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WW I HE OGDEN 51ANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH Wh.UNh.SUAY, UhCLMBh-K jl. 1919 Hi B I ImDEM LiWESTCii- SHOW! Ii :i' - jtl.K i en iho m; j dfi'i.T i t i loi d i far a ! men ::if concerned, at 1 when the I 1 1 i cr Livestock shnv. o."ns its doors to U the public January 8th, Otli and lOth I For there will be tho greatest assent- II hl.igc of champion . " II gather. This is iho promise ol the III promoters of l lie exhibition and I rem 111 the way entries have piled in the hist III few week ; en their most sanguinis expectations will be surpassed. Ijj Nothing but thoroughbred stock will H be admitted to the Union Stockyards, H whrr th" hi', I ;.l ! Staged, H according to one " f ;r.o rulei ol the H .show. This rule was wisely made find K assuroi the highest clasf exhibits, K which Dot onlj Is more ralr to the B stockmen bul also assures a show of Hi keen interest to the public at large H And that is one of the motives for stag- 181 ing this show to awaken the general public to the possibilitie ol I igdi n ac III PLm I increases strength of delicate, t r.crvcrj, t , run-down people in two weelcr liree In y tr.iry Inrtances. (Jted and biRb'y en- j I demr by former United Staffs Ser.atoro I I ir.i Membrrr of Conrren. ell known Iphysiciani sr.J Public Hcat'h of: I I ciais. Aak your doctor or drasgut J haul . it- I II Rear Admiral Decker I Forgot Me Was Not I U. S. Ambassador! I I WASHINGTON. Dec 31, Discuss- iug the refusal of Rear Admiral Benton , I C Decker to accept a navy cross on I the ground thai it was 'inadequate." I 1 reward for his services as naval at- jf tachc at Madrid during the war, S C fl retary Daniels today disclosed that I Admiral Decker was removed trom I that post at the request of the state I department, acting upon representa- I tidns from Ambassador Willard. I "Although an abb- and diligent of- I fieer." said Mr. Daniels, 'Admiral I Decker, while at Madrid, seems to have I forgotten that he was nut the Ameri-j m ean ambassador and of course the ! navy department cannot usurp the 1 prerogatives of 'hp state department. I His removal therefore became im- peratlve. iiiiiiiH uo- STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. H Notice is,horchy Riven 1hal tbc anmnl Hl Jlier-tlnp Of Iho Ptorkiiolriors of the ic, r. -Mm Hfncli i "anal a Water com pan 1 1 H held nt the ciiy hall, on Monda) Januar, H 12, 1020, t p. m . Mr the purpose of H hearing the financial report of the se r.-- H tary ana treaarcr for the year 1919, n-t M for the election of r .ven directors to serve H roj the ensuing two year. iml for the H t ran.snctlon rf rikIi . . f It - i li.iltv-4 .s B may proper!;. nm. . M ,. ,. .-Unc i A. 1 I 1 a . I I ; . . ! ; S secy. B Dated Ogden, Utah. Dec. 27, 1919 II OO I Harvard Primed , For Contest With Oregon Gridders PASADENA. CaL, Dec. 31, Har vard's Bquad toda completed heavy training One light scrimmage tomor row and then no more lootball for the Crimson placrs until Rofr-rer r,rort.r. Varnell's whistle sounds the signal New Year's day for the opening of the Tournament of Roen 7. ,,,,,, aRainpi Oregon is the ord r Stiff workouts were held this morn ing and afternoon, following which Head Coach Robert Fisher announced his men were fit and ready for the ag gregation of husky Oregonians who will represent the west against the traditional strength r.f the past. One Practice for Oregon. Oregon, as usual, held one practice today. Another light workout for tho Sure ReSief Sl uU-4fcl Si Hot water fZ2M Sure Relief BE LL-ANS Bhfor indigestion I a livestock center, which with its ideal location the hub of thp wheel, DO to pc;.k, of railroad lins from every di rection in on the high road to bcom 1 ing the biggest center for shipments i of all kind.-, west of the Mississippi. That one fact alone is enough tp inspire interest in every resident of Osdon. but the promoters of the show have not lot it go at that. They have arranged all sorts of interesting at tractions for the palruns of the .show. There will be . students" Judging eon tests; the contest Id the boys' and girls' club division, which it is expclt d w ill prove a great drawing card to future stockmen; $5000.00 In rash prises, and many ribbons and silver trophies; besides the carnival features ithat are scheduled for every night of the I hew dates January 8, 9 and 10. And then, the individual champions that will be there Will be of unusual lemon yellow crew is scheduled for tomorrow, after which they, too, will call off training. The weather today continued warm, but the thermometer registered a slight fall from the unusually high marks of the past 'cw days giving rise to hope by both teams that New Year's weather would more nearly approat b the winter tang to which both arc ac customed. Banquet and Ball. However, the outcome of the game, the players are in for a b:g time New , Year's mght, Announcement was made today that the members of the two! squads will be honor guests at a bril- j ; liant banquet and ball to be given by i he wive?; and daughters of member? of the tournament of roses association and are sure to be attended by the southlands loveliest femininity Coache? Fisher of Harvard and Huntington of Oregon today an ( nounced their lineups for Near Year's day. No last hour changes are expect ed and barrlnc the unforeseen, the men will take the field as follows: , Harvard Oregon Desmond l.e Anderson Sedgwick l.t Bartlett Woods l.g Mant z Ha vemeyer A. Horween c Leslie Hubbard r.g Harding iv;me r.t Leslie Steel. r.e Howard Murray (c) a b .. Steers ic) Humphreys l.h ... Jacobberger Casey r.h . . Brandenburg R. Horween f.b Huntington Four Robbers Enter Bank, Line Up People and Rob the Vault OMAHA, Neb . Dec 31. Four un masked robbers shortly before noon odaj entered the Farmers' and Mer I, ants' National bank of Benson, a suburb of Omaha, lined six employes and five customi n- of the bank against the wall and robbed the vault of $115,000. They made their escape in n automobile driven toward this city. According to officers of the bank the obber? secured X 15,000 In cash and the I Interest because many of ihem will I come direct from other great livestock Shows; such as the California Interna tional, the Portland Show, and the greal Chicago International Livestock Show Thus it will be seen that the Ogden show will be on a par with the best nnd because of its proxim ity 1o a greater livestock territory it is safe to predict that no other show has surpassed, the hiph character and Bpeclal features of this first annua ( ):ilen Livestock Show. So numerous are the entries and so fast have they come in the last few weeks that it is l little unsafe to pre-1 diet just how large an 1 excellent will the show be. it is within the bounds! of discretion, however, to say that the early aim of Its Sponsors -to make this the greatest livestock show ever held anpwherc will be realized with :i ' goodly margin to spare MOST DEMY OFFERS ARE : HOT AIR SAYS SPORT WRITER "A call for Doctor ," the old: paging gag of advertising without cost, is hi in.; worked now by bush promot ers and a lot of fellows seeking cheap no oric y in making bids for the Demp-I e i arpentier match and getting them on the wire,' says E Y. Dickerson in ihj Reeky Mountain News of Denver - things do not cost anything They are no. called for the reason thaf thel ra i arho arc to battle only pay atten tion to those promoters who show the color of i heir money I Ail this talk of a million-dollar gate 'is the worst kind of hot air and is entitled to about as much serious thought as the moaning of the wind.' Once in a while some American pro moter bobs up with talk that has some thing behind it. as for instance the proposition of Morris A. Penter and i r red Dixon of Pueblo. Trey are a pai. of pood hustlers who undoubted ly could stir up something out of the ordinary in the way of a stadium ami a - : owd if the boxers were Inclined , to take a chance with the promoters 1 who stage the bout and working on percentage do paid according to what they prove to be worth Unreasonable Demands. Modern ring warriors do not play the game that way, however, but de mand cinches. They insist thai the promoter make guarantees whereby they are assured of bie payment re gardless of whether they dltlW it j through the gale, and also demand! percentage privileges so that the in dividual or club which takes the risk, does not stand to make a cleanup any way it is figured, regardless of the risk taken- There could scarcely have been greater interest in a ring contest han wad expressed in the Wlllard-Dempsey.l clash at Toledo The receipts thai da wen little more thun the amount Jack' Kearns has said he expects to rec ive for Dcmpsey's services Managers dl leading boxers have for years broken into print whenever there was any chance to talk b Immgbnhbk'lshrd chance to talk big money, evidently figuring that It made them appear heroic to assume the attitude of stand ing ready to grab every thine; in sight. Tape Trick. Eastern boxers have been pulling off the trick of using automobile tire tape in bandaging their hands and sprin kling it with plaster of parts, which sets immediately it is moistened. Men who never befoie showed signs of pos sessing knockout wallops have reen knocking their opponent dead in a punch. This is about as honorab.e as usine brass knuckles or a borsi shoe in the glove. remainder in Liberty bonds and other negotiable securities. After looting the vault three of the b.uiriits who had been guarding the bank employes and customers, fore ed them Into the vault and locked them in The imprisoned men made their escape from the vault by means of a screw driver which had been hidden in the vault. oo You can't enjoy life and have Constipation- -Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive Constipation to Halifax. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. DR. BUTLER HONORED. NLv YORK, Dec. 31. President Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia university, has been awarded the lion orary degree of doctor of laws from the University of Strasbourg, in recog nition of his services lo France and ;o that institution during the war, ac cording to 8 cable received here today Strasbourg v. reopened November 212 as a French university After being un der German control for 48 years. RULING FOR MASONS. SYRACUSE, N. Y., Dec. 31. All j Masonic lodge, working under the jurisdiction of the grand lodge of the Irtate of New York must kep their 'records in English beginning January 1920, according to a ruling just made b- Grand Master William S ' Farmer. MIDWAYHLIFE Men and women at forty stand at the portal of a crucial period. Strength must be kept up, the body well nourished. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the tonic of wonderful helpful ness to those in middle life. SCOTT'S nourishes and in fvigorates and helps the body keep up with the daily wear and tear on strength. Let Scott's help keep you robust! I Scoll & Bowue. Bloombrld, N. J. 19-11 CUB BEARS PUT ON LIVELY CONTEST II FILMATORRHEUM PrObably the font unusual le-.'lure of "Back to God's t'ountry." the mo i tion picture which shows at the Or Ipbeum theater last time today, is the 'fiqiit between two cub bears. These little animals get upon their hind leus and wallop and lambaSI each other like regular pug: Tlv other animal actors furnish much of the comedy of the picture, relieving the tension of the gripping story. Another scene oauses the audi ence to gasp is Lite backward dive Of Wellington Clavier as Capt. Rydal in the frozen arctic lake. p In the story he loses his life by falling through the ice. He makes the real dive and you see him grad ually sinking in the wat r under the I broken ice, and it Is not until th" 'scene is "Vhot" that he rvvlms bncl: to the surface. Hi final warning was to (make the footage short and no r lakes. Advertisement. ! Watch Night Party tonight. See Doug Fairbanks tonight at the Alhambra and watch the old year out. Open till mid night. Last show 10:30 till 12 p. m. LITTLE BENNY'S! Note Bookl ' By LEE P APE 'Bnng''i w I ill 1 -wm 'w "n mi Last nite I had to rite a compel - -t.on for skocl Ullstra'tlng the Krisfl mas spirit Wlch I did, saying to pop. Pop. do you think this compersitlop 11 list rates the Krissmas nplrit enuff? And I red it out loud, this belna it The 3 Be.ys and the Dime Once there was 3 boys named Ed. Edger nnd Edwerd respeckfully . and one day wile they was out taking a wawk with each other they saw a lost dime laying in the street and they :ill made a grab for it and Edger got it on account of having the shortest legs to stoop with and the longest arms to reetch with, Baying Ilcrrav, I found a dime. The heck you did, sed Ed. you picked it up, meybe, but I "found half of it, dident I see it as soon as you did and meybe sooner'' Well how about me0 sed Edwerd. Ill bet 1 saw it the soonest of eny of us, wats you think I got glasses for? And they sarted to file a fist file about it. and they all got black eyes and bluddy noses and was getting more wen some man came up with a worried Impression, saying. Did eny of 1 you bovs happin to find a dime? Yes he did, sed I'd, and Edwerd Yes, 1 did, sed Edger honestly And he gave the man the dime, and thr irlan sed. It is a grate plezzure to met I 3 sutch honest boys all at the same tune, beers, 10 dollars to divide It' among you. Wich they divided it by getting 3, dollars and 33 cents and a therd of a ' sents worth of jelly been. Honesty g the best policy, sed Ed ger peecc on earth good will to men. w immin and children. The end. Do you think it iliistrates the Kriss j mas spirit enuff. pop? I sed. Well, I alppose II tood be worse, sed pop W ich it proberly could oo Get my prices on hay, straw, grain of all kinds, flour and potatoes, any quantity. Warehouse 2466-2468 Wail Ave. Phone 457 or 176. O. F. Mitchell, 503 Eccles Bldg. oo tm-Mtm mm tatmam Rippling Rhymes . By V.'AL r MASON. .J HIGH CREDIT. If you've kept your credit spotless,1 ills ni;iy trail you in a bunch, but bad luck is rendered swatless, evil fate has lost it punch Cor the helpful mer chant princes will not answer you "Nay, nay:" when you call to buy ; some epiinces or a luscious bale of hav You can buy all things you're needing, from a cooksiove to a cheese, without! argument or pleading, without falling on your knees; for the watchful mer chant piinces have your record, writ in black; and each one of them evinces ; confidence that you'll come back You feel chipper as a colt L; when it cats the first Tune hay ; you can buy a flax-1 aeed poultice, and when ready, you! can pay. If you wish to buy an anchor, ol a house to call your own. you can' ;go and ask the banker for a little' timely loan; and the banker will em- brace you and caress you o'er and o'er, land around a block he'll chase yqu, asking you to borrow more Hut f ' you are slow and heedless in the pay-1 ing of your bills, you will find your I children feedless when arrives the day of Ills And your wife, who proudh minces: in her new and modish gown, will approach the merchant princes, end they II snarl and turn her down oo THE AMERICAN WORK INGMAN i I don't believ e the workinginan is mad I with lust and hate and greed 1 don't believe the men l meet havci banished juttice from their crc t d I know i hv toiler at his bench, I know the printer at his press, And they are men who hold The Flag above material BUpcesa I do not fear the feet of those who maich to work from day to dav Will iollow men who ileal in hate and miss the broad and open way I hnve no tear that dOCl l ines vile ex pounded by an alien breed - and three -day carnival f ! j Your winter pleasures will not be complete un its a great impetus is being given this impor- I less you take in the Ogden Livestock Show, tant industry. Come and see what's beimj The biggest nggregation of Blue Ribbon thor- done! oughbred cattle, sheep and hogs ever got to- Wrestling match between Harbertson and San- gether will be there. tel other high class entertainments without I j Three days of the greatest attractions in the a doubt Ogden will be the livest place between history of this section cattlemen and stock the Great White Way and the Golden Gale men from the entire West have entered exhib- three days you 11 regret it if you miss it. Osden UvestocK Show January 8-9-10 I ii Will lure one real American lo utter and icious creel. I know the workingman today; I know ihat he would sooner die Than see the flag which shelters him in shame come fluttering from the skv And ihr. I also know of him that he would quickly strike to earth The man who dared to raise his voice againsi the country of his birth. I know the toiler in his home, I've seenhis wife and children smile, I've seen them happy and content with all the Joys that are worth while. And I refuse today to think that such a man would ever heed rbje mouthings of an alien tew or do one treasonable deed. oo Call on J. J. Brummit c.l 2417 Hudson avenue, if you want to sell your Liberty bonds. Phone 59. Transfer of Former Hamburg-American Piers Demanded WASHINGTON, Dec 31, Negotia-j tlons have been opened by the war de partment with the shipping board for the transfer to the board of the six former line piers! at Hoboken which were turned over to the army during the war fur the use j oi' the transport service. Shortage of pier space is handicap ping the shipping board in New York and by aecpiiring tlies piers, the, board could help relieve the situation! for its operators, officials said. The piers were taken over by thei I r.lien property custodian after the out break of hostilities with Germany and purchased by the president out of his special fund and placed at the dis- 1 posal of the war department. PEACE IS COMING. C(Pi;.IIA;i-:X, Iec. 31 Maxim Litvlnoff, the Bolshevik representative ! who has been conferring here with - 1 Gradv ..f Great Britain fot the purpose of bringing about the repatriation of prisoners of wal-, de clared loday that "peace is comin? 'more quickly than is generally be J Moved," according to an interview pub lished in the Social Demokraten 00 COMPROMISE TREATY PROPOSALS WASHINGTON', Dec. 31. Com-J 1 promise proposals for ratifying the! j peace treaty were discussed today at la conference between Senators Lodge, I of Massachusetts, the Republican lead er, and Pomerene of Ohio, a Demo cratic member of the foreign relations committee, who voted at the last ses sion for ratification with the reserva tions framed by the Republican ma-; jorlty It was understood thai several defin ite modifications in the majority pro-' gram were considered. Senator Pom erene said he was hopeful that a com promise could be worked out. Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, con- tinned his talks with Republican and Democratic senator in the light of I suggestions made to him yesterday by Senator McNary of Oregon, a leader of the mild reservation group of Re publicans. These suggestions will be discussed among olher things at aj conference tonight between Senators' Hitchcock and Pomerene and several other Democratic members of the for eign relations committee. COALITION UNIONIST ELECTED. LONDON. Pee ?,). Lieutenani Col one Cutberl James, Coalition Union ist, has been elected to the house of commons in the Bramley: Kent, bye elections over Francis Hodes, Laborite. hr mm sais I PLAY TG COLLEGE J n,, to The Community Service Bureau at 1 In Utah Agricultural college has re-j P cenily purchased from Miss Lily .'' l man, of SG Twenty fifih street, Ogden, j,', a play entitled the "Perfect L'abv."Thn Bjj play bring out tho difficulties which young people olu a meet w h n ilny . c leave country town.- in u u .lleue jj, and whr. ' a c ommoi inn : -tirred up Hj when they rennn home and try to put , "new wine in old bottles.' ' This is the second play thai MisaJ Leam an has sold and will be plaved at a. Logan during the Farmers' Round up" &u and the housekeeper' , onf rence This Pivj will be durliifr the early pan of Feb- 1 ruary. The pans will he taken bv Mr.. the members of the Home Kcn-miics 1U dub and the Agriculture club. J nn APPROVES M'NARY BILL. USHINGTt iN. I 'ee :;i -l"n!es P dent Wilson approves ihe Me.arj 'HO bill todav ihe -ucar eijua I ion j Hlhe board te,, lis would h" dis- er' solved at midn.uir i.miL'hi. h was Jpts ald thai the president had not vel k a reached a decision on the .McNary pied measure whhh would extend the ''''jSI11! of the board for one year. l-fnto The board has recommended that ''J8! be alhid to dissolve on the ground file , that 11 thi law oi supply and demand fantai is permitted to op. tat!', tlo sugar Mt Situation will be more quit k I v iiu- Pn cl proved than it will be if the govern- Pis. ment control continues. Hej . fPberi jjftpe it reexefy WJjBevervJav iH mfM Coufts - Colds - Catarrh I 'h"" NjUX t TAWy 'hlh are ? comfantthreat of tcrious NO CHANCES. Protect your.elf and I j Js mfK WW ' Dopendablo Family Medicino are man Wi w N"'""SoiJ I triouglnful housewife and mother refuses to In, r' Nil irs&!Xtr lK$fs experiment when the heallh of her loved one if at I1" ma i ll ill J yr' ""'''odec h' C temCy WK he knows i' inj. "wdyM0 dsjllt!"6 ' ou" C