Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate j K. W. CANN.Vi.iV L; i;iii. Insurance Hbr-rcnm PtrlcU modern cottivfic. mZi on ii troni i( on bench, Hi Mf!' M, l. i n porrh. cement Li - ,n, I . ri 1 J t - k.-.u. ::ir.-,..-.. H; preml Price 1500.00; reasonable BasK-ron-i, modern coftaRe l! i.nled on I ""!,,' with out-bhildlnj?, finll lrr -. jBBBHwit i . ',n'" - miiIip liar- ' 00, on eas) l. i ms. 1mm- Bnn four-lOm -of(ncr In rond Inert -P- . ., Will. 1 1 "If It. -oi.l v i'.r VjP'. Tin In rood condition in I BBBEii wor'!. llf tnom-N Prk.- Sziio.'i ' " B ' , p , nlhly. BV CAN NAD Y iIl!,ion Avc Btrrooni or more furnished house in f1.' dlstrlif -tillable for kecpmff WKff & p'i;,'..-!, part: P. " Box ij"! , . Tl.l lull 1 I :V I'lll'MOil - din- .'!"' i"'1 V lh '"' l: ' B , irrigation Ti. - Li Br JT7aVM:R Two sIn '. MP ,,' mmS' mi in .mil in. ..!. prop- I . i t r i . 1 1 1 1 1 . H T .-. . nl v. .'., Ill SI. I. til' rjf...,, ,c, .i j... M.I n. RLj mikiI! !.. - .iri'l I. nil n l inn- Hp- V i i. I oi; ii KhFvprki) and twenty i ' n? end ,'.'.' i i of host dry farm scc- . jituatecl mile! v ol Ti J1- . 00 Will take 1 , Di KgKlchdale. Idaho. 220 K FOR SALE H.,r ,,.,., I. n hrlcU; m u spilth g'.'.dU T.i. M2 H. n hmic with basement good bam PRi, i M to IK. .nd K R l r,rt cftsh' terms on c"-1 $313" '" I, frame" south front: lose In on Hlpl s: I-ol 612 Walk " I'm, ami BMtter m ihd paid K'eash Kl , V MrCI M-OlT.TT I Under First National Bank V ; l"l7hr:.u house: light and' water: r, basement: outhouse! room 1m hpJ M np u ,. , KT Cal Wall Ave. 17S3 tnmhri'-i;- modern, except hear; eVfom" close in on b. n. h P I I () 'i Vi-ii except paving in and paid K', -!s and car line. A nice Wt "ml best buy in the city; hall casn m jn M. i'ii I., h . .11 I under First National Hank Kf)VNrl' Foi;r i oom nodc-rn brlct Kilu-n- lurpe screen porch fruit -ces FnkRKe; lot &0x200 624 Cross Pt 1 Er 17oC ' KTZ house on bench; $200.00 do n f ,-,w;i ' .'.'""I 11 l."ii ri-iMin br'.-K H i croon i.nirh II nit tre 3 lfp,raiT', lot 50x200. 15:3 Cross Pt. m, 137-J. 1078 fcroom house on north Washington 04 cash. $20 00 per month. V. i BTEEN-ACRE farm: orchard Mines; on main stat- road t., .-' or will trad'j for In-town property p.irt tivnuiu l' 11-K-l. 1 tlC feRN j-room house: J250 00 cash. hontb. Wedell 167 V ii i. i . - abou goo 1 D loans ' if n'"i lot r.V KTG. ' Port' r Realty Ci llnfton Ac. basement. 1 1st wUb I tnko u ii old ranc as first payment I ir,-. " - s i .! o'.i outright. Home Furniture Co. 467J EV to loan Phon 215S-W. I36G Kill pay ou to sc.. us about good p. loans, citv resldi ncea and lots Ic- 1576. Porter i: Co., 2371 ilnglon Ave List with us 9bl 1 ' kev tth unci d to salaried j)i ople with- I Mecurlt) Others on furniture and HC5. I'ac.s v. cil.iy or uionthh- pa v - , ill- Dlx. :2T Colon-1 Hudson Hiill.i- Ptione JSI s;7 LPM r HUNTER estahli age loan tale. Insurance b. laaho land farm nd i , :. :: n . i.. i,.ar. money BOQ lirst inorlc igc ... . in ity v to on.-uh m. Hon bt on hand. 131 Twenty fourth SI m, I tah. KEY to io hi on :mpio red real esl I. pr & li : . 7 . 'J M3Y io loan i.n estate securities. ! . Drunirnin 6-21-11 POR SALE ELEVATORS tnlah and install high grade elc trie , p.- L alroi.i :is n ,n si - M Lake ... 'land om 2366 Y,1F ' 1 ' i ". i a ... ,. i,:i 1 1 v ' ''" "'" l i! Ilinil.. nundr, iirh , i, maiilttde I Id. nth I h liable, I ''":' ilptiou lire Th. f n",'' .,,1 Pnine,.' P.'r""!. o to - Idi I E. e r ' ' ""id. 'I K , :s" r"ol, h. alth path n " our friend, Vho n III i nnl .. TO-J" "'i.": Cood c nisBi m Kind" . ' ' ' " .i.i ,nt rM Pril'!r. 14C5 liioadwti . New IS'., 1 Ilyten,tnd ' "r'J '"own Can 4ard Wfon J'U1 1 lio 100 ISLN phoLDT rz , r,nai t-Me(J,?n'rr' ''r,-r l5,lir road- , argalh.o. Mr Lnns fcr0b"uin??,,,n?r": ,n Phone Tig , -,!' 11 'J""'!,-.. . SI...--K, 'B 1 '" ' ' la II Hhop In eon- , 0116 I WA?n:x?i5 i ! I Male Help j &'. 1S.7 SSJ w",h ,hors.0' 9tad4rd route oi.- boiir each day 5.00 p,.r week. MO ?twlL horsej, for Standard rou7es road Ann "15.. U V"0" U"P "nd '- S?t'danl clrcu,atlon manager, of Mie 1 59 !,m' PlowlnB and IcVellnir. Phono -,J5I; I0i;j ! gggegg bonda- i rti l j Furnished j SLEBWNG loonn., 2530 Grant Ave 19C1 ?n,?.V,oli. Vtment 2210 1,-2 inRton A. l$7' PARTLY furnished two-room hou-o; Hrht w w", ,V '" bttMiheht H70 Rushton Ae. Call Carl Peterson. Cteston Hole, is:;n' NICRLY furnished roomi'. $2 50 to $ ".0 I perjrrok. 2o 1-2 Tjventv.fifih St IMi MOI.KHV furnished rooms for rent iTi Twenty. fourth St. Ix)-. S-M"HEATED rooms, hot hnthTliiock ' from ashington ear. 2946 .'rnnt. 1S21 ; FURNISHED room at 2330 Adams Ave I .. . 1810 'STEAM-HKATnn front room on ground , floor 3lo 27th St. isi-j Fl RNISHF.D rooms 343 28ih St. l so. ITHREK nicely furnished steam heateu 'sleeplnc rooms. :.:!) Twenty-seventh : t798 Fl BKI8BBD apartmenta. 2S24 Waih mgioM Ave. m:? ' LKEPING room for one or two KCntle men. 2iai Wafchlngton Ave. itri NICELY' furnished sleeping1 ixioin 2S4l Adams Ave. ,Sj I ONE or two rooms with or without board. I Phone 2095-NJ. hqIj FURNISHED apartments 2571 Lincoln Ave 12X ACCRUED Intere5t plus market price to" ' liberty bond paid by J A. Hoglc & Co 24 4 J I j Unfurnished THRFK mnmn, modem, with pas: also garage. Address 3005 Washington , Phone I2fi3 ISC" or sale one 7-room apartment Ap ply CM Twcnty-elgtth !.t. ' 1S1C TWO or three rooms for housekeeping. J 3204 Lincoln Ave. Phone 142 NW. 1S2I J THREE-room house, reasonable. Five ' Points. Inquire 2S0U Washington Ave i Alden Nichols. 1731! , 1. ! THRKK-room modern apartment; close In Phone I008-J. 17;.:; 1 a 1 nnr.r.-stor DUllaing containing in rooms; store on the llrst floor; and a large basement on Twenty-fifth St.. near the Union depot. E. M. Conrov, 00 Twenty-fifth St. " 1623 j WAT?TED j To Rent 8 OR 4-ROO.Yf furnished house or apt., modern: man and wife, permanent ,1 ! dress J, care Standard, or phone 945 1 1810 , WANTED To rent, 2 or 3- room, strictly 'modern furnished apartment; willing to pay price, no children. Phone 13S6-M. : W I WANTED To rent a barn. Tclephcno I 917. Froerer & Fowlcs, 1207 4 To Buy j WANTED To buy small baker) in 0den 1 tah. Address Paul Rol.erson 113 South Sth East St.. Spanish Fork. I Ian 18"! i rOI'R-room modern house with acre of : land: in nortbeastcrn part of elty Mum be In good condition Address Box O care Standard. lSZl INWXLID chair. Phone 538 l$?.". DIAMOND, set or without setting. Uo , J , care Standard. 1714 I FURS We pay the top prices for all I kinds and keep 011 posted L'lg luon for you. YVrltc us lor prices and fr shlpfilng ta?s. L.-itei Turk Market, 01 B Tweht) -fourth St Fone 1161. ltMG HIGHEST cash market price paid for veal Mllf, dressed hogs, sheep and beer. . nay lop prices. for hides, peltn and lurs. Call 11 up mid get prices or wrlto Great Western Hide & Livestock Co phone 11C4. C1C Twenty-fourth St. 131 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. Now York Clothing Store, 269 Twenty fifth St. 1J15 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes 1 YVe do cleaning, piesslug and rcpalflpB nt reasonable prices. New York Clothiru Store 26J Twenty-fifth St. ):L7 FORD runaboi t top Phone 2222 41G7 ACCRUED tnteet plus market kri6a icr 1 iv bonds puid by J A. Hogle & Co. 3441 LIBERTY bonds bougit J. J nrumnuf. Phone bi). 2533 (.'LEAN rags wanted at the Standard office. HEAR 2330 Adnina Ave. Phono IffLW. PI BATING, Buttons, ncnmtltchlng. pl-ot at Toe per yard, thud floor W. H WrlclM 4k Bpna, Hl ; DRESSMAKING. Phono 1912-J. 27 ntiTTONB, hemetltchlnti p'quoi otlgjhf. Fob V'Mn.s-.oui.l, St. l'h..n- 1810. 11 ,! r ANTE j EXPERT liookkecper would like - xtta , Mt of' books to woik on evening... Box HT Care Standard. ' ' WANTED j Misoejlarious j WANTED A player piano Io rent . "The ; Bona Shop, lOfl Twenty-fifth Bi . Ogdej, Utah. l j WANTED f EXPERIENCED BILLERS t 1 r,-,- , XV NTED T p ,,rv ' perm n nt posll Ion 1 om n lor two experienced hill. r. Kxper- Who ( an handle ,, t pr 4 w:lt,.r hlllln? machine expert); o not nervi m know stenography Pen- PIC vhn are familiar with the Rem 4 inotor. machine preferred pni... to Mlas Reno. Jlaln Office. Wrights1 Store 4 4 tJILVMPFRMAfD at 251 1-2 Twentv flflh ' St. I Jood pa-. jsii WOSIAN or girl for housework one ,inv awaek. Phone CI. ig;j l EXPERIENCED stoiiographer; one wno .can write and trans, ribc shorthand rpM. n Apply nt nffire of John Scowcroft t'i sns ( o 23rd and Wnll Ae. 1731 WOllAN for cleaning, one or two day each week. 475 25th. Phone S75. 1811 ! SrPrFENCED fook ror Priate family. ! - ' Mndlson. Phone 2190.J. 17.1t CHAMBERMAID at Healy Hotel. Vpi.Iv In peraon. iffifr hlSh t0 ifML,!t wilh eooklng and lUht I V. ori'- 7 '"""dry or Ironing: small i.unllv. 2Cj2 V . in,,- Ave. rhonc 1 1 ' 1607 I WANTED Chambermaid. Reed Hotel. 1 11H. ! DRESSMAKING taught to anyone wlliln ' to .v. - ...r.-.vh ... See Madam Cap'au rhlrd iloo.- Wrlghle" Store. P212 GTRL8 wanted to sew on overalls. We pay while ou learn. Only those who, want .Heady Jobs need apply Srow eroft Manufacturing Co. S'tll FOR SALE " I U.lhX'7ir-rij hnnf Pn'nld kerose,,. lamp sui i rpr epuntry home Cost S37 30 hei.oSei,ffP,r $'i'!or fW am" keroseijfl neater 4jMX Phone 2725.. I -; : ' ' 'sn-.r..,,."cn0 ,n R? condition: fine tone. 1JS - '"' oj rear Phone I846-W. is,,., ' B and pure hone: for aale Ynton i 'vf "er. Box 7. Wilson Lane s67 OHIOyftbUum cleaners; 50c to $1 00 Sak lafactiou guaraiKeer Phone 2097. IsBG Kkffi'co 'd iarrc,s $1 50 cn,h fVh! . 1 nl pOOD delivery team for sale; very che tb both or single, fhono 498 153 started, cheap for cash. 2719 Grant Ave. 1X40 rj2nBLmS ,i"-f,I,n, tfWg. In good condi tion. Enquire David Eccles building.. 1SI7 SECOND-HANDS bought and sold T S lvcrson. 1640 Waah; Ave. Phone 40" 1V29 mInnhven5 S,Ve ,nflulre 665 Wa-h-" 17 "ill . LU,. of U,oso excellent Dundee tail ored suits, un.all.d lor. :or sal. Uun -Woolen Mills, 2431 Hudson Ave. 172s FIRST-elnss Singer piano for sale $5 (,., Terro; will consider Edison phonograph I as part payment. G D .McLecd. Phone 301S- 1710 ; IS,?urb2t: o:, '- ono I' feet lor, IK-rtahle and well built. Phone 11911 n :. SiUrK-.A ,ar5 ro11 top office desk with chair; in good condition Inoul-e . Room 402 First National bank buldg. 1599 GRAIN hay. potatoes e.-n save rod money. Grout's Grain Store. 232 Twenty-fourth St., u" z All kinds liousehold furniture stores carpats, linoleums, etc ISO Twenty-fifth lrcet- " 16;:2 ! O I. C. boar Tor ser Ice 3170 Jack.nn ; Avenue. 13,13 SECOND hand poods bought, sold ami exchanged. 1S00 Washington Ave. Phone 1 6!C-J- 1244 RIG sale on canaries; come hear th-in sing. 2220 Lincoln Ave. ,,,5 UI LL equipment of household furniture ! for sale. 2060 Grammercv Ave 5'i7 I SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold lverson. 1CIM Washington Are, Phoi 9632 PIGS for sale. State industrial School 9480 6500 SHARES Cub Oil. 4c Must ral monev. Box W., Standard. sn:7 New and second hand goods bought ;o and exchanged. Highest prices paid f-r -econd hand furniture Trunka and sun it a specialty. Slner Trunk & Fni -niture Store, 241 Twenty-fltth Street Phone 1321. "592 .1 A HOGLE & CO pay highest prices in Ogden for Libert) bonds 2150 UNCALLED for suits tailor made; big reduction. Gordon's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth St. Phone 119. 2137 HARE, 7 years old, freight about L300 or will trade for household goods or good range 129 25th St. 1830 We have abut $40,000.00 of first real estate mortgagee to trjjde for city property or ranches. The Walker Co.. C23 Eccles Bide. Phone 1130. 1563 i WE HAVE Fr R SALC OR TRADE 500-A( RE farm, hay, grain, fiuit and . pasture land Olily 12 miles from Ogden. j 1000 full bearing apple trees. 2ti00 two-year-old apple treoi, two dwellings, barns. il. l..,-k. many Improvements Including ittllca of pipe line, water tunnels, and such implemenls and lools a.-i are iim , 0'i a I li .'I -class farm This Is a Interesl paying proposition. Would Ikj ideal for ub-dlvlaing, being on the nov ly paved slate road. The first named !u0 acres or this land Is easy worth ?4hi p, r oci"e. The pasture land will pay interest on 100 )er acre. The water rights and Improvements Will appraise fully J12. Tin apple orchard pas from liunn . ,, (10,000 annually. Plow land Is hlgh-clasd altdy load, nultahle for tomato. .. and ; Mall fruit. This property at a Inodeatt rating figures out a SOS noa valuation, and . an be purchased for 185 an acre straight through. The orchard alone pays 10 per Cent on the basis of . $1000 per acre. Terms art 1 irnett money payment, balance long 111,11 at 0 P'r cent. This property nas outgrown tt management and must i. turned. Would lake smaller property on account In trade. On account of other buelnoes Interastl this property musl saerlflced t some, one who eah and will devote Hull time and attention to It W B Wedell 24ii Wash Ave. 1S31 1 j FOR RENT I j Miscellaneous j rmiO. best rcvblvlne brush vacuum 1 1100 day Dust-proof bag Phone 2643 1221 Punches arc like kicks ono will leave 1 1 memory two will make II vivid arid Ihrcc Will make you forget all about t, ' l '" lost ,; 1 st,"',7e.taOrdL,r"0n R'CCtrl C - J'lS?'"8 MvT Puree, containing sterling kIIvci ioMr) Kinder r. turn to .1573 Washington Ave 1679 u!n Ifl?p,i5f' hrorn an1 white! on or oWrcen Wall and K Rrnw.irdtt,?"0n f!CU,rn S.?. BI?m Dursc containing some drafts and liO.OO 0heir; keep the llO OO ret rr , the .drafts Apply 158 Twentv: filth Si Phone 1 S60-.I. igij SI NPAY". Decemher 21st in Union depot pink cameo ring. chlDocd dtamcmd In wh end Finder communicate with advert Ce.i Ua,,l r-Twanl T C Tai loi 861 1 Porlola Hay, Sacramento. Ctdlf. 184? !u."Ehilf' hot.s,i weighing about 1,400 One sorrel horse hrnnded Inzy T-7 .combined on l.u ,hlr,-l, (in,, three. v.,,r Old bay mure branded T-H-L, combined on Wght "boulder Reward Phone Owen ' ail Kayaville. is'.o ;.'!!,, Retun 10 215 Phua Apta, Re! " 1 S JC SA . 8Ct,cr P"p. "even months old; White With yellow ears and two relloff 222.!:Vrnn lort 8,lc of horlv ?'Xi5kid B'.ovc Roturh 3369 Wash ington. Rewar d , , SMALL hla. k pocket hook containlnp k60 V-u-rrnoiV " rr,J 's' Ciir- Return lo 12S 2ilh. Row tit) is, 13 GOLD pin. pick and shovel and gold nugget, m pan. Family heirloom Re luin to Standard Reward. 175 r,1-'i 'oathr walle'. containing drTuI and $10 bill, $10 Reward. Phone 147-W 1757 MOUSU colored muff; red satin lining .ost some where m business district, Under call ll-J-4. Reward 55 BROWN, rolled brun hat on Twenty-second and Hudson Telephone 2919. 12.12 MACKINAW between Monroe ond Tw-n-'ty second St and Thirty-third nnd Jrant. Phone 1473-W. 1'54 LEGAL NOTICES FROiiA FL Ax ID I GUARDlAixbHiP NOTICE. Ceniult Ccl'u'v Clerk er the Rc?f; tlva Slnerj !wr Furxntr 1 ntcrmatlon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 In the District Court of the Second Ju dicial District, in and for W.-ber County, state of Utah. In the nintter of the estate 01 Isa bella Wilson, deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the of fice of Joseph B. Brans, suite six David Eecles building. Ogden, Utah, oa Or before February 10, 1920. Dated Ogden, Utah, December 9. 1919. JOHN WII LIAM WILSON, Administrator with Will Annexed JOSEPH E EVANS, Attorney for Administrator. First publication December 9, 1919. Las: publication January G, 191 D. NOTICE OF SALE ).. late oi William .1. Sp.-ndlove ! ; ceased. The undersigned will sell nt private j sale, that certain ploco of real estate, situate in Weber County, State 01 Ql di 1 described ns follows to Wit: I Beginning at a point 11.50 rods south of the northwest corner of the southwosi quarter of the noithwct o.uaitei ,.1 - Hon 24 township 5 north, range 2 west of the Salt Lake meridian; running th ti east 391 feet, more or less, to the west line ol the right of way of the Sail Lak Ogden Railroad company, (now known and called Bamberger Electric Railroad Company); thence south along said west line of said right or way 365 root; thenc ; west 391 feet, more or less to the section line; thence north 363 feet along aaltl sec tion lint, to point of beginning, e0ntam Ing (href acres, more or less, and two shores of the capital -.took of tin Davis & Weber Counties Canal Company appurtenant to said land, on and after January 22nd. 1920. and written bids wl 1 ! be received at the offico of James N Kim ball, attorney nl law. No. C05 Dav.d 1 Eceles Hullding, Ogden. Utah. Terms ol -ait. ten (10) per cent of the amount bid ., 1 the time of making the bid, and ttio balance of the purchase price on the confirmation of said sale. Dal- I fie. mber lOlh. 1919 WILLIAM O. SPENDLOVF, Administrator SHERIFF'S SALE in the District Court of Weber County, State of Utah. Cora S., Plaint Iff. vs. Fred A. Sparks, Sylvia Sparks. J. J. Brum mitt, Brummltt Investment Company, a corporation, and Warren L. WAttis, Defendants, ss. To be sold at sheriff's sale on the 7th day of January. 1920, at 12 o'clock noon of said day. at Ihc soulh front door of the Weber county court house, in Otfden City, Weber county, l'tah: the described property, to wlt: Situated In Ogden ci-y, Weber coun-J ty. Utah, ami particularly described aa follows: All of lots twelve (12), thirteen (13).: fourteen (14) r.nd flftetn (15). in block, five (3). In prummltt's addition to Og-I den Cllj. Utah, Dated at Ogden City, Weber county,! Utah, liis lCih day ol December. 1919. ! II C. PETERSON. SheVi i fl ol Weber County. I tnh. By Curtis Allison. Deputy Sheriff. ALIAS SUMMONS In I lie District Court of Weher Count v. State of Ctah ' ' Saltagavar plaintiff vs. Lime Sullsgavci , defendant 'I h. Slate ol Utah to the said De fendant: Vou arc hereby summoned to eppca? within twenty days after service ot this Summons upon you, If served within the Count in which this action is bioiiKhl, otherwise wlihtn thirty days after serv I. e. and defend the above entitled action; and In case of our failure so to do. ladg meni will be rendered against you accord ing io the demand of the complaint which has bet n filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action Is brought to recover a Judgment dissolving I he marriage con tract now nnd hitherto existing between vou and plaintiff, T R. O'CON NOLLY. Plaintiffs Attorney, P. O AdQraas No 369 Twenty-fourth Street Ogden Utah, Rooms 16 and 17 Commercial National liunk Building. First publication December 23 I'.'H Disease Is Checked George Shorten Says Seventy five canes of smallpox exist In Ogden, according to reports given out at the health office today. Dining the days prior to Christmas the 'olal number of cages was almost double he present number Sanitary Inspec- HAS 7 DECORATIONS ASHEVILLE. N. C. Mrs. Mor timer Olory Hancock, American woman who participated in the, I World War wirnnH tho ovot- I lasting gratitude of England, France and Belgium for distin guished services as a Red Cross nurse Seven decorations bespeak the appreciation of these coun tries J"or her four years of unre mitting effort tor George Shorten ftatrr that condi tions in Ogden were on the decline and that the disease which has been on a rampage here for weeks has I been checked. on College Convention Opens Fourteenth I & al NEW YORK. Dec. no.The. National Collegiate Athletic association opened Its fourteenth annual convention here today With n review of the work accomplished j during inn Lfedtenadt Palmer E. Pi. r. j president of the association, analyzed 'ho I activities of the organization during the I past twelve months r.nd forecast an even more active period during the coming year Newton D. Baker, secretary r.f war, spoke on "efficiency as a national asaett." oo DR. OSLffl DIES ' OF PNEUMONIA NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Sir William Osier the noted physician and profes sor of medicine, who startled the Wdtld in 1906 by declaring that man's efficient)? waned after he was 40 and that at 6i he should be chloroformed, died tonlejit I at Oxford. Bhgland, according to advice -j received here tonight, lid was 70 vears of age. I Dr. Osier was bornin Canada, Julv j 12. 184D, and was educated nt Trinity college school and Trinity college- To-' rohto. later Studying medicine at Mt-f. li university. Montreal, and the Toronto j Sehol of Medicine, which latter Institution conferred upon him the degree of doctor I of medicine. He had an insatiable npp.-- I tite for learning, and pursued his medical, iii ivilin, Vienna nnd London I Althdtigh Sir WIllKiui Osier was known to be seriously ill at his home in Oxford, where he hSfl been profec- Isor of medicine since 1901, recent ad- ! vices hail Riven hope for his recover;.. Sir Williams, who passed his seven tieth birthduy lan July, was stricken I with pneumonia in November, but about the middle ol that month was re ported convalescent A fortnight ago. however, he became worse. Cabled ad vices shortly afterward announced him somewhat Improved, while on Christ mas day a message from him was re ceived at the Johns Hopkins' hospital In Baltimore In which the famous ph Blolan extended Christmas greetings to aii his old fi lends and i'nnoiinced that he was "making a good fighl" after an empyema operation. Dr. tisler was professor of medicine at John.j Hopkins university from 1880 to 1001, He was born in Canaua in 1819 Sir William Osier was one of the great men who sprang trom Canadian son ne was Dorn in ine provin. e oi Ontario and grew to be the most dis tinguished ol foui distinguished sons of a famous mother, the hundredth an Iniversary of whose birth Wag celebrat ed at Toronto on December 14, 1906 Hie llrst preceptor was the parish priest, to whom he acknowledged his moral and mental Indebtedness nnd to whom be inscribed one of his learned works "The Practice of Medicine." Receil Ing his medical decree from McGill university in 1872. Dr Osier placed the imprint of his ability on medical Learning to such B marked decree that within a few years he be came an accepted authority in medical science, His greal art lay in his skill in diagnosis and his profound know! edfif of all the parts and functions of tho human body and the various ills ol nature. If such a thing COlild be, he was a specialist in ail departments of medicine. In 1905 at the Commemoration Da exercises of Johns Hopkins uni-1 Vanity of Baltimore, in which he served as professor of medicine, Dr Osier delivered an address in which j he ppoke of "the comparative useless ness of men above forty years of age " His words, then spdkeh Without thOUghl of bbw far reaching they WOUld be, paJied round Ihe world in 'garbled lorm ol every arkty. He was 3 H A. E. LEADERS MEET AGAIN - - .-.aHaESSSHBaassaflBSssff sb fjHfiL saaan 2J9B)K BsslHniulBBBllflBX '.SSBSk W ! Jut ' Spc - VuB for soldier heavyweight champion had put away Bill Bresnahan in one round at Camp Custer. It was the first time the two had met since the return from overseas. Bob took the general's hand between the two big gloves and they smiled at each other. PRINCE GETS RINGSIDE SEAT I ' sbH Tlight in the front row eat the Prince of Wales when Joe BeCKett and Georceo Carpentier did battle in the London ring. The prince puffed away on a big cigar until the announcer requestcc1 no ;mo!-:ing. . quo'ed as having said in effect that men past that age were of no value in the progress of humanity and hat men .who hhd reached tne age of sixty should Ijo chloroformed. ! Dr. Osier romaima' silent on iho sub iject lor a considerable period and then 'issued a Etatcment in which he do j dared "I did nol say men at Sixty Should be chloroformed. That was the point i in ihe novel to which. I rcferre 1 and I Upon which ihe plot hinged The novel in Question was "Thej Fixed Period." writteu by An'hony Trollope i iss-: Dr. Osier was criticised by the pub ille and press generally. NOTICE OF ESTRAYS State of Ctah Countv of Weber, Ogden City. 83: i I have in my possession the following sH I described animals, which if not claimed MM hlffil- I H i hlddei I81S v:. ihli jton A v. . i in Ogden City. Ctah. on Thnrsdav iho Mb day of January, 1020. at Iho hour of 1 30 p. m.. y Ono light soimI mare: 3 white feet; white atrlne m face W on left thigh: reached mani ; about S years old: weight about SOD pounds. , I H One llnhi .-on-el horse; shoes on, white ypot in face: nbout 'J years old; weighl'- ' fl saaaaV about SCO pounds. ken up by me In I said Cl'- i:i Ihe J.Mh dav ol December. 1 RANK A NAI.SD1TT Poundkeeper of Ogden Cit.v, Utah THE FRIENDLESS PUP l'" .T rL I ' ' I PASSiFIED ADVERTISEMENTS arc payable in advance. Si you cannol bring your ad in use She phone and we will collect i I Jhejojiowing day. We absolutely cannoi afford lo keep books on mml aineants like these. F&ase do noi ask us to. ' M i ' likV 'I