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13 HI BMBBBro TMK OGDEN STANDARD: OGDgN, UTAH. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1919 I ! ( ,0r Subscription .md Advertising I J I Department, Call Phone No. 56. f " RANDOM Ml REFERENCES II Pierc: Here Sun. R. A. Pierce, BU- Hj; pfvini''n:l of the Oregon Short Line, f with .-I".:. ";ii l'" I '". :in i .-(I in jjj e - niii- i d E- P. Mills has resumed his prar- j I ticc. Office in the Lewis building. I Phone 709 W. Residence phone 709-1. U I j To Salt Lake S ipt H G Van sen en the Sail Lake and Los Angeles n-.ilr; .1 v ihrougl I gd n li I I j ojfcnlng bound for Salt Lake I f I j Old p.ipcrs ior cile. Ogden Stand- III nrd- I I Mission The Ensign gospol ml slon 111 , 11 be open I Ll - evenin at 131 ! Twrnt t.nli street At the opening eeimirny the Rov. C R Garner, pas i I Clean ranS wanted at The Standard I I office. I l i Wood nen A III in. rabi i to the w oodm n ol l World closed last night when a score Hllf nr ni : I'M n v . , . into th I B I lodge More than 1200 Ogd men are Wn now members of thp lodge. M C-REFOR at, nil drug stores. 1S33 I If Sunday School Officials of th V I R ! bor Coun,y Supday School I pion, r p- I It ' )CIgMiqP-gPl'llMfll'a II JANUARY p I 1 TO 10 B If All Savings depos- xj II I! its made between U ft jj Jan. 1 and 10 at III jj OGDEN j jj SAYINGS BANK jj 1 1 p draw interest from jj 1 1 January I. II jj A Savings acceuni J HI SI is infinitely more ? I! ! important now IS f than it was ten g HI j years ago, jj HI j 1) in these days of !) HI i the high cost of !iv-1 Hj !) iog, illness cr re- H !j verses soon leave ! Hj ! one stranded. jl Ij ij Wise men provide ll HI ? against such eaier- J ? HI I! geacies to the best il I of their ability. Hj f In every emerges- f y I jjj cy a bank account f f j) is a true friend. f THE OGDEN fj j SAVINGS jj ; iSB A 6 2334 Washmnton Ave. Ij ffig If OGDEN, UTAH I $ ? I I j it Il CAPITAL AND SURPLUS H ac S300.000.00 z ' I 1 III Member cf the Federal A I Reserve Bank r OFFICERS t ;;'H z. M. S. Drowning, President il 1 II l'c!lri Watson, Vice President a H C'', 'l:z H Dc:rLcn, C?ciiier j hk&HH 2c G- T- Jcppesen, Asst. Cashier I a :f&H (I DIRECTORS H hi Angus T. Wright CHH I v. w. Bitter f :4JRH John Watscn V III II C M. Conroy 5 IB v 1 1 M- S. Brcwmng I cVi n B. Porter ? 9H i 'i T c Mercer a Ijl 0j John K. Spiers "ofiH " 1 ' ' rxrrru.fyLjKXBI-1 uliu im., mh ii himiihi 'iiin1 o i ' "' 1 i . PROPERTY DAMAGED IN $1000 BI AZF TO BE REBUILT AT ONCE i Workmen ore already cle.n in s the d -I brln l :i !' fl,ft i la8t nKht ;it I Wushlnnton Market. 2472 Washington :ivenii prcpnratory to retlmikilii,; -,K r,.-cstalillRhlnK liiflnos aa'n a, ,( , done. I The fire broke out at ftl"'ui ,,i o'clock In ih rour-story ituctiu ,., ground floor of which i occuple.l l.y t.,. Wn hmston Market The (tniiuiKe i:; . ; li'..:. t. d ftl a I. $311, ). HlthoiiKh A. r. .Mtllcr, pvn-, ,,f ih,- bulldins unci proprietor ot tlif nnr ,.t : ,:. i this morning that until th. i building was sufficiently cleaned up an) th- lights reinstalled, it was lmpossli-l.-to tell the exact loss. The iip r three floors of the structm NVcro occupied ly the SAvllle loomi -houeo. Here Ihore was a sllglit damac ; bj ifirc. smoke iinj water, as there w ! hi the adjoining buildings, oeeuplcd b , the Cozy theatre. 2471 Washington ave 1 1 1 1 1 r- rind the rooming house above tho theatre, managed by -Mrs. UutterflelJ. j There was iilso a slight damage to lhC,j building of the Miller property, occupied j bj B. F Thomas, printer, and Ccrfs Fasliion Shop. Mr. Miller said he had arranged for business to he temporarily conducted by the Modern Market 2430 Washington avenue, until h' could get his plate In I working order again j Police officers patrolling the business district said that they had passed through resenting the Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist, Christian, I Episcopal and English Lutheran churches will hold a meeting in thq First Baptist church on Grant avenue, January 5. Plans for the operation of the union will be materialized. PhOtOgrapnS art history of the fam i ily. Have them taken today at The Tripp Photo Studio, 320 25th St. j Withdraw John S. Lewis, a candi date for president of the Weber club, and E. M. Carnady, a candidate for a directorship of the club, have with drawn their names from the names 'submitted to the club for the coming election in January. Wiliam G. Biddle of 2447 Mon I roe avenue, is seriously 111 at his home. Estate A partial distribution of the j estate of Clarence W. Brooks, de- ceased, Is ordered by Judge A E. Pratt. The action is taken upon the ! petition of Mary Brooks, administra trix, who asked authority to distribute, $8000 to the heirs. Fcr Sale Four-hole Clark Jewell, gas. range. $25.00. 2.r79 Monroe. 1862, Dumke Floral store aowopen Ini Iportols Cafe 370 24th. PHbna 260.1 kig: i Clean rags wanted at The Standard rfice. W. O. W. children's dance has been: , postponed on account of the epidemic !of small pox. 1900 ' I DUICK, cement and plaster jobbine, cbimnevs, firewalls, etc. Phono 770. 1132 C. B Kehoo, special agent of the j census bureau, who was assigned to i assist in the Ogden office, has left for. Goldfield, Ne . to assist, officers hav ing charge of census enumerators. Preparations for the field work which I will start January 2, are now being made. oo PLEADS QUILTY Fred Tarks pleaded guilty to a chars of drunkenness in the city court thi I I morning and whs fined ?."0 with tle alter native lenience of 50 days. Parks Js from Denver. i Young Man Injured h Accident Succumbs George Fames of Harrisville, who was injured Satdrday in an elevator, I accident at the Heorgp A LoweHard jwaro company, died last night at 7:50, , o'c lock. Karnes was injured when, in looking1 down the elevator shaft from the third floor, he was runiel; by the descend-' I ing elevator cage. Barnes wafl horn In Almo, Idaho, February 22. 1898. the son of Robert! ; J. and I.ucy Knighf Eames. Several' I brothers and sisters survive. The body I was removed to the Llndquist estab-! llshment. oo Too much hot weather pives you tht after-a-blg-dlnncr feeling. the Canal alley, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth streets, about fifteen min ute:; before the fire broke out and tbn: they saw no indications of a fire. Th.- fire fraa first noticed In the Snvtllc rOmingi house, an alarm being turned In. whll.' ihe room'-! In that plaec wer.- hastily awakened and warned of the dan ger. Some of thetn escaped with little ciothlnK, others remained to pacK up all ' Of their effects. As soon as the fire de partment equipment arrived, the tenants In adjoining rooming houses also starl"i preparations to seek safety and it was not until two hours later that they could be Induced to return to their rooms. Belief that the fire may have he4l a used by n cigar or cigarette stui or I'.v a lighted match, carelessly droppeu in the Washington Market, was cxpn stied by Miller, who said that he had. signs throughout tiw building warning against sui ii dangvrs. The department responded to two other alarms yesterday. The rirst was a root p'"' by the explosion of gavoilliv Lat the ptah Tire & Repair company, o:. jVashhiKton avenue. Gasoline bad been mixed with paint and a torch applied to warm It. An explosion resulted, but the fire was extinguished with snow. No dnnii T'k seeonii fire was caused 1 binning soot at the Virginia hotel. Twenty. fourth street and Adarpi SvenUC. Flaming soot emitted from the chimney. f Il the cornice. MY SCHOOLS IB SERVE HOT LUUGH TO CHILDREN After numerous d, lays in securing the equipment, two of the six county schools that will serve hot lunches to children began ervice yester day in Hooper and Fair West schools. At Hooper yesterday one hundred r.nd seventy pupils w. ie M ived, ac cording to Principal Geoi-ge E. Fow ler. Miss Mabel Holmgren ot the do mestic science department, assisted by Miss Jennie Child and Mrs. J. G Wid dison, Jr., of the locnl firm l.ur.-au workers, managed the pr paration ;uiil serving. This will become a regular dailv service at this school from now on, as also other county schools. Farr West school under the direc tion of Principal Brian Jacob . assist ed by his teachers and pupil- a o I gant he serving of a hot toeal to pu pils ol their school yesterday. t tin local welfare workers, Mrs. C. F. Lar kins has been particularly active in securing the lunch materials and pro viding for the success ef the urnl- Mak ing at Farr West Other women of th town contributed ihcir help in ).. service. Besides these towns. Pleasant Vi v. and Biverdale are preparing to carrv on similar v. ork within the next leu days. Huntsville nd L'intah will b gin hot lunches also as soon as all plans are perfected. Miss Ellen Agren, county horn demonstrator for Weber county, has spi nl much time and effort in helping the school people and local communi ty - to install the hot lunch system in the six schools mentioned. If success ful in these schools during the present year, it will be extended to others next year, according to Supt. B. A. Fowler. oo Suits For Divorce 1 Filed by Two Women That her husband has treated her, in a cruel and Inhuman manner and i called her vile names and otherwise caused her men'al distress, is alleged! in the suit for divorce filed in the dis trict court today by Anna McKnight gainst Leroy McKnight. The two, were married in Ogden, June 28, 1904, i and have one child, p( which the plain-, tiff askfl Ihe custody together with1 general relief. Mary M Brown filed suit in the dis-1 trict court today against Clarence Lee; Brown, seeking divorce upon the I grounds of failure t provide The two, were married in Pueblo, Colo., July! 22, 1912. : uu LEAVE FOR EAST. Mr. and Mrs. J V Ruben left Og-', den today for their home in the east.1 The , have been visiting for a month I ! with Mrs. Ruben s daughter, Mrs. J. R. ' Kelly. J TTAMrF I-he Old Year Out Ijl I "Xf JjjL ! -i-iHLIi Vyl Al The New Year In Ij I gap4! BEAUTIFUL BERTH AN A III I Hill DANCING TONIGHT FROM 9 TO 1 A. M. ! I II Ibidlltlm wxA-LX-uxn-v-u- Welcome the Youngsters to Merry Music by flilf HNEWY LILLIAN THATCHER ORCHESTRA j HAPPY j j fWM YEAR Couple. $1.00; Extra Lady, 50c YEAR II l S REFRESHMENTS I ! 1 j ; ; L.' -.- J v r livsre' i a Tip After 1 1. l-y. i J SOCIETY : -Tii - ' . t MR. AND MRS, HUGH G. WOOD ENTERTAIN AT MOST BEAUTIFUL PARTY IN THE BERTHANA TUESDAY EVENING At the lnitrevt party of the year In Opdcn, two hundred and flrty ' couples of this city's elect were cntor t;i Inc-d Inst evening In the lovely P. i ili.nn I where Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wood, prom ' incnt Ogdenitcs, presided. From th'j opening number by Miss Lillian Thatcher's rochestra until tbe "gooa- niKbt" selection was played, a merry time was spent, and throughout thj evening I words of praise were volcecl for the it Imarkable splendor In which the part; is conducted. Not In the least exaggerated Is the statement that the Jlerthann. whose in terior lovllness Is quite sufficient toii. demands of any entertainer, was made surprisingly and unsurpassubly beauti ful for the party last evening. Instead of the usual plan for mere floral decora I tion. Mr. and Mrs Wood decided upon "something different' the carrying nut of a scheme of symbolic decoration Sir, I F Ij. Clawson. whose remarkable abllitv, j , If not recognized before the event of lasi evening, is surely acknowledged todiy. wn:. oncapecl by Mr. and Mrs Wood to I perfect the scheme and tbe ef f eci wra t I truly wonderful. "Stanford Unfversity of Calffornla," of I whic h Bdmtind Wood, son of Mr. an I Mi Hugh C. Wood. Is a promising StU- ! dent was honored, the decorative tea. lures throughout the hall room and in the parlors and dining room, betlig carried out In the university colors, red and while and with tie symbols or the schooi. j Quite tbe most attractive ol all ins ar raneenients was the immense platform built In the form and easily recognizable las the ' I ; ic.lfSNb f Knowledge" and upon which the Lillian Thatcher orchestra In IHfrcning dress gave forth sweet strain:! 'Mviiiusie for tbe happy party oT dancers. This :ii- lie- symbol of the foundal of Stanford and at the back of the boole whei in rdlnary form would 1e placed the name of ihe author, was the name I Inland Stanford and in place of Ihe title bnhc word "Knowledge." Erected from the feot of the ho'ok and extending it an ancle high above the heads of the orchestra members was a white laddet, I representing the ladder of ambition Tlvn , v,.i3 an Exceptional work of art. Trelliseil I up the lad'i- r were beautiful red roses I eomhined vith honey locust thorns an. I miniature r. .1 and while lishts nlternat ' ing and lovlie.-t ( all was the bright star at the top, wlfii h represented the "Star 1 of Hope." and the joints or wbich v. 1 'formed of twinkling red and while liglus j The Star was centered with an immense , letter "S" very effeelively brought for ; ward from the star ils If. Expressions of wonderment and surprise v. ere heard throusliout ihe cveninp ot fo perfectly combined a scheme of decoration. Not the least of ihe rxqui-ile features and one alao 8yjboi ei Stanford I nl vorsity. was the b0..ih which exlemled . ovfi- tie entire north v t corner or tn -; ball room. Here lovel u-,, . n plush rur. I tnlns wore hupg and dirrctiv in front or them were brightly ,1 ated counters j where young ladies 1 ,.e most plctur r ' of cotumes pidci and dealt j l OH BOYHIH Jf i . ?efMie ToniigM 1 jj OLIE AND HIS JAZZ j j 9 Sport Dances 9n everything. "The Music That jj y Makes Dancing a Pleasure" m '' ' mss ()-asBS()-esBS-n-ao-awi)-m()jaw ' out especially made favors of red and I white caps and noisy red and white horns. The- costumes for the young ladies were made especially by Dcnison of Chicago and were designed to represent Christmas trees. The favors were also mad.- by the Chicago concern. In the reception rpom leading into the ballroom Ihe center table was dec orated with a lovolj' basket of red and white roses and the parlors where Mr. and Mrs Wood and Mr and Mrs. Hu laniski received the guests, were also very effectively decorated with lh flowers. The dining room was exceed ingly pretty, each table being centered ' with a vase of roses and ferns. Here al tbe eleventh hour a banquet waa served, Kern's splendid caterers and a corps of colored waiters being en gaged Chicken patties with wafers and ices in the shape of various fruits and really most wonderfully wrought, were perfectly served. In the ballroom two kinds 01 delicious fruit punch were served during the evening. It is said that Miss Lillian Thatch er's orchestra has never furnished a inoic elaborate and thoroughly c-nt r taining program than that of last eve ning and if expressions of those who enjoy the u rpsichoi eau art are an thentic, the program was indeed de lightful. Ogden society folk who attended the party enjoyed one of t,he most elabd rate, if not the most elaborate dancing parties . r given in this city. OGDEN ITES TO GO TO CAPITAL The following Ogdenitcs, members cf Ihe Salt Oratorio socjely, are to go to Salt Lake tomorrow morning to be present at the singing of the "Messiah" which Squire Coop will di rect: Mrs, Benjamin Tyree. Mrs. John Culley. Mrs Agnes Warner, Mr and Mrs. I,e -li.- SaOlle. Lester Hindi cliffe, Charles Hlnchcliffe, Ed Peter son, Mr. Foster and Hagbart Anderson. VISITING MRS. E. T. SPENCER Mrs. E. T. Spencer has as her guest her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Des Spain ol Sandy, Utah, her aunt, Mrs ; Charlotte DesSpain and her brother, Corporal New.-!! DesSpain of the 1 S army, with Miss I5c-s Jensen of Mid vale. LEAVE FCR CALIFORNIA. G. W. Bramwell departed today for California to join his wife on a pleas ure trip. They will visit friends and relatives in and around Los Angeles, returning to Ogden about March 1 by way of Portland j DAUGHTERS OF MORMON CATTALION. The Daughters of the Mormon Bat talion will hold a special meeting Fri dav at 2 p. m. at the home of. Mrs. Vilate Smith, ltCS Twenty-fifth street. All members are requested to be present VISIT IN OGDEN. Mr. and Mrs. T. Earl Pardoe. former ly of Ogden but for the past several months residents of Provo, Utah, where Mr. Purdue has charge of tho( department of oral expression al the t BrJghajn Young university, have been' visiting in Ogden for a few days and ; will return to their home tomorrow. j HOME CULTURE CLUB. -The members of the Home Culture j club will not meet this comipg Saturj j day but will hold their next nicelins January 10 when an interesting pro gram will be given The place of meet-j lug will be announced later. j -Welcome Home Party" for Dr. E. P. Mills Tonight at Congregational Church S- J "Welcome Home" party is tc be Liven this evening at the First Con orecational church m honor of the re fur, 0f nr E P. Mills from American J llo 1 Cross in Siberia. Tm- J ilivciit r- under 1 n0 direction of Ibc I Lad K ul socieiy of the church and 1 ; D program or game, anil cc-n, I sin1" v.,m i..ih r ' r ghtened by I the i Allowing -nu.ical and drama... I ' procr nil ' .. U Duatl -The Sunshine or Yout Smile I j, 1 " MiBses I V S5oiKirkpMrick and Orarn Matthews Violin,..-,., oberla s" (Vinlav.vkO : S I "Pierottc Serenade" (Randeger) . . Miss Mary Parmltiy Solo "In My Garden" Miss Zoa Kirkpatrick Solo "Love Is Mine" (Gartner); ' Rose of My Heart" (Lohr) Mr. E. L. Howes I Reading (selected) Miss Vera Hasscnr.l'lug Solo "For You Alone" Miss Grace Matthews Violin obllgato , Miss Mary Parmley j Banjo solo "Souvenir (Greenberg) . ) Miss Mary Parmley' Concerted item ".Old-Fashlctled Melodies" Mi6o Mary Parm j ley, Miss Zoa Kirkpatrick. Miss Grace Matthews, Mr. E L. Howes A number of the- items will be ren- den d bj performers in the quaint, cos- I tunics of the Colonial days. A dainty lunch is being pr.-par I and j will be en e'd l - young i.ide .i the congregation Al 11:16 r- rn the festivities o the 1 pirty will give way to. a watch-eight j service, penluffe-d h flic Lev. f,od- frey Matthews. i ALHAMBRA 1 Coming Tomorrow II sPFriAi New Year's ! flam f T 4 CHARLES ' Crkd! Slsaiailni I by Jul.crvJosephsoa . Di'rcctcd byJER.OME STOR... J Pto AW Chester Lyons, A Thos.H Ince productior j BCe zKparu.zQunlfirlcnillQidiii-Q j :ake 1 1 f PRICES Qf I jlUe All Day ? : Coming Mexf Smnday j I $1,000,000 Production I IL Rcalart Special J$f& jaj J Soldiers of Fortune" M J I C 1 A romantic nad gripping story depict- "J P6kdjWB fl j US ing I In; adventures ot a during n.inincj j&fytytV Ebi4S i I1 cngu ei i-.v novelist " The First Big Gen of the Ogden livest H ShowWateh for B;g Announcement J j