Newspaper Page Text
Sgll THE QGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1920, 5. j Si Woman's Page I I LOVE and MARRIED LIFE! Ij noted author ) HI ; 1 Idah MCclone difoson il IS I ASTONISHING LOVE. ! "What does he say?" asked John i S curiously, as I proceeded Ip read -Karl I Shepard's letter. I f "Nothing more than a polite interest in my healtli and Hie hope that I will jGsf soon be well again." Sw. "Let me see it," demanded by hus- il band, holding out his hand. i His peremptory command angered j , "I shall do nothing of the kind. It is IE my letter. You have seen fit to keep It the others from me. This one I shall If hold myself." jh "Give me that letter!" It ; For answer I tore it in small pieces. Jlj "So there's something in these letters IK that I must not see'" he said, and he Ip 1 opened the others quickly and glanced lit1 through them. m As he read he evidently grew a little ilh ashamed of himself, for in the letter I l which I had read from Karl Shepard Mil there was literally nothing more than III I had told him, and, of course, the, oth ! ers were Bimiiar. ill- After ho had finished all. of them he ill: threw them down on the bed, saying, f: "I can't understand why you should lit make a mountain out of a molo hill in il this way. There is nothing in Shep- If ard's letters that I might not read." Ir "Did you for one moment think, there IE might be?" I& "Well, you acted mighty queer." fw "I can roturn tnc compliment." Ir Something Queer About It If i "When a man sees eight or ten let- l: ' ters In a hand he recognizes as that IL of his man friend, addressed to his If; wife, he is apt to think there is some- l! thing queer about it. I'll bet .you would II make an awful fuss if you came across Rife , a letter addressed to me just one let ml ; er in Elizabeth1 Morelaud's hand yp writing?" a j ; "No, John, I would not, if you were ill In fact, if Elizabeth Moreland was af out of town or where she could not - see you daily if necessary 1 do not ! think I should be unduly curious." I '. "Well, here's one in her hand ad-! t dressed to you," said John, picking out j i a striking looking envelope ornament- I; i ed with a stunning crest, t I made no move to take it. U '"Don't you want to read it, now?" j; "I don't want to read any of those U letters, John, until I can read them p . alone. I don't want to have my corres- I BETTER DEAD j I Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything ! worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL. The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it ia an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, livt? and uric acid troubles. All druggists, throo sizes. Look for tho Dune Gold Modal on erry box And accept no imitation I EVERY DAY There is monotony in the things that we have to do every day, but just gj because we do them every day they SB are not so Irksome as those things we IK have to tax our minds to remember. I Thus if you make a habit of brushing the crumbs in your dlniug room every j day you will find the problem of keep ; ing the dining room in condition riot ; f so trying as It is where you have no , i dally system about it, but just try to remember to brush the crumbs when ever you happen to notice them. Be ' ' sides," if you brush the crumbs every j - day when it comes to giving the room j a thorough cleaning you will find your : r task much easier. Did you over notice that the house j wife to whom the task of getting milk i bottles set out for the milkmnn is never the housewife who makes the I ! daily practice of setting the bottles of the day before on tho dumb waiter or ! back porch or front steps? To the woman who get3 the babit of always 1 1 taking the bottles out at a certain i! time it becomes second nature, a mus- l cular habit, if you will requiring no B initiative or expense of brain or nerve power, while the woman who has no such system must tax her mind with It pondence doled out to me as you sec ; fit!" "I think you're getting better, if the old adage is true that convalescents are always irritable. However, I won't bother you with either my scrutiny or your letters or of you for much longer. He brushed the envelopes careless ly across the bed and I caught view of my name written in Helen Van Ness' angular chirography. "Oh, let me see "that one!" I ex claimed. Instead of handing it to me, John turned the letter over in his hands, looking at It carefully. "I don't recognize the hand writing' he said. "But I do! It's from Helen!" "Helen who?" "Why, Helen Van Ness, of course. Alice and I were talking about her the day I was hurt." "Did Alice know then what a fool she has made of herself?" "I think I'll read my letter," was my only reply. "All right, read it!" he said, thrust ing it toward me, "but remomber be fore you take sides in this matter in any way, that I forbid you to answer It." "What do you mean, John?" "Just exactly what I say! I am not going to have your name linked up in any way with this Gaylord-Vaa Ness triangle. Of course, it's going to be rather awkward because they have come here to live." "Come here to live? What are you talking about?" "Oh, I had forgotten that I hadn't told you. Bob Gaylord settled $300, 000 oil his wife and the kids, and she got a divorce from him, with the cus tody of the children." Couldn't Gel a Divorce. "But she couldn't get a divorce from him in so short a time." I said ques tioningly. . "Yes, she could if she had the right evidence. Bob gave it to her." "Oh!" 1 exclaimed in horrified ac cents. "And you say that Bob and Helen are married and Ruth has been given the children? How tragic!" "I don't think it's tragic! I think it's a downright rotten mess. Read your letter, for I want to hear what she has to say for herself." Tomorrow A Question of Ethics. or else the bottles accumulate in an alarming way. And when it conies to keeping the refrigerator clean much can bo ac complished by this every day habit. For instance, if every day just as the ! Iceman conies, you take a cloth reserv i ed for that purpose and wipe out the ! compartment where the ice is kept i and then wipe off the ice. you will find I that the task of keeping the rof rigera-j 'tor clean is comparatively simple. It, is quite "a convenience to lay a fresh (newspaper in the bottom of the ice (compartment to catch the dirt that I melts out of the ice. This can be re-, moved every day, so that you will! never have an accumulation of dirt in the drain that you otherwise must1 have. If you have a refrigerator with a drain pan instend of one with sta-' tionary drain you will find your trou bles generally lessened and the danger; or an overflow from the drain pan put I in the realm of the improbable if you 'make a habit of emptying the pan ' every night at a certain time and every morning. IMPOVERISHED MEN AND WOMEN Quickly-Regain Health, Strength. Energy, and Ability by Taking 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets, j The Very Best Tonic. Sold by All Druggists. Advertisement oo GRAPE SALAD Grapes make a good dessert, and a delicious salad is made by peeling the sweet Malaga grapes and sprinkling them with coacoanut and walnut meats and serving with a sweet boiled dressing in which there is plenty of cream. IS0I1TO Special meeting Unity Lodge No. IS, Wednesday, February 21 at 7 p. m. M. M. Degree. W. D. CAMPBELL, Acting Secretary j " HISTORY OF NUMBER 40 ; ' .; ! Forty years ago an old doctor was I eruptions, mercurial and lead poison- : putting lip a medicine for diseases of ing. Under its uso bodily eruptions ) i the blood, that cured the worst cases and scrofulous swellings that have of blood troubles, and time proved withstood all other treatment disnp i that tho cures were permanent. After pear as if by magic." To comment- ,1 , many years I secured the prescription orate my fortieth year as a druggist ' (being' a druggist), and took each in- I named this medicine "Number 40 gredient separately and referred to my For The Blood." J. C. Mendenhall, '' U. S. Dispensatory and other authori- Evansville, Ind. The best druggist in tative books on medicine and found your neighborhood sells Number -40, ' the medical properties set down as but if it happens that he does not, ; follows: "Employed in diseases of send direct to J. C. Mendenhall Meii- i the glandular system, in blood trou- cino Company, Evansville, Indiana, 1; blcs, eczema, constipation, stomach and receive it delivered to you at $1.25 and liver troubles, chronic rheumatism, per bottle, six bottles for $7.00. A. : catarrh, in sores, ulcers, pimples, skin R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. j GIRLS! WOMEN! GIRLS! Come and learn a trade in our Overall factory, Not only will J you have a steady position, but it is a lasting experience. A 44-hour week and good pay to the capable. Are you one? Ap- ply John Scowcroft & Sons Company, Department "M." j V m DEiwii : ODIOUS STATEMENT Did Not Call American Navy a "Floating Death Trap" in his j . Speech to Legion BOSTON, Jan. 20. Major General Leonard Wood tonight denied that he had referred to' the American navy as I n "floating death trap" in his address at tho American Legion meeting yes ' terday He said he could not recall the exact words used but dictated the i following substance of what he had i 'said: ! I "We want a first class navy always, i A navy cannot be made in a hurry. I ! First class ships filled with untrained . men do not mean a navy but arej 'sometimes a death trap to those in I them." I i General Wood arrived from Port- iland this evening and later departed j 1 for Now York en route to Chicago. The press reports of his speech Sun- day was based on what purported to I ! bo a stenographic copv of his remarks." 0 nr. I Thin Men and Women j Can Put On Flesh l i increase strength, endurance, vitality! and greatly improve their health by ; building up their :?orves and enriching! their blood. Unquestionably one of I the best things for this purpose is the j great French discovery known among jour druggists as Blood-Iron 'Phos-1 iphate. People who have tried it say ithat one five-grain tablet taken with leach meal quickly restores depleted; ! nervous energy, enriches- the blood, in-. creases strength, vitality and endur ance, and those who are too thin us ually put on pounds of solid stay there flesh in a short time. Inasmuch as A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. and all other druggists are authorized to sell Blood-Iron Phosphate under a guaran , tee of satisfaction or money back, ev ery thin, weak, nervous or anemic jman or woman should give it a trial j without delay. I Important Blood-Iron Phosphate Is i sold only in original packages, con taining enough for three weeks' treat ment, at $1.50 per package only 50 cents a week. Advertisement. iSeattie Police Make i a Sweeping Raid i SEATTLE, Jan. 20. Armed with federal deportation warrants depart ment of justice agents and Seattle police last night made over 700 arrests in a sweecping raid which, officers said, was intended to "break the back bone of radical activities in the northwest." Many of the men taken were re leased after examination at the United States immigration detention station, but many others were held, and offi cers said they expected at least two hundred suspects would later face de portation hearings. j oo CATARRHAL DEAFNESS j i MAY BE OVERCOME If you have Cak.-rrhal Deafness or j head and ear noises or are growing , hard of hearing go to your druggist I j and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to It 1-4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. ' Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. I This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should opeu, breath ing become easy and the mucus stop i dropping .into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant o take. Anyone who has Catarrhal ! Deafness or head noises should give ; this prescription a trial. Advertisement. I oo ;IFE T1KS HUBBY ROUIDER. MY MEEK Like most highly successful farce comedies, "Parlor Bedroom and Bath," coming to the Orphoum next Sunday, has a foundation for its laughter a true psychological fact of human char acter. Its authors say that nine wo men out of ten are more interested in a man with a "past," a Don Juan, than the- nre in someone who has never sown any wild oats! So they Invented a wife who fondly believes her husband to be a gay rounder, when he is in reality the meekest of men. The unfortunate husband finds that he must live up to the reputation which he has assumed not an easy task since he is the kind of man that even the sound of a kiss sends him into a panic of alarm. The story has not only hilarious comedy, but sus pense and a zest that is just enough to excite without crossing the danger line. The production ccmes direct from its Now York engagements, the company being on its way to the Paci fic coast. Adv. nn COUGHED DAY AND NIGHT. John Vognue, Elborton, Ga., writes: "Last fall, wThen my neighbors were down with influenza, I took a severe cold and before I was aware of my con dition I was down sick in bed. I coughed night and day and my throat was raw and sore. I got a bottle of Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound and took eight small doses in two hours. My condition began to improve and in a few days I was as well as ever. In my opinion Foley's is the best cough medicine made." A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advcrltsemcnt, I buy Liberty bonds al highest prices. If you have bonds for sale see me. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave nue. Phone 59. 00 Read the Classified Ads. 1 FOUR MEMBERS OF 6 FAMILY FACE TRIALj Brother and Two Sisters Claim Elder Brother Murdered Co Owner in Farm SPOKANE, Wash- Jan. 20. Will McDonald, elder brother of Ted. Marie and Fay McDonald, on trial in superior court here on a charge of first de gree murder in connection with the death of W. II. McNutt, was declared by each of the three defendants to havo done tho killing. They took the stand in their, own behalf. Will McDonald, also charged with first degree murder, has not been ap prehended. According to the story told by the three defendants, Will McDonald be came involved in a fight with McNutt when he burst into the apartments of his sister, Marie, in a local lodging house last June 23 and found McNutt beating the woman. When McNutt drew a pistol, Will struck him on the head with a hammer, It was declared. He then took the body away, and when Ted arrived at their rooms later he was sent to the McNutt farm near Scotia, Washington, about forty miles from this city, to seek his brother and persuade him to consent to calling In the police, it was testified. However, according to Ted's story, his brother demurred, saying it was too late, as he had "buried the body." McNutt's body was found some mouths after his disappearance, in a shallow grave on his farm near Scotia, in the ownership of which the McDon alds were Interested with him. . oo TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY Hair is by far the most conspicuous thing about us and is probably the most easily damaged by bad or care less treatment. If we are very careful in hair washing, we will have virtually no hair troubles. An especially fine shampoo for this weather, one that brings out all the natural beauty of the hair; that dissolves and entirely removes all dandruff, excess oil and dirt; can. easily be used at trifling ex pense by simply dissolving a teaspoon ful of canthrox (which you can get at any druggists) in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of shampoo li quid enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. This chemically dissolves all impurities and createst a sooth ing, cooling lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and pliant, while the hair takes on the glossy rich ness of natural color, also a fluffiness which makes it seem much heavier than it is. After a canthrox shampoo, arranging the hair Is a pleasure. Advertisement. Young Woman Falls to Death in Jail OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 20. Pearl Whitford, 23 years old. who was sen tenced today to servo a sentence of twenty-five- days in jail or pay a fine of $60 on conviction of violation of the state narcotic law, jumped or fell to her death from the jail here on the fourteenth floor of tho city hall in the downtown district. Hundreds of per sons in the streets witnessed the tragedy POSLAM MAKES SKIN SUFFERERS GLAD INDEED Cover that itching skin disorder with Poslam now you have real relief and your skin is being urged through the most persuasive healing influence to throw off its diseased condition, to yield and become clear again. Splendid response is the rule when Poslam is used for eczema, however stubborn, acne, pimples, scalp-scale, herpes, all itching troubles, inflamma tion, undue redness of nose or com plexion. Sold everywhere. For freo sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos lam should bo used if skin is tender and sensitive. Advertisement. oo Shock Absorbers For False Teeth Cleveland, O,, Jan. 3rd. Non-Sk-id Shoclc Absorbers for false teeth are the latest thing. Hereto fore the principle of shock absorb ers, non-skid tires, and rubber heels, has been limited in applica tion but now a Cleveland chemical concern advertises a powder which sprinkled upon "store teeth," forms a smooth cushion, holds them firmly in place, and gives a "non-skid" effect while they romp over the toughest roasting cars of corn and chew the stickiest candy. One who has lost his natural teeth can supply himself with this antiseptic, adhesive comfort pow der Corcga at a drug store, and proceed to laugh and sneeze, crack nuts and do other hazardous things without risk of shaking his prized false teeth from their upper and lower berths. Adv. n n Ogden Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Masons Special meeting Tuesday, January 20lh S p. m , for work in M. M. Degree. By order of the E. II. P. P. E. NICHOLS, Secretary 22S 1 1 WORE MO SHOES " FOR M YEARS Los Angeles Woman Lived in Bed and Pillowed Chair Un til She Started on Tanlac. "I had to be cared for just liko a ibaby before I bfgan taking Tanlac," said. Mrs. Alice Murphy, of 1501 Penn- 1 sylvania Ave:, Los Angeles, Cal. "Two years ago 1 had a very severe attack of muscular rheumatism," she . continued, "and no one knows the pain and torture I have suffered since. My i hands swelled until I could hardly work my fingers and I haven't been able to put oil a pair of ahoes because my feet were swollen so. I had sharp pains through my back so bad that at times I simply could not keep from screaming. Sometimes I got so dizzy everything seemed to spin around and then I would have sharp pains and a chilly feeling afterwards. I was so helpless that I lived propped up with pillows in a chair or in bed all the timo and had to be helped from one place to another. j "I tried overy medicine or treat-1 niont we could hear of, but it was : money thrown away and I got so blue 1 I did not care to live. Then my litis-, band read in the papers about Tanlac ' and by the time I had taken it four or ' five days I saw it was helping me. ' Now, after taking several bottles, I can't praise Tanlac enough. My nerves are so much better I sleep like a child all night long. I am already doing my housework again and it is the first time in two years I have been able to get around at all and wear my shoes." Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A. H. Mc lntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. oo j Men Hod Up Sentry Take Rifle and Leave SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. Two men, wearing soldiers' uniforms, in an , automobile, were challenged by a sen try at the Presidio military post here when they attempted to drive past him with a large box containing blankets. The men stopped their automobile, drew revolvers, held the sentry un, took his rifle from him and drove away. i WHEN YOU SUFFER -i FROM RHEUMATlSMi Sloan's Liniment Should Be Kept Handy For Aches and Pains. WHY wait for a severe pain, an ache, a twinge following ex posure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to leave naturally when you should keep Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active and fit? Vithout rubbing, for it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, clean, prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment co.uldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't make good. That's worth remember ing. All druggists three sizes the largest for utmost economy. 35c, 70c, $1 40 oo I OCOEi Offlll OF MUSIC New Term Begins The Ogden Conservatory begins a new term of instruction this week. Individual and class instruction In piano, voice, violin and theory of music is offered by tho following fac ulty of well known teachers: Squire Coop, Arthur U'reber, Lester HInchcliffe, Ellen Thomas, Louise Pierce Martineau, Vera Frey Beason and assistant teachers. This institution la now in its sixth year and numbers among its teach ers and students many prominent names in state and local musical circles. 199-1 IIOI 1 FOSDiGK RESffifJS FfiflM LEAGUE j Continued Lack of American , Decision Places Him in Em i harassing Position WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. (By the Associated Press.) Raymond B. Fos dick, under secretary-general of the League of National and American rep i rescntatlves in the leaguo machinery so far, has resigned. His friends say that inasmuch as the league has not been accepted by the United States he did not feel he could continue. Mr. Fosdick announced his resigna tion in a cablegram to Sir Eric Druni mond, sucrelary general, saying: Under Secretary Embarrassed. "Now that the league of nntions is no longer a provisional organization, but has become established as a going concern, the continued lack of decision) as to America's course places me, per sonally, in a position of peculiar em barrassment. To avoid any contusion or misunderstanding as lo my position as under-secretary-gencral, it seems best for me to tender my resignation, I do this with deep regret because I do not like to appear to be abandoning those with whom I have been associ ated for the last few months just at the inomcnl when their responsibili ties and opportunities are becoming real. The league is approaching the Let Us Supply I Your Home Needs ' I ( " ; Cu&utt&W. 's Good for tho Kiddies Phong 288 frfLuo I prescriptions 67 lis mf t Mr I H - lately for tho M ji JT ST J I ' -j Ajfli-fiy that aro pro- I H Jlfe&flI3l -ey tba toothcorao "coody" of a generi- I ! ftS'rgt fljffSCp "aty "an ounco of tion. Velvet tho delicious old-fashioned I M?" JM8 prevention ir molagsej candy that's always pure and j fl tbyot -rsl svorth n pound wholesome. D:op In on tho -wvj home to- I of proacr'.p- night and get a hox for tho Iclddles I lion' and tro Uav prepared just thoy lovo It. And & refreshing drink st I tho proper preventives for serious our fountain -xhlle waiting for your pack- I 1 H developments from slight allmentn. ae, mafcoo you feel tine, I B Our csporicaco and ocleutitic Velvet, a box I fl "kne-.rinc how" makoo us truly - f fk f I OEon's family prescription druc iUC? ZUCj ODC I V v . TRY IT and ' SJ0 I TEETH fiffwH ore ' I Discoloration and fju Ij I i iNIMd l Jj I " decay shy clear of lUJll I 1 HM LtiaDDeU" H ! teeth that aro J mymt &3k r ; brushed with Chlor- fBr--rrrsj. 3Bfi j nT J 1 IH edenta Tooth Paste. p j M3B0S ' " It is the chlorate of W ;ilvy potash, kind. Den- You can keep your I tists recommend it. trv tking some indoor hands and face as ; ?nSOrn0anfif Pictures. We'll tell you sot and clear as super-quality UOT. t tako excellent ld , , f H brushes too, for portralls and develop ?,ou C0Ul(l V1 C?r 1 H your selection vom. filffi8 and makc you it you use Benzoin H Chloredenta, largo tho best prjnts you ever Almond Cream. J Jecia. ...... 43 c saw- ' Sp,cc,al 43 c V. j price, XXJt j Things necessary for good work, for comfort and ! pleasure, for utility and decoration, and for good j ( healtli such things Culley's supplies TMJSSES ' I ifPsSSriSffiiT) ir.?r'pfe,a5 1 ur hl&h &rade aervice ln th,s ' U fiucsJrr V 5uvrcfl,iraJ " 6p aD H department la consistent with, i ip r3 f a a - tho Culley policy. "Wo are tho'r-' I SWerBath-BruBh 1 m3t d,f"clllt wes-and guar- H B rT7S5S! Removable brush B anlC0 a flL ' ! La BFSESS ,ySB&i Ei..iaHl PRESCRIPTION SPECIAIJSTS J 2470 AVnsh Ave. Phone 2S8. 1 I fcl I I I I ! ! I I .1 111 ,1 IT II IU- Mil Ull Ml II IK I I .1 L 1,11 point where it can begin to carry out the world's hopes for-dlsarmament, ar bitration, protection of backward peo Iplo, furthering of international health projects and all other humanitarian issues upon which we have been work ling for six months. I feel sure, how ever, that you "will appreciate the reasons which havo led up to my de cision and will recognize that if, as an American, I now feel forced to with draw from official connection from the secretariat, it is not for lack of faith in tho league." Fosdick Brilliant Young Lawyer. Fosdick is a young lawyer who at tracted national attention during the term of Mayor Gaynor of New York by the manner in which he investigat ed municipal finances. During the war he was chairman of the commis sion on training camp activities, and was appointed an under-secretary of the league "by Sir Eric Drummond last May. Ho represented the league in the sessions of the International labor conference in "Washington last Novem ber. With Sir Eric and Jean Monet, the French under-secretary-general, he1 was a member of the cabinet of the! league. Under their general direction! a staff of experts selected from many countries has been working on tenta tive plans for disarmament mandates, protection of minorities, a court of in ternational justice and other instru ments provided by the covenant. Mr. Fosdick vil return to law practice. LUNCHEON SOUP By FRANCES MARSHALL. . Cream Potato Soup Three or four large white potatoes, one quart of water, one pint of milk, one small onion chopped fine, one stalk of cel ery, one teaspoon of salt, one-half tea-; spoon of white pepper, one-half tea spoon of celery salt, one-half table spoon of flour, two tablespoons of t butter and ono sprig of parsley. Peel1 and boil potatoes until very soft, drain and mash and beat light. Add onions 1 and. celery to milk; when boiling add 'H tho rest of seasoning and pour on the potatoes. Pour through sieve and put on to boil again. Mix your melted ( butter and flour together and stir in 'M the puree. Let boil five minutes and serve. If too thick thin out with hot milk. 1 Oyster Bisque. Plump and ruffle two dozen medium sized oysters by dropping them into a hot frying pan and turning until plumped and ruffled on both sides 1 JH Skim out the oysters, add lo the liquor ) half a pint of cream, a bay leaf, two 1 blades of mace, a sprinkle of cayenne, ( a salt spoon of paprika, the same amount of salt, and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Skim the liquor thorough- j ly when it boils, return the oysters lH chopped rather fine, and as soon as thoy boil again add one heaping table- spoon of flour and moistened with cold milk; stir constantly for five mlnules, add a tablespoon of butter, and when it melts serve immediately. Split Pea Soup. Take a two-pound beef bone and one slice of ham. Place in a soup pot and pour over it one gallon of cold water. Now add one pint of split peas 'or small white beans, two carrots, two turnips, one stalk of celery chopped In pieces, one sprig of thyme, and black and red pepper lo taste. l3o'il jH for two hours, or until the vegetables are soft, and remove from the fire. jfl Then strain the soup through a siev'e and add one teaspoon of butter arid salt lo taste and boil five minutes arid H serve with toasted bread. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 HuJ. son avenue, pays highest IH i prices for Liberty bonds. ! SCHUMANN-HEINK ILL. SAN DIEGO. Cal., Jan. 19. Mine. IH Schumann-Heinle is ill with pneumonia ll at her home at Grossmont, a suburb'. IH Her condition was said not to De se- IH Guaranteed to Put on Firm, Healthy its use arc often simply a3tonlshmr. " lH Flesh and to Increnso Strength, Veak. tired people regain strength nn 1 t Vlnor and Nerve Force. vigor thinness and angularity give- av;iv JH to plumpness and curves: sleep returns IH AVeuk, thin people men or women-- to the sleepless; confidence and chcr m are nearly uhvnvs nervous wrecks; thus i fulness replace dehllSty and Kloom: uu conclusively proving that thinness eyes become bright, and pale, sun ecu JH weakness, debility and neurasthenia are I cheeks regain the pink fcipw or health, almost Invariably due to nerve starvation. ! Ditro-Phcsphatc. the uso of which is iii Feed your nerves and all these symptoms expensive, also wonderfully promotes t.K duo lo nerve starvation will disappear. assimilation of food, so much, so tun Eminent specialists state that tho best many people report marked gains or, nervo food is on oiganlc phosphate known weicht In a few weeks. . , . ( among druggists as Bltro-Phosphate. a CAUTION Although bUro-phospha -J five-grain tablet of which should bo taken is unsurpassed for relieving norvonseiuv n with each meal. Being a gmilne mrw sleeplessness and general weakness, builder and not a stimulant or hobit- should not. owing to Us remarkable flesn-x forming drug, Biiro-Phosphato can be growing properties, be used by unon sarely taken bv the. weakest and most deli- who docs not tie e ire to put on flesh. cute sufferer, and Ihe results following Advertisement.