Newspaper Page Text
I H 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1920 I1!'-1 Doctor Tells How to Detect 'I , I Harmful Effects of Tobacco '' Try these SIMPLE TESTS I, I ( i Ncw. York: Doctor Connor formerly of i I John? Tlopkinfi liospltal. says: Mai.y , I ritfcn who smoke, ch-v or snuff inccs3nnl- i lyp and who aiu1 seemingly healthy aro I suffering from progressive organic a I! ' ( tocnts. Thousands of them would never I been afflicted had U not been for the '. , vvsq of tobacco, and thousands would soon . . get well If they would only stop the uso ' i ofttobacco. The chief habit forming prm- l1 i . citilc of tobacco Is nicotine, a deadly poi- I . Fpn which, when absorbed by tho system 1 ' slowly affects the nerves, membranes, Ms- ,1, sues and vital organs of the body. Tho I lwrmful cffocl of tobacco varies and e ' pends on circumstances. One will ne afflicted with general debility, others with catarrh of the throat. Indigestion, con- l i silpaiion extremf nervousness, sleepless . 1 ncss, loss of memory, lock of will power. ! ' luentol confusion, etc. Others may suffer I from heart disease, bronchial trouble, hardening'' of the arteries, tuberculosis, liindncss or even cancer or the common 1 affliction known as tobacco heart. If you ' iwJo tobacco In any form you can easily i delect the harmful effects by making ths following simple tests. Road nloud on? ,i full pngo rrom a book. If. In the course I I ' o& reading, your voice becomes muffled, i ' I hoarse and indistinct, and you must fre- . i I , , nncntlv clear your throat, the rhnncesr" ' 1 that your throat Is affected ny catarrh 1 '( I (yid It juav be the beginning of more se- ! ' rTous trouble. Next. In the morning he- ., 1 fore tnklng your usual smoke, walk up ! i j three flights of stair at a regular puce. I1! I Republicans Arrange s! 1 for June Convention J . '.CHICAGO, Feb. 12. Will H. Haya, jj 'f chairman of the Republican commit- i ; 0 ' ree, A. T. Hart, chairman of the con I I I. v'ention committee, and Frod W. Up- j l V ham, formerly national treasurer, con , " feTred today on details of the national "1' j '' convention here June S. 1 ' -It was announced that 13,-iOO seats 1 -vvould be provided In the Coliseum, Several hundred more than for the 191G i J' i' convention, A gold badge with a me- I t. dallion of Lincoln suspended from an 1 1 I'i American flag was decided upon for ; ! tHo delegates and sergeant at arms , and his assistants. Alternates will I wear a bronze badge similar In de- j.l 1 Blgn. ,H i i - oo I CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH I J i , MONEY. ; !l , , ,:;D0N'T MISS THIS. Cut out this. ! ' 1 I sJip, enclose with 5c and mail it to 'I1 I 1 F,oley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi ' i , , cago, 111., writing your name and ad drees clearly. You will receive in re- ;Im If ' trn a trial package containing Foley's ' H,oney and Tar Compound, for coughf, ! i' ' Gplds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills i ' for pain in sides and back; rheumt- ,s if tism, backache, kidney and bladder all- , t w ments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, ! y a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing j cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, 1 headache, and sluggish bowels. A. R.' ; jl Mclntvre Drug Co. Advertisement. , no , Sultan Donates Grain !i' ' to Feed the Starving 'I j NEW YORK, Feb. 12. The sultan , 1 1 , of Turkey has donated 6.000.000 kilos lj t; ! of grain to help feed the starving peo I " pies in Armenia and other parts of ' I the empire, according to a cable mes- ; jjage received tonight by officers of ! 1 ' tlie Near East relief. The cable stated j I ' that the. gift of the sultan was due to I ' the insistence of Major Davis G. Ar- i 1 nold, near east relief commissioner in J i Constantinople, who urged that the J ! grain which has been held by profi- ! teers at prohibitive prices be dlstribul- 1 1 ed to the destitute. I. ' - 1 II , , I Ult fameut OIL OF KOREIN, follow Jlrcc- II 1 B tlons et Koicla (jitcm Ibcrcnltb: btcomo 1 i . lltndfr. hetllMer. atlracUre, tffitlent; I.tVK ffl 1 1 ' "I tONQKEt Sold by buiy druggliti. lncludlsz: B I G. F Cave, Tabernacio Pnarmaoy ' 1 I v E. Cave, Culley Drug Co., Five H ; j I Points Drug Co., McBrlde Drug Ci H ' ' ' IB And by naed iruoobti vtrher nho win I j J upply you vrllb ceoulnt OIL 01' liOBElX 3 , 111 i " . -::- uu I , i Governor Edwards ! , , Assails W. J. Bryan; I TRENTON." N. J., Feb. 12. Answer-! i ins William J. Bryan's latest attack on ; I him by declaring that personal liberty , j is involved in the question of prohibi-l I lion, nnd not nterely the ability of one I Ld get a drink. Governor Edwards has I'. I ! Issued a statement' intimating that I I Bryan's '"hysterics" about prohibition; ' I J was simply a mask to cover an attack ; ' i 1 on Democratic National Chairman 1 Cummings who, the governor said, was I a "formidable obstacle to the Nebras- j i kan's political designs." Mr. Edwards id reiterated his determination to take ' I , the matter of prohibition" before the , ,! J Democratic national convention, j jt ; i, "Jt it be true," Governor Edwards ,. ( ' ! sijid, "that the remote places and the ,' j wilderness are able to send enough II' 'I J delegates to this convention, who eith- V' , Jl cr blindly or stubbornlv will eject It 'h , : . COLDS breed and" zfx f ( Spread INFLUENZAVn) H i 'vILL THE COLD ATk 1 X)NCB WITH '!!;.', bill's H j XASCARAQUININE B 7 Standard cold remedy for 20 ye in H ) .!n ublet loxm jalc, sure, no H , opiates breakt up a cold in 24 H if" I'I hours relieve crip in 3 days. H i, --sOMoneyt back U It falls. Tho B Cnflu!vV. Eenulne box haa a Tied H m?. IvVMnl nil B. t0P with Mr. Hill's H''ti ; i VJulHr? picture. H lade has 432 TWcnty fiftl then stop. If you find that you are out" of In-rath, your h?nrl bout i forced. trcnbllnp or Irroular. you may he -i victim of functional Or organic hnart trouble. If you feel that you must smoke, chow or snuff to unlet your ncrws you sue ji slave to the tobacco habit. ind aro poHltiVolpoisonSr.e yourself with the deadly drup, nicotine. In cither enso yovi have Just two alternatives keep on with the solf-polHOnliifi process Irrespective of the dnngurs and r.uffor the conacmienccH, or plve up tlo Imblt ;md escape tne dnn pcr You enn overcome the craving ana stop the habit in u very short thnc by uslnc: tlio following Inexpensive formula. Go to any drug store and ask for Nlcoiol tablets, take" one tablet after ench meal, and In a comparatively short time vou will have no desire for tobacco, the crav ing will Imvo left you. With the nicotine po'mon out of your system your general health will quickly improve. NOTE Wnon asked about Nicolol tan lets one of our leading dnifiTKists said: "It is truly a wonderful remedy for tho tobacco habit; away abend of anylhinp we have ever rold before. We are author ized by the manufacturers to refund tlie money to every dissatisfied customer, and we would not "mrniii .ic use of our name unless the remedy possessed im-. usual merit." Xleotol tablets ar sold im this cltv under an Iron-clad monej -back fninrontec by all up-to-dnte drug-fflstJ, IncludlnK the A. R. Mclntyrc Druff Co. Advertisement. i from the convention those who desiro for each state a doctrine of personal liberty, then this is only another indi cation of the path along which tho Democratic party is to tread in tho November elections." net Halifax Veterans Are Pledged Against U. S. HALIFAX, N. S., Feb. 12. Members of tbe Halifax army and navy veterans association have unanimously passed a resolution pledging themselves "in dividually and as a unit to purchase as little as possible of goods manufactur ed in the United Stales, or of food produced in tho United States," be cause of the price of the Canadian dol lar in that country. oo ' QUICK fllEf FKOM flNsmmi Ge.f, Di Edwards Ob'"e 1 ablets That Ji6 Iovfu' cry of 'housards since D' Edward." produced C'jve Tablets- the subsL'fvte (or 'alomd Dr. Edwards 3 practicing physician fot 17 yean5 and calomel a old lime enemy, discovered the Jormubj for OUv Tablets whuV treating D?t'e.ntp for chronir constipation and torpid livers. Dr Edwards" Olive. Tablets do not ; contain calomel, but a healing, sxr.hing 1 vegetable laxative No rjripuig is tbe "kevcoe" of these Tittle su.qar -coated, olive-ro'ored tab lets. Thcv cause the bowels and liver to i act uormallv. Thev never fore? thern , to uunaturaJ action. ! If you have a "dark brown mouth" I bad breath a dull, f.ired feeling side ' headache torpid b'ver constipation-. you'll find quick, sure and pleasant r ' suits from one or two of Dr- Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take them every night jus" 't keep right. Try them, 10c and Z- Advertisement. ' on- , THEATRES PERFECTLY j SAFE DOCTOR SMS; i Hysteria Caused by Shutting Down City Creates Danger ous Condition Says M. D. - SALT LAKE, Feb. 12. Since Janu ary 29 the influenza epidemic has de clined steadily, and is now not only undor control, but almost entirely stamped out, and within the next ten days the epidemic will be a thing of the past, said MaJ. Wlllard Christoph trson, city health commissioner, yes-1 terday, before the Commercial club, at its -weekly luncheon. I "Any action taken by the health de partment iu closing down the schools, theatres and public places which are! ; kept well ventilated and sanitary I would lead to worse complications i Ithan can possibly be experienced by (leaving them open," ho said. "Ai-j though the schools invite more die lease than any other factor, tho school j children are constantly under supcr j vision of competent nurses anil medl 1 cal men, and are better able to care j for the health of tho children than the 'average home. , "There is nothing to fear from the first-class theatres of this city," said Dr. Christopher. "Tbe hysteria which would be caused among tho people by shutting down the city would be one of tho most dangerous conditions In han 'dling an epidemic," he said, "anil al though the true situation of the influ enza epidemic should not be hidden, yet tliifi hysteria must bo avoided. The economic loss to the city, he asserted, alp.o must be considered, as it would ' tend to Increase industrial unrest," oo BACK NUMBERS. "What aro you reading, daughter?" "A novel entitled 'The Heart of Ger aldlne.' " "Umph! Rubbish, I suppose!" "Yos, Dad. It's a book you present ed to mother, years ago." Birmingham Age-Herald. j' The strange part of it all is that the Mexican border "comes bo close to the United Statoa for the aamc reason the , ocean comes so close to tho shore. ! linn i n i miii i im , NEW SAIR after BALDNESS XT YOU r lojlnt hilr. Iiit d.ndnslT. or ic bMd, iMt b fcuown ihit KOTALKO. conuin Int Ctr.ulnt bur l tud rtitr potnt !nnU rcj It noodfrlUIlT uecmfal. Fot mtn. cna. cUUron. Itlr iriwn, ituidrurr rSlmlni.l la nmj' tu!i vihn til rj Ullni. :mo fll'AH A.OKK Jrl Dnujfj-i;uci.l-offer. Oil Uu. tl JUct of KOTALKO to h j J. H. Brittaln, Inc., SUtloaF, New York, N.Y. i Advertisement. BARWES TAKES ISSUE WITH SENATOR GMi . I Denies Contention that Wheat Price Guarantee Act is Leteri mental to Farmers WASHINGTON. Feb. 12 Taking is sue with Senator Gronna of North Dakota, who, in Introducing a bill to repeal the 'wheat price guarantee act, Biiid that" such a guarantee was no longer needed for protection of the farmers, Julius IT Barnes, federal wheat director, in a statement said that on the day the measure was in troduced certain grades of wheat on tho Minneapolis market fell within five cents of the guarantee. .lust a few days previous, Mr. Barnes added, the same grades on the saine market j had fallen fifty cents and more pen bushel. Mr.' Barnes also denied the conten tion of the North Dakota senator that the wheat guarantee act was enforced so as to prevent wheat prices rising above the guarantee. No authority exists in the act. tho wheat director said, to forbid tradiug at a higher price. "Wheat is 103. per cent higher than in 1913 while bread is up 77 per cent," said Mr. Barnes' statement. "Farm products of all kinds average 130 per cent up and with this showing of wheat advance so much above the av erage, I do not believe tho wheat farm er enjoys being continually represent ed as discontented and greedy for more.'' oo ! Tried Pyramid ; for PiSss P If Not, Send for n Free Trlnl Treat ment. Mnn:r Saved From Operations. Have you tried Pyramid? If not, why don't you? The trial is free Just mail coupon bolow and tho Pyramid I Von Will Snrcly Atcc After a Trial. results may amaze you. Others aro praising- Pyramid Pile Treatments aa their deliverer why not you? Mall coupon noTT or get a. COc box from . any drugslst anywhere. Tako no substitute. FREE SAMPLE COUFON PTBASflD DRDO COUPANT. KC Pyramid Bide.. Marshall, Utcti. Klndlr 'end mo a Frco naniple of Pyrcmitl Pilo T.-tatafent, In plain wrapper. Name ..... tt . 8 tTMt. ....,,. Olty Stato 00 For Colds, Grip or Influenza jand as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c Advertisement. oo Men and Boys Akndon Farm Life for City j j ITHACA. N. y., Feb. 12. The aban donment of farpi life by men and boys, during the past year for the city has left more than 2-1,000 habitable farm homes in the state vacant, according to estimates made public here by Prof. G. F Warren of Cornell university. His figures were based on a survey of nearly -1000 representative New York ifarms which has just been completed by federal and state agricultural au thorities. The survey indicated, lie explained, that three men had left the farm for every one returning. He said that about 35,000 men and boys left farm ing to go into other Industries and about 11,000 went from other indus tries back to the farm making a net loss to the farms of 21,000 persons. j Professor Warren said that the farm abandonment figures explained the scarcity of houses in the cities. B!ood4roa Phosphate Hdps Thin Folks Put On Flesh if you are weak, thin and emaciated and can't put on flesh or got strong, no matter how much you eat, go to Mc Intyre Drug Co., or any other druggist, and get enough Blood-Iron Phosphate for three weeks' treatment it costs only 50 cents a week and take as di rected. If at the end of three weeks l you don't feel stronger and better than I you have for months; if your eyes , aren't brighter and your nerves stead ier; if you don't sleep better, and yuor vim, vigor and vitality aren't more than doubled, or if you haven't put on Beveral pounds of good slay-there flpsh you can have your money buck for the asking and T31ood-Iron Phosphate will cost you nothing. Advertisement. oo Mrs. lala Bniimnitt Asks for Separation Divorce proceedings against J. J. Brummltt hae been instituted in tho district court by Lulu Brummltt. on the grounds of cruelty. The two were married in Salt Lake. August 16. 1905, and have three children Last Monday the husband packed his personal belongings and left their home, the plaintiff claims. She asks (or dlvorcp, custody of the children, temporary and permanetu alimony, costs, and aakn the court to award her the family residenoe. ILUNOISDW Says He Has Never Known Medicine to Produce Results Like Tanlac Dr. B. II. Elder, with offices at -110 Shradski Bldg., Peoria, 111., who has been In aactlve practice for over forty years, soft's: "Medical science has never before produced a medicine that brings re sults like Tanlac. I have been prescrib ing it some time with remarkable re sults. Personally I had .suffered for I years from stomach trouble and rheu matism and had devoted my best thought trying to find relief but to no avail. After eating, gas would Xorm in my stomach and affect my heart, j causing poor circulation, cold hands and feet, dizziness, peculiar feelings, I terrible headaches and cramps. The I rheumatism pained me so I could hard , ly stand to move my legs or arm?. "1 had a pat Tent who had also suf fered for years with tho same trouble 'as mine, and although I did all I could for him he got no better. One day, after lie had been away for about six months, he came to my office and nev er in my life have I seen a man look better or seem to feel bettor than he did. He told mo Tanlac was what had brought about the wonderful change. I began trying the medicine at once with the result that a few bottles re lieved me entirely of stomach trouble, rheumatism and all my other ail ments. Although I am an extra hear ty eater nothing ever disagrees with me any more. I have prescribed Tan lac in case3 of rheumatism, kidney and bladder disorders and a run down con dition with wonderful results, and I feel that I ought to givo my experience with Tanlac to the public for the bene fit of suffering humanity." Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A. R. Mclntvre Drug Co. Advertisement. oo Teachers Given a $450 Increase in Salary CHICAGO, Feb. 12 Teachers in the Chicago elementary schools have ob tained a salary increase of $450 a year and high school teachers an Increase of ?100, under a deciaien by the bonrd of education. The increases are re troactive to January 5. oo ; - -,.., -,..,, .-.. ...... --- it Easy to Make This I Pine Cough Remedy I T Tho!innil of fnmllim cwwr by IU f T prompt rrilll. Inrxpriidlvo, 7 t nnd avc nlnjut 92. t f V.,-tf ti'i"i-""i-i-",""'i"i"''"i"-'"i-i--i Yoi know tlmt pine i used in nearly nil prescriptions and remedies for coiifrha. The reason is tlint nine contain several peculiar element Ilia h.nvc. a renmrk nble eirect in rotlumr nml henlnic the membrnnes of the throat anil" chest. Pino is famous for this purpose. Pine cough svrups arc combinations j of pine and svnip. The "svrup" part is usually plain pujrar .syrup. To make the befl pho 00112I1 remedy that money can buy. put 2 ounces of Pmex in a pint bottle, and fill up with home-made sugar 5vnip. Or von can use clnrified molHc, honey, or corn ftvrup, instead of simiir syrup. Either way. you make a full pint more thnn you can buy ready-made for three times the moncv It is pure, good and tery pleasant children take it eacerly. Vou enn feel tin lake hold of a cough or cold in a way llitit means business. The cough may be dry. linarse and tight, or nuy be persistently loose from tho formation of phlegm. The cause is the same inllamed membranes and this Pines nnd Syrup combination will stop it UMiallv in 2-1 hours or less. Splendid, too. for bronchial asthma, hoarsctiCis, or anv ordinary throat ailment. Pinex is a highlv concentrated com pound of genuine Nonvav pine extract, and i. famous the world over for its prompt elTcct upon coughs. Beware of Mibt:tiitcs. Ask your drngcist for "2 Vs ounces of Pinex" with directions, nnd don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give ahoolule satis faction or money retunded. 1'he Tincx Co,, Ft. Wnync, Ind. j Advertisement, j WH TODAY I A Tine program has been arranged 1 for Lincoln day. Doroihy Dalton and1 Douglas MacLean iu the "Home Break-; er" Pathe Weekly and tho "Smart Set." You will enjoy, every minute. Southern melodioB on the big organ. Schedule. 2:15, ' A. 5:45, 7:30, 9:15. "Pollyanna" next Sunday, four days. "Every "Woman" a week later. Mar guerite Clark follows Mary Pickford ! next Thursday. j 00 Assistant State Club Leader Coming Monday! Miss Goldle Faux, assistant state club leader, will arrive in Ogden next Monday and will spend a week in an extensive campaign for Junior farm bureau work. Miss Faux will assist J. A. Taylor, county club leader. Five hundred young people of six teen towns have thus far become mem bers of the county Soys' and girls' clubs. A scries of organization meet ing arc being planned In connection with Miss Faux's visit. t OGDEN TO PRODUCE ' FILM IT HUM , Local Talent to Essay Leading Roles as Pantages Fea-" lure Today Ogden will produce a real movie "drammer" in seven reels and with local talent essaying the roles of the heroine, the vainpire, the vlllian and all the characters necessary to a auc- jcessful cinema thriller. The scene? !At the Orpheum theatre beginning this t afternoon at 2:-15 when Tom Ward, jonc of rnovieland's famous directors, will supervise personally the filming of a motion picture which when com- ipleted will be thrown on the screen ut the Pantages. "Making Movies." is the title of the 1 feature attraction of today's new bill at the Pantages. and this will not only, give many Ogden movie nspirants an I opportunity to find out whether hisj or her face "registers" well and wheth-1 er fame in motion pictures awaits them, but will show the public ex actly how motion pictures are made. A motion picture studio complete In every detail will provide the setting. An episode of themiotlon picture will! be taken nt every performance. The 1 cast will be composed of entirely local talent. j With "Making Movies" will also ap pear Vema Mersereau, famous dance artiste, who-will present "Reincarna tion," a danco drama of the pnst and present. Miss Mersereau will be as sisted by George McCoriuack. ' ! Novel juggling tricks that have plen ! ty of comedy will be given by tho Gal lons, while Harry and Etlu Conlcy will offer one 6f vaudeville's most rollick ing rural skits, "At the Old Cross roads." As a special added attraction for this week's mill, Manager J. F. Goss is presenting ISmil Farnlund, Ogden's marimbaphone artist, who will be heard in "Melodious Moments." Mo will play both classical and popular numbers. William Dick, not only has a pleas ing voice, but a knack on the guitar lhat promises Jolly entertainment. There will also be tho ucunl motion picturese and a snappy musical ar rangement by Albert Erickson and his concert orchestra. The new prices go into effect with today's show: Lower floor. 50 conts; first five row3 in the balcony. 40 cents; babncci of balcony, 35 cents; gallery 25 cents, war .tax Included. There will bo no changes in matinee prices. Adv. DEAD Life is a burden when tVe body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To I bring back the sunshine take j SOL MEDAL : J Tho national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it 13 an enemy of All pains r cuking from kidney, live and uric acid troubles. All druggists, threo sizes. 1 L00V for tho name Cold Madx.1 on CTorr box ajad accept no imitation HOME BREWERS WILL BE PHD TD FULL EXTENT "Home brewers" will be punished to the fullest extent of the law al though no private home will be invad ed except where the evidence is of such a "flagrant" character as to make intervention necessary for the peace of of mind of the community. Such was tlie decision made by Mathonlhah Thomas, federal dicertor of prohibi tion yetcrday. Under this ruling all fermentation of innocent appearinghousehold com modities such as raisins and fruits as well as molasses and all other syrups will bo strictly out of order and not in 1 accordance with the best of prohibi tion laws. Makers of home brew who have come into such nation wide promin ence, since the enactment of prohibi tion must from now on be cautious In giviug their products the publicity among friends which has' character ised the move to date., said Mr. Thom as, as dame gossip travels fast and ere long may reach the ears of the fed eral prohibition officers. Private stocked cellars taken by woll meaning citizens in anticipation of a long drouth will not be subjected to confiscation under federal laws, pro viding applications for their upkeep are filed with the federal director of prohibition and that such cellars do not oxceed in amount tho modest de mands which may be made by a single family Don't Poison Baby TfORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo H PAREGORIC, or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce 1 sleep, and a FEW DP.OPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP , FROM. WHICH THERE IS NO "WAKING. Many are the ohildren who 1 have beon killed or whoee health haa ben ruined for life by paregoric, lauda- 1 num and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists nro prohibited from Helling cither of the narcotics named to children at all, or ; to anybody without labtdlins theru "poiaon." Tho deilnltion of ''narcotic" is "A mtdicinc which relieves pain and produces cleejJf but which in poison-, ous doKcs profluce.1 stupor, coma, convulsions and death" Tho taste and smell of medicines containing opium aro disguised, and sold under tho names of " Drop3," " Cordials," 14 Soothing 8yrup3, etc. You should not permit any , medicine to bo given to your children without you or your phyeicion know ' of what it la composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it tears the signature , i of Chaa. H. Fletcher. , Gcnuluo Castorla always bears the signature of JVv &CCUA t SUMMER DUTIES AHE IDE AVAILABLE FBI MEN 01 HUE Providing summer dainties hereto-1 fore denied isolated employes of the forost service by the simplo means of, covering a pile of snow with .several incnes of sawdust, and using the snqwj during summer months In the making of Ice cream, is described in a newb letter from the local forest officcf. 1 Eprly last spring, employes of the forest service in the Cottonwood nurs-; ery, found that gathering snow for storing nursery stock was necessary.! The stock was removed from the snow, during tho middle of June and Super-1 visor Fetherolf covered the remaining snow with sawdust. The expcrimenl proved successful and the employes' were able to make ice cream on July 4.: It is reported that this means of pre-i serving snow during the summer lr be-' ing practiced by man rangers within the loroats this season. 00 MARGARET AILII ST ORPHEUM S80I Margaret Anglln, the brilliant Amor icon actress will be seen here at tho Orpheum theatre on Tuesday, Febru ary 17, in her new play "The Woman of Bronze" by Henry Kitsomaccher and Eugene Dolard. To describe tho pla.y briefly, it is a brilliant one, resplendent with scintil- j latlng dialogue and withal, dramatic, to an extreme. Other than to disclose it as a 3trictly modern play which cuts out a slice from real life for presenta tion back of the footlights, would be to deprive Its audiences of much of the pleasure in store for thorn. I If tlie words of hundreds of critics I may be taken, "The Woman of Ero'nze" is most decidedly worth while. It is a gem of tho finest cut. dramatically, ajid theatregoers of Og den will do woll to mark carefully the , date of its presentation. They should I not miss it. Seat sale Friday. Adv. j I STOP CATARRH! OPEN i NOSTRILS AND HEAD : 1 1 Says Cream Applied In Nostrils ! llieves Head-Colds at Once. j If your nostrils are clogged and your 1 head is stuffed nnd you can't breathe i iroply because of a cold or catarrh, just r,'i a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm : any drug store. Apply a little of h's fragrant, antiseptic cream into ( your nostrils and lot it penetrate I i h rough every air passage of your' head, soothing and healing the in-' flamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get instant relief. J Ah! how good it feels. Your nostrils i i're open, your head Is clear, no more I snuffling, blowing; no more I headache, dryness or s'ruggling for breath Ely's Cream Balam is just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight. Adver-' tisement. , - oo Overwhelming Victory ' . Is Won l)y Denmark I I COPENHAGEN, Feb. 12. Denmark' 'won an overwhelming victory in thci ! plebiscite held in the province of! ISchleswig by which the future status) jof that district w-os determined, ac-l i cording to official figures issued here I this morning. These figures show I lhat Danish adherents cast 75,023 j votes while, the Ge. ians polled but! ,25,0S7. I i oo ! PLANS FOR STRIKE. DETROIT. Mich, Feb. 12. S'.riko ! headquarters were opened in fifteen cities today by divisional officers of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of W?y Employes and Railway Shop La borers, from which the nationwide strike called for February 17 will be directed. F'nal plans for the strike have been made, .union officials here declared, and only an agreement between repre sentatives of the men in Washington and President Wilson, it is said, will , prevent a walkout. If such agreement is reached, It was said, it muat come before Saturday night or the strike order cannot bo rescinded before.JL becomes effoctive. -ju ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Warm "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Jn a "Bayer packages," coruaininK i,ro por directions for Colds, Pain, Head ?che, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu matism. Name "Bayer" means genu ine Aspirin preflorlbed by phvMdana for nineteen ycare. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Asp'rin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester Of SalicyheachJ. I Advertisement, Catarrh Cannot Be Cured br LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cuIv Js a?cal dliease, ereatly inrlu- the Blood I on the Mucoua Surrc of th ?.V8m; A VS CATARRH MEDICINE composed of soma of th belt tonics t ?printl'' Jrtect combination MVnTH?r$d ent.!n HL'S CATARRH S.rfni ,3. what Produce! "ch won- n.lJu.u,t-? n ?tahal condition!. SruTtcI?B ,Sc Testimonial frae. F. J, Cheney & Co., Propi,, Toltlf, a THIN PEOPLE NEED BITRO PHOSPHATE Increases Weight, Strength and Nerve Force in Two Weeks' ' Time in Many Instances J T:U. Plain bltro-phosphatc s the a vice of thrsc physicians to thin, doliM,; ' nervous people who lack vim, cri4 and nerve force, and thoro scorns to E, uinplc proof of the cfflcncy of this nronT ration to warrant the recommonclatlm," Moreover. If wn Judso from the count I prparatlons nnd treatments which M. i continually being advertised for the dii, ' pose of making thin people fleshy d.,.-, oplnp nrme. nock and bust, nnd rcnlr Intr ukIj hollows and angles hy th curved lin.s of health nnd henuty thr are evidently UinuxnndB of men an5 il women who keenly feel their oxcMht K IhlnnOMH. 1 N Thinncfls and weakness arc oftrt du it to starved nerves. Our bodlos nrrd mor ' phosphate than is contained In modern foods. Physdelans claim there Is nothing that will supply this deficiency so -xfn an the organic phosphate known nmons druggist as hltrophosplmlc. which la in. expensive and le sold by most all dnj-. g-ist under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and by supplying tho body Hj ' Georgia Hamilton, ths aondtrfal "movla" nirl. who tost once thin and frail, aayxz "Bltro-Photphate brought about the mactc trantformatlon, I sained JS pound and never before ft't jo Well. " J , i with th necessary phosphoric food ele I inenis. should pioducc welcome linnsformatlon In the appear a nre- the Increase In weight frequently being astonishing1. ' liierense n weight -lco carries with , it a general Improvement In the hcajuu .Nei vousnesf:. sleeplessness and lac o. enc-rgv. which ncai ly always accomn) , . i-xrfijsive thinness, should soon disappear, dull ees ought to brighten and P cheeks glow with the bloom of pcn. i health . ! Physicians nnd hospitals everywhere i. are now recognizing its merits by i ; if use In every increasing quantities. r, Frederick Kolle. M. D.. editor of . York Physicians' "Who's Who.'' : "Dltro-Phosphnte should he prescribed overy doctor and used in every h'P'" to incrensc strength nnd nerve force ana to enrich the blood.' ... .... ' ' Joseph D. Unirlgan. Former ; A isltinf Specialist to North Iiaslem Dl3Pn tory. says: "Lot those who are vrea. . thin, nervous, anaemic or n''; i ' take n natural, unadulterated siiDunc' ,it such as bitro-uhoflphnto and. you t soon see some nstonlshlng results inu i. increase of nerve energy, atrcnpln i body and mind and power of endurance, y, Bltro-Phorhnte Is made entirely of organic phosphate compound referred " In the National Standard Dlspcnaatoo " being a preparation which has recenw acquired considerable reputation in , treatment of neurasthenia, "he ( inrd of excellence, strength a. , I of its substance Is beyond . ' every Bltro-Phosphnte tablet Is nwnui" , lured In strict accordanco wlth,1, nllrt- I Phnrmncapoela lest requirements. IPhoephato is therefore not n Pjc"j,u any 1 cine nnd should not bo confuaed til in w f of the secret nostrums. ?,o-cnlled ton" . or widely advertised "cure-nils. ' j CAl'TlON:-WhlIc Bltro-Phosplitte J' ij i unsurpassed for tho relief of nen ness, general debility, etc.. thoac taking . who do not desire to put on .''"iLjCcIsJf i use extra care in nvojdlng fal-pitw"1- r j foods. SERATHOL IS FINE - i FOR INDIGESTION I SAYS DR. PARRISH Sufferers from stomach fcK'.'.JfnU . t gvjstlon. natuloncc. caalr and aiim . , arising from hypcr-acldlty of tnc , ach should understand that tno ' stomach Is a delicate and '""'nVe crf I of luachlncrr; therefore c-y,r,cnflccaa!t . should be exercised to guara t grave complications. ' Ulcers and Intestinal troubles. , , . njfdl- Instead if dosing with pat?'". ibe clnea. unknown drugs or ""idruorl'1 storving treatment, go to your " .lfiXty j and get about two ounces of fiftctlTj h sorathol. There Is nothing p.10".,' and Jt ' In the treatment of those ftllmC"1.', v can be obtained at very small "plli5ts , Many a aiifforer from these cmut ! , lias been agreeably eurpriBOd ai A.uf9 : y mom Instantaneous relief and su;cratft i pormanent benorit from Its u?Yi'poiefj la a liarmlcea and tasteless white fe0d , ; which neutralizes ucld nnd. fH hTf" ! fermentallon. In many cwci ' . , acidity n alnglc doso products , magic effects. ; Today's Health Hints J CONSTIPATION: If jP'c. th? 1 , ' with constipation would P??n-a , flvo. mlnutos each cfay in K'n:h( rru : , bending exerclso that cmp W ' wof ; cles of the abdomen and at nign". . retiring take u. little .'rV V,u , 5 manent and highly "sfBCto" ,r , , will soon follow. Drink J e" d ic'- i t k water, avoid strong purgntn 4 t i f thnt Have a constipating ntht r ; I ' this fllruple plan cannot iai w (f- i ; fled toxlol Is Inexpensive rt".5t ll-Adf'r ; talned from any good dr.if.s5k , titcmenl. i