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s THF OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, TUESDAY. PEChMBER 30. 1919 IBerthana Is Scene of Pagean t I and Dancing Party Given I by Daughters of Pioneers whilom h- ' ' radon IBm us! evening's pageanl ; nd daneinn 111 vi ' . ii -n b ilv W bi i "mini lln 1 'aughtors of Pioneers, was ttm linosi IB -vent of its kind o or Riven in this II Ity," ?aid a prominent lady of Og 111 !m to Tim Standard thi mnrniric 111 was uuiv tm loH a scl III il ng for the largest, most attractive II i d thoronRiiiy enjoyable parties of the III eason bo far advanced and no detail JHivhich might add w ihe pleasure ol ijh-sp who attended was overlooked. II! The Irdies rnmprisinR the various II :-ommlttees in r barge of the pageant II :nd dance which followed, are worth I if considerable praise for the splendid II manner in which everyihm:. i '. dn!-d I a the program was carried out Mrs II nolle K Ross, whose efficiency as a Wm I j rector of p :lit- am! da'i II Ing, is so well kno wn to ail Ogd nites, I cave her time ami effort to the perfect II 'aging nf tin histi ric features of i be I program and 10 the dancing numbers lHst"iv of Un! , from lln i me the Iparliest pioneer: arrived m ivtT down II i o the present, was perfectly set before III: he eye." of th. i onlock rs llnho crowded th WLM The first number on th'"- piou, lH.a? a depict i a of Utah's Indians and 11 he moment Miss Lillian Thatcher's or BLhestra sounded the fir.-t notes of a l'Vopiiia: sundance, 1 members oi thc Daughters or Pii.r.ii- and two IDf ounj: men, nil rl in If he garb of the name li .i-ercd Br he hall and gave a chriv.ctcristic lUani e ThOBC wJ k pari Ln I bis II i .r.m'o: r wen- Mrs. Mir;, a Shaw, Mr.-. Blr'"- Kershaw. Mrs. Virginia i Mrs Mini rva S ia . Ji ck Bi n Blind Chester x.-ison. At the completion If'f the dance the Indian- formed a Line i II Li th right of the hall. Many P.onccrc Present. III Following this, a number of the old WM n'i-neer' of "17 entered the hal!. Amid III ' 'hcers ol the audu.-ncv Anne l-V-i I II) m, nearly years of age, danced an HI dd lime jig. i husi- w ho - in H eluded in the group i , Am., r, 1 Bingham Pre.-. 1. Y Shurtliff, Mm: jll H Thomas, Ratio Haueoff, Luc Han off Gilbert Belnap, Mrs Ingebor Hal il Person, Mar Poulter, Aaron Jackson, IjU . -ii ii'-i r:. Mi- 1 1 c Biei a Chris H bine Thompson and o. Efinchclifl Ij'j Following ih:s, P.riu'nam Yi uriR i- Mm .-ented by Hyruni A Belnap, walked o the renter of the floor and was 'Haheered heartily by the audience Gap Hp in J. A Howell linn followed and nade his appeal for the Mormon hat Hi "i -1- m- " 1 i' n. To this ap Iftna. Brighnm Voung hi W.nov.-n i epl i ball I trn h you Hwith 500 men. If we't get 5ou 1 1- ii.-. v ii or, 500 old pen,! Inml if v. e i an I gi o i old rm I ki vo you our women " To ihe strains h)e Ynieneas national anthem. The Ih1 a i Spangled Banner," young men .Represent ins the Mormon battalion marched in. The flag was borne by j Lysle Larkin. Afier these had joined the croups' o the right of the hall, the scene br- ween Goodyear (Muriel Stone i and apt Brown, represented by Captain 'rovn'.- Willi Bro 1 Old Story Given. H The Hand (art company which has een one ol ihe most featured st.un. lln Pa"f's f history, was represent . li d and two ol the handcarts ol hi -.. orieal alue were used Those who mn clCi in anflcart company were 'jlai'en Jackson, Owen Y Halverson, Williams Wright. Mr' Aaron Jackson ; ml Mrs Ingf boi Halverson The old ''jk lan"cart song was sung: . 1 V. saints that dwell on Europe's I Prepare yourselves with many more To leae brhinrl your natie 'land, I Foi sure God't Jud cm nts are at hand, T'repare to cross the stormy main Before you do the valleys gain. I And with the faithful make a start J To crossthe plains, with our hand Botiic must push and some must pull "Ar we go marching up the hill Vl merrily on the way we go l mil we rach the valley, ho. jW'1'-" BOme V l11 say it is too bad ''jMrhf Saints upon their feet to pad 'MNnc1 niorr ,han tnat to push a load ' jH v ,llP Bo marching up the road. H. e say is -hovah's plan Ly0 gather out the best men, 1 IT'S A GRAND AND 1 GLORIOUS FEELING H I 3 1 to have Dad and the Boys E say "Ma, that's sure J SOME bread you baked Kj today' And they will al- Wfli ways say it when you bake KB bread from I PRESTON H FLOUR Milled right from wheal Be that's hard to beat. At your Grocers. H Distributors I And w omen too, for none but they Will ever gather in this wa. h'-n we get there amongst the r. st i Industrious be and we'll be bleesed, And in oui chambers be shut in While Judgment cleanse the earth from in. For well we know it will be BO God's servants Bfjoke it long ago And tfell US it's bigh time to start To cross the plains with our hand carts. Crickets and Gulls. The story of the criekets and the 'gulls was well told by the children, then one of Utah's first children. Kate Toponce, was escorted into the hall by a stork and several little flower girls Joined by a number of the other pioneers of later years the whole com pany marched around the hall under 1 1 he direction of Mr? Ross. A beehive ! representing (he state of Utah was formed. As a conclusion ' to the pro gram, "Come, ( ome Ye Falfctr." was sung by the entire company. The remainder of the evening was; enjoyed in daneing. Refreshments won nerved. SPECIAL MEETING There will be a special meeting of all members of Sogct Lily circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, this eve j nlng, December 30, at 8 o'clock in this It. U O. F hall. Initiation of new members will be the business and all are asked to be present. H. C. WOODS PARTY THIS EVENING IN BERTHANA. In the Bertbann this evening Mr. and Mrs II C. Wcods will enter : tain at a danc'ng party,for which the have extended invitations to 25u couples. LADIES' LITERARY CLU3 MEETS JANUARY 7. The Ladies' Literary club of the city will meet Wednesday, January 7,: with Mrs . N Fulton at her home on j Lincoln avenue. MRS MOSS GOES EAST Mrs. Jake Moss left O.gden Saturday for Cincinnati, Ohio, where she has1 been called by the serious illness of. her mother, who Was quite badly burn ed when hei home caught fire several ! days ago. SURPRISE PARTY Last Saturday evening Mrs Ray Qlakely and Mrs. Harold Trine were honored at a party which came entire ly as a surprise to them. The party was, given at the hom of Mr. and Mrs Dlakcly. 915 Twenty-third street, and was delightful The guests enjoy r a jolly evening of games. dar. ing and social chat, and at a" late hour re freshments were Served. Those who' enjoyed the eening were: Mr and Mr Raj Rlakely Mr and Mrs. Tribe.' Mr ami Mrs. Byrob Fee, Mr. and Mr Frank McGregor, Mr. and Mrs .T.imes Purrlngton Misses Gladys Smith. Dol ly Reeder, Loraine McConnell, May Soule; Messrs Weedon, Ed Alien. Charles Erb, Bowman Reeve and Mr pe Laney. Mrs. Blakely and Mrs Tribe ate to leave Ogden today for California, points of interest where they will spend Eeveral months. TO GIVE EANQUET AND PROGRAM. Phe T.Vh Quorum Of Seventies ot the, Huntsville and Middleton wards will (rive a banquet and program in the Relief BOCiet) hall .it. Huntsville this evening The banquet will he given at 12 noon to be followed b the pro gram and dance. The dancing will be gin at 8 o clock in the Peterson hall md ;ill ,'n- irr it ed to be present. The proceeds derived from the partj will be given to missionaries . HOME FROM CAPITOL CITY. Mrs. Vgnee Shields an.) daughters,' Ivine. Laurene and Hattiebell, haie re-i turned from Salt Lake City where the? ; spent the Christmas holidays witn rela tives and friends l MARRIED IN ROWLANDS. COLO. Two former employes of the local: forestry offices were married In Row lands, Colo. December 13. and th-' nrws has been received In Ogden by ifriends. The bride was Miss Ruth' Goodrich, daughter of Mr ami Mrs s F. Goodrich, of Rowlands, and the groom, Alvin Harrison John on. Mi (Johnson was a mail ckrk in the local offices and his bndo a stenogruphcr The couple will be at home to their friends after Februarv 1 in Rowlands. I PAN -HELLENIC PARTY The college women's Pan-Hellenic As- ! I pociatlon etlloypd a co-operative mos party on Saturday, Dec mher 2'r'i ' at tho home of Mrs. Barber on Twenty fifth street The house was bright with Christina? decorations and a beautifully decorat-d : tree stood In the front parlor on which each hung on Inexpensive gift. The ; afternoon was begun with a luncheon Which was both appetizing and aatlftf) -I inS- Games, music and the opening of "he gifts from the tree many of Which ; were children's toys, occupied a merry , afternoon j Several beautiful vocal solos were given , by Mra. Stewart Uohbs and Miss Zoa i Klrkpatrick. Programs for next year's , social events were given out. which In- i j eludes among other things a tea for all I I college women In the city regardl-,s i of whether or not they are fair Greeks Those present at the happy affair were ! the Misses Dona Dtx. Kvclyn Dobbs. ivathryn Fitzgerald. Vra Hasscnflus Xlna Jonc3, Zoa Klrkpatrick. Ilazel Llch lenstlger and Margaret Long. Mesdames i Janica Abbott, Jr.. A. D Barber, J. J. Carver, Stewart Uobl.s. CS C. Hetzcl. B. j H. HutsenpHlar, R K. Bverty and Mrs Gaddis. , DANCE TONIGHT The Twelfth ward Mutual Improvement Association will give a dancing party In the Twelfth ward amusement ball thij ( eenlng at S o'clock Mue Thatcher j . orchestra will furnish the music. Ail f'riendfl -i-.: n "'era of tlv .tlJ r. e cordially Invited, WEDDING ANNOUNCED. Miss Norma Nichols, daughter of Mr snd Mr E. W. Nichols of Ogden. was married to Willis Smith of Salt I,aU yeBterday. The young couple will make their home in Snlt Lake MEET ON WEDNESDAY. Tomorrow afternoon, December 1, thp Promoters of the League of Sacred Hen it will meet ni the home of Mrs. James Kennev, 26lu Monroe avenue. HOME FROM PACIFIC COAST. Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Nichols havr 1 e : turned Irom the Pacific coast whore they .pent the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs. F, YY Herrlngton at Palo Alto. I uring Christmas week the party motored down to Del Monte whore they Bpeni two days befon Mr. land Mrs. Nichols returned home. MORMON BATTALION EXTENDS THANKS- In expressing their thanks for the Splendid manner in which the Mormon .Battalion p:n t of the pageant program at the Daughters rf Pioneers' party last evening the ladies of the Mormon Battalion organization of the city give the following: "Tho Ogden Chapter of the Daugh tors of the Mormon Battalion wish to extend their thanks to Mr. Jack Lit tlefield and Ihe members of the Ameri can Legion, to Colonel Howell and to HyrUm A. Belnap for the splendid portrayal of the famous Mormon Bat taliou a: the Pioneer ball Monday eve ning. MRS MARY R. WILLIAMS, regent. MRS. ROSE SMITH, 1st vice regent. MRS. VIL'ATE SMITH. 2nd vice regent. EIGHTH WARD PARTY. Tomorrow evening. December 31, New Year's eve, in the Light ward ball there vill be a line dancing party to which all members of the ward and their friends are invited Oh. yes' Ihe New Year will ho duly ushered in beforo the party breaks up. HEWED SOLDfERO ICEI CHILLY fffiPTl Has America forgot 1 en" Thai was a question asked today when three California officers passed through Ogden en route to their homes in California. The men, Captains "Happy" .lack West and Franklin Homestead and Major Willis Miller enlisted in the army earl in lfl7 and after more than two years of service oversea.- are returning home. 'The boys who returned home during the early part of 1910 received a real welcome, we are lold. when the big boats arrived, but v hen we returned recently in New York we missed the spirit of welcome," said Captain West this mornintr. "When w departed willi the Rain bow division early in 1919, minions wished us godspeed and a happy re turn. That, was the yesterday of war. A few days ago we returned to New York, after more than two years of service overseas The glad hand, the smile we expected, the greetings were missing', and our reception was not in any way comparable to that accorded the depatting soldiers who loYi Ger many a few weeks aco " oo S IS IS MAN'S FRIEMI 1 P oreoran, Wyoming oil man. wtn arrived in Ogden Christmas day i to identify the iod of George Lowes, who was murdered here, will return to Rawlins. Win, this evening. Corcoran stated this morning after the funeral of blr. friend that he believed the slayers would be captured "A murderer always carries the fear it detection with him." said Corcoran. In mj experience I hae seen many) meq give themselves up, after years of worry, fear, and thoughts of the crime the tad committed In the case of Lowes I am sure that the man or men will be captured It was a cold blooded murder, but one in which some one will confess to.' Lowes haves more than 20,000 sharer, of Wyoming oil stock, and other valuables which will be sent to his sister at Lindsay, Canada. . oo Fanners of Taylor to Hold Water Meeting Formers of T.-ilor -will tr.oet tomorrow at 1 o'clock with representatives of the; oericnltural department, regarding th. question of water allotmehttia and thf , filling of nucptionnalrcs. At j. Windsor, J, l Rhcnd rind Brvco McBridc. government engineers who ore biking an ;ictie part in the work eon. j ncclc-d with the proposed Irrigation dls- j trict. will be the speakers at the meeting; I W. r. Thomns. connty farm agent, itated this morning that the towns of the county, as a general rule, are favor- i abl Inclined towards the idea of the Irri gallon district. While some small opposi tion is anticipated, it is expected that there will be little difficulty ln carryirr; ! through the proposed district. Socialists Fighting Against All-Russians; PARIS. Dec. 30. The latest ad vices received in French offieal circles from Siberia Indicate that the forces operating agianst Admiral Kolchak In the region of Irkutsk are not soviet troops, but revolutionary Socialists and deserters from the Kolchak armies. The Japanese are sending reinforce ments to Irkutsk, In preparation for the eventual advance of the Bolshevikl, thought to bw still a considerable dis tance west of there. EATS ANYTHING SET BEFORE I ! Eight Years Trouble Gone and Feels Fine Every Day Since Taking Tanlac "Since I commenced taking Tanlac all m troubles have left and 1 feel ; better than I hac in eight years," said J. Curry, a well known flagman for the Key Route Systeni, who lives at 577 West Eleventh streel Oakland Cal I "I had been troubled with a bad case j of indigestion so long that it had be Icomp chronic." continued Mr Currv, i' and I had little or no nppetite for I Iknew if I ate anj thing I would be troubled for hours afterwards. I could hardly retain a thing I had eaten and about an hour after I had taken a t bites belching 'spells would come on ime and I would feel nauseated and would have a bad taste in my mouth. I was trohled with constipation and had jto take a laxative almost every day. -and one time had such a bad spell of lumbago iba.t I had to lay off from work a whole week. At night I could never ulnnii f-nrirl hnf u-rmlil roll rt tumble from one. side of the bed to the other and when morning came I felt so tired I had to drag myself off to work "I started aking Tanlac as I had read so much in the papers about it land I will say right here it certainly measures up to everything the people say it will for after eight years oi troubles it has put me back on my feet in fine health I can eat anything set before me with no fear at all for my ! digestion Is perfect and I have no trou ible retaining ever;, thing I have eaten, nnd the bad taste has left my mouth. My constipated condition has been greatl) relieved and I haven't had an attack of lumbago since I started tak ing Tanlac I sleep like a log eight or nine hours every night. I can do as bard a day's work as any man and ; I hac more strength and energy about ;me than I have had in years I give all the credit for my fine condition to Tanlac and say it is the most depend able medicine I have ever heard of." Taniac is sold in Ogden by A. K. Mclntyre Drug Co Two busy stores. , Advertisement. BIG FIRM SALESMEN HERE TO ATTEND ! COf EHCE Th road salesmen of all departnie its ' of ihe firm of John Sobwcroft & Son1' Ifompany. numbering (2 n nil. were I ! 1 guests of the firm at luncheon at the j Weber club t noon todav. With the SalesrAen were 12 heads of department and members of the firm. The compnny whs represented hv Jos eph Scowcroft president And general . manager; Eieber Scowcroft. vice presr I dent: Wlllard Scowcroft. secretary and i treasurer, and IxmjIs II Peery, director ot sale?. The salesmen are in the city for the annual conference and to outline the pol kies for the next ycat They represent the firm In Utah. Idaho. Wyoming. Mai' tana, Oregon. California Nevada and Arizona. One feature of the conference will he outlining f the policies for the Scow eroft brand of manufactured articles ot clothing, which will he added to the list of articles already turned out by the clothing factory. The new factory of seven Stories, Will increase the output of all classes of shirts overalls, pant., coii--, underwear and workmen a clothing Tlv factory will be opened about February 1, . The men of the road were commended by the heads of the company for the splendid work during the year elosln with record 6ales of more than six million dollars worth of goods In the year The salesmen Will leave Ogden for their re spective districts on Saturda) an 1 Sund.n , 00 Arc Light Requested Opposite Fire Station At the meeting of the city commls- ' slon this morning, the request of resi dents for an arc light at Lake street and Grant avenue, which is about op posite the fire station, was referred to the department of streets loi a rec ommendatlotl. The commission passed a few spe cial claims in connection with the clos ing of the ear's business affairs Annual reports of the heads of de-! partments are to be presented to the administration this week, it Is expect- ed. 00 G. A. R. Installation Ceremonies Are i Next Saturday Saturday evening. January 3, at seven o'clock sharp, the local Dix Lo gan Post of the G. A. K. will hold its annual installation of officers The meeting is to be held In the I. O. O. F. hall on Washington avenue. On this occasion the ladlps of the Relief Corps, auxiliary to the G. A R . and all ladies of Lincoln Circle are invited to join ln the meeting, as the guests o! the G- A. R Follow ing the installation ceremonies there will be- a luncheon . sei v ed for all. LA GUARDIA RESIGNS NEW YORK. Dec. 30. Representative F. H. La Guardla announced today thaT. he had sent his resignation as a member 01 the legislature to Governor Smith and that he would be sworn in New Y- m day as president of the board of al-l i -men 00 RAILROAD PRESIDENT DIES HORNBLU N Y.. Dec 30. Theodore ' Cobb, president of the New York and Pennsylvania rallroud. died last night after two weeks' illness. lis MARKETS V NEW YORK. Dec. 30. The uncer tain monej situation continued tr weigh upon the stock market at ih irregular opening of today's session Gains of 1 to 3 points In the bottei known oll8, coppers, rails and loca utilities were offset by declines of 1 tt 2 points jn steels, shippings, leather: and kindred -fecial ties. Amei leal Woolen, the market'ji conspicuously strong feature yesterday, lost almos 1 four points at the outset, hut Immedl ately lillieii The tone became heav ier within the first half hour, Genera Moton reacting three points, stocks became more subservient t( I monetary conditions during the morn ing, all other developments being Ig nored. Representative oils, coppi n and a few specialties escaped the pies sure shown elsewhere, espeeiall) among steel and equipments. Moxi can Petroleum, Shell Trading and Roy al Dutch were 2 to ?l2 points highei and several of the motor specialties gained 1 to 3 points with Endlcott Johnson. American Woolen extended its early rally and sugars developer sudden Btrength- Trading quickened when call money opened at lf pet cenl . - CHICAGO GRAIN j v ; CHICAGO. Dee. go Corn took a de eided upward swing In price today largely as a result of brisk export de mund for oats, rye and wheat. Rural complaints of car scarcity tended also ' to strengthen the corn market. In ithls connection the smallness or re ceipts here had a small bullish influ- fence. Opening prices, which ranged fiom to 2 Me higher, with January M$1.8iV4 to ?1.32 1-4 and Mav $1 304 1 ' lo LSI I I. w ere followed by tome additional gains, Talk of big export sales lifted the ' oats market. Trade was unusually ac tive. After opening 1-4 to Vjc higher, including May at 82 to 83c, prices reacted a little but then scored a fresh 1 ad ance. Provisions we're higher with hops and grain. Business was on a some whai l.n -.1 r scale than lias been the rul of late. CASH SALES. I CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Corn No. 2 mix ed not quoted; No. 4 mixed $1.371. 38; No. 2 yellow $1.43. Oats No. 2 white SS-mSSc; No. 3 white 8385V2C. Rye No. 2 11.8001.81. Barley SI. 8001. 57 Timothy seed S!) 0O12.25 Clover $30,00 48.00. 1 Pork nominal. Lard ?23.55'n23.65. Ribs $18.25 19.25. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. I CHICAGO, Dec. 30 Open High Low close Corn Dec. ?l.3S 1 423 1 38!2 142- Jan. 1.82 1 358 1.32' 1 34S Mav 1.30 1 33 1.80 1.32 1 -, Oats , Ma; 82" 83-, 82r-s .83, Jul- ii -767 76 .76 V ; Pork Tan. 37.50 37 00 37.25 May 37.25 37.25 38 60 37 05 Lard Jan 23.37 23 f.n 23.37 23 57 Mav 24.37 24-62 21.37 21 62 1 Ribs Jan 10. lr. 18.90 19 11 May 19.35 19.85 19.35 19.S5 OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle Receipts $9; choice hoay steers $89; good steers HS; fair steers $5'fr7, choice feeder steers $S'9; choice cows and heifers 57'g;' 8; fair to good cov. s and heifers 1 0016.25; ewes medium and t.'Ood,: $506; cutters $45; canners $304; choice feeder cowa $506; fat bu'.!:. $51 -6. bologna bulls $405; veal calves $10011. Hogs Receipts 28 choice fat hogs,' 175 to 250 lbs. $13 25T?14.00; bulk ; $13.50013.75; feeder hogs ?9 500 10.50. Sheep Receipts none, choice Limbs $11012 50; wethers $6 507 50; lat ewes ?51 6; feeder lambs 9 o 10. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Dec. 30. (United States Bureau of Markets) j Hogs Receipts 12,000; market 25 to 10c hifiher, hulk $14.25014 15. heav-' ies ?14.10f7l4 50; mediums $14.15 1 1 T; lights ?13 80(0 u 25; IIgh.1 lights $13.25013.90; packing sows $13 00-0 13.75; pigs $12 . 75'o 13 . 35. Cattle Receipts 800. m.'.rket J steady to 25e higher; heavy beef, Bteers, choice and prime. $16.85018. 7.". medium ami good $13.40016 85;! common $10.75' 13 In- n-ht wugh', Jgood and choice, $13.0017.00, com-! mon and medium $8 .25' 13.00; butch er rattle, heifers, $6 75014.35; cows j $6 .65(5-12.35; canners and cutters $5.-j 2506.65; calves $13.50'o 16.00; 'feeder steers $7.75013.15; siocker1 steers $6 oo 10.50. Sheep Receipts 5000; market steady lo higher: lambs $16. 10fv 17.-1 60, culls and common $9.757 16.00, I . ai ling wethers $12 .85 15 . 10; ewes : 85010 60; " u 1 1 s and common ;i 00 j 7 50; breeding ewes $8.00 il 50; j Feeder lambs $11 . 7v7 15.00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Dec. 80. Hogs Receipts. 60,000: market mostly 20 to 25e high er; bulk $14 15 14.35, top $14.40;! heavy $14.10014.40; medium $14.20 1 014.40; iiht $14.15014.35; light light $13.75j 14 25; heavy packing' sows, smooth, $13.60514.00; packing sows, rough, $12.75?13.50; pigs $13." 00? 1 ..00. Cattle Receipts 17,000. market; slow; beef steers, medium and heavy weisht. choice and prime, $18 75 g 20 00, medium and good $10.75 15 75; common $S 757 10.75; light weight, good and choice. $13.50.7 19. 25; common and medium $8.007 13. 50; butcher cattle, heifers, $6 40 14. 75; cows $6 25018.50; canners and cutters $5.257 6.25. veal calves $15 -75317.00; feeder steers $7 00TJ:12. 25; stocker steers $6.007 10.25. Shep Receipts 25,000; market lower; lambs $15.50018 10; culls and common $11.76015.26; ewes, medium and good. $8.257 10 75, culls and common $4.25j B.00. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA. Neb , Dec. 30. (United States Bureau of Markets ) Hogs Receipts 3500, market fully 25c high er; top $14 00. bulk $13.65 13 85. heavy weight $13 . 707 13 . 90 ; medium 1 1 naHHHHBHHHMBHBDBBJB 1 I Mutton Cheap Our markets have just received several dozen nice mutton I ivhich will be cut and sold in the following manner. You will note I the price is much less than the regular price. This is due to the I fact that we purchased the big lot fcr much less than the mar- I kct price. Our markets and stores open until 7 o'clock Vcdnes- day evening. Closed all day Thursday. mutton j 3 pounds choice 20c mutton stew 25c n 20c front quarter mutton, pound 10c I 25c trimmed shoulder of mutton, pound 15c I 30c leg of mutton, pound ' 20: 30c choice mutton chops, pound 20: a 25c tonder lamb tongue, pound 15c 2 pounds brains 25c I 2 pounds liver 10c I Choice boiling beef, pound 10c E Young dressed hens, pound . . . 30c i 30c and 35c quality sirloin or T-bone steak, pound 25c I 1 Case Goods Week j ; Don't fail to lay in your case lots of canned goods I hi 3 week, b j At no time in the future can we sell them so cheap. J 1 case tall cans milk, any brand $6.50 I 3.! case large cans ripe tomatoes (not whole) $2.50 I j I case large cans tomatoes (whole) $3. OH i case 20c sugar corn $3.25 E 1 case 25c Country Gentleman corn $3.75 I 1 case 15c June peas $2.90 I ; 1 case 20c Early June peas $3.25 I f i ca:e $8.00 Swift's white soap $6.25 I BUTTER-EGGS Fiesh creamery butter, pound, 70c; 2 pounds $1.35 I I Fresh local ranch buiter, pound 60c I I Fresh cocoanut butter substitute 35c I No. 1 storage eggs, dozen 60c I Local ranch eggs, dozen 75c ! SKAGGS' I I BSB BSnBBHHIllllllHIillllliHIlBBBBKniOilillHBBiiSa' weight $13 757 14.00; light weight $13 70 13.90; light light $13.40j 13.75; heavv packing sows, smooth. ! SI 3 60113.70, packing sows, roueh. $13. 407 13. 60; pigs $11 25j 13.00. f'ntile Receipts 6200; killing (classes uneven 15 to 25c higher; feed- iers steady; beef steers, medium an1 heavy weight, choice and prime, $16 - i 50il8 .50; medium and good $11.50 16 50; common $9 50011. 50; light weight, good and choice. $16.2518 - J 50; common and medium 0. 0016 25; butcher rattle, heifers $6.75 13 -25, cows $6.50113.00; cannerfi and; leutters $5.00 6.50; veal calves, light land band; weight $13 . 00 14 50; feed er steers $6.257 13 25; stocker steers $6. 75711 25 Sheep Receipts 10,400, market, (steady; lambs. 84 pounds down. $16. 757 17.40; culls and common $12 00g 16.00; earling wethers $11 007 15 75. ewes, medium and choice. $9.00j 10.25; culls and common $5,259.25. LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK, Doe. . Pri- es of Lib erty bonds at 11 30 a m. today were i 3123 99.62; first 4s 93.20; second ! 4s 91.90; first 4 1 4s unquoted; second j 4 1-48 91.74; third 4 14s 94. 70. fourth I 1 Is 91.70; Victory 3 3-4s 99.18; Vic tory 4 3 4s 99 IS Pribes of Liberty bonds at 2:55 p. m todaj were 99 52; first 4s 93.20; second 4s I 9170, first 4 l-4s 93.36; second 4 l-4s 91.62; third 4 lis 94.38; fourth 4 1 4s 91.04; Victory 3 3 4s 99.22; Victor 4 3 4s 99.30. MONEY EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. Dec. 30. Mercantile j paper unchanged. Sterling: Demand $3 76; cables $3.77. Francs: Demand 10 76, cables 10. 74. Guilders: Demand .37,8; cables .37 Lire Demand 13.20; cables 13.15. Marks unchanged Time loans strong; all dates 7ys per , cent bid. BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. Dec. 30. Bar silver . $1.31. J .Mexican dollars $1.00 3-4. j BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO, Dec. 30 Butter unset tled, creamery 52V64c. Eggs unsettled; receipts J335 eases; FlrsU O9lj'70c. ordinary firsts 55 65c; at mark, cases included, 65 69l. Poultry alive unchanged. uu Layton Woman Happy Over Recovery of Pin j When Alice Higgs of Lav ton was in Ogden December 22 she lost a valu able gold pin, a pin that had belcnged to ihe family for years. Today she came to Ogden again and among othei places visited the Vienna cafe, where she mentioned her loss. "Describe the pin," said Leo Young, .1 the manager. Mrs. Higgs did. Where upon Young produced the lost article. Mrs. Higgs was overjoyed. Woodmen of the World Special meeting Tuesday nicht. Dec. 30th Initiation of candidates Close of campaign. JOHN L. WYKES, C. C WM. MULLER, Clerk g MOOSE CARD PARTY Tuesday night at the Mocse hall, 8 kg p m. Refreshments. Adv. I BUILDING i I CONTRACTS 1 L t Just another item in our comprehensive policy B jn of financial service is our facilities for taking !J contracts. We are equipped to handle the con- L ) itrUCtlpn of r.ny kind or gizc of building. pj j j And consistent with our h gh grade service in cth- !'JJj S er departments our building contract activities I" !( Bg are unimpeachable. CJ f MORTGAGE CO. g CARL C.RASMU3SON PRES. 1 i'i J.H.ANDREWS SECV TREAS, I