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TQDAY'S METAL PRICES tfi If iflf AfM lti T tf'VY MWM : WEATHER FORECAST . jij NEW YORK Copper 19Jc; Iron $43.25; antimony 3 ill 1 IIHIl 11 nqT I 4ji 1 A JL I 41 1 I ' Weather '"d,cal,on8 0den and Vicinity: it (H 10.50c; lead 8.75c; zinc 9:30c. 9j f L-' A yN V W " 'v' Generally fair tonight and Thursday; not much I I : 0 FEARLESS O INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER ' change In temperature. ; H IJ Rftieth Year-No. 18 Prce Rve Cent3 QGDEN OTY UTAHWEDNESD AY EVENING, JANUAR2l7l920 LAST EDITION- P. M. H ill SjS .El .K, II I BAKER URGES COMPULSORY TRAINING llllVRk . m (B. a a o " a I SECRETARY OF WAR I HORSES MEASURE I FOR AMERICAN ARMY lllfl Calls or Formation of One( IIIH Military Organization For Unted States i REORGANIZATION PLAN IH DECLARED EXCELLENT III Regulars to Comprise 280,000 III Men Under Proposed Law; Guard Is Recognized j WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 The army m reorganization bill drafted by the -sen- I ate military subcommittee, was en- I ; dorsed today by Secretary Baker, who I ' appeared before the full committee. I I "This is the most statesman-like at I .' tempt to reorganize the army ever I made in any country and is an exceed- I I ingly able and effective piece of leg- '.. islalion," he said. I I The measure provides for ' compul I sory military training and the forma I ! tion of one big army to be divided I into a citizens' reserve army, the rcg I :; ular army consisting of 2SO.O0O men I I and the national guard. I i Reference to Pershing. While disclaiming any "personal in j! lerest or almost none" in the matter, i Secretary Baker opposed provisions which would make General Pershing chief of staff. These provisions would i in effect abolish the war department as long as General Pershing was on the active list, the secretary said, add ing that the- president or the secre- ' tar yo war should be permitted to name the chief .of staff In view of the fact that, he is the military adviser . and the man upon whom both depend for carrying out the military policy. No Military Autocracy. - Senator Frelinghuysen, Republican, New Jersey, suggested that the pur- l pose was to provide a place for Gen- ( eral Pershing. ' "We can't afford to make a military ' autocracy in America in order to find r a place for an officer," the secretary i said. "I think when you place a mill- tary man in a place created by law : and you can't replace him, you are do ing something that I believe the con- i stitution prohibits. It is Impolitic and i constitutionally infirm." 1 Declaring he had discussed the mat- t ter with General Pershing, Mr. Baker j said he did not think the general f would care to have the place. I General Pershing's future relations to the army organization form a prob- 1 lem, Secretary- Baker said, In finding an assignment for him of importance i and dignity corresponding to his high B rank. K Senator Frelinghuysen said that in W supporting the proposal designed to t make Pershing chief of staff, he did i ft uot intend to cast any reflection upon1 M the work during the war of General ,t w March, the present chief. h I PROSPECTS MRK FOR OHIFIEO HELM); Voting Shows South Not Solid-1 ly Sinn Fein, Nor Is North i Unitedly Unionist ' (LONDON. Jan. 21. (By the Associ ated Press.) While the Sinn Fein is celebrating what it calls a victory in (he Irish municipal elections, official) circles In London profess to find in the j election returns an element which; makes the prospects brighter for a uni fied Ireland under the proposed home 9 rule bill. This element is said to lie in the fact that the voting showed neither southern Ireland to be solidly Sinn Fein, nor northern Ireland sol idly unionist. Neither the Sinn Felners nor union ists appear to have gained a majority of the total seats in their respective strongholds. Therefore, it is claimed that as sentiment is mixed in both sec tions, there is much more chance for them to come together quickly under one parliament as proposed by Pre mier Lloyd George in his recent speech in the house of commons. While there are 'a few districts still to be heard from, it would appear from available figures that the Sinn Fein has captured approximately thirty-one per cent of the seats and the union ist partv twenty per cent while labor came strong to the front with 17 per cent and me nationalists have again come to life and won 14 per cent. The other seats are scattered among inde pendents and reformers. oo KILLED IN COLLISION. COPENHAGEN, Tuesday, Jan. 20. Eighteen passengers were killed and 20 injured in a railway collision out J side of Schneldemuhl, Prussia, last f night. THOMAS CAT HAS FINE BREAKFAST AT PIGEON SHOW NEW YORK, Jan. 21. A stray tom-cat projected himself into the annual poultry show in progress today in Madison Square Garden and had a $100 breakfast on two carrier pig eons on exhibition by a Balti more fancier. The homeless fe line squeezed into the garden in some unknown way and feasted his eyes on the 14,000 birds, fi nally tearing- the muslin strips of the crate housing the pig eons. Only a few feathers were left to tell the tale. The cat escaped. JAPANESE ALSO TO MOVE TROOPS FROM FROI 1 SIBERIA Iokio Declares it Has No Ter-j ritorial Ambitions Object I Held Nearmg Attainment i TOKIO, Tuesday, Jan. 20 Japan's , )bject in agreeing to co-operate with he United States in supporting Cze-'j :ho-SIovaki troops in Siberia has been Utained and the withdrawal of Jap inese troops from Siberia will follow, t was decided at a meeting of the ad visory diplomatic council yesterday, iccording to newspapers here. It was asserted at the meeting it s said that Japan has no territorial imbitions in Siberia and troops now jeing sent to that country are merely .o replace losses. It was declared thnfe fundamental policies will not be af fected by this step. The council is re )orted to have endorsed the cabinet's decision not, 10 lmenere luriner m the internal affairs or Siberia and to adhere strictly to the government's declaration when it entered into its agreement with American in 1918. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. Official advices from Tokio received here have indicated the purpose of the Japanese government to follow the example of the United States in withdrawing its military forces from Siberia. Discussions in the Japanese press 'and utterances by political leaders have developed that probably a large majority of the Japanese people are averse to entering single-handeB into such a vast enterprise as the invasion of Siberia. All of t lie other foreign elements having been withdrawn- from Siberia there remain now only about 8.000 Americans and perhaps 30,000 Japan ese troops in addition to the Czecho slovaks whose number has been vaguely placed at somewhere between 20,000 and -10,000. It is planned to re move all of these Czecho-Slovaks by February 1G and the American troops should have quit by March 1. Although their lines extend much further to the westward than those of the Americans, the Japanese have only a short voyage from Vladivostok to their own country so that their evacu ation of Siberia may be completed very early in the spring, Geeeral Spmenoff, with his 14,000 Cossack irregulars, would be left to face the steady eastward advance of the Bolshevik forces. At present he holds a considerable portion of the line of the Siberian railway, but it ex pected unless he is prepared to make terms with the Bolsheviki, he will be obliged to withdraw his forces to the steppes of Siberia and conduct a de sultory warfare indefinitely, living on the country as far as possible. oo Substitute for King Resolution Adopted WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 A resolu tion supporting the claims of Greece to Tharcian territory was reported to day by the senate foreign relations committee as a substitute for a simi lar resolution by Senator King, Demo crat, Utath. The committee resolution proposes declaration by the senate that all Thracian territory surrendered to the allies by Turkey and Bulgaria be awarded to Greece, provided an outlet on the Aegean sea Is given Bulgaria. 'KID1PPE0BRIIR . CITIZEN IS QUICKLY RESCUED II MEXICO Subject of King George Soon Taken from Bandits by Car ranza Federal Force NO RANSOM PAID TO OBTAIN HIS RELEASE Officers Who Have Been Pur suing Slayers of Americans to Report to Executive MEXICO CITY, Jan. 21. j Alexander Ross, a British ! subject who was kidnaped Sunday near Orizaba was res cued yesterday by govern- ' ment forces, according" to a telegram from authorities of the state of Vera Cruz to the ; foreign office. No ransom j was paid. . I MEXICO CITY, Jan. 20. General , Francisco Murguia and Colonel Car , los Orozco, who are directing a pur-, i suit of bandits who killed Earl Boles nd P. J. Jtoncy, two -Americans, in j Tamn,ico region" early Jj4is,xnyn' j I coming to Mexico City to inform Pres ident Carranza of steps they have ; taken. They aviI 1 also lay before au-1 ' thorities here declarations made by Jose Guadalupe Castro, who was ar-1 rested on the charge of being one of; the murderers. j MEXICO CITY, Tuesday, Jan. 20. , Mexican consuls have been ordered by the foreign ofice lo refuse to vise; 'passports of persons expelled from the j United States. It is said these per sons would be dangerous to the peace of Mexico and strict vigilance js en-; joined upon Mexican immigration of ficers. MEXICO CITY, Tuesday, Jan. 20. I Reports that the Mexican government ' is favoring British oil companies were 'denied today by Joaquin Sanaella. chief of the oil bureau of the depart ment of Industry, commerce and la bor. He asserted American oil companies were encountering difficulties bc-causc they have not shown a disposition to comply with the regulations of the oil . decree of January 18, 191S, and also constitutional provisions regarding the' necessity of submitting to Mexican, law. I British compauies, he said, were i ' pushing their work vigorously "be-1 cause they have complied with every j governmental regulation relating to in corporation under Mexican laws and have followed the regulations govern-) j ing oil lan'd holdings. I I nn i ; Forty American Boys ' Visit in Melbourne' i MELBOURNE. Jan. 21. Forty American boy tourists were entertain-! ed at the parliament houso by mem-' bers of the federal ministry today. G. F. Tearce, minister of defense, said i the government regarded the visit of the Americans as "a happy augury that the link between the great Amer ican republic and the Australian com ' monwealth which was forged on the j battlefield would not b'e lightly torn I asunder." Dutch Debate Entry ' of League of Nations THE HAGUE, Tuesday, Jan. 20. Preliminary discussions of the propos al that Holland should enter thp league of nations began in parliament today. The session was not public. Socialist meetings have declared in favor of entering the league, but not until the particulars relative to the strength of the Dutch army permitted under the covenant are known. nn TRAIN DISPATCHER HONORED. SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 21. A re quest that J. G. Luhrscn, president of tbe American Train Dispatchers asso ciation, with headquarters here, be come a member of the committee of sixty on policies and platform author ized at the last meeting of the Re publican national committee was re ceived at the office of the association today. 4 I " ! ! Selected for Model j SP3 MYTNG& CLEVELAND. Miss Caroline Mytinger, known as Cleveland's most beautiful woman, has been selected by Charles Dana Gibson as the model for his next pictures. She is posing also for other distin- guished New York artists. Her photograph was selected to repre sent Cleveland in a beauty contest at the Panama-Pacific exposition and she is pronounced by artists to have the "ideal face, expressing youth, beauty, happiness, interest, health, goodness and simplicity." DIVERS ATTOflPT TB . RECOVER TREASURES OF LOST LIISIII! Engineers Believe Articles of! Great Value Can be Obtained from Sunken Vessel LONDON, Jan, 21. Efforts to raise some of the treasure from the ill-fated Lusitania will be made early this year. Engineers and divers who have been prospecting about the sunken vessel believe they can at least get thousands of pounds worth of valuables but that it will be impossible to raise the huge steamer xr much of her cargo, owing to the great depth' of the water In which she is lying. Large Party of Irish Fire on Polic&Van KILRUSH, Ireland. Tuesday, Jan. 20 An encounter occurred near here to day in which a man supposed to be a Sinn Feiner was killed. While police men were removing their belongings from the village of Cooraclare lo Knock in a motor van they were fired upon by a large party from both sides of the road. Four bicycle policemen returned' their fire killing one man and capturing two others. The pollce cen escaped injury. . nn. , SAGE REAL ESTATE SOLD. NEW YORK. Jan. .21. Thirty-five parcels of New York real estate owned by the late Mrs. Margaret Sage, widow of Russell Sage, wero sbld at public auction for $2, G3 9,250. By tho will (lie proceeds will be divided among thirty six colleges, charitable institutions, hospitals and museums. MENTAL POWER DETURNS, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 21. Dr. John L-. Brand, tho amnesia victim, known formerly as "Professor X," recognized his wife, when they met, for the first time in three years. Dr. Brand has been gradually "recalling hia past life. Ho Is taking daily exercise and is growing stronger "physically as his mental power slowly "returns. CRIHO liLOEH SUFFERERS UMBER wins SHOW IBut Number of Deaths From Disease is Far Below Toll of Last Year CHICAGO, Jan. 21. More than six thousand persons in Chicago today are ill from influenza, and reports were that the contagion hat. appeared in cities and towns throughout the mid dle west. Pneumonia also was report ed epidemic, and proportionately had caused a large number of deaths. During tho last twenty-four hours new cases of influenza were reported at the rate of fifty an hour. Of these three hundred could not be given oven temporary supervision by trained nurses. Fifteen additional nurses are urgently needed at once, tho commis sioner announced Deaths from influenza during the last 21 hours numbered 36 as against 211 during the day, the greatest num ber of cases was reported in last year's epidemic. Grand Banquet Given For Foreign Diplomats MADRID. Tuesday, Jan. 20. Nearly all the powers of Europe, America and Asia, including the new states created by the Versailles treaty, were repre sented at a grand banquet in honor of foreign diplomats at the royal pal ace lonighL Germany was the only member of the quadruple allianco rep resented, her charge d'affaires being at the bottom of tho long list of guests- Each guest was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Joseph E. Willard, wife of tho American ambassador, taking her place at the head of the column be cause her husband is dean of the dip lomatic corps here. oo NOTED PAINTER DIES. LONDON, Jan. 21. Alfred Parsons, the painter, died at Broadway, Wor cestershire, Friday. I Alfred Parsons was noted as ajand scape painter and illustrator. He was born in 1S17. MILLIONS OF BUSHELS , OF WHEAT TENDERED N MIS5I0H III II. & Delegation at Washington Says Great Stores are Ready to Help Feed Europe MANUFACTURED GOODS WANTED IN EXCHANGE Lack of Medicine and Surgical Goods Are Causing Untold Misery, Is Report WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Four hun-; dred million pounds of sugar, 20,000,-" 000 bushels of wheat and large quanti ties of hides and other materials stor ed in the Ukraine will be made avail able for the markets of the world' when the general blockade of Russia is lift ed, according to an announcement here today by the Ukranian mission in America. Ukraine needs medicines, surgical goods, cloth, clothing, shoes and agri cultaral machinery, according to tho! 'mission, which said the lack of medi cines and clothing alone had reduced to misery great areas of the Ukraine, ilt was added that the receipt of needed supplies would greatly assist the lUkranians. IiLlighting the Bolahevlki. Representatives of the Ukranian co opeiative societies are now in Swiizer 'landj France, England and other coun trieo and it was announced that a del egation soon would arrive in this coun try to open headquarters Officials of the Russian embassy here asserted that their view or the plan of exchanging commodities be tween Bolshevik Russia and the en tente countries is that while some j such exchange is highly desirable, it i probably cannot be brought about by j 1 the means proposed. These officials believe that the soviet government will not in good faith carry out any plan which - would permit supplies from the entente countries to reach the actual sufferers, and naturally would do everything possible to defeat efforts to weaken their hold upon pow er by strengthening the hands of the .elements in Russia which wish to ' throw them out. Otherwise, the em bassy is said to welcome any such measure of rolief for the Russian people. nn ' New Law Records si 1 European Exchange 'NEW YORK. Jan. 21. New low rec ords or. English, French and Italian exchange were made at tho opening I of the market here today. Demand bills in the pound sterling, which reached a low record of ?3 64Vi on , December 11, fell to S3. 6231, or 27 I points from yesterday's close. French I exchange, which was quoted yesterday at the rate of 11.75 francs for tho American dollar, a new low, dropped j today to 11.97, or 17 points below lastj night's close quotation. Lire checks, dropped from yesterday's new low of 1U.S7 to a rate of M.07 for the Ameri can dollar. ! The adverse trade balance against 'European countries and the uncertain- ly regarding foreign trade arc held re-1 sponsible for the demoralized ex-, j change rates. Rates of Belgian, German and Aus trian exchange also dropped to new low levels. Belgian francs were quot ed at the rate of 12.03 for the Ameri can dollar, German marks at 1.52 cents, as compared with 23 and 21 cents, their value before tho war, and Austrian crowns at 0.37 cents. nn Sangoinqry Conflicts With Czechs Reported 1 PEKING, Friday, Jan. 1G. (By tho Associated Press.) Sanguinary con flicts between the Czech forces and troops of General Semenoff, commander-in-chief of the all-Russian armies, are reported to have occurred at the trans-Siberian railway stations of Bai kil, Kaltukshaia and Miosvaia, in the Lake Baikal region. The Czechs, It is said, do not regard the Seihenoff men ace as serious, owing to the smallness of his forces. Tho Somenoff troops under com mand o General Skipitroff have been dissolved and General Skipitroff has been arrested gy order of Major Gen eral Jules Janin, commander o the Czechs. This action was taken be causo Skipitroff had operated against the Czechs. BOLSHEVIKI ATTACKS I Oil KING BORIS ID I - HIS FAW11LY FEARED I Direct Telegraphic Communi cation Between Soviets and Bulgars Established OUTBREAKS DECLARED H DAILY OCCURENCES American Aviator Volunteers to Assist Poles in Repelling Lenine Forces VIENNA, Jan. 21. Direct IH telegraphic communication has been established between soviet Russia and the Bulga rian Bolsheviki, it is said in advices from Agram. In many communities in Bulgaria the Bolsheviki have already de clared themselves independ ent of the government, it is -said. Outbreaks are a daily oc currence throughout the country, according to Sofia dispatches, and attacks on King Boris-and the royal fam ily are feared. ' General Fran chet d'Esperey, commander of allied troops in the Near East, has been asked to hold his troops in readiness to sup press disorders. i PARIS, Jan. 21. Captain Harmon : C. Rorison, of Wilmington, N. C, an ! officer of the reserve corps of tho avi ation, has arrived in "Warsaw and joined the Kosciusko squadron in fighting against the Bolsheviki-, nc- j cording to advices from the Polish capital. To... enlist with .the other Americans making up the squadron, Captain Rorison traveled 6000 miles 'H and accepted the rang of lieutenant. I Members of this squadron receive IH monthly pay of about ?G. I LONDON, Jan. 21. The situation in South Russia, according to. official dis patches dated January 16, was then as follows: , In, the Caucasus insurgent attacks i against Derbent had been repulsed and jthe Bolshevik advances toward Pras kovaya likewise had been repulsed. The "Caucasus army was holding the .jH line astride Baritsln-Ekaterinodar 1 railway, 120 miles southwest of Barit- Further west Bolshevik attempts to pass the Don river had been un successful, but a small party had gained the left bank of the stream south of Nakhichevan. In the direction of tho Crimea the 1 Bolsheviki had reached a line twenty miles north of the Chongar isthmus. nn . H POKES MASSED BOLSHEVIK ATTACK I ! Much Fear Expressed that New Republic Will Not be Able to Withstand Onset WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. Official IH reports received in Washington .said there was every probability that the J new republic of Poland soon would be defending her independence against a H massed attack of the forces of Bolshc- 'M (vik Russia. Concentration of units, of the red army, forced enlistments fi'om jthe peasants and -activity in the state 'owned munitions works point to this development, it was sald.and consider able apprehension was expressed of Poland not being able to withstand the The military establishment of Po land is known to comprise 22 divl sions, about 240,000 men, but tho equipment is so varied In design and quality as lo make it almost impos slhlP 'for the rcDiibllc to organize u tactical army capable of taking the field as a compact unit As an instance of military weakness, the fact is cited that no less than four designs of rJfles, leach requiring special ammunition, are Under Trotzky's command are about 250,000 men of the red army, backed bv the Pretorian red guard and aug mented still further' by what military observers here term "tho militia of Russia," the mujik masses, wlio, it was said, are given the alternative of military service, or starvation, govern- jH ment issue of rations being withheld IH from eligible recruits who attempt to IH escape service. Tho present red army is comprised almost entirely of these "coerced peasantry" and hired mer ceuaries, military observers in Russia, The Bolshevik government today undoubtedly has a more stable posi tlon than over before in its history, it was said today by an army official whose duty it is to watch develop mcnts in Russia. jJ