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Mngmk SSri BBSBSBSBSBSBSBSsSNBn-VPf'lMsWsV sssssssssssssssssfiMaSii H 'i I I . 1HE OGPLN STANDARD- OGDF.N, UTAH. iLLSUAV, DECEMBER V, 19)9 , I AsK for" FIVE MILLION PEOFLEk USED IT LAST YEAK j I standard celd remedy (or SO yar. in tablet fo.-ro-afe. fUN, no Cpiatea brraa up a col d m 24 '3t3aaV hOUTI relivrg rnp n 3 Jy -raj. Money back If it fails. o T)ftHn jine l1f j' " iSllx fia. A All Drag St.r: II Series of Trees to Be Set by American Forestry Association WASHINGTON'. Pre. 9 Starting tTlth the famous "Wye Mills .'-' T wear Easton. Maryland, the American ! I forestry association ;innminrM the I first of a series of trees for its "Hall 9 !"amr." This tree CWer a third r an acre of ground and has a spread of one hundred and forty and a half I feet. The cireumferenc-1 on- fool 'rum tie ground is fifty-one add a half real. I IBbo American Forestry sssoclal on is cfcmpilin;, a "Who'.-: Who" of trees in .tnifrlca and i'.sks thai pictures and j i dita to Bupporl 1 he claims foi ceo II Mi nn Be forwarded to It. II ! Additional enn:es received todn j I I i by G. V 1 lev of Da-, ion, ''.u. an efa at Cai 11 I bondalc. Pa., hy E at. Ieck; an lm by I , itumon' Kernel; . eye or Crewtards 1 1 i vglh , Indian Jj SThe acacia tree entered h Mr 11 wearkley is twelve and a half fetcl In 1 I cXrecmference ann it three feel r i j j i '" at he grouii ind a n tt to a Dayton tree, no one cart b found no maftet hot! fid. who can re member n time when the tree was not I ' i . big as it is now. Th' elm at Craw ' rSrdpelllc has a spread nf yf fet SBBJn OO Ml Don t Be Without II Sloan's Umm. j j I Keep it h?ndy it knows no equal in relieving pains and aches Hi I I t LOAN'S LINIMENT has been W (..'. toi WM j Hll j ran be but one r.nswt-r it produces V'l ' Applied without rubb'nr. it penc- I t trates to the affp.cted par! bringing H I ica. sore, stiff, strained muscles, lame I back, and other exterior pains and I .-prains and il.' i :l '' exposure I' Hj I leaves no mossiness, stain, clogged I i,. : a largi bhttlt for greal r e on- HI omy. Keep it handy foi use when H needed. Your druggist has it Three Wife of General H Angeles Dies in . New York City Hi S it BAD H BW YORK. Pc 7. fcenors Pelipi H An . lfe li Hl IT tionary leader recenily executed bj I ('arrsi .a iroeps. l -.1 ... II havlhi been Informed of her husband's HI j arrest and death. She r ani' li I Ml l'ao three months ago sufl ring 11 from nervous exhaustion canr.l by HJ I tear for her husband's safety and r: ci M I ually grew worse, 1 1 At th- time of Oeneral Anrlee' e. BB Il! cution her condition wnc so feehlc 1 1 tai her deemed II Inad bl BaBaWHi ' 5iv npws :'n' sr' remained HJij gnoranee to lb I Sh BaHilil 1 our children. Senors Angelei w t ; ears old. ENGLAND SUFFERS FROM LOW WAGES LONDON, Dec. 9. Enn'und still! in Buffeting from low wages, declared. Lord Lcverhulme. one of England's beel known manufacturer, on the eve, of :.;s departure for the I'nited States, T.ork Lcverhulme has set an example to British industry by application to' bfi pwn boslness advanced ideas in; the Selations Of eapltal and labor. "Our wage earners have inherited' deafl irhicl lov wages inflicted upon :uem and our manufacturers have not been drlv n by big wages lo develop labor-saving machinery." he said "The of low wages has passed. If our manufacturers Improve their inachin-, cry and our wage earners throw aside iujDiclon a a policy ruinous to their v. n interests, we shall have a tre at nde ! hi me market in r.ngian.-i and1 a bigger surplus than any other nation j to send abroad lo pay for our raw luaferlals." Nor only did Lord L-verlvilme see no prospecl that wages would fall in England but he declared that he did noi wish to see them drop, bur would like to see them go higher, provided always that production kept pace with the advance in wages. ker! by a r presentative of the I Daily Chronicle what he would do to raise money it he were chancellor of in exchequer. Lord Lcverhulme re- ! pl'ed : 1 would Institute a 'a:c on trading profits, starting at profits of 2000 nffindi - rliHg so as not to hurt th Uttie 1 iisine n 11 wouldn't be a . in n U ' tax thai spoils the whole m'pg. It would be a t:i.7 of 5 Pr cent on all ir-d.nt prolit aboe 000 pounds sterling. Now .a. e whet that tax- woutd do. It would stimulate in dpstry. A lew ,n apiial cripples In dustry! but a ta: on profits bucks In rtu trj Op: makes it think harder and vork harder. "Such a tax as I suggest which rc, uld fall "n the ordinary shareholder rh- Toii.l still have to pa) his in come tax. and. iT liable, his super-tax, (would have a quickening effect In the whole region of industry. Income lax i- hard on the person with a small fixed incoTue; but it ts a stimulus to i mar business who an easily ld- ri B his profits hy thinking mci" clearly, worKIng much harder, and acting With mere With and courage. Bo, m preclfely (he like manner. S profit UX would act on British in- ;dus;ry." AN FASY WAY 10 PUT M FLESH Get Strong, Healthy and Vigorous at the Same Time If you want to put 00 pounds of solid, stay-there flr-sh if you want to be strong, healthy and vigorous: you nmi hae strong and plen'y of rich, red blood. The quickest, sur est and easiest way to strengthen your oervea and fill your arteries with rich, red. iron blood i to regularly take a 5- ah) tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate ii each meal Thousands who have iiriod it h r0 f -l I in h w'"?.t a really fine thing Blood Iron Phosphate is how It helped jutti wiicn an eise taueu hh j If yon want to look better and feel bet ter, to be chuck full of I ec old time vim. energj and endurance, the best thing yoo can do la to go to Mclntyre' Drag ( 0. or any other druggist and get enough niood lron Phosphate for a three weeks' treatment. It costs only $1 ,80 -r.x a week and the chances' are about 100 to 1 that your friends will sor.n br telling yOU hOW much bei ter you are looking, and that you'll be ' irg about how strong you are. Advertisement. COFFEE FRITTERS CoTfei- fritters are excellent made of the dark breads. Cut the stale bread i "Jo rather thick slices and soak them I for a few minutes In strong coffee I Beat up the yolk of one or two eges i (according to the number of fritters to be made), add a pinch of salt, a ta bU spoonful of sugnr and two table spoonful of rich milk Brush the Isliees of soaked breail with this on both side.' and fry in fat. Hj I At the Orpheum Theatre I I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lOih Between Two of the West's Most Marvelous Wrestlers HI I Jack Harbertson I -ht Heavyweight Champion II I "Tiger" Joe Cramer of Colorado WITH TWO EXCELLENT PRELIMINARIES These two grappltti erill give Ofden wrdttl g I loj rh II 1- PPortuhity to witness one ol the finest, faateai bouts ever Jirratie.t m tin .ountrv 3 TICKETS ON BALE AT rill' ORPHEUM BOX OFFTl E prices I Itlngeide $3. vith war tax $3 bleacJaOffl on s'.ag. $2.5o with M- war lax. $2 75. box seat. $2.iM. wrh war imx, $2.?j; loWSt floor. H t,' I S2, with wr '.n. $2 10; threo front rows of balcony, 2. wfh w, r ( tax, J2 2", remainder of balcony, 1 SO, with war tax l "., - t Rippling Rhymes I Qy W4.LT MASON. K . rrfJ CONSOLING THOUGHTS. All the world seems in a hole, and i my ccuardian -prite I think that I have j a modest roll safely salted in the bank Landmarks we have cberisfetd well are uptorn anl thrown away, and no prophet can foretell what may happen in a day. Things we thought were anchored fast are adrift upon the tide, .nd like leaves upon the blast, customs old are scattered wide. All our moor ings are destroyed, all our milestones trampled flat, and we face :;n aching void, and we know not whcr We're at. All the witches are abroad, on the storm clouds dark and dank, and 1 m glad 1 have a wad safely salted In the bank. We have quit the rid time WBy, for a road that Is SCCUrst; there's a crisis every day, nnd the last one is ih- WOrat. Men who once abhorred the bluos now are viewing with alarm; and the paper's filled with news breathing ihreats of dole and harm. In the background Is the sage, in the foreground is the crank; and I'm glad 1 have my wage -a f .salted in the , bank. on EoteMook By lf: PAPE I , Me and Pads Simklns and Lcroy Shooster was .standing erround the lam I post yistiddy aftimdon, ami some man 'Came up holding one &ide of his lace wiih both hands, saying. Can eny of ' you. boys tell me wan? thercs a den tist i i this nayberhoo'l Theres one 2 blocks away and one about d blt'ck:' away, sed PUdl Sim kins, and het man sed. Well wares "br neerest. 2 blocks away, sed Puds, and the man sed. I know that, I know that, I nieen v at direction'' III lake you there, mister. I sed. So will I. m'airr. sed Puds and Le roy Shoos ter. Wfch we all s'arieu to do, me wawklng in frunt of the man and Puds and Leroy fJhcosier wak- in on each bide of him. Beinr; a m'd !dle size man with a email Biae m;:s tasb, and about half way to the den- tlsta we slartfd to go pasi Sid Hunt and Sinn-. Martin, Leroy t-hooster saying, Come on along fellows, beers, a man go: a tooih ake and we're tak ing him to th dentists. Wich Sid and Skinny started to come too. the man saying. Confound r. I dont need every kid in the city! to show me the way. Therms ony ." of 08, mister, sed Puds Stmklns. Wich jesi then we came to the dentists, all u? 5 fellows going in ahed of the man to show him the way, the man saying, Locklor, Ive got a ter rible tooth heer, 1m afraid it wiil haff to come out Ill look a: it. arc all these yours, sed the dentist. Meening us 5 fellows, and the man sed. Hevvins no thr; jest showed me the way hc-er and I sip pose they wunt to see the show, 1 dent need them if you dont Cleer out. sed the dentist. JJeening i us 5 fellows, and Puds sed, I was the one told him about you. can: I stay? This Is no side show, .sed the den tlSt, Meening he couldent. and we all went out agen, Puds savins The next time enybody wunts a dentist Hi take them to the other one. And we stood out on ihe pavement a little wile to see if we could heer eny yells wich we jdidcnl so wo all went back to the lam ipost. on LIFE'S HARDEST TASK. It i! no easy task to be little fellow's doting dad; Sometimes ih duty seems to me The biggeM job man ever had. To cut away a mountain ridge Or sweep a riv r from Its bed Or close a chas-m with a bridge On which a man may safely (read. Are works stupendous, but I hold That these the skillful mind can plan ; i But he must needs be wise to mold A little boy into a man The engineer can calculate Precisel "hat his steel will bear. The builder knows the very weight That rests upon his girders there But who an read the wronc from right And sift the good from all the bad Be that a man of truth and might Shall blosFom from a little lad" (One careless word or though tlesc deed Which he may chance to hear or see I May In the future be ihe seed Of ruin and Its mi?er . 'There Is so much that he must learn So many things that he must know. At every Utile bend and turn He must be taught ihr v. a io go. We cannot nicely calculate The weight that he is fit to bear Or guess what cruel storms of fate Shall change his gladness to de- spalr. With all ihat we can know and see, j The biggest task man's si St had Since life bogan. has been to be The father of a little lad Slovakia City Has Plenty While People of Vienna Starve PRESSBCRO. Slovak!. Dec. 8. .Nowhere in Europe exists such a i -harp contrast In food conditions as i bet ween this place and Vienna. While he great city fifty miles away rocs , hungry and ni-..tle,ss day follows mea' ray. here is food in SBfrtSBHS. and rheap. There wer nix ruai- OB the dinner card of a huiel hr today and ever;, WlBtM regetaMe the rllm I affords. Whipped ream, batter Ladies LetCntiriiT3 Keep Your Skin Fresn and Yound a-nitTh a. paaagSMSj esgwsjg r 1 imm tmtmm i fal aiiiiia nil T afiilM an Why tike instrument you buy I should be a Victrola I Because it is supreme in beauty and fidelity of tone. OW. 1 Because it is the chosen instrument of the most famous rshL- artists. Because it is the instrument of great musical t iw8o& achievements; the instrument which revolutionized " talking-machine construction; the instrument which is 'y3gr the one recognized standard in the world today. fS!!IjBBBB-Vt Bad; of the Victrola are the genius and skill which 'j developed the talking-machine from a mere toy into the "'ifeCiSj world's greatest musical instrument; the organization v n ySMjn which has the longest experience in producing the iflfllloffl modern disc type of instrument; which invented the C original cabinet-style talking-machine, the Victrola; jf' which originated all the important talking-machine -jUt j Tne Victrola is the product of the largest and most 09S complete plant in the entire musical instrument in- Q SIjIM dustry; factories which for a quarter-century have been -mIBS devoted exclusively to the manufacture of talking-machine SSBSiJi products; factories whose vast facilities and modern . KSnmfj equipment enable us to produce every part of every ISlm Victrola right under one roof the Victrola is the only 3 V jRJfSSt talking-machine made in its entirety by one concern. v jJM These facts- have a direct bearing on the in- j, -SS strument you buy for Christmas. The Victrola c 'Sri is greatest because the company which makes it y SSK is greatest. Buy the Victrola for Christmas and vo. LS"BWp you will always have the satisfaction of having I w and cheese, fresh eggs, white sugar and pastry are to be had in every restaurant. The hotels are steam heaied and smoke issues from every chimney. This was the rich hinterland of Vienna before the disruption and pound the products of its fertile fields into the capital. Now a new political boundary Intervenes and not one pound of supplies may pass into Austria. The cars of the broad eauge electric line may not cross the fron tier Passengers descend at the bord er and walk several hundred yards to another car and soldier guard? a both the Austrian and Cz -cho-Slovakian sides search everyone carefull) Pass ports are examined as if war pre vailed. , A business man of this city ad mitted to the correspondent that the region could export food In ap preciable quantities as well as large quantities of firewood. But the Aus trian crown Is so (heap and go,-rn ment regulations against sending food from the country so- rigid that no negotiations seem possible. PE R I S C O P I is THE WORLDfj- with Our Office Boy. v. UNCLE WOE ON CHRIST'.'AS CIFTS Chrisfmas rifts." Set Uncle Moe. "Is meant far feSJlfsV Not for show. Jes a littls Vr'm yer heart Is worth th' besi (n any mart I A prett card. iThet speaks yer thoughts Is th' ben thet Kin be bonrh' Kf ye caim ffopl The littl- bl. Whistle an' I lonfi give a whit. Buy a stamp an' A pncj) or pen Twon't mak- no rlif'reni . V yer trlend Whut he v. ants la V hear fm ye. An' Laddie, take This tip fr'm me Spirit's a thing Thet money calnt buy. I An' money caint kill St IT WON' T DIE ' The symbol of love Is no good in an orchestra but hold on a mu cian i can work while he plays. , Doctors are agitating fcr an .h hour day. All of us would be happy If we wouldn't be oick at night. We are the president of our home but our wife is ihe board of direc tors. It makes us feet like the Kin of England Prizefighters are no intelligent that they are often mistaken for police- I OMSLi It's possible. bJt a por p'an. to get j our wife on the installment plan. It doesn't cost the landlord ao -thing to ral9o your rent for you. But .1 HEARTBURN I or heaviness after meals are I most annoying maniietaLons I ol nTjd-dyspe.jsia- I Ri 0I0S 9 pleasant to take, neutralize M acidity and help restore norm al digestion. MADE HY SCOTT A BOWM! BSBSMBHHBSsKSKfsBf' I who likes to be asking favors con tinually? Everybody's willing to sign a pledge now. Th? best cure for indigestion is to live on the fruits of year own enter prise It Is stranae bow little far the aver age man displays while talking to his wife over the telephone. If we followed t:ie counsel of our stomach, we eat today and get wet to morrow, instead of saving for a rnlny day . A telephone girl ought to make a PBOdt I lfe She's not allowed to talk back, you know. And speaking of telephones. Home women won't ha e thm in Ihelr home because they ran t staad ha log 10 ink inoth'-r woman fr perm a Mon to talk. We. don't think the profiteers have been treated right. Lot's giv thni their food, drink and clothes free -and let the state pav for it The Polntsville, Tenn., Confederate finds tnat 'This country Is going to the very devil." That's dlrcouragtng to nay the least. We understand that no Bolshsrrifc begins to f'ght until he is half shot. And also com monssnse is a b tter pill to any I. W. V. Fooluh things are easily done but , r.obody knows w hy . Well, me are convinced thai Jonah furnished proof enough that ven a wiiale can't keep a pood man down. I- there est thing more rejjrei4L.i than starling an arsrumerr r the breakfast table A woman fell in a rat of wine re- , cently and th n refused to come out. I Til cal mi m wb tapped the vat and robbed her of her , good spirits. j I But then, a man is fortunate hB I he doesn't think continually of hi II misfortunes. Hive Von Tripltz a little half tonic jj t" hia beard and h- ;i make n sow Bolbhevlk H 1 'r thing but that. B There's no ether in the Nve soll m in our ' on n n-i r i - r' ! do hot ta In It elthei M We are .nclmed to bebeve that ta'k s a quack remedy for J.yth'f.g I But then, look at the " .stirooniaU I , from the senate. V . i . - on P '' I jhlbiiion as long as it ia left in dJr j UP TO DATE EXCUSE t( Fanner Hey, there; how ram I I to be up In nn apple tree'' fffH Bo; Plsai ter, 1 r -' oa el i d rpla I , LoM-i-n r 1 WE DON'T SEE. EITHER! I 0ee bow t other hair "I .lon'r see Hhrr ho anyww . :in live w VShj WHICH REMiriDS US THAT There mav be ) iM M9 good f'pD ' 'l In ihe s. a. but the last one teoK I PNEUMONIA CaJJ a physician, lmmedi- g4 ately begin emergency JTH treatment with rS VcK'sNRipt f Y0UR B0DYGUAR0"-30' 60'." j