OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, January 17, 1920, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1920-01-17/ed-1/seq-10/

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I amain
H t
H! .Ogden Track and Field Men
Rj Fight 'Handicaps In Order to
Hj ; Enter Contests
Hi' ' The S. 0. S. call has been sounded. !
H', .Athletes of the Weber normal col-
; fego and the Ogderv high school arc up
j ' ; ir arms. YWth llio "dope" sheets open
i to inspection they have a just right
,' , to, he "peeved." For a number of years ;
H';: Ojrden conditions for the promotion of
! athletics have been of the worst
H; ource.
H' In fact the fans, athletes mid sport j
i followers of other parts of the slate
; 1iavc often remarked, , "Conditiono In
; Opdcn are In no way comparable with
Hi; the conditions of other parts of the,
male. Therefore 1 lie' athletes devel-'
oped at the schools for that reason
should be complimented more cn their'
" success."
; What Osden needs arc athletic '
' prounds. Running tracks for tho
schools should be provided. A base-,
H'-j f ISall diamond or in fact a number of i
' diamonds for the national. game should i
be placed in cenditioh while a new i
H- i'ootball field, close in, should be pro-.
' ided for gamer..
"The dope rhect shows that Ogdcn
H,: h'as boon successful in athletics. A!
Hj number of championship teams have
r 56cn developed despite the handicaps'
Hi : with which the players have had to
contend and with the cenditiens rght-
H ed it is a certainty that scores of first
r class athletes could be developed here.
fl ' School Is Victor. A't
" Two years ago the Ogdcn Jiljjlf
' school entered a track and field team
H": rjo the stale high school tourney at
I -U Lake after winning; ihe northern
H.' jpvisicn title. Critics picked every'
HI "team entered in tho title contests with'
, ' th exception of the Tigers to win
1 the honors.
" The members of that championship
, ' ' team were without means cf training
A track was missing. .The distance
"ihen were forced to run around the
. 1 directs while tho sprint stars we're
! compelled to train as best they could. ,
H;. -"'Long distance races are staged in
1 " various parts of the state and west at
""various times. Ogdcn athletes, stars
l ; in this l'ne arc forced to read of tho f
:. ''results, simply because training facil-
ities are lacking here. ' As a matter
"trf fact Ogdcn eoUld develop Rcmneys,
"Ka monds, Larsons and other nation-
' lly known athletes if these conditions
f V.'ould be r'g'ned.
-m During the gridiron season ihe play-
' ers of the Tiger -lair and tho Weber
Hi ' normal' college were fcrced to practice:
Hj; "many blocks from school.
Baseball, nicknamed the king of
1 : ' -.-ports, has always been a minor sptr
; ; m Ogdcn. In fact seme years have'
'1 -Sailpd to see teams in harness repre
"tfrnting the schools diie to the condi-
H;i; -I'ons.
Ht' Diamond stars have been developed,
h; in Ogdcn despite the handicaps. This i
Ht -Sanson, however, the athletes arc up
, -in arms they are out after improve-,
H.!. hicnis and they should have them.- In '
"-ether parts of the state the wearers
r ' (5T the various athletic garaients havo '
i every facility possible and the Ogden
Hj stars aro after the same.
Many Records Made. !
H1' :UIn many cases star3 have departed!
i. ffom the local schools, where hardship i
"'lb a feature of the training seasons,1
HJ ipind. have made great records. For in-j
!' stance during the past season Harold
1 Kay at the University of Utah was re-1
j garded as one of the greatest stars
Hfj "on the gridiron while at the Aggie lair
Hj( "it Logan, Louis FalcU and Glen Dec
j -wcro bringing added laurels to Or-
jl " The state record in the '140-yard
4' lash in the intcrscholastic class was
I riade by Fuller of Ogden in 1915, and
j ft ill stands. Tho mark is 54 seconds.
J Fuller trained under adverse condi-
jj it Ions. Fans have been heard to re-
j .mark, "What would Fuller have done
in the quarter mile ran had he had a
jjj f'rst chiss track to train on?"
jf Ogdcn's reputation in the athletic
itj v'orld is at stake. The sports here
!! have shown a wonderful comeback
jl during the past eight months and tho
1 athletes of the schools of Ogdcn arc
now on their knees seeking the aid
! of those interested in spoil In th?
H jj; hope that conditions will be bettered.
L If you are a booster, boost, aid the
j students, place Ogden on the map in
j; the athletic world, and your name will
1 forever live in memory. Quick action1
j 13 asked by the athletes and may
:l ihcy receive the hearty support of the
!r city officials the business men, fans
If ; nd alio
1 IV oo
I! Young Men Hold Up a
1 Union and Take Funds
SALT LAKE, Jan. 16. William Con-
m nelly, 23 years of age,, and F. P. .Maly,
W 26 years jtf age, are under arrest as
the result of' a hold-up or twenty-five
pt members of the Cooks and Walters'
! union,- Local .No. S15. in the union club
h rooms. at 137 East First South street,
pi :it 9:15 o'clock last night The han-
III dits secured approximately $600 ot the
jjj club funds.
14 oo
I 1921 FORCE 143,157.
J WASHINGTON. Jan. 1C An enlist-
cl naval force of 143,157 for the 1921
1 year .was recommended today by Rear
I Admiral Washington, chief or navlga-
tion, who told the house naval commlt-
1 lee that 60,000 recruits or re-enlist-
1 ments would be necessary to reach
1 that strength. Shortage exists in all
1 onllsted grades, he said, and an addi-
tional 19,294 might he lost by July
l through expiration of enlistments.
H I HHflm. People prefer pills
Hl wVlWm Providcd Prompt and
H I s proper performance
' Proves promise.
H , Beech am's Pills are
H I uSwral 7er c 8'be and
i ySSliIBIE have the largest sale
H j vfflB medicine in
ii , . mj. ' i u n.i ijj-i jiL-imgq
mm flats j
Government Should Stamp out
Bolshevism by Peaceful j
Means Force if Needed i
SALT LAK13, Jan. 17 Anarchy and
Bolshevism were flayed by General
John J Pershing in an address ai the
Mormon tabernacle hero last night.,
"The government should try to stamp
out this menace by peaceful means,"
he said, "but if then we do not succeed j
force should bo reverted to and thCj
converts deported." j
Woman's part in tho wotld war was
praised by tho general. "They were!
always ready lo servo," he declared,1
"and they played a prominent part in
the final outcome." j
Urges Soldiers to Join Legion. j
General Pcrslng characterized the t
American Legion as a "true American:
organisation," and said ho hoped every
man eligible to membership would join;
the ranks immediately. j
Since his arrival here at noon Gen.'
Pershing has been busy attending the
round or activities planned under tho
auspices of the local American Legion
Salt Lake Children Delighted,
Early this afternoon the general ad
dressed Salt Lake City school children
at Ihe tabernacle. The children were
well plonsod with Ihe address he made
and expressed great -joy when the lead
er of America's overseas army picked
up one little girl and kissed her. Fori
Douglas was also Inspected by Genera!
Pershing and his staff.
Tonight after his tabernacle ad
dress General Pershing was a guest a I
a reception at the Elks' club. He was
to board his train for Vancouver bar
racks, Washington, at midnight.
Japanese Murdered
lis Sonera, Mexico
NOGALES. Ariz.. Jan. 16. Reports
of the recent murder of two Japanese
employed at Ran Javier, Sonora, were
confirmed today by American mining
men who arrived at tho border. One
of tho men killed was a servant in the
homo of W. C. Laughlin. presidont of
the W. C. Laughlin Mining company
It is said tho Japanese were shot
from ambush while they were out
quail hunting.
Striking Employes
Return te Work
SIOUX FALL, S. P.. Jan 16 Ap
proximately 700 striking employes nf
ihe Morrell Packing company, who
have been out for eight days, returned
to work under an agreement to definte
settlement of their wago differences
at a meeting with the employers Sat
urday. The dispute arose over the interpre
tation and application of Judge Al
echulcrs recent decision in Chicago.
Irish Pretest Fsrsi
Against tlie League
PARIS, Jan. 16. Tho council of the
league of nations received tlie first
formal pretest to be presented to U
almost before it came into being with
today's initial sessions. The protest
was from "the envoys of the clecte 1
government of the Irish republic," ,
against "the unreal English slmul
acro" of an international league of
Omaha Stores Violate
the Food Control Act
LINCOLN, Xeb.. Jan. 1G. A com
plaint charging violation of the Lever
food control act naming tho two own
i c-rs o'i a Council Bluffs. Iowa, depart
ment store and a third party as de
fendants.' has been filed before a
United States commissioner at Omaha
United States Distilct Attorney T. S.
Allen announced here today.
The action, he said, charges that the
department bought a Quantity of sugar
for $1!.G5 per hundred pounds and sold
St for $19,75 a hundred. Mr. Allen
also announced that while this was
the lirst federal action of its kind to
be "started in this state, his office had
been investigating sugar prices and
had recommended to tho depailmcnl
of justice that the licenses of about
a dozen Nebraska dealers be denied.
John Vognue, Elberton, Ga,, writes:
"Last fall, when my neighbors were
down with influenza, 1 took a severe
cold and before I was aware of my con
dition I was down sick in bed. f
coughed night and day and my throat
was raw and sore. I got a bottle .of Fol
ey's Honey and Tar Compound and
took eight small doses in two hours.
My condition began to Improve and in
a few days I was as well as ever. In
my opinion Foley's Is the best cough
medicine made." A. R. Mclntyrc Drug
Co. Adverltsement.
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 16. Many mar
ine mines which were carried away
by the heavy storms which has pre
' vailed over tho North sea for several
days arc floating through Scandinav
ian straits, according to report.
DENVER, Jan. 17. Colorado, Utah.
Idaho and Wyoming will 'join next
Thursday in a marketing conference
to be held under the auspices of the
agricultural and livestock bureau of
the Denver civic and commercial association.
LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan. 17. A new
world's record for the sale of loose
leaf tobacco is believed to have been
mado on the Lexington market today
when 3960 pounds of burlcy sold for
an averago, of $116.57 a hundred
pounds. One basket sold for 51.24 a
pound. None of tho otherB sold for
less than ?1 a pound.
lMA5:o(T5 SALE 1 f
j January willhe a record breaking month. No doubt large crowds will take 'advantage of the unusual big bar- j J
j gains, This clearance sale is attempted to reduce our enormous stock, which our over-liberai bwysng has Mt on I ij
hand, and in spite of the inevitable advance of prices we are conducting this sale to make January, 1920. the bus- jj j
j iest selling month of the year. Buy now for future, while fhes especial prices prevail, Many items in this sale se- j S
! lected will save half of your money, ' ' "M !;
? a .-i-" -.1 . i , p 1 Iff0'
Monday we open with the big- . ' -.:,; v A ifigjfo & TTV K ' SILK AND COTTON j,,ef
I gest ribbon sale of the season. "X'r" Wf W'tP ' FOULARDS
I t he saving will be immense. ,- Wzl ffl" Wvff The most up to date material for J ; jS
J f'ANCY 1-jlORAL RIBBON 69c J&k l (tfik M&W ' coat and jacket linings; a splen- f - gc
j YARD io- -lv. J j MWmk assortment or colors and fig- si
!j 90c to $1.25 a ara, satin and taf- '!."' f $SJ tfTx Wmfx urcs, 36 inches wide. Retail price J
!Ri tela ribbons, iJ2 lo inches f I A Q J XxW $1.25, selling at a sacrifice price 5 Jfs
j wide, an assortment ot quality M y Hi yTWill of 78c ' '
, I ribbons, beautiful patterns in flow- JJ O . U ' msWAil 3, B 11111 WHITE GOODS SPECIAL & f
I ers, stripes and plaids, wash proof , j l U MCTbIb 1 '11 FREN0H NAINS00K DIMITY 55c j
, I FANCY' WASH RIBBONS 48c VjLj felSa S SJIbS' Snow "white, soft finish dimities m
3 VADn " SrrnnT -M?T WW&m WxiimWMMm stripes and checks, full yard wido, K bkp1
J n ,f , R , , , "V " TV rTWMP V IWi extraordinary fine grade white nam- g
Beautiful plaids and checks as- ,fK I A ( u X d V WsSSU sook- ivJsible dainty white checks (
t sortment, variety of dainty colors, J I y ft' WMffl and stripes. This is a very fine gradi. i I si-
none of these ribbons sold less f I ft LINGERIE NAINSOOK . ;
fl than 75c yard. Our clearance sale WL A l" VV 1 iMaiiut'acturcrs' short lengths, 3 to . j
i brings them to you at this unus- Uf T 30-yard pieces 48c yard, special, i 3 j
, , . r J. PfJ r Igi; i ftv, J Price lengths without cutting -12 l-2c
;R ual price of, yard 48c . , FA A ( AariL Pink mid flesh onlv, 40 inches g S
J DOUBLE FACED SATIN RIB- . XiW LI ' W U U ' Wide, regular 60c seller. This is a ' J
I EONS AT 98c YARD . -; - - ft ' f- -J very fine mercerized finish nainsoou t
A perfect washing ribbon, 6 in- n 1 : L.fi.i noted for its washing and wear and
E r & , ra retains a silky finish. I .; ennt
I CS dc' $ r?8U? yard; i 1 DRESSER SCARFS, 79c EACH I I K
Hie finest and the best ribbons at W t lilet lac-c scarfs in the newest lae.
less than wholesale prices. The 1 l I U fni I ' I isisSiP I effects, open and closed designs, very J5
' S excellence of this quality ribbon K53 fe05! n I JpbLt durable in washing. Many will buy $ j
I vill outwear any other grade. H 1 Ml SiilSi F H IS J Uvo and three of them at this re- g ; .c
?rii l -riL-i 2 aiW tl fiPI " fH HWlfS?iS h markabc clearance price. g i irfth
Unh staple colors m ilesh, pmk, a 55 BL. h fik mgin H h K m 3, B B. j f.
I , vi.ll Jui i ti- HfclJHERJ U mf&lW U H3flBss d INFANTS' WOOLEN SKIRT.S AT 1
1 white, light blue and black. This . CLEARANCE, 69c EACH l i l
p is considered the very best plain j W W M -y0ol and mixed wool skirts, long ;
i satin ribbon, double finish, PP m H sieves, values up to $1.50, slightly jj i
'M worth $1.50 a yard. This sensa- f M M m m SS g soilpd- Your choice to secure these 1 isS
tional sale price offers them to E mill i I j I If1' sks , it a great saving o lL
J youat yari; ,?8c E mm m m Wl - mslk 1 m winter underwear at I S
j i Our busy Silk Department offers MwIMSbP Blfiy JfflM I IB CLEARANCE I
some sensational reduced prices M M ffig "Women s, misses and children's mi-
1 during the clearance sale. - derwear. values up lo $2 at 95c. 8 y
! 1 GEORGETTE CREPE $2.18 $ Every new wl.ter suit sacrificed regardless of the late styles that wi!l J SXSS "I
f; YARD 5e among this half-price offering. Here are suits that contain the real and short sleeves, extra fine qualit , g !: yste
A remarkable cut price. Our best touch of fashion. The individual fine tailoring and workmanship com- wool drawers among excellent i faf
' U quality 40 inch georgette, regular bincd with the very best quality and trimmings. These suits compare S A nines This will be the final of ! th -gj
it a j ,.1 l i P r i i . i . i i t mi I sa'e- -lnny garments are less than i r OrJt
$3 yard, mostly plain colors in g favorably with our new spring styles, so close in comparison. It will pay 5 iaf pnjCCi t will pay you to al- 3 !
white, pink, light blue and 1 5 oth- R you to take advantage of 'this sale. tend this bargain sale. " " :'
i cr staple colors in light and dark . j GING-.HAMS SPECIAL 28c YARD j ) fo:
grounds, also several more shad- g This remarkable collection comprises such fashionable fabrics as jj Soft finish cheviot style, fancy ging- r i
jj ow effects, georgette crepe col- broadcloths, silvertones, poplins, poiret twills, tricotines, and fine serges, hams for house dresses, children's 6 I y r
ors; beautiful for dress gowns or clever models trimmed with fur, braid and fancy stitchings. Ws.a "" j ; g
I ! waists. wMrtAmmwA-jniJMmi-M&wMMMm iiwmi mm h m i ii t nw,. i n nW n Tl wearing quality. Supply your wants j j fe;
, I GOOD QUALITY GEOR- now at these unusual prices. j S.
I Cannot be bought wholesale, our ANCE PRICES,' $2.95 - Our regular $3 and" -$2.75 grade, 1 r tA
remarkable sale price otters this 7his is your chance to prepare plain white and-colored striped out- .
as a satisfaction to manj' cconom- $4.50 lo $5.00 sellers, the famous - . . ing flannel night gowns, in extra I t
ical shoppers, the necessity of at- Nemo style, medium and low bust; fr Spnng underwear at a rcason" aaiul llar k
i tending these special silk values. iheso corsels a'rc lakcn from our reg- able price; beautiful designs and Stand'wea and washing real 1
l SILK AND COTTON CREPE ular stock, and scon's best sellers, f. ed wkh Wue fn. bargain. &' ' f 1''
ihe most beautiful line of crepe. cvcry onc stands up to the require- SATEEN PETTICOATS $1.19 i
; cn the market today for the price, mcnts 6C endurance;; reinforced with est quality of underwear silk in Black sateen petticoats, full l'larcl p fc
if both in colors and designs, best heavy elastic supporters fc corset s" many colors, such as blue, pink, "'f' Sof.t . finis.h5 excellent quality, 8 ubf
m ! r j j n i .,i i ' i i i a11 si.es, the price alone cannot be E r1
.B quality crepe figured and floral W1n be double the present price. llow and white Regular $1.50 duplicated in yard goods. Wo urgo J
1 patterns, regular price $1 .48. S'o Buy now while this sale is in prog- you to .buy two or more while Ave $ -t S
price 98c rcss. at ' 98c offer this real value. fijw
I Silk Dresses ! 17.50 ... - ' j
j ) The busy selling week of dresses have practically cleaned up the line at M S
this popular sale pnee dresses. We have rearranged our stock and se- ife S Mlk
I lected 50 admirable popular style dresses. Some are worth $40.00. We I B tflKa $
jj have enriched this collection by higher priced garments to make this sale M. B. Ur IJfB, JS, -r-:: I '5oi
I a supreme effort of value giving. Dresses that should sell at $25, $30 -y ' i$
"inm-50- 'Monday uly d 1 1
New Spring Dresses - T" Jt
j Now in prominent presentation here. New spring dresses, arriving Hundreds of pairs of womens and chil- I
!' W daily. Beautiful are the materials, handsome the styles. These new drens sn0es and slippers are offered to the j
spring dresses will appeal to early buyers who desire the prominence . . . . I ' gool
of individual style. Come and take a look at these perfect style dresses. public at this One Dollar Sale. Ifc! I I
They are captivating and superb in wear. bkww'5 I '
New Spring Suits Window f
and Dresses D n D Ilk
v a v r 1 , ,Pk Buy now. Save money. Our Busy NnrIl P.t ., S 1 p.
r or women and misses, shipment of early spring wearing apparel at lib- J J r iNo changes. Fit yourself. i
eral prices. The suits are handsomely tailored in the foremost fashion, Qltfatt Fllonni'fmiPnf Sale starts 9:30 Monday I t't
favored style, beautifully trimmed in silk braiding. They are marvel- OliWC JlCjJai UUUllL. Morning. S J;,
ous perfection of style showing. The quality of materials are the con- 1 - " fi j .
ception of value and prices are reasonable. . . j
1 I j -'fell
1 o,A p!

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