. fowls 18'.) 23c; turkeys 32c. POTATOES. CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Potatoes steady; arrivals 82 cars; northern Whites $3.00 i 3 20; frozen stock low as $2.75; western round whites job ' bing $3.50. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts 293; choice heav) steers $89 50; good steers $78; fair steers $597; choice feeder steers $899; choice cows and heifers $6'' 7 50; fair to good cows and heifers $5 l6; cutters $45: canners I34; choice feeder cows $ 5 rf 6 ; fat bulls Cu'-i'i. bologna bulls 45; eal wives ?1" . 11. Hogs- Receipts 170; choice fat hogs 175 to 250 lbs. $12. 75 13.50; bulk $13.QQ13.26; feeders $11911.75. Sheep Receipts none, choice lambs $1112.50; wethers $6,509)7.50 fat Jewes $5fi(j. feeder lambs $9T0. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 9. (United States Bureau of Markets ) Hogs Receipts 5200; market steady to 25c 'lower; close weak, top $13.50: bulk i $12.75913.00; heavy weight $12. 75' J18.00; medium weight $12.1 13.50: light weight $12.60(13.00; heavy I packing sows, smooth, $12.50(512.75; packing sows, rough, $12.00912.50; I pigs $10.75 12.75. Cattle Receipts 6000: killing I grades 15 25c higher; Blockers and I feeders steady; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, j $16. 005 18.25; medium and good $10. I 75J 16 . 00; common $8.75910.75: light weight, good and choice. $16. 50 118.50; common and medium $8.507. 115.75; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.25 12 50; cows $6.00 11.50; cannera and cutters $5 75 6 00; veal calves lihi and handy weight, 113.00014 5'.; feeder steers $7. 00 13. 00, stock j er steers $6.50) 11.50. Sheep Receipts 4500; killing grades 50c higher; feeders steady; lambs, 84 pounds down, 514 50 l ' 60; culls and common $10.7.' It 7".. yearling wethers $11.50013 25; ewee medium and choice. $8.00 9.50; culls and common $4 . 50 8 .00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Dec. 9. Hogs Recoil) 7 10; market mostly ,n to r,',c low r. bulk $12.00 fi 12.60; top $12.75; heavy '$12,0111 12. fin: medium $12.15012. 65; light $12.00912.50; light light I $11 . 75 12 . 25; hea v packing sows, smooth. $11 60011.90; packlnc IOWS, Blind Plunging Vou houlj no more Invest your 1 , "aving, without flrt conult- iriQ an expert and reliable broker than you ehould make. a 1 contract without the aervlcee of ' , a lawyer, or, wnn alck, do , without a doctor. Many a ' "e-avin8 hae ten wiped - away m wortniea aecuntiee, ' , when they might have been J . saved by proper direction and , guiaance. Your welfare la our , purpoae we will be glad to ! ; gve you. free of charge, the benefit of year of experience -- in the financial world. LIBERTY BONDS ! If you can by more buy frtfm ua. If you murt aell sell to us. Phone 322 j J fl Hoile & Co j ICCUS StMT 169 MAIN flT OOOKN SALT LAnE I The Triumphal Selling Even! ol This Triumphal Year If I The H. W. Jones Cos I I MONSTER UNLOADING SHOE SALE I NOW ON THE LAST WEEK OF H I RAPID FIRE SELLING I At ULESS than today's wholesale price!" That's the keynote and the 1 slogan for this great sale. It applies to practically every pair of shoes in j this immense stock, making it a saving event absolutely without pre 1 cedent. Mr. H. W. Jones has been planning and arranging for the past year for this great event, which has surpassed all records for selling shoes and we are going to make the last and final days of this mon I strous sale a whirlwind windup to Utahs greatest carnival of shoes. 1 Those who overlook this opportunity will regret it in the future, and it I is FAIR WARNING, when we tell you you will pay from $2 to $10 more I than wear easking for shoes, oxfords and pumps during the next few; l months, and the styles will be identical with the high grade footwear I sold exclusively by this store. REMEMBER! Xmas will soon be here, 1 and this sale offers marvelous saving on useful and practical gifts for j men, women and children. i I JUSTAFEWQFTHEMANYMONEYSAVERS B One big lot of ladies' shoes, pat- Ladies' black kid lace shoes, Boy Scout leggings, appropriate Men's house slippers. Fine big J cnt leather sizes 2j to 4' Cuban heel; $11 value, now Christmas gifts. Gtock of menf choice felt and i (jjoic 7fir ANn IIP tv:T:T:rzz: ::: $ IjlUlIU flUUiliii Ui please the purse of any man. A 1M1M,1, "i"""" Christmas suggestion. Infants' and Child's Shoes pat- ssssb.ibss.?bssbsbssssi.sbbbbbbbbbbbbisbb.sbm IS msMimi Ladies shoes, Loins heel, field cnt and bUck a)so some co0red mouse grpy color, actual $14 tops Men's four-buckle artics and Ladies' and growing girls' shoes, values, now packs and German sox at spe. 1 dL . . , ifO f!Z 1 to 5 95c cially reduced prices. gray and brown kid with cloth X 11 m iin.Hil 5t 8 5i.65 top, Cuban heels, actual $8 00 VJJ JJ i value, now IIIIM1II, wmmmmmmmmmmmtmm , Men's work shoes, highest qual- ' ... ... . ity. Specially priced HsV rif i ji , , .a . ... Misses and children 3 button ' r , fi JlK d,CS dU m d P3tCnt shoes, s.zes 8 to 2, in patent . it (A Mil lay lace Ctay' patcnt covered black calf and black kid; $5 00 t q As- -r I VlTlJU Louis heel; $15 value, now quality, now II J I I U L r kK j - - -! Qiinp; eo nK ui!Ws ipUsiiUf it heel; values up to $10, now mn tmt m Mll, fllS 1 CC Ladies' Patent VamP' fuM black Growing girls' shoes black and ' slBil Mil suede top. patent covered Louis tan kid, sizes 3 to 7; regular iJUc JU heel, the newest and latest ar- $10.00 value EXTRA EXTRA , rival! now jlpT Men's button and lace tan, pat- J lit ent and black calf shoes; short 4 Newest styles shoes, jj j Q fj T lJ U I J U lines; values to $10.00 on sale at ft short lines, all shades, leathers l I IIH t w li and sizes, values up to $13. now il jj i its i O f I nf; - sr: " ,an ca" ",ra i)4, ji If llll. Jlf Women's felts, gray, brown, Sizea Sizes Sizes ' - I MJVJ jkj wine, black and blue; fur and 9 to 13 1, 1' 2 2' to 6 mmm I IS nbbon trimmed leather and soft , Men,$ back k((J blucher j $18 and $20 value,' beav- Sim ct is'tmar Spia. COO C Q t med ,um toe and er brown and stone gray covered priced, now at lltdUlJi Ijlli lU o a oe as . Louis heel to match, now if talUUJ Vu' 1 v . I $14.95 SI.40UI.75 $3.85 , l V,VF 1 T Same as above in black calf. I The H.W. Jones Company II 8 2461 Washington Ave. - OGDEN, UTAH P rough. $11 0011. 50; pigs $11.00g 12.00. Cattle Receipts 21.000; market firm; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $18 50 21 50- medium and good $11 25y 18.50, common $8 "5fi 11 .25; light weight, good and choice, $13 . 85 20. 75; com mon and medium $8.0013.85; butch er cattle, heifers. $6.50(915.00; cows $6 loft 13.75. canners and cutters $5 35fi 6.35; veal calves $16. 50fl 17.50; BMdW 'r $7.00-511.25; stocker steers $6.0010.75; western range, . rm, $7.5'Ji 15.00; cows and heifers $6 50'912.5' Sheep Receipts 25,000; market firm; lambs $1 1 .25 16.30; culls and common $10.0014.00; ewes, medium, good and choice $7 . 756 9 4; culls and common $4 0OQ7.25; bree ling $7.00 11.25. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITY. Mo. Dee 9. (United States Biireau of Market.) ! Hogs Receipts 20.000; market 25 to' 40c lower; bulk $12. 60 "13.00: heav-1 ies $12. 65fi 13.00; mediums $12.60fj 13.00; lights $12.50912.85; light lights $12 00312 75. packing bows $12 00912.50; pigs $10.0012.00. Cattle Receipts 14,000; market steady to strong; heavy beef steers, choice and prime $16 15 18.50; me dium and good $12 . 259 16. 15: fom mon fit I091S. 18; light weight, good and choice. $12.6017 .75; common and medium $7.75912.60; butcher cat tie, heifers. $6 2513.75; rows $6.15 12-00; canners and cutters $5 00 6.00; veal calves $13.2516.00; feed er steers $7. 50 13. 00; stocker s'.eers $5 5010.00. Sbeep Receipts 8000; market steady; lambs $14.00 15.65; culls and common $9.0013.85; yearling wethers $10.75 13.00; ewes $6,509 9.15; culls and common $3.256.25; breeding ewes $7.50 15 i.-.-.irr lambs $11.0013.75. LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK. Dec. 9. Prices of Lib erty bonds at 11:30 today Witt 34s 99.60; first 4s 94.00; second 4s 92.00; first 4s 94.30; second 44s 92.08; third 4',s 94.32; fourth 4'b II 24; Victory 3s 99 .10; Victory 4s 99.06. Prices or Liberty bonds at 2:53 p m -r. I 3f 6. first 4s94.O0; 1 :. firs, r.- 94 12; Mconj I 12 Oil third I V 94 08: fourtvbJC!orf MB 92 22; Victory 99. W ML 4s 99.04. mS MONEY EXCHANGE. V'n I 9 - McrcaaiM t urn h.uu-. .1 u. cWl SUrllnff: i'-mand $J 5.' $3 32 V y lai 11 i.,,,li. 1, l . tu ind .33. emu j) Llr- I. mnnd 12.95; W' 4 A k Mark- . 1 2. cabl A Time loans urn J cfl Call mom- strons; loth - ' r ceOHV lov. 7 ,,. , , , rulinc r,r'' Lj at 1W closing bid 11 per .f Mk V r rr-nt, labl loan 1- Prr S(