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IS iriK QGDfcN MAMJAKU: OGDLN. U I An. 1HLRSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1919 I Good-Taste Gifts of Utility I 9 For pleasing gifts of practical usefulness and h 1 which caiTy the charm of Christmas spirit you i i will find none better than these offerings listed III And you may rely, of course, on the same Clark H H quality and the new lower prices our cash busi- g M ness allows us to give. g FELT SLIPPERS Women's Hosiery For Men and Women Three standard makes H H These make the mot lime- OnT, Klnlocfa and True L g ,,t8 hp Shape All eolor and hiRh- Ei How cpntfy il rs to come in ' H from the cold nnd snuggle grades for 85c to $2 ,5 Jrg vour tnos into a n:tir of P these nice warm felt slip- H0S6 IOr Men per?' We have thorn in all JIfrp is wonderful assort- M M colors and sizes-but come men bv g & and get vours earls- Triced Q from 51 76 to 9 00 PH There are some two- g t color silks- the latest, ijn B Leather Slippers for s ipplest thing In young W Si Men mens hose Pome plaids M g The ideal house slipper and rolor strlpings In ex- jj Well made to In?' for year?. cellent color schemes. And 3y I T &v The most restful footu n thev come In these colors- you can slip your feet Into Green, blue, cordovan, black a B had" would appreciate n nnd rray And t6 re pair for Christmas Triced priced at Toe and ae the 9 from ?2.25 to $4.00. ! pair Ffi The home-stretch of ( hristmas shopping Let's enter jj H I it with a vim and ct under the wire" in plenty of Eg H I & time t rest for the enjoyment of that great day. '4 H a p The Well-knowii Llarl bcrice is yours to command. j II I P 1 ifcr feed Sioe4 1 Mi PRESIBEHT I ems from Hi f SALT LAKE, Doc. 18. President if Heber J Grant of ihe L D. S. church it iind members of his party returned I .'.rstordfly from l,aie. Hawaii, where ihey dedicated the new church temple With Presided Grant were President Rudger Clawson, Apostle Si in 1 Ktenards and Annur winter treasurer B of the church. President Grant spoke last nicrh t i he cordial weleonie accorded hie party in lhei slands. and pail tribute m the Hawaiian hospitality, which, he said, was accorded them on every side. Hawaii is prosperous, he Bald, " and commented upon the sugar crop of lOO.OOO'OO ions and the 20.i'('''."i'i rtfnsapplcs raised ihis eai Sugar, especially, he said. has brought much wealth to Hawaii in view of the current prices, and Ihe merchants of the islands are optlihls I nc The L D. 8. sugar plantation of 25u acres harvested this year be H iwccn ten and twelve tons of sugar cane to ihe acre. President Grant said. While ;n Honolulu President Grant spoke before both the Commercial and Rotary clubs. With his party, carde were Rnen him for the Honolulu Golf Club, the ilnks of which. President Grant -aid. were the most beautiful he hd ever played upon The new temple, he said. Is located ipon an eminence lookinc out over the Pacific ocean, with mountains for a background. It is the hopo of the church officers to so landscape the grounds with tropical Howe and shrubl as to make it one of the beauty spots o the island he added. So many desired to attend the ded icator:, exer: that they were re I peated several times, according to President Grant, who said tha' more ! thr.n ISft'i persons an ended the arious services He spoke particularly of one ! c.irvl(n tv h r rr mni-r tbon 900 eh i Irl re-n Of the inland were a' the temple. Prior to the dedication services proper. President Grant said, about lOOu non members of the L. D. S. church were conducted through the temple. yjyj WEEKLY AIRSHIP SERVICE LONDON, Dec. 17 A weekly air , ship service to America is contem ! plated by a combination of aviation firms, which are credited with the in tention of nciuirins: the famous R-34 an. I her Sister ship, the R-30 These are !cir,i . altered to meet passenger and crrco requirements. The Effects of Opiates. ' f 1 HAT INFANTS are peculiarly eusceptiblo to opium and its various I preparations, all of which arc narcotic, is well known. Even in the R BmaUeet doses, if continued, these opiates cause changes in the func tions and growth of the cells which are likely to becotno permanent, causing imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life. Nervous "diseases, such as iutractablo nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying powers are a result of dosing with opip.tes ( r narcotics to keep children quiet m their infancy. The rule amoog physicians is that children 6hould never receive opiates in the smallest dunes for mqre than a day at a time, and only then if unavoidable. The administration of AnodyneR. Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and Other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly decried, and the druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill need the attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a crime to dose them willfully with narcotics. Castoria contains no narcotics if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. J x 7 f-2- fcienainc Castoria alnajs bears the signature of -&cJuZ4 I MORTGAGES I For the investor with large sums to invest we advise no better way for your money to work for you than in a first mortgage on se lected real estate. These combine good in- ' i terest paying qualities with absolute se curity, B 1 Only those who have money invested know the satisfaction that comes with a steady in j! come. They know that when properly han dled their money works faithfully for them. !! En amounts $500 and up they pay 8 per cent. 1 GUARANTY 1 f MORTGAGE CO.l K 'l CARL CTPASMUSSON PRBS I H . ANDREWS SEC V $S TREAS PHONE 118 416-24 sf. I jSENATETO OPEN TREATY FIGHT All Factions Strike Note of Conciliation Must Establish Peace Promptly WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Expres ioris that Beemed to point toward a reopening of the peace treaty ficht within a rew weeks, were voiced on the senate floor today when the subject hnhbrd up in the midst or considera ton of the rnllrond bill. Tho Bymposium of viewe thai wenl into thr record ditrinc the briol de bmo Included opinions from virtually all factions f iho divided senate mem Ibership, bul ib-- all struck a note of Iconclliation Differing widely In their suggestions for a solution, t hey stood ipeihrr on ho general proposition thai poli irs oiirIh to be forgotten and 'that tbe senate actinc Independenl of executive opinion, onaht to do some" thing promptly to pnd suspense and es tablish s state of peace i iir uiscuBBion renocieu me irenu of n -otiations which have ben in progress privately anions senators for I an asrproent that would eel tltr qui-? lion finrlly out of thr way. There wys inrreasd activity in thai direction during Ihe day and some of the leaders i predicted some formnl action eaily in the new yer.r. Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, a leader in the "irreconcilable" Repub lican p.roup of treaty opponent: ;-nd a member of tho foreign relations com niit'op. broughl the subject to the floor !y another attempt to r.:ot before the -enatc his two resolutions to estab lish a state of peace. The effort was ! blocked, but he obtained unanimous ;onsent to semi the measures to the i committee, where he expects to renew 'u; request for action v (ilea b Senator Knox, for some lorl of a f-eitlcmcn' was seconded by Srna'or Smith, of Georsia, a reserva tion Dem crat, who declared ihe time t'Ktl come to stop academic discussion of who held up the treaty, and ge: to gether In a glvo-and-take effort to com promise Action was urged bv Sen I stor Nelson of Minnesota, and by Sen j itor.; Myers, of Montana, a Democrat, 'who voted last session for some res lervatibns and nl$o for unreserved . qualification. In tlte compromise negotiations pre I ceding private conferences, the prin !cipi activity, seemed to be ;;mnnK t lie Democrats, the Republican reserva ItioniStS Indicating that they awaited some concrete proposal from the other side of the house. i Among the Democrats there was much discussion of the possible effpet of i lie compromise negotiations on the 'contest between Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, and Senator Underwood, of Alabama, for election as Democratic leader ot the senate The negotiations I itarted yesterday with the mild res ervation Republicans, were conducted i by Senator Underwood'G supporters, 'but he declared toniclrt tha; while he stood for some sort of compromise, he 1 was not In revolt aeninst President Wilson nor leading any sort of oppo sition to the treaty. Consideration of the first of Sena tor Knox's rescjlutions which would ratifv the treaty Insofar as establish ment of a state of peace is concerned was blocked by Senator McKellar, Democrat, Tennessee, while Senator Nelson stopped the second one, pro posing merely to declare that a state of peace now exists In view of the attitude of President Wilson, Senator Knox declared, the senate would proceed In Its own way to secure a formal peace status, work ing out the best solution it could at once. Responsibilit) for the delay was de clared by Senator Smith to be "about fifty fifty between the two parties" It was only a waste of time to try to fix 'he blame, he asserted, adding that In his opinion more than two thirds of the senate favored ratification with reservations of a certain kind Treaty Mad- Political Football Senator Myers said both parlies had been "making a political football of the treaty.'1 He recounted how he had voted in the last session and cald that If 1he treaty came up again he would 20 even Further in an effoit to end un settled business conditions. Senator Nelson said he would favor the Knox plan if it wre made more definite su as to declare specificalh that (he league of natfcnn pro i ons are excepted from approval I'm heartily for the treaty with the Lodge reservations," he said, "but if wre can t have thai I will vote for the resolution of Senator Knox if il clearly expresses that all of the terms except the league of nations are approved.'' I no French Soldier I Turns Clever Trick i In Robbing Bank MX LA CHAPELLE, Tuesday, Dec 1 15. A French soldier wearing a Bel Igian army captain's uniform today called on the German chief of police land demanded that he loan him three policemen to search a local bank. His request was complied with and the sol Idler posted one policeman at the out side door of the b:ink. He then as sembled the staff of the bank in a I room and locked the door He then 'ordered the policeman to stand watch '(ovet the prisoners Tho soldier entered the bank vault, I took one million marks and v.'ilked law ay. One of the policemen became I. suspicious and shadowed the supposed ! Belgian and watched him enter a cafe , from which he emerged later in civil ian clothes He was arrested and turn ed o er to the Belgian police on DINNER FOR AMERICANS. LONDON, Dec. 17. Lord and Lady Northellffe gave a dinner tonight in honor of the American ambassador and Mrs. John W. Davis. Guticura Soap Complexions Are Healthy SP,OIntTnnt.TJnuJ!.Xc 4rrwhrt Tor mop'u SAN DIEGO MAf GAINS 25 POUNDS Was In Poor Health Twelve Years, Six of Which He Couldn't Work "I have gained It nty five pounds in weight and am just as lull of energy and as strong as I ever was since I began taking Tanlac,' said G i Bick ell. who resides at 4458 Louisiana street. San Diego, Cal., recently Mr Bickell is iii' rather 01 the publisher jof the Fnulkton Advocate, Faulkton, S. D., in which state he resided, before 'coming to California. Continuing, he said : ' Twelve years ago while in Mitchell, IS I).. I suffered a general breakdown. ;lt Just seemed that mj whole physical (machinery wenl wrong all :it once. I 'lost in weight very rapidly, and, Ol I course, my strength vent also I had : scarcely any appetite and became so 'nervous I could get but little leep. I was also badly constipated, and had to he taking oiue kind oi laxative all llv time I finally became so weak ami run down I JUSl had to quit work en 'tirely and for six long ye. us I was un able tp do a thing. ' 1 had tried lots of different kinds ' of medioines, bul none pf them did me any good, and I went to Dojiver, Colo., m search of health, and while there I began to read about Ihe good Tanlac i v;i . doing, and one case I read of was! 90 inula r to mine I decided to try It, and shortly after I began taking it I began to feel stronger and to pick up in weight, and nr. appetite began to improve in all I took eight bottles of Tanlac while in Denver, and the wav ii built me up was remarkabie. I was J soon able to go to work again, and I worked steady tor sixteen months, and 'ihen came here to San Diego, and am I working every day, and feel fine and Strong and am not a bit nervous, and am never troubled with constipation any more. It is a pleasure to roeoni ratend Tanlac. when it did so much for me, and I advise every one to take it who is in the same condition I was." Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A. R Mclntyrc Drug Co. Two busy stores, i j Advertisement, oo industrial Work For Blind Crows to Big Institution SAN FRANCISCO, Pec. 18 Fr.uii ;two rooms in a small frame building to 2".iH'iu square feet of floor space in a three-story brick structure Indicates! the expansion of the industrial work, of the San Francisco Association for the Blind from November 1, 1018, to Nov ember 1. 1919, The association provides adult blind I with gainful occupation, carries them .n moior trucK to unit trom tne nuild ing and also does educational work. Under the direction ofe.xperts, the blind workers make reed and rattan furniture from designs imported trom 'abroad They produce also rugs, brooms and basket.--, all in quantities which have made the enterprise, ac COrdflDg lo William Mitchell Bunker, chairman of the advisory board, "a unique economic welfare success." The products are shipped lo all parts I of the country. Mr. Bunker says the blind, working b;. touch, do their work more thorough 1 than the sight-worker. The association does not house the blind, but it gives them the means of making themselves independent. One hnndrci nprsons are snnnnrtpil hv the. earnings of the blind workers of the associalion. The association has many members in San Francisco. Their annual dues keep th enterprise some. Thej make no profit, as the association is legally a benevolent organization "Sloan's Liniment Never Fails Me!" Any man or woman keeps, it handy s ill tell you that same thing ESPECIALLY those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counter irritant, Sloan's Liniment I scatters the congestion and pene j (rates without rubbing to the afflit tt d part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy and used everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating : the pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia, muscle strain, joint stiff ness, sprains, bruises, the result of ex posure to weather Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug ' t; i s t s 3Sc. 70C, SI. 40. uu Fiercest Cannibals i of South Pacific j are Disappearing PAPEETE, Tahiti, Nov 29 (Cor respondence of the Associated Press.) The Marquesas, tiercest cannibals !among the Polynesians In the Fouth Pacific, are disappearing. A fev yearH ago they numbered more than 50,000. The last census showed onh I 3000 survivors. Opium, intioduced by white men I into the Marquesas islands the most norlherl French settlement in Oceania, is held responsible by many for the approaching extinction of this race This drug is no longer sold in the islands but it is said its effect Is shown in a death rate of 25 per cent a year. Physically the Marquesas were mag nificent Before tatooing was forbid den the bodies of the natives were adorned by ihe most Intricate and beautiful designs, and some of these may yet be seen Although they had a cumber of admirable qualities, th? rS""' iiMiiimniB tuHniBMiminn IIIBI "mill ibiiih - i t The Best for Her Christmas A Wonderful Sweeper Offer Tn order that you may have a TORRINGTON ELECTRIC VAC in your home for the coming year, we will sell this FAMOUS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SWEEPER during this holiday season at a strictly cash price of 4. $45.00 HHJAst AKw Or yo-.: ma have one on our libera time payment ( ' ' Pla" $5O O0S5 0 dWn and $5 0 pSr momh- Qb&a?' Attachments Always in Stock hHWr 355 SuxbsbSS 5SSE55S5 Marquesas in the olden days constant ly engaged in tribal wars with the con sequent feasts of human flesh. ) So much has been heard in song land story of the "Cannibal Islands" of (the "South Sea" that many persons be ilieve these comprise the myriad 'islands dotting the Pacific souih of the equator, some of the islands, scien tific research workers found, man-eat 'ing was practiced but in many, notably in Tahiti and other Islands of the So Iclety group, cannibalism was unknown. To Fortify the System Against Grip jTake LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets which destroy germs, act as a i Tonic and Laxative, and thus prevent Colds, Grip and Influenza. There is only one "BROMO QUININE." E. V. GROVE'S signature on the box, 30c. oo Sen. Hiram Johnson Gives Interview Here Bound for California, Senator Hiram Johnson, candidate for the domination lor president on the Republican ticket, visited for a short time vesterday aft ernoon in Ovd n A number of friends who had met the senator last fall, while he was on his speech making I tour, were at the station and greeted 1 him. st nator Johnson said that he was 'coming west to see his family and for 'his health". He has been ill for the p ist iv o weeks. The railroad bill, preparatory to tht returning of railroads to their owners about the first of the vear, will un doubtedly be passed by the senate by (Saturday night, he stated. nn OGDEN PEOPLE PREVENT APPENDICITIS Many Ogden people ar.' using sim ple glycerine, buckthorn "irk, etc.. as mixed in Adler i ka. flushes I30TII upper and ker bowel so com pletely it removes all fou, rtccumu:at ed poisons from alimentary canaLand prevents appendicitis. A.'c-ika re llicves ANY CASE na? on Btomach or sour stomach. Often CUKER const pa- I lion. In one case cf chronic stomach 'trouble ONE bottle pioduee,' wondei ful results. A. R Memlre Drug Co. I Advertisement. oo i Impossible to Find Apartment in City of Paris PAR'S. Dec. 17. It is useless to ask' for :tn aparemenl at less than six hou sand francs a year. Lome hunters are fORE THROAT or Tonsibtis, gargle Sft with warm salt r?H water then apply ijk VlCR's4pORulr YOUR BODYGUARD' -30f. 6CTTT2C Informed by one of the largest renting agencies in Paris 'Paris is full," says the Presse de Paris in warning people away from the city "One sees this on all sides It la impossible to find not only two rooms and a kitchen but a place in the auto bus or a seat in a restaurant, the atre, or moving picture theatre. "And so." the writer concludes, "all ! you who think of coming to Paris, stay at home. The world's tavern, now become a palace, receives none but millionaires " uu Lord Reading May Return to America As Ambassador LONDON, Dec. 17. The bolief Is grow ing in diplomntie circles thiit Viscount Grey will return to Washington is Dii: Ish ambassador, although there is no in timation of this offldallyj Speculation Is beginning as to who Will be the next j ambassador, and Lord Readings' namo is mentioned frequently It is not known whether Ixrd Readln-r would nhvuton the Chief Justiceship lor I the ambassadorship; hut it is well knov. n that he is particularly fond of America and AmerlcanSi nnd there are some hj l-M' that he would like the post Viscount Grey, uhose early return j F.ngland has been announced, his noVfl formally presented ii; ; r ( nti..1? it J I . hlngton, nnd it is assumed therofoi-,B ! that he noer turned over Lord Readings'' letters of recall. I ; TIt . in of Sir Kob- rc I F di n from thi premi-i . ini ' la j rocalh th.n il'inm; tin i uiKori-nosJ it was reported that he might be the n'KZ I 'ambassador p tho United State? Thlj 1 I was when the subject was discussed ot 1 whether the Ibitish dominions, notably I Canada, should have soparato ambassv I it Washington. There Is some specH j uhitioll in I.nrnlon that pOs:-lbl. It , Premier Uorden's h.ltb i i nuts. ie ' iiiifs'lit lie haiiKfj to Hi.' iaipoi lant post at Wk Washington oo - I buy Liberty bonds at highest prices. If you have! bonds for sale see me. J. J 1 Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave 1 nue. Phone 59. -J F ' ' stc of excellent vocal and instru- jj Re-Creation NOW while our stock flK I is complete. ill !' Poudfit Snorfe? Cood Co . j ' Corijer 24th and Hudson Ae.