Newspaper Page Text
THE QGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH. TUESDAY, DECEMBER S, 1919 5 dBt W TMr Ib, iL, JrJW 1 Wt TO?, IpaIl a flll Jl w All Tin- KJnd You TT.v.- Alw.iv Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, nr.ti luis been m;ile under liLs rrrrt'nal supervision lor over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive yon In this. Counterfeits. Imitations and 'Just-as-prood'' are but experiments, and endanger th health of Children .Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups, it contains neither Opium Morphine nor other narcotic substance. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use fortho Vcci of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and DiaiThoca; alinin Feveristiness arising therefrom, and bv rcfriilatinpr the Stomach and Bowels, aids the as similation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlif Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, I The Kind You Have Always Bought I ''f'""" '""" In Use For Over 30 Years VH OCWTACW COMPtlJ?, RtVJ YQ3U CTV I Woman s Pap u 0VE and MARRIED lIFEl hrj. the noted author j Idah 15 (alone Gibson ALL WOMEN ARE PHILOSOPHERS When we- arrived at the- bouse, no one H was in s.rlit. 1,1,1 1 h.'.ird excited volcei Ecoilng from Madam Gordon's room, i j0j,n grabbed my arm and fairly pulkd 1 r,ic upstairs to our room.". nn.l I knew i,t aas tryinp to postpone my encounter i!h his moihcr. 1! shut the floor quicV' ly as tvp entered nnrt tnrrifcl to take olf Iny wraps. Then Ik- tin !:! cm ( I both my h .r.-. ' '" af' r the OlhT. Iliouth I..- u.iiil.l i.iv.-;- I I ',rJIl tO II I felt something must be done to coun j terict the emotionalism of the moment, Bv I im:'H Tr.d said . I 'It It as bad as all that" I 'N'o dear. It Isn't." be- answered. "I I hive been fool, bat that's nil Von see, ' I $ very angry because y ou hal not returned with the Girls, and after I hn.1 ' dined with A1'"' rial rV'n. nnd .l. In 1 I rnvre'C'-.i t" ' 11 '" 1 M ' entirely n , jfct TSTong, I starte-.l :rom her house vl h no real intention of co'.ntr anywhere on; ihon.e. Tint hi-fore I knew It 1 was r'.rxn- M-t the h-.-ll and asking H T '! etc hour. She camo down stairs, and in her usual suave manner soothed my troubled spirits. In fact, she Oh. well, what's the use? Vou're a woman yini know exactly what SllQ did. And you know I'd fall for it. I began to feel I was rather abused. nd finally I asked her If she wouldn't like -o go for a ride "She eagerly acquiesced and I w.iidd until 'she had dressed. Consequently, It was after ten o'clock when we start.- 1 We drove into the country some mili-s, j before- I really came to my senses and decided that 1 was making- a tool of my- j self. I tunied around, and in dolnc so a smart roadster, driven by one or thps-i youngsters vv alway s have one hann on the wheel and the other arm around a girls wo:st. came Into us head-on. "It was then I ajrew panicky. Not for the people in the other car and I swear I to you It was not for Hess Morelnnd it was for you! In a moment. I saw myself . a? I really was. "They any that when a mnn drowns, all j his Ufa comes up before him In an Ih- largarine is Fresh and Pure ' i4 j ' Choice cocoanut oil, peanut oil, w ' I 1 1 I pasteurized milk finest dairy salt. ,V I V, , V w, t It is made under best sanitary condi- S y f I ! j 4t tions in the most modern factories. X ' Let your children eat lots of it. They 1)8 4 will like it and it is good for them. SB & f Order a carton today. 4ftgfffr A t V Swift & Company, U. S. A. jjLr I jj GIRLS! WOMEN! GIRLS! I l0?2 and learn a L;ade in our Overall factory. Not only will Wj (4hn Ve a steady position, but it is a lasting experience. A PlyrE Week and good Pa7 t0 the capable. Are you one? Ap i, ScV;croft S'ons ComPany, Department "M." ' tniy I swear to you Katherine. that be- ! fore I put on pee. uml madly tried to gel avn I saw how unkind I hart been to yon. and how unrensonnlib I bad been acting. Although 1 felt that Buss j was quite as much to blame a I, for your. I wanted to get her out of the mess. "Blindly. I ru.hol away, and was, of course, overtaken by the motor exp ' and you know the rest. I swear to you f nm read to do anything and everything ; you ask My only (n eat sorrow is not foi myself nor uny One else in this mess. It is only for you!" When John finished', I was robhlne. not becaufC I was hurt at his disclosur e but because I was not hurt. Many years ago I was much horri'-ed 'o hear a divorced woman say that the greatest hurt she had ever suffered wan when she found that anything that her husband eould do, was incapable of hurt- - ing her. I wanted to be hurt. I wanted to be I jealous, 1 wanted to Ik- enraged and hero i war simply looking upon the matter ai from the outside. I was perfectly willing to do anything I could allay the and the only feeling that I had lJuat at that niami-nt was a mere phy sical wish that John would not hold DM quite so tightly nnd that I would like to get up nnd find a handkerchief to blow ivy nose. What yhnll we do?" he asked. "What shall we do? Bess telephoned mo th: luoinlng that she was goim? to leave the Ity. but I told her that would be very .ogIIs!!." ' : think so. too." T nn. ered "Tha it thing to bo done, I am sure. Is, Bess and you and I to go over to ' Ihe hospital and make an Inquiry abn. ' 'ii condition of the boy and girl." John groaned "Can't we do It over i tl e phone" he asked. "Don't be silly! You know we must nil be seen In public together " " t'on know." he said mlsernblv. "that it that girl should die I probably will he am sted for manslaughter, and ye-t I not nt nil to blame in this matte-" "John " T snid. "is it possible that you bn- lived at. long as this without know ing that the law of compensation Is absolutely Implacable? Whatever we do, whatever we hae we must pay for And it is poor humanity's struggles to escape payment that has made all the traccelv in the world. ' Why do yon realize that religion only means to most of us that we may escape DOyment for our sins of commlcclon. Host of us want love, but wo don't want to pay for it. We- rail against fate when we get nothing." "Girl, f didn't know you were a philos opher I i'Jl thought I was married to the BOeweat girl In the world, and her upon the first occasion you deal out the highbrow stuff to me In a way that would put Plato to blush." "Every thinking woman is a philos opher If we were not. we couldn't live with you men." "Is It possible, girl, dear, that you have founef that out so soon? Do you have to begin to take philsophy in big doses to make marriage with me unbearable?" I evaded his questin by saying "I'm going to tele-phono Alice to meet us o go to the hospital." (Tomorrow "John Hears Startling Newt.") I buy Liberty bonds at highest prices. If you have bonds for sale see me. J J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave nue. Phone 59. nn A Hat for Everyone The lam is the chameleon of the wardrobe. It is an irresponsible, in formal circle of cioth that is likely to bob up on anvbodv's head in any cir cle. When it re3ts upon the debutante's head, it turns itself into a soft chiffon con fort km. or brocade tarn of a decid edly French turn In Bohemian cir cles it perches saucily on the bobbed head of the little art student and turns into a felt thine of brilliant orancc or vermilion. When the artist gets to her studio and pulls her. tarn off her head and chucks it among the vari colored pillows on the couch, it also fits into the scbe-rue of things there. Put the tain on the fighter's head--the French soldier's and the honorable lam turns true blue and becomes the most picturesque par! of the Blue Pev fl'e uniform. Put it on the head of the peasant and If turns to workaday colors of gray and dull blue. Put it on the kiddie's curls and it turns' into a fuzzy, woolly thine and looks as though it were made of the very same yarn balls the kiddie plavs with in the kindergarten. The lam put on the fashionable coif fure turns into a tailor made affair of surprising smartness In its adaptability and friendliness to every sort of folk Ilea in its charm it fils the fighter, the sportsman, the lady of fashion, the kiddie and the laborer DELICIOUS TO EAT Cook one half pound of spaghetti In boillnR salted water until tender Prain and add one cupful of tomato pulp, a little finely chopped onion and one jhalf cupful of pimento cheese. Season highly, shape and roll in finr bread i crumbs Pip in beaten ege and fry in j(etii smoking fat. Drain on papei and ! serve at once. ! A FAD Leather trimming has risen to the fir. rank in popularity. It is handh-d In the most unusual ways and the re sult is charming. Sometimes it Is a narrow Btrip pf belt colored in a dar ing contrast to a gown. Again it is used as satin or velvet would be for outside facln? on ruffs, collars and pockets. The most novel way of using leathei la to make it up into fetching r-ha pi-aux Sum n model;- in dark blue, black atid steel gray leather are being shown. Occasionally when a man attempts to I stand on his dignity some ono spoils it I by sitting on It. Slade has moved to 432 Twenty-.'if m Street 1 01 HUNDRED ID FIVE j BIRTHS DDK One hundred five births jrerf reorded in Ogdcn during the month of November, nrcordlng to reports given out nt the , health office. Of the total number six'y were girls and'torty were boys. This is a nw monthly record for Ogdcn. aeeord inc to Sanitary Inspertor George Shorten. Birth reported to Ogden City Board of health during the month of November, , 1919 follow Karl S. Carver, girl. 22fi Second street. Geo W. Meyers, boy, 22 Mofflt ave nuc. Jeslie H. Van Dyke. girl. 2S6 Thirtieth street. Chauncey M. North boy, 2"f'3 Washing ton avenue Merlin F. Farr. girl 56 1 Canyon Road Geo R. Brown, girl 3301 Pacific ave nue Nonno Orsel gHrl 3319 Wall avenue. Gordon C. Galley boy. 321 Thlrl -fourth street. Frank DeYoung. boy, 35M Jefferson avenue. Pnvid C. Stuart, girl. 2952 Wall avenue. Wm II Lowder. boy. 2669 Van Burcn avenue. Chaa S Murdofk, boy, 25 It Lincoln ai i-nue. John A Wheeler, girl. 2S39 Reeve ave nue. Geo R Hill. Jr. girl Logan. T-tsh. Dee hospital. Chas J Humphris. girl H33 Twentv flfth street. Henry Lever, girl. 263 West Twenty second Btreot. Blmer Bartlett boy, 2113 Grant avn. Franklin Ilk kenloope r girl ooJ Fourth street Orlo L. Syphers, boy. 315 Tarry avenu- Klliot G. Rose. girl. Ogden. ftah Aaron Simpson, girl 362 Twenty-fourth street Robert Faddls, girl. 318 Twenty-ninth street. Gujl U Wee Iter boy. 526 West Twenty fourth street. Nelson Brown, girl. Dee hospital. Alva V. Wade, boy Thirty fourth anl Pacific. Waller Chatelaln. g-irl. 1515 Hudsc:i avenue. Seuchiro Tawakl, girl, 4 41 Eighteenth street. Lawrence A. Sadler, boy. 2910 Adams avenue. Lcnon L. Porter, boy 3n?2 Adrtms ave nue, Co H Woolhscroi l. ho . 2S69 Grant avenue. Wm II Petty, boy, 2555 Gi.imnni". avenue Henry Bell. girl. 2768 Volker nvenu" Raymond Yeoman, girl 2017 Washing ton avenue. Thos. W. Carter, boy, 1705 Hudson avenue. Horace Gardner, boy, 1826 Hudson ave nue. Albert T. Allrcd, boy. 359 Kersh iw s venue. Kenneth Drake, gjrl. 3n7 Thirtieth street Harold T. Goddard, boy. 7lo ('anvon P.oad. Basil L. Swanaft hoy. 3642 Grant ave nue. James B. ssott. g-;ri. S57 Tnronty-ssv- Ollth street. BenJ. H. Barrows, girl. 2IC0 Monro; ; avenue. Chester L. Stratford, boy, 2270 Bcclef avenue. Jos. B. Wiggins, girl. 217 Twenty-second stnet Nerve! F. Jones, girl, 2107 Grant avenue, Wllley Miller, boy, 1179 Rush ton Ave nue. Arthur K London, girl, 2849 Reeves avenue. Hugo X Ogaard. girl. 3481 Adams ave nue. Oacnr J. Lvans. girl 932 Twenty-first street. Job. L. Chalelain, boy, 2757 Volker ave nue. Desmond A Conger, girl. 2128 Llncotn avenue. Wm If And. 1 son. girl. 3525 Washlnr- I ton avenue, John G. Leonard, gh:, 2573 Fow!t , av enue. Geor. F. Jensen, girl. 2626 Qulncy avo 'nut. Wmi F Hopkins, girl 241C Madison avc , nuc. Jos. Dolamori. girl. 125 West Twenty, ninth stroet. Wm. Dlckamore, boy, 2045 Jefferson avenue. Bseklel R. Dumke. girl. 2527 Van Bun n nv enue. j John W Lerrion, girl, 2123 Grant avo. nue. Geo. C. McKenzie. Jr.. girl. 490 West Twenty-fourth street. Herman Kertz. girl, 29S1 Wall avenue. I Arthui RadcUffe, girl, C7i Twenty third street. Jns H. Martin, boy. 511 Twentieth j sticet John Latimer. Jr.. girl, 635 Seventh st 1 ect. Roland Wright, girl, 2225 Ogden avsrfUe, Arthur II. DeWltt. boy, 434 Herrlek ' ayanuoi Jas. Bartholomew, boy, 350S Jefferson a ve nue. Lester J. Leavilt. boy, 223 West Thlrtv flrst street. Marshall Harrington, girl. :5I7 Yun Buren avenue. Frank W. Jackson, girl 3012 Porter avenus Lrnest F. Malan, boy. 2424 Monroe ' avenue Walter T. Prathro. boy, 3247 Plngr?e avenue. Qcocge st. phens, girl, 25C Patterson avenue Io J Parry, girl. 640 Twenty-first street. Howard C. Shupe, hoy 308 Franklin avenue Henry V. Eklns. hoy. 158 Washington avenue t William Davis, buy, 3025 Adams avenue Heziklah Close, boy. 2136 Reeves ave nue. Sam K M Mulouf. girl. 135 Poplar avenue. Herbert L. Holley, boy 2611 Van Buren avenue Edwin H. Hall, boy, 7C1 Twenty-third streod Chas. F. Cook, girl. 159 Twenty-eighth street. Frank H. Halstead, hoy, 256 Twentv Chlrd street. j Fred Barlow, ho.v, 276 Thirty-third The Price of I H Pork Chops and Bacon J I Here are reasons why the fine, 9 fresh pork tenderloins and pork chops, or savory ham, or crinkly bacon, which you enjoy for breakfast, cost much more per pound than the market quotation on live hogs which you read in the newspaper: I An average hog weighs 220 pounds. 1 I Of this, only 70 per cent (154 pounds) is meat and lard, I So, when we pay 15 a pound for hogs, we ! are really paying more than 21 a pound for the meat which we will get from these animals, even after taking into account the value of the by-products. But people st ow a preference for only one-third of the whole the pork chops, fancy bacon, and choice 1 cuts from juicy hams. This means that when we are selling Premium bacon at 43Vi per pound wholesale and Premium hams at 30, there are other parts for which we get as low as 6 or 8 per pound. The net result is an average profit to us of less than 1 a pound. I The choice cuts are higher because of a demand for them. Another thing: Only 35 pounds of the entire hog or about l& th is usually marketed at once. The rest must be pickled, cured, or smoked. This takes months, and adds to the costs which must be met. Swift & Company, U. S. A. I !'r I J V2sS 2"X r WHAT BECOMES OF tD VW THE AVER6GE COLLAR v j ; p f RECEIVED BY I I j - :7JlUS',A .SWIFT & COMPANY ; 3 i 1 1 ' ILL- ii ft FR0M ,HE :AlEor MrT 1 -l I OXy yrJ M : o ccnts simainj Jl rasawW C o &yy v SWIFT L CDMPAiTf S Profit Z-OJCe-nts s'y 'L'l IBB BSSSS street. Phillip J. Dlx. girl. Roy, Utah, .(Dee hospital). Nicholas T. Kovvo. boy. 513 Twenty ninth street. Leonard .Matthews, boy lS2o Hudson avenue. Geo. VanLeeuWen, boy, o226 "nii avc I nuc. ANYTHING New or 01i ANYTHING A to Z--new or o.d bought, sold or trade;!. Phone .133. Books and Stationery Bramwell luoli aoi btuLjonc y. 2662 A'abmttuu Avo. Phoue :u5; Backing L dh Nat.onal Dank, soaib nst cor ner Twenty-fourth m-d Washington, l'hono 61. Counotlor-at-Law T. K. O Connolly, )jden. Utah. Lvfcal advice by mail. 'riu m.-n tj.e fans. Phone J93. Carpel Cleaning K. Van Katnp-n id uphc.iiti.Ting, carpeta cleaned, altered and laid Jcc tnaKing ol matrootb. Fnoct J.oj-J, ISxpert carpet sleanlng, aattreai renovating, iiDhoiataring, an-- sprraga reatretched. Call BL J- Hampton ( o., Peavher Renovating. Phoce iii.'t v.'. Chiropractor OWCO VV. llalveraon, D. C. pbouo 10bG-S'. 701- ( E'jclco Ble'fc. City Scavenger McCarthy & Co., 2;34 Gran'. Lvenae. Phone 201K-W. Cooper Shop R( . ,u all kinds ui be lls, tub.s, etc Christ Lassen, 3506 Adams. Fhone 9b0. 1392 Dentists The New Method DentUtB aie -pe cialiatam all branches ol Denthviy 2169 Washington. Jl'Od Drain Tile for Sal? Interniountain wou.-rete Co Twn ;irth and Lincoln avftaue, tgdn, L' .ih. Phones 206S and 487. 2ol0 Si phi A. Bennett, girl, 2S30 Plngre s i i von ne. Herman Schouten, boy, 45S Sixteenth strstt Ronien C'h.ibez. boy, 172 Twenty-fourth street. Erm-sl j. Williams, girl. 131 Harrl.- il(e avenue. I-eRoy H. Lcavitt. boy. 571 Cro5s avc- tngTaving ugden eingraving baivice Co., u k k ta oi line cuts in jne or more colors. .16 'i we-uiy-tourth street, i'honc- 4U. root Specialist Plat Feet, corns, -de. corrcc cd. L'ry Laboraiorj, 320 lluu. en lildg X6 t iiv Insurance Charles Bisenherg. Phoae isr-9-J. Calcude.niau and Mb.u'gaa Comineroial Standard Insurance. riay and Grain Hay, grain and you1 try feed bell '7iros., 3.1 Twenty-third. 'on.' -is Hides, Wools, Furs O. M. Ruhyan, Wall aveuuo, pays top prices. PhOX.u 7bi) W. 1j2$ Jobbing Joboiug. brick, cement and p!a&t. r ing. Phone V 7 o lti3a WasJi. 1243 look aud Hides- Western Hide & Junk C.. 2223 Washlugion Ave. Phono S61. Ogden Junk House, 2059 avhlngtoo Ave. Phone 21U. Key Fitting Key fitting and Io 'k repairing. Kud eon Repair Shop. 2109 Hu&OS. j'97 Life Insurance W. C. Stewart, opociai represcijia tivo of the New Yo.k Lio lnduraaco Co. 44 Lewis Lldg. i'hone 7i V. J-163 Painiing Paper cleaning and ' ntli b Me VI 11 kinson. Address ri:- .o.S lwe.ny-sl.Mu Btreel I'hone 1S2-J-J -137 Refinishinit brass beds, chandelier, office fix tures refllahed, T. Harlan O'Neil, 851 Twetleth street. 1293 I If O. J. Van Batcnburg, girl 3204 Wyoin- h Ing iv enue. . l ir .y:ncr Seavers. boy, 336 Twcnty-flrrt Jjl i Tcrrnncc Kenny, twin boys, 229 Twen j VI Road the Classified Ads ' fl INFORMA HON BUREAU j Notice to Advertisers On and after April 1, 1919, business Cirec'ory sdveruKintj in The Standi a will be $1 per line ;er nvorth. Physician and burgeon Dr. A. i'ernlund, v. .lice houra 1 to i p. m. New Peery Bldg., i.:udou Ave. b PI -.nit oio. Office ptijne i ij t'j- . ieal instate and Loans Willard Kay, real estate aiic loins. 'I i,i Washington. Pnone -09. isi-i bcavenger Garbage am ruboish haul-'d, ceaa- ijooit- aud toilets Cleaned. John C'jtpp c; Co. l'houo 52S. 2ol.' Hu.'son aveiue. ' tl 9Y8J u oanitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co., nil k,nds of . ruooish Lauleu. t'boz e o2'J . Sewing Machines We rent, repair, '.arry needles. an'l f parte lor all maks ot mav.inec Winto Sewing Machine c-j., ,-.27 Wanhtngloir uvenut i'liuno 4.6S i Transfer Work ii. 6A .uuure for all kinds of . J ranafer work, bhoue 2373-W. U2J rents and Awnings Ogiku 'IVnt and Awning Uj , m.-u iacturera of high g.ado etoitw, ofllca J ..uj resident awnlngu. Wiierproof cjv era, bags, etc Auy'hJug in tanvas. j2u Washington avenue. I'hone 20.-. " li I Vacuum Cleaners I'hone 25S2 J lor .ucuum chi-ner SI i.r 24 hours, aterilitdd dui,t bjg. f.074 ; fj iVindows Cleaned Lxpert window an.l wall pnr r cl- .n Ing anywhere. A-aerioan Wicdow cleaning. I'liuno 563. 2370 Washington. for RENT Ohio vacuum cleaner, i hours 50c. Phono 2097. 1374 .L H Read the Classified Ads. j, J