Newspaper Page Text
, IHh OGDEN TAMDARP: Q7--Hm 5!1!3!:;AY' UEMBLK 31. 1919 3 iH POF. K0B6S lOEBATBLEJIOUE jLM poosevcit, and Believes It Best to Abandon Idea. Br LOUIS. -Mo.. Her. 30. Quot froi'.i Prridm Wilson, c.enernl ttBocd :'ml Theedor. Kcjnsr' Pro HLor Willi-mi 1 1 Mi lE'-ii'. oi Michigan (old din American Eoc'lation for the Advanremcnt H Krnce today that it was time in de- ' j, :1ut not belief YjHgndmi the idia of thi Iairiit- of nr. rKns h -'ore H was enlered upon." I'leB ,-,- -ii), r.i ' ''nfb hp stands i Kgo?" r before ih world, that with its jjR.pnna v. i would upon 'un- OKgpt,. -.ill Prol llob'u: jBnl then, I)' QEsdlii"! !' 1 1 1 1 ylELc tn Ketbcr we had not bettor abandon iho venture before il is entered upv.i B, real ;' 1 '' n before the Amerlean Kop! hren one of reliability of Judgment of it- po Whn quoting Presideni Wilson, Prof Bstandlnjr In the presence of the as- Htaiblod dlecate in ihn prae.- e Brn n ' re; I .n n ,i i n ,,. Kf covenant of ihe league of nations, Menhir..--' Wit-on of i his in- Kument "It is definite as a cuarantee Htf prjo is definlie a; :;ini Mfcain.-t --ion.' "On the other band G nera Leonard Bfood 1,11 1 : ' 'in --n t ihal lh- Kjiri ihai i-ovrnant will prm jJip world from future wars j Idle Brad;le anfl n dream of mollycoddles. I'Th' parifists, moreover I' ll lire -when pey say war an in:-i i iinnn i - dead Kjii'l listen " Hie ni! odd.'rs. Be H KtJz'n of common sci J l-Which cuidi (o follow J pch ha- been der in ih. ,-. ,-n Eel when ihe issue -was, as now , both Clonal serunt'. and world idem y fcodrov. Wilson tl f could J lot bP( onu in', ol 1 in ihe war and lh;r ')! affairs of Europe were not our! N Kcern, so h ad oeau d nnn p;-. p. o,. tJ Eg. as the rem i dy L onurd V.'. -,,-; Eclared we were very likely to. KCome m'.ohed in the wa . that oui onb t . i'ving prepara i DODf lor an'. mi ir.cniirj . that Ihe; fcrhl siru.-Ll'- w.i our war and he fckfd all that he had to save the. feuntry and h- nmmn'- honor The pacifists' solution did not then ftll to keep us out of war, despite r. Wilson's cousoiing promise?, and Be internatinnalisl i lution which H now no less confidently offers io Bsrm away future wars has an equal Bnce of suee. Theodore Roosevelt tells u.-. If is Bl at this lime I'm obej- and r.-r.l'ih I Bland women io apply thai excel-! Bt varied v. isuom ..l!orjuj;i II;. T Bbwn as ho;,, sense' to the prob OB ol nationalism and international ! Aw x. ; - . defended and Bsvrved. it"! I iv the i!lu .-innistas, but B the men nnd w omen .vho pr.o !:Hk honiel . intimeofpeac fBfho in tinii ol i gbteous war are ready Bdie. or Io - nd ;. love 1 Bodie, for a shining ideal.'" NOTICE ! 'he regular anni meeting of the I reholders of the First National ik of Ogden, L tah, will be ne'd at ! Ir banians rooms at 2384 as.' inc Ave, on Tuesday, January 13, 0, at 11 o'clork a. in., tor the pur e of electing directors to sor.c- for ensuins year and the trans etion such oih' r business as maj pro'y r come before the said meeting lated Ogden, Ltah, Decembrr 13, JAMES F. BURTON, Cashier- Sbepherd Dog Stands J Guard Over Master's 1 Body for 60 Hours lyBPHi ik xi -. I . i ::i ,,,. B"!'1" 1 lier. fB'f'i".- b d I wo da and 1 1 i. ,B'- io prrii . ani-! ,.Bal- prey has In -n it- B&l";i h i a 1 1 f f i i i r j w 'IHprmo? F William on of J H. Wil ; .Pb-". of Phoenix die, July 1."., Blr herd in. ' and -in , in lUntains about 56 miles north ofi IB' He foil over as though Ironil disease, his father heard af.-r- B Mexican herder called "Ladv. ' ihe' B"'"' doc to the body and aid:l jvcy v.uii him" The Mexican walk B.''drd Phoenix uniil he met an B"6' in who telephoned news of th BTir' :" !i" J' H. Williams stalled from Phoenix; jlone- Because of hard rains and B"0uts, he had difficulty in getting MP the mountain fastn here Mr flocks pastured. Finally he reach Uie spot where the body lay. B.?'::' "" crowled i. B ' . ' " 'bed, he said, bull eon as she saw he meanl harm,' e Heked his hand She was worn' V "f"r !nn- vmil. half sturved and' B1 v-iih thirst but when tried to jt" ' to drink, she i . MMfi flercelj and ran back to the 8 body. There she stayed until1 tpbors had boon summoned fim, " away to take the to Phoi ! rn''n shi consented to be turned MM 'o the head shepherd of the Wll Pfi'"';''k ho wcare Sh reccivod a,wa'8 tho best BftrlkcB BTe ,lkr' torpedoes thej ieldom bLi ' " 1 ,in jRJIV injur.- at lot of Innocent onoj Whisky Smuggling Across Border Cause of Grave Concern EL PASO, Tex.. Dee. ?.l -Whlskv BftiQKgHng across the border from Moi leo imo the United Stales at El Paso is causing customs officials grave con fern, according to .tRents here Slnee , July l last, 120 lots of smuggled liquor , have been seized by governm nl agents and much of it has been sent io Ihe army and navy hospitals In the I nited States 1 The federal prand jurv returned 16 indictments for smuggling between April and Oetober and convictions have been obtained in about f0 per eent of the cases. Sentences of from one to two years in the fderM penl ten'iary at Leavenworth, Kans , were imposed in most cases. It is stated here that American in loxieants are being exported into Mex ico :nd lhat customs officials of thai ooun'ry are planning to protest against this. Such exports would be illcnl after January 1(1 next when the r.rohl birion amendment to the constitution goes into effect. oo siekenins headaches foul bremli constipation, means your bow is are asleep. Wake them up with Holds ter - Rocky Mountain Tea- r never falls. Mclntyrr firuc Co. Ad-rt-r meni oo Hapgood Explains Attitude Toward I Russian Sovieis KW STORK, Dec. 30 Norman Hapgood isrurd a statement here to nisht in explanation of his resignation as minister to Denmark m which he categorically denied having expressed sympathy for, or having had relations With the soviet government of Russia He declared his views have not chanted regarding the maintenance of the blockade and that be Still believes holsheism is strengthened by it, not ocly in Russia but elsewhere, "in pro portion as Europe suffers from the in ability to set raw materials and food from Russia and to send her manu Cactured articles jn return" Charges that Mr Hapgood had been In Friendly relations with Lenine and Trotsky were originally made in liar vey's Weekly and the former niinii.ter said that one of his reasons for asking to be released from the diplomatic service, "wa:- ihe necessity of answer ing Colonel Coerce Harvey's llase hoods." His attack was "foolish and Vindictive," he asserted Mr. Hapgcod said he has been op posed to communism all his life and denounced the charge that he was a plenipotentiary of Lenine and Trotzk as a "grotesque falsehood." He characterised an accusation that he had used the American legation at Copenhagen .is a "trading post" for the coviet government as "despicable."' Mr Hapgood explained that Alex and r Berkenheim, representing 17, 000.000 cooperative? of Russia, came to America with a letter lrom Prince Kroyolkin. and they met. He said he agreed With the Russian that lb1 best way to overcome bolshevism was to re store trade and he gave Berkenheim! otters to government officials here, irging he be permitted to ship out' piled up stores of flax and hemp nl ued al ?o00 000.000 awaiting export in possession of the co-opeiatives and to import machinery, shoes and medicine Out of this. Mr. Hapgood said, grew the false charge Ihai he had made "re peated overture" In Wall street, to finance the bolsheviki, Berkenheim being so anti-bolshevisi. he stated, as to have been an c. led five times Imports From U. S, to Giiie Increase Enormously in 1919 VALPARAISO, Hoc ."'.l Leading im ports from the United States to Chile! ihavo increased enormously In th' las four years as shown by figures mad' public here. In Chilean currency thev were valued at 51,064,260 pesos and in 191fi at 203.451,891 pesos, (nominallv i k. iin-rtii pt-Mj equaia auoui cents United States cents). The increase in imports In the Unit ed Slates has continued in 1919 and they are expected to exceed those of last year. This growth in business between ih. two countries is attributed to Improve ment in banking facilities battel in formation concerning buyers ami credit and the possibility of direct ne gotiation of drafts instead of by way of Europe. One leading Chilean merchant states tha. in the' past five years North Amer ican business men have adjusted their methods of doing business so as to' comply with the requirements of Chil ean buyers. At present, ho said, ihere were no difficulties worth mentioning fn the way of this trade which was developing in a manner satisfactory io' both buyer and seller Buyers, be said, find the products seiil to them are in fulfillment of their orders and sellers arc satisfied with i the dependability oT Chilean mer chants . on A. R. MclNTYRE DRUG CO. 00 1 Utah Hot Springs big dance tonight. Its free. GIRLS! WOMEN! GIRLS! j Pjo vf6 and learn a tracie in our Overall factory Not only will 1 14 h 6 a steav Position, but it is a lasting experience. A nlv ?UI W6ek and grd pay to tbe caPable Are vou one? Ap. y John Scowcroit & Sons Company, Department "M " "'' II gqiMMrr-j: - . . . i . j. 'BB9rB ' Ur,-retouched Bttoyng Goodyear Cnrrl T,rr that fav . I Monte Youngs truck positive traction over its rigorous mountain rout T, WM I Duchesne Freighter Proves That I I Pneumatics Do- More Work ' I I A year afco 20 privately-owned motor trucks were freighting between Duchesne and Helper, Utah. Monte Young's truck wore Goodyear Cord Tires, and the rest were on solid tires. The unfail I ing traction of Young's enabled all-year operation whereas the others were tied up from autumn until lai? spring. Today, du-2 to his pioneering experience on pneumatics ; 20 government trucks operating between Duchesne and Helper run on Goodyear Cord Tires. i yOWNSTATE between Duchesne and Helper, Monte Later when it rained and snowed, when steep grades were JLJ' Young found that Goodyear Cord Tires enabled him to slippery, the solid-tired trucks found that the going became freight a 4,000 pound load daily over 52 miles of a difficult impossible. Eight months of the year, only the Cords can mountain route. - traction in this region. A year ago last summer nineteen other freighters were using By multiplying the earning power of the Young truck Good- solid-tired trucks to haul between the railroad at Helper and year Cord Tires paid for themselves many times over, the mountain towns to the north, but only Mr. Young's pneu- As a result, it is now reported that every truck freighting matics kept going after the dry weather. between Helper and Duchesne wears Goodyear Cords. And even in the dry weather, the Young truck was known as Your truck also may be able to do more work and more re- the one that carried the most loads every week. Its big round, liable work on Goodyear Cord Tires. Ask us to make our yielding tires gripped the treacherous soft spots and constantly free analysis of your hauling conditions. Determine today helped the driver make good time. whether you need Solid, Cushion or Cord Tires. ! GEORGE A. LOWE COMPANY I H mwtm i I I Goodyear Truck T i re Service Station . u .. . . Harvest Hands i and Employers Reach Agreement BUENOS AIRES. Dee 30.An agreement has been reached between the harvest hands and Ihe employers, favorable to the former, at Tres Arroy, Buenos Aires province, ihe center of the agrarian unrest. The settlement, it is believed, will forestall further, manifestations of violence, declared u, hav been incited by foreign anarchis tic elrnv-nts. La Kpoca. the government organ, says that similar settlements are ex pected m other centers. rii- discontent among the harvest hands of Buenos Ane province ilame.i into outbreak of violence December 19 ' Thr outbreaks followed upon the dis tribution of circulars threatening to burn the entirr- barvesl of Argentina unless the authorities release before; January 20 those convicted of viola tions' of "the social law," under which th" government has been proceeding against anarchists and other agitators. The circulators wer ine.l the rev olutionary croup " NOTICE j The regular annual meeting of the shareholders of the Commercial Na donalBank of Ogden, Utah, will be! held at their banking rooms Tunsday, January 13th. WO. at 4:30 p. m. for So pm-pose ol electing "ffic servo for the ensuing year ami iui transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meet- ""oated ogden, UUh. Dec. 24, 1919, R. A MOYES, Cashier. liio Henry A. Wise Wood on League of Nations ST. 'LOUIS, Dec. 30. In discussing the league of nations, according to the American idea before ii:'1 American Association for the Advancement ot Seic-nce. Henry A. Wise Wood of New York, said: None of us can foretell ihe future, but all of us can review the past Some may fervently belies- thai warfare is preventable, but thfse ran .: admit that never in the history of the world have men been able to achieve more Mian an arm! d truce. "If our statute-: are powerless to precnt broken fq It li and violence among men, we ask ourselves how then are the lesj definite, and more Indifferently sanctioned provisions of a covenant of peace to prevent irrecon cilable disagreement or broken faith and violence anion c nation. Thu law i NOORD A BAKERY! i Successor to Daleboutjj Bros. Highest quality of fe S fruit cake at 55c lb. Taste p before you buy. 751 n Twenty -seventh s t r e e t. V jb Phone 254. , Slode has moved to enty-flfth Street can punisii. n cannot prevent but In ternational punishment is war. and it is war that we wish to be rid of. "What folly therefore to erect any in'"rnational structure upon thc hy pothesis that B complete overthrow of the combs Ive nature ol man can be brought about my a company of men. : however wise, and warfare be by hem brought to an end for all lime. "If we turn io the many attempts ; that the idealist has made to deal with warfare as an evil we find 'hat h had failed in the past to perceive that wai Is a recurring phenomenon and as such is among thu inevitable occurrences of WM 'He forgets that the most enduring covenant of peace practically has fol lowed every war of history, and that. War has followed every such peace.'.' ! INFORMATION BUREAU I I Notice to Advertisers On ana alter April 1, 1919, I'lisinecs uirccory sdvcrtis;ng m The Utancld d will be 1 per line er niorth. I . ANYTHING New or Old ANYTHING iv to 26 new or old UiUghl. tolU or uaJcJ Phone 33J. EOOKS AND STATIONERY Urumwell ioou and biuiioncry. :'36 Wutfbuiston Ave. Vtume juu. -ji BANKING Utah National Uank. southeast comer Tweau -lounii und Vvaiihipgton i oi.u COUNSELOR-AT -LAW X n. u Oonnell) Ufiden, Utah. Li il advice by UVUL Wrllc nc lto lucla i nuiic 3Jo CARPET CLEANING K. aji Kampen tor utJiolstorinj;, car pat cleaned., altered and laid, itetoaluus ui mitftrraaiaa. i'liync Kxjiert carpet cleaning uMtresa reno vating, upUolU:iU, und sprints u itrlciicd. Call i-. J. Hauipuiil Co.. i-euliKr Kcnovailng. l'lronu al)-. CHIROFRACTOR Owen Wi Halvcrson. L. Ins phoT-1080-Vv'. vol-VuJ Lleclea Liuildint;. CITY SCAVENGER McCariliy m Co.. 2734 Grant Ave. Phone uio-W. COOPER SHOP Repair all kinds of haric-ls. tuba, KG ChrUt Uiisen. 3&0C Adama. Pliono 980. DENTISTS Tin- New Method Dentists are special ists In all brunches of Dentistry. 24i'J w oshington Ave. MIW DRAIN TILE FOR SALE Inl. 1 mountain Con. r. i.- Co. Twi ntio h and lancoln Ave.. OKrtun, L'tah. I'honus OCS and 187. -231U ENGRAVING UKoeii Idnifraving Service Co, makers Ol HJiv; culd 111 one ol l:lon: colors. ill 1. WtaUiy-iourtii street Pnone -itJ. FIRE INSURANCE Cnurius IdisenuerK, Phone Cat enuonlnn ana aiicnigan Cpmmeroial stun aaiJ Insurance. 157 j HEATING AND VENTILATING Standard Heating and Ventilating .'o. 258J urant. Aye. Phone 3U6- a. w . Kruiiipennun. Hi? HAY AND GRAIN tiay. grain and poultry feed. D-d iiio. 3.1 Twenty-third street. Phone jbio. aiw HIDES. VOOLS, FURS u. M. Etunyan, --t'J Wall Ave., pays top pi ices, l'hone '. Jl-V IjJo JOBBING Jobbing, brick, cement uud plastering Phone 7'1U lb3& W'ushinclon. UO JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide ic Junk Co., 2323 Wash ington Ave. 1'iiono 881. Ogden Junk Houae, 20jD vVashington Ave. Phono 210. KEY FITTING Key lining and lock repairing. Hud ion ltepair bhop. 2-16'J Hudson. iJ'j7 MtOUARRIE MILLINERY H(7 Twenty-fifth street We are offer ing a splendid line ot trimmed and tallor ikJ hats at great reductions. A good aaaortment at on e-halt price. Exception ally good values for your money. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A- Fernlund. office hours 10 to 4 P m. Now I Very lildg Hudson Au. ; Ren. Phono (Jib. Olllco phonu l'J00-S. REFINISHING Di beds, chandeliers, office fixture.! I reiuiianca i. nuiian u Ned. cw MMi rwemictn street. MM REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Willaru Kay, real estate and .o-a::-.-. -ili aoJliliiuil Ave. 1'ilOlJe Ojj. i.l SCAVENGER 1 J Uarbage and rubbish hauled, cesspool ana ton. i.n cleaned. Jonn Chipp A; t.'o. 1'none 828. -'oit Utldaon Ave. Jli.i SANITARY WORK Sanitary Uarougu Co., all kinds of rub- b'h liuult-d 1'hOlle 020 SEVING MACHINES Wo lent, repair, carry needles in'I I pulls loi all unios ot nii.i hin.-s. sfewiug Machine Co Washingtu:i Ave Phone .sjI. ! TRANSFER WORK Call S, M. Moore for all kinds of MM transfer work, l'hone 2871-W. i32i TENTS AND AWNINGS Ogden Tent Ac Awning Co. Manufac lurera of high grade store. Office and resident awninga v'aterproo covo.-j, bags, etc. Anything In canvas. JJ.. Waanlngton Ave. Phono 2CS. ljji VACUUM CLEANERS Phone 25S2-J lor vacuum elennor. l 03 for 21 hours sterilized dust bag. oil A For rent Ohio vacuum cleaner. Four houis Sue. l'hone 2097. 1371 M WINDOWS CLEANED Expert window und wall paper cleaning anywhere. American Window Cleaning. j VM Phone 5C3. 2370 Washington Ave. MM Retid the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads.