Newspaper Page Text
IjiiliJ - 2T THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 192G 1 IS WITH FINGERS! CORNSJJFT OUT iHjIlj Freezone is magpie! Corns and II fi Calluses lift right off without I Iff 8! ' A eu cents-buys a tiny bottle of the III' II magic Freezone at any drug store. Ap is II ply a few drops of Freezone upon a Ha III tender, aching corn or a callus. In jllf II stantly that troublesome corn or callus 11 II stopshur ting-, then shortly you lift it HI' II out root and a11, w,lnoul nny Pa,n-! II soreness or irritation. These little hot-1 111 llcs Freezone contain just enough' HI to rid the feet of every hard corn, soft ( Sill corn, corn between the toes and the' III calluses on bottom of feet. So easy! : I til S simple. Why -wail? No humbug!! t Advertisement I ANITA STEWftRT AT I ORPKEUM SUSY III 11 1 ne Fvampinii Madonna, one of Ulli tne most celebrated works of are in II If lne Old "World Is shown in "Human 11 Desire," in which Anita Stewart will I if be seen at the Orpheum theatre, com I II! mencing Sunday. 11 1 This statue, showing the Virgin and ftllflj Child, in the new feature which First HI Eh! National is distributing, furnishes the i fljli inspiration for a little Italian convent ft ill to ?0 out 11110 11,0 wor' sne nas lv seen seeking a baby of her own. Adv. II ' j DYE OLD, FADLD ' j j . j DRESS MATERIAL I ' n 1 "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabb7 I 1 PpaC lysn anc New Jnj Don't worry about perfect results, jjjl Use Diamond Dyes, guaranteed to give jjfP a new rich, fadeless color to any fab-, ill ric' wnetncr l ne wool. silk, linen, cot jig ton or mixed goods dresses, blouses, m stockings, skirts, children coats, feath ijlj era, draperies, coverings. Ijlj The Direction Book with each pack U age tells so plainly how to diamond i ffl dye over any color that you can not 'Ijlj make a mistake. j m To match any material, have drug-' lift gist show you "Diamond Dye Color Ijfij Card. Advertisement. ) ROOT GETS INVITATION. I LONDON, Feb. 13. Elihu Rout has ifij been invited to become a member of ijlj the committee tb" prepare plans for lj the construction of a permanent court J of international justice. The list was. ,l announced at today's session of the , louncil of the league of nations. Ii For Colds, Grip or Influenza j j and as a Preventative, take LAXA-I ! T1VE BROMO QUININE Tablets, i Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on I . the box. 30c Advertisement. I .,n oo j Road Engineers Back ! From Inspection Trip 1 1 Captain R. M, Miller, district en- if -gineer of the state road commissin j and W. N. Frickstead, senior highwny 1 1 engineer of the public roads bureau, ill have returned from an inspection trip I f of the road between Brigham City and T A Logan. Preliminary work, including! I S relocation of the present rond, was JjJ taken up j u Mr, FrickiUad Is at present meeting UK with the. Nevada county highway offi ILf jMals at Reno. i Bf 1 lT COST A PRECIOUS LIFE TO ll!lH(i I uFlriD OUT BY EXPERIMENT I, iVHL' i v. hc h?ar of every uiwr of tobacco I BF I ncara a double burden. It docs Its allol- Hh lcd taak and tben fights ulrotlne for I HH I f uprcmncy. As lone as the heart wins iu MOT I I ,.whcn.,t loss-he dies, but beroro I) f ;i?e flal v,ttory of nicotine you ptiso MllsHr I through many stages of decline and a. II imi 'l ?y nd suffer many pangs. Hcnrts are I lillidi ,?e numan beings some are stronger IIIimII than others, therefore some hearts win lilllZffil !l stand more tobacco than others, but I'l luSi fi I inure In r limit to what any hart can lillHUH f I stand The man who puts this additional I Mil i! strain on his heart a dozen times a dav I jllSni r 1U "y owoklnc cigarettes, a pipe or cigars I fflli or chewing tobacco Is taking a mud I II Hill' mans chance with health and life to I Tl f3 Mil) ' ,?ae nd nothing to win but the chance I' llllffl ' w"at . no mQ-v ,08C them. Ho Is Induirf- II E ll t 'ng ,'n a costl' habit at the expense or ll In lH precious health. Ask any doctor any- I nil ' where and ho will tell you that tiaim: II iHBli' tobacco Is Injurious and that It Is -.if I lliililii better to quit the habit than to erpen I II I Hi! fill ! pient to find otu how much tobacco yom- II laHiii 1,srl- wl" alflnd without serious results ll tilffr't l But" tho thought, of quitting Is tin IlllilSJll ! Pleasant most men oven to thojo wno I l lfni ' Know that .tobaccd Injures1 them nnd to J ami " ft0" JL quJt tHK nore will po'er than lUiDnwl ! I10 y nnve 6nrt caniea more suffering- in;in liuiillu i -I?!.0" voluntarily endure. To quit the I Wt ' 1 'habit make It easy ror yourself by get- ijwfaJ ' ' Mcotol tablols and taking them of llj"8fi!iifiT" '. 8E BROUGHT TO UTAH ! Man Who Stole Automobile from Yellowstone Garage has Feet Frozen in Wyoming SALT LAKE. Feb. 13. With his crippled feet not yet amputated, II. T. Byrant, for many weeks confined in a Denver hospital as a result of the experience of himself and wife in a Wyoming blizzard, courts extradition to Utah to face the grand larceny charge preferred against him here for the theft of an automobile from the Yellowstone garage. When Byrant and his wife arrived in Denver, they were flven consider able newspaper Tubllcity, with the re sult that promise of help was made by charitably disposed persons. The pros pect was that his feet would be ampu tated as soon as the surgeons found it practicable. With discontinuance of notice of his case by the daily press, however, he was forgotten, apparently, by those who had promised financial aid and j his crippled feet are still unamputaied. They remain useless and withered ap- ( pendages. This is the story brought back from Denver by Deputy Sheriff William M. , Hughes, who visited Bryant iu the hos :pitiil on the way back from St! Louis with a prisoner. In the meantime the authorities in I Salt Lake are undecided about putting j through the extradition proceedings at first instituted in Bryant's case. It is conceded that about all Utah could do would be to have the man's feet ainpu-. tated a charity rather than a punish ment since they believe It would be. impossible to obtain a jury to convict ', the mau on a charge of grand larceny after the misfortune that overtook hiin in his flight with the stolen automo bilp. His wife is at present with rela tives in California. oo w Skk Isadaefse Constipation, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bloating, Gas, Coated Tongue, take that wholesome physic FOLEY CATHARTEC TABLETS Act promptly. Never disappoint. Mild end gentle in action. Do not tfripc or nEuscats. No costive after effects. Mn. Sweet Clary, Ante. Va.; "I nad a bad headache and took two Foley Cathartic Tablet. In a hor: vhile, my head stopped cbinfi." A. R. MclNTYRE DRUG CO. OH Bock'WritteQ by Ogden Is Discovered i The finding of an old book, "The Traits of the American Indian," writ-1 ten by Peter Skcen of Ogden, has at tracted considerable attention In thisi city. The book was recently uncov- ercd by Isaac Russell, formerly of Og- den. on the musty shelves of the con-' gressional library. It has been requested that the State Historical society have the book re printed again. -oo ; DRIVE AWAYHAUAGHh ! Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan ' ccrs of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and hzt miserable feeling from colds or congestion. Ar.d it acts at once! Musterole is a clean, white cint neat, made with cilcfrr.uctsrd. Better 1 thin a mustard plaster end docs net blister. Used only externally, and in I no way can it elect ctomach end heert, us some medicines do. Excellent fcr sere throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neclc, csthna, neuralgia, congection, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum be0, all pains and achc3 of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and COe jars; hospital size $2.50. 00 ! BOXING UNION RULES : NEW YORK, Feb. 1,3. The Interna tional Boxing union adopted at a meet-! ing in Paris rules and regulations con-1 forming with the views of the Ameri-' can army, navy and civilian board of I boxing control, according to a cable1 message received here from the Brit- ish representative body. , How Much Tobacco Sp . Will My Heart Stand I i , A Question Vital to Every Man Who Smokes or Chews directed. The habit rc.nlly quit yon and Its departure lo a peasrc equal to tta indulgence. If you want to know how much ouster It Is to nuit the hnnlt with Nlcntol Mian without It. go twenty-four hours without tobacco nnd note what an effort It cos' " then begin u$ng it ns usual ann tako Mcotol tablets. At the end ot a week discontinue smoking oi chewing tor n day and It la probable you will have no defllie to resume. At least vour ck slre will be grently diminished "and an other week or two should mnkii It uoi v3rVfls,blc' but a Pleasure, to quit. mSiJ . iPr- fr"nor' formerly or Johna Vi?? . HoHpltal, under whose Mcotol nns often been used, said wnen LUtxJTcHt.wa8 awn to -ilm; I nave ht)V :N,lcoto'1 t0 conquer the tobacco l,ln lQ?s iUnn lcn du's' time and i can therefore recommend It high;"- j!1'0" u,e doctor's statement was shown .Mcotol Is truly a wonderful rcmedv fnr the tobacco habit, way ahead or anvthin-v.-o have oyer sold before. We ore auth. orizeil by the manufacturers to refund tno monoy to evcrj- dlwatlsfled customer and we would not permit the use of our nam., unless Iho remedy possessed unusual merit." Nlcotol I soUl In this city unc.-r ?,U ,,Vinrc!ad,nioneJ.',ack Kuarnntco by .it up-to-date dmggisu. Including the A. It. j Mclntyre Drug Co. Adv. - 1 SEAT SALE ON FDlt ' MARGARET KU1 . Margaret Anglln, the most versatile actress on the American stage, will be the Orpheum in her, newest and, best play by Henry Kistemaccker and 13u--gene Delard entitled "The Woman of j Bronze." The play gives this excel lent actress fine emotional opportunity 1 and as the wife who has been grlev ,ously wronged by her weak and sus ceptible husband, the star rises to her i opportunities, contrasting the mood or the long suffering woman with that of i the aroused human drama, ready lo take revenge. "Tho Woman of Bronze" lis i tense drama, and is given with j forcofulness by Miss Anglin and her I supporting organization. Seat sale Is ' now on. Adv. COUGHS AND COLDS Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat j Banished By Hyomei. i The germs of catarrh do not exist In the same atmosphere with antisep tic Hyomei (pronounce it Iligh-o-me). ' Breathe Hyomei and relief from 'catarrh, coughs, sore throat or cold will come in Iwo minutes. Breathe Hyomei and that stomach i straining hawking in the morning will I quickly disappear. j Breathe Hyomei and kill the catarrh J germs; heal the Inflamed membrane,! stop the discharge of mucus and pre vent crusts from forming In the nose. Breathe Hyomei for a few minutes each day and rid yourself of contempt ible catarrh. Breathe Hyomei give it faithful trial and then, if you are not satisfied, you can have your money back. Hyomei is sold by druggists every where and by Oulley Drug Co. Irads . It relieves stomncli misery, sour atom ncli, belching and all stomach disease or money hack. Large box of tablets 60 cents. Druggists in all towns. CHiiiPfflETO EXPUUI TD SBHTE Committee Desires Full Inf6r mation of Proposed Sale of I . 30 German Liners WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Chairman Payne, of the shipping board, was re quested to appear before the senate commerce committee late today io ex I plain the proposed sale of the. 30 for mer German passenger liners at public auction here next Monday. Chairman Jones said the committee desired full information owing to the agitation against the sale. The International Mercantile Ma rine has offered ?2S,000,000 for the ships, but all private bids for their pale were rejected. Chairman Payne announcing that he would not accept any single bid for such ships. Chairman Payne has announcen that he has telegraphed Henry H. Raymond of New York, president of the Ameri-1 can Steamship .Owners' association,! an l Charles H. Potter, of New York, 1 president of the United States Steam-1 ship Operators' association, asking j them to notify officials of their oigaui-i zations of the proposed sale. I Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Reliable, Antiseptic Preventive During influenza epidemics spray the nose and throat several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. If you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat and snuff the mixture up the nose. This treatment sets up an antiseptic wall of defense against "Flu" germs. Chest colds and sore throat lead tp grip. Stop them at once with Wizard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c. If not satisfied, return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pinl: pills, 30c at drug gists. Guaranteed. Advertisement. ' Official Sanction ' For Olympic Games WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Official government sanction and support for (the cam which will represent the United States in the Olympic games at Antwerp next summer was obtained by the Olympic committee in a series I of conferences today with high off I j clals of the government The position of honorary president of the Aerican Olympic committee wasl accepted provisionally by Secrtary Tu-I ruulty on behalf of President Wilson. Secretaries Baker and Daniels were! made honorary vice presidents of the ' committee. fin Governor Assassinated for Aiding American PANAMA, Thursday, Feb. 12. Gov ernor Pcriigault of the province of ChiriquI, which lies along the Costa Rlcan frontier, was assassinated at 7 (O'clock tonight, according to ndvlce3 received in this city. No further de tails are as yet known. ' It is said Governor Perrigault had befriended W. G. Chase, an American, In litigation over land and that this ! led to his assassination. Governor Perrigault was Pannman : consul-general In New. York Cltv for a 1 number of years. ;SCI0S li HUNCH USE IIGEST1 Greate Gas, Sourness and Pain How to Treat Medical authorities slato that nearly nJnc-tenlhs of the cases of stamach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc.. are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid In the stomach and not as some believe to a lack of digestive quices. The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symtoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestions are hot needed in such cases and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggist a few j ounces of Blsurated Magnesia and take ja tenspoonful in a quarter glass of wat er right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Blsurated Magnesia (in I powder of tablet form never in liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to lake andis the most efficient form of magnesia for stom--ach purposes. It is used by thousands of, people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. Adver tisement. no Woman Arrested for Counterfeiting Passes f CHICAGO. Feb. i!3. Department of i Justice ngents today arrested Esther j Field of Los Angeles ai she stepped j from a train in connection with allog ! ed counterfeiting of railroad passes, i She waG taken to the federal building where she refused lo answer question. 1 She was held pending Instructions ' from California whore, according to I government officers, a gang has been (counterfeiting passes. no ; DOUBLE BEAUTY j OF YOUR HAIR j ' ! "Danderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves i i ! In a Tew minutes you can transform 1 I your plain, dull, flat hair. You can jhave it abundant, soft, glossy and full .of life. Just gel at any drug or toilet j counter a small bottle of "Danderine" ' j for a few cents. Then moisten a soft ' cloth with the "Danderine" and draw 1 this through your hair, taking one ' Ismail strand at a time. Instantly, yes, ' Immediately, you have doubled "the beauty of your hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous aud so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil is re moved. Let Danderine put more life, color, vigor, and brightness in your hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. Adver tisement. on ; Former German Ship Aground Near Killios I I LONDON. Feb. 13 The former Ger man steamship Gregor with 200 Brit- j ish refugees from Odessa, broke adrift from a vessel having her in tow and grounded near Kilios Wednesday, ac? cording lo a Lloyd's dispatch from Constantinople. One hundred and fifty persons were rescued by the breeches buoy. The vessel is reported lo bo breaking up. Kilios point is about three and aj half miles west of the westrn bank of the Bosphorous, at the point where It meets the Black sea. I on HUGE BUILDING PLANNED. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. The New York Stock exchange will erect i 22 story office building adjoining its present Wall street home, it was an jiiounced today. To acquire space for I enlarging its trading floor and to pro Ivide for future needs in board room requirements, the exchange recently purchased the Wllks and Mortimer, pioneer "skyscrapers," which will be torn down to make way for the new structure. i SEE YOUR SKIN IMPROVE WITH POSLAM'S USE Just a little Poslam on sick 4skln, spread to cover the affected surface will soothe, cool and comfort. And the skin, urged to throw off its disordered condition should respond splendidly so that gratifying Improvement may be quickly seen. ! Simple, because Poslam la powerful-1 ly effective; Safe because there is I nothing in it to harm; Advisable al-1 ways because eruptional skin is risky to tolerate, troublesome and embar- , rassing In the extreme. Let Poslam 1 show the way to perfect skin health. , Sold everywhere. For frco sample 1 write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 I West 47th St.. New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos- j lam. brightens, beautifies complex ions. Advertisement. I fi pie boards ' for utah proposed i (Federal Commission to Study , Matter and Decide on Selec ton of Various Boards SALT LAKE. Feb. 13. The matter of the seloction of dlr.trict fair price boards to take charge of the activities of the fair price- commissions In va rious parts of the state was discussed at tjomo length yesterday by the exec utive committee of the federal fair price commission for Utah. The linal ', details or the problem before m.-'king j will be selected was left with J. W. (Fuhk, federal fair price commissioner. ' Commissioner Funk will study some details of the problem before makisg further announcement, and will also I confer with some members of Hip ex j ecutlve committee who wero unable to bu present at yesterday's meeting. it was argued that the selection or district fair price commissions, which Is lecommended by Howard Flgg, 'special assistant to the United States attorney general, A. Mitchell Palmer, projenLs problems in Utah rather dif-j ferent from those in some of the east lorn states, where the population is J more dense and the means of commu-' nic.Uion more rapid than in Utah. On the other hand, the need is becoming 'felt for district commissions that may j he in closer touch with the merchan dising problema and conditions of a particular community. Conditions Vary. ! U was mentioned that the difficul ties of giving the public the service re quired of a general store in the Uintah basin, where communication with the outside world i3 difficult and suoject to irequcnt interruption, are not the Snilld nS thnKP mnl With in mnrn ' ly settled portions of the state on a ;' railroad line. Each community would. I perhaps, be better able to seltk' its ; , own problems, and investigations y could be carried on wiih greater des patch from district headquarters than 1 from Salt Lake City. Price, Provo, Ogden. Logan and some or the cities farther from the state's center of pop ulation were tentatively discussed an district headquarters. uu 1 Dear Grace: I knew you did not I hate a good time at the dance last evening. just a hint Hollister'r, I Rocky Mountain tea is the best ever for bad breath, sallow color, no pep, ' pimply face, bad disposition. Joe. ; Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. Presbyterians Flan $45,000,000 Budget ! ATLANTIC CITY. N J., Feb. 13. ! PUhe ewre discussed for raising the! 1 proposed budget of S45.000.000, a por-1 tion of which is to be used in connec- 'Hon with the world evangelization! mni'dninn I ot Mm nnnnlii,!!. 1 today of the executive commission of he Presbyterian church. The church's own needs aggregate S19.S2S.070, which is apportioned among the swn tods and presbyteries. This sum will 'be raised by individual subscription of the local churches and it is exclusive , ly distributed among the boards and agencies to cover the work of the ; church institutions. Another $3,000,000 will be appor tioned between the general board of education and the board of sustenance and ministerial relief. Teflow Mustardior Sore Throat, Toi?siliiis Old fashioned remedies are often th best. Yellow Mustard, in the form of plaster or pc Mtice, has. been used for generations for sore- ; Pi n e s s, inflammations, FfQr congestions and swell- j u - 'Y ings with most excellent results i $QyT!-A but it blistered. oL Xa Heat eases pain ! f 5 and Bczy's Mus" I I rv" tarlne made of ; . H 'F rure yollow mus- , i &"C''Ov-Ay lai(1, together; N w ' 1 h other f Pain relieving ingredients is just as hot, but quicker, cleaner, and more effective and cannot blister. When your throat is sore, when you have pleurisy, bronchitis or a pain shooting chest cold you can get speedy aud lasting relief with this most ef fective preparation because heat eases pain 30 and 60 cents at druggists or by mall, S C Wells Co.. Leliov I N. Y. 'j oo Naval Base m Coast j . ' Most Pressing Need i ! WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. "The navy's most pressing need" is tho es tablishment of a naval base In Cali 1 fornia, Secrotary Daniels told a delega- Hon from Alameda, Cal., today in at 'cepting ground tentatively for a base site at that city. ' Mr,. Daniels said his' acceptance of the offer was conditioned upon appro priations by congress for the neces sary construction at Alameda. Mayor Frank Otis, of Alameda, made the presentation. He was accompanied by Congressman J. Arthur Elston and Joseph H. King, and Joseph E. Caine, of Oakland. Admiral Contz, chief of operations, and members of the Helm I board, who have conducted an exten sive investigation of existing naval bases, were present. i oo- Production of Wheat in Spain Decreases PRODUCTION . . . .gaincoinu MADRID, Thursday, Feb. 12. Pro duction of wheat in Spain has suffered a great decrease, saldtafael Gasset. former minister of pIc works and Mow to Beautify Your I Complexion and Bring " i - Moses to Your Cheeks' I A Free Oatmeal Prescription Does Its i Work Ovcrnlflht. You can Prepare It At Home. ' New York. Exposure lo dry jitmo.i i phorc, bright snnllRht, dusL :trid colli wlml nan a vry bnd cficct upon tho skin an'.l complexion. When you come In contact iwit.i heat you huv often no I tired that tho dry nimosphre causes your ?kin lo feel drawn and puckcry. Thb Is very harmful nnd there is a way to overcome It. "It Is my own discovery and liikoa Just one nipht to- get such marvelous results," says Mac Edna. Wild er, when her friends aak her nbout lier ' wonderful complexion nnd the improved ! appearance of her hands nnd arms. "You can do tho samo thing if you follow my J advice," she says "I feel It is my duly lo tell every girl nnd woman what this wonderful prescription did for me. Just I think of it. all this change in a slnulo j night. 1 never tiro of telling others just what brought about such remarkable re sults. Here Is the identical prescription that removed ov'iy defect from my fuco, , hands, arms, neck and shoulders. Until you try it you can form no Idea of the marvelous change It will make In Just one oppllcHtlon. The prescription which you I can prepare at your own home is as lol I lows: Go to any grocery store and get 10 ;cenls wortli of ordinary oatmeal and from any drug store a bottlo of Derwillo. Pre pare the oatmeal ns directed In cveiy i pack(ig$ of Derwillo nnd apply night and morning. The first application will as tonish you. It makes the skin appear rosy-white, transparent, smooth nnd vel vety. I especially recommend this meth od for a dark sallow skin, shiny nosa, con rye pores, rough chapped skin, ruddi ness, wrinkles, nnd in fact, overy blemish the face, hands and arms ;in. heir lo. If your neck or chest is discolored from exposure, apply this combination there and the objectionable dofect will disap pear as If by magic. It Is absolutely harmless and will not produce or stlmu. late a growth of hair. No matter how rough or ungainly the hands and arms or what abuses they havo had through leader of Agrarian party in the Cor- J les today. He declared this was duo to the farmers discontent with the fix ing of wheat prices and demanded that measures be taken to prevent agricul turists from turning their efforts the production of other nrticles -of con sumption. " Senor Gasset declared If wheat production continuel to decline I Spain would be compelled to Import jinore wheat from South America and that capital would thus leave the country to pay for cereals which she could produce moro economically her self, i : Theatres PANTAGES. Talk about Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Norma Tai ;madcc and other stars of the movies I the local talent, composed of vamps, j villa ins, sweethearts nnd the like, in the feature act at the Orpheum this we?;;, caused a riot from start to fin ish at the opening shows yesterday. From the opening scene, during which time the audience is filmcJ, un- ( til the curtain ends the riot of fun and, laughter, the audience forgets Old Man j Gloom completely. Pepper, ginger, with some real clover comedy on the part of Director Tom Ward, makes the act a headliner of the first order. The act was sent out from Los An geles with the hope of locating some reai picture finds and unless the au dience missed a guess two Ogdenitcs established honors yesterday. Differ ent scenes are filmed at each perform ance. Tho act "Reincarnation," presented by Vernn Mcrsareau, is one of the best dancing acts seen at the local lav house this season. A prologuo opens the number. The dancing is done bv Miss Mersereau, who is assisted bv George McCormack. Eniil Farnlund, one of Ogden's clever musicians, billed as an added attract ion, received encore after en core at the show last night. From clas sic to jazz, on the marlmbaphone, iarnlund showed marked ability. William Dick, billed as the Singing Musician might be termed a variety performer. Dick handles tho guitar with ability and wins his audience from the start. He sings a few num- hard work and exposure, tbu . ' DenvHIo combination will work TP ' Herful transformation In rj houri f most. Thousando who have iifccVi i! th port the stimo results I have had" rl Miss O. C. says: "My comiiii. poor and my skin rough. My U 1 chest, liands and arms were dark r3ecit. posure. The very first application?.?-' wonderful Denyfllo oalmok combiH11 , convinced mo that my poor comJula and skin blemishes would soon WhH03 of tl.e past. In a few weeks all ih. mn . sightly defects had entirely d -Vnn.C Ua" : and I shall always use it to keen y? 4rtJ ploxlon at its best ail tho time r t,&rn' ' recommended it to my gir friond3 sm they are Jug 't as enthusiastic over it I am. We all use It before going lf theatre, dances or parties and It' V s I dcrful what a difference it makes in appearance." n ou-' Mrs. G. V. writes; "Oatmeal nrwl ru wlllo have worked miracles with ?nv r' plosion. I had many despised wVlnkS". and a dark, sallow, rough skin i hand-i and arms were covered J,.l t freckles. After eight weeks use of i h J Edna V. ilder's wonderful complnvion "r t scriptlon these objectionable defects h 1 entirely vanished. I now use It jUh , : a benutlfier and look ten years ; y& ' I advise every girl and woman to itvu and I feel coniident that after onl 1 two applications they will use It cohii uully and bo just as favorably Imonu.M f with It as I am. I recommend ll in ,n! my friends." 'u . NOTE To get the best effect bo . to follow the complete directions ' tnlncd in every package of Dcnvlllo have only to get Dorwlllo and oatm i ? You need nothing else, and It ls so smti. that any ono can use it, and so Inexnitii ivc that nny girl ox woman can afford ii" The manufacturers and druggists sann' tec that there will be a noticeable it I' provemcht after tho first application 7 ' they will refund tho money, it Is old Is this city under a money refund guarantt; by department stores and all drucdtti's including A. It. Mclntyre Drug Co.-Adr f bet-3 and tops off his act by ttlllni1 if jokes. I Harry and Etta Conley, in "Ai the' f Cro3S Roads" made a decided hit. Tho h scenes in the act are especially rHer It From a juggler's standpoint'the Git i Ions are in class A-l. Both members 1 K of hc team are skilled In this an ll The funny side and the serious siddllt of juggling are shown. S The bill closes with the weekly raoi-l ing picture review. f oo f . A loaf of bread never rises to ei plain. ;' 2 f a ' f Yes; S0 So So Is Purely Vegetable ' R Nature's Safe Blood Treatment , t n il M i t u k r l an ""Pared appetite, a feeling of , On the Market Half a Century. ,assflude and a gcncra, wcakcnin, ,. L Vhcn yon arc n, perfect health of lhfi h h lhm h , L r.nd are enjoym a strong and shoId promptly take a fv bottle, ' fe vSGcroi,S vitality, ,t .s then that of s s s n vjn ad ;n c,cans. ; & your blood is free from all imptiri- jng tic blood and build up and j tics. strengthen the whole system. You should be very careful and S- S. S. is sold by all druggists. L give" heed to the slightest indica- Valuable information about the Rj , . ', - , , . . blood supply can be had free by ; fa Uon of impure blodd. A sluggish vvrjuW lo lhe Swift Specific Co., P? circulation is often indicated by 50 Swift, Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. 1$ Advertisement. LOVE LETTERS AS ADAPTED T0"JI VARIOUS REQUIREMENTS j 1 To Emily: j ' I "Your eyes are blue, so frank and tnif, U Indeed have turned my head! ". Let me declare, oh lady fair, I love you only! Ted." 2 To Beatrice: , f, "Your eyes of brown, so shy cast down . h Have won me, be It said! ' V. And so I sigh, nnd sadly cry, I I love you only! Ted." 3 To Cornelia: , fl "Your eyes of gray now grave now gay ( y. Bring hope at first, then dread1 i ; Let me avow my story now; i 1 ' ' RTf 'T ) ' t-Qlr : i 1 & i 0 S o n T 1 0 ; -Tape's Diapepsin" instantly relieves Dyspepsia, !e j or a Sour, Acid, Gassy Stomach quick! Sure! . I ' ' i1? i Food souring, gas, acidity! Wonder what upset your stomach? Well, don't bother! The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sour ness, heartburn and belching of gases, due to acidity, vanish trulv wonder ful! Millions of people know that it is needless to be bothered with indiges tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stom ach. Afew tablets of Pape's Diapep- . sin neutralize acidity and give relief pj0n at once no waiting! Buy a box of j Jf Pape's Diapepsin now! Don't stay mis- ' f.1 erable! Try to regulate your stomach so you can eat favorite foods without .causing distress. The cost is so '"' tie. The benefits so great You, oo, , r I will be a Diapepsin enthusiast after- j j wards. Advertisement. l 55 I love you only! Ted." . , ' 1 To Isabel: "Your eyes of black, alas, alack, ' The flames of love have fed, So heed this plea, and smile on me, i 1 love you only! Ted." i f Cartoons Magazine j i oo l h: The older Father Time grow, ' Jn faster he sePms capable of traveling- I j Sure ; Ljfc&W Hot wafej j In j Cf2W Sure Relief ; BHtaANf h