OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, December 30, 1919, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1919-12-30/ed-1/seq-7/

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111 While They Last j 1
IIJ Cheesman Automobile I
Company I
S 2566 Washington Ave. Phone 325 !1
officers hminted
i for local post
i of legion
B Nominations of officers for Herman
Jt Baker Post N' 9, American Lepion,
vcro made last night at the regular
5 I r meotinr; liel'l in thr University club.
L Other nominations can be made next
I Monday, prior to the balloting, it is an
nounced, i Those thus far nominated are:
Chairman: Joseph E Evans, L. J. Hol
ther, and Sam Powell vice chairmeu:
Arch Moves, Norman Sims, and
' Montgomery Core; secrolary, Jack
J Littlefield, En?ign Herrick and Max
I Kna'jss; treasurer. Dint Jones; assist
I ant secretaries, R. E. Hulsh. Ensign
'iTerrick and Ruben l.or-hhf nrl
M As a mark of respect in the memorv
I of Brigadier General Young, the mem
9 E ber? of the pos' ptoofl at attention for
tn Announcement thai a series of i
;B ican Legion dances would start on Jan
y , ..-as made. Tbe dances will bo
I I held in the Assembly ha!i.
! y Musical numbers at the meeting last
H 1 1 nihl were given by Mrs. Frerl Hess
I I aul Miss Mary Fisher.
Abolition of the
ii m
S Picture Bride System
5 j Stirs Up Debate
;. . rOKI'i. Sunda: Dei 2( - M'olition of
ift! die ?stom which "picture brides"
1 vcr0 Permitted to emigrate to the United
I Slates Is rerarrled here ns an effort to
H -I tolvc problem arllnn between America
rrvl J-rn -.n i .-I'Llii i.-.nit vidence of a
al: il i.' to f ibli: ! .-i iooth n laiions ) -twrcn
the two countries Hope la ex
it; l i i 1 1 .. ill . heck nddl-
I B tlonal Japanc'- l-rrislraion in the LnifcJ
H I States.
" "If 'picture brides' ore prohibited from
LP: POinR to America for the purpose of
r1 ntlng anti-Jopanose agitation," say.
ft Ht the Miyako xarmslirnlly, "the time has
, II come when Japanese should be prohibit' I
K Riving birth to children in the t'nitr I
. ; St; tf
iWood Headquarters
Opens at Congress
Hotel in Chicago
CHICAGO. Dec. Zd Headquarters of
I the organization promoting: the candidacy
of Major General Leonard Wood for the
I Republican presidential nomination Wu
I established at the ConpTess hotel today.
I William C. Proctor of Cincinnati, head of
I the organization, took personal charge of
w the eompaljrn
. -
Scotch Demanding
I Elimination of
! "King Macbeth"
NEW RK. Dec. 30 A resolution
demanding the elimination ol Shake
; spcare's "Macbeth" from school cur
! rictilums on the ground that It was a
j libel on the Scotch in "its misrepre
sentation in presenting King Macbeth
as a traitor and murderer,' was
adopted here last night by the League
of Scottish Veterans of the WfJrld
,'ar The resolution was addressed to
the Newark, N. J.. board of education,
which recently barred "The Merchant
of Venice" from the schools because
of the alleged slander to the Jewish
I race,
I The resolution was signed by Ian
jMcTavish. captain of the fiordon
Highlanders; Malcolm MacPherson,
captain cf the "Biack Watch," and
i Donald Bailey, lieutenant of the Royal
Scotch Fusileers. "If they have
banned Shylock I see no reason why
they .should not ban Macbeth," said
I Captain McTavish "If the Jewish
gaberlne is to be cleaned I hoy should
also remove the slain from the Scot
' tisb kilt."
"The Messiah" to Be
Sung New Year s Day
j SALT LAKE, Dec. 30 The rendition
I of Handel's "Messiah," in Ihe taberna
cle New Year's morning at 11 o'clock,
I gives promise of assuming the propor
Hons of a community singing festival.
I Indorsement of the performance by
lh Salt Lake Commercial club as a
step toward the establishment of a
municipal chorus, and the widespread
interest manifested forecast a success
ful performance and the early culmina
tion of the community singing plans of
the Salt Lake Oratorio society
State, city and church officials and
many musicians have promised tluir
patronage and attendance Mayor Fei
try has agreed to attend and speak in
! favor of a municipal chorus for Salt
j Lake.
Upon the success of the performance
-Thursday depends the development of
jplans for a community music festival
j to be held during the spring months,
! according to George I) Pyper, presi
dent of the oratorio societ.
I buy Liberty bonds at
highest prices. If you have
bonds for sale see me. J. J.
Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave
: nue. Phone 59.
Lowes Murdered By
j Unknowns Is Verdict
At the coroner's inquest held before
judge i r. Rnb-Tts yesterday ;Mi
noon, the Jury composed of L. E Lrbo,
H. Beckett Sr , and James Water
fall, rendered thel: verdict in the mur
der case.
George Lowes, of Green Rn r Wyo
'came to his death on the morning of
j December 24, 1919. near 173 West
Twenty-nlnlh street, trom two frac
tores of the -kull by a weapon in the
hands of party or parties unknown for
ihe purpose of robbery, the verdict
Funeral services for Lowes weie
held from the Lindqulst Undertaking
parlors this morning Intermen' was
in City cemetery.
, -uu
Governor Coolidge
Wires Best Wishes
To Harvard Players
BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 30. Governor
Coolidge sent a greeting today to the
Harvard university football team
which is preparing at Pasadena, Cal .
for its New Year's game there with
the VniveisiU ol .'n Kn "Ma.-:-;,
chusetts knows you are game: b llev
you are superior, and hopes you will
win," the message said, adding, "there
la a victory In doing your best ol
'which nothing can deprive you."
G. 0. P. IN UTAH
In order to go over the plans fur the
I Republican presidential campaign.
Will H. Hays, chairman of the national
'Republican committee, will make a
i tour of the west, isiting Salt Lake
January 1". Word to thi effect was
received yesterday by Henry Welsh,
state chairman of the Utah Republican
committee. The messace said that
Chairman Hays would first attend the
western regional Republican confer
ence to be held at Denver January 8
Jand 9 and would then come on to Salt
I Lake Although plans are but tenia
five, it is thought Chairman Hays will
i be given a banquet by Republicans
j while in Salt Lake at the Hotel Utah
i A committee of Republicans will be
appointed to arrange for a proper re
'ception for Mr. Hays.
The official call for the Republican
I national convention of 1920 to be bdd
I in Chicago Tuesday, June 8, at which
time nominations will be made fur the
L920 presidential election and for the
transaction of other business was also
received yesterday by Mr Welsh Utah
twill bave four delegates at lage and
iwo Irom each congressional district,
i making a total of eight .
Mrs Justin R Davis, chairman of
' Republican women's state committee,
has already been appointed to attend
j the western regional Republican r in
' ference to be held at Denver and sev
cral others also will probably be
I named soon.
Mail Clerks Praised
For Work During Rush
i Superintendent G. E Slater of the
railway mail service, yesterday ex
pended congratulations to supervisory
officers and railway mail clerks for
J the manner In which the Christmas
i rush of holiday mall was handled.
I Superintendent Slater was here on
,an official If i t He said "Never be
I fore in the history of railway mail
service has there been such a volume
of mail handled as expeditiously "
He stated that in many terminals of
ih- i nited States, thousands of sacks
of mail were worked during this rush
period In one day at the Ogden
j terminal, 3,500 sacks of parcel post for
California, was sorted and distributed
In such a manner that direct" sacks
for town's and cities in California were
I Sup irlntendent Slater stated that
i his year's mail was fully 25 per cent
heavier than this year
X A Stubborn Cough t
i Loosens Right Up
? X
v Tbls home-made remrdy ! a won- JT
der for qulik rrnulU. BmIIj
4 and rhrply made. T
t t t t v
JTW-t-"-- ' w -m WW-WW
nre is a horin" made Bvrup which Tnd
lions uf people have found to be tho
most dependable means of breaking up
fctubbnrn louj'Iis Jt is cheap and simple,
but very prompt in action. Under its
healing, soothing influence, ehest sore
ness L'ej ptilcgm loosen, hreathin? be
come easier. tlcklinZ in throat lop-i and
you get a good niabl B restful sleep The
usual throat and chest co!J are con
quered by it in H hours or less Nothing
better for bronchitis, hoarsoness. crouo,
throat tickle, bronchial asthma or win
ter cough".
To make this splendid cough eymp,
pour 'J1; ounces of Pincx into a pint
bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup and shake thor
oughly. If you prefer, use clarified
molabbcs, honey, or corn 9yrup, instead
of sugar nyrup. Either ivriv, vou get
a full pint a family supply of much
better cough syrup than vou could buy
reudy-made for three times the rnouey.
Keeps perfectly and children Iotc its
pleasant taste.
Pincx is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, known the world over for
its prompt healing effect upon the mem
branes. To avoid disappointment ask jrout
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions, and don't accept any
thing cIkc, Guaranteed to C'ivc absolute
satisfaction or money promptly re
funded. The Pinex Co., Ft Wayne,
'-den City will appropriate $500 to
the fund for the monument to be erect
ed In commemoration of tne Mormon
Battalion if the resolution introduced
last night by Commissioner Miles L.
Jones is passed. The resolution fol
. "Whereas, the battalion known as
the Mormon Battalion played a promi-nr-ii'
part in the events that lead up
to securing to tho L nited States that
territory which now comprises the
state of Utah, as well as other states
in tho west;
"Therefore. It seems quite fitting
and proper that stpps have been taken
by the state of Utah In erecting a mon
ument in commemoration of th.; la
boi i and the work performed bv this
noble band of men under the ulrec
Hon of the government of the United
States, and,
Inasmuch as this particular tract of
land which comprises county of Weber
and city of Ogden at one time Was
Mican territory and through the ef
ions of members of this battalion the
land upon which Ogden City Is now
located was purchased b members, of
Ihlfl battalion, from Miles M. Good
rear, who held (he title secured from
Mexico; .
Therefore, it sec-ms quite fittin-; that
I the city, as a municipality, should be
represented by contributing Co 'he
erection of this monument. 1 believe
In time to conK many of our distin
gulshed citizens win be remembered
through the erection of monuments or
statues erected in nubile places
Among ihpse should be such men as
Peter Skeen. Ogden, Miles M Oood
ear. Capt. James Brown, Lorin Parr,
David Eccles. Fred J Klesel, J. M,
Browning, and others who have been
prominent in Ihe upbuilding of this
part of the country; therefore, be it
I Resolved, That the Board of Com
I mlssioners appropriate the sum of
$600 as a contribution of Ogden City
to this fund; and be it further
Resolved, That the city auditor is
hereby authorized to draw a wairant
iii I his amount in favor of JamPH H.
j Douglas, chairman of the Mormon Bat
,talion fund committee.
I Respectfully submitted,
Superintendent of Parks, Public
Propertv and Publh Safety.
Phoenix Stores I
Jammed to Doors
For First Sales
I PHOENf. Ariz.. Dec. 29. Three women
' fainted and police hnd to hold back the
crowds when the irunlcipal stores, wll
i Which the city COlrim last O n of Phoenix
lis endeavoring to reduce th high cost of
, living, opened its doors to the public for
the first sales of foods and clothing The
city Is selling army excess supplies. Oniy
la few customers at a time were allowc-1
I to enter the store, but sales for the first
day exceeded ?5.00o. it was announeed bv
Officials In charge
Proprietor of j
Hotel Is Arrested
For Manslaughter
CHICOPEE. Mass.. Dec. 29. M. Ed
; ward Lons. proprinur nf the Hadley
hotel in Hadley, was arrested today
on three warrants sworn out by State
Detective J V Daly, of Northampton.
The arrest resulted from thp large
number of deaths throughout this Mo
tion from the drinking of ' whisky" al
ileged tfi bave contained wood alcohol
I Lyons is charged with manslaughter
in causing the death of Michael Schin
! sky of Hadley, who died Sunday. It
is alleged he drink some of the pois
onous liquor, said to have been pur
chased in the Hadley hotel. Lyons
'was released under $6,500 bond The
'other two charges refer to illegal
liquor selling He will be arraigned
In district court In Northampton to
' morrow.
According to District Attorney John
ll S( boon maker of Ware, Lyons se
cured the liquor from Alexander Perr)
(of Chlcopee. v. ho is also under arrest
on the charge of manslaughter. Two
I of the five gallons which Lyons Is
claimed to have purchased were sold,
three being destroyed
No new deaths resulted today Man;.
Ol those ill here cannot recover Fifty
seven persons have died In the Con
!necticut valley from drinking the
Strange Acts of
Harry New Told by
l Witness in Court
i LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29 Numerous
alleged peculiar acts of Harry New,
I ranging from catching crabs to driving
la team of horses into an apple tree
, wen- presented to a jury here today by
the defense at the trial of New on a
charge of having murdered Freda
Lesser, his fiance, lu an effort to prove
him mentally incompetent.
Seven witnesses were called during
the day by the defense and when ad
journment was lakeu, attorneys for
New announced further testimony
along tho same line might be expected
Sharp clashes between attorneys for
the prosecution anil the defense were
frequent during one of which Thomas
Lee Woolwine district attorney, prom
! Ised to "take care ' of Lecompte Davis
of counsel for New "any time and
place" Davis might set.
Qustave Leonhardt testified he
found New catchini; crabs along tho
beach and in Venice, near here, and
when asked what he intended c'olng
with them replied Take them home
;inil lame them." Leonhardt also tes
tified thnl New gathered a quantity of
mussels and said he purposed r.clllng
the shells for enough "to buy a hors
I Tomorrow Night II
i Our store will he closed
i i i ill
j at 5:30 for stock taking. ;H
c I
aaiiV!4Bn30'iiauKuli'aii'Wi nl)iiIir!iiiIiiClliii I
and go into the mountains "
New frequently played with Leon
hardt's children, ihf witness said, and (
Ion one occasion took their m.'.ibles
when he left
Catching crabs and taking "dry"
haths and fleeing from Imaginary ene
mies wero favorite pursuits of Harry'1
New. according lo the testimony today
of Gustave Leonhardt, of Venice.
"I saw him under a wharf one day."
the ttitnes said, "catching crabs and
apparently having a fine time I ask
ed him what he was going to do with
them and h said "take them home and
lame ihem.' "
'Another time he was visiting av my
house." the witness continued "I lound
him in a tub clad in underwear and!
socks, at 1 o clock in the morning.
There was no water in the tub I said
to him what's the mand idea0'
"'Oh,' he said, 'I just thought I'd
take a good bath and get ready for to
morrow.' "
Numerous other strange acts were
attributed to New by the witness in
the course of an examination which
brought many sharp clashes between
opposing counsel.
When the afternoon session was be
Kun the prosecution was ready iO un
deriake cross-examination of I eon
Lansing Denies
Paying Bail For
William 0. Jenkins
WASHINGTON. Dec. 29 Reports al
leged to have been circulated early this
month in New York by the Mexican
conlulate there that "President Wilson
or Secretary Lansing paid the neces
sary ball money to have the American
consular agent, W 0 Jenkins, released
from the Puebla (Mexico) jail, will
be investigated by the senate foreign
relations sub-committee inquiring into
Mexican affairs, it was announced to
night by Fiancls J Kearfut, counsel
tor the sub-committee
In connection with the alleged re
portr which Mr Kearfut said had been
called to the attention of Chairman
Fall of the sub committee by a corres
pondent in New York it was ann- unc
ed that Rafael Nieto, sub secretary of
finance under President Carranza. and
Emiliano Lopez Figuerou and Rafael
Martinez Carillo, Mexican attorneys in
New York, will be subpoenaed by the
sub committee. Nieto and Figueroa, the
"correspondent" charged, concocted a
story circulated about New York and
connecting Secretary Lansing and
President Wilson with J Salter Han
sen, who furnished the bail for Jen
kins' release from jail
Secretary Lansing, when his rtten
tion was called tonight to alleged re
ports, declared ihe "whole story was
absolutely ridiculous " The secretary,
in commenting on another alleged
Mexican consulate report that he ha:i
conferred with Hansen before the lat
ter left for Mexico, said he did not
know Hansen and had not even heard
of him until reports to the state de
partment carried xhf information thai
it was he who had furnished Jenkins'
Robert Martin Enters
Rose Carnival Races
rjoh Martin, king of Intcrmonntaln dis
: tancc runners, has wired his entry In the
1 Rose tournament four-mile championship
at Pasadena New Year's clay packed his
I PTlp and purchased his round-trip ticket
Which means that Utah will have a great
trio of distance jinnhllators In the JTOUUg
marathon which Is planned to finish hi
the hlK stadium before 30.000 sport lovera
awaiting the opening kick-off of the
Harvard-Aregon gams
. Ted Johnson and Mel Kreebairn arc
already on the Job and well acclimated
Martin the real ace when It comes to
covering the distances, will arrive but
on- da' before the meet, and wllh hut a
week of training, too. But ho Is a vet
eran and a maralhoner of proved ability
and the coast steppers will havo to ho at
A man is as old as his organs ; he
can be as vigorous and healthy at
70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles
einca 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates
vital organa. All druggists, three sires.
Look for the nima Cold Modal on crerr bo7.
ad accept no imlution
their best to nose him out, despite his
lack of condition
Martin, who was In top-top shape, and
would have given the pick of the land
all they could have accommodated on
Armistice day. when he easily copped the
Otfden American L-ion abbreviated mar
athon, wired the Rose tournament com
mittee several times leKiirdinK1 the four
mile run. fHc was finally Informed Uiit
it had been called off. whereupon In
eased off in his training and abandoned
his prac tice altOKether. until Informed to
the contrary, and urped last week by the
athletic authorities In charse of the race
to enter. For the Inst week ho )r i-n
romping through tbr mow .m- braving
i the frost-laden atmosphere to try to -o-'B
caln iii - condition v- terday morning II
he stepped off a mile on the Indoor trac't
I ol the Deeeret gymnasium in U53.
1 Though hla flrat attempt indoors in ee'.ii
, yean and handicapped hy the lack ot re
Ml. nee in the Indoor track, tho llttl i I
i I 'I king surprised his timer by the C9ise I
with which he H
The flral thirtj lo finish are to c-et I
box frc-ntx . i ' tb" big ir.ime I want a I
closeup of thai battle." was as far I I
Martin would rommltt himself. H
Tli Salt I-ike Elks are -"nding Mir- H
ti-i v. ho ha nlreads earned their eo!o: s
lory In a half dozen major distance I
r ents In the Rocky mountain region, H
Safeguard Your Health H
Prevent Cold, Pneumonia H
THESE specially constructed shoes are built to keep the I
feet dry and warm in all kinds of weather rain, I
yKu. slush or cold. They are stylish and comforta-
e grade in every detail, besides being- '
xZ& as waterproof as a leather shoe can be. You ' fl
XbajS cannot find better shoe value anywhero Sold I
-Q by leading dealers. Write us direct JSF&O I
if your dealer cannot supply you jgWr I
Look for nam siEflr
Dry-Sox nnd mBBF
Mayer Trnd-
Mar It on sol -rr11 -ssfifij f
e Cork Filling j
1 olidOakTjnnedOutSole
inimal Parchment (Pigs Bladder)
eEssss2r"' over bottom of shoe j
Choke SeamWelt sewed in with Leather Welt, makes, j
the shoe as waterproof as it is possible tc $et ii
Mayer Boot & Shoe Co.? Milwaukee, Wis.
, !
I The Latest Automobile Accessory I
$ Makes Riding in the Rear Seat f I
X a Pleasure X l
Increases Appearance of Your Car 100 ! 1 1
On Exhibition at
X Come in and Let Us Take Your OrderY I
SiSlS bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI WSli mm

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