Newspaper Page Text
IT iiH THE OGPEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1920 3 . ! 1 n I Greatest Novelty Bill of Season Starts Today I U i "MAKING MOVIES" i 'EilR j T,,e 6fa;3- potest and unique novelty Real Motion rWuroa made on the I stngo In full view of tho audience, with Qgdcn talent comnletd nlrtiiro tn i Sc0nencS.o-ntelS !athcMcr' Comc scc "' '"oVleaTe mad'f Afferent I f I " VERNA MERSEREAU EMIL FARNLUND ' cSSU' J Present "Reincarnation," ajOgden's Clever Marimba- K et ? I Dance Drama cf 1116 Past ard 1 phonist in "Melodious Mo- ! y HARRY AND ETTA ! xr,7T T T A nyr I 2 CONLEY i WILLIAM DICK Sfejl "At the Old Crossroads" I Thc Sinsig Musician J f I THE GALLONS j THREE SHOWS DAILY l fel l f And their Lunatick Sticks 2:45 7:30 9:15 vtfrj! I ft Now evening prices ef fee Live i.oclay: Lower floor, 45c plus oe k &j f war la::,- first five rows in bnlcony, 3Gc plus 4 cents war tx; Hit. E balmce ablcony, 33c only; gallery, 2oc onlv. NO CHANGE IN MATINEE PRICES I I Motion Picture Co, jjj Wios FigSit in Logan II If LOGAN, Feb. 12. Judge J. D. Call all' of the First district court, yesterday 9ji ; rendered a verdict in favor of thc 11 plaintiff in the case of tht Consolidat- j; cd Motion Picture company against Ir tb? Logan city board of health. The court held that the picture shows m could operate against the wishes of the ! Fit board of health as long as the schools III of the city were in session and other jl business nouses remained open. t i oo f Drink Coffee S 1 " 14 Causes Indigestion, n Couple of lit Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will i Promptly Give Relief. J BjlK Indication caused by coffee Is tin I Kf Mine 8 indigestion caused by anything MlfK t'sc' 11 oal'nR food or drinking coffee 8m mnkes ou dsspeptic. all you need is ffl W Stuart's l)spcpsia Tablets. because they lis oct with an alkaline effect which is Just h I "I Surely Do Enjoy My Coffee! I'm Not : S I Afraid to Drink It, Either, for I Have II' a Box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets." JJ Slu.-iTt s Tablets mix with the food you H ml TV t-tomach by Its peristaltic action m ' chums and moves the food around thc 1 ;, stomach walls and thc powerful Sngrod- if lents In these tablets Instantly begin dl- 'jjh . cling the food as they are forced H ; Hirough It and around it. ; Tbi use of onu of these tablets after 's ' meals will In a very short time correct p 1 llio fruits of digestion and you will cn- ' Jny your coffee and food vitbout the old time" distress of indigestion " j ' Every dmg store carries Stuart's Dys- sj pepsla Tablets. Price 50 cents. Advcr- j TELL IE 11 FOOT ! WILES. I II HELP I YQU. it K JIay ns wcl1 buv artificial teeth i3 W. ready-made as to buy ready-made foot i W appliances. Get feather-weight nrch- M 'upports made to impression of the t I feeU 1 mnke them. L. J. BARKER, if I Foot "Specialist, 020 Colonel Hudson 'j I building. 27SG 2 oo t Fond to Combat White 1 ! Plague Given U. of U. j d SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 12. The sum of $100,000 was willed to tho Uni ; r versify of Washington by the late Mrs. t Frank McDermott, one of the founders and owners of a big department store, ' U became known here when the will ; wa3 filed for probate. Mrs. iMcDnr ' : inott left an estate valued at $1,200,-; i t 000. The will directed the board of trustees to use the money to combat i i tuberculosis. Mrs. McDermott who i5S died yesterday, established thc store m carli 'n the nineties as a small shop. i M . oo Jj M A man who will say 'thank you' to a conductor for a transfer is our idea I tL of the last word In politeness. If 0Bi S ; : possessing tonic, alter- a 4 'r J nb'vn and reconstructive i properties. . UW; 3 I nl In treatment of debilitated condfUoaa a i i caused by ovcnvorhcrproloneed menial 3 I z ntrein or nervous irritab llty. slccplw- J ri 1 S nc33. brain fas;, or General depression 01 a r K tho nervous cyetom. ireparcd Und.r ! fe. lormulafiled with and approved by the a i.W Chief Chcml3t,Trec3urfDfiat.Wo3ti- M S inston, D. C. ( & . bpj-a.cca DrtuG co. ; ZJanujact urere, Kimoa City. Uu A .0 V SOLO BY 3B I I SmiMaos Drug Co. 3 V. Sola KaIcc Clly, WtaJi & i&i V BolcIHitributori t Z(Z ram; ForlUtali 1 1 Ask Your Druggist Gaby Deslys Dies of ! a Throat Infection PARIS. Feb. 12. Gaby Deslys, thc French actress and dancer, is dead. Gaby Deslys had recently undergone several operations for an infection of the throat. Early in December she was considered to be in a grave condition and her relatives were summoned from America. The name of Gaby Deslys became known after former King Manuel of Portugal displayed his infatuation for her. That was ten years or more ago. In 1911 she arrived in America and made her appearance on the New York stage. She made a second visit to America in 1915. She returned to London and Paris tho following year. Thc throat affection from which the 'actress suffered is said to have been ' a complication of influonza. iff You Meed a Medicine i You should have the Best Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of .sight and are soon forgot ten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfil thc promises of the man ufacturer. This applies more partic I ularly to a medicine. A medicinal ' preparation that has real curative , value almost sells itself, as like an end less chain system the remedy is recom mended by those who have been bene fitted, lo thoso who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take ;for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ja preparation I have sold for many years and never 'hesitate to recom jmend, for in almost every case it 'shows excellent results, as many cf my i customers testify. No other, kidney j remedy ias so large a sale." According to sworn statements and 'verified testimony of thousands who have used he preparation, the success of Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the Tact, so many people claim, that it fulfils almost every wish in over- coming kidney, liver and bladder ail ments, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes tho uric acid which causes rheumatism. j You may receive a sample bottle of ! Swains-Root by Parcels Post. Address jDr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., i and enclose ten cents; also mention I the Ogden Standard. Large and me !diurn size bottles for sale at all drug j stores. Advertisement. I nr iTHIMIIII HFS EC0I1 SERVICE" I . I Thirty seven million tires wero man-j ufacturcd in thc United States last year to provide for the six million ! cars which are operated in the coun-: try, points out A. J. Olsen, manager of Drowning Brothers company, "If you consider for a moment thc vastuess of this production you arcj able to grasp the magnitude of the problem a motorist has to face he selects tires for his car. 'Tires have been bought because ofi their economy in initial price rather I than on their ability lo give long and I trustworthy service. However, the experienced motoi ist of today is com ! ing to realize that the one and only real factor worthy of consideration is the cost per mile. That Is to sny, a tire at a relatively low selling price may prove a very costly Investment, if it goes to pieces rapidly. Tires look very much alike las to quality when on the dealers' J shelves, but thc 'hard knocks of the roadbring out their stamina. Ther moid Crolide Compound Casings cost a llttlq more to buy than the average tire, but they cost less to use, for they will give thousands of miles of service over the most trying roads. "The man who drivos a cai and has had experience with tiro trouble knows that the only economical kind ii the endare the tires that will carry him the furthest with the least amount of trouble. Thormoid Crolide Compound ; Casings will take you through a sea son of hard driving. The tread ct thc tires ib ncn-pcrous, .therefore it is water proof, and oil proof, which pre venrs these destructive substances ronching the fabric or inner linings oi tin fro." oo It's getting the only way to got any distinction out cf a service medal : is to refuse to take it. , Talk about hard times why. Old Father Timo has worn tho same sowr: ) for the lust thirty and three centuries. W SCOUT TROOP a! ; HOLDS MEETING 1ST j : HEADQUARTERS . j I j 1 An interesting scout meeting was held last night at Troop 23 hcadquar.; ter3. j Allyn Jackson, Troop 23's first First' I Class Scout, was officially innvc-stcdj with a First Class Patrol Leader's! I badge . and was also presented byj Scoutmaster Bcrgstrom with a First iCla3S miniature pin as n reward fori his diligence. Troop 23 has about ten! more scouts who are expecting to pass I all tho first class requirements within 'the next few days. Lester Rose and (Francis Simnieraon were Invested I with second class badges, having pass Jed all the requirements, making about 25 second class scouts in this troop. I The Ninth Ward Dramatic associa tion awarded the following prizes for i selling tickets for their recent play. 'Buster Gudmunsen, Scout Ax; Charles Bramwell, Scout Pedometer; James Mullins. flashlight; James flardy, J scout knife; Lester Rose Leedawl,! compass; Leon Spencer, scout knife; j 'Allen Wungsgard, scout's safety water-1 J proof match holder. I DID YOU EVER j USE SLOAN'S? Keep it handy to promote prompt relief from rheumatic pains and aches. WHEN you know what Sloan's Liniment will do, as thousands of men and women the world over know, you, too, will keep it han dy. You will use it for those "twinges jof rheumatiz," for relieving that lanicj back, muscle stiffness and soreness, aches, all sorts of external painc, and exposure aftermaths. Only takes a little, applied without rubbing. Soon penetrates, scattering j the congestion, bringing merciful relief ; to the throbbing, jumping part Three 35c, 70c, $1.40. Any druggist has it If not, we'd like to I know his name. Sen. Johnson Petitions i i Are Being Circulated BISMARCK. N. D., Feb. .-Petitions nominating Hiram Johnson. Unit.' ed Slates senator from California, for, preferment for the Republican presi dential nomination to be voted on. in' the North Dakota primaries on March ; 16 wore placed in circulation today, j A. Y. Carlson, of Bismarck, seere tary of the North Dakota Johnson cam-1 paign committee said that the peti tIoi8 will be filed February 15. Here I tofore, he said, it has been peculiarly supposed that presidential preference (nominations could be filed up to March 1, but he says there is some question as to the law on that point land the earlier filing date has been de- termined upon. j Petitions recently were circulated at j Devil's Lake, and elsewhere for Ma Ijor General Leonard "Wood, but they j have not been tiled. oo 1 0GD N PEOPLE j PREVENT APPENDICITIS Many Ogden people nrr vsing sim j pie glycerine, buckthorn nnrk, etc.. as I mixed in Adler-i-Ua. Tl'.i? fus'ics ;BOTH upper and lower biMvel so ccm . pletely it removes uM fou', ncwmu at jed poisons from alim nta.-y canal uud I prevents appendicitis. A.Jcr-i-ka re illeves ANY CASE gas on slonrach or sour stomach. Often CURr-S constipa tion. In one case of chronic ?toni'ich trouble ONE bottle pi educed wonder ful results. A. R. Mctnlre Drug Co. Advertisement. Utah In Tenth Place j U Teachers' Salaries1 ! Facts relating to the Smith-Towner; education bill are given in a booklet: seat out by thc government to thc va-1 rious school heads throughout the! country. j In the booklet Utah is designated as being in tenth placo in thc salaries paid to teachers. California loads tho country The average yearly snlary of teach ers in California is 0903.45, whilj the average in Utah is $724.92. Mississip pi Is at thc foot of tho list, I The bill which is before congress I was introduced by Senator Hoke I Smith of Georgia and Horace Mann I Towner of Iowa. NOTICE j All motorcycle riders are requested jto meet at postoffice Saturday eve ning, February 14 th, at 7:30 p. n. for the purpose of participating in a pa rade. (Signed) OGDEN MOTORCYCLE CLUB. 2S19 WEBER COUNTY SERBS i APPLICATIONS TO TI FISHERIES BUREAU Blank forms lor requests for eggs, fingerling and fry from the federal bureau of fisheries, were received by S. B. Locke, head of 1he game depart ment of the forest service yestrday. Six applications will immediately be ! made by the Weber God and Gun as sociation, it Is stated, and steps will i be taken to plant 140 miles of Ogden river and its tributaries during the coming season. The application blanks were turned over by Mr. Locke to A. T. Hestmnrk and action in presenting the applications will be taken immedi ately, It is planned to get the sup port of Representative Welling in the matter of procuring thc fish. It is anticipated that either 50,000 large fingerlings or approximately 200,000 fry will be allotted to Utah as the result of the applications. Eastern brook trout, rainbow and native trout will be asked for by the local fishermen, and it Is expected that steel head trout will also be in cluded in tho allotment. The Weber Rod and Gun club has expressed willingness to pay expenses of messengers bringing the fish in containers from Springvillc. They have also announced themselves as willing to co-operate with game war dens in the mattor of protecting the fish. oo THE 1P0RT1CE i Of A BOG'S TAIL Thc Airedale dog used in the nicking of Mary 'PIckford's great production, "Pollyanna," had the distinction of having a long tail, unusual, for fev Airedales possess tails of any length. Whn this production was cnl half completed the studio burned to ihe ground and this poor little Airedale went up in smoke. They looked Los Angeles over to find a substitute but could only find one that tallied ex cept thc ail. They went to the city do; pound, cut the tail from one of the prisoners and spliced it on the little Airedale and we defy you to tell where the substitute starts work in the pic ture. Mary cuts up many pranks. When the sober-faced old maid auntie reprimanded Mary for tracking mud on ; the carpets she employs two piec is of 1 fly paper, stepping on them she thinks tins a novel way lo keep the floors clean. Mary befriends a little unfor tunate lad and when thc aunt won't 'listen to her plea to adopt him she hidss him in the cellar and carries food to him. Thc .Tunt having occa sion to visit the cellar. Mary Insists on going for her but the aunt goes to j the cellar and then . See her pic- ' turc at .the Alhambra Sunday. uu ! Services t be field ! in AH Wards Sunday In a recommendation to ward bish ops, the Weber stake presidency has suggestod that services be held in all wards starling next Sunday. The bish ops ha c been instructed to use discre tion in opening the wards and in such cases where influenza provalls, to with , hold the opening. Priest hood meetings will be held at fl o'clock Sunday morning, with Sun day school at' 10:30 and sucrament , meeting "at 7 p. m. In county wards j the sacrament meeting will be held at !2 p. m. I Similar action has been taken by the ! Ogden stake.- In thc North Weber stake, tho matter of resuming services j ha3 been left entirely to thc discretion of thc bishops. nn TO GUARD AGAINST INFLUENZA. Don't let the dread influenza get you. If you have oven the slightest cough or cold, better begin using Fol ey's Honey and Tar at once. Henrv Willis, sanny roini, xexus, ii one ui many thousands who consider this j remedy "just line." He says: T suf- fered severely with a bad cough; af 1 Iter using four or five dollars' worth of different medicines decided to trv Foley's Honey and Tar. One bottle gave" relief. Best medicine I ever lscd." Contains no opiates. A. R. Mc Tntyrc Drug Co. Advertisexneut. oo Theatres 1 1 , . I "MAYTIME." j "Will You Remember?" is a fasci nating little musical number which many will find hard to forget after hearing the popular selection wirh its I original stage surroundings in "May j time" a the Orphoum last night. This 'play with music probably was not written around the song, but "Will You Remember?" has added much to the highly successful career of this Broadway show. While the song or its I theme runs through the entire four 'acts of the piece, it is not overdone . and never grows tiresome. "Maytlmc" Is a Shubert attraction, which in Itself is saying considerable in favor of the production. Although a girl and music show, it has more i 1 1 i i ii ferU Ou0111 LAME Back 1 ' q Ml Backache, Luinbago, Soreness and QlMjMu& Kff Stiffness Away Try This! Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe from n strain, and you'll get blessed relief (he moment you rub your back with sooth 'Ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing erse takes out soreness, lame ness and stiffness so quickly. You slm uly rub it on and ut conies thc pain. 1? I.- uerfectly harmless and doesn't j burn or discolor the skin. I Limber upl Don't suffer! Get a ' small trial bottle from any drug tore, i and after using it just once, you will forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back 1 will nover hurt or cause any more ruis ! ery. It never disappoints and has I been recommended for CO years Ad' j vertisement. a PURE AIR SANITARY Celebrate ,J : IS . Lincoln's 2 Prices Including MAC LEAN III ? flf?j" 1l Th? (CjC War Tax th b h PI Mj?-4 J&W MJ?yLs made thc hit in A PROGRAM THAT'S A HOLIDAY TREAT ! 23 hours leave H rfgTTjnn-irmi miiwfhi hi ii null i ijiiii iniu m i u 1 1 , 1 1 n nm 11 iiiiihikwiii mi iiiiiifi n im i n iw iiini'iiiin n iy n"i mini m Wj 11 than usual amount of story, romance and human interest accorded such at tractions. In fact there arc many lines of real pathos with the happy conclu sion of a love story lapping over into a succeeding generation of. descendont lovers. Staged with the usual Shubert care as to beauty and detail, the piece is also presented with a splendid cast, in cluding a fairly large chorus. Melvin Stokes, as Richard Wayne of the 1840s and later as a direct de scendant, in the Twentieth century, has a pleasing tenor -voice which ac counts for much of the success of the production. He is ably supported in the feminine lead by Carolyn Thom son as Ottillie Van Zandt, likewise an othei descendant when the story passes through the succeeding peiiods Oi ls-lU, istiy, me cignties aiui iiu.u-i ly into the present day. Mr. Stokes and Miss Thomson wero especially pleasing in a number of duets, Includ ing "Will you Remember?". Thc comedy ir given over aimosc entirely to William Norris as Matthew Van Zandt. the only character main taining original identity throughout thc eighty odd years of the story. Mr. Norris finds some of his best oppor tunities in t lie twentieth century act when, at the age of eighty years or so he is still "looking them over" along Broadway. I While the popularity of "Will You Remember?" preceded "Maytime" it self to this city. "Reminiscence," "Jump Jim Crow," and "Road to Para 'disc" arc other musical numbers of fthe piece .which- will be in demand laftr being heard by tho large s-.udl-ionce which filled thc Orpheuui to thc last rows of seats. oo !FiFyourears ; WITH HEAD NOISES j ' If you have roajing. buzzing : i noises in your ears, are getting I j ; hard of hearing and fear Ca- I : tr.rrhol Deafness, go to your , i S druggist and get 1 ounce of Par- l 1 mint (double strength), and add i to it Vipinl of hot water and a 5j i little granulated sugar. Take 1 S ! 1 ) tablespoonful four times a day. I ! This will often bring quick re- S lief from the distressing head I Is noises. Clogged nostrils should l l open, breathing become easy and ? ' ! the mucus stop dropping into.t ;o throat. It is easy to prepare, S ? costs little and is r.leasant to ! take, anyone who has Catarrh- i al trouble of the oars, is hard Is of hearing cr has head noises I should give this prescription a j trial. Advertisement. Advertisement. I nn 1ITI LIS IE sli By mm H U. S. FOREST I . m I A report from Forest Supervisor W. M. Mace of the Sevier National forest tells of 2 mountain lions being killed jin that vicinity recently. ! John and Thomas Lowder killed a male Hon about two wees ago that weighed 150 pounds and mcasureil over nine feet from the tip of it's nose j to the tip of its slail. The animal, I when shot, was feeding on a buck deer. j The second animal to be- killed was , a female Hon, and over six feet long. iThis lion was killed near two deer I that it had killed. Clair and Lee Row I loy were successful In killing the sec lond lion. j It is stated that mountain lions near i Parowan arc depleting the herds of deer in that vicinity, in addition to killing cattle, oo Weather Is Chilly in California Tourists Say Reports from railroad officials in dicate that the trend of heavy traffic has shllfted east. Until a short time ago, the majority of traffic was toward the west, many caatern people making their way to the west coast to spend the summer. A general exodds of tour ists from the west to their homes in the east is reported. Travellers from the coast report that , heavy rains are occurring in Califor nia, and that to pooplo who arc ac climated, California breezes have a , tendency to pierce clothing with chill Jlng offect. ? oo i It's strange that when a young swain insists he is unworthy of a girl, ihe usuall ygets her. $IPB?COIERTI SUCCESS; I0TB PROGRAM TONIGHT By D. J. G. If Mr. Oberhoffer and his musicians, Mr. Ballantync and his singers and others connccteu with last night's con cert of the Minneapolis Symphony or chestra want to know whv there was not more applause at the conclusion oi the excellent numbers, here Is the answer. Wc were crowded so closely togeth er on the benches, that we cou.'dn't get our hands free to ai plaudl Although many of us would have liked to show "our appreciation by handclapping and regretted that condi tions prevented our doing so, still there is gratification in the fact thnt a sufficiently large number of Ogdenitcs was interested in good orchestra mus ic to fill thc Tabernacle and bring about such conditions. Mr. Oberhoffer brings with him vir , lually thc same organisation oi skilled i musicians that has made otl:cr visits j to to Utah events to be remembered jwith pleasure. Too much cannot be taid about the excellence of his strings and supporting the strings are the son orous brass section are the sweet toned wood wind choir. Thft nvlinaf vrfa Mvat nnniUnr the overture to "Midsummer Night's Dream by Mendelssohn." It Is typical of the composer in that it is cheerful. From the sweet opening by the wood winds, through tho light and graceful dancing of the string3, the number gave great pleasure. Mr. Oberhoffer then presented the big number of the evening, Dvorak's symphony "From' the New Wcrld," composed in America by Dorak after he had heard and studied many typical American melodies. The work is re plete with beauty and , dignity and it la doubtful if any orchestra number 'played here surpasses in melodious i beauty the second part of thc sym-, I phony, the largo, in which the plaint- j j Ive song is given by the sweet-toned i ('English horn. I ! Another pleasant surprise of the evc- 'nlng was the playing of the harpist, Henry J. Williams, whp was the solo ist of the evening. Mr. Williams' play ing is entirely tree of many of those features which mar the playing of so many harpists. Ho obtains a spark , ling tone from his instrument and his technique is marvelous, j In connection with the number for i harp and orchestra, the audience was favored with a bit or rapid thinking and action. This happened when one of the strings brotfe upon the harp as the performer was in the midst of his number. He continued to play and Mr. Oberhoffer continued to direct, but at tho same time the soloist and conductor carried on a hasty conver sation which resulted in the conduct or's directing the strings to repeat a j H few measures. While the violins were if doing this Mr. Williams changed his j string, tuned it up and in a few sec- 4 H onds was launched on his finale. !i H A tone poem and a waltz from tlve i H Finnish drama "Death" both by Sibel- I ius, were the next numbers. Judging B H from the applause, tho rather weird,. fjj yet melodious wTaltz was enjoyed more than any other number of the evening. IJ H And then came thc first Wagner 2 H publicly played in Ogden"for quite a J while. And everybody enjoyed iL The l number was the ever popular overture n to "Tannhauser" in which the crches- fj tra displayed its powers of tone con 1$ trol and remarkable volume. I H Thc closing number wa one in. 1 which every Ogdenito can take pride Chorus" from the oratorio "Messiah." T With Joseph Ballantync directing the jj l choir sang with great fervor to tho J accompaniment of. both orchestra ant j pipe organ, played by Sam Whitaker, ; Tho orchestra plays another concert tonight. There will be no scats re- f i served and thc admission price has been lowered. The extra concert was j arranged when the Logan concert was I cancelled. Guy Wcodard, violinist, will. j be soloist. The program: ' J Symphony No. 5, in C Minor , Beethoven I ' (a) Allegro con Brio. . " 4 (b) Andante con Nioto. . (c) Scherzo-Allegro. 2 (d) Finale-Allegro. , j Themo and Variations, from Suite No. Z, Tshal.Kowsky Intermission " Violin Solo, "Andante" (from con- I certs) , , Lalo j i Symphonic Poem, "The Sirens" .... 1 I unerc f'H Synopsis: jJfl I (a) Calm Sea." , mm (b) "Song of the Sirens." mM (c) "Storm." uM (d) "Call of tho Sailors." mm (e) "Shipwrecked." Mm "Spanish Caprice" Chabrler "Hallelujah Chorus" from "The Mes- mm siah" Handel M oo am TOW Cr NATIVE 1 !i! HERB I ! TABLETS jl 1 LacU of ovofcit-e. poor food, Improver fl ! digestion and nicnlul worry often cause fm SICK HEADACHE, DII-IOUSNESS. tS DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION and STOMACH DISORDERS, lessen tho 9 I (lunycr of bnd reaults from thes cau-vs m I by takinp: earn night one BLISS NATIy3 It HERR TABLET. Each box contains a R i GUARANTEE coupon, and is scaled with 13 la blue 3al benrint; i:i;x.alurc of ALONZO Jl , O. BLISS. For sale by all leading drug- jl , gists in boxes containing 200 doses for 51 Su ! and a smaller alzc for 50c. Made by A. iA O BLISS CO.. WASHINGTON, by A. O. Ill BLISS CO.. WASH., D. C Advertise- 3 j r.icnt. fl oo SI ! Undertakers recommend wood alco- j hoi as the best thing in home-made cm- R banning fluids. Now somo cities in the United p States have put a war tax on Canadian m money. k if you gave thc Bolsheviki what they w ask, you'd soon become a Bolshevik to get ft back again. !l , II $ and piquancy of the luscious, ripe, red fruit as it t ill grows fresh and glowing on the green vines. If PHH fjj I p you once catch the aroma of this tomato soup you Ml will serve it often. Tell your grocer to deliver ill some today, for use thl3 evening. tP ffll II