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EI Hlij j 111 q THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH. SA1UKDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 M I V f te Local Show Houses " 1 If At the ORPHEUM Tomorow Night j Ii. Eda Anna Luke and Waller E. Perkins in one of the hilar - ; ious moments of "PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH," the j big farce -success at the Orpheum Sunday night 13 A fairly crimhion sitution in British' l high life, which is non-existent in thls: 1 country, ov.'ius lo our lack of a social l order of nobility, is treated in Cosmo I Hamilton's story, "The Miracle of' Love," which litis bfen adapted to mo tion picture form and will be shown j at the Alharohra theatre tomorrow. The hero is tho younger son in a no-J bleman's family, who has 'no hopes ol the tiiie. is without funds, yet cannot I go to work like an ordinary man bwlng to the discrace which it wouid brine to his family. Th youth" finally j solves the problem by planning toj leave the country and earn money in a land where his nrecious family is unknown. However, on the pier ho meets "a woman, who completely changes hi$ life. . The great and al ... - II ORPBffllSSr-SUNDAY-CBrtain 8:15 1 J SEATS NOW Prices 5(?c to 32.00 ; 1 New York and Chicago's Biggest Farce Hit in. Years. The gj A Piquant, Pajama-Clad, Hilarious RoIIic! S - r i u i i w u 1 1 i i iu- -j - i w i - t- s- I I L..xlftr-T t- 1 t ffWa&iTrtiWiiu,-,,,!,! u. .j.i- 'i 1 np i h lluji rriTTTJT j I ORPHEUM To1- lies. Jan. 27 Ii HA Plenty of Good Dollar Seats at Wednesday Matinee I ' St ! I WJNCHELL SMITH aad JOHN L GOLDEN. I Producers of L ightnin and "3 Wise Fools Offer I xICAS GR'EgATEST cotviEDY I by WMCHELL SMITH and JOHN E. CAT OF ORIGINAL FAVORITES CECILY AS PRESENTED FOR A SOUD YEAR. EACH IN NEW VORK tnl j ICTHE ON LY COM PANY ON TOUR, ! I Seats Now on Sale gfla, j PARLOR, BEDROOM em soisi Unusually Brilliant Cast in Play at The Orpheum To morrow Night When "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" conies to the Orpheum tomorrow night it will be played by an unusually bril liant cast of comedians, gathered by Malinger A. H. Woods for a tour to llh& Pacific coast. Walter E. Perkins, 'who gained country wide fame as the star in "My Friend From India" and "The Man From Mexico," is tho hus band who finds himself in the curious predicament of irying to live op to a false reputation as a Don Juan. Eda (Ann Luke, of "The Prince of Pllsen" fame, and who is to be starred next I season in a new piece, plays the wom 'an reporter who turns professional co respondent. Will Archie of "WiVfire" of the Ziegfeld Follies, of a dozen bis Broadway hits is tho facetious bell hop at the wayside inn, where most of the "Parlor. Bedroom and Bath" hilarity tnkr place. Mr. Archie, famous for lii delineation of boy roles, made his start as a child actor in tho famous I Weber and Fields Music Hall cchu 1 pany. Other Broadway names in the ' east are Fred I. Lewis,. Gail Sheldon. I Etta Brvf.ii, Gertrude Webster, Jane I Aubrey. Pearl Ford. William A. Wil j lianis. John Fc-rr.lock. Adv. I most tragic love which springs up be tween tho two leads rapidly to a stnrt liing ehimax. Prominent in the cast are Liter Cottton and Wyndham Standing. I Adv. tears mm 1 'TlliTOTIRWi i Original Broadway Production t Coming to Orpheum, Two ! Days With Maticce i I , Toars and laughter are the main in-1 gredients of "Turn to the Righ'," tbo! i sensational comedy success which John Golden will present at the Orph-; cum theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday,! January 27 and 2S, with' Wed-' nesday, with the original Broadwav production, exactly as it ran far a solid ! year each at tho Gaiety theatre. New York, and George M, Cohan's Grand I Opera house, Chicago. Though It! bristles with bright lines and ingen- I ious situation, it never approaches the border of farce. The wholesome heart interest to I typical of Whichell Smith in his ' "Brewster's Millions." "The Fortune1 ; Hunter," "Tho Boomerang," and, 'Lightnin' " is much in evidence in ' j .he story of tho regeneration of two, nimblc-witted young cruoks Muggs , and Gilly, at the hands of the saintly . I old mother of their pal. Joe Bascom. 1 When Joe makes his appearance at j he Bascom homestead, closely follow ed by Mugps and Gilly. the town skin flint is about to take t little farm; from Joo's widowed mother and his! oung sister for non-payment of a $125! grocery bill. The situation calls for -julck action and the farm is saved by means most ingenious, if not entirely honest. Then comes the harvesting of' a bumper crop of peaches and the for-1 mallon of a syndicate to exploit ai toothsome variety of peach jam with! riich "Ma" Bascom has won local re- nown. Success attends tho venture and the last act finds the members of tho syndicate enjoying tho full fruits o their enterprise and honesty most conspicuous cf said fruit being one illage belle each. Seats tiro now on sale. Adv. Hi TILIBGE SI OGDEN THEATRE - Norma Talmadge productions are al ways unusual. They must be, for Norma, herself, is unusual. Her quaint and widely varied characterizations are at once the surprise and the de light of her thousands of admirers. Many have, asked why she never was given the opportunity of demon' slrating her very evident abilitv as a comedienne. The answer is simple. Until of late a suitable vehicle of that type has never been found. At last, however, she is to be pre sented in a comedy photoplay as dain ty and puiquant as her own sweet self. An enchanting love. story, as delicate as gosscmer, has been carefully woven into the plot. Here and there tense dramatic touches have been addcdJ The occasional suggestion of tear.1? only serve the moro to heighten appro elation of the Joyous chuckles and hearty laughs which follow In rapid succcsBlon, "She Lov-03 and Io3," a new Select Special, is tho play and it will bo pre. Benled at the Ogden theater tomor row. oo . J. J. Brurnmitt, 2417 Hud- don avenue, paya highest i j prices for Liberty bonds. Trades Unions to Esiler I Contracting Bssutess . SPOKAKH, Wash., Jan. STiitiV of Ilia building ifaOes v.nioils cu thfs oHy into the ao-traotlng bueiaees here nosl eprlne unlg loeai oanlmotcrs meet fterannds fer v.-Rga inoreftgeB of 91 ft dny in tlje hnilnlng wp8 i tf JUAttStfed by k,hov je&defs iiet'&i I Today Evelyn Nesl ' In "Her Mistake" If 1 i HITIL. -wr- AND TWO REEL COMEDY Coming 'Sunday j A GREAT PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT SPECIAL 1 j I Wml&MMCi A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION ' . 1 "Cyf CSM0P0U1AN PEOOUCnON By Cosmo Hamilton r 1 lCLlE OF HiOE TOGETHER WITH - 1 I II IN HIS NEWEST COMEDY . j' i It's the Funniest one yet a Sceam from start to finish I KP8fcS j I DONT FAIL TO SEE IT I l ilic amp Mq mi I i m ,.,wuj u X & 'M- I ' SCHEDULE I 1 do:oopeb 5.ou":,Nd" h S . . i i 1 1 -ji 'i i i 1 federation of brick masons, and Fred W. Greene, vice president of the state federation of labor, were among these declaring funds and executivo ability would be available for such a pro pram. . oo Medical Society to Discuss Influenza The Weber County Medical society will meet at the city hall tonight at S 'o'clock for the purpose of discussing influenza conditions in the city and county and methods of combatting the epidemic "Symptoms and Treatment" will bo the subject discussed by Dr. J. It. Mor rell. Dr. Frank Bartlett will speak on j the subject, "Bacteriology" and City Physician Henry W. Nelson will use for his subject "Prophylaxis." There will be a general discussion by the doc tors on methods to be followed in Og den in the effort to prevent tho flu from becoming epidemic. oo Evelyn Ne3it Thaw in "Her Mistake" at the Alhambra to day. 6c, 15c, 20c. no Cyras Townsend Brady Dies of Pneumonia YONKBRS, V., Jan. 2-1, TUo Rovorend Cynic Townacnd Brady, voll Unown author r.nd IiJpIsoopai olnrcy man, died of pneumonia at hla home hero today, I-Io had been JU plnco Thursday, A graduate of I he naval ucadoray and ftn nrwy ch&Hal;i in the Bpanlsh. v.'rv, D; Erftdy had written fioofes of Ijcolta tleftllnR vUH fuWeaiureg and IV.tUos op Jand ftnrt flaa, jubb of (haw novel) -Alt-; An hJsleripsi f(iup,daKo;i( His Va'.ied c3iper;Gri6c iiio'iiitietl WM-K fa? the Misuari FAeifie aad lh Ufiiori fnolfie failreadd ar being gfialnatflil from Annsnolis in im, K BkWMM lllPO'fOej' IH Miaaoiifi, eeiei'ndfi, Icsasae, pj-jflpniojirj Trhllo find. NW Vbi-ki li born in AillDr, PfWi Ji.jlfiJt, i lOTEflEILIimOS CGMIWG TO OGDEN FEBRUARY 4 Granville Barker, noted English au thor and lecturer, will give a lecture at the Ogden tabernacle February 4 under the auspices of the Ogden Teachers' association and the Histo rical society The University of Uttah arranged toj have Sir. Barker lecture in Salt Lake I and many Ogden persons planned to go there to hear him. Then efforts were put forth and arrangements wore made vhoreby Mr. Barker Included Ogden on his itinerary. Following the Barker lecture the next platform attraction obtainod by the two associations Is Prof. S. H. Clark, an old favorite in Ogden. Ho will give his readings here March 2fi and March 27. no See Evelyn Nesbit Thaw in the big 7-reel special "Her Mis take." Alhambra today. 6c, 1 5c, 20c. oo DEHIND THE PLAN I reckon wlion tho world wo loavo And crlovo to emllo nnU ccaeo lo frrloyo Wlion oach of 113 quit tho Mrli'o Ad dron tho working tocsin cf lifo, $omowhoro, coniohc-.-. xvo'll co:no to init Juat what our Maker ImJ l:i m!nci, ,P6i'ilfVP? through cScsror eyoa than tlioeo "Wo'JI rend llfe'a hidden myetcrieo And karil ths reason tor er letiri-. Why ppr,ii?t:!ofl eitMf1 unlaSy yc&fj, And why ottr 4&?sfit Jftva V'ew hrlof And bound to eloooly unto avlot, TJera 19 P0 mtl'-h llfJ-'OHrt 0Hr' e?,,i l)liP'jj- 6H IlirtJtigh iii'c rrfi6i dd hllicll wfi cflhriat utJ.d4iJBtAifd. 148weVcr wt-eii4 wfc' RRS'e pidflnaiij Hat Rii svlia mk tJils carta about A?a eJlotftPo1 liasel by jleu'M, Why ioveti ones nuffijis gall&d Why hcart3 arc hurt, or e'en explain "Why some must suffer ycar3 of pain; Yet some day all of us ;hnll know The reason why these things arc so. I reckon in tho years to come When those poor lips of clay arc ,d limb. And these poor hands have ceased lo toll Somewhere upon .t fairer soil 1 God shall to all of us make clear jfcll J The purpose of our ria5 here- HI When it is desired to hold a screw 1 firmly in place in the- woodwork of the car, this may be accomplished ly 1 driving an ordinary staple, such as is .used in fastening wire netting, in'o the M wood so that the staple lies directly V 1 in the slot of the screw. ' ; ; : I Mother Bascom and Betty in 'TURN TO THE RIGHT" I v . . ; Ifcsna frin Uie amsua eemedy of laughs and hoav$ throbs Mrh which eorae cp tho Orpheum. Tuesday and Wednesday, with $