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lil! m IP1- 1 d THE QGDEN STANDARD- OGDEN, UTAH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1919 "When the clouds roll by we ought to have good weather." said the Captain of the Ark. And after forty days th sun j -ii'J shine. I DOUGLAS I 1 1 FAIRBANKS is the same sort of optimist Yet he has all of life's troubles and then some, including ewn a flood that will U , sweep you away with its excrement and raaham. It's aU in DoUf'l newest picture I WHEN THE CLOUDS ! UGLLW" 1 a snappy romance of youth and lore, full of laughter and happiness, thrills and daring I 1 SEE IT TONIGHT IB HAS A BLACK CAT EVER CROSSED YOUR PATH? mm What a terrible senFaiion followed when the proverbial bin r U Ks cai - rossed jroui path and for weeks to follow every time something Sj '.'fiit v. run: at home or there was a business reverse, Hie poor kitty fi came in for all the blanu. The black eat cresses Luglas fair- I $ bank's path in his United Artist production, "When the Clouds Roll I M i By," but he doesn't worry and fret He just tightens his muscle: m l and sQuares himself off and hits old superstitions a body blow. II OUIJA BOARDS TELL THE TRUTH am l Thousands of prrsnr.s place their future happiness in .lie liltle j! mystic toy; the Ouija board. Douglas Fairbanks is one of ten mil ; Egg ; Hons who owns one and is enthusiastic in its wonders, When great jj e questions of future happiness confront him in his latest United jj I !9 ' Agists production. "When the Clouds Roll By," Dour appeals to the j I gl Ouija and strange as It may seem the little felt-footed indicator j! I t $mftm&. ADVERTISERS If you do not receive our 1920 4. rate card by Dec. 27th, phone us 4. .'.6 and we will send vou one. OCDLIX STANDARD ' ' 1 I Entered as Scond-C!s r.'.atter a: the 'I Postorflce. Ogden, Utah. 4 ESTABLISHED a8c"0 1i Member f the Audit Bureau of Clrcu- .. I lation and the Associated Press.. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City I $9.00 per year , i Wall . . .95 40 per ye:.r I ' An Independent Newspaper, published 1 every evening except Sunday, without a . muzzle or a club. . J MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I The Associated Press Is exclusively en- I titled to the use for republication of any '11 news credited to It not otherwise cred Ited In th.s paper ,-.nd also tho local nevj j published heroin. I CHILD DESERTED BY I THE LAW. 'M Whatever bo the necessity of plac et ing a reproach upon those who bring 'Jf illegitimate children into existence, wj there Ghould be no stigma on the child ! and no unnatural handicaps inflicted .4 on one whose only charge is that of 4 being sinned against. Lately the ehih ;M dren's bureau of Washington has .a asked many questions of the states as ''J to the treatment of the little ones born j; out of wedlock, including the follow- J What rights do the laws of this country give to the child born out of J wedlock? iw What responsibility has the state to- r ward him? What method exists of placing a IB part of the burden of his support and iB education upon the father? jg Can the child inherit property from either his father or mother0 M Has he a right to his father's namf1 Does the subsequent marriage of hi? jHH parents make him legitimate in the gHj eyes of the law? EH The English common law regard? 'ho child born out of wedlock as the ' "child of no one." He bears no legal 3HH ielationship even to his mother, and H the subsequent marriage of his par BM nt3 can not legitimatize him. Many of our states have altered the 9 common law by statute more favor- BH able to the child. One of the most rari- leal departures is found in tbe N'ortl HH Dakota law of 1917, which declare vph child the VrltlmatP child of 1t natural parents, but which weakens j this broad provision bv the failure tn I provide adequate administrative ma , ( hinery., Minnesota in 1CT7 pa5sed a law j which aims to recure for children born jout of wedlock "the n?arert approxi mation to the care, support, and edu cation that the would be entitled to ; receive if born of lawful marrintre." ;The su.te board of control is made the 'child's official guardian; this board may bring complaint in illegltimacy proceedings and must see that the Ichild'H interests are safeguarded. I Provisions were adopted In Vlrginin as early as 1785, whereby the issue of .certain annulled marriages could be made legitimate, and whereby BUbse quent marriage could legitimate issue, rnrt the child could inherit 'from the j mother These provisions are not even I yet universal in this country. Four states have no provision for legitima tion by subsequent marriage, and many limitations are placed upon the right of children of annulled or void I marriages to bo considered legitimate Attention is called to the fact that 'our Legal provisions for the support of the chid born out of wedloick are i inadequate the payments prescribed jare often too low, and in most of the . states the period of support Is too ! brief, sometimes reaching only to the child's tenth or twelfth year. In one state only a single p?yment of $50 is required; in another $90 distributed over thref years is Tequired. The two most liberal states have allowances that total, in one case, $2750 for the first 18 years of the child's life; and in the other, 1750 for the first eleven (years of th- child's life. The children's bureau suggests that illegitimacy legislation In the United ; States might be improved by uniform j provision for the establishment of le jgitimacy; the legitimation of children ,of null or subsequent marriages; possi bihty of adoption by the father; and declaration that the relation of moth er and child Is the same whether the child is legitimate or not. CANNOT STOP COUNTRY'S PROSPERITY. This country of ours is enjoying a prosperity beyond anything of tho past, notwithstanding the disturbed I labor conditions. We note that in the eleen months of 1919 building in 155 cilies in the United States has reached 1 a total 24 per cent larger than is the record year of 1916. The month of November was three tirae that of No 1 veinber. 1914, and eight times that of 1 November last year. So, regardless 'of hieh nHcfl. thr mrt UTAH'S FINEST THEATRE COMING NEXT SUNDAY j Alhambra's $1,000,000.00 Production to Start Next Sunday j A BIG EVENT FOR THE STOCK SHOW OPENING N WAS LOVE'S LABOR LOST ft H lyHEN the hero engineer found the GIRL he N VV knew he loved hated the home he thought he had "built to suit" her? Even his associates grated on her ! The ' surroundings bored the girl. She wae thoroughly wretched. 0 What did the hero do in such unlovely circumstances? RICHARD HARDING DAVIS K tells in his greatest romance N Jr "Soldiers of Fortune" 8 1 wMS No War Just Rxl-blooderJ Ad- N titles are not waiting for a drop in the !cost of building materials. I Bradstrcet's, in a review of trade, has a brief statement from the princi pal cities of the nation, succinctly tell- img of business condition?, from ivhieh the following are quotations taken I from New York, Chicago, San Fran Cisco, Seattle, St. Paul, Memphis, and (other places from one end of the coun- ! try to the other : Unusual activity, Textiles most active; leather quiet Cold weather helps retailers. Record holiday trade. Textile mills busy; men's clothing . active. j Holiday trade heavy, slocks small, j Record holiday trade; industry re- : sumed. I i Record vear in drv Roods, hardware i , and paints. ) Merchandise scare. , Heavy demand from country dls- j trict. ! Manufacturers working full forces, J retail trade large. No effect on industry b coal strike Manufacturers running to capacity Recovery in wholesale and retail trade. Jewelry trade heavy; building ac , tiTe. , Record retail ale, shortage of can; I and supplies. Jobbing quieter; record holiday , trade. Log shortage; wonderful holidav trade. Holiday trade fine, no unemploy ment. Building especially active. Record mall-order trade. Textiles in demand, retail trade ac tive yYeather cold, holiday trade very large Hollda trade unprecedented; build- 1 jinp active, cheese stocks large An i WHAT A STRANGER SEES NEAR OGDEN. That which we see every day as part of the scenery of (his region of j 'mountains, canyons and valleys may row somewhat commonplace, and htill possess a wealth of beauty for the stranger We may even neglect to explore the wonders at our door be cause they are here to be seen at any time we are moved to exert ourselves in the least to gain a greater outlook and a broader vision. And so we nted ! the presence of tho visitor and the J eye of the nw beholder to make us rialize how much we fail to take ad vantage of thr inspiring things to be I experienced in a few hours' walk. .Tm B Finlev a new cUt.c-t hau I been viewing Ogden and the canyon I from an elevated point. He has walked jinto the portal of the canyon during 'the winter weather and he has felt well repaid, for he so informs us in this letter to The Standard Editor Standard- Arising from your editorial answer in The Standard of Thursday evening, under the caption, "Lake Bonne ville and the Great Salt Lake," I felt impelled, as a nature lover, to undertake a pilgrimage, so to speak, up the mountainside to what must have been the upper water level of th once extensive Lake Bonneville. Before outlining very briefly my journey over the rocks and snow, allow me to thank you most sin cerely for our editorial answer a above noted, as it gave me the irap'tus and desire to climb to the former level of the ancient lake. I ascended by the way of what, I presume, you call Taylor can yon. It was a strenuous uphill hike over snow and rocks. How ever, one is more than repaid for the lr.bor expended in the magnifi cent and very extensive view that is to be had from the higher alti tudci. It is only when one climbs to a great height, several hundred feet above the city, that he begins to realize that Ogden is quite an industrial city, judging from the heavy pall of smoke that over hangs the city. The view from this part of tho lower Wasatch range, though grand and extensive, is not nearly so enchc.nting as the view from a point high over Oscden canyon. This point I reached after a rather laborious hike over the rocks and . through the snow drifts. The view up the canyon Is one of unforget able magnificence and wintry beauty worth soing many miles to ser. Far below in the canyon can be soeu the cataract and roadway and one can hear the faint mur murs of the water in the river as ii flows downward to the valley far below. The hills on either side are a picture of wintry beau ty with every crevice filled with virgin snow of purest white, and here and there icic' s of long and fantastic shapes i icles that but a short time ago ere miniature waterfalls. Tho view, looki .g high up the canyon, la one of magnificent grandeur, frc:.):, one might almost say. from the designing hand of L the great Creator. Turning from the rugged and jj wild banfv of tho ranvnn In 11 I Its wintry glory of ice and snow, to the immensity of the valley . north and west, one begins to sense the vastness of the one-time lake. I concluded that this point, far up on the mountainside, was to me, at least, "Point Inspira tion" for all time. However, as a pen picture of the sight on the cliffs above the noise and smoke of the city is far, far above m efforts, I pass it on to someone more able to describe the charming and majestic out look. After a prolonged stay at this point, I loathfully retraced my steps to tho lower world and, though the day was well advanced, I could not resist the desire to view the famed Ogden canyon, in all Its winter glory, from the low er roadway. I entered the canyon and followed the roadway for con siderably over a mile, until I was surrounded by the rock-ribbed mountains that raised their heads thousands of feet above me. I have never had the pleasure of seeing Ogden canyon in the sum mer, but it must be a scene of beauty to improve upon the Ogden canyon of today in all its ice and snow. As I moved slowly back I to the outer world, I felt inward ly as though I were walking down one of the corrridors of time. ou THE VALUE OF SAVING. The virtue of thrift is not a new dis- ; eovrv. In urging tho benefits of sa--' ing. Robert E. Smith, director of the war loan organization of the twelfth Federal reserve district, which in j eludes Ogden, calls attention to the fact that Adam Smith, the author of "The Wealth of Nations," who was born in Scotland In 1723, insisted that one of the essentials of a successful j national and individual policy was thrift, and the director says: "If you think that our problems to- day are peculiar to our age, read Adam Smith. More than a century ago, vhil' America was in the travail of' birth, Adam Smith wrote and taught. Yet, what he wrote and taught ao truths which must be observed today if our national life and republican in- , slitutlons are to endure. And whatj: he wrote will Itself endure if we vio- i late them and fail. The year 1920 is 1 beginning. Adam Smith 13 dust. But 1 bis voic muat b heeded. He said in effect : 'Save something from what you produce.' y "Male that a Maw Tear'! resolution ruch ns you' vc never eeerf nctr had and never even heard about I thur'o what he goes through! And it's only one of the many I is in for ia bio big, new picture oi a hundred btugfct artd a hundred I thrills. "WHEN 1UI CLOUDS I UOll BY" I! I Don't rans It! And you'll never forget the great flood scenes 1 a real, honeit-to-goodncsa Good that sweeps his lost sweetheart S l back to hi no. El Best of Ail Fairbanks Pictures. I j DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. j 1 ii I DOORS OPEN TODAY 1:30 P M I FIRST SHOW 2:15 P. M. - -- . . ' j During 1920 save something from ev ! ry pay envelope. The government will help you. Every pay-day go to th postoffico or a bank and buy thrif' Stamps or war savings stamps. They bear 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly Their security is the Unit ed States government itself. Save and succeed." MOOSE DANCE New Year's carnival dance for Moose and friends from Wednesday at 9 p. m. until you want to go home. I Advertisement. nr. Frank M. Wheeler, I Noted A. P. Writer i Dies at Newport i NEWPORT, R I . Doc 20 Frank il Wheeler, for twenty-five years corros- 1 j pendent for The Associated Press hero ' and known as one of the best news gath erers In New England, died today. Ho had been in 111 health for several months. Among the notable news "beats" scored by Mr Wheeler was the first announce ment of the arrival in tho harbor of thu German submarino -53, October 7. 1910. He received a tip that a strange cratt aDriro.'ichlnsr thn h.-rii- (.Vn ' roof of a building ho 'picked up" with the aid of field glasses tho German 1m-I'f.-rial flag on the guns fore and aft nnd flashed to the world the intelligence that a German man-of-war was in American v.'ittrs. Then in his own motorboat he put out to the U-53 and was permitted aboard her and learned the adventures up to that time ot the undersea fighter that a day later was to work havoc amonc British shipping off Xantueliet shoals. Mr. Wheeler was an expert on tho navy, its personnel and its ships. He was a graduate of tho old line of navy men. having scrvod.on warships of sailing days Hi wrote for the 'Naval Apprentice," organ of the naval training station hrc, then turned to the regular newspaper field and 27 years .ago Joined the starf of the Newport Herald Five years later he was nppointrd correspondent of Tho' Asjoriated Press. 1 iu DRANK WOOD ALCOHOL COLDFIELD. Ncv., Dec 2d. Walter S. Evans, who had been connected with a number of mining enterprises in sonfn- I crn Nevada and Colorado, died In a lOspitRl here today from what physician, f said was the result of drinking "whisky ' I :onUinlng wood alcohol. Evans hecaua ' jnconscious in a hot.-l here Christmas light and was taken to the hospital ne lid not repaln consciousness. Ho wn i graduate of the Unlvorsity of Colora Jo. uo . I We do wish lhat the Mexicans I vould start a regular scrap among1 hemsehes and fight to' the last man I 'A li'M I SUPREME CHANCELLOR of mm is SPEAKER HERE Supreme Chancellor Charles S. Davis, of Denver, Colo., was the prin cipal speaker at a meeting held In the Knights of Pythias hall last nighL More than 300 were in attendance. Cl A. Harris, chancellor commander, pre-1 sided. The audience sane:, "The Star! Spangled Banner" as the opening DumJ ber of the program. Grand Chancellor! U'llliam Water introduced the speakarJ Since leaving Denver for his tourj Chancellor Davis stated fh.v he had traveled 5 800 miles and that his itlneij try had included several cities ofl Canada. He .stated that he had nofl :" t men in all walks of life on hlsl journey. He said in part: "Some day the women may be alJ lowed to cross the hot sands of thfl desert Not only is the organization 1 helpful to widows and orphans, but I the Pythians stand as the peer of all j insurance companies Tho order Is 5m years old and our mission is tr-achlni I uhat Americanism really i s amongsB ,1 tho foreign elemenl During the wan l 70,000 K. of p. numbers aided thdj K government In winning the great worldl A war, while the women assisted in thfll helping to win by numerous creditabldl 13 efforts at home. "Collectively and individually this rdci ovns Liberty bonds totalling 'j over five million dollars, and we standi Pledged to destroy Bolshevism. I. Wl which is destructive to a good governm jj WVism and every other kind of 'lsn 1 ment. The time to ppeak is now, tlila is th hour of service. 'I have delvefll j I into the shelves of rr v library' and tried! I ! to apply tactics learned, but I realizl! 'he Insecurity of If, so 1 r-pcak ns hosl I to host." Those whose doctrines op- I pose the flag 0f our country and creatj j I a misunderstanding, those to whom wfl S jteach tlie ideals ot Americanism and! who refuse to accept the good Prhj'f ciples extended, should be placed on m If transport and shipped to their foreigj 1 soils, the heath where the religioS Is taught is destructive to humanity." Call on J. J. Brummitt tlm 2417 Hudson avenue, if yjjy want to sell your Liberty gf bonds. Phone 59. - 1 j HAPGOOD NOT MINISTER WASHINGTON Dec. 29 Norman IIS good is no longer American minister Denmark. It was sld today at tho "J department Officials exi'iulncd that thfi senate had failed to confirm his nomlnBf tlon bofort- tho end of the special scssiK on November 19 and that since he not given a mcvss appointment by PrcB fj lent Wilson, his commission automt'c illy expired on that date. I OO M py Th r,u-stion Is no.. uh-' l "'! - -'-- r-i