Newspaper Page Text
IHE i: rr - STANgAjcEN. U TAH, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31. H Real Estate E. W. i ANN'ADY L. : Insurnnr. Hi-r-pxTii strlctl model ir-ic... V; on east front lot on bench, Hm I ;, p U I (T POM-h, cement I'll-: - I IKi' h :i tm . .' ... I u-'M I I r ' i !' I. rnnn, modern cottnjc .led jW loi oiil-l'liildlnps. fruit (r. . , I num. Ll - I ft! at f-li"'1 "" " ' ' t'"" I"""' ' pOc!on. HLn four-room eottftsie In ffooH looi sssr i -,r.1.'" "iih ' " '' r K;'-orVh' Ihc mom , Price 12000-W Kill jwymcni liown balance monthly. (itvN'ADV 27 Hudson Ave. B- " )',!' : : :" K , uril I- bir heal fruit farm In ll'th s V :' ..ii i i"' Htr ' , 5T ,., , ,-op in I'M'' 'inSr,. In rv.-. IN nt . ..n.lillMli !' ' v trViL-ht ' - when needed SiiwM ,,-..n. ''" ' " To ',;;:, rT T VOKK US -fh t Phone 88 or v B- Ni:w moil: J rooni n v. modern bungalow . bul t fO' ,i, V Vl ', n ! fOi O Wk1' Iffy ..I I . I'll'1 ' ' , KKKI' tk BjjjjjjS A iinscmi nt Broom lloM IN BJassfc.Mrt on I 1" Wtnn WfZ " " i r ill' Btiell' -'-''" II grcc Ave- " BKrTm or more furnished henis- in LsssV ,-T k vwmt.-l I". mi li. M"T77-im .f farm land near Promon- HSldrnc' suW" "in ln for donv K1' h ii ' i 'vi irrigation Tli-:. t , hom- m r,--.i. as part pavm-nt. if;., -' ys. Hrou 'R Ti -ix-room and on.- sev- V ,,;,.. ,,,,i. ,1, ...... .a. i... op- ,n,h si -i-w. isi; Tvold for- I.'.' '' 1,1 '" '"t-'"""-' P., "I" ' ' C' l i nd barn and rtin- J i: Ll'.'-lil'l Hot-!. Kopa.i. . M7k HrM.i:i:i AM" T , i NTV BrpV 'Ii ' I.-1" 1. m .print; m.l Kw ilne ' I'' "' '" 'arm sor- K Sli iiiIIcf SW ol Tremon ' p, , . '. ill !'.!; 'C n ICS; rl-. :. p. i' 1 1 1 m A-i ;';' blvseii, Rl. hdnl.-. Idaho. '"-P FOR SALE lrnT, S?"!11 wosiori r.ims. 51 SLoL I 0 ft fklr Mzr-d Int. ruislii:" " St .id R. ' lcKo?j .room frame: sou.h front: Hose In on Jtr,n, 1 ,, I .' V ' HS"r rb nd K H ei K;: , 0pU j y,iri.i.or';ll Under First National Hank B. ik house light and vratei Ten: he,-,-,- h.i.-bca: " .-nap Ih ' ' '. Ec'nr... .'all W ' ' ' V riVK-roon. l.rl. ic n ,' '" "', "i til special ' 1 paving in m - fe lo .-r 1 ; .r Mil- A fll". E and l ' n: n E cn (..ilance. On J J. A. McCULLOUGH t! Under First National Ran!; ! L74B BY OW'NKU-1 'r.'ir-iorm mo.h in iod V .... . i. : ' "-' ,-s,r Phonv 1 17uC rOUU-room hou.-r on honoh, down B per mon'h. W ' dell 16 OWNER, mort'-m four-room br'.cK alov.; large screen jKrch: fruit tres garage; lot 50x200. 15.'3 Crosi S.. C 837-J. Jf vF-room . . i on norih V :b ngtoi KOO call. JL'0.00 per month Wdeii L 1 G I i BfETFi:.V- -IT ; mii.: or.-hard: rr.. I IdiiiT.-. ii ' i 1 ' ' '" ' ''T k : or will trad, foi In-to ; op I 1 tt I"' : ' ' 1 1 ' " ' ODICRN o-room hm a h !' (r month W'. d. II 1671 V 1 1- V i ' i 1 " - i boil I in..- I. .: a" ."I 'Ol ton ii;., )..: i.i i:. a i v ...... Khlns'-'.i, Ave m. TH last v:ii.l Keotndadstove take ; .rst payment iny n w hum:.. will l.u youi o:.. rY 'r' X huue JlJi.-W 13Jti fjlVill pay you to e i3 about L-iod i :".. p.... i. i u. .-.ii '. .... '..) PtfihTcton Ae um wiili us. 968 ONCV ;.f -'in.. i .1 lei aljil l'-'J p. ople Wltl'- Mt seurlf;. . uh.-r. .. n i n i n i urc and pBMo.. Eni.v .i-kl or monthl pay- PBt? b!. .'clone! Hudson Bnlld- M Phon. JSH T-7 jLI'I I ' h- d 1-' HM loans. te.-'I e?tatc, im-ui-ancc, V louho land?, larmt ami it prop V. 1'i 'nv desiring 10 loar: money pooo first mortgage Becurltj will .1" 2 P.t0 consult me Good applications fjjni on hand. 131 Twenty-fourth St. Mttn. L tah lu BPKV ... loan on ii.-ipioed real eltnle, fcjrlck 1VJ to loan on real estate siccuritlea. Brui.iiiiitt C - L 1 -1 .FOR SAL E ELEVATOR G and Install hli?h grad lectrlc P"n,d -levatoi: . am capaeltj WrtM VV WaUous. Jli l-vi....n St Snlt Lake Ijjclniy second hand ones. i!3od E LIQUORS FOR DIVIDENDS TSBUUG. I'a 1... 31 Ulstrlbu HC)C its large stoi k of w ines and liquor. dividend to lt. shareholders W Wncfd led. iv hi the 'ltlhur Hotel.-' ny. o. the William i WANTED MaleHelp -j FIRST clpnw young mnn stfnocrnpriPr In :.les department. Lion onl Co. ls9fi two boys Cor Rood Standard rout, i'lr. ulatlon Mjjr.. Standard. Ho seouts proferred: i YOU9TG mnn, 2i years of age. who r,ad commercial training or experienc mii if I ms qulon and ncchrats with figure splendid opportunlt) for s young .mn with "pep." Add. I.'ox 19, raw Stand i I I JS27 BOY with honma for Standard rout', on a hour eaeh dQ : $5.oa prr week. ISa? BOYS with hor.f for Standard routes I at Five Foints. Wilson Lain and Can von , road. ,ppl circulation manager, ol 1 Sfnndnrd. 153 THRGB or four days work for man nn-t , learn; plowing and icvcllnsr. Phone : IMfjB. iofij 1 BEFORE selling Liberty bonds get prices from J A Howie & Co. LT.l Furnished MODERN room for gentleman: close in: 1 11.60 per week; reference. '"ti Adam Avenue. )s LAROR front, well furnished room; for one or two. Phone 583. 25th and .Tcf- : 1 feoon. two blocks from Reed Hotel IV." SLEEPING rooms. 2.".3! Grant Ave I83l! TW O-room apartment 2210 1-2 Warn- ' inirton . c irf 72 PARTLY furnished t.vo-room hoHiae; liRht and water: large basement 117H Rushton Ave. Call Carl Peterson. Creston Hotel 1S30 NICELY furnished rooms. ?2 50 to $3 r.O ' Iter week. 251 1-2 Twenty-flfth St. 1MJ MOPKFJN furnished rooms for rent (.11 Twenty-fourth St. is 13 STEAM"-HEATED rooms, hot bath. Block from Washington r:ir. 2946 Grant. 1821 FURNISHED room at 2330 Adams Av IS ID STKA.M-HEATRD front room on ground floor 310 27lh St. 1 g 1 3 FURNISHED rooms 343 2Mli St 1SG THREE nicely furnished steam heated sleeping rooms, 5"0 T'.vcnt i-Fevenlh S: 1798 ntcfly furnished sleeping room 1241 Adams Ave. . 15 ; ONE or two rooms with or without board Phone 2005-N'J 1400 FURNISHED apartments 2571 Lincoln Ave. 12 M ACCRUED Interest piu.n market price fdr liberty bond pair! hi J A. HokIc & So 244J FOR RENT I Unfurnished FOUR-room modern house: sleeping porcn fire place: on paved gtrect; bench 53.i 1 a month. Guaranty Mortgage Co.( 11 ; Twent -fourth SL 1sS- , THREE rooms, modern. With gas; also garage. Address .",1105 Washington Ave Phone 1203. 18G3 OR SALE One 7 -room apartment. Ap ply 611 Twenty-elgtth ! t IS JG TWO or three rooms for housekeeping 32IH Lincoln Ae. Phone 142S NW. 1S2I , THREE-room house reasonahle Five Points. Inquire 2800 Washington Ave. Ahlrn Nichols. 170C . 1 A THREE-story building containing 10 'rooms, store on the lirrft floor' and a I InrKc basement on Twenty-flfth St.. nenr the Union depot E. -M. Conroy. SOO , Twcnty-nfth St. IC2:! waIsted I To Rent I CR l-ROOV furnished house or apt., .modern, man and wife, permanent 1 (liess J. care Slandaid. 01 phone 29-15 lS'.O I . . WANTED To rent. 2 or 3 room, strlctlv 1 modern furnished apaitmeni; wllllnc to pay price; no children. Phone 13SC-51. ,7"1 WANTED To rent a barn Telephone 917. Froerer & Fowlea. 1207 To Buy WANTED To buy small bakery in ; Ofi'Jcn. Utah ddress Paul Roberson. 113 South Slh East St . Spanish Fork I tan 1871 j INVALID chair. Phone 638. 1873 FURS We pay the top prices for all : kmcls and keep you osteil Hip mon-'V 1 for you. Write us tor prices and 11 io shipping lags. Lester Park Market, t;i Twenty-fourth St Fono 1164. ltI-55 HIGHEST cash market price paid for veal 1 alf, dressed hogs, sheep nnd beef ipav'lop prices lor hides, pelts and furs. Call us up and get prices or write Great : Western Hide Livestock Co. Phone jllGl C16 Twenty-fourth St. 1311 ! j I IICHFvT piLes pa.J f..t old .loll,. 1 New York Clothing Store, 259 Twenty fifth St. l B ' HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes We do .leaning, pressing and repairing, nt'le prl. . .- New York (.lolhln Store 25J Twenty-fifth St. 1327 . ; , , ' FORD runabot t top Phone 2222. 11C7 ' ACCRUED Interest plus market price for I liberty bonds paid by J. A. Hogle & Co. 214 1 iBF.RTY bonds bought J. J Brummitt. Phone 69. 53J CLEAN rags wanted nt the Standard ' office. I r dressmaTot REAR 2330 Adams Ave. Phono 55LW. ! p. r vTING. Buttons, nemstltchlng. pi:ot 'ot 10c per vard; third floor W. H.Wright & Sons. ' . ( ORFSSMAKING- Phone 1912-J. 207 j BUTTONS, hemstitching, pupiot edejn .'. fos Twenty-fourth Si 1 hone 161Q Mi jl Situations BY ENGXNEBR OJ op rator or Inslallator lot machinery cltj or out of town. Ad I dress Box Q" care StundartU uii EXPERT bookkeeper would like extra set of books to work on evenings, Box G Care Standard. j Drifting with lh tide la one waj 10 j got where you don't want to go. A writer of epitaphs should be con ; I versant With the dead languages, waTtted n iej j TIIRER Ul.dle. to travel -v.- n ' ,1 , r expenses. Two to wort:,, o surroundrng towns t.r r, ?' " Sr.'. JoneHPly Rm " WoSrt , 1.7 St"1 Phone 3-m"0'"- Ca" M 478 g GIRL for general housework. Phone 23'. I . 189G S."-VJ5gR12" T"."- 1841 rgneSor' take C8r0 of 'Wffa. hol,80w ork - 1 1 3 ea'eh'lVNckr"-',1,nKr,,,e 0 tWO 1C" wck. J.o 2oth. Phone $75. 1S11 MadlsS AvV mi"C y day r g (olAD at HoleT ApntJ tLl: I hiuh work COOjtfng and IUht fm h v;, V feSlP or Ironing: small rmll. 26&.! Washington Ave. Phone i 1607 ; WANTED Cliambenhatd Reed Hotel.! I486 j DRFSSMAKIN-G taught to anvone Will tag I to apply themselves e Madam Capiat!. Third floor. Wrights' Store. 0212 GIRLS wonted to new 01 overall.- We nay while you learn. Only those who want .steady Jobs need apply. Scow croft Mantffactunrie c nif j TorIale 1 BULL pups Inquire 220 28th St gjn 5g; '-" M once 307 30th St. llSa BEAUTIFUL band painted kerosene Hmp mii a hie for country home. Cost 137.511 Will sell for$20.nn One small kerovAne heater 1 1 f,n Phone 2725 J 1S73 ' a?SiBte? Li p00 condition: fine tone. -s - 1 ' Phone 1846-W 1865 j.1-1, S and phi. hon. roi ah .nt6n Keller. Box 7, Wilson Lane. 1 ft" BKVoard b7rrel; Oggjg GOOD delivery team for sale; very chet, both OT single. Phone 19S ITUPMOBILE roadster, electric lights and started; cheap for cash 2749 Giant Ave 1411 TWELVE 160-fQpt tables, in good condi tion Rmiulre Da vid Lee, s hu.lding 1817 SLCOND-HAND goods bought ai,d8oid. r ( Iv.-rson 1640 Wash. Ave phone 10 1839 NICE heating stove Inquire 2b65 Wash ington Ae. j73M A !TKXV, of ,ho exoelleift Dundee tu.i ;ored suits, uncalled for. for sale. Dund.-c Woolen Mills. 2431 Hudson A 1728 FIPST-elass Singer piano for sale $215 Oil Terms will consider Edison phonogripli a part payment, G. D McLeod Phono 301 1710 ' TWO tables, one 32 feet, one 14 feet Ion '- ' portable and well built. Phono 2420. Hi 5 FOR SALE A large roll top office desk with choir; in good condition. Room 402 First National honk buldg 1V..J GRAIN, hay. potatoes. We can save 1 o 1 money. Grout's Grain Store, 332 Twenty-fourth St. 1473 All kinds household furniture stow carpets, linoleums, etc. 160 Twenty-fifth Street. jjjj 0 F C. boar for service 3170 Jackson Avenue. 13. ,j I I SECOND band goods bought, sold and ' . hanged, isoo Washington Ave Phi ne 6SG-.I 124 4 BIG sale on canaries: come hear them ' sing 2220 Lincoln Ave. lilj FULL equipment ol household furnituie for sale. 2050 Grammorcy Ave. 307 : SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold I Iverson. 1610 Washington Ave. Pho, - 49. atJ32 PIGS for sale. State Industrial School 9480 i G500 SHARES Cub Oil. 4c. Must raise money. Box W . Standard 8967 New and second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid far fecond hand furniture. Trunks and suit 1 ases a specialty Sine,- Trunk & Fur niture Store, 211 Twenty-flfth Street ! Phone 1321. 302 I J. A. HOGLE ds CO. pay highest prie s In Ogdcn for Libert) bonds. 2130 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made. hl4 redUCtion. Gordon's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth St, Phone 419. 2157 TO EXCHANGE City property, well sit uated for car In good endltion Roadster preferred Address Box I Standard. 1894 MARL. 7 years old. weight about 1200 or will trade for household goods or gooi; lange 129 25th St. ISiU WE HAVE Fr R SALE OR TRADE 500-ACRE fat m. hay, grain, fruit and 1 pasture land only 12 miles from Ogdcn. ' ! v lull bearing apple trees. 2000 two- 1 year-Old apple trees two dwellings. baiflS, llvastock, many Improvements Including I miles of pipe line, water tunnels, and such implements and tools as are tised on a llrst-class farm. This Is a high-class 1 ' Interest paying proposition. Would be Ideal lor sub-dividing, being on the ncw ' ly paved state road. The first named !oQ 1 acres of this land Is easy worth S400 per 1 I acre. The pasture land will pay interest 1 on $100 per a re, Tin; water rights and 1 improvements wii: appraise fully $12,000. . The apple orchard pa) s from $6000 10 $10,000 annually. Plow land Is hlgh-clisi sandy load, suitable for tomatoes and small fruit. This property at a modest rating figured out a jgs.ouo valuation, and can be purchased for $85 un acre straight Ihnuigh. The orchard alone pa3 10 per cent on the basis of $1000 per acre. Terms arc earnest money payment, balance long time nt 6 per- cent. This property fiOJ outgrown Its management and must ne turned Would take smaller propert) on account In trade On account of othor business interests this property must 3e sacrificed to some one who can and will devote their time and attention to it. U B Wedcll 2!.'A U ash 1S:!1 j Miscellaneous OHIO vacuum cleaners: 30c- to $100. Sat- , isfactlon guaranteed. Phone 2097 1 S ; G OHIO, best revolving brush vacuum I 100 day. Dusl-pioof bag. Phone 2t;i:( J , 1221 I II" LOST " 1 ""j tt.cp,i? ,,lvr Purse containing sterling silver rosary Kinder pleas "Iln Washington Ave mo FUR neekpieee. brown and white" on oXtn '" ST or BIWon Wall and 'v!'11' on Patterson. Return to Stan oard. Reward. .st", V.f.Tri,fc. p,"'" containing some drafts and $10.0(, money, keep the $10 0-i-,r; th " drxit. ppiy us Twehty tlfth St. Phone 1S60-J, 11 PAIR glasses between Plaza Apts. nnd b St Return to 215 Plan Apts Re-. "ard ' 1820 FKMALK setter pup. seven months old; white with yellow ems and two vello.v ' :'r.?-tsv- ,"n '-rt ;,i'Jr of lwr1V. Phone I -2.6-N.l. 1$J5 I BROWN kid glove Heturn 3369 Wash. Inston. Reward. in, if I CHRISTMAS eve Auto lire chain large site. Tel ist Reward. vSSl SM UL-L hlaek pocket hook containing. .CO in currency on Sard St. car. Return lo 12s 7th. Reward 1803 I GOLD pin. pick and shovel and gold nuggets In pan Family heirloom. Re- turn to Standard Reward. it:', I HOUSE colored muff; red satin lining ..ost some where In business d!str.i. t-liide,- call U-J-4. Reward 155 BROWN, rolled brim hat. on Twenty-second and Hudson Telephone 2919. 1232 MACKINAW between Monroe and Tw- n-ty-second St. and Thirty-third and Grant. Phone 1473-W 1234 LOST Brown hrlndle Boston terrior: Sunday evening, answers to name " Jack." Return to 1650 Liberty Ave , and ice, i- , reward. 1S79 i FrsXTTirx?rt I'fil'.I. Pairing and Ford cut down Can , be delivered before Jan 1 Box 100. carta Standard. isos CHEVROLET E-passenger Buick road ster, real hargalna. Phone Mr Langlo.s, 886. 15'it FIAT: HujBinoblle; Chalmers-: oil in good limning order. Wnaatch Gniage & Stor age. Phone 726. First class thop In con nectlon. uue P WArTf Agents for;, OWNERS Desmond Primer starts motor instantly in any weather. Ironclad guarantee to start coldest tar .1. one turn, or money refunded . disputea Saves fuel, health, pottcncs. Buy one. then become our agent to f -ii to all yoUr friends who will , want a Desmond on sight. Good commission. 1 Price $7.50 complete, with guarantee, Desmond Primer H65 Broadway, . u ' York. ' 1 sic j PERSOiY j MARRY IF LONELY; for results tiv me. beet and most successful Home Maker," hundreds rich wishing marriage soon, Stlctly confidential; most reliable; years experience description free "The Successful Club.' Mrs B Ball, Box SRC 1 Oakland. Calif. 16 1 j WANTED j Miscellaneous WANTED A plaver piano to rent "Tho Song Shop," JOG Twenty-fifth St. Og.i n Utah 17U WANTED Your vacuum cleaner to re pair, prices reasonable; work gunrante .! Phone 2007. 1S7'1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ESTRAYS State of L tab, Countv of Weber, Ogden City. SS; I have In my possession the following described animals, which If not claimed and taken away, will he sold to the high est cash bid. let ,i lsis Washington Ave., in Ogden City. I'tah. on Thursday the 8th day of January. 1020. at the hour of 1 30 p. m.. One light sorrel mare, 3 white f. .- white stripe In face. W on left thigh, roached mane, about 8 years old; weight about 800 pounds. One light sorrel horse: shoes on: white spot In face, about 9 years old weight ubont pounds. Said eatrays were taken up by me in aid 1 It) on the 25th dnv of December 1919. FRANK A NAISBITT Poundkeeper of Ogden City Utah SUMMONS in the District Court of Weber Count v. Stkie of Utah J. Wllford Cawley, plaintiff, vs. Floretta Cawley defendant. The slate of I'tah to said Defendant: You arc thereby summoned to appear within twenty dais after service of this Summons upon ou, If served within the County in which this action Is brougnt. olhcrwlsc within thirty days after serv ice, and defend the above entitled ac tlon; aiifrl In case of your failure so lo do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the com plaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing be tween the above named plaintiff und the above named defendant. H. A SODKRBI'RG, Plaintiff's Attorney J O Address 600 Eccles- Bldg. Ogden Utah. Hotels Prepare to j Sell Pint Flasks j of Whisky Tonight CHICAGO, Dee si To counteract tne ; gloom which the iollee edict spread among those who are accustomed to dry New Year's parties, rumors began to circulate this morning In the hotel drs j trlct that the police order must not be I taken seriously, and that at several large j hootclcrles pint flasks filled With real , whisky might he available for those I whose capacities could not be measured I adequately bv bin pocket space and for ' those who had no small bottle of their own. The appended Information that these pint flasks might cost $10 each wa? repeated from mouth to mouth until It became generally believed. In the city hall, however, Police Chief Canity conferred with his detectives and policemen, lie and Captain Collins. In ehaige of the loop detail, composed Ihe board of stiategy which has formulated plans to enforce the dry edict. Thj i conference lasted long and at Its conclu sion the chief wore a worried counten ance. But to anxious reportorlal qu tions he merel) answered: "Many Is the slip between Jhc hip and the lip " And even after that cryptic remmit became public, cafe and hotel dining roori reservations continued lo pour Into the cashier'.-; cages in loop district dining mm MARKETS j; s NEW YORK, Dec. 31. The final teflon of the year on the stock ex change hpgan with a d ruoustratlcn of i length, regardlosB of further indica tions of tight money. Many initial transactions were on cash basi. evi dently for the purpose of adjusting rear-end accounts. American Woolen, the spectacular feature of recem Si sions, added almost five points 1o year tiT.l;,y'.s substantial rain. Advances of one to three points were made by leading oil?, shippings, motor special tics and ftTod issues. Investment rails recorded onl fractional sains, but minor l ransportat ions were stronger. Soiling for rash proceeded in heav ! volume throughout the morning but without adverse effect upon Quoted val lies Barly sains were substantially extended, American Woolen continuing i to lead at an extreme lis.' of nine points other noteworthy features in cluded Texas company. Mexican Pe- kroleumt United States Rubber, Gen eral Motors, Independent Sieels.i Worth ington Pump, Endlcott-Johngon, International Paper, American Inter national, American Sugar and Industri al Alcohol, where gross gains ranged from two to almost ten points. Rails' 'and tobaccos also made moderate ad vances, but profit taking followed the fust call money rate of 15 per cent. The money market followed its re cent course, call loans advancing lo 20 per cent at midday. Aside from a temporary reduction of activity, the higher rate exerted an unfavorable in fluence. American Woolen increased ;its gain to 17 points and steels equip ments' and specialties were consider ably higher Q0 CHICAGO GRAIN j s CHICAGO, Dec 31 Fresh strength showed itself in the corn market today largely as a result of continued scanti-' ,nc.i:i of receipts Besides, export de !mand lor wheat, rye, barley and oats tended also to lift the value of corn Prolit-laking sales, which became Quite free on the upturn, failed to 1 ring about am important reaction After opening M to lVc higher, with Janu ary ?135 to 135 and May $1.334 to 1.33 M; the market sagged a little, bul I then ascended to above initial lop prices. Oats rose with corn. Opening quo Marions, which ranged from to Sc higher, including May at s:' to Sic, were followed be slight further ga:ns. Strength in hog values and in cere- als made the provision market firm. The best inquiry was for lard I Later, i he adv ance was more than I w iped out. High rates for call loans bad a depressing influence, and -.o too jdis prospects of fair-sized deliveries on December contracts. The close was heavy, "'g to 37c net lower, with Janu ary $1.33 to 1 337 and Mav ?1 31i to 1 32. Cash Sales. i HICAGO, Dec. 31 Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.43; N 2 yellow, not Quoted; No. 3 yelow, $1.421.43. Oats No. 2 while, S7'uc; No. 3 white. S34 fi 85c. Rye Nd. 2, SI. 80. Barley. $1 50 15b. Timothy seed. $9.0012.25 Clover seed. $80.00 jj 48.00. Pork, nominal Lard, $23 60. Ribs, $18. 25 19.25. 00 CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, Dec- 31 Corn Open High Low Close' De-. . .$ 1.424 1 1 1 14 1 37 J 3S.. Jan. .. 1.35 1 36 1 1.33U 133 May .. 133 1 334 131 1314 Oats I Hay $ B39fi 84 S234 .83 a July .. .764 .77 .75Te .76S Pork Jan. . $ 36.90 36.75 36 90 May 37.20 36 80 36.85 Lard Jan. ..$23.70 23.70 23.35 23 52 Mav . . 24.80 24.80 24.42 2162 Ribs Jan. ..$19.00 19 15 18.95 19.00 Ma . . 19.90 19 9" 19.70 19.70 OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle Receipts 490, choice heavy' steers $89. good steers $78; ' fan- steers ?"-r7 7; choice feeder steers' $8-; 9; choice cows and heifers $7f? V fair to good cows and heifers 0016.26; ewes, medium and (rood,, ?r, jt; cutters $45; canners $34; . I an icier cows $5'd16; fat bu'.lt $5 'n 6 bologna bulls $4'n5, veal calves 110911. Hops Receipts 11; choice fat hogs, 175 to 250 lbs. $13.25'914.00; bulk $13 Soft 13. 75, feeder hogs $9.50S1 in r.ii Sheep Receipts 1428; choice lambs! $11 12.60; wethers $6 .5017.50; fat ! ewes $5'0 6, feeder lambs $9J10 . CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Dec 31. Hogs Rec ipi B 17 nun. markei mostly 10 to 15c high er, bulk. $14 20il4.45; top, $14.50; 1 1 "'' J ; 1 1.20 .II 15; medium. $14 30ffl 11 &0; light, $14.20014 46; light Ughl $13.857 14.30; heavy packing sows, smooth, $13 65? 14.10; pocking sows, rought. $13 00?' 13.60; pigs, $13 00i 1 l ii" auk Receipts 4000; market firm; beel steers, medium and heavyweight choice :.n. prime. I S 75 ? 20.00- me dium and good, $10.75(g'18 75, common, $7.75? 10.75; lightweight, good and choice. $13 5019.25; common and me-, dlum. $8.00f 13.50; butcher cattle heifers, $8.4014.75; cows, $6.25? 13.50; canners and cutters, $5 25 n G 25; veal calves, $15. 75i 17.00; feeder steers, $7.0012.25; stocker steers, $6 005.10.25. Sheep Receipts 8000; market stea-J dy. lambs. $15.507 18.40; culls and common, $11 753 15.25, ewes, medium and good. $8.25fi 10.75; culls and com mon, $4 2578.00. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITY, Dec 81. "(United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 12,000: market steadv bulk, '1 I noj 1 ' 40. heavies. $14.10j 1 I 50 mediums, $14.15014.60; lights, $13.80 WT4 25; light llght6, $13.2513.90; packing sows, $13.00il3 75; piss, 1 12 7.", If,. 25. Cattle Receipts 5700; market strong to unevenly lower; calves 50c lower; heav beef steers, choice and prime, $16.657 1850, medium and good, c 1 I 25 g 1 6 65 , common. $lo.60'. 1 1 25 . lightweight, good and choice, f 12 7f,i 17 75; common and medium, $8.15$ 12 75; canners and cutters, $6 2506.66 veal calves $18.00$ 16.50; feeder steers $7 751 13.00; stocker steers, $6.00CI 10.50. Sheep Receipts 6000; market stea dy to lnc lusher; iambs. ?lf, 2oi 17.65: CUlle and common. $9 7" ' li 1 ling wethers, $12.85 15.10; ewes, $6 75 r( 10 r,n culls and common, $4.00i ." r'n, breeding ewes. 88.0012.00; tecdei lambs, $11 76 " 1 5 00. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, Neb.. Dee 31 flnited States Bureau of Markets) Hoes Ret eipte 11 000; market 10 lr 16c high er; top, $14 50; bulk, $13.75 fi 14.00; 1 heavyweight, $18.80014.05; medlum v. gh1 $13 85 t 13 10; lightweight 113 80$ H 00; light light, $13 40 B 1S.80; heavv packing sows, $13 70i 13.80. pricking sows, rough. $13 40ft 13 70; pigs. $11 50 13.00. Cattle Receipts 5600; beef uteera 15 lo 25c higher; butcher stock steady; stockers and feeders steadv , beef steers medium and heavyweight choice and prime, $16. 25i 18.25; medi um and good. $11.25016.25; common and medium, $9.00016.00; butcher cat tie heifers, $6 751 13 on: cows. $6. 511 t 12.75 ; canners and cutters. $ 5. 0111 6.60; veal calves light and handy weisht, $13.00014,50; feeder steers. $7.25 13.25, stocker steers. $6 75ftj 11 25 kNOvJ WHAT VitV WAWT SAMTA H I CLAOS TO 3RIWG Vc'U FOR- J 11 J CWRISTMASP jl 2T V (Course i OH, I WAWT A CAJ4WOM AmO Some. 6O2.0IER& AMO I VJAUT A FOOTBALL- . I IMAMT A BOCKilf HoPSE AM' . 1 A LITTT-& AUTO WHAT I Kiel iET lsl Ae.'0 MAkLE- dO WITH MW FEET- AMD ji 3 H PLAUSIBLE "ADS." I 3 Abnormal commercial actlvltle ' It W J:.?-'!'-?. hi,ve resulted In the K organization of countle., new , I m corporation4. which are all eck- - If W Ing capital No one can foretell ' BT how long this activity will con- , m tlnue, so before Investing your 1 I 3 .mc!neylt.on the strength of ! 3 Plautlble advertisement!' of - I m stock, you should Investigate ' k Wt thoroughly the standing of all ' 1 3 gP'1"1' offering stock for f W You can rely on the advice you I Bj get here. Come and consult us L 3 no charge. , iW.ams 1 LIBERTY BONDS j J-fl-Hoile & To I I ECCLES tLO3 169 MAIN sV H 1 OO06N SALT LAKE ! Sheep Receipts 11,000, lambs 10 to 15c lower; sheep and feeders stea dy; Jambs 84 pouuds down, $16.504T 17 25; culls an,j common, $12.00' L 16.00; yearling wethers, 514.00Til5.75; ewes medium and choice. $.00 10 25; culls and common, $5.25j9O0. MONEY EXCHANGE. NEW YORK, Dec. 31 Mercantile papr, 6 per cent. Sterling Demand. $3.75,i. sables BH $3.76. Francs Demand, 10.92; cable 10:90. Ouilder.' Demand, .37; cables, Lire Demand, 13.30; cables. 13r25. Marks Demand, 2 til . cables, 2.08. T.rne loans strong, unchanged. Cal money strong; high, 25 per cent; row, 15 per cent; ruling rate, lb per cent, dosinc bid.. 24 per cent; offered at 25 per cent; last loan, 25 per cent. LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK, Dec 31 Prices of LH Liberty bonds at 11 30 a. m Bodiy fH were $' 00: first i s, 9o 2"' iH second $91.60; first 4V. 193 1:'; second 41.4's, $91.96; third 4 's, $34.84; fourth 41,4's, $9102; Victory Bit's, Lassssl $99 00; Victory $99.00- BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO. Dec. 31. Butler unset tied, creamery, 5263c. Egcs unsettled, receipts 1206 cases; first, 68 69c; ordinary firsts, 5oJ65c; Jat mark, cases included, 7 6Sc! Poultry, alive, lower; springs, 27-; fowls, 25S)80c; turkeys, 40C SUGAR. NEW YORK, Dec 31 Raw sugai steady; centrifugal, 7.28c; fine granu lated 9.00c. BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, Dec. 31 Bar silver Mexican dollars $100. I , nn "Ensign Mission" Open I and First Meeting I Thursday Evening I The "Ensicn Mis-ion' has been op en3d in Ogden and the first meeting is to be held New Year's night at 7 o clock at the mission hall, 131 Twenty fifth street. On this occasion Rever end C. R. Carver of the Methodist church will give an address. Th prayer meeting is to be held at 7 o'clock, folowed b services by Rev- rend Garver Everyone interested in the Chriatlarj work of this mlsslcu is urged to altend the tirst meeting to morrow evening. H DOINGS OF THE DUFFS I 1 : A I WAHTA SLED, AO llTTLE Ij WA'OkJ AM' A DRUM - AD i VsAMT A CHQlSTMAS Tf?E& - L AMD I WANT A I WAMV Tn SOME BcTS AMO SCME CMOS liaO ArtO I WAMT-A-A-A-J H Vau HHT 1 FOCoET I Aoe. 1 wa VJellThat will bel I SOME- GAMES N)AN mM oF I AMO A J SOMBTMIUG ELSE- I MJMM j KlassiFI ED ADVERTISEMENTS arc payable in advance. If you cansio! bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect I 1 the foiiowlnq day. We absoIueSy cannoi afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Piease do not ask us to. I 1 1 sssssssssL' ssi I ' m M -,iiiassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssniMMiMSSM BsssssssssBsssssssBsssssBBssBBSBnBBBMsH ' ' " ! ssssssssssBssBssssssssssl ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl ' ' : BUUBrntUlNKEiBiKSSxiaJi Htssa . ' .ifiMy rrvMfTiiiTitf'Taiif'B oral sssssl