Newspaper Page Text
rn BUY RED CROSS I lfA Jtik ,Sk a -4- , X F 1 1 ! lfflSfMAS ! (I nOlfrffftl TJlfltfl)tVlT WEATHER FORECAS'l LtfSk f3 Give Life to Them That Sit ! J JUs V I T TVVV $ W 'V Weather Indications for Ogdcn ns Vicln'ry. ntrWlff, . , Ci , , 0,1 -L- yflk ' ( V V F.jr tonjght and probaby Thursday; not quite so ffijgg&jH In the bhadow of Death- O FEARLESS INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER eoid. j I y ' ooa ncenv. Cents OGDEN CITY. lAH.EDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, 1919 "' LAST EDITION-4 P. M Organized Labor Wants U. S. j I to Retain Control of all Rail- I roads For Two Years More 1 Urges Peace Time Test of Government Road If Operation I Washington Dec. K Protest ling aiainsr emci m- ni of th Cummins Eflroad bill, now before the senate, SjH'jpI Goraix r.--. president f the Amcrirnr: fool. -at ion "f Labor, audi I reprfiv.-t of th'- railroad brother hoods, together with spokesmen forj torue fai ""' 1 r,r- mirations, todaj III ti"0 Chairman Cummins of the pen- j mm i 3;? interstate commerce commit -r- to I Erithdraw the measure and Rive gov- j prnmnr . ,p. : ; ti.n c' the roads a. The brother houd r pr ntath es nn nounc" 1 il:.' ' 1 planned to go to the m i White House !'. : . 10 urge President Wilson to us- h i Inflitri.t" against passage f the bill Senator Cummins said he had no an tboritv lo v. it'ii nv. ihe bill, but ex pressed his l n i ntion of laying the re- ' Kaeft before the fun r immittee Mr. Gompers declared that organized labor wanted the government to re Ktain control of the rodas tor two "for the purpose of testing OUi ihe 1 bef i method f -r iheu continued opera tion " Referr,nL- to the anti-strike pro (f vision of 'hi- li.ll. Mr Gompers said: ( "I do not know whither we are I Idriftin? and on lhat point 1 am ap 1 prone; m . rhis pi ) sa I 1 tilled m ith the graves! consi no. n es. H : riil not stop : :kr:.. i u i v, ill make re j, -pceted citizens lawbreakers." The injunction against the coal min fi erj. Mr. Gompers declared, did not t produce an ounce of coal. I Injunctions cf Mo Avail I 'Injunctions cannot make men J ork," h added and it is wi !1 to re Ineiuber that ii men cannot get justice ia other ways they will stop work and fcrrs which sock to prevent that can WHH accompli. -h their pur post J ficnator Cummins replied that hi Ml)- agreed with the Btatement thai People'could not be made to work by tajunction. i .George p Hampton, managing 'ii pel or of ih Farmer.-' National Coun cil, declared that the people of the pantry and, ev n .-. natot and repre sentatives, did not end. rstand tin- rail troad hii, Thr ,. rial . ht ! aid, was at Itemptint: i ) rush Ii hi igh because ol b. I.l !;,; 1lf, p I ,, Q1 fl ouri lorn the roads back January 1. A 'so-rear time ext nsion .va whal the armct - ... n said IFred i hamboi lain, bead ot the AbJngton state grange, i rted that IJderai operation of the i Llwaye had lled because men in the seri( t- were laoi loyal thr gov. rnni ni but to "ll,r'1 that desired to gel had- the ytote" rit:r-iifths : the people of We country, he d.-clared, were opposed '' "ru;-binq thi.jUL.-h iho Cummins f PEAL 10 ! THE SUPREME Ml MADE " ASHiNrrON. Dec. 17. Rhode Is K'"' 'nrough Its at torn. -v general, j "rrbf" Huh asked the supreme nri V ,r"J'':' f"' '" 1 slon to instimt. I jn?in;Jl Ptoc-r-dinps to lost the valid I of thr- national prohibition amend tl?nt and to enjoin federal officials I ra forcing it in that state. 1 HaKi.()TTI,: x ,- ,., 17 Addi nal ano almost complete returns rom .. ..)( , ia, oection ln -North Carolina conpressional dls X" d!fl not niateriallv change the re hi Wh,ch pl0Wf,tJ Clyde R. Hoev, !"ocrat, winner over his Republican "PPonent, .John M. Mur. head, for the t in congress made vacant by the I (W"'ntment of E. Yates Webb to a V n,1 Judf'f'Ship, Hney still claimed V I1 y 01 aboiit 20,10 wnip More- I lf'i '.onrr-dod hi- .I. 'tea t by about I WOO majority HILLS IS Workers Come Out in Holiday Attire to Greet President Wood LAM'RENCn Haas., Doc. 17 Law rence j streets, in which were staged the texi'.tc strike riots of 1912. were the scene of n different do:non?trntlon todny when thou- ' and! of mill workers lefl their splnrlf. and looui". to (,-.- et William iff. Wood. president of the American Woolen con-,- j psny Masses ot men, women and rhi' dren. ives from the four plants of the company here, welcomed the com panyi head. . President Wood came nr an npostle o . I lov.v-r li injT costs. His visit was to hold , a eonferenre vith the chamber of com , merro In connection v. ith his demand that , the retail prices of nnccssarics be re j duced He had announccl that unless , I BUcb a mark-down we re made he would set up a Inrpe general store at trttlcn Ami rlcan Woolen company employes ' could buy at cost, all necessaries. Operatives In Holiday Attire The operatives who greeted him today : are receiving the hlirht vag-s In tli history of the textile Industry nnd in I some cases their appearance showed cor i i-espondlnt? improvement. The won i. ! who prfrlominnted In the crowds, included many wearing coats of fur. There were others who ! '.- - rued the pinched, tlv'n ly dressed operatives of other years and I many who had come out of the mills In j their working clothes, but most of them made the occasion a holiday, wearing I their best and cheering the company head. The mills of the company had Opened ' as usual and an hour later, the workers began to leave their looms, the word hav inp pone around for a day or two thnt i President Wood, was coming "to cut illvlng costs" Within a few minutes iho ' eodus of operatives began, they left the . plants almost without help nnd the whirr of the machinery was stopped Later, after a brief speech, Mr , Wood proceeded to the conference with iho merchants while the workers be jgan to drift back to the mills. The business men of the city pro teated at the conference against the charge that they had been profiteering 'by advancing prices each time that ! wages w ere raised. President Wood, requesting that all the statements which the merchants could make to prove their contentions he submitted to him In writing, said his information that local prices wore unreasonably high was "voluminous." and was specific as lo places, prices and names. To the request of th chamber of commerce that Mr. Wood make public his figures, he replied I that he wished first to compare them with lh- figures submitted by th." 'merchants themselves. II was agreed to draw up a state ment In behalf of the business men 'which will be presented to President Wood, The conference was adjourned without immediate result. oo Many Killed at I munition Depot ' ' at Mariensiel BERLIN, Tuesday, Dec. 16 Forty three men and women were killed and more ihan one hundred injured In an exploi Ion at the Mariensiel ammuni tion depot near vVilheimshaven today The explosion occurred while shells were being unloaded. oo 4 SWEDISH WAR VESSEL DUE. 4 NEW YORK. Dec. 17. For the ! -f first time in twelve years a Swed- 1 - ish war vessel is due to arrlvo 1 -- h. ro tomorrow. The ship is the battle cruiser Fylgia. which will remain here until January third, -f j after which she will visit ports -- of the West Indies. It was the ( Fylgia that was here in 1907 and f on, that occasion she bad on board 1 Prince Wllhelm, who visited sev- 4- ral of th larger cities of this country . 4- -f -f jf f -f Palmer Determined to Fight High Cost i of Living to Finish CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Attorney Gen eral A Mitchell Palmer's determina tion for a fight against the high cost of living was launched today in Illinois. He outlined it yesterday to 400 state and city officials and repre sentatives of women s clubs called here by Governor Frank O Lowden Today they returned home to put into practice that part of the campaign possible wilhout further legislation Formation of fair price committees in every community and buying by women, who, Mr. Palmer said, repre sent 00 per cent of the nation's pur chasing power, of nothing but a.dual necessities until prices come down, were especially stressed by the attorney-general. Holding of "conservation and econ omy" meetings in every community, use of influence by mayors and prose cutors to stabilize industrial condi tions and remoblliiation of the "four minute men" to deliver "work and B&Ve addresses in theatres each nigh' were other steps advocated by Mr Palmer. Profiteers, the attorney general termed "devils," and he warned the mayors and state's attorneys to "go after" them "with all the power ln your command and hang then high as 'Hainan before you gt through with them." "The country needs to quit fighting 'and go to work on a maximum produc tion," he said, adding that ten per cent more production would cut 2u per cent from present living costs and ten per 'cent reduction Of buying of unneces Baries would lop off another 20 per cent. Mr. Palmer advocated men wearing their old clothes until present prices drop His platform for reduction of cost of necessities Including congress en acting laws extending government con trol of food and food prices for six months after the peace treaty is rati fied and passage of a law requiring growers, manufacturers and producers to stamp all necessities with the price th. y received so that the customer might know exactly the profit made on his purchase. New York to Fight H. C L. I NEW YORK, Pec 17. Restaurateurs of New York Oily h& e decided to com bst the high cost of living by opening a central purchasing bureau through which they will be able to buy thousands of tons of foodstuffs each week They also huvo decided to establish on January 1 a central employment aeency for .-c Superstitions Ones Astonished When She World Does Not End i NEW YORK, Dec. 17 Astonish ment was expressed by the supersti tious when the earth did not come to an end toda The ominous position of the planets I had been well press agonted and some i astrologers and persons versed In witchcraft had maintained that at the I precise moment when the major lea Iguers ot the solar system formed j themselvos in a straight line, with Neptune, Saturn. Jupiter, Mars. Venus iand Mercury on one side of the sun land Uranus on the other, the earth. I which had moved four or fie solar ! paces to the front of the line, would behave like the one-horse shay. Scientists had scoffed the idea, but the superstitious ones recalled having lighted three cigarets with one match j or having walked under a ladder or having done in recent historic times one of the thousand and one other things known far and wide as omens: of evil days. Students Prepare for Worot. Students of Porto Rico are reported to have been so unfavorably ImpPCBSt d I with their chances for continuing )l(e yesterday lhat they asked for a holiday! I to prepare for the worrit. Harold Ja-' ! coby, professor of astronomy nt Co-' lumbia. intimated that their actions, might have been due to the desire of j vouth everywhere to have a holiday. I I He and inani other scientists main-1 Itained that th.. effect upon the earth', the planctar) alignment would be I nil. End of World Many Times Predicted Astrologers have predicted the end lot" the world on somewhat similar oc 'casions for centuries. As easrly as 1186 the world escaped one ot theil threatened cataclysms. Disappoinl j men l at the escape did not proven Stoffler from predicting a universal deluge for the year 1524 a year, as it turned out, which was distinguished for drouth Mother Shipton, "witch" of Tudor times, was credited with being equal ly sur. that four hundred years after lifr time in 1881, to be exact, the , world would come to an end. The ' predlcltion caused much agitation in England when the date she set ar rived Thousands of persons deserted their liome.-i and went out into the j fields to await annihiliation. Vaiious religious cults have made a specialty ln more recent years of spec ifying an hour as the earth's last, set Iting forth scriptural or pseudo-scientit li argument! in support of their con ! tent ions. ' Professor Albert F. Porta, a meieor- lologlst, is given credit for first think- ling up today's catastrophe. Woman atarts for Church One lonp, Wlerd, shrieking whistle then Others less strident, finally practlcnly all sirens In the city, mingled with tho ringing of a nurnt.-i of bells, broke th stillness of the early mornlnp in Indla-i-apolts today This was followed by th I continual Janpllne o( telephone bells In a locnl newspaper office. L I guess It's the end of the world,'- said one woman tremulously . "Th i whistles are callinK the people to church and I'm gotnp." It developed later that a throttle on a Whistle at railroad roundhouse haa . broken, started the din in which the othei whistles Joined without knowing exactly why. FROFFSSOrt DENIES STATEMENT. ANN ARDOR, Mich., Dec. 17. Pro fessor Albert Porta, who Is generally credited with having predicted the end' ol the earth today, made no such flat Statement, according to information j received In University of Michigan circles here. Porta, who Is said to be an oma-, I tour astronomer, at present living Just, outside Los Angeles, predicted early iu July, according to this information,) I hat t'cclnnliic about the middle of De . mh'-r and continuing until the mid Ii. ui January, there would be a series i Of terrific storms, eailhquakes and i volcano eruptions The opinion is ex-, pressed in university circles that these forecasts have been strongly enlarged j upon in the telling until tho end of! the world prediction was attributed to Porta. President Harry B HutcbiUS of the University of Michigan, stated that Porta Is it"i now and never has been B number of the faculty at Michigan 1 V. have not been able to discover,"' said Lr Hutchins, "that he was everl a student here." It is iindiisinod here that Porta, a number ot years ago, was a professor; in the University of Turin, Italy. EXPERTS STUDY HEAVENS. t WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 Experts who keep the weather under official surveillance for the government scanned the heavens and weather re-J I ports in ain today for any sign thai an alleged solar conspiracy between tho planets Neptune, Jupiter, et al , was about to produce storms which would bring the world to a sudden end. The best the weather men could make out of the signs as they read them was that low pressure areas ott the , north Atlantic coast and in the far. northwest had combined to bring low temperatures generally throughout the country except along the south western border. The outlook for in night and tomorrow, the official fore Caster said, was for local snowstorms in the Great Lakes' region and fair weather elsewhere east of the Missis sippi river, Statement Overdrawn. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Dec 17 Professor Albert F Porta, San Fran Cisco meteorologist, from whose deduc tions on a planet configuration the prophecy of the world coming to an end today, was said to have sprung, reported today the prognostications of I the world's demise were greatly exag gerated. In previous statements Professor, Porta had admitted the possibility of disturbances in and on the earth as a result oi the "pull exerted by the lined up planets." city's 5.000 hotels, restaurants and lunch rooms 'i'ii. restaurateurs also win operate eo-operatlvo laundrv In or.Jer to make up for the losses caused b prohibition, so they said, res taurant owners also decided to Increase trices 10 per cent bcpinnlnf: January 1 increased cost of labor, sugar crockorv and laundry were given ns other reasons lor the higher prices. wv Sending of Radio j Messages on Big Scale Is Planned "WASHINGTON". Dec 16. Exchange oi the Hawaiian Islands Guam, the Philip. pines and Japan on a much more ox tensive scale will become possible when arrangements recently completed b the n.Ty department becomes effective. 1 lee, nih.-r 20 Through the use of modem high power high speed operating equipment, It was ' estimated today, that it would be pos sible to transmit and receive more than 100.000 words day between Hawaii ind the Phlllpiplnes. 200.000 words u day I between Snn PV&nciSCO and San Dieo, 1 and Hawaii and atout 100,000 wordi a day on a slow speed circuit between Hawaii and Japan The Hawaiian-Japan circuit, operating Und r an arrangement with the Japanese government will be available only nine ' hours a day and due to the necessary u.'o of old tvpe slow speed SQVtlpmem, will be capable of handling but About f It . tccn words a mlnule at the inauguration id the.scrvlce. Rates on press dispatches over the new radio circuits w ill be low, insm in ; in ht, I vit oi oiuciais. a w loespreaa ..'enanffe of news between the United Stits r-nd the Orient and American Insular i osscs slons In the P;.cfir. The rate decldta op Is six cents a word between California j station and Manila and three cents u ( word to Hawaii, and past, mli 'at OfnblSJS I said todny, the navy has been In p6sl i tlo-i to hundle less ih.-n 5 words Tor transmission to Hawaii an! tha I?r ! East dally, due to low power equipment nnd hand transmission. Exchange ot ' news matter between this country and the far east has been dependent On a ! greatly congested cable heretofore. The new arrangement which Will bo open to routine commercial cables Is ex ' picted by officials to aid greatly also In the building up of the trade b American Interests with Hawaii. Ouam and the l east. oo - 4 APPEAL TO PUBLISHERS WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. An 4 appeal to the publishers ol the country to exercise all possible economy in the use of news print paper was issued today by the house postoffice committee, which decided to defer for Bix 4- months action on the Anthony -f 4- bill proposing that dally newspa -f pers . .nil. uning more than J4 4- pages be denied the second class mailing privilege - f 4 -f 4 -f t .4 4 4 f 4.1 SWEET CIDER FOR N. Y. 4 . 4 NEjV YORK. Dee 17 -Nen 4 4- Yorkers who in years past have 4 heralded each New Year with the 4 4 popping of corks, from champagne 4 4 bottles and attendant festivities 4 4 in the "white light' district hot. Is 4 4 and restaurants, will drink to the 4 4 health ot 19m with sweet eider 4 4 Many of the city's leading hotels to- 4 day commenced laying In plentl- 4 4 ful supplies of this "prohibition 4 4 tipple " 44-4 4 44 4-444 4 4 44 4 I I I ! II CALL IS PAPERS' Publishers in Country I Must Reduce Size ! of Paper ' WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Every newapapei in the country was called on today by the house postoffice com mittep to reduce Its consumption of ni n print paper by ten per cent for a period of six months in an effort to relieve the present shortage which the committee has been told threatens the destruction to a number of small pa pers. Voluntary cooperation of publishers pressiye governmental ac'ion, said the I committee Btatement. Members ot the. committee said that if the publishers! carried out the voluntary conservation' plan, further action on the Anthony I bill to limit the size of newspapers 1 I and periodicals using the second class mall privilege would be postponed. ! Chairman Steenerson's statement to j the nowspaper publishers follows : "The committee considered the1 shortage in the news print supply and .believe that unless consumption can, be materially reduced. It will result! in the destruction of a large number of newspapers in the smaller cities and; towns, and inflict Irreparable injury dn the commounltles served by them: 1 and having made the great sacrifices accomplished during the war by 1 lie i voluntary and patriotic co-operation of ; j the people in saving food, fuel and 1 other necessaries, in which you had; creditable part, we appeal to you to; ; reduce consumption of news print pa 1 per by at least ten per cent durinir the. Inext six months, thereby averting the; threatened injury and obviatim the ne-: eeealty for repressive measures in the- I future. Young Woman Named Director ; of Geneva Bank GEVENA Tuesday, Dec 16. Mad lenioiselle Marie Prodhom, 28 years old. I has been appointed director of the : Tank of Geneva and will sign the ! notes and scrip issued by the bank. Mademoiselle Prodhom who proved ! herself an excellent fianciei during the war, la the first woman in Europe to hold such an important position. There are now two Judges, nine barris ters, three engineers and a number of university professors and doctors of the fair sex In Switzerland. L''NE IS NOT TO Not Add to President's II Present Worries or II Burdens II WASHINGTON. Dec. 17 Secretary Lane today issued a statement denying published reports that he had placed ' liis resignation before President Wil ;son but disclosing that he intends to iknve the cabinet when he can do so without adding to the president' burdens or worries " This is Mr. Lane's statement: "With reference to ru t-ilked-of resignation. 1 have not sent it to the president nor even written it, but I do 1 ntemnlate going rut of the cabinet P IB and have withheld talking to the presi dent about it because I do not wish I to add to bis burdens or worries at ; this time Nor do I know when th? time will come when I can. This is a full statement of all the facts. I f. ! have thought it unkind to say anything I to him about the matter and that anv I mention of it now by any one would 1 be a needless annovance. ! oo MEXICO'S REPLY II TO AMERICAN f NOTE DELAYED j WASHINGTON, Dec 17 Mexico's reply to the American note renewing ' 1 the request for the release of Con- n sular Agent Jenkins had not reached the state department early today and officials declined to comment on tho given out in Associated Pres dispatches last night fr-m Mexico City. ' i The Carranza go ernment now ar- ( gues that the Jenkins case has taken on an entirely different aspect since the release of the consular agent un der bail and expresses the hope that "this case shall no longer disturb tlv good relations which it sincerely hopes exist between the Mexican and 111 - 1 ican v oph- " pjj After Jenkins' release on $500 bond furnished by J. Salter Hansen, with out the consular agent's knowledge, officials here said there had been no change in the government's attitude. - An Investigation of the release of Jenkins was undertaken by the Ameri can embassy at Mexico City, but how far if has progressed has not been made known. Jenkins also has been mttking an inquire. ., 'in m n II ! 11 MMWM M ISMn t" . ft il ATTENTION ! f SUBSCRIBERS ADVERTISERS Owing to the freezing of the rivers in the North- ' west, our paper mills have been forced to shut down. It is understood that no more paper will be avail able until early March. We have enough paper on hand to last until the latter part of January and WILL HAVE TO MAKE THIS LAST UNTIL MILLS are able to manufacture again. So, start ing tomorrow, December 18, we will cut the size of the paper, but will try to give the same amount of news by setting part in smaller type. Advertisers, please help us by not ordering any more space than is actually needed. Only a limited amount of advertising can be used, so first here first served. Forms will close promptly at 12 o'clock, noon. (Signed) R. C. GLASMANN, Publisher. , i ; J i