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mfmmmmmmmmmmmmTmWmMmMmmmf Y m JftgH THE QGPEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, I9Z0 g H 1S FORSALE 1 I FARMS AND RANCHES, i f TfN acre? located on Twelfth, with 10 5 :J .yen hoii-ac, comcnt bncoment. fruit. S t bouse Iwrn, aeres of orchnrd consisting ! ni cherries grapes, apples and curly f rt.nlus Pome nlfnlfn. team double har W if rv single hmness. wngon. fully enulp f icd with Implcmenti. Prlco $12,600. it 0 arret of choice unndy loam noil In ilf the Clinton district. A bargain for $5000. tm B "35 acros locittcd at Penrose, Tronion 525 !l ion district. 135 shares of watr.r, 230 S I rcrcs of good smooth Irrlgublo land, pood AmII T b room frame house and small frame jJb -! boils'", plenty of shade trees, stable. Glifi -I blacksmith shop, machlno sheds, all ml fenced, adjoining" mountains, water for US JiO acres, water can be had for the btil 5I ncc ot $100 per shore. This ranch can be rjJfi ! hnd equipped with muchlnery for $30,000, M ' half csh, if taken at once. fOJfl "00 acre ranch located on Cassia creek, SIC- ' : 1 "miles from Albion, adjoins the open Sill : ' irnpe. also forest reserve. Hns right for ulni : 75 head of cuttle. Good 7 room brick nj i ,duae, big shade trees, on main highway, j SB i-'rull house, garage, barn, granary, fani-i Sua ' llv orchard, ten head horses. 100 head of XI k ; Lttlc. nil machinery. This place can be - Had With stock at 57.000. g , ; l,aU FEDERAL LAND CO. 91 P phone SH0 HG Twenty. fourth St. ' 2S33 .a4 EXTRA GOOD RANCH I??; I cno acres all good meadow. Independent tf I water right, good house, and cuthiilld "iJi! 1 fnca horses, harness. full equipment. MM f own range right for 500 head of cattle 51 ; J .djolnlng ranch: one of the very best of- 1 fered for sale this season; $515 per acre Si - ! wlll'lniv thl3 ranch; will sell with or wllh uik? out cattle ,3 Wo have other small and larger ranches In the best of ranch country. See us at nCC' SMITH .t FLINDERS CO. ' Ttfvoms 16.1C-1" over Commorclal National i nOOD lot on Plngrcc avenue, near the S hool. only $300. Terms If do , iirri. J- J LSrummltt. Phono 50. 2823 I 7c ' TIGHT room brick house. 2 acres choice wS ! flHnd" will c" n" or P't; Kod location dfc jfand Improvements. East Twclzth street. Phone 2230. -S3- Vi? FOUR room frame, only $1100. Two four room frame houses. 52000 P ' Many other good bargains. Inciulro 302 ?S V Thirty-fifth street. H. Van Braak. rl)ti 2S3 it : 5! :F j OT on Twenty-third street. Just north , 51 K of the Interurban terminal. Joining tho , hi. terminal grounds. 20 foot alley on the , I ildo all'opeclnl taxes paid. Including tho , 5S r iikvcmcnt. Only 5S0 per loot. Terms. J.. : ffl r J Brummltt. 2417 Hudson Avenue. 2823 ' FOR SALE by owner, five room modern J I huVcaloV Phono 1223-M. 2S05 . : S - THREE acres of land, nlco -1-room liouse, 5 " barn, large chicken coop, 24 blocks from g: : street car line. 662 Fourth street. 28M S ; ; A HOME S 1 THERE s a difference between a houso ' 'i Mid a home, 1 havo a very nctat 4-room 2 :- home on the bench; closo in; modern; 55 : r julendld location; cust nont. Sec mo IS at once. Thoa. Auld, undnr First National S Bank. Phono 301. 2746 I BURLEY IDAHO FARM LANDS S ' WE havo a largo list of Irrigated larms IT : ', ior sale or trade. Write or sco WO.NES 1 (JHISWOLD 1NV. CO., Hurley, Idaho, . -,8 'fi ; ' $ i S RESTAURANT for sale, best locution In 5"' ' cltv: doing ?50 to $5 business a any; : l HCOO nnd terms, ltosco Si-.oollni; Gallery. I ' t L'P TO DATE rooming houso on Twenty 's . fifth street, cheap; 51100. Tonus. Rosco 'ft ; ' Sliootlng Gallery -'3p 5 ONE of tho greatest investments In the ( city; 200 feet iront on the bench on 'i wcn ' ty-sisth street, ueur where about twenty '2 Vnew homes ure being built costing irom 4 1 $3000 to 10.000. Only -U per irom toot. 5 ; j, J. Brummltt. Phone t'J. 2S23 . . Vf FIVE room frame house, closed In back 1 ! porch, barn and chicken coop. 3211 I 5 ; Stephens Ave. GS-! I ONE-QL'ARTIiR section land, full wator I rights, well improvou. Joiuk well. Three I )nilo wost ot lreniontoj.-. unc mile ana I : a half from beet dump. Fred Wciser, ! I Tremonton, Utah. K- F. D. No. 1. 2Uo J ' , ? ; R. G . AGEE ji ' Real Estutu aim insuranco. i i ' Five acres lino lunu, v.ator right, large brick houso; oilier buildings; cioao in; bargain ut 5G15U. One-nali cush. 7 Five acres garden lunu; cloao In; frame i v house, burn, etc. cnoup ut 53500, part ' ! C"wo acres fine land, all kinds fruit, ( "framo house, water riihi, well located I ! ' J375U- Hull caen. K. G. AGKE. :, t Basement liroom Hotel. Phone CD. f l- 270D ; AX elegant lot on Thirtieth street, near it Lincoln avenue, unly iu per uoni ioui. ! ' Terms if desired. J - J Hruniiniti. r 4 1 Hudson avenue. 263 1 I : I KOl'R-room brick house, furnished, ?360i). I . P. O. Box 3U5. 1? ' '. TEN-room house, 170 21-st St., and 4-room I house, lflquao C. W. JUinca, est i2:lt I' SL, or iro 21st rit. b2i I I 3-ROOM frame, summer kitchen. ccmcnL I basement, excelleiu burn unu cnickvn loop. 1-2 blOLK irom car nno Inquire j , 321U Pnigreu Ave. -593 ! GOOD two room houso with large lot, lo- , cutea near onuit avenue. Omy 56bU J. . ' J. Biuinmitt, Pnonu o'J. -'$23 '; TWO o-toom modern cement blocK houses j J,000 tatil. Tornib. Uull 2U-J-5. -'oho j ' 7-HOOM modern frumu residence, snap. I : ! tci-ms ?3,6UU. Kelly a: HerricK. 25pj , ; SEVEN and one-half acres Improved lurm. gooa water right; near norm city i (, ' limits. ?36U0. ! KELLY & HERRICK 2501 f SIX-i-ooin in ick house, 2 1-2 blocks from ! Wash, on bench, witn cIuckcii run ami 1 ' garage, Snuu ul 2bj. aorn.ii at iv. -,11 ; Jlth Strecu -3l i FKE-jooni liousu for sale, l'J(i5 Eccies. i 1 iniiue -ol uguuu Avo. &'it ) ' TWO city lots on 'Jth and GranL Phone I 277-Wr. "2130 FIVE-room modern on Bench. Apply 5l 2Cth at. ---'o ; m Ovj a,"0 in earnest aboul a house rn i i icrru.s, sue .. a-. wcoo.i, i4uo nasn. iAe. 13V WE BUi, SlLLI and exchange farms, ranches, houocs aud city property, ee ;i6 before jou soli or ouy. Smith iV: Fimdera Co., up stairs. Commercial ban.i. 2057 SEEN-room brick bouse; good location. 2S0U. TEN-room brick with hot water heat. 75000. j TWO acre sorchard, small bouse C. D. McDONALD Phone 1514-W . 2020, 156 ACRES of farm land near Promoo lory, fully ouuipped with stock and tools. Residence, staple. Bprlng for domestic uso and early water for Irrigation. This would mako a choice grain farm. Can -taKo a homo In Ogdon as part payment. $4750. W. U. Weaoll. 246K "Wash Ave XU3.1 FIVE-room brick; modern, except hcut; vest front; closo In on bench; good sized lot; all special, except paving in and paid; eloao to dcnools and car line., A nl;o honiu and beat ouy In tho city; half casn Urn on balance. Only 51260. J. A- McCULLOUGH l.'Ddci' First National Bank ' 1743 IT WL.L pay you to seo us about good larnn? loans, city residences and lota. Phone lov't,'. Porter Really Co.. 2374 WuuhJngtou Ave., basement. Llstwilh us. 10 Jl GOOD five room house, with .six Jotn. lo- catod on Thirtieth street near AVnll avo fnue. Only $2600. Torms If desired. Iaw i-ate of intercBt. J. J. Brummltt, 2417 Hrdson avenue. 2823 FOR SALE Real Estate , Continued J, ... , FARM ! OM:, of the best tracts of land in Davis ; county, consisting of acres; land In ' good condition i I room house; Immediate 'position; near cement road. I 41 acres close to Ogdcn. lo shares of Davls-Webr Co. wntci, 2a acres In al-) , falfa. good land; a roal buy at 515,000 U4000 will turn the deal. A 40 acres;., will trado for city property. c can sell this place on easy terms. Other farms, largo Hnd small. CITY PROPERTY. . i room frame on bench A beautiful lo- 1 .cation; worth the prlco. $3000. I SMITH & FLINDERS CO. i Upstairs Commercial Bank 2779 MODERN homo, seven rooms, with bath, j full basement. 68 feet by 215 feet, at I 340 Washington avenue. Apply at Har-1 lis &. Jensen. Hudson BIdg. 270S j ' GOOD seven room modern home located ! I close In on tho bench, with large lot, gviragii. elogant grounds, great snap ut 13500. Terms. J. J. Brummltt, Phone yj. 2S23 1 t BARGAIN Seven room house In good I location. For Intormution apply to Mr3. i W. R. Lee, 1000 Twenty-third. 2707 12 room apartment house, close In, $500oJ 10 acres Improved farm, fruit and water I right, $4750. 5 room house and acre of land, on Scv- i cnth street, $4250. ' I KELLY &. HERRICK 2791 MAGNIFICENT homo on the bench; this home can be bought at a i ruction of its value. The lot on which it atunas Is worth tho money asked as a site lor an apurt ment hdiise. See me at once. Thos. Auld, under First National Bank. 275S 1 BARGAIN 55,000. ' 160 acre farm, cuiuvutcu, house, granary, i stables, etc., fine well, at Grace, Idaho, 5300U cash, the lost on good torms, or will trado ior city property. Apply 3240 Slov ens avenue. 2761 ROOMING house, well located, $950. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah National i BIdg. 2771 1 THREE rooms, frame, on bench, good lot. I $2000. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah' National Bank BIdg. 2770 FOR SALE 120 acrea land 3 1.2 miles northwest of Malad, Idaho, 100 under cul tivation, 10 acres under duel), 14 acres al lalui, house, granary and nuichinc shod; uas engine anu pump and all implements i necessary to run the plucc. This firm Is ! IVi miles irom store and closo to school. I'rico S50U. $ouo0 cash, balance easy tonus. i"he WulKer Co.. 623 LJccics BIdg. Phono 1130. 2673 L WANTED Miscellaneous I LADIES will come to your home, wash I your rinest rugs or your floora for 5 each. Kill tho germs; make them like i new or no pa ; nvo years' experience in this line; will bogln Monday lbth. Ad dress at once. Mrs. Paul, Box C-S Stand ard. 2795 IF YOU have a 4 or 5 room houso for sale, list it with me 1 can soil it lor jou. Thus. Auld, under l'irst National Bank. 2668 WE have cash customers for doslrablo rt-sideni;o and mrni lanus. L.lst your prop erty Willi roliuoio popolo. is-olloy .si hur nc.i. 2664 WANTED Your vacuum cleaner to re pair; prices i eutonaoio; won. guaranteed, j Phono 2097. lS7tf I LIST your property with me 1 can t.jii It. Nephi Daliistiom. 411 Hth St. 23&i , i'o JtSuy WE will buy .all old cars fit to -salvago. Auto Salvage Co., 2315 Urnnl. 2b2S FROM owner, five or six room home. Bench proierred. Call 227 i-J. 2806 1 WILL pay gvod price for setting hen. I Will call ior ihoii".. or uuurc&a 3uiJ .woli I roe. -713 l SI'.COND-liAND gulvunizod city water 1im;s. Phone H. Loiawuy. lo -it-J. WANTED For Spot Cash, slock of gen eral nioiUiunuidc; also oxciiibive men's ciuihing tuiu iiiiou mock, uny amount op to luu.ouy. s.u go unywiiure. uil; cor i uuionaoiiv.o bUiL.o couiiueiiiiul, M. J. ailvot.ioiu, 2Voa .aiiid Ao., ogdcn, Ll. 2340 HIGHEST cash market price paid for veal cult, arcsaeu HOc.i, tnocp and Uoet. v pay top ptiooa ior iuu, polls uuu lurb. Cutl Ua up j.iia gut puc-'s or writu Great oalui'li Xliuo iC UltOdlOCK. Ou. PtlOOO llO-t. OiO X oniv-ioUJ'lll Ot. Ib'i4 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. U o uo otuauing, ana ropuiruig. at roa&onuoio priooj. New lurk doming aiorc, Tweuij -uttli St. 13 ACCRUED interest plus market prlco lor liner ty ucqus puiu ty J. A. Hogie i: Co. -14J LIBERTY bocus bo u glu J. J Bruiuinitt. Phono t0. WJ CLEAN ra,s wuntcd ut the Stundurd otneo. TAXI SERVICE i UP-TO-DATE Taxi set vice, call for Han I sen's Taxi ut Marion Hotel Phone 2100. j 2107 I PEANUT-popcorn roaster and 65 egg In cubator Phone 333. 2737 SMALL truck for sale, or will trade for j ouy properly. Phone 2669-R. 26S7 ONE-HALF aero In peaches, nearly 100 Hues, J(j5u, cash or terms, or will trad'j lor noou automobile. 411 24th St. 2333 j TO EXCHANGE City properly, well mi. uuted lor oar in good cndluon. Roadster preferred. Address Box I, Standard. 1SU1 forrSjt j ' Miscellaneous I GARAGE ior rent. 2533 Adams. 2261 Farm j TTTTTJalpouTtr acres; ground .suitable for trucking, gar rage for two cars; 5 room house, modern. Tho Walker Co.. 623 Ecclcs BIdg. Phone 1130v. 27S9 CALL at 52S West Court for plain scw j Ing. reasonable prices. 2645 DRESSMAKING and remodeling. 350 31st. 2392 PLEATING, Buttons, ncmstltchlng plcot at 10c per yard; third floor W. H.Vrlght &. Sons. 601 DRESSMAKING. Phono 1912-J. 207 pFORRENT j Unfurnished THREE rooms, upstairs, not modern. Phone 276S-.T. 2S07 THREE room apartment, prlvato bath, boat; cIobc in. Phone 100S-J. 2801 The Bolahoviki gnash their teeth in ragiJ ib they see the railroads- going back to private ownership. Another Ichimeo to bankrupt the government I gona. t Information Bureau 51.00 PER LINE PER MONTH V . s MNfThlNC New or Ola A-N i xtxt . o A iw jv nuw or old boutkU kuiu or irauud r'liono 333. ElOOKS AND STATIONERY Brumwcli Book turn siutionery, 2362 WaKUiugiou AVt. puuno Jou. ujS BANKING Utah National Bank, southeast cornor Twemy-lourUi and Washington, pnona Bt. CARPENTERS X'ou need a Carpenter? Call 2SS2-R. Joo worK oi all kiiiua. vjuick service, 2153 COUNSELOR-AT-LAW T. 1L O Connollv wgden, Juh. Lu.i advlco by iduil. Wmo mo in iuot. Phone i'J- CARPET CLEANING K- Von haunpen ior upholstering, cr peui cleaned, uiierod ano mid. iteiuakjaB oi limine jjaa. pnona z'fGz-j. Expert carpet cleaning', inalrcss rono vaiing, upnoiaiermg, and bpnngs ic oireiened. ouu xj. J, Hituipiuu L'u., I'vUUiai lteilOo.(.tl)g. PilOUu -'Job-V, CHIROPRACTOR Owen U . Haivorson, D, C. Rca. phoni lOtu-w. ivi-iui cvud iiuiluinw. COOPER SHOP Uopuir all Kinds of barrels, tuus. sic Chiioi J-uacn, Sou6 Aduiiiu. Pnone itv. DENTISTS The iNew Mothod Dentists are opecUt. Ibih in uii Uiuiiciius ot ucnUairy. 2o v asmngton Ave. "Jios DRAIN TILE FOR SALE lniurmountaln Conerole Co. Twcntlo n ana iucoui Atu onuun, is lulu I'liuiicd uo6 una -ul. 31U ENGRAVING Ogdeu Engraving Scr'Ico Co., movers ot uuu cuitj in ouo or more colors. 4 IB TWcniy-iuuilu suoot. Puono 403. FIRE INSURANCE Charles Eisenooig. Phono 1850-J. Cai enooniuu anu uicnib'uu Commercial Stan dard lUburunco. 1675 FOOT SPECIALIST L. J. BurKor, room 320 Hudson Bldp.. arcn uupporio, cuneeteu trcuiuient. 2427 HAY AND GRAIN Hu, grain and poultry leod. BkII Bios. 3il Tweuiy-iniru atrcet. Pnouo HIDES, WOOLS, hURS- O. At. Uuuyuu, J-uy Wa.ll Ave., pays lop prices- Puouu ioi-. 1625 JOBBING joouing, uncK, cement and .plastering Phono liv. lb3o usnlngton. 124'i JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide ec Junk P.O., 2323 Wash I ingion Ave. Pnone bti. I Ogdcn Junk House, 2053 1 Washington j Ave. Phono 210. JUNK If you have Junk ot any kind or burlap bagb, phone 22i4, 2121 KEY FITTING Key rutins1 and lock repairing. Hud son itepuir ianop, J4t'j Hudson. Ph. 731-J. il'j'i I PHOTOGRAPHERS j Pnoios ure noi high, priced at the Fast fotu oiudio, 2Ztl uslnngion Ave. Caui wi io.ucio 4 dozen, x-ony cauinct yz. Post ciiiUtt l. largo Olio ii 00 2b'Jl PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON Dr. A. I'oruiund, ouioo nourH 10 to 4 p. in. Now Poory Biug. i-iudcon Ave. lies. Pnono b4o, Omcc phouo pjOU-tV. RADIATORS REPAIRED Factory cfiuipmcnt ior repairing wreck ed, uoni, Icuity or twisted rauiuiors. Ug uon auio Uudfator Co., 2329 tiuuson Ave. I 26b3 I REFINISHING Brass beds,, cnandcllera, office fixturej renuisheu X. Hunan O'Nell. 6ai Twontioin street. liii REAL ESTATE, AND LOANS Wlllard Kay, real esiato and .oans. 2474 aotiingun Ave. Pnuno 164 , SCAVENGER ' Garbage and rubbish huulod, cesspoou I anu luiiolv cleaned. Jojiu Chlpp Sz ;2o. pnono aJ.-. 2Jii iaudson Ave. J7'Jj SANITARY WORK Guruugo Co., all kinds of run bioii i udicd. Pnone 020. SEWING MACHINES c i-eni, j opun. carry needles ind pal lb lor uil Kinuo ot machines. White 'SeiVing Muchlne Co. 2277 Wushlugto.i Ave. l'hone iaa4, TREE PRUNING R N Radinusscn LcRoy Marsh TKi'-.iJ i'.cMinG We are experts in orchurd and ornamental pruning. Correct pruning is a science. We understand it. Contraot work our specialty. Phone 937 u . itet- bol Twoilty-tirst St. 2M3 TAXI SERVICE Taxi .soivico. Phone Si for taxi. Closed cars only. , 2743 TRANSFER WORK Call b. xVL Jiooro lor all kinds of trunator woiu. Pnone 2373-W. 132t TENTS AND AWNINGS Ogacn Xent &. Awnmg Co. Manufac turers of nign grade store, offlco and resident awnings. Waterproor coved, Dugc. olo. Anything in cunvua, 22oj uailinglOQ Ave. Ptiono 2USf. 1021 TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk ;.nd bag repairing, round cor ner irom Standard. Gallacher's, 3 7.'J Hudson. 2113 WALL PAPER CLEANING Pliono 2143-M. Warner and Thomas. 24 WINDOWS CLEANED Export window and wall paper cleaning anywhere. American Window Cleanlou. Phone 563. 270 Washington Ave. FOR baby chicks, phone Astlll 669. 2644 CHOICE mating pens, all varieties, also splendid males. Let us know your wants. Also supply setting most varieties. West ern Grain & Feed Co , 2354 Washington Ave. Phone 1243, Ogdon, Utah 2660 GOOD Red pullets. Phono 3252-M- 2695 WATOED j I Salesmen WE want somo real live salesmen to sell Simplex Windshield Wings In cVerv town In Utah, Nevada, Montana and Ida jho. Call or write Ogdcn Auto Supply, 2682 Washington Ave., Ogdcn, Utah. 2183 WE lake your old rango as first payment on any new range, or will buy your old range outright, Homo Furnituro Co. 4673 CARD and character reading. 449 26th St. 2492 "Japan," vre are told, "looks on kiss ing with horror." Well, who wouldn't? Kissing Is not meant to bo looked upon. Carranza has just closed another American oil well in Moxico. And oil is tho best knovrn euro for friction, Your happiness and joy in life lie in your own road, we are told, 1 hough the other fellow's may seem happier for a 'limn, f WANTED !; iFemale !; WANTED Girl who Is experienced In! handling passenger elevator. Apply John i Scowcroft Si Sons Co., Twenty-third and I Wall. 2S40 WANTED Dishwasher for high school cufotcrla. Phone 3117-J. 2812 WANTED Housekeeper for small family Phone U93. 2S17', GIRL or woman for housework. Can go homo nights If proferred. Phono 472. 2S1S EXPERIENCED cleric In bakery. Ogdcn Baking Co.. Phone 601. 2311 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing or cleaning. 2654 Washing ton avenue. Telephone 1973. Mrs. W. H. Harris. 2760 WANTED Experienced millinery help. Elizabeth Sutherland, 2335 Washington avenue. 2731 RELIABE woman to care for boy 5 years old. Box 777. care Standard. ,2033 MIDDLE aged woman for general house work, h'our in lamily. Phono 2125. 2679 GIRLS wanted In all departments. Ogdon btcum 1-aunory, 47 26th yu 212o GIRL for general housework, Phone 2394. 1BJG CHAMBERMAID at Healy Hotel, .-pply in person. 1752 WANTED Chambermaid. Roed HoloL 14dd DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to apply inoictolvo. Uoo Muuam Cupiuu, Thiru lloor. Vv rigni.V store. 9212 GJRLS want i-d to tjow on overalls. Wo PHy whilo ou Ji-qiii, omy tnuae who want steady jooa need uppiy. dcow crOit Munuiuciuring (Jo. bun ORSALE s Oak rocker 52.30. boning muchiue, ?3. Violin i'j. Uuiiur j. Pianu siool $2.50. 00 joJ-pago oooks, "Horrors and Atro citios oi tliu Great' War, 2uc each. 50 beuumul ouluorniu ioocs and tinted neoKlaocs, i euch. 4 laying neiia, l tine rooster, $6. b luutMis, i uoo unu i J-niouths-old, $3.60. oull after 2 v- m. 570 Seventh street. 2SUS LINOLEUM THE best felt uaao uniuud floor covering i.ou a running' ytru. pnone 21o4. Tho rurniture liiXtnuugo, 2oj Xweiuy-lwin street. 2Uol PARROT and incubator for sale. Phone 149U-J. wil GURLIE transit, no vertical arc or tri poa. Price ilou. Perteot condition. Ao uioss xiux. Munuurd. 2sai NEW Wlllard battery lor sale; a bargain. i W. 1'iaKer, cuio Melntyro Ding Co. 2i34 FINE apples cheap. Orchard Farm. Rlv oruaio. Pnono J'K-3. 2S36 25 ANCONA pullets for sale, 51 each. Call alter p. in. 2965 an -tfurcn. 2Soa WAGON and harness, practically new. Phono 47-J-l. 2J3: ALMOST now phonograph, plays all rec ords,; must sell ui unco wiln ull recorus ior o0. juox A-l, btanoard. 2&uu THREE plow tractor. Will take good autc as purl payment. Pnone 317-J. 267J STANDARD mako mahogany piano lor casn. Pnone fabU. Poiluru. 2615 NEW chicken house, wire for run, etc. pnono 1561-R. - ' 275 N ATIONA'L oasirrSglsler'.' TSerlh'una' l5pn icctionery in Beriuana Biug. xwenty lourtli sireet. 2o2 KINDL1NU WOOD at Globe Mills. ?1 per load, J.iiO delivered, by w' . 11. Huies, Piione 9-J-l. -7j PLAYER pluno, scarf, bench and three uozen roils, cnoup ior cash. 2u-lu Cnilus Avenue. 25S HluH patent flour $5.90 per hundred, de u.ciud. l'arlo)- Grocery, 26oj wusnlng ioii avenue. Phone 162b. 2Yo6 DARN or garage lor 3ale. Call 2S76-J. 2765 TWO Goodyear cord tires and tubos, 33x4. $40. 22VU ogjen avenue. 2768 FOLK year old Jersey cow and calf, cheap, lu Tweniy-thiru street. 2763 INVALID chair. Call 2700 Grant between 1 aim 6 p m. 2710 ONE sufe 27S Twenty-fifth street. 2712 COLLAPS113LE baby buggy. Cheap. 272 Twenty-eighth street. 273G BLACK Minorca cockerels, 2321 Lincoln. Pnone lUuu-w. 2712 WE sell and guarantee our flu, la grippe and coug-h meuicine. J. W arner, 262b Lib erty Ave. 2690 FOR SALE ELEVATORS. We furnish ano matuil lugn grade electric or hand elovators, any cupuuty.- Write ni. Wuirous, 24b -Laisou ot., oall L-iice City. Wo ouy second nunu ones 2lut SECOND-hand goods bought and sold. V. O. lvomon, lu40 Wash, l'hone 19. i6;l WICKER baby push cart, Good us new. 460 29th streoU 2402 L. NEWMAN Furniture store, 234S w aohlngton Ave. vo have u lurgo atooK ui stlghtiy used furuuuro nnd I stoves to soieet irom at huif price ot new. 2527 DROP-HEAD Singer Sowing Machine. Room b, 32U 1-2 26tn St. 240a SCRjVP lumber for sale, $2.00 per load. $3.60 delivered, uiobo Mills, Phone S-J-4. ONE-ton truck for salo, or trade for lighter truck. Huutsvihe Choeso Fac tory. TJbi ONE-ton iruck ior sale, or trade lor lighter iruci. I-iuntsnio Cheese Fac tory. ' 2362 ALL Chuudler extras for sale, at P. W. jucuson, 2424 Hudson. 2351 FINE violins sold on terms at pre-war prices. Panione, 2am and Hudson. 23Jl PUPPIES that kiddies lovo for sale al b56 Canyon Koad. 2304 FEMALES and guaranteed singers. Come near them sing. 2210 Lincoln. 2242 FURNITURE, 1610 Wash. Ave. 2Uo GRAIN, hay, potatoes. We can save you money. Ui out' a Oram Store, 332 Twen-ly-iourth St. 1473 O. I. C. boar for service. 3170 Jackson AVeuuu. 1303 SECOND hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. lbtiO Washington Ave. Phono 6b6-J. H. B. Stowe. 1211 PIGS for sale. State Industrial School 94S0 New and socond hand goods bought, sold uud exchanged. Highest prices paid for second hand lurnlturo. Trunks und suit cuses a specialty, blnor Trunk Jc Fur niture Store, 241 Twonty-fllih Street. Phone 1321. 59 J. A. HOGLE (z CO. pay highest prices In Ogden for Liberty bona.i. 3450 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; big reduction. Gordon's, 211-25 Twonty-flttn St, Phono 419. 2157 Traction heads In various cities of. thu United States would Increase tho fares in Owl cars. People who ride on Owl cars, wo understand, don't care what the fare is, WANTED ! Jjale WANTED SHOE SALESMAN Youn7 man with some "pep" nnd ambitious to advance, rather than be an ordinary shoe salesman. Salary depends upon your abil ity. Cheap holp need pot apply. Walk Over Boot Shop." 2790 BOY about IS year. Auto Salvage Co.. 2318 Grant. 2S12 EXPERIENCED auto salesman and me chanic. References. Box 50 care Stand-1 ard. 2776 WANTED Experienced gardener for coming scaxoiu Apply room 423 Ecclcs Hldg. "769 MAN and wlfo wjth not more than one child for ranch near Ogdcn. "Kay" care of Standuid. 2780 WANTED Two first claps auto median, les: none others need apply Smith A Dahl Auto Co.. 2440 Grant avenue. 2705 i WANTED Two first class auto mechan ics; none others need apply. Smith & Dahl Company. 2410 Grant avenue. 2707 YOUNG man stenographer. Ogdon-Port. land Cement Co.. 51 Ecclcs BIdg. 26: BOY with hor30 for Standard route on Harrlsville Roud. Apply circulation Mgi. Standard. 2469 EXPERIENCED prunners. W.B. We ddl, 24utJ Washington. 2314 BEFORE selling Liberty bonds, get prices irom J. A. HogiQ & Co. 2461 jnfiE I Male and Female ! VANTED CQinpetent typewriter opci utor (young man or, woman), for nbstmct work. Knowledge of shorthand not m.c eswiry. D. W. Ellis Abstract Co., under First National, Bank. Phone 155. 2830 FORD touring car, fine condition; new engine; must soil at once ior 576. Box W-2. Standard. 2799 CHUMMY roadster, newly painted and overhauled, cheap for cash. 294.0 Childs avenue. 27S7 FOR SALE Good Ford touring car. D. M. Dodson. 2721 Grant, or 911 union Live Stock Com. Co. 2772 WANTED Radiators to repair. We fix them when others fail. Sec us when buy ing a new one. Owen Bros., successors 10 Jack and Bob. 425 Twenty-third street. Phone S15. 2745 1915 1 cylinder Bulck 37 touring, cord tiros, newly painted. 1917 Bulck, ti, new top, cord tires, runs like new, 191S Ford touring. All in lirst Uas. mechanical condition. PACIFIC NASH MOTOR CO. 2200 Washington Avenue 2333 Hudbon Avenue. Phone 113 2678 DOES your engine pump oil and foul spark plugs? Loes it leak compression and thin out oil in crankcaso? Wo can usually remedy it without reboring. We cun save you money it reboring is nec essary. Burlow Bios-, 2466 Grant avenue. 2741 HAR LEY motorcycle and sidecar. 1919 j model; like now. Excelsior single cyiin- , dor motorcycle, $75. Ford touring car. 1917 model. A-l engine and In good con dition; Maxwell touring car; Ford speed ster. See circulation manager. Ogacn J Standard. ONE five passenger car In excellent con dition. $700. Terms to suit. Smith & Dahl. 2440 Grant avenue. 2701 Why not an exchange car? Now Is the time to buy 4 Maxwells, "14, '15, '17, 'IS 1 Ford touring. . r Chalmcfs" 6.50' ' " 1 Buick roadster WEBER-TAYLOR AUTO CO. 207S 2333 Hudson Avenue. Phone 113 4-90 MODEL 5-passcnger Overland, run loss than 5.000 miles; good us now. Fully equipped, all now .Ires. A bargain Tor $bU0. Call at 516 22nd SL, after 5 p.m. Phono 1752-V. 2399 ACTION COUNTS. "What do you think of Stevenson'3 'Travels With A Donkey?'" 'All -righL But it doesn't begin to compare with the book 1 intend to write on "Adventures With an Army Mule." Home Sector. Our Jiealth tip today is: Satisfac tion is the only sure cure for dyspep sia. Today's question is: Is Old father Time married? If not? How come the new year3? Was your cellar large enough to see the old "year out and the New Year in? WANTED I i To Rent THREE or four room modem houso fur nished. Phone 1217-M. 2824 FIVE or six room unfurnished rnodcix' house. Phono 1293. 276f WANTED to rent or buy dwelling with small acreogc. Phono 1154. 2739 WANTED to rant, 4 or 6-room houno. modern or partly modern. Phono 1650-J. I 2613 TO RENT a garage noar 24th and Mon roe Ave. Address Box 2343 caro Standard. 257u Hfv5rnt j lfSoard and Room BOARD and room. Call 2S7G-J. 2767 j w325ted i Situations WIDOW wishes housekeeping for widow cr with one or two childron. Small fam lly. l'hone 1G20-J. 2793 COLORED girl desires chamber work. Phone 232. , 273S MATERNITY nurse, 231S Madison 2177 IRONING. 2236 Madison. 2442 EXPEr.T bookkeeper would like extra set of books to work on evenings. Box "(" ' Caro Standard. 17S7 j ' KISSEL starling crank. Reward. Battery 1 Service. 2466 Grant. 2S23 GENTLEMAN'S purse containing receipt Issued lo S. M. Schumers. Return to 2330 West Court. Reward. 2S25 STRING of yellow fancy beads, Findor j call 251S,. 2S39 ( GOLD plated cuff link. Initial B. M. Ro ward. Return to 2017 Washington avenuo. 2749 GENTLEMAN'S cameo tio pin: sot In gold, square mounting: findor return to Reed Hotel office; get big rovvard. 2007 l MOUSE colored muff; red satin lining. 1 Lost somo where In business dlstrlcu Finder call ll-J-4. Reward. 1653 : BROWN, roll&d brim hat. on Trrcnty-cec-ond and Hudson. Telephone 2:il9. 1232 BUSINESS Opportunities FOR SALE Up to date market and res taurant In connection In a good live town. Both doing A-l business. Tills is a snap for right party. Will sell separately or to gether for $5000. Write or call Hagcn's Cash Market. Salmon City, Idaho; or will he at Hotel Cullen, Salt Lake City, until Monday evening. 2S26 SMALL business for sale; doing good. Box SS. Standard. 2S16 jA WANTED: Agents for Ogdon and A clnlty. Good proposition. Previous ex- fterlenco unnecessary Frco School of nstruction. Address Massachusetts Bonding and Insuranco Company. Accl dtnt and Health Department, Saginaw, Michigan. Capital Sl.500.000. 22S3 NOW that the federal loans are held up. have some private money lo loon on farm properly; no commission, no delay. Coll or address Ogden Employment Agency, 217G Lincoln Avenue. 2759 MONEY lo loan by private party, phone 215S-W . 25UJ MONEY advunced to salaried people with out security. Otliors on furniture and pianos. Easy weekly or monthly pay ments. Dlx, 227 Colonel Hudson Build ing. Phone 2S4. 87d7 ON Diamonds. Phone S9S-W. 253S RALPH P. HUNTER, established 1882. Mortgage loans, rcul estate, insurance. Utah, Idaho lands; farms and city prop erty. Persons desiring to loan money on goou first mortgage security will Jo well to consult me. Good applications always on hand. 431 Twcnty-fourth SL Ogdcn. Utah. 2310 ! MONEY to loan on improved real estalo. Kelly & Hcrrlck. 779 MONEY to loan on real estate securities. J. J. Brummltt. 6-21-19 There's no longer any hanging around now it's electrocuting. FOR RENT H Furnished wll GATES HOTEL EUH 2140 Grant avenue. Phone 3050; modern Bal furnished rooms; weekly rates. 2820 Kl THREE or four modern rooms. Call 45T V-JH Twenty-sixth. 2535 KiH TWO modern housekeeping rooms. No tH'll children. 33C Twenty-first. 2841 fl THREE clan rooms, nicely furnished. ") IH modern. 2717 Wall 'avenue. 2843 FURNISHED room suitable for one or two gontlcmon, modern conveniences. j WM 2363 Jofforson. 2792 . ELEGANTLY furnished room for one or Hll two gentlemen. 600 Twenty-tourth street. u mm I mm ONE room for light housekeeping. 2245 ii' Washington. 2S04 Mm 1 NICELY furnished room for one or two v gentlemen, on bench. Five minute walk I;1 Mmu from business center. Call 081-J. 2784 - MM ONE housekeeping room, suluiblo for W-l JW two. 20 a month. 2563 Qrant. , 3777 5 Mm SLEEPING room. 343 Twenty-eighth Phono 1302-W. 3721 fft FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, Phone iMM 1597. 270G iijH APARTMENT at 317 Twenty-sixth street. sirll RoferonceH required. Inquire 317 Twenty- HMI sixtli streoU 2698 rc9 1 ji mm MODERN furnished sleeping rooms. 61 1 I MM Twenty-rourth otrcct, 2703 ft MM FOUR neatly furnished rooms, Including 19 piano, modern. 2032 Gramcrcy. 2630 FRONT room, upstairs, with kitchenette. 2353 Monroe Avo 2633 'j m TWO rooms for light housekeeping jjj 12253 1.2 Washington. 2675 H ONE front room for light housekeeping, If 1612 Wash. Phone 2561-N M. 2501 jgH STI2A3I-IIEATED rooms, hot bath. Block J H from Wushlncton car. 2946 Grant. 18J1 WM ONE or two rooms with or without board. f Phone 2C95-NJ, 1400 H FURNISHED apartments. 2571 Lincoln ;I H Ave. 1248 ACCRUED Interest plus market price for 51 WM liberty bond paid by J. A. Hoglo & Co. J H 3 11: mm Conspiracy Cases Are 1 Before Labor Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 Cancelling 1 the deportations proceedings ngainst i Phlrendra Sarjar, a native of India. jt the department of labor today decided the first of the cases arising from tho I conspiracy proceedings against a num- I ber of Hindus in San Francisco in J April, 1918. j Before the war Sarjar was a student at Yale and Michigan universities, but when tho war began he was studying 1 at the University of Berlin. He re- turned to the United States and later became involved in the movement for Indian independence. He was indicted 'J 1 and sentenced to four months Imprls- lonment in April, 1918, on a charge of J having violated American neutrality oo p WHY RESOLUTIONS? Jj He gave up smoking, he tells mo, U This Oswald Dow; M Oh, no! He Isn't joking. Ho Is married now. 1 Luko McLuko. 1 1 He isn't drinking any more j j And this is why, jS Ho couldn't stock his cellar when The town went dry. jjj Detroit Free Press. II He Isn't swearing any more a And this is why: if He swore at his wee wifey and II She blacked liis oyo. Hastings (Neb.) Tribuno. K At night ho no more stays out late, H He swore off when A stern judge did incarcerate H His in the pen. Ira Newark Daily Advocate. It He looks no more at chickens young. I As if he never saw B One chicken gay, who proved to bo His own sweet mother-in-law. 5 There's this much about it What- ever Col. House has to say you can't $ expect to hoar it all at once, can you? j ' DOINGS OF THE DOFFS - 1 I SW,TCW, VJHAT do Voo I cWj,SS Swe.Vov CAKt HAVHTHe) II THtiK OF THE IDEA OF Vol) 1ft fOj CAR- HALF OF THE-TlKlE ' 1 H AMD I V3UVWG A MEvJ AuTbrAoBlLB JJ B AMO 1 CAM D56. IT TVia J HOVl MUCK VO R M ToGUTWER.? . 1 J . OTH&R- HALF W6. J Vot TrikjK H ? g C l we vuctdldmTt wamt A cheap cae. jl I Vou fv OWLV OTTwEkOV S5VEf4 I I l VOU SEE I ?lSO&X VIE. COVLD POJXARS dUT WW VoUC HELP I ; 1 ) A &e.TTEI2- OME. BV OUPPKG W. T6yEIHEf5- YUOOGMT AJB COVLV PUT THIS I aUGG UK AMP SEE JOST KOW MUCH- Lf rJTU lllG OXKLQ. II 1 W MV VIMGSACCC 1