Newspaper Page Text
m THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGPEN, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920 7 fj Count Your Many Savings At These I 'if ! 3 Economy Sales Of Broken Stocks I I Jf I N 4 4 : 3tt i q j T j Tomato Catsup Apple Cider Luncheon I MB ODBTlCl WlSely Delicious catsup from red Good to have around these , Many shoppers at the Boon- UAf1 AltOH-VS K II Z MM J ripe Utah tomatoes.. Abso- winter evenings. Serve oray sales arc finding the fj 1 C f O f 0 Ji A ' Now's the time of year when broken stocks must lufly P- n cans ff raight or with a little pine- . n A JTJ f)ozpn J7nY 4 "C I fl If g be cleared away. All of the short pieces-all of the oU"- rhc" 5 . 0 apple juice added. It is a to eome-m the mornings, have r UU OZCn t OT . . . g K Jg ft broken stocks all of the odds and ends of lines that w f , Z p fine drink. In cans of about a. "B1 luncheon here, and to Thcse are the handkerchiefs used in our Christmas dec- ft 9 H . uivruai if bought ill bottles. Per shop through the day. Appe- . , , f8 c have been on sale tor the past season are now order- one gallon. Percan...55 tizing lunches at little cost. orations. 1 here are thousands of them. Many are the c wmW I ed cleared away. kinds that sell at 1 Oc each. They are all soiled will ) iff ? In all of these cases the merchandise is as good to j p need laundrying. But you may have a full dozen of 5 f j the usfr 1110 e stocks were full but to the sSTORBTI bJIOCK OT LOttOflS them now for 49c g H ; j I store they represent but the leavings of a seasons c fcff f j selling that must give way for the fresh stocks of Mill End Percale Outings White Outing 4 ; I c spring. M( ends of percales, 2 to 10 yards 25c outing flannels In plain colon, 35c white outing flannel, full 35 , JWM tt In many cases these prices are less than todays whole. t, .Md Jn? 19c " 30c 'f VJLff I lr,4 J sale cost. A careful examination of these stocks will Yard ZC nr' Stripes and Checks 'M I H litl'S I certainly Save money for you. Mill Elld GmgliamS Uark UUling 39c outing flannels in stripes and fX ' KT:'-- " HhrfM - -- Mill ends of dress ginghams, from 29c dark outing flannels for quilts, checks, full 36 Inches wide, the S I ' 11 VA V " ' - It e?:K. I mjto, 2 to 10 yards In piece, regular 35c underskirts, etc., all good or vidth that cuts to advantage, for A y V 1-7M ft ill 1 fcr&mi'&m r1": 29c 25c yis r?s:ac: 33c f&l: v;il l JSLJAB- 18$3 Wool Suiting Outing for Gowns Flowered Crepe -Jt JMM t H B C x Ji. GOODxPLACc TO TRAO 60c wocI touch Paid dress goods, Good outing flannels for gowns, 48c flovcred crepe for night ' ' AL li'M I mmm V$mm -J full 36 Inches vidcf for dresses, night shirts, underwear, etc., In dresses, klmonas, combing jacketr ')( I $&W 5 waists, etc., exceptional A r checks, stripes, etc. 9Qr otc, beautiful lingerie finish.oo OA ')&'-Wf&'$ ' j values. Yard 4DC Special, yard LOi Special, yard JjC X-a "1 j Broken Stocks d roen ocs . I SegoMilk , I OUCJ ikjllRS P&J! Women's Silk Hose j J I Si f I Ses n,i,k' tin- large sized cans 2000 yards of bright new silks most of them direct from the looms, " women's "Vanity Pair" silk- Ssss3 - g 1111 of Sego canned milk, to adults hose, elastic lisle top, rein- , 5 Nil I only' 4 can' 50 are on the tables today at $2.65 a yard. There are taffetas, messa- forced heel, colors brown, gray, tfJEJS JP IT mmm ill ' Pork and Beans lines, Satin Peau de Soie, etc. In all of the most wanted colors and tan, white.' Values to $1.2' jll& JLLftCkS itl I H III I Pork and brans; Libby's inc. black. The silk man says this will be the last time for some time that bpecial t III 2 toduHson you will buy such silk values. Values to 4 On sale now $2.65. Women's Cotton Hose hn Sfnh I WW HI I CUPS and SaUCerS ' & A Women'sblack : cotton hose,-me- J M dJ? JiLS lift ? n t , dium weight, Buster Browii. tl i ji 1 c jj j j l 9 1 11 I ,UPS ?-,d saucers j an extra Also white all sizes, specially iheje 8 ,?Jmsl an end ?8S of odc!s fds in shes' I II " c ' semi-porcelain, reg- v. price(1 ' 25 nc while these are all good materials. and good styles, 9 II I ular ovi;le tea 8h,ape ffi- IPZL O H JL 1 " ""V sti11 to us they are remnants and are in all cases selling l JmU II I saucer, the set of 6 ?1.39 fP f SlPllRP OfOffSH FOCS Children's School Hose for less than today's wholesale cost Read the list. I II i Dinner Plates fftWC iL FCfi Children's school hose black Women's Shoes Women's Slippers 4 l I Large size dinner plates m a y jT Knitted TamS only, good medium weight re- Women's black kid cloth top Wn r 5 II I L'nln tin Afl irOOF Children's, knitted tains, mforeed heel and toe, sizes 7 to button shoes, in high and Women s house slippers, ex- WM 111 I t f V 1C&ular&5 J3l Sg gJJB made of all wool yarns, light H. Special 39i low heels, among them arc ccptional values in one strap, H If I 'Enamelware Girls' Coats Corduroy Robes ami dark colors a small as- . Infant's Cashmere ' some wright-Peters; sizes extra wide, with rubber j H II I -pi nameiware Children's winter coats to . , sortment of $3.50 values. Infants' cashmere hose, silk to b ?2.9d heels, good solid merchan- EWM II 1 Enamel ware; this is a good close out at below cost sizes .omeil's jordiiroy house Special ........ ...?2.d0 , heel and toe, white only, sizes Wftn,fl,oQUflo disc, all sizes, worth today I li I heavy grade of three coated 0 12 made of a washable Qirls' School Scarf S ' 4 to 6 1-2, first qualHy, 60e; w W?m. ? SS $4.50. Speeia . . . S2.45 2 fe i ware, blue outside, white in- n ": o 4i n nW corduroy, all colors, values ph:iflvnn- qpunoi .prf0 . seconds 49 Women's all kid button shoes su J If J ?e S9?alu?15 to0' Special.... ?4.95 Hngotrn, in high an dlow heels; these Elastic Sides S II A fee pots,Pans, bowls etc 8d g DrCSSeS , , , colors, $2.50 values. w V 0Ifn S, 9" k are Iuippendorf, Dittman's Another -whirlwind" bar- J li Aluminum Teakettles cifn drc,fS Odds and Ends Special 95 Women s silk and fiber silk Groners and other good . M ft Washington ! 0 Aluminum tea kettle, a seam- Childicn s serge dresses, n Knit PettlVoafq hose' elastlG t0p' double h.cel makes, sizes to S .. ?3.9o J( , ' el . fc - H I 1 less kettle that will not rust or made of dark blue and check,. -UlCSSeS IVUlt rettlCOatS and toe, gray, brown, white, JJ? ' c "icel hiiisS slip- I H I g chip, the large 5 quart size, $3 n,a.teJ1 ' ctaun0t l?uy tlV T 1 r 1 Petticoat taupe. Very special 75 Women S Gray Shoes sta. Te shoes to lav re H If j value. Special ?2 95 tcnal for the price $10 oO odds and ends of women's part wool, light and dark col- . AVomen's gray kid - shoes, $5 all siz 9 H 1 Wnh Tiifio values, special Jp7.95 house dresses in percale and ors, $2 values $1.7o ; $3 Co welt or turn soles, covered 3;'ailsucs' RO 9 H It i . , i , Women's Gowns gingham; some of these arc values ...?2.50 Jtiroken Stocks Louis heels, best quality Spccial $"45 2 li uy"Vi wrn's outinf amel sffl si 75 Otmg Petticoats of Underwear fj1 or dark Boys' High Cuts li side and bottom, in the haiidv night gowns and pajamas, fecial $1.,5 Women s outing flannel pet- shades. " allies to Boy's high cut shoes with A ! No. 2 size, .$1.85 value. mac soocl ciuahtr outm , , XT x tlcf.ats' made of 3Pallt?r Women's Vests and w?: qA' buckle t0Ps our best erades II i Special..! S1.59 afne Slzc' .T"1 Girls' New Sweaters outing, our usual $1.2o val- PnntQ Women S Satm during sale: , 5 II 5 Water Buckets If vnlu?f 8P?,ai'?1-75 Girls' ripple tail sweaters, . bpcciai 85 rants Slippers 9ioi8 $3.95 I m II i Water bnt.m?deorhe.vv Women's H. DreSSeS made of good quality yarn, Special Corsets S08 luZ W. satfn slippers hand J to .2 .... . . 4.45 li Sl Special ,7.95 busing ' t! f sl 95 5 I! Water Tumblers SSLw & Ginfrham Dresses ffi1 .l. Spe?i.75 Child'ns Black Pants Children's " Shoes Women's Shoes 1 ,Tm?n HDrh,d Women's Bandeaus tJTm cZ'Jor h S Pi j shape, the 7 ounce size regular Women s bungalow house Children s gmgham dresses, Women s large size ban- sizes b to 10, mettium gray ldd, hand turn soles, $5.95 and wonderful values ! 20-ccnt tumblers, set of 6 SOp aprons, made of sp eiiclid made of strictly washable deaus or bust confmers, made gpedal 69 lace styles, a very dressy Jt that. Must move 5 IF (J m m in quality gmgham, strictly gingham, light and dark col- of strong mesh, size 40 to 46 ; P-- ' shoe, sizes 8V to 2. nninl-K A H III (J TOllet Paper washable; $1.75 values, ors, sizes 2 to 14 years. Val- values to 85c. Special, Child'ns Vests & Pants Values to $4. . . ..?2.45 qmck d'4& H H li t Toilet paper; good quality ma- Special .1.25 ues to $3. Special. .S1.45 2 for 31.00 Children's wool vests and Girls' Shoes Women's Shoes c mmm mm H nila crepe paper, 6 ounce size, ' - pants, natural and white, long . . . ATT , , , , , , i roll, regular 8c roll, 9 for 50 sleeves, high neck, 'ankle Shoe ior the big girls wear- Women s brown and black H MM t t-t , , , ' , r 4 y Cjl Z- n A , 5 , n- ma sizes 2 1-2 to 7; these kid and calfskin shoes, in mmm II J Vegetable Bowls Women's Dresses Women's Suits Broken Stocks W " viu to 9c. have browu calf Tamj, wilh B sizcs lmr hcelSj n (la;ldy j H Bowls; these are deep vege- , , K. . , . . , rf F-ghhrin IRn t ' ir" c" x cloth tops to match, welt shoe for the growing o li t table bowls in a fancy shape, Dresses for the street, Not one single suit in the Of JKIDOOU, JZA.C. L. D. b. Garments soles $6 valucs . . . 3.95 girls $4.95 f H IV J pure white porcelain ware, your dresses for the afternoon, stock is reserved. You MariDOU Scarf S L- D. S. Garments for men and l II i choice of three sizes 29 dresses for evening wear. may have your choice Maribou scarf of good quality women, medium weight, bleach- . y II House Brooms There are serges, poplins, unreserved at just one- material entirely lined in the ulc?.ubiS ases1"111 SneVCd rWrfTSl? StffhQ " H II I A well made broom, made of serges and a world of very half the price marked. And g rs blhand 3j cial . . .l?OS 1 Utti I BJlUk.H.O S IE I broom corn, sewed 5 times, reg- handsome styles. The en- there are some very hand- ' 't UCy i Vr -T Wnrnpn's kttt Vpfc o ! JmW I '""7"-s"-; ssjfcfa- tSSSSs fcS Downstairs j I II j Drugs, Etc. t t ; ! Sat'lig bii.;w,roi.i. Boys' Blouses Wool Batts I II 2 Opeko Ground Coffee, 2 BlOUSeS BlOUSeS and neat jnth chenille and vel- Bovs' wool flannel blouses in Wool batts in size 72x90, for B pkgs SG$ Here are some of the Women's blouses of sreor- vct.motlff' brown, black, sizes 6 to 15 years, in colors making of comforts; those are I H II I Symonds Inn Chocolate, nlnf Xnc ; X! Women s blouses or geor purple navy and taupe, valucs Broken Stocks khaki, navy and gray ; these arc good clean fluffy batts, will 8 If S two for ...36 handsomest blouses in the gette and crepe de chine, to $1.2o. Each 75 rATf warm for the bov while out make warm comforts. Special, I II i Symonds Inn Cocoa, 2 for 31? stock some have become waists in light and dark Women's Neckwear OrlVOtlOnS skating $1.45 each $2.45 H g Chocolate Pudding, 2 for 19i very slightly mussed. colors, some of them are Women's neckwear, organdie, Mother's ironin- wax 4- Odds of Sweaters Wool Blankets l H I " Lemon and Vanilla, 2 for 41 I hese are m georgette and hand embroidered. Some georgette lace, satin, etc., col- Enameled dress hangers . . .9$ Sweaters of a broken line ; these Wool blankets in size 70x80, in a Beef Cubes, 2 for. 38 crepe de chine, some are in are lace trimmed, all lar, collar and cuff sets, vests. Stickeri embroidery edges'. .S are in assorted sizes, colors and plain gray colors with blue and I I Bocabella Castile Soap, 4 crepe. All attractive brand bright new styles. Values An exceptional bargain. Val- Hair nets, black, brown. '. .8$ styles, just a few to clean up; pink border, our $S.OO value I LvTirPiXm's Com ? new styles. These are val- to $7. Sizes are 36 to 44. ues aeh. . -... . . .35 One assortment finishing they are values to $5. Special, pair . .. ?6.95 H I V s Lom" c-j ..0 ues to $8 50 Pick them On sal now w Hand Embroidered braids 3 special ?2.75 Women's Kimonas I 1 I Tp?3W nnrt'A'Yfp'n;? oS now a $6 Wom's nd embroidered ?60 yards basting cotton.. 5 Men's Work SWrfS Flannelette long kimonas in as- I Lotion 40d 0 o neckwear, trimmed with real Black agate buttons, 3 doz.5- Men's blue and gray chambray sorted sizes and colors; these a T?nvnll Pnri'TnvM. nil' TJJmi'ii 4 PettiCOB.ts laces ; manj' beautiful designs. Bone hair pms, 1-2 yard, wash shirts in assorted sizes; arc warm and comfortable for c I EeT1i1CodLnei OilEmul- WnionC Pff I - 7 -l Values to $10, reduced to one- IS pins 15 these are the usual $1.50 values, these cold mornings. Special, fi VaZ 03 Slnmnoo'Pasie'lsS W OWietl S Cotton petticoat special. haif price. Barbour's linen thread. . .1S? Special during this sale ?1.25 each, ?1.45 g j Cof? Owing to the high prices Fancy Ribbons . sednffdiK Men's Work Gloves Children's Coats c Rexall Dj'spepsia Tablets, e " in silk, cotton and heather- Light and dark fancy ribbon, 8 ilump hair pins 5d Glen's work gloves in the leath- Children's coats with fur collar, Lw jj 75c and 50 There are now about one bloom petticoats are gain- and 7 inches wide, for making Pearl buttons cood" ciuaiitv cr gauntlet style, assorted sizes, in size 3 to 8 3'ears; these are in 5 LM ? Ivory Soap Flakes 10 hundred coats in stock. in? in Dublic favor Snec- eirdles, bags, eamiscles, etc. d ,b V- These are good serviceable assorted colors and materials, a LM 5 Magic Dye Soap Flakes, all Coats that will be in good XUJ values to $1.2. Yarcl. .. .69c Note ; ; ' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; gloves our ..25 values few left to eleannp at 94.95 ' shades 10 stvle next vear YonVn-iv LtU Clll Made Hair BOWS Composition books 5d SPeciial ?1,0 Tam O'ShanterS I H 5 Mentholatum, large 45 hav"r avenue taffeta heather- Ready made hair bows of plain School cravons .... .8? Small Boys' Hats Tarn o' shanters in assorted J Crcfor Ointment 60 nave your cnoice or the oloom and sateen, light and satin and stripcd and checked Envelopes, linen finish, 2 Small bovs' hats with the pull colore, for the small girls going I jLWM 0 Howards Buttermilk. great assortment at just dark colors, plain and fan- and plain taffeta hair bow fas- for 25 down over the ears in them ; we to school; these are made of o Mmm 1 Cream gv half price. Any coat in cy patterns. $2.50 val- tener attached, bows that are Lead pencils, good, 2 for. .5 have just a few of these left in good quality corduroy; they Lm Xi' ?; rCfee "'"'J?i$ stock at just half price. ues. Special $195 worth $1 with fasteners. Carter's black ink 4d assorted colors and sizes. are neat and warm. Special, T JLWM U. J. B. Coffee, o lb. . . .S.oo . 1 1 Each 75 Carter's red ink S Special, each 45 each 50