OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, January 20, 1920, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1920-01-20/ed-1/seq-7/

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3j Retail Price of Beet
;f j Sugar Here to be $15.50
i 1 :
! Based upon seaboard refinery prices
ii or ?15 a hundred pounds for cano
?1 " ' sugar and $13 a hundred for be'et
-N : fusar, the retail prices ,fpr"Ogden will
i be $17.50 a hundred for' cano sugar
... : i and ?15.50 for beet sugar, while En por
''! i llonS of tJl Sdcn wholesale district
a$ f high as ?1C a hundred, because ot
'$f ' f these prices for the latter will bo as
fx' ' high as $16 a hundred, because ot
. freight charges,
w-; j The present price of cane sugar at
vfn i c Pacific coast points is $15, with 73
')W ' j cents freight added, 77 cents a hundred
i . :: as the wholesaler's additional charge
; ; r and $1 a hundred as tho retailer's
ij charge, making $17,50 ns tho price. On
I 1 : beet sugar, the price is $13 at the sea-
li ' ' board, with 73 cents added for freight
jj j 77 cents for the wholesalers and $1 for
,1 f the r ctailers, making a price of $15.50.
1 ' In years before sugar price control
,Jt -I was in vogue, the differential was 10c
to .L a hundred and if that were applied
4. now, the retail price of beet sugar
.v- H would $17.40.
Annual Gnest Day
j Meeting Announced
BlI Th? Woman's Home Missionary so
il ciety for the First Methodist Episcopal
IBM church will hold its Annual Guest Day
flpl meeting Thursday at 2:30 p. m. in the
Hff church parlors.
Tj 1 A program of exceptional merit has
Rill heen arranged. There will be appro-
nlti priate music and aii address on Mexico
lilfcl bv n?v- Iol,lner of he First Chris
HH1 tian churcli. A social hour will follow.
Ill All ladies of the city are most cor-
Irl tllally Invited to attehd.
Marines to Receive
New Victory Buttons
Victory buttons, to be worn In the
lapel o civilian clothes, are soon to be
issued by tho United States marine
corps to all men who served in the
corpa from April 6, 1917, to November
11, 191S, according to a statement is
sued today at the Marine corps recruit
ing office, 24S6 Washington avenue.
The button is of the standard design
adopted for all branches ot the 2erv
ice, bronze for all men, except those
who were wounded, who will receive
silver buttons. These buttons arc not
to be confused with the marine dis
charge buttons, which were issued to
all men of the marine corps and ma
rine corps reserve upon honorable dis
charge from the service.
Men who desire Victory buttons
should apply with their discharge pa
pers to the nearest marine barracks
or recruiting station so that their ap
plications may be forwarded to head
quarters. "For-the information of all concern
ed," says an order from marine corps
headquarters, "appropriate publicity
should be given to. the fact that the
Victory medal itself has not yet been
struck off nt the mint, that designs
for the clasps have not yet been ap
proved, and that ribbons and bars with
bronze and silver stars will therefore
be issued with medals and battle
clasps as soon as same are received."
HELSINGFORS, Monday, Jan. J9.
The United States transport Buford,
which brought 2-19 Russians from the
United States to Finland, arrived at
Helsingfqrs this afternoon, having sail
ed from Hango thi3 morning wiih th.e
destroyer Ballard, her convoy.
m 8 ' I
ft a c
j '"
If . Tomorrow is j
Children9 s Day j';
j j? Cheaper prices on children's wear tomorrow. These chil- r !
dren's days should have attention now, for you're buying I
r needed garments at prices that will not be so low again r
for many months. These sales are on 2nd floor. jjj !
jj Children's Hats t l
I ,Al nrtmont of children's free EalloOUS
3 hats -which can be worn for a
0 early spring, made of wash- J OTSIOYTOVJ I
'i able corduroy. Values to $2. X
i Special 45 To every child who comes to $
! f! Infant's Bibs thc dTrt!ne,nt tomorrow, g
j tp jji'i tp t accompanied by their par- H
Infants bibs, made of a good , . n
t absorbent cotton, trimmed ents w,u bc S,vcn one of S
4J with lace, usual 12 l-2c val- these attractive rubber bal- y
; a ues. Special, 3 for . . . 25 loons. ' jjjj
I r Girl's Api'OnS There's a lot of fun "in a I
; Children's house aprons, rubber balloon for the little
; made of good quality per- tots. Brin the kiddies in
; h cale, trimmed with ruffles for one. On Second Floor.
' v and bow in bck. . $1.7" v
j values. Special . . . $1.45
c Girl's Dresses Pinning Blankets ; :
j Children's school dresses, infants' flannel pinning 0 i
c made of strietlv washable uii.i , t c i
X ! , . , . . blaukels, made ot good qual- a
j gingham m plaids, stripes 1 0
i 1 and plain, size 6 to 34 years. dy flannel, usual .1.2o val-
$3.50 values. Special $2.45 ues. Special 856 j
! i Infant's Petticoats Girl's Middies f
1 jj Infants' wool Gertrude petti- Girls' middies, made of
I I coats, featherstitch trimmed, splendid quality middv cloth,
i fl J? ad i L ?lQU?ld qUahty Plain white, braid trimmed,
flannel, $1.2o values. l. ' ' g
5 ? Special $1.00 slze 6 lo 14 vears 2-50
i A m jl values. Special . . $1.75 X
Tarn O'Shanters I
m x Children's and girls' tarn o Infant's Creepers c
rti shanters in light and dark Infants' creepers, made of
I colors, pompom trim, fancy strictly washable gingham, I
I! I .lM.to-T: 91.96 gbt nd a.rk colon,, .to 6 j
, c T months to 2 years. lto0
f Gingham Dresses vaiues. Special . . . $1.00 fl
c Children's giigham school T n , c
1 dresses, made of strictly Infant's Bootees I
5 washable gingham, size 6 to Infants' wool bootees, knee V
jj 12 years, light and dark col- length, made of good quality jj
ors,' values to $3.00. yam, trimmed in pink and (
r Special $1.45 bluet $1.35 values.
S Infant's Sweaters Spe"!jM,' ' ' r
l Infants' white sweaters, Cnllaren S OapS jjj
' I made of good quality yarn, Children's caps, made of a $
I links and links stitched, slip- splendid quality mercerized r
! 8 over and coat style, values to silk in white, pink and blue,
, ; J $4.00. Special .... $1.95 usual $1.50 values . . 95
I Ruben Shirts Infant's Bonnets I
' Infants' Ruben shirts in all Infants' silk bonnets, made 2
; i J sizes, double breasted, fine of good quality material, (
: ' I rib, infant size to 3 years, some arc slightly soiled,
ffir 1 65c values. . Special 3 for $1 values to $1.50. Special 45$
Mrs. Rebecca Hill, widow of Am-j
brose Hill, is awarded $5,000. her full I
claim for damages, in a decision given
by the Industrial Commission of Utah,
i according to notice received here by ,
the law firm of Chez & Darker, In ad
dition to the $5,000, tho commission
awards a sum for funeral and medical
Ambrose Hill was employed In the
Belnap Meat shop on Twenty-fourth
street and was injured July 2, while '
removing a box of meat from the re
frigerator In thc shop. In .the act of
removing tho box it broke and he fell
wJth great force and Injured his back
from which cause, it was contended,'
his death resulted July 11.
At thc tiino of the hearing of the 1
claim before the commission last Au
gust, It was contended by the Aetna!
Life Insurance company, who carried
tho insurance, that his death was a
natuial death, and resulted independ
ent of tho Injury, and the insurance
company was not liable and the claim ,
should be denied. To support this con-
tentlon three physicians prominent in
j this city wero called to testify Mrs.
Hill, represented by Chez & Barker,
argued that the attending physician's
evidence was more worthy and should
be controlling in the case and the com
mission took the same view in prefer
ence to the testimony of experts and
accepted tho unqualified statement
j and evidence of the physician who
j first attended Air. Hill, and decided
1 that tho accident was thc resulting
'cause of his death.
Clifton Cook and Albert Jensen,
both 17, aro back in tho state Indus
trial school today following an attempt'
to escape which failed because police
officers with skill as marksmen punc
tured with bullets the tires of the au
tomobile In which they wero escaping.
Detective G. Duncan McLeod and
Chauffeur Ed. Butterfield made the ar
rests. !
A report came to the police depart-1
ment that the two boys had escaped
from the industrial school. Shortly
afterwards a report came in that the,
car of Ray Jones had beojn stolen from i
313 Thirteenth street. Desk Sergeant!
Barlow B. Wilson, putt two and two 1
together, deduced thai the escaped
boys took the machine.
Officers McLeod and Butterfield
were assigned to the case.
In the police auto they proceeded
out Washington avenue until they saw
the car belonging lo Jones.
They immediately gave chase.
The driver of the car "stepped on 1
er" and tho race was on.
When ordered to stop the boys put
on more speed. McLeod opened fire
and punctured, one ofthe rear iires.
Still tho boys went on. 1
The other rear lire was punctured
by tho automatic and the flat tires j
caused the car to slow down until the)
officers overtook it.
Boj Struck hy Car
assd Instantly Killed
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 20. Claude
Henry MacNeil, 13 years of age, son
of Claude and Kilty Flem MacNiel, 360
West Eighth North street, was instant-1
ly killed last evening shortly after 5
o'clock when he was struck by a south
bound Centervillo street car near
Beck's Hot Springs. Plis head was
orushed. He died as he Avas entering
S. Mark's hospital, where he was
taken by Mrs. A. L. Gildrup, wife of
Dr. A. L. Gildrup, 32S Winthrop court,
who was passing the scene of the acci
dent in an automobile.
oo j
I Young Girl Attempts j
Escape from JaiSj
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 20. The J
first case on record of a woman's at-'
tempt at escape from the county jail
is credited to a girl 17 years of age,
Miss Sadie Whitehead, daughter of
: Mary and Frank Whitehead of 366
West third South street.
The attempt was made Sunday night
from the women's ward of the jail.
Tho method was that which has prov
en a favorite with several prisoners
prying loose bricks adjacent to the
window jam in the hope of effecting
an aperture large enough to crawl
through between the wall and an out
side bar of the window.
Various implements have been used
in the past for attack upon the brick
work of the window jams, but it re
mained for thc girl of 17 to attempt
It with a spoon.
Women of Farr West
Organize for Drive
To organize for the membership
drive which Is being carried out by
farm bureaus through the county, tho
women of tho Farr West farm bureau
will moot this afternoon at 3:30. Miss
Ellen Agren, county home demonstra
tor, will bc present nt the meeting.
Mise Agren has been making a visit
this week to schools in which hot
lunchos havo been Installed. She was
at the Pleasant View school yesterday.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Jan., 20. The
physician attending Madame Ernestine
Schumann-Heinle who is ill with pneu
monia at her home near hero, stated
that "while her condition was not se
rious, she was not yet out of danger."
H A I H A lf2E A 1 s
I REAL ART JtlSk '"a ' mJL M Mi tW Ml Jm. SAFE I
UNITED ARTIST in k r u h. ,i FIREPROOF 1 ! !
s "l" s D. W. GRIFFITH'S SUPEfTfEATURE t 1 J ,
j tTod!y j "SGMRLET DAYS" 10c ' 20c - 30c I
I n Played by a Great Cast, including I ,
Views on Granting Naval j
Awards in Opposition
to Rear Admiral Sims
WASHINGTON. Jan 20. Hear Ad
miral Henry T. Mayo, commander-in-chief
of the Uniled States fleet during
the war, told the senate committee in
vestigating naval awards today that
his letter to Secretary Daniels on De
cember 23, declaring that the Knight
board did not give sufficient considera
tion to service at sea, particularly lo
the duties and responsibilities of mem
bers of staff of the commander-in-chief
of the fleet, was not to be considered
in any sense one of protest. He read
I the letter at the request of Chairman
I Admiral Mayo took a view diamelri
cally opposed to that expressed by
I Rear Admiral Sims, who told the sub
committee that the Knight board in
granting awards, gave too little consid
eration to the records of officers who
! served on shore. The navy depart
ment made public Admiral Mayo's let
i ter on the subject some days ago.
Sims' Charges Barred.
The examination of Admiral Mayo
began under the ruling made yester
day by the senate naval committee
j whose present investigation should be
1 confined entirely to thc question of
war decoration awards, charges made
'by Admiral Sims that the navy dopart
Iment did not co-operate fully with the
inllies during tho war being deferred
I for subsequent investigation. Admiral
Mayo said his letter was written after
practically all of his recommendations
had been changed or disapproved by
the board or Secretary Daniels.
"I made very few recommendations
for awards," ho said, "mostly in the
cases of members of my personal staff,
force commanders and commanders
operating independently. In the Cap
tain O. J. Jackson, my chief of staff,
l took a very conservative view and
recommended a navy cross. In view
of other commanders recommending
their chief aides for distinguished
service medals the board Increased my
recommendation to a distinguished
service medal, but Secretary Daniels
reduced it back to a navy cross. Cap
tain Jackson was tho only member of
my staff, I believe, who finally receiv
ed any decoration at all."
Testifying that Admiral Sims was
supposed to be "under his command
during the war, Admiral Mayo said
that in order to faoilitate matters Ad
miral Sims did not report to him, but
directly to the navy department."
Wcll-Defined Policy Lacking.
Lack of a Well-defined policy for thc
award of naval honors may have had
a bearing on the decoration situation,
Admiral Mayo said, adding:
"Both the hnnrH riTirl thn cnoralomr
were acting within their rights and
prerogatives in charging rQcommcmda
.Uon3 for awards."
"But don't you believe, admiral,
that the board and tho secretary
should have consulted vou before
changing your recommendations?"
asked Chairman Hale.
"No, 1 do not," replied the admiral.
I do not believe it would have been
practicable. It might have been de
sirable, however."
Admiral Not Satisfied.
"I do not say I was satisfied with
the result of the action of the board
and the secretary," added Admiral
Mayo, "but I do say that they had the
rignl to take' such action as they wish
ed and to assume tho responsibility."
Chairman Halo said there was no
record that Commander P. W. Foote,
now personal aide to Secretary Dan
iels, had been recommended by any of
ficer for a decoration, although the
secretary afforded him a distinguish
ed service medal.
Admiral Mayo said ho had written
Secretary Daniels because he felt
there had not been a sufficient realiza
tion of thc value of staff dutv and that
this might cause officers to avoid staff
Staff Men Hard Working
"There has been a popular idea,"
ho said, "that the chief function of the
staff is to go along and look pretty
when the Old Man goes on a call. That
is not true. They are hard working,
efficient men."
Senator Pittman, Democrat, Nevada,
asked if Admiral Mayo believed there
should- be a policy that officers who
lost their ships should be honored.
Such a policy would not be a good
thing for the service, Admiral Mayo
saijl, but added that in cases where
the officer's conduct during and after
the sinking, as in the cases of CapUin
Christy, of the cruiser San Diego, and
Commander Foote of the transport
President Lincoln, it should entitle
him to high distinction. Under ordin
ary circumstances, ho added, an offi
cer who lost his ship, was, in all nav
ies, court martlaled.
: When Rear Admiral Mayo concluded
his tpstimouy the committee adjourn-
! ed until tomorrow. Major General Bar-
I nett, commander of the marine corps
will be called then.
I ,
Hope Felt Georgians
Will Check Bolshevik
PARIS, Jan. 20. Confidence in the
ability of the Georgian republic In the
Caucasus, to hold out against any Bol
shevik advance if the allies send the
necessary supplies and war materials
is expressed by M. 'Gobetchina, one of
the Georgian delegates here. He ap
peared before the supreme -council yes
terday with a representatn e ' of the
Azerbaijan, with roforence to the in
tegrity of the territory of those gov
ernments and its eventual defense
against Bolshevik advances, and it
was understood that the council con
sidered measures for aid to these
states for defense of their frontiers
in cases of need j
Spanish Astronomer : I
Discovers New Star I
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 20. Dis-
covery of a new comet by a Spanish
observer was announced by the Har- '
vard observatory. A cablegram form i
Professor Lecolnite, in charge of the
new central international bureau of
astronomicrj telegrams at Brussels,
gave the i formation that the comet
had been discovered January 13 by ,
Comas Solas, director of the Barcelona
observatory. j
The comet is visible only In a large I
telescope. IH
oo i i
DUBLIN, Monday, Jan. 19. Ameri- H l
can newspapers arriving here during li'l
the past few days have been seized
by postal authorities, supposedly be
cause of articles referring to Irish af-
IT' A .ro jf. "W "ITfl U Send the coupon below 1
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But pepsin alone is inert. It must be activated, and thc usual agent is an acid harmful v 'M
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