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SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBS1b"SBS11111111111JJJJSSSSSSSS THE OGDEN STANDARD: CCDCN. 'J""AH. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9. 101? 3 ' I wr- - buy that fl ViGTR&LM B llSfSSSI Price t0 "fit" ycur nccd?' as to tone, voice reproduction, appear- KniPlf' ancc. The continued and advancing EMM sales of the Victrola and of Victor records prove that it is the ma- IllSiii cnc wncn comes up to all promises the machine which al 1 ways gives full satisfaction. Come in and look over our display j f?':''' 3 near yur favorite records. We know what ycur verdict will Select the model you want pay a small deposit and IPI we'll hold it till Christmas for you. mill Have one of these famous machines in your home iPOg come in today and be sure. 1 ! Br Terms to Suit 1 i 111 ISPTO I 'QJ, Buy your Xmas I fffi Victrola at lyric' jZS M i ;A :'.V."' Today. Style X with 24 selections (12 PM ' 'L double face records) , only $120.20. 3 'BRsT Terms to Suit I Musical tpi''i Special Delivery Service for Xmas. 0 WHILE THEY LAST Call Today or Phone 173 UPSm music co. mv m W tlJianos-Player Pianos -PhonogiapSLyLSB II'--- Records and Music Rolls lbffiaiav Hp 2524 Washington Ave-Ogden.Utah REPUBLICANS OPENING THEIR I; 1520 CAMPAIGN tH JE! WASHINGTON'. Pre ? With moot of J ,hc lri.i.-m r,f t,.- Ropubllcan Pty leaders & lrcrJy assembled here rmi , ftf 0thers nrnvlriK on ovrr train. Wnshinff nw03 alive today, v.i'h por?ip over con j Of -ates and Issues for the campaign of ' lM. 401! 7116 frathrrlnt,- wns to th tCf tewtin- i'f th.: n.M!,,nr I , oMiin.t!.-. whi- h convenes tomorrow to reloct the nl'"' and time of the national convention nxt summer. The fight for the convention was between Chicago and St. Louis, but it attracted only passing attention com pared to the activity of friends of prc ldcnial possibilities and the conferences over questions of party policy Friends of every Republican prominent ly mentioned for the presidential nomin ation weto busy, the managers for Gen eral Leonard Wood and Governor Frank O. Lowden of Illinois being among the first to get working organization under v.T .Ohlo sont a delegation to Ufrther the Interests of Senator Warren G. Hard ing of that etato and the supporters of Senators Miles Poindexter of Washington and Hiram W. JohnJOn, of California, also -were at work- What was regarded In mnnv quarter ns the formal launching of a boom tor Sen ator James E. Watson of Indiana also iff W that I Phone 915 2516 Wash. Ave. ,:'r' EVERYTHING IN SHEET MUSIC A The Song Box RAG TO CLASSICAL VARIETY LOOK FOR TWO LYRES ON WINDOW. I was the subject of much talk among tha committeeman and their guests. For tho time being the movement whs In charge of Indiana's Republican members of tho house who watted on Senator walson la:t night and urged him to become a candi date. Senator Watson has announced ho was not n. candidate for the presidency, but would be in the race to succeed himself as senator. His friends assert, however, that the Indluna state convention will Instruct Its delegates for him and that an active campaign in his behalf will be made. Hlnes to Report WASHINGTON', Dec 9 After confer ring with Chairman Cummins and Esch, of the senate and house interstate com merce committees, regarding pending railroad legislation. Director General Hlnes has drawn a report with recom mendations for President Wilson. It was said at the White House today that tho report would De given to tho president this cvenlnp or tomorrow, but officials would not divulge Its content 5. While the president has announced that the railroads would be returned to private operation by January 1, there Is a grow ing belief hero that return of the lines will await enactment of permanent leg islation by congress. Officials, however, refuse to comment. nn It's hard to believe, but calling down I 1b the best way to spoil a good bring ing up. As a hero worshiper the matinee girl takes the leedv ( SPORTING NEWS j!' AL YOUNG WINS NEWSPAPER ' DECISION OVER PAT GILBERT !N FAST TEN ROUND CONTEST Fans who attended the boxing car nival staged under the auspices of the American Legion at the armory were treated to a real evening's entertain merit last night. In the feature evenl of the evening Al Young was awarded the newspaper decision over Pat Gil bert, the Salt Lake boilerraaker Frank Armstrong of Salt Lake acted as referee and the decision was math' by one member of each of Ogden's three newspapers Two of the newspapermen favored Vonne while the third cave the best ol the nrz'iment to Gilbert A number of ih'' fans present howled for a draw but the decision marie appeared to b a cood one as the majority of the fans wont, away well pleased. Bo';h Able to Stand Punishment. From the tap of the gong until the final gong sounded in the tenth round the two stars exchanged blows wltn croat regularity. Young and Gilber' both Bhowed the besl ol condition nnd he ability of both boys to take pun irhment was an outstanding feature of tho bout The first three rounds and the la.i two were Youngs rounds, according Harbertsoa and Cramer Complete Training for Match Jack Harbertson and Tiger Joe; Cramer h&ve completed their training! for their match at the Orpheum the aire tomorrow night for the world's' light heavyweight wrestling title. Loth, mat men held a fast workout today! and are pronounced in the pink of con 1 dition for the frav tomorrow. Both mou are down to the prescrib ed weight, Harbertson tipping the' scales at 175 and Cramer balancing the weights at 178 Ezra Peterson, Utah champion mid dlewelght, and Art Chester holder of the same title in Idaho, will clash in ; the semi final Loth of these boys 1 have first class records, according to1 Promoter Charlie Revell, and should be able to give the fans a treat To Fortify the System Against Grip Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets which destroy germs, act as a Tonic and Laxative, and thus prevent Colds, Grip and Influenza. There is only on BROMO QUININE " E W. GROVE'S signature on the box Cftc. Class Hoop Play I Starts With Fast Games at Weber Tho inter-class basketball series started off with considerable Interest at Weber Normal college yesterday ; ; the first year men winning a fast game from the second year players, tha score being 9 to C. Both teams 1 displayed good lam work and the contest from start to finish was close. 1 In the Becond game of the afternoon the faculty won an easy game from 1 I the college, the score in this game be ing 81 to fi. I The seniors and Juniors will (lash in the third game of the series to- j day wMle the winners of today's, samp will do battle with the freshmen for the school Utle tomorrow. The freshmpii and sophomores line-; up was as follows yesterday Freshmen Sophomores Budge rf Heiner McKay if Woods IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER Take Salts to Flush Kidneys and Neutralize Irritating Acids Kidney nnd bladder weakness result from uric acid, says a noted authority The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck ol HiT bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three limes during the nlcht The sufferer is in constant dread th- water passes some times with a scalding sensation and is very profuse again, there is difficul- ty in avoiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because they can't control urlna and sometimes very painful, this is j really one of the most simple ailments; to overcome. Get about .four ounci 3 of Jnd Sails from your pharmacist and take a tablcspoonful In a glass of j water before breakfast, continuo this for two or three days. This will neu. trallze the acids in tho urino so it no longer is a sourer of irritation to the bladder and urlnarv organs which then I act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is- made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and la used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation, Jad Salts is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, efferves cent lithia-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble . Advertisement to two of the newswritcrs. while tin I olphth was Gilbert's with (he remaii j inc round ev, n. Vmins tinned 1 It beams at 130 while Gilbert weighed in at 138. Fast Preliminaries. In the preliminaries both bouts, were fast with the fighters showing considerable class. Young Childs and Blackie Malan mixed in the first pre liminary with the, derision bein, awarded to. Malan after four fa ' rounds. Red Hogan and Joe "Wop" Flynn ex- 1 Changed blows for six round; in a bout in which the majority of the fan:, ; favored Flynn for the decision. A de cision rendered by the referee gave! the fighters a draw while Tlynn was credited with taking two rounds. The remaining rounds were draws. I A fair sized crowd greeted th j liKhlers at the carnival and the bouts were handled in first class manner ' Much credit is due Promoter Royle for! his work in making the event a mi cess and, accordinc to his statements, the bouts last night were the first oj j a series that will be staged by the 1 American Legioa here. Cox c Moore Barnett re Norton Flygare Ig Hickman Subs Freshmen: Mayrock; Sopho mores: Price and Stevens. Jimmie Murphy is Defeated by Coast Lihfcweih?: Star PHILADELPHIA, Dec. S. Joe Ben-1 jamin. Pacific coast lightweight, to-j night knocked out Jimmy Murphy. Philadelphia, in l he second round ol a scheduled six-round bout. Benjamin rushed Murphy in the first roun 1 and had him grogcry when the bell rang. It did not take the western boxer long in tho next round, to land the blo-.v that ended the bout . 00 Waine Ketonen Wins World Title MANCHESTER. N. H., Dec 8. Waine Ketonen of Worcester, Mass , won the world's middle-wight wrest ling championship tonight from John Kllonis of this city, inone fall, which took two hours, fifteen minutes and thirty seconds. The fall was made by the toe grip and wrist lock. 00 Apply Poslam Stop All Worry Over Sick Skin Discourage at once tho progress of any skin disorder by spn ading Pos lam gently over it. If you, are dis tressed by eczema or other itching trouble remember that Poslam sup plies at once a soothing, coolinc influ ence to aggravated skin, that it stops the fiery itching, that it exerts con centrated healing power, working quickly and energetically to rid your skin of its evil condition. Moreover. Poslam will not, can not, injure and it takes only a little to prove its bene fits. Sold everywhere. For free r.ample write lo Emergency Laboratories, 143 West 17th St.. New York City. ' Poslam Soal is a daily treat to ten der skin. Contains Poslam.--Advertisement. Smuggling Increases Across German Border I MAYENCE, Germany. Dec 9. Smuggling Is on the increase between unoccupied Germany and the occupied zones, according to recent information received by the Intelligence officers of 1 the French army of occupation. French army officers say that women have been particularly active oT late and that there are nearly as many women smugglers as men. An Alsa tion woman smugsler claims to have made 60,000 marks on one deal. The woman, when discovered, said that she had gone from Strasburg to Solmgen. in unoccupied Germany, Where she purchased 100 dozen knives at .six marks each. She managed to I get the knives over the Alsatian bor der without paying duty and afterward sold the knives to a French dealer for ; 20 francs each. Returning to Ger many the woman said she exchanged the French money for marks, at 280 nmiks ior 100 francs, the rate of ex change at that time. Winter Baseball Season Opens in New York NEW YORK. Dec 9 The "win ter" baseball season was opened today with the annual meeting of the Na tional league. The American leaguers I will hold their annual meeting here tomorrow and tho minor leagues Will dispose of their gist of business later In tho week. The club owners of the National league had a busy session today com mencing with the meeting of the board of directors. The prinelpal buslni was the settlement of various fin- j j CVuvr!c?it Wejlart Schaffner 3; Mart --the spirit and H the gift ita not the gift; it's the spirit of Christmas j; that counts." that's what some folks say. but we believe that the gift expresses the spirit, or ought to. , ! j I that do , a great many I, I . ianclal matters and the election of a new board. The air was full or rumors of trades of players. The meeting of the American league tomorrow was the all absorbing topic ci conversation among the baseball notables. The announcement that President Ban Johnson and tho fivo "loyal" club owners were on their way here for the meeting was accepted in eome quarters as meaning that an end of the internal wrangle in the junior organization was in sight. They are due here from Chicago late this afternoon. The sudden decision of Johnson and his callers to call off the annual meet ing in Chicago and recognize the au thority of the majority members of j the board of directors who issued the I call for New York meeting was re garded with satisfaction by American I league supporters here. uu Read the Classified Ads- 1 ItM YOUTH IS KILLED; ' CAUGHT IN SLIDE RUTH. New. Dec. 8. Advices from LiLLfl McGIll state that Don Robinson. 17 JfeerM i i'aLLV of age. was killed at tho concentrator H iherc last week when lie was caught in 'Hi n rock slide in the ore bins. j It la thought that the oro became . j fl clogged in the feeder and tho youn-r 1 man w . using a bar to loose It wlu-.i . I tho slide came, which covered him M ' jrH the wai.L A rope was thrown to hin; ! ( iH which ho tied under his arms, and hjj raLLl was drawn out, but died immedlatcSjr i ' after rescue from his perilous positlofh ' iLLV He was the son of Mr. and Mi s. A- j I mon Robinson of Frisco. Utah, by whom 1 L H he is survived, as well as by five uncles , f and a large numlfer of cousins. ou , I j J Rots of women do foolish thlm?.. 3 ' they an snub those who don t. ( 1 One touch of nature keeps the whole I rfJ world un tho lookout foi now enaatlonj. (rl J Guaranteed 1 H ij j ' Interest jjjfl It is alvays a source of the deepest satisfaction ! . II II assured that the money you have invested !: j Fa SJj produces returns with clock-like regularity. And i ij r . with l:ut n few hundred dol.ars in- j J vested this precision is not only desirable but ! ' I m cessary. Mortgages on real estate are the safest kind Q of investment, and we arc peculiarly fitted to fur Bfij msh these in small amounts under $500 which , j pay 7 per cent and positively guarantee the inter rti est payments. jH 111 , M m 1 GUARANTY I t: rn-'r;-vB:E CO. I J CARL C.'RASMUSSON PRES. 1 J. H.ANDREW? SECV $ TREAS. I I PHONE 11B 416-24U'ST. 1 I B f'ToNiGHT I Q Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen DANCE at the Berthana J H $1.00 per couple Extra Lady 50c Pay war taxjOoor. II