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KSihifl HKkI Mssfhe1! 5 aaaaaaWWWnTTTTBnWfMHTlllIM f 1 S THE OGDF.N STANDARD: OGDEN UTAH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1919 1 ! BITING COLD j I IN NOHTWEST I II ' 1,1 SPOKANE, Wash. Dec. D. Hitlng if , f-olrl and no rue I as the Bense of re A Si ports from dozpns of northwest com H J mnnitles parly today while many otn y drs reported wood the only fuel avail H able. Hope held out for Improved m conditions at least for a day or two. H was scanty. M The b.'si for this hope was the fledge of voJunteei coal miners at ll' Bear Creek, Mont., that they soon f would be producing 200 tons of coal I j daih, assurances from regional rail" H I rond administration officials that everything possible would bo done to 111 provide conl for some of the point:-. I -uttering most, and the fact that for F ! some of the worst pressed commiin ; ities notabl) Iiutto. Helena and Greet 1 Kalis, Mont, coal shipments were i arriving or on the way. y. The highest pitch of Buffering la re- ! norfed from Hut re where Fuel Admin istrator Mcintosh told a citizens' I , j meetinc Issl night hundreds are in (tyjgtress; women and children are snfforing from hunger and cold. yhe city has authorised the mayor to expend $6,000 for relief and the I I county has increased its relief fund f 1 i by $35,000 a month. Butte lias been burning old frame houses, relics of it eajjy days, and while it was reported two days ago that all these had gon- jl an "urgent appeal was sent out las': J . night thai others which could be pared be singled out and demolished The temperature at Butte last night was thirty degrees below zero City grade schools at Livingston wore closed yesterdav. ihe thermome ter there registered 26 degress hr I m I, zero, with no coal In town. Shelby, Deer Lodge, Bozeman and numerous smaller communities re ported they also were without coal. All Montana points report extreme' cold, ami th- cold wave le spreading southward into Oregon, where the temperature al places reached 25 de grees below zero last night. Ahead) without fuel, the situation at Brldger, Mont , was rendered worse when the light, water and power plant vi as destro) ed by fire j one hundred anrl fifty nu n attend- pa i i ing a mass meeting last night at Great rails volunteered to go to Sand Coulee tomorrow morning to Ruik In coal mines. Thermometers at Great Kails, I ei orded a temperature ol 33 degrees RII tyglow zero last night. MfJ Iff f tfttttttf ft AAl The Quick Way to t j Stop a Cough $ Thl botne-msdp nyrnp doM tbo work In liurrv. V'- Prcd, and kmc ubout 92. j. You might b? surprised to know tiiat the bct thing you can nc tor a severe cough, is a remedy which is easily pre Bred at hone in just a few moments, lt' cheap, but foT prompt results it brnts anything else yon ever tried 1 i i allv ktops the ordinary cough or chest cold in 2) hours. Taste- pli innt. too children it and it is pure and good. Tour 2Vi ounces of Tinex in a pint bottle; then Oil it up with pla n cranii' lted syrup. Or use clarilied molasr. honey, or coi I) syrup, instead of sugar crup, it ilcs red, Thus VOU make a full p nt-a family supply but costing no more than a small bottle of ready made cough syrup. And as a rxigh medicine, there is really nothing better to be had at any price. It goes right to the spot .tnd elves quick, lasting relic! it ;tly j ils the inflamed membrmea that line the throat and air passage, stop the annoying throat tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon vnur cough .-tops en t relv Splendid for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and bronchial asthma. TVnrx is & highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, famous lor its. healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment k vonr druggist for "2V3 ounces of l'inex " Mith direction land don't accept .'nvthing else (Juarar.teed to give absolute satis f;irt .oii or money rr funded. The l'inex Co., Ft. Wayne, lad. HI Advertisement. I ; ll on U Secretaries Are 11 to Speak at the First Congregational 1 1 1 1 1 .i i One of the fh-st Y. W. ". A. secre-! j taries to do war work in France ar rived In Ogden last evening to give, lectures tn connection with the plans I III f 'he V W ' m tgden She HI Is Mis- Vlditli ('.ranger S,,- 'vont t() J J FTance in ri erniber, 1917 and remain ' ed there 14 month. Miss Crpnier is accompanied v, Mi.;.. Mildred Mc In tosh They speak tonight at the First I I HI t'miKt egational church. r h i oo Foreign Exchange Drops to New Low Levels on Market NETV YORK. Dec. 9 Francs and lire went to new low levels at the III opening of the foreign exchange mar- ket today Franca old at 11.37 for a; J dollar, off 1 centimes from yealer Ctljv ilay'g closing quotation- Lire dropped to 13.04 for a dollar, off 7 centimes. Demand sterling sold at I3.S41,;. off :C from yesterday's closing. WifeHeldfor Murder of Her Husband on Ranch SAN LUIS OBISPO. Calif.. Dec. 8. 1 Mr." Myrtle 1'ean was arrested today at the county hospital and taken to jail on a charge of murder In connc- I on With 'be billing of her husband Fted V Mean, a rancher, near PasO Robles Na 1" Dean'fl body was found in their home with his throat cut and 'he mark of a hammer blow in his forehead Mrfl Dean and a 14-year-old daughter, were said by the authorities to be the only ,ine in the place when the bodv was found. 00- HOW HE ENDED KIDNEY TROUBLE "I had s severe attack of Kidney trouble and for three weeks could not get out of doors and scarcely out of bed" writes '. E Brewer, Village Springs, Ala. Could not bend over at all without the most cxcrmi.ting pains. I purchased a bottle of ,'oley Kidney Fills Was relieved after tiret few doses and continued tht Ir use un til completely cured. I consider jj'oley Kidney Fills the best kidney remedy in the world. No recurrence of my trouble." A. B Mclntyre Drvg Co. Advertisement Call on J. J. Brummitt t 2417 Hudson avenue, if you want to sell your Liberty bonds. Phone 59. Mine Workers Refuse to Aid the Billings People to Get Coal BILLINGS, Mont , I)c. 9 Although members of the local union of the United Mine Workers have been m ited by Mayor Maine of Billings to kid in working the mine, which has been taken over by the volunteers as a community project, they have re fused to participate in the operations and union pumpmen, engineers and foremen withdrew when the volunteer" entered the property. I'li i 1 1 ii an - and engineers who ae companled the party In anticipation oi 'lils iin.w immediately took charge however, and no time was lost in com msnolng operations Upon fntcring the mine the olun teers found ten mine cars loaded with coal. This wus used for boilers at the power plants, the bins of which vri-re depleted. A company of the first infantry is policing the mine properties and the boarding house. Plans for Deporting j Anarchists From the United States Secret NKW YORK Dec. 0. Flans for de-'K-rilng anarchists from Ellis island are being kept secrcl by the federal au thorltiejB. United States Attorney Caf fey when asked today In regard to his announcement in court th; t the gov ernment was ready to send Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman and other ;i liens out of the country within two weeks, said that a group of radicals would be dtp "ted at the same time, but that he did inn in'i nd they should ilearn in advent e Just when, where and . .. i hey v. ould be sent A delay of months before Berkman and Misi Goldman nre deported, if at nil, was predicted by their counsel, Barry Weinberger Granted a stay ot deportation un;ii next Thurcday by Federal JudRe Mayer, who dismissed , 'heir writ., nf habejw he in tends to apply to the United Slater, supreme court for a writ of error ami a further Stay. The case must await its turn for argument in the supreme court and 'hen some time will elapse, before a decision is gien Meanwhile Berkman and Miss Goldr man will remain in custody of the Immigration authorities at Ellis island unles? on bial Judge Mayer refused bail on the ground that they are "imemies of the country" but sug gested that Weinberger could applj tor bail to some other court. oo H. H. Rolapp Wires as to Sugar Seizure II II Rolapp, president of the American Beet Sugar Manufacturers' association, has wired the following .answer to S H Love, stiles manager Of the I'tah Idaho Sugar rompanv concerning i barges of profiteering mads bj JU4jge Cushman at Spokane, Wash Hae Just seen Mr Figg assistant attorney general at Washington, who knowB onl what press and your tele gram sas Have expl?lned the true situation to him He wUI wire imm diately to tlihtrlct atiorne and unless other facts are revealed Will recom mend Immediate release of the prod iucts of the bills at Sunnyside and Top ipenisb. which are now being held pending Investigation." thr. Im nothing In my upVr- ZjkjJLtk "en '"' 5 I which I have foimTto tfZT-- Pi I I .aluablH a. orxHnl, Iron- &' S.( Senator $ Hanu.i on?'' rtiW'V ' Q W. Atkln.on of U a Court hv!L?l2- l01 -Dpt York ,,r ClalSM of Washington; Ignao Jan I iVLl r !r ',oun,v Hospital. Nx- Padorowaki premier of Poland ami maa- Mi belos ussd oiver thria million t'h b'" "RAFFLES' CLOSES IT ORPKEUM TODAY "Raffles," the amateur cracksman which plays at the Orphcum tonight for the last time. Is a screen version adapted from the famous novel by E. w Hornung and there probably isn't a person who has not read it. The story deals with the thrilling adi enture of a society thief who steald for the sheer love of adventure and for the excitement of the chase, the mere Joy or outwitting the police and the detectives who seek to capture him. He never steals for personal gain; always from the rich to give to the poor. His adventures carry him across i wo continents bafflinc society and the police. He attempts anything that Will give him a thrill He has no re gard for personal safety. He courts danger He would sacrifice anything for a friend. The women adore him and it is through the jealousy of a womai who loves him and who knows hlr, :rue identity that he almost rue. 1 Waterloo. Even when the game ... almost up. when it appears that there is no possible escape for this lovable thief, he finally outwits the clever de. tective that has attracted ar;d aline.; captured him And in this final scene comes a michtx climax that will thrill you and send ou away from the thea ter with Joy in your heait that this big mischievous boy has outwitted hi pursuers and escaped for possible (ur ther adventures The love of excitement the ke-n enovment in evading the police ; child's desire for adventurer togethei wiLh a heart susceptible to the charm of lovely women -the joy In helping an injured friend are the attributes which combine to make "Raffles" a character which ha? Iied in the world of literature and on the .-.!;. c,.' for half a century. Advertisement uu AN OLD RECIPE 10 DARKEN HAIR Sage Tea and Sulphur Turn3 Gray, Fader Hair Dark and Glossy Almo.-t everyone knows that Sage Tra and Sulphur, proper! y compound ed. Brings back the natural color and, lustre t the hair when faded.' streaked or gray. Years ago ihe only: way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and trou blesome. Nowadays we slmnly ask at any viiug store for "Wycih's Sage and Sul phur Compound " You will get a large bo' tie of this old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other ingredients, at very little cost. Everybody uses this preparation now, because no one tan possible t 11 that you darkened your hair, a it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or -nft brush wiih It and draw this! through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; h morning the gray' hair difarpears, and after another ap plication or two. your bah becomes beautifully dark, thick and glvssy and you look years younger. -Advertisement Mines May be Worked by College Men From Nebraska Coal mines in the Rock Springs dis tricl are supplied with troops, accord-1 ing to r H. Tape of the Lion Coal I company and the Wyoming Coal com-, pany of this city. If the proposed settlement of the Wardtington conference is not ratified! today, it Is thought that the unon men1 will bea sked to return in order thati through their efforts, fuel may be available. If the men refuse, volun teers Will be called and in event that this plan fails, college men from Nebraska will enter the mines until readjustments can be made. Youngster Sent to i Industrial School Three boys, arrested Friday evening on a charg" of having stolpn a quanti ty of candy from a store at Hi COl ner of Twenty-fourth street and Jef ferson avenue, appeared yesterday be fore Jinlge Sullivan Of the juvenile court. Two of the boys were riven suspended sentence. The third was committed to the State Industrial school and it is stated that the boy ap peared before the court seme time ago in tonnectlon with the theft nf an automobile oo Mail Service Is Affected by the Shortage in Coal ' r Railway mall serv ice on lines radiat ing from Ogden Is seriously affected by the curtailment of train service caused by coal shortage In parts of Idaho, towns will receive mall but twice or three times arh week The reduction Is more keenly felt with th approach of the holiday rush of letters land Christmas packages. m, RAILROAD BOARD LONDON, Monday. Dec. 8. Sir Eric Geddes. minister of transport.! Hon today announced the railroad executive commit!" controlling rail roads would cease to cxlet on January 1 and would be replaced by an ad visory board consisting of twelve gen eral managers and four representa tive of worker". oo .,m women r c.--l looking SBtU they find it ouw FMVCHDN-MARCE TO ' COME HI "LETS 601" Novelty is the keynote of the noted FanChon-Marco Revue, "'Let's Go which is announced for the Orpheum .Sunday. December 14, The revue J type of entertainment has won for itself a warm place in the affections Of those who seek unadulterated entr-r talnment in the theatre, and, from all reports, 'Let's Go!" hits high-water mark among entertainments of this nrt So successful was the Fnnclion Mareo Revue that it ran for ten capa -itv weeks in San PranCiSCO and was only Withdrawn then because of book ing arrangements that demanded M As dancers and creators of noveliin?, Fnnchon and Mareo MSlI hold the palm on ihe stage today, :nd in 'Let s Go!" they are seen at their ileverest. Marco's skillful steps and violin vir tuosity have won the wildest enthus iasm of audiences everywhere, while Fanchon's sprlghtliness, grace and charm are inimitable d oo i-earii Shorthand, S DayF I Tmi will be amazed at the quicknp rltl rvlitch ou ltarn the wonderful K I Eh rthano Thoroughly practical fi. stenographer r hm aid to anybody effli ciicy Burpasalncty s!mpir: arid eai liOTiie study, li fev liourn you'll knc t ie v help systsnl; thru gur spc1 I t ik:-i down dictation, cjnvprsatlor r'' a . orde'rn, etc.. a fat a prro n i rtc lessons will he mailed hi Kmi CnetUute. R.-3r2. Station V, N-.v York. . Just p r!i for tr.-s FHKK I.KS- tOVS and try fhtm Astonish everybody Ifi your ability i"-. huh rnoic uionty. I i,.; ulhcrs this sAverttaement. A''.erriHment Pickpockets in Zron SALT LAKE, Dec. 0 riekpnekets. who work best in crowds at holiday seasonss, are operating in Salt Iake. according to reports received by ihe police department last night. Mrs. N. E. Jensen, 410 Last Third South street, was returning home on a Ninth East line street car at 4.45 o'clock yesterday afternoon when someone go! her handbag for a small purs,- containing about $1 in rmall change. No sooner had Mrs Jensen report ed her loss than ehe received a call from her daughter. Mrs Christina MacKay, 233'J Windsor avenue. Mrs. Ma K;t had boarded 8 Ninih Basl .i about two hours after her mother When ."-he arrived home she opened 1 her handbag to find that a purse con-' Lining $6 had been taken. Mrs Mar-Kay said last night that during the holidays last year she was 'hr victim of a similar theft in which r- 'snatcher' took handbag and con-' tents amounting to more ihun $35 Tobacco Habit Dangerous 8s Doctor Connor lormerly of Jorini ' Hopkins hofpltnl Thousnnds of men I Suffering from fatal dlsonses would he 'n perfect IU tilth today v.-cre ii not for the deadly iiunc iiotme Stop the habit now he.'ore it's too Iste it's u simple prpceas to rid yourself of the tobacco h.ih'i in sny form. Just ko io any up-to-flatf dmg ston- and pt some Nleotol tablets! take thr-m as dlreotod and lo. the prnii lous habit quickly vanishes. , Drugafsts refund the mone if they fait. Be sure to read large r,nd interestinc n nouncemenl by Doctor Connor soon to' appear In tills paper, It tells of the dan ger of nicotine poisoning and how 'o , avoid i' In the meantime try Nl otol tablets you will he surprised at the re-1 suit. Adv. Knights Elect Officers for the coming year were elected last evening at the annual meeting of the El Monte Commander.-, No 2. Knights Templars Those chosen were: W. F Nam1. m E (' . C. C. RerinEer . H F Irwin, C A R Hey- wood treasurer; F E. Nichols, record er; John A. Moffat. S W ; H. E. Hlner. J. W. Ini ttljation will occur Monday, De cember 15. oo Soldiers Stop the Teaching of German REXBURG, Ida. Dec. 8. Si L Kroenk. who is said to have been ' teaching a class of twenty small boys the German language, has left here under mysterious circumstances. It is alleged that his departure is the re .1 li of action of Talisade post No. 64 of the American Legion, which held a mee'in: especially to decide wha' should be done in his ease. Thomas S I.undberg. post com mander of the Legion, explains the action taken by his organization in re specl ot 'I"- alleged activities of Kroenk "Knowing, as we former serv ice men do." Commander Lundherg said, "what cruelties were inflicted upon fhe world and the bitter fisht Young Men Don't Get Bald .Cuticura Does Much Jo Prevent It Dandnifif. itching, scalp Irritation, etc.poiru loan unhealtln condition of the s a.'p. which leads to thm, falling hiiirar.d premature baldr e. Frequent ahs I :h CutScurs j Soap nd hot water do much to pre vent urh a condition, epena!lv if prrceded h 1 j;rotie an mting with Cu'iCJ'a OutUuent to spots of dan druff and itching. Stv aSe. O-t ,1 2S mmi SO. T.lwm JSc SoM fHrahit the rork! For umplf each free41raa XaSh. Lk miwM,. Dft. I SF. MU. Mu, " i BsT'Carirwr So ik,.., ilUl mnt i . i I 2 1 1 HUDSON AVt FOK't rOillt fIVE cvcavTHiNG ron evenv SPOrtT roa r.vcav scmom ( ft s The Music for I m m I s Christmas- I u a 53 Christmas is the great universal holi- ; gsBtm EI j H day. Let the joys, the frolics, the music jjr - Brunswick I 44 All Phonographs In Oner SBSnjU H A its slogan signifies, the Erunswick i3 j ! jlj the universal phonographic instrument. 'I j M No limitation? can be put on the selection ylMPflgSil W w of music for the Brunswick, for it plays sA l f all make3 of records, just as they should VJf II ho played, in a manner satisfying alike s$ W H Ifi to the artist who makes them and the man H who buys them. As a Christma- gift, the Brunswick is in a position by itself. Not only will it furnish joyful music for the holidays throughout the years but it will be at the service of the one who receives it. E m Let us play the Brunswick and demonstrate the remarkable Ultona and Tone jjg Amplifier, its two greatest features. You can select your own records regard M less of make. Convenient terms can be arranged if desired. fig w B H a j MMMKMMVMMMMi mW(VQ fjAOS. LaSI HUDSON AVt FON1 voun PI'C T tcrYTi-iiNG ron Lvtnv spodt ron f.vcuv scvsom , wacd to put dow n Oernmn 'kultur,' , and because of the fact that thi.T country has not signed peace with Germany, the pnt decided that it was not right to allow those doctrines to again scour hold in this countr BOY FREEZES TONGUE WHILE BRAVING DARE POCA.TELLO, Ida.. Dec. Hr; Ing the dare of an older companion. Chester Uowen, H years old, placed his tongue againn an iron basement boundary rail, where it frote tight, lie was unable to mo e. but a waiter from a nearby restaurant was at ti acted. The waiter ihawed Chester loose with the aid ol bot coffee, but part of the ho's inn-;'.' .i. Uft on th' iron rail The boy was rushed Im mediately a physician and ihe oniy serious complication feared was pos sible blood poisoning. 1 EIGHT CHILDREN HAD CROUP I "1 have eight children and g ve Fol ey's Honey and Tar to all of khem." wrl SI Mrs. r Rhkarup. 24tn Herman SL, Covington. Ky.: "They :i'l were subject to croup." It loo-us and clears mucus and phle?m, strpi hr. strangling cough, makes easy breath ing possible- and permits qulel sleep It contains no opiot. ?. and children like it. Good for colds bronchial coughs and the coughs that lm-er on after influenza or grip. Good for grownups as for children. A 4. Mc lntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. oo Knives Given by ' Boy Scouts to Two Visitors Dr. Charles G- Plummer of Salt l ake City, who has ben actively inter str-.i in the welfare of Doy Scouts' organ! satlons, was presented with a hand carved knif- by Troop 23 last night following his addrf?s to boy s.-outs and others, at the Central Junior high school Deputy Commissioner II. Rdld away was givep a similar knif, made by ihe boys from hard wood gathered near Ogden. Opposed to the Ordinance Closing Dances at 11 P. M. i i Opposing the proposed ordinance which would clcs dance balls In thl city at 11 o'clock, a resolution his 'been preented to ih city (Blonrs by J. D Mahoy. secretary of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Flr men and Engineers The resolution 'was referred U) the superintendent of j I public safety. Comualsslonr-r M L. Jones. Judge Henry Shields Dies in Park City I rrcK (JIT I. Des I 7u4s Htswyl MlMea, leafS old nl tor rnnr' tKAJ forty years a resident of Park City, died , hero this morning. services will io luiij in tii Catholic church Wednw day noon, the body will be takf-n to Salt lske in the aftfrnoon and Intprment will he in Mount Cavalry cmcteiy Judge Shields was a well known and prominent man. having had active In terest in putilk affairs for many years. He WHS bom in Belfast Ireland, imd cam I to the I'nited States when B oung man. I In 1S72 and 1S73 ho was deputy t'nlte.i States mavahel "t Alia, afterwards eoni Ing to Park City. During territorial ttays he was appointed prohate Judge here U) President Gbwer ClSveland, was ran pointed b President Benjamin Hsrrispni ind continued in office by rrvldent .8 Cleveland. He had nlso served as roun:y i attorney for Summit county and city t j torney here. ll- was :i member of th I flab Bar Hsociation and of the lool j J . f.lks' lodge j Sur ! ng Judge Shields are hli wjd- ow and three daughters. Mrs Margaret Worrell and Henrietta Shields of Sn"t j j 1 Tit , i no I Call on J. J. Brummitt at I 2417 Hudson avenue, if you I want to sell your Liberty bends. Phone 59. St The Most Appropriate ! Chrimas Gifts Ii VSw OrR II0LII)AY display Is now com- i Xl 4 plte, embraclns an unusually largo collection of gtl articles that will sug get and a.fl?t you in deciding upon ap propriate Christmas remembrance I f 'hethor it bo an inoipenslve piece of ff I j 1 f K j Jowelrv, or Diamonds ret in Platinum. . ,jWj the Gift purpose hax been kept In mind. Ajl k maintaining a quality sinndard in keep-" I'M ll is with tho policy of this store., so thit '"if' matter what you may select your sjift m H&i. merit appreciation. ''l I F&Z SUGOBSTTOIffl FOR MF: Jm JfSt Cuff I lnk Bell MucUlfv, jh vK. Tie ciax-ps Gold Knifes sifi Rlngi I'mbrclLaa PAUL VV. STECHER if I