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I 1HE OGDEN STANDARD: UGDLN. UTAH. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1919 7 Ml I ' rChUd Horn With Heart Outside Chest Vall I The h"',h ,,f 0 witl ,,ir' ,1,',irl ont&e the chest wail i interesting Ogden physicians who declare thai the case is the if iLt 0f its kind "ii record insofar as their medical works disclose. Following the birth of the child at VVillard ii was brought to I the Deo hospital Physicians mel in consultation upon th- case ut it 'ns b,r,,,Hl tnat an operation would be useless, i ' 'pilNS1, mis cannot se- imw the child QB.V live. The heart as it beats upon the baby's chest has the four chart ers and beats regularly but the heart does not have the normal ;ov,.rinir It -,s P'-'iblo at the hospital to observe the workings if the heart, the blood being pumped into the circulat ry system iiid the operation ol ihe heart valves 1 glides the abnormal situation of the heart, the child has no itcrnum, the bony covering of the chest The child v- ' ,J'ns Detwcen eighl and ten pounds. i s " Greater Than Words j In her first all-American picture, and her most remarkable acting as the "Brat" wii! amaze even her wannest admirers. STARTS 2:00, 3:50, 5:40, 7:30, 9:30 P. M. Children without escort will not be admitted after 6 p. in. Send them early. They will also like it. Showa in big cities from $1.00 to $3.00. Cur prt:c, I Cc 20c and 30c IMMMHMHHMMMHMfMHMH'MMMMMMMMHi I SUGAR HcPer Pound 1 We also offer the following items at special low prices 1 pound M. J. B. Coffee 59c V2 pound Tree Tea 29c I 1 or more large cans Sego or Borden 's Milk, each 14c 4y2 pounds Sugar to each customer while it lasts 50c I I This price is less than present cost. Pork Roasts, pound . . 30c Pork Shoulders, pound . . . 22c I Pork Chops, pound 35c Lota of nice ctcaks, pound 20c I veal Roasts, pound 25c and 30c D . . D . . Mutton Roasts, pound . 30c 25c Choice Pot and Oven ROMlt, i Mutton Stew, pound . . .15c pound 17 - 20 H m Mutton Chops, pound . 25c 30c Pure Lard- 3 Pounds for . . $1.00 Beef Boils and Pot RoastG, Veal Chili, something new. Try ( pound 15c it ' Beef is going higher Now is the time to lay in a supply of i 1 1 beef, pork, or mutton, in quantities of ten or more pounds at I 1 i wholesale prices. COME SEE US ! Lester Park Market I j 616 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET I SUPERVISORS ME TO MEET 1 OGDEN DECEMBER 15 il fcKoTIenty"e,eht ""PervlsorB In District I , meet In Opden. December 15 to l - inclusive. This v.ill be the first meeting to be held by the district forest officials in nearly four years. Supervisor E. C. Shepherd is act ing as field representative in the preparation of the program to be given. C. N- Woods Is chairman of the program commit toe, with Mr. Simpson, and Supervisor Parkinson acting In addition to Mr. Shepherd. Regal Cleaners. Cleaning and Pressing. Fone 513. 418 25th St. VjL ZT MBSm sairl 11 XVftS 'nipossile for pl ' BZk 'is' t0 survive th ravens S jf . Mjgr. J jfo fS&S?. "' T-'b' K.-ulonis. h. be; -..ii . ' - HjtBjB 1 111 '-'ntJng on hlmsch, rMp WRE9r .&3SjBKBgfm :iIltl discovered Ihd Homo oucdt a8Pound Loust Photo Treatment, known as AD- r ; DILINE. Anyon- with fe;ri "nrv or Tni coughs showing tubercular ' oj,, ,,; 1 uoereuiosU. may use It under plain direction Send youx name ind j ' 185 Arc.iclc Bulldlho - - - Columbus. Ohio 'a Advertisement. ' TRAINS CONTINCE TO Rl)N LATE . OWING TO THE HEAVY FALL OF i lOW IN WESTERN WYOMING I'nlon Pacific trains in Ogden today will be conspicuous by their absence-, according to word from tbp depot to the effect that snowi n Wyoming and Nebraska continue to obstruct the right of way. A heay fall of extremely dry snow is said to be causing the trouble, the extreme lightness of th show making it very susceptible to wind. The wind driven snow is filling all cuts and draws on the road, quicker than the huge rotary plows can cut their ivay through. Ii is said that the snow banked on the sides of the cuts by the SCHOOLS TO CLOSE TWO WEEKS BEGINNING OEC 22, IN ORDER TO HELP CONSERVE COAL SUPPLY Despite the news which Indicates the end of the coal strike, W. H. Roeder, chairman ol the city coal com mittee, announced this afternoon that economy and control must continue in r-ffrct for six weeks The committee met at the Weber club at noon The situation wns can vassed and the announcement made that the committee was hopeful no curtailment in the hours of operating theaters, business houses or churches will bo necessary, if economic mea. sures are employed. Chairman Roeder askr that all Churches and ward bishops send to A T. Hestmark, at the. mayor's office, an inventory as to the amount of coal in the church bins Schools to Close December 22. Supt. Karl Hopkins met with the committee and agreed to close the schools for two weeks at Christmas in stead of the interrupted holiday, as iir-t decided upon. The superintend ent's plans called for holidays for the week commencing Ivrcmber 22, then three days of school on December 20, ' T.u and SI, with another holiday on New Years. Under the plans agreed to today, the schools will be closed from December 22 until the Monday follow- I riK New Years. Mr. Hestmark la the field agent of i the coal committee. He investigates orders for coal to see to it that per- j sons with a 30-day supply on hand do, not get coal while there are others in greater need. Committee Has Power The committee explains that it his "teeth" to enforco its orders. In the event a person is found guilty of ob taining more coal than the committee permits, that committee will be placed OH the "blacklist." Then it a coal deal-, er furnishes coal to such person, the committee can notify the state fuel dl- 1 rector lo cut off the supply of coal to I that dealer. I The Ogden Packing A Provision company felt the effects of the coal j strike in an indirect way when its or der for $1250 worth of lithographed i labels brought B reply from an eastern ; company that labels could not be shipped as there was no coal to oper-1 (ate'the p';:nt j Lack of coal caused u shutdown at the Portland cement plant in Salt Lake yesterday. This was the second j industry so affected inthat city. Theaters and business houses of Po- (catello arc operating on a four-hour a jday basis upon orders of A. C. Can field, former Ogden fire chief, who is fuel director of Pocatello. Only two cars of coal reached Pocatello In 48 hours. I nn CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut cut this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave, Chi-; cago, 111., writing your name and ad-! 'dress clearly. You will receive in re-: turn a trial package containing Foley's : ; Honey and Tar Compound, for cout-hs, j colds and croup: Foley Kidney Pills j tor pain in sides and back, rrcuma-1 ism. backache, kidney and bladder I ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tabiets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, bilious ness, headache, find sluggish rowels. A. R Mclntyre "Drug Co. -Adve.ti'ie ment. n oo FEATHERS IN THE AIR If you were to empty a bag of feathers on top of the Eccles bouldlne; to tho canyon winds and, a fellow would come to you and say, "I found one of your feathers,"and inform you i "that they were a valuable specimen and that he would pay you $10 each if you find them" do you know it WOUld be an impossible task? And do; you know that when you spread gossip, and you were to undo the wrongs ybu were guilty of, it would be just as dlf-i tlcult, as gossip travels faster than Feathers. We all need a bumping now j and then. And this mighty crlmo has never bad its inning on the screen I and It will do the community of ().'d n good to curb some tongues which "Babbling Tongues'1 will do, See it all the Alhambra tomorrow and Thursday; it's one of the big supreme specials i in 7 reels, featuring James Morrison j and Grace Valentine. The prices are reduced lor this show to Cc, loc and 20c. Adv. oo Deaths and Funerals OVERTON Gordon Overton. 17-day-old son of Mr. and Mik. Frank Halate&d, ! died this morning ut ;i.5u o'clock of Stomach trouble Death occurred at tho home, 5G Twonty-tiiird itreet Funeral arrangements will bo announced later. OLE A SON Leslie u Lorn.- GUeason, j Infant ion or Perry L., nd ivmi Jensen Qlaaaon, filed ihts morning :it it o'clock mi the family residence, 2UI5 PlngTaf plows, caves in almost as soon the plow has passed through. Yesterday's trains, with the excep tion of first and second sections of train No. 19, were from 12 to 18 hours late Indications nre that today's trains will be fully as late. Trains 19 and 21 have not yet arrived and a "stub" 21 was sent out of Ogden Tho snowfall this year is the heav- I iest experienced in some time in ! Wyoming Yesterday's trouble was In the vi- jcinily of Banna, Wyoming, while the storms east of C.rec-n River are the cause of today s tieup. ; avenue, .nfter Buffering of pneumonia for ' ' tho p.-yl eleven days, 'n ;irlii tln to the j parents, two brothers, BSzra .ind Krne-u BUrvtVG- The body wes taken to tho Llncio,ulat chapel and wlU be shipped to Garland, Utah, for funeral services and interment. SMITM Private funeral services v.iii be held for Hynun Smith, whoso un timely death occurred over a week tiRO. , " Don't Procrastinate Act Right Now The 5 o'clock rush will be a thin?; of the dim and hazy past in Ocden so far as "Early Christmas Shop pine'' Is concerned When'' Ob, right away the new slogan Shop Early in the Day" Is having effect. According to the smiling store clerks, that's the best thing that over was Invented at least since 1 the "Shop Early In the M'-nth" ap peal which ha:s become very popu Lar, No more the bosy of the rush hour when everybody in the to ri was tr;. ing to buy a doll, or a sled, or a pair of silk nocks, or a "wh) nnl" ,:t the same time and from the .-.-ime counter. Nay. nay no more will anxious, generous hearted Christmas hunters after.borguins trod on each other's toes pok elbows in each other's ribs and try to do half a day's shopping be Lween 5 and 6 In the evening, The;, will come downtown with daddy, or brother, or hubby in the morning accumulate a double armful of bun dles an i " back home to wash dl lies and Bweep tho floor in the Mi. moon in peace, just as they shopped in peacf in the morning. Very sensible, say, we, and we're glad the people of Ogden ore trk- lg to it Ren. ember. "Shop in the i Corning" is the cry of the day. v J tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at tho family home. 3511 WnnhlnEton avcnu- Reverend Godfrey Matthews of the Con gregational church officiating. Friends of tho deceased will bo received at lha LindQUist chapel this cvenlnp ed Wednes day until 10 a. m. Interment Ogden City cemetery. nn A Ionian will forgive any man for ly lnK It he toils her she la beautiful --L-A E T:' 1 - PHOTO klS ; , u (OHN PE'COATS" - 1 v i Today and Tomorrow jH jv.. Paramount Artcraft Hi Sennett'; Latest Comedy "1 ! "A LADY'S TAILOR" v vj "PRIZMA" fya Through the Yellowstone Rfi --', V Childr n, 12 ind Under, Tee Tonight if JHi ; ; .,..vv I Accompanied i ith Parents and I Cent W HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE j I OVERHAULED NOW I NOW is the time to overhaul your Overland or Willys- ra Knight car. Mj Mr. S. N. Gregory is in charge of our Repair Department and is assisted by able mechanics. We guarantee all our work. Bring in your car. jj Browning Auto Company I Last Times Today I obc, m jmi be jw jV j ''BAFFLES'1 I Orpheum Orchestra 'PSp ". flAj LEARN FANCY I m AND BALL OROQM DANCES PEOF. WOODWARD'S Private. Lessons ; BERTHANA I Tomorrow, 2 to 8 P. M. Phones 854 or 323 .l - C( hs and Colds? Check them in time BAUME ANALGriSIQUE BENGUE will do it. At all drug stores. Es cape in every tube Tho.. Linln Co.. N V Head the Classified Ada- ORPHEUM I 1 yDay Sunday, Dec. 14 ! M FANCHON & MARCO fl HARRY HINES KELSO AND CHAIN DOLE, DONALD A ATEB j DAVE I.ERNER Mildred nt Mayo FbU Harris tg ( Most Boandfnl ) ftf 301 130 I 50c to $2.00 j j Mail Orders Now in NEW YORK, Dec. 9 Copper, iron and lead unchanged. j Antimony 9.62C. M Zinc firm; East St. Louis dei:ery spot 8.35c bid. 8.45c asked. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. Bar silver 1 Mexican dollars $1.00?;. 1 THE NEW EDISON i Diamond Disk Phonograph The gift that says the most, ll means the most, and wears the longest! Edison's three-million-dolkir phonograph in its exquisite I period cabinets! jj Your home vi!l be made Happy the ; I THE NEW EDISON ;'J "The Phonograph with a Soul" Call TODAY and select yours for Christmas. Tomorrow may be too late to get the model I you wish and a deposit will hold it for you for Xmas delivery. PROUDFIT SPORTING GOODS CO. N : Corner 24th St. and Hudson Avenue j ill