Newspaper Page Text
r 1 1 THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24. 1920 T ' I j FOR SALE j . IDAHO FARMS If LOCATED AROUND BURLEY, IDAHO, R ON THE GREAT FERTILE MINIDOKA p uOVcRNMENT PROJECT WHICH i UtMONSTKATED IN THE PAST YtAH W, WHICH WAS THE DRIEST IN THE m HISTORY OF THE I NTERMOUNTAI N p COUN I RY I HAT WE HAVE AN IS ABUNDANCE OF WATER FOR IRRI If GATION IT IS CONSIDERED THAT la THIS PROJECT has one OF TH fl If VERY BEST RIGHTS IN THE WEST. If- THESE LANDS ARE VERY SMOOTH K AND ARE VERY EASY TO IRRIGATE U AND THE SOIL IS DEEP AND RICH. ft THESE WITH OUR . WATER AND $ SUNSHINE PRODUCE POTATOES THAT WILL YIELD FROM 200 TO 500 d SACKS PER ACRE; SUGAR BEETS P ROM 12 TO 25 TONS; GRAIN f- ROM f 40 TO 60 BU., AND ALFALFA FROM $ 5 TO 7 TONS, AND ALL OTHER CROPS $ ARE PRODUCED AT THEIR BEST. i THIS IS THE MOST MODERN PRO- f JECT THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS I EVER BUILT. IT IS NOTED FOR ITS I HUE ROADS, RURAL MAIL SEK- I VICE THAT BRINGS THE DAILY MAIL I 5 lO EVERY FARMERS DOOR; ITS ,V ELECTRICITY WHICH IS USED FOU , if i-OWtR AND LIGHT; ITS TELE- s' HHONfcS, AND, ABOVE ALL. ITS I WONDEKFUl SCHOOL SYSTEM, WHICH BRINGS THE CHILDREN j l-ROM ALL THE FARMS AND SAFE. I LY RETURNS THEM AT NIGHT. ! inebt ivir-wNY ui'-iO.uwie 1-fc.A- rURES EXCELL OTHER PLACES AND ! I MAKES RURAL LIFE ONE OF THd I: BURLEY, THE COUNTY SEAT Oh CAS-iA COUNTY, IS IN THE CUNThK , OF THIS WONDERFUL VRACT Ol ; LANU-bUASfS A POPULATION Of ! 5,000 PEOPLE; PAVED STREETS; FINE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM; AN U ! i IS CONSIDERED TO BE ONE OK THE : '' tibSI LIGHTED CITIES IN THt ", VVtSl. II HAS A LAHGE tiUUAK ' HAC7URY, FLOUR MJLL, POTATO ? hLOUR MILL, , ALFALFA MEAL MILL, I ; L RGE BRICK PLANT, AND AN AH 1 ilFIOIAL ICE PLANT, THESE, TO i UfcTrlER WITH THE FINE HARMS, ARE MAKING BURLEY ONE OF THE BUSIEST AND I'HE FASTEST GROW ! ING CITY IN THE WEST, j YOUR CHANCES ARE IN BURLEY OR ON "iHIS PROJECT, MR. LAN D- BUYER OR INVESTOR. IF YOU ! WANT A FARM OR AN INVESTMENT I HAT VILL MAKE YOU INDEPEND ENT, COME OR WRITE US TODAY , AND LET US TELL YOU MORE OF I HIS LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. ! SPECIALS 40 ACRES choice sandy loam coll 23 acres in alfalfa, balance In potatoes Pr last year; has beautiful 5-room brick S bungalow, with full basement. Gooa barns and outbuildings. This Is an Ideal farm which will produce big rc ! ' turns this year. Price S9000; cash 2000 I balance, long time. . 43 acres, smooth deep soil. Has good s 6-room rock bungalow, barns, net fence, deep well and fine water Includes b.'cj ; 1 team, wagon, plow,- harrow, hay anu ; icea. FOR QUICK SALE, PRICE r uj0 Cash $30-J0, balance easy.' 40 acres, fine land, small home, - barn, good well drinking water, some ma S chlnery, and It lays nice to Irrigate; 6 miles from Burley. Price 57500. Cash f 51500, balance $500 per year. 40 acres of oandy land In the finest clas ; shape; ca&v to water and ready for big ; returns Has a large 6-room house; : large horse and cow barn; deep well and motor; nice little orchard. This Is a first class Improved farm. Price only ; 58500. Cash 300, balance 51000 peh year. 0 acres, 5 miles from Burley on a gra t vel road All In alfalfa and as smooth ' as a floor; buildings arc good ana fence's are first-class. This place Is ( reaoy to plow up and get large re turns. Price 915,00054000 will handle. V- 80 acres, smooth sandy loam soil, to gjC acres In hay, and the balance In grain A last year, has 4-room cottage, garage, barns, tank house, good well, and new net fence. Located on gravel road. Your chance ?14,b00 and only $3,000 cash. j 0 acres, located 2 miles from loading I ; station on gravel highway. Deep soil and lays well; 50 acres In alfalfa; 2 ; complete sets of buildings, one on each end of the farm. . This would be an Ideal place for father and marrlcu son. v Price $1E,000 Cash $5,000. ' 200 acrse, cattle ranch, with reserve right and flrst-clase Independent pald- up water right; 160 acres In alfaira; . balance pasture land. Has big b-roo"i ; ranch house 600 reel of cattle and i sheep sheds, barns,- granary, garaiJ, , two miles from school, 12 miles from i railroad; soil alack loam, Wi.l sen cattle and sheep and all other stock ; at market price. Come and see the . nnyiiacks. Price 520,000 caih. 45 aces: all plowed and ready for crop- This Is a new place, but the soil Is deep and the land lays well, there Is a new 5-room bungalow and the place L Is fenced. This Is an opportunity to coublc your money. Priced for quick ' tale ?5,000; cash $1500, balance to suit. EO acres of the very finest. kind of soil, ' lays perfect to irrigate and Is located o:ie mile from loading station. The Js Inme Is a 6-room cottage, barns and V other outbuildings. Price ?1S,000; caan ft 51,000, terms $1,000 year. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL OR WRITE IDAHO REALTY CO. ' 445 N. Overland, Burley, Idaho. 2321 J SIX-room brick house, 2' 1-2 blocks from l Wash, on bench, with chicken run and parage. Snap .it $2S50. Terms at No. Ill J 24th Street 2384 ' FIVE-room house, lot COx340. with good ;j water right. 478 21gt SL 2376 i 'f AN elegant lot on Tyler avenuo.near ,2Hh it street, 56 by 1G0 feet to an IS foot alloy. f1. This lot Is near all those now houses cost. ing from $5,000 to $10,000 homes which are being built on Tyler avenue. Only I K00. - J. J. Brummltt, 2417 Hudson Ave. 2372 ,j ONE-HALF acre In peaches, nearly 100 trees, $650, cash or terms, or will trade J for good automobile. 411 24th St. 23S5 : FOR SALE BY SKEEN REALTY CO. B , Beautiful brick home close In on Monroe g " Avenue Possession at once. This home Hv Is aubstantlally built; modern in every rc?yvay. including heat. Lot GGx330. Garage find chicken coops. Fine fruit and j ehrubbcry, under Bench Canal. Owner ,j leaving- town at once; gives good terms 1 t $7,200. Payment down, balance at 7 j Per cent interest. 2300 -V. GOOD three-room house on liranl avc- 3 nue; only $850.00. $200.00 cash; balance f arne s paying rent. A J. J. BTummltt. 2417 Hudson Ave.. 1 2372 FIVE-room house for sale, IOCS JEcclen. j inquire 2251 Ogden Ave. 235S h JVIIjIj 8Ci niy six-room modern house. Sm, chicken coops, runs, aero best gai - Ioen ground. 1S16 Adams (19th St.) 2340 ON'E of the best- business corners in the city: owned by a non-resident offered lor awiit half of what it Is worth. Terms Siven. J. J. Brummltt, 2417 Hudson Ave. . 2372 AK elegant lot on "Washington avenue; K? , 0 ,fcct- deep; only eight dollars per honl foot. Great snap. 1 J J, Bmmraltt, 2417 Hudson Ave. j . 2372 I iV.Bnt piece of trackage close in; "'latlng of a llttlo over nn acre, with j ffi, cpment building. 40 by CO rcet; 1 , "d,n' would cost $4,000 at the present I for for $3,000; $500 down, oal- IPCci on any kinds of torms. La . J J. Brummilt, 2417 Hudson Ave. Si v 2372 i? v10tIo1,(- ?llt Slroel. bet. Harrison nnd Kti urf" Snnp foi cash. owiior 1 : to-u. Inquire 513 21st St. fFOFsALE Co house, strictly modern, ex I cept lutat, close In. Terms cash. 20i5U Jefferson . 2429 FOL'R-room house and lot, with fruit j trees Apply ISO Harrison Ave, 2130 140 ACRES sandy loam, 15 shares of Da ivis & Weber canal water 515.C00. Terms. ) We have SO acres in Davis county, no acres of this Is good sandy loam. No 'better b'jet and tomato land; 20 acres now In alfalfa; ample water; has 0-room house, lights and water in house; good l outbuildings; balance Is pasture and will pasture 25 head of stock. This farmer Is retiring and will take $15,000. Easy terms. CO acres at Tronionton. full water right. 45 acres In alfalfa, balance good ocet land, good hoilso, only 514,000. 10 acres at Tremonton. line land, half alfalfa, rest good beet land, ha3 5-room bungalow, only $10,000. If you don't see what you want, come In and see us. SMITH . FLINDERS CO. Upstairs Commercial Bank, fi-room frame In pood condition beau tiful location on bench; you will sav its a bargain at $3,000. .S-room brick double apartment on larse lot. makes a nice home and $30.00 per month besides. SMITH &. FLINDERS CO. 2124 21-ACRE fruit farm. 14 acres in Elberta peaches, new 5-room absolutely modern brick bungalow. Owner 550 Ith Street. Phono 25S2-.M. 24"3 ) CHILD'S tricycle and crib. 510 21sl St. I 3 I ONE-QUARTER section land, full water j rlghtr, well improved. Doing well. Thn-c miles west of Tremonton. Ono mile ana a half from beet dump Price $30,000 0k Fred clscr. Tremonton, Utah. R.F D To- 1: 22G6 RANCH. 757 acres. 400 acres alfalfa and meadow, plenty of water, good ranch house and other improvements, teams, wagons, har nesses and all other implements that go ' with a ranch of this kind; 200 head of I Hereford cattle; thoroughbred bulls, etc. Good free range and reserve. This is , some ranch. See us at once. FARM ! 26 acres, no better land in Davis coun I ; ror ')ecls- Potatoes, etc., now 3-room frame house. 12 acres In alfalfa, rest plowed. Other land like this in same neighborhood commanding $500 per acre $9750 will take this farm. Close to state highway. Act quick. SMITH E. FLINDERS CO. Upstairs Commercial Bank. FIVE-room modern new bungalow. Full basement, hot water heat. Lew Spencer. Evanston, Wyo. aif I FIVE-room modcrr house, close In on bench. See owner. Phone 2333. 23 J 2 lT;VOTS.on 35th street near Wash. Ave . Lots," enre Standard. 2333 ! WE have listed with us a gilt edge real I estate mortgago or $12,000.00 on a Wyo ming ranch, to trade for property in Ogden. THE WALKER CO. G23 Eccies Bldg. Phono 1130 1040 NEW 4-room modern brick bungalow, S tuatcd on East front lot on paved street. I close in. House is exceptionally wen ount. has screened porch, cement base ment and garage. Price, completely fur nished. $5000 00. Will consider selling un lumishcd. 2427 Hudson Ave 2Zz I FIVE-room strictly modern brick bun galow on Qulncy avenue, newly tinted, beautiful electric fixtures and now gs range. Phone 195G-N AI. Cash or terms. 23S8 ei E rooms, strictly modern, brick bun galow, in good location on bench, east iront, A good buy at $5,250.00. Terms. SIX-room modern, in good location, hard wood floors, immediate possession Prin $4,200.00, terms. Phone 32G9-R. 2393 TWO city lots on 9th and Grant. Phono 2S77-W. oiay FOR SALE BY OWNER A strictly mod crn home on bench; house has oak fin ish; full cement basemnet arid lurnacc heat; cement garage in rear; lot 55x330 feet, with canal water righL Telephono 1599. 2012 FIVE-room modern an Bench. Apply 451 2Gth St. 2226 IF YOU are In earnest about a House nn easy terms, see W. B. Wcdell, 2I6S Wash. Ave. 2139 WE BUY, SELLI and exchange farms, ranches, houses and city property, tieo ns boiore 5011 sell or buy. Smith & Fimders Co., up stairs, Commercial bank. . 2057 SIX-room houso; modern except lurnaco; two largo porches, ono screened in; large sleeping porch screened in; fruit trees; chicken run and garage. 2S31 Hudson Avenue. 2023 SEVEN-room brick house; good location, $2500. TEN-room brick with hot water heat. $50U0. ONE range, good a.3 new. $30. C. D. MCDONALD Phono 1514-W ; "202o 1 CHOICE lots on paved street; 10 per cent cash; 6 per cent monthly. W. B. Wedeil 24G8 Washington Ave. ISHL 15G ACRES of farm land near Promoc lory, fully equipped with stock and tools. Ucdidcncu, maoie, spring for domestic use unu early water lor irrigation. This would make a choice grain larm. Can take a homo in Ugaen as part payment. $4750. W. Li. Wcdell. 24GS Wash Ave iSZ?. FOR SALE FIVE-'oom modern urlck; now; south front on benen; good sized lot; immedlutu poo5cssion. Terras. $1200.00 GOOD houso with basoment, good bam and fair sized lot. Ciose to business dis trict and K. It. Part cash; terms on bolauce, $3160.00 SIX-room frame; south front; close in on Twenty-third St. Lot 5Gxl32. Walk, sewer, curb and gutter in and paid. Small cash payment; terms on balance. Only $2700.00 J. A. HcCULLOUGH Under First National Bank FIVE-room brick; modern, except heat; eat front; closo In on bench; good sized lot; all special, except paving In and paid; closo to schools and car line,. A nice homfc and best ouy in tho city; half cosn time on balance. Only $4250. J. A. McCULLOUGH Under First National Bank 1719 IT WILL pay you to sco us about good farms loans, city residences and iota. Phone 1876. Porter Realty Co.. 23 .4 Washington Ave., bajjcmenL List with ue. ii.1 j WAOTED! I Agents WANTED: Agents for Ogdon and vl clnltv. Good proposition. Previous ex perience unnecessary. Free School ot Instruction. Address Massachusetts Bunding and Insurance Company. Acci dent and Health Department. Saginaw, Michigan. Capital $1,500,000. 22K8 TAILORING agents wanted, sell made-to-measuro suits. Earn big money. Ono producing agents wanted. faUte expei--ence Write for Spring and Summer samples. Leeds Woolen Mills, 230 So. Franklin, Chicago. Izl $10.00 WORTH Soap. Perfumes, etc., fnc. Lacassian Co , Dept. 401, St. j-oula. Mo. r "WAOTED"! wNTED Your vacuum cleaner to re pair: prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Phono 2097. 1878 1 j ' WANTED j Female Help j WIS want an A No. 1 stenographer, .good pay and steady work to the right girl. Beginners need not apply. Binford-Kim-ball Motor Co. 2110 TWO girls for dining room and kitchen work. Apply School for Deaf. 2437 $3.50 x'iuR DAY paid one lady. In each town to distribute free circulars for I Economy Noh-Alcohollc FInvorlng. Per manent position. F. E. Barr Company, Chicago. 2 1:!0 WOMAN to do washing and ironing at home. Pjione 3250. 2120 WRITE PHOTOPLAYS: $25-$300 paid for .suitable ideas. Experience unneces sary; complete outline Free. Producers" League. 691. St, Louis. 1931 WANTED Five brighL capably Iadlc3 o travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; ?2o to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. Write at once. Coodrlch -jrug Co., Dept 1021. Omaha, Nebr. 1939 EXPERIENCED girls. Orphcum Candy Co 2395 MAU mi Bioom IIotH. 2371 EXPERIENCED" girl for housework; no washing and Ironing. , 2541 Van Bureu. 2373 GIRL to do light housework. 47S 22na Street. Phone 355-M. 2371 CHAMBERMAID, licht work, board and I room if wanted. Legal Rooming House. 127 25th St. Call 64G-W. Y 13Zi GIRL at Wistaria. 2311 RELIABLE woman to do family laundry at her home. Phonu 4S3. 23U6 GIRL or woman for general housework. Call 234 after 5 o'clock. 2230 GIRLS wanted in all departments. Ogden Steam Laundry, 437 25th SL 2123 GIRL for general housework. Phone 2394. 1896 CHAMBERMAID at Healy Hotel. Apply in person. 1752 WANTED Chambermaid. Reed Hotel. 1436 DRESSMAKING taught to anyono willing to apply themselves. See Madam Caplau, Third lloor. Wrights' Store. 9213 GIRLS wanted to sow on overalls. Wo pay while you learn. Only those who want steady Jobs need apply. Scow croft Manufacturing Co. 5014 j FOR SALE j I Miscellaneous TWO good Shetland ponies, 2318 Hudson. 242S CEAP for quick sale, heater, range, beds, Congoleuni my, rockers, dining table and chairs, at 2342 Monroe Ave. 2422 "EVERFAT" FEEDS. HOG FEED Insures quick growth, pro duces more pork per $ worth than any other feed. CATTLE FATTENER Produces quick growth, soiid fat and a high linlsh. DAIRY FEED Nourishing and greatly .-elishcd by Dairy Cows. More milk and butter fat at a low cost A Blending of Grains. Alfalfa Meal and Molasses of High Protein and Fat Contents. CALF MEAL A straight blending (finely ground) for a calf's sensitlvo stomach needs. Wo also carry a line of EVERFAT Poultry Fecu and Poultry Mash. GROUT'S GRAIN STORE, 332 24th Street. 2397 1 CASH register, counters and scales, 56ui Washington. Phone 1626. 2416 . A.iviJit baby push cart, good as new. ICO 29th Street. 2402 vROP-HEAD Singer Sewing Machine, .00111 S. 326 1-2 25th SL 2105 SCRAP lumber for sale. $2.00 per load. $3.50 delivered. Globe Mills, Phone S-J-4 2391 ONE-ton truck for sale, or trade Mr lighter truck. Huntsvillo Chccso Fac tory. 23S2 COLUMBIA grafanola with 50 recorda. Fonc 2162-J. 2368 WICKER baby buggy; good as new; $20. 2140 StewarL 2366 TEN-foot plate glass top floor case; 5 tables; 1 small safe; 1 electric ceiling lan; 40 ft. oak faced shelving; set 01 window display pictures. Apply 352 25th Street. 2364 ALL Chandler extras for sale, at P. W. Jackson, 2424 Hudson. 2351 LUDLOW spring wagon; heavy wagoo; express and buggy harness. Phone 2219. 237 HORSE, harness and wagon; very cheap. 44j6 Thirtieth St. 233s BLUE serge dress, sizo 38. Blue cape set of furs, all nearly now. Corey Apt. No. 19. 324 FINE violins sold on terms at pre-war prices. Pun lone, 29th and Hudson. 2331 NEW gas heater for sale, 573 24th St. 2325 TIMOTHY hay Jn the barn or delivered. Phone 3-W. North Ogden. 2328 PUPPIES that kiddies love for sale at 856 Canyon Road. 2301 COMMERCIAL rabbit farm. Belgian Flemish giants and New Zealand Red rabbits for Sale at all tlmo3. ICS Dox.y. Phono 1106. 2309 $C00 BUYS 5-year lease on 34-room com pletely furnished hotel In center of Po catollo. Rent $200 per month. Mrs. Christie. 202 East Clark St., Pocatoilo. Idaho. 2283 FEMALES and guaranteed singers. Come hear them sing. 2220 Lincoln. 2212 FURNITURE, 1C40 Wash. Ave. 21.Ja SLX-room houso; also canaries. 'hone 2689-W. 2067 ONE electric washer; good as now; only used a short time. Call 614 24th SL 2060 t ' . FOR NEW and second hand truck bodies, sco Brooks. 2219 Hudson. Prices P.ight. 2001 BEES and puro honey for sale. Anton Keller, Box 7, Wilson Lane. 1867 j SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold. T. C. Ivcrson. 1640 Wash. Avo. Phono 49. 1S29 FOR SALE A largo roll top office desk with chair; in good condition. Inquire Room 402 First National bunk buldg. 1593 GRAIN, hay. potatoes. Wo can savo you money. Grout's Grain Store, 332 Twenty-fourth SL 1473 O, I C. boar for service 3170 Jackson Avenue. 1303 SECOND hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. 1800 Washington Ave. Phfjne 686-J. H. B. Stowc. 1244 FULL equipment of household furniture for sale. 2050 Grummercy Ave. 597 SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold, lvoraon, 1640 Washington Ave. Phono 49, 9632 PIGS for sale. State Industrial School 9480 6500 SHAKES Cub Oil, 4c. Must raise money. Box W Standard. 0G7 New and second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for second hand furniture. Trunko und suit casos a spociolty. Sinor Irmik a Fur nlturo Store, 241 Twenty-firth Street. Phono 1321! jU3 J. A. HOGLE & CO. pay highest prices in Ogden for Liberty bonds. Ziw UNCALLED for suits, tailor mado, big reduction Gordon's, 211-25 'Jfweniy-f :n St. Phone 419. t j wantclT DELIVERY boy wanted, 2602 Washing ton. Phone 162C. 2417 Yi?nTXG uIENT for Railway Mall Clerk::, juu month Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, examinations, write J. conard (former Government examiner). 897 Equitable Bldg., Washington. 2411 MEN Ago. 17 to 55 Experience unnec essary. Travel, make secret investiga tions, reports. Salaries; expenses. Amer ican Foreign Dctcctlvo Agency, 427 SL ouls. 0 193c COOD salesman wanted fr Idaho: exper ienced in men's clothing, furnishings and shoes; good wages. Wrlto Wollworth Store. Burley, Idaho. 23Y3 KN wanted for detective work. Wrlto Ga.n'"' former government detective. Danville, Ilia, 1935 PI?S0ED Prunners. W.B. Wc dell. 24C8 Washington. 2311 BOYS with, wheels. Good pay. Mev cnants' Dispatch. Phone 502. 21 CV THREE or four days work for man and team; plowing and leveling. Phona 2335-R. . 1062 BEFORE selling Llbertv bonds, get prices from J. A. Hoglo & Co. 2451 foiTreot 5 rumished LARGE, front room, furnace heat, hot and cold water. 2431 Adams. 2415 SLEEPING room, on bench, closo In. uso ui phono. Gentleman preferred, all 981-.T 240 STEAM.hcatcd room, ground floor, 315 27th Street 2370 ONE largo housekeeping" apartment, ground floor. 2563 Grant. 2378 FURNISHED room for rent. Apply 100a 22nd Strcot 2398 THREE rooms, sleeping porch and bnth. Rear entrance, 771 24th street Prleo $35 per month. 2350 MODERN room for gentleman, closo In. $3.50 per week. - References. 2341 Adums. 2345 HOUSEKEEPING apartment, modern. No children. 336 21st St. 2307 LARGE room with bath, suitable for two. 2602 1-3 Adams. 2318 ROOM for gentleman, 2614 Monroe. 2291 NICELY furnished room, apply 566 24 tn. i'2V3 NICE room, bath and steam heat, C35 23rd St Phone 2942-M. 2331 FURNISHED apartment for rent, roi crerces required. 317 26th Street. 2195 ."lutiLj room with bath lor ono or two gentlemen. Inquire at -2627 Adam, 'bono 1S97-J. 2144 STEAM-HEATED rooms, hot bath. Block from Washington car. 2946 Grant. 182; ONE or two rooms with or without board. Phono 2095-NJ, 1400 FURNISHED apartments. 2571 Lincoln i Ave. 128 ACCRUED interest plus market prico for liberty bond paid by J. A. Hoglo fc Co. 2443 j j WANTED : I To Buy j HORSE, harness and wagon, 2602 Wash ington. Phone 1026. 2418 STOCK pigs, 75 to 125 pounds. Phono Koy Crlfiin, 18b6-.l. 2400 WANTED For Spot Cash, stock of gen eral merchandise; also exclusive mini's clothing and shoe stock, any amount up to $100,000. e go anywhere. AI; cor respondence strictly confidential. M. J . Silvcrsteln, 2908 Adams Ave., Ogden, Ut 2310 45 BUSHELS wheat Phono 3091-J. 2317 HIGHEST cash market prlco paid for veal calf, dressed hogs, sheep unu beef. We pay top prices lor hides, pons una furs. Call us up and got prices or write Greut Western Hiao n Livestock Co. Phono 1164. 616 Twenty-fourth St. 1314 H1GHEBT prices paid for old clothes, ttuw York doming btore, 2o9 Twenty llltli SL '1315 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothqs. We do cleaning, presaing and repairing, at reasonable prices. New iork Clothing Store, 25"J Twenty-iifth St Yitt ACCRUED Interest plus market price for liDoriy bends paid by J. A. Hoglo it, Co. 248 LIBERTY bonds bought J. J Brummltt Phono 69. 2539 CLEAN rabs wanted at tho Standard office. iJOJKA OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2317 Hudson Ave. USED CARS; 1916 MAXWELL. STUDEBAKEK 4-cyl., $250. 1919 CHEVROLET -Four-Ninety." 1917 HUDSON "Super-Six"' 1917 DODGE BROb., Roadster. 2387 . . tf-ijtkbjuigx-r Overland, run h ood as now. Fully equipped, all new tires. A bargain for fcSOO. Call at 516 22nd St., after 5 p. 111. Phone 1752-W. 2399 FIRST-CLASS Willys-Knight 5-passen-ger car 1-2 prlco, Also good Ford, 1--' price at 2911 Wash. Ave. 2313 FORD for sale, 1917 Model. 1443 23rd Street 2209 j FORRENT Miscellaneous OHIO vacuum cleaner; best sorvlco guar anteed. Williams. Phono 2097. 2038 OHIO, best revolving brush facuum $100 day. Dust-proof bug. , Phono 2643-J. 1221 GARAGE for rent 2533 Adams. 2201 FORSALE j BREEDING stock in Rhodo Island Reds. Slnglo Comb White Leghorns. Phone 1478 W. O. Jones, 143 25th SL 2410 j WANTED j i Salesmen THE MAN who will bo selected to repre sent us In this territory for the distribu tion of our copyrighted article, must be A No. 1 character, pusher and proforahey with some knowledge of organization work; upward of $20.00 a day must be his minimum earning in order to hold territory allotted to him. Many others are doing It, therefore you cnn. Jerome Laadt, Pres., S South Dearborn St, Chi cago, 111. 2111 $10,000 PER YEAR to responsible spec ialty salesmen to sell staple and fast sell ing lino lo merchants. Some excelljnt territory still open. Address 606 Mer chants National Bank Bldg., San Fran cisco, Calif. 2132 j foiTrent 1 ioardjtndJRoni j; ROOM and board for two gentlcnuM 2907 Adams Phone 2754-M. 2363 f " Ipfnrmajion Bureau 51.00 PER LINE PER MONTH V 1 ANYTHING New or Old . ANYTHING A to Z-now or old bought, sold or tradod Phono 333. BOOKS AND STATIONERY v mw.cU Book nnd Stationery. 2363 Washington Ave. Phone 360. 2058 BANKING TAntv S,al P?nk- southeast comor Twenty-fourth und Washington. Phono Cl. CARPENTERS tu?. nuc2 ft. ,carpontcr7 Call 2SS2-R. Job work of all kinds. Quick service 2138 COUNSEtOR-AT-LAW ?A O'Connelly, Ogden. Utah. Legal Pho5o 303 tC m th rQC CARPET CLEANING K. Van Kampcn ror upholstering, car-p-jta elbauod. altered and laid. Remakinc or mattresses. Phono 2752-J. Expert carpet cleaning, matress reno vating, upholstering, and springs te stretched. Call l J. Hampton Co., Featner Renovating. Phono 25S6-W. CHIROPRACTOR mPTO W. Halvcraon. D. C. Rca. phon lOSo-W. 701-702 Ecclos Building. COOPER SHOP Repair all kinds of barrols, tubs, ate. Christ Lassen, 3506 Adams. Phone y80. 1393 DENTISTS The New Method Dcntlnta aro special isLs in all branchos of Dentistry. 2aij Washington Avo. 2208 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE Intormountain Concrete Co. Twentieth and Lincoln Ave., Ogden. Utah. Phones 20b8 and 487. 2U) ENGRAVING Ogden Engraving Service Co.. makers -01 lino cuta la ono or mom colors. 418 Twenty-iourth street Pnono 463. FIRE INSURANCE Charles Elsenoorg. Phone 1S59-J. Cal cndonlan anu Mlonigan Commercial Stan dard Insurance. 1575 FURRIER Furrier, Tanners. Taxidermists, Utah Wool & Hide Co.. 2358 Wall. Ogden, Utah. Only Fur Robe Tannery in State. 2390 FOOT SPECIALIST L. J. Barker, room 320 Hudson Bldg., arch supports, corrected treatment 2427 HAY AND GRAIN Hay, grain and poultry feed. Boll Bros. 371 Twenty-third street Phono 2845. ' 2100 HIDES, WOOLS, FURS O. M. Runyan. 2269 Wall Ave,. ' pays top prices, pnono 7&1-W. 1528 JOBBING Jobbing, brick, coment and plastering Phono 770. 1835 Washington. 1213 JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide Junk Co., 2323 Waah lngton Ave. .fhonta 861. Ogden Junk House, 2059 vVashington Ave. Phone 210. JUNK If you have Junk of any kind or burlap bags, phone 2211. 2421 KEY FITTING Key fitting und lock repairing. Hud son Repair fanop. 2469 Hudson. 3 797 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fernlund, oilieo nour.n 10 to 4 p. m. New Pcery Blog. Hudron Ave. Hes. Phono 640. Otlico phono 1900-V. PRINTING Dec Pnntery, now located at 2428 Hud son Ave. Phono 792-M. 2420 REFINISHING Brass bods, chandeliers, office fixture.) rciinishcd T. Harlan O'Nell. 657 'i'wonuuih street. Ci)S REAL ESTATE. AND LOANS Willard Kay, real estato and Joans. 2474 ushlngun Ave. mono 409. 184 SCAVENGER Garbugo .md rubbish hauled. ce3spoou anu toiietr, cleaned. John Chlpp & Co. i'nono 23i6 Hudson avo. J73J SANITARY WORK Sanitary Garbugo Co., all kinds of rub bish tuuicd. Pnuuc 620. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent repair, carry needles ind parts lor uil Kiuua ot machines, Whiio Moving Machine Co. 2277 Washlngto.i Ave. Phone TRANSFER WORK Call S. M. A10010 lor all kinds' of trunaier won. Pnono 2373-W. 1326 TENTS AND AWNINGS Ogueu Tent it Awning Co. Manufac turers of lugn gTudo store, oflice anc resident awnings. Waterprooi covei'J, Dugs, etc. Anything 111 cunvas. 2268 U uai'ilngton Ave. I'lionc 2o&. IjJI TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk taid bag repairing, round cor ner Horn ataiiuuru. uaiiachers, i'il'J. Hudson. 2Ha VACUUM CLEANERS Phono 25&2-J 101 ueuum cleaner. $1.03 for Hours, stenhcu aus'. nug. 3J4 WINDOWS CLEANED Expert winaow unu wall paper cleaning anywhere. American w lndow Cleaning. Phone 50J. 2j7o vu6hlngton Ave. 1 . j IT will pay you to sco us about good lurms, loans, uty residences und 1 01.1. Phono 187b. rortor Realty Co.. 23 Tl Waainngion Ave. List wltn us. 3o8 MONEY advanced to salaried people with out security, others on lurniture and pianos, i.usy wceuiy or monthly pay ments. Dix, 227 Coionul Hudson Build ing. Phono 284. 87i7 RALPH P. HUNTER, established 1S82. Mortgage loans, reui estate, insurance, blah, luahu lauds; lurms und city prop erty, l'eiioi.j dedlring to loun money 1 on goou ins, mortgago socuruy will Jo 'well Ij consult me. Good applications I always on liund. 431 T euty-iourih ciL ! ogden. Utah. 310 MONEY to loan on improved real estate. Kelly Sz Horrlck. 779 MONEY to loan on real estate securities. J. J. Brummilt C-21-1J FOR SALE ELEVATORS Wo furnish and install high grado electric or hand elevators, uny capacity. Wrlto Wm. Watrous, 24! Edison St., Salt Lako Citi. Wo buy second hand ones. 23od , A REAL BARGAIN IN A RANCH SIX miles north of Snowville, Utah. Contains three hundred acres of cholco vulley, black valloy inado land, all fenced und cross fenced (hog tight). Good five room house with gas lights and running wnter. A good now amusement hall. 75x30 feet bringing In a rovenue ot $150.00 par mont'i. Good barn, gurugo, cemented cellar and other buildings too numerous to n. tlon. Three Bl flowing opringj, llowing amplo water lo water ever foot of this land. 120 acres In fall wheat; 40 acres of rye, household furniture, alio $6,000.00 worth of personal property, con sists of livestock nnd implements Wholo thing cnn be bought lor $25,000,00; with half cash and easy terms lor tho balance, or will trade for property nnywhero 111 Suit Lako valloy. THE WALKJSR CO. 623 Eccies Bldg. Phono 1130 1950 TO EXCHANGE City property, well sit uated for car In good cndltion. Roadster preferred. Address Bbx I, Standard. 18J4 LOT, will tako Ford auto as part pay ment. Phono 1C7S-W. 1967 WILL sell cheap for cash or will trade1 for good auto my mechanical shooting gallery. Plenty of target rifles and A V.o. 1 Brunswick Phonograph and many lecords. For any uuoimutlon cull or vrlte 2462 Grant Ave., Ogden City, Utah. J. A Rockefeller. saw l Opportunilies CIGAR and confectionery store, doing blc business, for sale cheap. Inquire at 411 24th St. for particulars. 23Si, fSEHDSTOVESj WE take your old rango as first payment on any now range, or will buy your old range outright. Homo Furniture Co. 4672 P WANTED I WANTED TO EASE. TO LEASE or rent for one year a 5 or 10-acro ranch with house and improve ments on It. Good land and within 5 miles of court house. Address W . Lawrence, 3241 Grant Ave, Ogden, Utah. 2403 FOR family of 3, two furnished rooms and dinner with prlvato family. Phone C.H K- 2900. 2305 USE 01 piano lor storage. 1339 Capitol 2286 THREE to 5-room house or flat Pbono lOoO-J. 2243 TO LEASE or rent for one year with privilege of four years more, A 5, 10 or 15-acrc ranch with house on It Wrlto b. B. Parker, 333 24lh St. Ogden, Utah) or phono 2S53 Land must be Jn A-l con dition and within a radius of 5 or 6 miles from County Court house. 21S5 . rlKEE to llvo-ioom hourio with one or wo ncrcs of ground. Address A. K Standard 215a j FORWENT Ij j Unfurnished THREE-room modern apt, $35; 2-room I modern apt, $25 Phone 1008-J. 2323 THREE-room apartment; steam heat: private batli. $35.00, Phone 1008-J. 19 U A THREE-story building containing 19 rooms; store on the lirst floor: and a largo basement on Twenty-fifth St, near tho Union dcpoL E. M. Conroy. 300 Twvnty-ilfth St. 1623 FIVE or 6' roomB, partly modern, 3432 1 Washington, Roieronces. 2113 j personaT"' PUPILS to teach In arithmetic and En glish. L. J. Barker, General Bellvery. 2370 WIDOW and maiden worth over $50,000, anxious to marry honorable gentleman. Write Mrs. Warn. 2216 1-2 Temple St, Los Angeles, Cal. 2251 CARD and character reading. 449 26th. 1904 MARRY if lonely; for results, trv mo; host and most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wisli marriage soon; strict ly confidential; most reliable; years ot ex perience; descriptions free. "Tho Suc cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 556 Oak land. Calif. 2249 WANTED I Situations EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires position, rcteroncea siven. Call 2274 -W. 2369 A SITUATION Ironing by the hour. Box R. 23Ga PRACTICAL nurso for maternity cases, call 1759. 2311 NURSING by day, week or month. Room 1. 2215 Wash. Ave." 2237 PRACTICAL, nurso by day or week 23 IS Madison Ave. ig EXPERT bookkeeper would llko extra sot of books to work on evenings. Box "G" Care Standard. 177 STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS ' 1 DRESSMAKING and remodeling. 350 31st. 2392 HEMSTITCHING and picot. 10 cent? a yurd all work guaranteed Singer Sowing Machine Co., 2333 Washington Ave. Phono 21. 1947 PLEATING. Buttons, nemstitchlng picot at 10c per yard; third floor W. U.Wright Sor.s. iui DRESSMAKING. Phono 1912-J. 207 ,. osf TAUPE velvet handbag bet Monroe and Washington on 25th St Return 743 25m Street, Reward. 2433 . . CORDOYER leather hand purso bcr. .Golden Rule and Taylor-Wrights. Return to Cashier Utah Power & Light. Reward. 2436 YELLOW leather suit cuso .stolen and left at 27th aud Grant. Ret. 2716 Wull or phone 1977- Reward. 2377 BETEWEEN Farmihgton and Ogden car ton containing auto supplies. Notify A R. Peterson. Booth Hotel, Brlgham City. Utah. Liberal reward. 2367 ONE 4-yoar-old black cow. vhite on low er parts and legs. Chain on left front foot. Notify Guy Child. Phone 523. Ho. ward. 2357 SMALL folding? purse bet Harrisville and Ocdcn, containing $55 in currency una chunge. Return Standard office. Re ward $15. 2322 SUNDAY. Ogden Canyon, Mansfield tire. 32x3 1-2. Call 211C-W. Reward. 2320 IN OGDEN Canyon Sat. afternoon, horn rimmed eyeglasses. Roturn 103S 25th St Reward . 2308 GENTLEMAN'S cameo tlo pin; set in gold, square mounting; finder roturn to Reed Hotel office; get big reward. 2007 MOUSE colored muff; red satin lining. Lost some whoro In business tlistricL Finder call ll-J-4. Reward. 1653 BROWN, rolled brim hat. on Twenty-second and Hudson. Telephone 2919. 1232 Mr. Granville Barker and Prof. S. H. Clark at Tabernacle Granville Barker, eminent English author and lecturer, will appear at the Ogden tabernacle February 4 in his most splendid lecture, "Tho Art ist as a Vital Me'mber of the Commu nity," Prof. S. II. Clark, of the Chicago university, will give a dramatic inter pretation of tho three most popular of ferings of the year: "Abraham Lin coln," "Drlnkwnter," "The Four Horsemen of -the Apocalypse," Ibanor., nnd "George Washington," Mackoye, March 26 and 27. The Ogdon Tcachors' association and Ogden Historical society offer season tickets for $2 and single admission 75 cents. 2119 oo It is strange that we do not hear more of the high cost of being elected to public office i LECTURE 0 SIBERIA TO ' I BE ILLUSTRATED BY : I SLIDES I Under the auspices of the Ladies-- ji Aid society of the First Congregation- al church and in aid of the church j organ fund, Dr. E. P; Mills will give an illustrated lecture on Friday eve ning on his personal work, as head oD the American Pied Cross hospital at ' Irkutsk. Siberia. The lecturo will be illustrated by slides taken from pho- 1 tographs of typical scenes in the life j of the doctor during his stay in a city ' that has seen a great deal of excite- ment and suffering during the days of Russia's upheaval. The ladles of the-" church fully expect that the building will be crowded to capacity. The pic- f tures will be thrown on the screen by ' a powerful Powers motion picture ma- chine which has been installed in the church particularly for the enjoyment of the Sunday school scholar's and young people and which will be used" i from time to time in Illustrating the" i lfl work of tho Christian church at hom and abroad. It Is expected that once a week a film will be shown particularly for children and young people. STATE COMMITTEE TIF I DECIDE PRICE OE ' I SUGAR BEETS : I Sugar beet prices for the coming season and other matters relative to i , the sugar beet crop will be decided at aa meeting of tho state committee, to' be held In Salt Lake next week, ac-', . ' cording to reports from the farm bu- , H reau. Local committeemen have de- I cided on the type of contract which j H they desire and have instructed their i chairman, J. E. Bucs of RIverdale, as i to what is desired by local growers. , The potato crop committee of We ber county is holding a meeting this Plans for the coming year will be per- fected at the meeting, County Agent H W. P. Thomas stated that the matter of securing the best possible seed, and H measures of eliminating disease of tho H potato crop by proper preparation of H the seed, would be taken up exten- H sively at the meeting. H One . hundred and three new mem bers of the Huntsvllle farm bureau H were enrolled last evening following a H program held In the relief society hall "last evening. The program was fol lowed by a banquet at which nearly 250 members of the farm bureau were , H seated. H Following the program and banquet f ! a basketball game was witnessed by ' the crowd. IH Jt Must Be Getting I Spring; Cupid Is Busy I One of the sure signs of spring-, that period when the young peoples old ones as well turn to thoughts of love and the spring poet begins tho har vesting of the ideas that have been accumulating through the long winter, was shown in Ogden today, when be fore the noon hour four twain an peared at the county clerk's office to seek licenses to wed. The happy ones were: James L. Kent, Green River, Wyo., and Mollie Ward. Utica, N. Y.; Walter P. Nelson, Elko, Nev., and H Man' J. McBrlde, Burley, Idaho; Merle Lester and Frances Knight, Knight, Wyo., and George G. Satorias H and Ella Gavros, both of Ogden. H oo I The only successful perpetual mo- tlon experiment we know of is pass- . ing the buck. PROBATE AND I I GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clirk or tho Rcspco- t!vo Signers for Further j Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of tho Second f Judicial District, in and for tho County ' of Weber. State ot" Utah. IH In the mailer of the Kstatc of Made- 1JJJ lclne P'arluy. Deceased. 11 Creditors will present claims wltn vouchors to tho undersigned at the Law - ijjj Offices of Messrs. Cht & Barker, at IH Rooms 400-1-2-3 First National Bank -' Building. Ogden. Utah, on or before the 15th day of March. A. D. 1920. k OPHELIA', SHAW, JM Executrix of tlic lust will and testament I of Madeline Farloy, deceased. I Date of first publication, Jan. 10, 1920. ! MESSRS. CHEZ & BARKER. Attorneys for Executrix. I ALIAS SUMMONS. In tho City Court of Ocdcn City, Coun ty of Weber. State of Utah. Merchants' Credit Bureau, plaintiff, vs. J. J. Crowe, defendant. The State of Utah to tho said De- fondant: I You arc hcroby summoned to appear , within ten days after service of this . Summons upon you, if served within tho IH County in which this action is brought; i otherwise, within twenty days after this , service, and dofend the above entitled action, and in case of your failure so to do, tho plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for tho rollcf demanded In the Complaint of which a copy Is herofo attached and herewith served upon you. and will tako judgment on its first causo . of action for 549.98, with interest thero- ' on at S per cent per annum since May I 9, 1919; and on Its second causo of ac tion for $43.00, with interest thereon at the same rate since September 30, 1919, together with its costs and disbursements heroin. JOS. E. EVANS, ; Plaintiffs Attorney. p. O. Address: Ecclcs Building1, Ogden, Datod Ogden City. Weber County. Utah. , j this 10th day of January, 1920. JB NOTICE. Estato of Mary M, Smyth, deceased. JH Tho petition of Augustine V. Smyth for probato of the last Will and Testament BBBJ of Marv M. Smyth, deceased, in tticv abovo entitled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon. A. E. Pratt. Jud.c;e, on Monday, tho 26lh day of January. 1920. al ten (10) o'clock n. m., at tho BBVJ County Court House, In tha court room , BVJ of said court. In Ogden City, Webor . County, Utah. 'H Witness, tho Clerk of said court, wltn i tho seal thereof affixed, this 14th day ot January. 1920. WALTER N. FARR, (SEAL) .C1?rk- " 'H By Agnes Smith. Deputy Cleric. J. D. MURPHY, Attorney for Petitioner.