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i ( HE QGULN SJAiNUAKU: L IA11 DXIi.bDA i , UblL.W.LK 51. 19N 7 1 Government Works I on Plans (or Ogden Aon Depo, further assurance that the govern Hgent will establish an ordnance depot I on the a"'1 l"JPfi t")ll,h r Kden and I tributary also to Salt Lake City was Received tod from Senator Reed 1 Ismoot in a letter to Warren L Wattls. Bbresldent of the Chamber of Com- 'Cffaj also made clear that the depot ho an Improvement of national lm- i ortance and that it will have the backing of Senator Smoot. who will alpo Eivc' personal atTpntion to the de tails of 'he neressary locislat Ion. Sen tor smooi's letter as ;ii r ply to the L-eqiies. f"r ?;lPr""'' telegraphed by K(r Wattls Similar promises ot sup Krt nave heretofore been received sfropi Sena'"! King and Representative LWelllnp In hi letter to ihe president let trfl obor c,lb- Senator Smoot Win In part: I ;,i have just had a talk with Lieut Wo A. J- Stuart, ho ir one of the of fleers who went to Utah to decide on the stte He cavp me the following information hieh you no doubt are in pofses'ion of. 'hat the depot is for re ; gen"? ammunition, and that the gov ternmont studied the whole country in order to choose two suitable sites, and 'finally decided on one in Illinois, and tf.the o'lher selection was made in Oc ; tober of the one in which you are ln I terested. I "The construction division of the Bar department is now working on ihe ! plans for tho depoi. The department J I lis? the nece.sf-ary money foi the con Bltruct.lon, but must have the author Bastion of congress and detailed esti Knates before the work can be actually Earted. Colonel Stuart is going to on me so that we can decide on tp hr. and quickest way to ?et ihe Enatter through congresn. You can J i rrjt assured that I shall watch the BCnatter closely, and do everything pos , Kble to get the construction started Kt the earliest practicable dale." I This Is in exact line with the in formation possessed by the publicity I department of the Chamber of I om ! jut-rep The ni'firers were here In Oc Eober and were shown the various sites Ender the direction of the Publicity I Bureau Vice President Tames H. Douglas,! I Brrank J. stc rn- M S I!m nine, and j WSf, H Wnttis of the Publicity Bureau Kcompanied the officers after a lunch feon at the Weber club, to a number Mk ; Midnight i I Dyspepsia Hi&tc Suppers and the Snack Be I fore Going to Bed Are All Right and Safe If You Fol low With a Stuart's , Dyspepsia Tablet. rM I The stomach oft- n feel? empty just befrie bed .". 1 1 1 tie bile usuallv I Klrr pfluce? sleep To avoid indigestion. etletDess and the Mark brown" fiBite in the morning, take Stuart's I Dyspepsia T : i I i hfie; ...ning. It sup- Bl Just the right elements to aid in dieting food, rests the stomach, pro- tideg prop, vi :; m, el-eve (he (enden- V'o gasslness and sour risings, morn Hj1? biliousness and consequent ab Mnce of appetite for breakfast. To Bike a practke of always using tuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after eat I Ini Is one ot ih--se precautionary mea Btfes thai repay immenseh This is H age of. prevention and these tablets redesigned to promote liberty of eat Hw and the good-fellowship that goes lib a pood meal ou ill find tuarfs Lnsprpsia Tablets in all druc Mores throughout the T'ntted States tld Canada. of locations before the one on the sand ridRc was finally approved. Harry Carey in "Bare Fists," fifth episode of "Houdini"; Snub Pollard in "Start Some thing" at the Lyceum today. Open II to 11. Girl Wife is Saved From Assault Attempt Threats of lynching followed ihn alleged attempted ar.-ault of Mr- K Garaont by George Guskos, the police report Mrs Gnmont is the lG-year- l old wife of an Ogden railroad man. I Guskos who is day cook at the Manos lunch room, on Twenty-filth j street, is said to havo persuaded the woman to accompany him to his j room h promising iter a Christmas present. She complied onlv when sored that she would be allowed to stand on the porch. On arriving at th- rooming house, on Lincoln avenue, GuskOB is said to have Ernbbcd the woman and forced her to enter his room. She screamed and the land lady entered. The L-irl's husband arrived at the rooming house in time to see his wite thrust through the door b GuskOB, who brandished n largf reolv-r. Guskos made good his escape and thus far has not been apprehended, the police state. nn Doug Fairbanks in "ARI ZONA" Latest Current Events and Lyons-Moran Comedy at the Cozy today and tomorrow. Open today as usual at 2 p. m. no . OFFICERS OF COUNTY ABE GIVEN LETTERS OF THANKS The manner in which the affairs of the county and the judicial district have been conducted by the officials I has caused the board of county com nilssioners to write letters of com imcndatlon to the heads of the depart mentfl thanking them and their em ployes. To Judge Alfred W Agee and Ar 'thur E. Pratt of the district court, the commissioners have expressed their .lpprectation of the manner and econ omy in which the judicial affairs of I the county have been conducted. ! Stuart P Dobbs, district attorney, and Joseph B. Bates, county attorney, are commended for the good work of their offici jfi Herbert C, Peterson Is commended for the efficient manner he has con ducted the affairs of his office The fact is brought out In the letter that the fines and forfeitures received dur inc the year have materially reduced the expenses of the office The sher iff's department has aided a great deal in the reduction of the amount of crime in the county. The sheriff and his deputies have handled a great amount of work in the city. D. W. Evans county treasurer, is praised " it is noted that out of $1, 175,000 in taxes he has collected $1. 1 120,000 and that this year he has had the smallest delinquent list In ihe his tory of the county. Miss Kathryn Higginbotham, count recorder, is reminded that her office I has efficiently handled twice the amount of business of former years j with the usual force. Walter N. Farr, county clerk, has conducted the affairs of the office iu la most creditable manner, the commis sioners said in their letter. The clerk I and his deputies have met the 1m r ling business of the office in a manner pleasing to the public and the com missioners. Owen M. Sanderson, county asses I sor. has given a fine administration of the office 1 Chairman M. P Brown said ioda, J Start the New Year Right JH by Bathing at Ogden H Canyon Sanitarium H AUTO BUS SERVICE EVERY DAY I Every hour, on the hour, in the hour a closed car for 25 or more Bj II I pas5en3trs i l WEEK DAYS The car will leave the Union depot for the San at I I I 12 'cloci noon, the returning car to leave the San at 12:30 following ! I at schedule time untd 12 o'clock midnight. "UH SUNDAY The schedule will be from 9 o'clock a m. until midnight. j ROUTE Union depot to Twenty-fourth on Wall avenue; Wall Jj J W Washington avenue along Twenty-fourth street, along Washington II I venue from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth street; thence to th: j, I Springs via Twenty-fifth street, Harrison avenue and Canyon boule ft jl I Yrd; from the Springs the car will go direct to Union depot via Twen bU y"fl,tn treet. You may board the car at any point along the rou's yrfll I Hotel stop. J5 Ogden Canyon Sanitarium j OGDEN as a sugar market i attracting publicity. CHIROPRACTIC as a health giver is crushing Mr. Doubter. GET THE IDEA? ROSS H. McCUNE CHIROPRACTOR Phone for an appointment Lewis Block. Over Lewis Jewelry. ! that Web r county has many finr- off! who hav. given excellent admin Istratlons. Their record has been un excelled He said the departments are all working in complete harmony. Watch Night Service j Planned by Baptists Watch nlghl services will be held itonieht at the First Baptist church. I This service complies with the request of the national officers of the' inter church world mnement. Similar meetings will be held in all parts of the United States. Short talks will be made by Prof. Smith and Ueaeon Geb hart. A portion of the oratorio. "The Salvation uf Israel,' will be given by ihe choir The meeting will start at 7:30. Dr. Ray Palmer will preach ' a 'short sermon at -' 30 o'clock. uu Watch Night Party tonight. See Doug Fairbanks tonight at the Alhambra and watch the old year out. Open till mid night. Last show 10:30 till 12 p. m. STORY RELATED HOW warn is INTRODUCED I How the idea of irrigation wa-s brought lo 1'tah by members of the Mormon battalion to be developed to irrigation's present status is related in .m nn I. prepared by the local com mlttee in charge of collecting Weber county's ?12.000 share toward the fund for a monument to the Mormon bat talion Th" article: "The wonderful development of this western country is no doubt largely due to the great agricultural activities I of the pioneers. It was a matter of hain these great barren wastes pro duce, or move to other lands where na seemed to be more favorable, and in their efforts to solve the problem, the thought was suggested: 'Why not turn water on the land?' "After this it required much time and hard work to divert the mountain streams upon the hard, hoi and dry land. "This was done in 1S4 7 "This achievement marks the very first attempt, and is the foundation up on which the great irrigation systems of America are based, because, prior to this time, as far as we know, no ir rigation was practiced in merlca. only in a meager way in Mexico Ai .-anta Fe. the Mormon banalion observed that some Mexicans were diverting water upon lands for the pur pose of Irrigating them This was at the time when the battalion was en route to the Tacific coast Observing this fact, it is the opinion of many, j , m, mbere ol the Mormon battalion I suggested the idea alter arriving in the Great Salt Lake valley, and that due to I their efforts irrigation canals wen' 1 built and in (he course of time other great projects were constructed thai now water thousands of acres of land "All know that irrigation has re deemed the west and the once desert lands are now teeming with wealth and Pr-TPhlsllhas all been accomplished through Irrigation suggested tJ a I member of the Mormon battalion oo ' Pimples, bad breath, sallow color--rch' it's awful - take Hullistei -Rocky Mountain Tea and be in ln Iwim! Mclntyre Drug Oo.-Advertise. ment Defendant Absent So $500 Bond Is Forfeited m the c-aso of the state ..(,-ninst David Sickle? the ball of 1500 was ordered for feited this mornta"nd a warrant for hn irrel lasuod by Judge D. R Roberta Slckley was arrest- 1 in Ortobvi In con ; tlon with the tov cor looDerlc which occurred In the local yards. t the tlrst trlnl Slckloy nxked th.-M hll i U DC 5,et at $500 as his family was In deslltuto condition When the date fer ! his trial arrived Sicklcy had departed I for port3 unknown. oo It's a p'ty that more scrmona ri not I ;, m deep ftB they are lone I MclTandhiirph Wllcon In the Now YotK Sun, PAWTAGES HAS NOVEL BILL FOR NEW YEAR'S "Temptation," a Drama and Comedy Heads List of Six Acts Tomorrow A delectable holiday menu Bpiced with all sorts of holiday cheer is scheduled for Ihe entertainment of r;mi.ies patrons Murine th- weeS be ginning with the u year daj bill to inororw. Manager .1 P Cos- has made special arrangements for a bit: hill of six novel jacts. headed by Temptation." a com edj and drama with much delight, imisic and dance, furnished by pretty girls and a snappy story. Bobby Vail, who presents tho pro ductlon, is a comedian par excellence, who lends a lot of laut-hter to "Temnt at ion " Another bright spot on the bill is held b the Four Leons. who have ono of thr. fastest and most amazing tighl " Ire acts in vaudeville. "Dance Fantaslc," as presented by Jane Kennedy, is a bit of delightful terpsichorean art thai la certain to win instant faor and which stars Cecele 'd Andrea and Henry Walters. A ?a French soldier dance, ih dance of the artist and the millinery maid, and of j Pierrot and the French ballet dancer are numbers from their repertoire. 1 Quibley and Fitzgerald are two chaps who have a line of chatter and song I that is said to be distinctly new and (down to the minute. A unique oomedy act will be put on bv Dunbar and Turner, combined with some yodeling that promises to be ex ceptionaL Frank Ward has a dance act that is altogether out of the beaten way, for it remains for him to show how to drmce with the fingers. Albert Erirkson and his orchestra will offer a special holiday musical ar rangement. Adv. llilS TO PUNT BERTH RED IT ' COMING BALL ah dressed up in cowboy stylo, with ! "loud'' 6hirts. chaps, boot? and big hatu members of the Opden Rotarv cluh will attend the ball to be piven at the Eerth nna Januar 9, In connection with Ogib ll'fl f i rt annual stoek show. Members of the Club Will support Die coming Livestock show, which will uf held here January S. 9 and 10. Tho mem bers of the cluh al the wecklv meeting at the Weber club today unanimously in dorsed th show and will lend their sup port In putting the show over the top Two new members were enrolled today. They were Fred M. Nye. local clothlnc merchant and Gage Rodman, one of t toh' canning leaders. In a report which was read on tho Children's Aid society it Tias stated that more than S.'iiiO was raised for this soclel 1 through the club. Mrs. Fred N Hess, secretary of the Children s Aid. wrote a poem thankln.' the Rotarians. Pioneer Resident of Huntsvilie Is Called Metta Maim RassDUscn. one of Hunts- 1 villo's oldest pioneers died at her homo !n ' Ifuntsvllle at 11.30 o'clock last night, after an illness of several years. She was born in Denmark. October 6 1841 and ! came to Utah In lSt"S She has been . resident of Hudtsvillc .since that time. She Is survived by her husband. Denni.T I Rassmusen. Funernl services will hf hela I in the Huntsville meeting house Frlaav afternoon with Bishop Joseph Peters.., ' officiating. Interment will be made In i th Huntsville cemetery. Utah Theatre Gives Free Show to Kiddies Following a Xew Year's custom. Mana ger Fhyn of the Utah Theatre, has an I notine.-d that on Xew Year's morning" he will give a free program for Ogden chil dren up to i years, the theatre being Open from 10 i0 12 o'clock for the llttv Bblka Announcement of the event wa 1 postponed pending a. conference with IT'S A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELING gj to have Dad and the Boys HN say "Ma, that's sure Gj SOME bread you baked today." And they will al H ways say it when you bake jfl bread from 1 PRESTON I FLOUR 9 Milled right from wheal M fnat's hard to beat. At H your Grocers. I T. Farr & Co. Distributors Subdivision k I A Few 1a CHOICE LOTS 1 at Before the War Prices H Although Ogrlon is growing by leaps and bounds--thoro has ltpcti no change in thr- prions of Lovelock Sub-Division lots, since before the war Today we are offering 53 of the choicest building lots in Ogden as low as at $10 per month and an initial payment of $'i. Tin-so lots H arc excellent building lots and the prices are lower than any other improved or restricted sec- sisisisisifl of Ogden. sV nlmsJtf hi liflB I i The photograph here reproduced shows some of the many Eine and beautiful homos near H Lovelock Sub-Division. Health Inspector Shorten', who decided i that such nn assemblage was perfectly safe. TWO YOUTHS 10 Gil! ; 1 SENTENCED Two Provo youths. Ilr-nry SIl mister. need 20 und Taul BrlmWlI, SSVd 10, weri , found Kuilty of a chargs of vagrancy in . the city court this morning and Hon ' teneed to pay a fine of $15 each or. spun.i 15 days In the city Jail. Both boys are ! sons of prominent families. j Early yesterday morning the two were 1 arrested at the Marion hotel with two Kills. Officers Tout and .Ione3 made tin; I arrest. One of the girls being under IS years i of age will be tried before the Juvenile COUrt The other girl, who claims Sn'i I--ike as her home, was fined $13 with J the alternative sentence of 15 days H r father puld tho tine. She Is marri l Tho two boys, without funds, started ! their Jail sentences toda. Brimhnll. according to members of the police and sheriff's departments wJH i placed under arrest Immediately after ' ho is released from Jail .on a chai tre o passing fictitious checks. It Is alleged that Brlmhall has passed a numl" r "i worthless checks in Salt Lake and Ogdn Foley's Honey and Tar COMPOUND LOOSENS THE PHLEGM AND MUCUS, clears the air passages, coats inflamed and irritated membranes wiih a healing and soothing demulcent, cases hoarseness, stops tickling in the throal and makes refreshing, restful sleep possible. Banished La Grippe Coughs Lwu Newman. SKH Norlbnnd St.. Charles ton. W. V. "I tn clad to toll you that Foley's Hooey and Tar is the best remedy or lung trouble I have ever used 1 have beeo down sick over since Jsnusry and nothing would do me nny good. I wos full ol cold. I bad the drip all winter until 1 got two COc bottles of Foley's Honey and Tir. 1 usod l1 j bottles. I am glad to say 1 can't ieel any more cold in my cbejt." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gives prompt relief from coughs, colds, hoarseness, tickling throat, whooping cough, spasmodic croup and bronchial coughs. A. R. MclNTVRE DRUG CO. cb a CTiinni ii i i rr - -rr. - jl1 Deaths and Funerals I CH RlSTOPHERSON. The funeral t .Mrs. Annig L Chrlstopherson was held .Monday in tho Elshth ward chapel, conducted by Blsbop W. W Rawson. The chapel was crowded v ith friends and relatives Mi-is Elizabeth Norseth sang "Some time We'll I'nderstand," and "My Faith in I'hre" Mrs Maude 1). Porter sang "Consolation," and "Unanswered Yet" was sung by Mrs. E. P. Manning Speakers were Hans Peterson. Joseph, BJortlund and Bishop Rawson Inter 1 ment Ogden City cemetery. YARRINGTON Funeral Bervices for Alexander Clayton Yarringlon. Sr. were held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the family home, 1527 N asmngion avenue, nev. j. yv. nys-, lop of the Episcopal church, officiated. I Two solo minibus were sunx. the; first, "Nearer My God to Thee" b j Mi.-s Fay King, and the second' "No Night There.' by Mrs Fred N. Hess , A large number of friends and tela Uvea of the deceased attended tin services and there were many beautl- 1 Tul floral offerings. The pallbearers ! I were three sons. Alexander C, Jr , Kobert T.. and Benjamin C. Vat ring-' ton. and three grandsons, Verne, Her bert 15, and Jesse. Interment Ogden city cemetery DEAN. Following an operation at a local hospital lor gbceSS ot the Jaw and throat. Leo T Dean, 26 years old. a tircman on the Union Pacific railroad, died at midnight. He was the son ol i.Mrs. Margaret Dean, 370 Twenty eighth Street, Seven brothers. James M.j Walter P.. C J.. William E. Bart R., Joseph B and Raymond R I " an, RUrvice him. The body was removed ' to the Klrkeudall establishment. oo Watch Night Party tonight. See Doug Fairbanks tonight at the Alhambra and watch the old year out. Open till mid night. Last show 10:30 till 12' p. m. oo OVERCOAT STOLEN Joseph Briinnon reported the theft of j nn overcoat to the police this morning The overcoat wos stolen from loan hotel and i valued at $50. Harry Carey in "Bare Fists," fifth episode of "Houdini"; Snub Pollard in "Start Some thing" at the Lyceum today. Open 11 to 11. Dr. Anna Reinstein H Arrested and Taken H to Buffalo Jail H BUFFALO, NT. Y.. Dec. 31 Dr. Anna Reinstein, wife of Boris Reinstein. a member of the Lenine-Trotzky cabinet 'and said to be in charge of propaganda I In foreign countries, was arrested here ! today by officers acting under dlrdcj i ion of the Lusk legislative Investigal J ins: committee After being quesfionel j by District Attorney Moore she was 'aken to the county Jail. Confidence Everybody has confidence in a strong bank such as the OGDEN STATE, the bank that has grown steadily ever since it began business 30 years ago. It is the kind of bank chos en by thousands of individ uals and firms who want to . be sure of receiving the very best service in handling their financial transactions. Whether you carry a checking account or a 4 per cent savings account, you will find that our service ex actly fits your needs OGDEN I STATE BANK H. C. BIGELOW. President Lvflafl HH 'fc'