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HHHHHHIHHIHIHIHHHiHHHHiHHHHHHHilHIIHHHHHHHHiHHlHIHHiy (HE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDbN. U 1 An. FRIDAY, DtCEMBLK IV. I V 1 V MMjaMHMBMaMMBgMMMMMggg"MjWi mill ani i hi mot a m w iiwiib Bin M I! Join Borich Shot ! By Firing Squad for I Killing Woman K', i John Borich. an Austrian, confessed -layer of Mrs Velnia Adkins, alias Green, of Tun Falls. Idaho, in Tooele county, ytah, las) September, was exe cuted in the- state prison at 8 27 a. m. H;, today. HiL The knowledge that he was to die mi i hi morning I illed to keep 11 h 5 a wake. Ho slept peacefully, last night, the death watch declared and Bl) Bats breakfast this morning before the Hj Sdeath warrant was road bj Sheriff H1! damson of Tooele county Bjrl Then the walk to death was begun. HI; Borich was seated In the chair op-1 posltc the curtained Inclosure, behind Crj Svhich the five riflemen stood with -loaded arms Hjgi W ho these men are. who accepted Hji jobs as executioners i known on) t Bjj --Sheriff Adamson and one or two otb' Bjl' If. They were brought to the prison .' in a dosed car early In the morning HlT. . ; nd took their )lacos 10 awail the Prison Grows Silent. Mnjiii s J." o'clock, Borich wa blindfolded and a target placed over Hifc I!8 heart. The few, who were per ""mined inside the walls ' witness the Hjf cutlon. became silent and many A ire pale. Through the entire prison I there was silence The prisoners were tenlng for 1 In- (dl'- that would send HL u Borich to his death Then at a signal from Sheriff Adam son th rule barrels protruded. The man behind each tun uas an expert! "Jthot. short aim was taken. Fire," said the sheriff. Then was ; shaip report The t I 'argot on the prisoner's breast was' I perced in the center. Borich's head! r fr II forward. Hir. body quivered ligh-ly The- muscles relaxed S He was dead. BOl ii h appeared before the slate j 7 board of pardons yesterdaj and asked 'hat his sen'. once be communted to Hj life imprisonment but his plea was de-1 nied. after fifteen minutes of delibera tion by the board. Borich asked that he be allowed to live, pledging himself, to a lifelong labor to pav for his crime. Borich pleaded lor his life in the oi t music al on e that ho has. hui ho evinced not one atom of emotion. When he was told thai he musl die, he Bhrugged his shoulders. For the first time in the history of; Utah a condemned murderer pleaded for communtatlon of the death sen tence without a woman being present! -mother, wife or sweetheart to add her pleadings to those of the con-j deroned Borich's mother is in Aus tria his former wife left for Durango. Colo , several weeks ago, and his I sweetheart lies in the little grave ai , Tooele, yhere she was burled after he Choked her to death. Big-hearted " Have" Adsmson, the Tooele sheriff, who gve the order on which the executioners fired, told thei murderer l will make it as quick and easv as 1 can. .John. ' To which the condemned man replied "I e-in't ask I anything more, sheriff " Borich Is Calm He appeared calm when ho realized thai lie had heen refused a reprieve, and Then Sheriff lae Adamson or Tooele county, where the crime oc curred, told hlrn that he would come for him this morning and trad the death warrant, he said. "Ail right. Mr Dave, 1 will walk out with you and not make you any trouble." Borich. according to his story, met; Mrs. Atkins in one of the city parks last summer She forgot her loyalty to her husband and her motherly dutj to her two babies and loved Bori h enough 10 agree w.'th him that she have her life insured Bcrich posed as her husband and the two went -under the names of Mr. and Mrs. John Green. The insurance policy was for $2000 in case of the natural death of-, Mr i.r.-on and 4 1 in case he died from accident I OK MISMANAGEMENT 1 IS CHARGED AGAINST THE I II. S. HOUSING BOARD fl .VASlliNGTo.W Dei 18. Inefficiency, U jgarejsssncss And n disregard of the pro- iions of the icl 1 nde n hich If opt 1 1 jsere charged against the United stn'.-s I .housing Corporation by the senate puh 'c H hutidincs and rrounda Investigating sub H committee flbdsy in n n port recommend - Ing that steps bo taken to recover mpy H thousands of dolbirs alleged ly the sub committee to Irtive been expanded im- properly by the corporation Mismanagement by the eorporation ' the report hj suhmtiu to the senate, 1 charged, resulted In Its faiUure to havu 1 ready for oo upnncy n single building j K until Almost two months after the ar- mistlce was signed, or eight months after HF the passage of the appropriation act. Hl I Although citing, specific expenditure Hk -sufficiently grave to warrant the gOV- HB srtiment in entering civil suits for resil" Hl union the report expresses tlx' opinion Jl that in mmt of t'-.ese eases the person- Hl who profited will restore voluntarily the- iiHu nllHged r.n earned portion. PBR Other raceminSndations made by th" ' Jll Bub-committee provide th-t architects, I v ho, it is charged, were paid excessively B for "overhead"' expenses, be called iipoi BBBBJB in gie the committee an exact state- BBBBJl ment of the ainount of their overhi 1 expenditures. These employes of the BBBBJIi Vorpoiatlon. tli committee believes wen- BBBBBJI not parlies to intentional violation of BBBBlV the ion and "if they are actuated bj th JR jiatrlotlc principles attrltmted to them 1 hey will refund the "slims paid them in BBBBBJB m excess of the exai t cost of the overiiend. BBBBBJI The amount thr sub-committee consider) 1 BBBBBJB recoverable from this eource Is placed at IB isd.oon B Civil suits to recover tV uuft spent f,n "extras" and $16,nWi charged to suh-ict- j BBBBBJI ting of Uhor by a contracting firm also BBBBBlll was recommended bj the committee In H '1 H ovsnt of a failure to return tn mom HB voluntarily. Tiie extros" were charged BBBBBlll as incident to the construction of dorrot- BBBHjj tories in Washington 101 women srnr BBBBBBD workers in oonnection with wnicb it BBBBBBQ hsj allnged original ctlmnter ntrn fi- BBBBBI Ically itend mdlcatlng itiinKness to H 'substitute tlu- contractor demands for l the estimating division's Judgment " Regularity of a loan for a half million dollars made to the Sorlnrfield Consol idates! water company or Philadelphia. -Uo was queBtloned In the 1 ommit t e H report, together With other loans tn fl I railroads, street railways and UtilltJ The l;dler i-on' eras w en- not Identified Scrutinisatlon of the lonns by the neas- Uiy dfp'irtment were i ec ommended with demand for additional security where ' n -.ideriuate collateral has heen provided. Charges of Inefficiency and had man Sgemsnt were more prominent in the re- j port limn references to over-payment W hile attention is called to the deniaH ' ol ih- officials of the corporation thai they Intended to let the contracts for J more th:m the appropriation act provided, j the repoit declares the officials, had planned, according to the records secured by the ommit tee thejgcxpe'ndjture of $145,175,605, although the amount of the appropriation was $100,000,000. I Practically all hiiildlngs erected by ti corporation were of a permanent char acter, the committee reported, notwith standing th' provision that they be or -temporary character The faUure of th corporation to produce a completed hou."': until the 'first of the present year, was pointed to bj the committee as indl-v-jtive of the cumbrous nature of the or : gnnlzation. For Indigestion Constipation. SicV- Headache, Bihou neir. Mloatin, Sour Stomach, Gsr on the Stomach, Cs-' Breath--you will find nothing better than that wholciomo physic FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLET? Nerer -hsppoint. Take one tcnight and feci better in the morning. Georje Jenner, Sir Aatonio Tcim: 'Foley Ci'htrtic T.nbleti bare proreo to be the bert lxutiTe ! ever hive taker and 1 recoixmc4 them fo: conj'lpnior acd biliouic;:: A. K. MclNTYRE DRu CO. I buy Liberty bonds at highest prices. If you have bonds for sale see me. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave nue. Phone 59. uo . , CARUSO HAS DAUGHTER. NEW YORK Dfc 18 A daughter was born tonijrht to Bin BJnrtoo Ca ruso, formerly Mis? Dorothy Park Ben jamin of New York, who was married tn the tenor in August, 1918. H I Before Buying Christmas Candy Call and see the largest and finest assortment of Box Chocolates in the city. All prices marked in plain figures. P. D. WHITE QUALITY CANDY SHOP 209 25th S'treet I Jfe JH TUBERCULOSIS L f W 4JW ' M Miller. )h(o D-ug I IfiSw Ev Kl"t to suriie th. ravares' Xf r gsaL "' Tubp"lo". b beKi,n I M. w J MmA H Mpertmeatlng on himself, 1m gAlfcf 'gsflusfl and ,hr 1 TL ' '' m Ireatmcnt. known n; Vlu .2 - ''- 1SSP.O-. t,w.t. diuhj. Anyoa wld, I II :;;Yor Tubercu ,oau "' ,inr STK? zri3 'II " AODlt ,NC 1S5 Arcnd-; Ouildlno . Columbu., Ohio 1 J - PROGRAM IS HUB FOB COiENTIOil OF j WOOLMEN The program hus boon completed for j 1 ho annual convention of the Utah 'state Woojgrowers associatior which mil bo held Januarj Id and 17 ai the Hotel rtah. C. R Stewart, secretary oi the association, announced ytestei I day j This is the lir.-t convention of the association for two vears. the meeting last year having been postponed be cause of the Influenza epidemic For this rearon, and because of the many Important questions of interest to I sheepmen which will be considered, a llaryc attendance is expected. Mr ! Stewart said . OO 4 Grip, Influenza Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Reliable, Antiseptic Preventive During influenza epidemics spray the noe and throat several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. If you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat and snuff the mixture up the nose. This treatment sets up an antiseptic v. all of defense against "Flu" gctms. Chest colds and sore throat lead to grip. Stop them at once with "Wizard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c. If not satisfied, return the bottle and I get yoor money back Ever constipated or have sick head ache' Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, .30c at drug gists. Guaranteed. AdVertlsement, I UVJ Harvard Football j Team Prepares to Leave for Coast CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dee. in Tne Harvard football team which will play tlw University of Oregon at Pasadena, Cal., on New Year's day refrained from prne I tlce today :nd prepared for its westward I Journey tomorrow The official football J party will consist of 23 players, ten coaches, trainers und physicians and s'- -oral newspapermen. A special send-on! will he piven the team when it boards the Wolverine express at 2 o'eiork in tho :outh station. Everj member of the team saw servie in thi War, All of the first siting men enlisted Immediately after war iva.- de clared. The younger members of the I quad were in the students training corps. Five coaches were in foreign serviee. I The team will stop over In Chicago i four hours On Sunday. At San Pr&nctsnd the players Will he the guests of tin l' ll I Harvard eluh on Christmas Day Thev are expected to arrive at Ixs Angeles 'on the morning of December 26. Several 'times eaeh day of the Journey, WHi r train stops permit the team will have i sfttinc up exercises nd inief signal . pi actlce. oo To Cure a Coli in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets ) it stops the cough and Headache and works off thj Cold. E. w GROVE'S Blgnaturc m 'ach box. !30c. SNOW FALLING IN EASTERN STATES WASHINGTON. Dec. 19 Snow was falling today over most of the middle Atlantic states and the Ohio md up per Mississippi river valleys, Reports of the weather bureau indicated t hat i ,!he fall would continue tonight and possibly tomorrow The storm was expected to extend, into New England during the day. The! temperature hat moderated generally in the Mexican border stales and in much of the country east of the Mis slssippi river, but readings remain much below normal in the region of the Great Lakes ihe Ohio valley and' the middle Atlantic and New England states i oo Increases in Payrolls For ! the Year 1919 WASHINGTON. Ie IT Inereases In, the pa rolls nnd the number experlem ei I by the majority of 13 representative ln , duiries in November eompared wilh No- i ii t t 101S are Hiown In the fiKure made pulilie today by th bureau Of labor statistics. In ten of the Industries there was au increase In th number of perrons em plo ed In three, a decrease the rrpon sa .. the largest Increase 29.8 per eem, being shown In automobile manufao i uring. ln ii-anos in the amount of payrolls or 11 of the industries are reported, me largest 68.4 per cent being In men s clothing, oo Fast Mail Train ; Collides With : Dakota Passenger Council bluffs, ia. Dec. 19 j Northwestern fast mall train No 9. I westbound, ran into th rear of Sioux City-South Dakota passenger 'rain j near Missouri Valley toda. telescop I Ing the rear Pullman. It is reported j that more than twenty were In lured I wh arc being brought to Council Bluffs and Umaha boenltals, HUGE WATER MGE; PROJECT OUTLINED ! I ST MEETING The executive committee of the Utah Water Storage association de cided at a meeting held in its offices! I in the capitol yesterday, tn recommend I ! that for ihe time being efforts be eon- centrnted on the development of stor- age facilities in the Weber river. It I was estimated that by ihe expenditure, of $4. ", "00 some 60,000 acre-feet of , water could be stored in Echo canyon and conducted to W eber and DavU counties by a canal that would be ; L'28 feet hlger than the Davis and We ber counties main canal. This Would 'enable the irrigation of the entire "rand ridge" country, and the water could be brought dow n in Davis county ihrough such a canal to a point not far1 from CenterviUe. By development of small storage reservoirs in Bountiful' canyon sites for which have not been invcsikated- or by other means, it Is believed that virtually all the land in Davis county that can be economically Irrigated could be brought under wa ter, The committee will recommend that charges he made against the counties or ii ligation districts taking advant agi i the investigations so lar of thei association. Tor the expenses incurred by the commit tee. In this manner tho ! sum ot more Cinn $12,000, which has already been expended, could come back to the association and be usi ii as a sort of revolving fund for further investigations. It was decided by ihe committee to call a general meeting of the associa tion for Thursday, January S, at 2:U" o'clock in thea fternoon, al which' lime it is expected thai ihe full re-! port of the engineers of the associa tion will have been prepared and the latest and most accurate infoi niation will have been digested and gotten into ihe form of dollars and cents and acre leet Present at the meeting yesterday were I. N Pierce of ogden. chairman of the committee; W, R. Wallace, l George F. McCdnagle, stale engineer; ! J. L. Lytel, project manager of thei strawberry reclamation service pro ject, LcRoy Dixon, mayor of Provo; A. b Parker and ()ro McOermitt, engl- neer.s for the association, and J. Leo) M' ' bah, set retajry of the association, i Written reports summing up the ac tivities of the association nre not yet available, Mr. Parker made a erbal1 report, in which he said that lour reservoir sites had been surveyed, the I Yellow creek, Beaver creek, Echo can yon and Lost creek, that lines have jbeen run for Beventy four miles of canal, and that various other informa tion, already prepared, had been di gested and compiled m the office. Haul blows were received by some projects whicb have been considerably dis cussed In Mr. Parker's report uu To Relieve Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness And Mead Noises Persons suffering from catarrhal deafness, or who are growing hard of i hearing and have head noises will be j glad to know that this distressing af ' flictlon can usually be successfully , Heated at home by an internal medl j cine that in many instances has effect ed complete relief after other treat ments have failed. Sufferers who' could scarcely hear have had their hearing restored to such an extent mat j n-iv ui :i nnmi n as yilllll iiuue ble seven' or eight inches away from either ear Therefore, if you know of j someone who is troubled With head 'noises or catarrhal deafness, cut out ) l h is formula and hand it to them and j you may have been the means of sav; ing some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. The prescription can be prepared at home and is made as tol lows Si i ure from your druggist 1 oz. Par mint (double strength ) Take this home and add to it , pint of hot Water and a little granulated sugar, stir until dissolved. Take one table-1 spoonful four times a day. Parmint is used in this way not only to reduce by tonic action the In flammation and swelling in the Bus achian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to cor rect any excess of secretions in the middle ear, and the results it gives are in .iris always quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in any form, or distressing, rumbling, hissing sounds in their ears, should n- this recipe a trial. Advertise , ment. HOG BUSINESS DEMORALIZED TOPEKA, Kans., Dec. 18 That the hog business in Kansas Is sadly de moralized and the cattle business has been seriously curtailed, giving the meal making industry in the state a severe backset, is the statement made in a report issued today by J C. Moh ler, secretary of the state board of ag riculture. uu LOUISIANA SUGAR CROP NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 18 The Louisiana sugar crop this year is less than half of that of last year, accord ing to the preliminary report for 1910 issued tonight by Lionel J. Jones, fi nancial agent of the bureau of crop cs ! tlxnatM The 1919 crop Is estimated at 1 1". 6S9 tons against 280,000 produced in 1918 Sure Relief R ELL- AN S sjFOR INDIGESTION New January Numbers of 1 1 m Records JUhlIm Hackett and Stracciari X LsiBKMk in Verdi Masterpiece tSUSfw' ' Hackctt's great trnor blend? to pcr- 1 t I fcction ith Stracciari's noble baritone ' , ' ""C w in their first duet for Columbia Kec- llSMfcVjL . ff unls, "vSolennc in quest'orn from La EffiSfi vwsf I del Destino lt' one of the finest TV N 1 numbers in. the opera, sung by two of tJie foremost artists on d tage. j I Ponselle in Dueti;. Mf ffl with Maurel Sings S Bl s l Tosdia Seidel Triumphs j wp in Andante Cantabile ''jjBBfc Toscha Seidel's renderi ng of ' tabile, "'its airy passages alternating V 'w ' ! WSBm witli its deep-toned haunting mcl- 'vSBfc SSSS IMS I Tm Indict 1 Gcxni Oprr rt m'.rf mp tfCni j Ui . ttd ctun tun. 14 (cpuiKii hiu, 4 kinnt. 4 6ii piKr,. I fer !GGiSvSI9SftSBnlSlHRSf t BEBh L ol. 2 rlail. I wiotn KlMini. itlrton oi. leWVAS" Gll lha n- CohimbiNoTltT rtorJ BxkJl ijfj 4T' am " if I r V Columbia Music sfl Bring Xma8 Makes a Happy (II) ) Cheer With Home Columbia Music Columbia Records I Offer you a varied and most delightful form of entertainment not alone delightful but most interesting to say the least. You should make it a "habit" to keep closely in touch with the new Columbia Records as we announce them every two weeks. Let us add your name to our "Columbia" list. You will receive from us each Ju month the list of new records as soon as they are announced. This will make it pos- I sible for you to keep fully informed of all new records. tKl5oi There is nothing in the world of g :ater value to your home than good music. J f Good music is always appreciated by every member of the family. Sick or well you J v f, alwaya love good music. . I Columbia Records kJj If offer you just the class of music you appreciate most. We shall alvays welcome you J ' rV as a visitor to our "Columbia Sales Rooms." I