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j !z , , i Im -"AND THE NEW YEAR f SHALL BR ING MUSIC tne choice of renowned artists everywhere. Com: in today and hear the perfect playing of the Kjjpj different models of the Vittrola it will be a musical Btfpa No more pleasing- New Year 3 gift can be found BfcSil surprise and delight your family with one Come in mm N0W- fpVARD FAVORITE OVER OREGON IN 1919 GRIDIRON I CLASSIC SEE FOR PASADENA I ASADEX A Dec. 20 Jack Demp fa". S . T t I.. i-., v. . mpion, n " 1 1 i n molosl ns, ; nisod to participate in the fesii at the H.irvard-Orcson erkliron g?i- hrif 'i Imrsriaj . thai 1- Fa k fill U present with a numbrr of other iim ii, aitl m the merriment lot to enciie in a sparring exhibition Wt the referee. The Harvard ;rnm 5 just finished a visit to the studio tore the champion h;ts I" m Jior.tins: fcturr- ii.-,th 1 ;,r ..-riM -t-n .- md th jni,i.;i M nu the lot pre the earo n arvard ib KlkliHy favored in elev-Kb-hour bet-in-. The bi i ae ' b Year's battle is on" of sunshine, Bnshine, and the ticket specul.norr. Rh more nerve than Jesse James. K only difl. i nr.. .- ilia: 1 pe a horse while speculator-; g ttint 8 fe'en as sixt doll rs foi a three pliar place to squat charge the Inch- in pa ssion hued At t, to get a ticket you have to bo jnbina.t ion of a and porch- Rul with both h am? haini: com Bed heay training, nothing bu. con Ures now can fill the interim. Spoil HKrts are not attempting open'y to 'he winners, the merits of the iv teams being discussed nnl in eon lpcMou Sitn their respective show pB of the past. Bcason. Oregon, even VUgh a Pacific coast conference Wrm- is somewhat of a dark horse, secret practice has been strictly Untamed, not even the fpsinp ,-p.n mnu-r- bcin;- allowed within the grid-Punal.- Hananl has 1 t sorted to ihli rmh en trying out ,rick vhiyi. ()n otne Pylons passes have been issued to "fpaper men. Wterost here run - high. With tour K from tion ol 1 nited Vi'interinp .,1 ., ret- "reaklng crowd is expected at the I no' classic when east jHts west. Oun j was 1 n atcd ball 1 MR ,'? v,'lli n il becam known that Kr Hry"-' ird, 11 1 son's veteran train Klrt !" "' r ' Hnywnrd adnint. d Mr f " '" was considering an of- K rorn anoth. r colli ce, but has not 1 lt:Qf"1 Ic r,id not drnv h t0 " : ! refuse: to di- fc 'he name of the institution that Ramer his services Krn1"'" V:irn,'!l- i'ecoRni7.e. the fT-1 0' runthHll ..ffirinis on the coast, has been selected to referee the r las-8iC- CUT THfS OU" IT IS WORTH MONEY. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut cut ihis Blip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley A Co. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi cago. 111. writing your nam - :nd ad dress clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for ouehs, colds and croup Foley l&ifluey Fills for pain in sides and hack: rneuma tism backache, kidney and bladder ; ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tabiete, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, rnllous ness, headache, and sluggi-h rowele. --A. K Mclntyre Drug Co. -An' tint tnent Head of German Delegation Calls On French Secretary PARIS. Dec. 30. Kurt von LersnT. ' head of th German dclotlon nt Vor- nnill, called on Paul Dutaata, Mcratary I of the ponce conference ;rmt reaerva ! ws maintained and It only known that i von Lcrsncr did not brlnf? the Gorman reply to th- last Tioto to the Bcitin ' eovcrnmont from the alllea It is understood that German Is ln I lined to sIrti the protocol to the peacs treaty on condition that guarantees ni-e glVan ragardlng possible reductions as to ' the quantity f harbor or dock material I to be banded ocr In compensation for I GeTman warships runic at Scapa Flow. William Duncan in "Smash ing Barriers," Baby Marie Os borne in "Mitt Gingersnap," latest news and a dandy com edy at Cozy today last times. (Coming tomorrow Doug Fair banks in "Arizona." OA Russian history i.s without a bitter I pill for any one of the numerous fnctlon It is nothing DUj victories, victories vic tories, no matter which side you read. iiWITS FOR YOUNG FUNERAL i CHANGED SALT LAKE, Dec. 30 Lowered into the grave with the gathering: of the I shadows of the last day of the old year, I the body of Richard W. Young will be Interred In City cemetery late to morrow, when after three volleys from la battery of field artillery, the clear ; notes of ' tops" will sound out over the final resting plnce of Utah"? beloved "soldier-son " Although the funeral services were 1 originally announced for 2 o'clock I Thursday, a change was effected through President Heber J. Grant of 'he L. D. S. church and members of .the family, circumstance a having I arisen which obviated delay. Wires were received from the general's aon and daughter in Washington. D. C, in 'which they stated it would be impos sible for them to reach the city in time, even for the Thursday services scheduled. In view of Thursday beir:E a holiday the change was thus deemed advisable 1 annearers, in tun uniiorm, win carry the body from the motorized caisson to the according to the completed military arranRcments. Regulars Will Attend. Wires from Washington yesterday authorized Col George L. Dyram at Fort Douglas to contribute four com panies, composing a battalion of the ,21st United States infantry, as an esc art to lead the funeral procession Led by a band, beating muffled drums, the cortege will proceed along South Templo street from the Tabernacle, 'where funeral services will conclude it about 1 o'clock. The band will be the one which General Young himself organized with the 145th Field artil. lery Colonel Gyram, who at West Point was in a cadet company commanded by General Young, will be In attend lance Four separate groups of war 'veterans will walk in the proees.Mnn. first in line of inarch, veterans of the C5th Field artiilerj bripade. headquar ters detachment led by Field Clerk Paul Talmadge. the veterans of the Spanish-American war. led by Gen. E Wedgwood; men of the American Legion, John Holden, secretary, niem bers of the 115lh Field artillery led by Lieut. Col. E. LeRo Bourne. These groups, following the band, will con stitute the military mourners. They will form at the north gate of the Temple ZY unds shortly before 2 o'clock, marching into the Mormon Tabernacle through the north doors Program Is Announced. V hile the pallbearers and the band will be in uniform, uniforms will be ' optional among tke mourners. The program of ihe service is as follows. I President Heber J. Grant presidium Opening hymn. "Farewell All Earth ly Honor?." by Tabernacle choir with ward choir Irom Ensign stake as sociated, under ihe leadership of Prol A. C. Lund. Opening prayer by Elder O F. Whit ney, 1 Selection by Eighteenth ward qurr tette, cur i ting of George D. Pypei. Hi G. Whitney and John I) Spencer Tribute on behalf of the State Bar association b W W. Ray. Tribute on behalf of the Ent 1 Stake by President John M. Knight Solo by Emma Lucy Gates Remarks bv President Heber J Grant 1 Remarks b Elder Melvin J. Bal lard. I "Rest, Rest for the Weary Soul." by ithe choir Benediction b Bishop George Rom . ney. I nn Comiskey Offers : $10,000 For Proof of leans Dishonesty CHICAGO, Dec 30 President Com- ; isky of the Chicago Amrclcan League club today reiterated his offer of $l 31 0 for direct Information proving his dj- I honesty of any member of his team 1 after on Investigation of rumor that wiiit' t-'ox players in agreement with a j St. Louis gambling tiyndlcutc "threw" I games durintr the 1919 season and during the world s series. Secretary Harry Grabiner announce I 1 that no evidence to support the charfT'.' j had been produced nn Hut just because the p.olshevikl c.ti take liberties with their history is no reoson why they should chnnge their ) language to make I' S. A, nien "heim 1 J WOet borne." J K i j Decisions of Supreme Court Known in Ad vance on WaE Street j WASHINGTON. Dec. CO Evidence j ; gathered by the department of Justice: relative to the alleged leak in decis ; ions of the United States BUpreme court will be submitted to-a federal .grand jury in January, it was an nounced today at the department of, (Justice. The government s 1 practically complete, officials said. The- nature of evidence obtained was not disclosed except that officials predicted it would! be "conclusive." Charges that there ha- been ad-1 vance information on the decisions of the court In the Southern Pacific oil) land c;isp and the prohibition cases I through which certain men made latere Minis, in Wall street, have been under investigation by the department for two weeks. on Didn't Relish Two Years j of Starvation j "I have delayed writing to see if my relief wtis permanent; can say that I I am feeling fine. Threo doctors told me I had ulcers of the stomach and no medicine would help me. but your Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has don' fo. I am now a well man again after Itwo years of starvation and suffering " It Is a simple, harmless preparation I that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically : all stomach, liver and intestinal ail- ;ineuts, including appendicitis One jdose will convince or money refunded A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co , and drug- ! gists every where Advertisement. nn Chaney Outfights i Johnny Kilbane 1 At Jersey City JERSEY CITY. N. J.. Dec. 29. Young Chaney of Baltimore, outfought and outpointed Johnny Kilbane, the featherweight champion, In an eight round bout tonisht, In the opinion of a majority of the New York morning I newspapers Chaney weighed 122 pounds and the j champion 125. The Baltimore boxer' With the Movies p I -g HAR.R.Y T MOR-EY VITAGR-APH 5TAPO When not at "work on a "set." Hurry T. Morey is to be found In No 10 This Is not a cell, but a dressing room of famous associa- Hons at the Vltograph studio In Brooklyn. N. Y. It Is the club room where gather the actors and directors for strictly masculine meetings. Before the day hen each star had a room Or suite of rooma with Ids name engraved on the door, plate. Mr Morey and Earlc Williams shared No. 10. When Mr. Williams moved Into new. quartern, Morey. being a convivial sort. Invited In such companionable "bunkles" as James Lack, aye, Gladden James, Leo Delnney and Bill Dunn, who at various times were star visitors at the studio The walls of No. 10 resemble n genial combination of art museum and rogues' gallery. They ore hung with pictures of Morey in the various characters he has ployed, ranging from a pollccmau, his firrt role, to the crook, Jos, Garson, of "Within the Law." A new character bos been contributed to the gallery recently, that of the high financier, Wilbur Emerson, of "The Gamblers " This famous Charles Klelt drama offers excellent opportunity for the vital personality of Morey, who constantly bos been associated with vigorous characters during his ten yearrt as a captain of dramatic Industry From the Wall Street region of ' The Gamblers" he will rum his activities to a lumber camp In "The Darkest Hour," an original story which he lias selected for hb next production. took the aggressive at the start and, although not as clever as Kilbane,' Often sent in blows so fast that the1 titlcholder was lrequently forced to clinch. Chancy took the first, third, fourth and seventh rounds, and Kil bane the second and eighth. The fifth and sixth were even The best blow Kilbane landed was; in the second round, when he placed' a right smash to the left eye. In the last round, Kilbane tried to score aj knockout but Chanev fought back J hard. Jeff Smith, of Bayonne. knocked out ' Jack Coyne, of Orange, N. J, in the 'second round. Kerensky Working In London Beanery NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Aiesande Kerensky. successor to the crar as ruler of Russia, is now working in a "beef and beanery'' in London, accord ing to Gregory Zilboorg, who says hr was Kerensky's secretary of labor and who spoke tonight at the inter-coilegi ate Socialist convention. "The poor fellow is down at the heel," he added. He b) in fhe ?am boat as I am " I Start the New Year Right j Select for your home that standard of excellence which will provide the best food. Flour is the most essential of the food products, OGDEN'S BEST Is made from carefully selected and properly blended wheat, milled under the supervision of men who have flour production their life work. v Fhe Houjey Milung 6a HOLLEY I llnil FOR GOOD j QUALITY BREAD LL:U UTAH ill lAfJUfjE. WTO. Eft !P um VELOX FLOUR Made from the finest of Turkey Red wheat, milled with the greatest of care, is also sold under the absolute guarantee of satisfaction either of these flours will be found thoroughly satisfactory. MILLED AND DISTRIBUTED BY The Holley Milling Co. "OGDEN'S OWN" t IN ejRiTOirilO) I iiriraHiir I BY J a LIEN JOSEPHSOM D.recud by JEROME STOPLM trt&)rtphti byCHtSTR. UVONj" A THO; H INCE PRODUCTION ALMMBRA I STARTING I Mm Year's i ' adults Ifl fl SHOWS Lv II ! three Days I 1 Federated Harbor il Union Calls Strike II HAVANA, Dec. 20 rrler5 of lh 3 t Tcdciatcd Harbor t'nlon. snld to nun:br Mreral Uidusandi declared a strike lo-e Inrt night after it demand for a wage iti rrooM of from thlrtj to foriy per cout H hnd ben refused. Tli union Is eonatt- j tuted of M clas-sos of labor working , long the water front j I Tho Cuban povcminont has already .idoptcd rigorous moaaurea to prevenr I disorders and will substitute the dock I worker wiih prisoners from tho pent; ; lentlarVj ' Lisl -oo I Kvin thoufjil the mince pie failed u football still put kick tri ThankspviiC. - 1 IHl Shock Absorbers j I For False Teeth I Cleveland, O., Nov. 3rd. Non Skid Shock Absorbers for false teeth are the latest thing. Heretofore shock absorbers, non-skid tires, rubber heels, and such-like things have supposedly been limited in their application but now a chemical con cern in Cleveland is advertising a powder which, sprinkled upon "store ' teeth,' ' is supposed to form a smooth cushion, hold them firmly in place, and give a "non-skid" effect while, tliey romp over the toughest roastine I cars of corn and chew the stickiest j j c.mdy. It is comforting for one who has lost his natural teeth to supply him self with this antiseptic, adhcsi-.r pow der Corega at a drug store, and j ! proceed to laugh and sneeze, crack nuts and do other hazardous thines without risk of shaking his prized "store teeth" from their upper and lower berths. II Dental Plate Comfort Powder SprinkUa LiffhUV n DnUl Plat H Holds False Teeth Firmly in Place COREGA PrevenU Sore Gum