Newspaper Page Text
r ' ' I MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1920 dfaflPtt 33 ' . OGDEN.J I I CLEANLINESS, BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICED I THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEMS IN FOOD BUYING I THE CLEANEST FOOD ".. HIGHEST QUALITY ARTICLES OF FOOD OF EV ERY DESCRIPTION. NFW FOOD STORFS FOR nm I I STORE IN THE STATE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN 5 iNfcYV ruup aiUKtb rUK UGDEN j L I BEEF HAM SPECIAL BUTTER FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES f 'I I Pmiiiw Ronr nnnnrl lOtf nu; c i i id- Tr Choice Home Dairy Butter, pound 58i Sunkist Dos I H boiling Jiecl. pounci -lvc Choice Smoked Picnic Hams, , rn -a r -n pi,,,,v vn.u,. iur zci I ,1 XAtM lues, and Wed Only Sm 1 I Choice Rump Koast, pound 18: Armour's Star Bacon 49. EGGS Extra Choice 0rangest 126 size. .. .65c 1 1 v 1 iC?fni Armour s Star Hams. 40- giflh Grade OleOmaFQarilie . 35C Choice Fresh Ranch Eggs(.-dc.Zen..-iSJ Kxtrn Choice Oranges, 330 size... 60 I ! 1 Prune Rib Rolled Roasts pound oO Choice Scgo Breakfast Bacon 3S wuul vioviiifligaimi . J'Jt : E 35 ExlraftUhoice Oranges, 200 size... 4 1 I ' ' 1 Selected Rib Boiling Meat, pound. 1Q Selected Ham Bulls, smoked 40? Ill 1 DOBfflU CaPtORS 1 ! ij I Brisket Boiling Meat, 3 pounds... 25? Choice Mild Cured Xeclor Hams.3S? r , , Extra Choice Lemons, 300 size, dz. 35c !" Extra Choice Heel Boiling Meat. .22? . : VFAL Grapefruit. for 25c I v In a . t-. i cr. a riii aouui uie i.tbt lour oay:. 01 Uyocivs new 100a ac V El-. n.n;n 1 rno,i T,oHm.i 9 lm I ! boiip Bones, pound .5 pnnv paitrrtent store broke all records for number of people served. Choice Veal CllODS DOUlld 35 ,Y ? o , JjllllCL " 101 "W ( 1 Choice Shoulder Steak, pOUlld.... 16? rUKR There can be no other reason for this than the undeniable Met f'l l! V I pi ic i Carrots,. 3 bunches 25f? j i" I Round Steap pound 20? Choice Kresh Pm-lc Steak, pound.. 24 that we offer the hiohcst quality foods at the lowest prices in J;,.00 sx pouna Turnips, 3 bunches 25c 1 1 jli 1 Choice Sirloin Steak, pound 23? Choice Pork Chops, pound 26? y;rZ 5ha" eonl,nue t0 d0 8-wateh 3,1 our ads for r?PS; VZnuY 1 BocLs' 13 bu,lc-l0s "25v I I I I Choice T-Bone Stealc! pound 26? Choice Pork Loin Roasts, pound. . .24? wc-1 prlcc3' . c ll01C0 C'nlf Blains Pulld I Cauliflower, pound 156 I ! '" I Choice Porterhouse Steak, pound. .30tf Choice Pig Liver, :J pounds for. . .10? ! . Cabbage, 3 pounds 25p . Choice Fresh Ox-Tails, each 10? Choice Fresh Back Bones, pound .5? , CANNED GOODS I I i'-' 1 Choice Fresh Ox-Hearts, pound. ...S? Choice Pork Link Sausage, pound .25? nauuuL oJv Lnihs, .encn ..... 40? Atlantic Pink Salmon, 30c size. .. .20e I lie 1 Choice Flank Steaks, pound 20? Choice Fresh Farm Sausage, gaimon oU? ilacUl,c g? Bay View AVhitc Tuna, 20c size. . .10? COFFEE 1 ! 1 Choice Short Rib Boiling Beef, Pomul 2o? smelts ,"?n0bs1 Armour's Chipped Beef. 20c size .15? l I pound ....15? Choice Sparc Ribs, pound 24? ellow rai ..... IS? Hint Sole Jfc? Vca Jj0nJ: 20? Schilling's Best, pound 55 I' 1 Choice Hamburger Steak, pound.. 18? Choice Pork Tenderloin, pound.. .500 C b-nce l'rcsh Skinned ( atfish, pound 22? Alpine Brand Iilk, case ,.?5.95 Hill Bros. Red Can, pound. 60? J f I Choice Beef Liver, pound 10? ' . ! Alpine Rrund Milk, 2 cans 25? TEA I Choice Fresh Beef Tongue, pound. 30? SAUSAGE at t i o VAK.f , ... Choice Peas, 2 cans 25? Scliillin's Best Japan S ounces 45 ! B Choice Fresh Beef Brains, pound. 10? rM . c . , , oun ain Ln 2-pound pails, net weight. . .,70? Old Yankee Maple Syrup, bottle. .30? s n's Bcsi EiH I- 1 1 ' Ciioiee Special Frankfurters, Mountain Lard, o-pound pails, net weight $1.75 Bottle Catsup 25? l , ' uuBiiiii urca.uasu I'll I pound 15? Mountain Lard, 10-pound pails, net weight... $3.45 1 O"" 4o? ' ,' I Choice Bologna, pound '...20? Sego Lard, 2-pound pails, net weitrhb. 6S? j hulgeway s. b ounces 4o B LAMB Choice Ham Bologna, pound 20? Sego Lard, o-pound pails., net wei'ihU $1.65 . SUGAR 011 -S ? ?ul1cpf ? I I . T . T . n. oc. Choice Liver Sausage, pound . . . . .IS? . Sego Lard. 10-pound pailsmet height ?3.35 . ,l,,r nnmifk S1 4 Bu k. ; Ui- alu, per pound 0 I , , I Choice Lamb Loin Chops, pound. .36? Choice Head Cheese, pound. .17? CVfc Lard, 2-pound pails, net weight.: .66? I- vns 'mmm A ;Cn' P G0 I 1 Choice Lamb Rib Chops, pound.. 31? Choice Wieners, pound..'...-. 22? Cehof Lard, 5-pound pails, net weight $1.60 uSal 0 pounds y o? SQAp !' 1 Choice Lamb Lg Chops, pound. .32? POT TT TRY " Ch'. To Lard, 10-pound pails, net weight 93.30 FLOUR Special 10c quality Rose Bath 1 jij I 'Choice Lamb Stew Chops, pound. .15? c ruulKI 3-pound nn weight Criseo $1.15 " o) pounds S2.S0 Toilet Soap 6? 1 J Choice Lamb Tongue, pound 20? Choice Roasting Hens, pound 2S? 6-pound net weight Criseo $2,25 IQO pounds . . S5.60 120 bars Lenox Laundry Soap. .$6.00 1 1 j (Mioice Broil el's, pound 32? 0-pound net weight ('risen S3. 35 ' ;,; WESTERN MARKET COMPANY :; I 366-24thSt. "KASH AND KARRY FOOD DEPARTMENT STORE" Tel. 2287 11 milium! TWTrWIVi-'! IBiMi'Ii tMiiUMHil I Mil iw mr;vw in ill 1 1 I I I i WlftBiiiiUBHii l : -C1TYC0MMISSI0N ASKED TO PASS ! ORDINANCE CALLING FOR DAYLIGHT l!fi SAVING PLAN TO BEGIN IN APRIL1 I, Docs Ogdcn want to return to the ' j Uayiight saving system and set the j l" oloek ahead enc hour aa it did under ;i f tlio war-time act? i) Mayor Frank Francis and Commis- i sioners Chris Flygarc ancUJ. IX. Ward k; ant to know the desires of the clti- ' ' zens in the matter, for flic commission j has been asked to enact a daylight i I saving ordinance. ' If the ordinance is passed Ogden ' will got up one hour earlier than Tit present but will get through one hour ' earlier in the evening so that there ; -will be more hours of daylight to be I i enjoyed after the day's work is done. f Mayor Francis says he is in favor of 1 adopting a daylight saving system. 11 !i Most business men declare they are in i f( favor of saving daylight. ' ' i The matter will be placed beforeMhe i ' members of the Rotary club at the j meeting in the Weber club tomorrow, j 1 The national daylight saving act was 1 repealed by congress acainst the II wishes of President, Wilson. Congress contended that the act was repealed 1 1 because the farmers objected to it, but I ' there are many who believe that light ! companies were the real foes of the i measure. c- Browning Brothers Co., of Ogden, 'through J. B. Olson, secretary, has pe I -litioned the, mayor for the passage of an ordinance restoring daylight sav-! i Ing. The company argues that "if the (J -plan was beneficial for the United ' ; States at a time when every person's : vitality and mentality was taxed by i war problems, certainly the same thing I "would prove good for ns now." The letter points out that many pro- ' grcssive cities have adopted daylight -navlng- ordinances-and asks: "Why not , i t)gden?" oo 1 Society I S. O. H. CLUB. I 1 , ' The S. 0. H. club met Monday, Feb- j 1 f iuary 9th, at the home of Miss Margue- 1 rtlte Clements on Lincoln avenue. A; hort business meetin'g was held, af- J i jer which a most enjoyable evening jj J vas spent by all present. Dainty re- frcshments were served by the host- ;j J ess. Miss Mary Dunn will receive the j, ( members on February 16th. 1(1 .PR. AND MRS. JOHNSON RETURN. I Dr. C. B. Johnson, chiropractor, is J back in his office again after a very jl j pleasant trip' to California. Dr. and It Irs. Johnson are at home to their H friends at 301' Washington avenue. I; S WEDDED ON SATURADY EVENING.' i j A pretty wedding occurred last Sat-1 : lirday evening when Miss Verne Cof- ) 3ey and I. V. Alvord were married at , .the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Alvord, Mi 3i72 Twenty-third street. Reverend W. f Ielllnger of the Cbrlctlan church pcr- j i 'foruung the ceremony, i Thc cvout was tno celebration of -four anniversaries. St. VnlcnUno's day, j The wedding anniversary of the par- ! ints. Mr.and Mrs. I. T. Alvord, the blrUiduy of the groom, I. T. Alvord, jaud thc wedding of the young couple. Ij .t 7:30 twenty-five or moro guests jj .-ere assembled hi the parlors of the j Alvord home. To the strains of Lohen- ASK FOR and GET j iHorlick's The Original H j MaSted Milk For Infanta anc Invnlida H V Atois iiaitfttiva mad SBb.utut-a grin's wedding march, played by Miss' Erina, the bride came down the stairs to the waiting groom, I. V. Alvord. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Ora Shaughnessy and Foren Mollerup. The bride was attractively dressed in grey crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of lose buds. The bridesmaid was dressed in pink and white silk and white coma-' tions Throughout tho services appro priate music wasp layed by Miss Cra-j ! zee. Mr. and Mrs. Alvord are to make Ogden their home. BAPTIST MISSION CIRCLE. The ladiesof the Mission Cirele of the First Baptist church will meet in ( tho church parlors. Tuesday at 2:30 1 o'clock, with Mrs. W. )3. Crites and I IMrs. Mary Griffin as hostesses. CH I DR EN'S AID SOCIETY. The members of the Children's Aid socieiy will meet Wednesday after-! noon at the dispensary. PYTHIAN SISTERS. The regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters will bo held Tuesday, Febru ary 17, at the Pythian hall on Grant avenue. A good attendance is de sired. i on ! Couraiy Superintendent I WiH Attend Convention' At tho meeting of the county board I of education today, Supt. B, A. Fow-1 lor was authorized to attend thc meet-! ing of the Rational Educational associ ation, department of superintendence, ' which will be held in Cleveland, Ohio.' February 23 to 2S. The purpose of the trip is lo bring' ' lo Weber county such ideas and inno vations as may improve tho schools, j jThe county schools will defray the ex-, p:-nses of Superintendent Fowler's trip. , oo v Deaths and Funerals OLSEN The babv of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson of Plain City died last night at 11 o'clock of pneumonia. The child was born May 1, 1919. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. RASMUSSEN Donald Leroy Itas mussen, infant son of Jorgcn and Olive Cannon Rasmussen. died last evening at 10:30 o'clock at the home C12 Twenty-eighth street. For the past three weeks the chlldr has been suffering from bronchial pneumonia. Funeral services will be held at 1 o'clock to morrow in thc Fifth ward. COY The funeral of Junius Coy was held yesterday at 2 o'clock at the residence- iu llarrisvllle. Elder Hor ace Shuvtllff presided. Patriarch Lewis J. Taylor was' thc speaker at thi services. Musical selections were ghvn by George Webster and family. Interment was in tho cltv cerae'en', Parley G. Taylor dedicating-the grae. THURGOOD Alice Janet Barton Thurgood, wife of J. T. Thurgood, died lant night at 10:30 o'clock at the fam jlly residence at West Point. She was 111 one week. She was born in Kays llle. Feb. 3, 1S90, the daughter of Pfier and Mary Jane Barton. Hr .hus band, a son, Alvin, and two daughters, Errua and Ruby, survivo her. Funeral stNv!p.s will be held tomorrow at J:30 o'clock In thc West Point ward. The body may be viewed at thc family rest- WINTER DOESN'T BOTHER BALLPLAYERS DOVN SOUTH j ! ' fiS ! . SfiV h rW-Q ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. Baseball in January. Buck Herzog. Chicago Cub second sacker (a right), is holding down th'c same job with the St. Petersburg sandlotlers, while Wilbur Goode (left) of-thd Kansas Citv Kuws, is-in center Held for the Tampa amateurs. Tho big games in this stale art staged between Tampa and St. Petersburg, and thousands of fans throng the ball parks every week to j witness the inter-city contests. I dence until 1 o'clock. Interment West. Point cemetery. SMALL Thc funeral of Mrs. Ida May Small was held in the Sicth ward chapel yesterday at 0 o'clock, Bishop O. M. Sanderson conducting. W. S. Wright. W. T. Pickett, Gerald Klomp and Joseph Matson sans at the surv-l ices. Speakers were President Sam-! uel Dye, Fred Foulger, Martin F. I Brown and II. Martin. Interment I M iuntain View cemetery. j DRYSDALE William Drysdalc died! at the family residence 2C79 Quincy avenue, at fi a. m. today, 'after a five-weeks' illness of hemorrhage of thc brain. Lie was born iu Scotland, March 29. 18C-1, the son of James audi Elizabeth English Drysdale. He, with his parents, came to Utah in 1S77, and j has resided in Ogden since that time.' He was a member of the L. D. S. ; church, tho international Association j of Machinists' Helpers and tho Wood- men of the World. lie has boon a faithful employe of the Southern Pa- jclfic railroad for tho past 32 ears. He !s survived by his widow, Sarah Stimp son Drysdale, one son, William James Drysdale, three brothers, John Drys dale of Pittsburg, Pa., James Drysdale and Samuel Drysdale of Ogden, one sister Mrs. Elizabeth wheelwright and two grandchildren. Funeral announce ment will be made later. GREGERSON Ann M. Gregerson, aged 21 years, died at the" family home, 2314 Adams avenue, last evening at 9 o'clock, after ai illness of wov.weeks. She was born in Denmark, Septembor 21, 1S9S. thc daughteiof Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Gregcraon. Her parents,; five brothers and five sisters survive! her. The Gregerson home .was in Idaho, but for the past few months, the family had been in Ogden. The body was removed to the Larkin chap-1 el preparatory to being shipped to Preston. Idaho. WAY M E NTThe funeral of George , Wnyiucnt. was lfekl yesterday at 2j o'clock in thc Warren Meeting house., Bishop W. T. Wayment conducted thc services. Miss Josephine Larkin sang I at the services. Speakers .were. Joseph I Skccn.-Johh F. Barton," E: A.-Larkin ' and Bishop Way'menL Elder Stuart dedicated -the grave- BROWN Mrs. .Jane A. Nulling I Chsirc has received word of tho death! of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Chase I Brown, wife of F. L, Brown, of Carey,- Idaho, the death occurring last Wed-j nesday. Mrs. Brown Is thtf daughter of (?. E. Chase and Jane A. Dunn Chase; and the granddnughtcr of Dudle andi Samantha Crisman Chase The hus-i band, seven children, three sisters and three brothers survive. Mrs. Brown's death was caused by . influenza-pneumonia. She was bom in Labellc, .Ida ho, Jan. G, 1S86. oo Dear Grace: I knew you did not have a good time at the dance last evening. Just a hint Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the best ever for bad breath, sallow color, no pep, pimply face, bad disposition Joe. A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Adv. j oo Bees, Net Children, to ' Buzz at Old. School The droning hum of -juvenile voices at the old Randall school .house will be replaced by the busier lnnn of delv- ing insects. The old, edifice has been sold' to Oli ver Miller, who will establish an api ary there. The building is the remains of an old school house used before the consoli dation of schools was effected. "With the establishment of the apiary , the industrious buzz of the busy bees, in storing up of sweets in the form of honey, will bo in evidence. ' j 'RIOTING F0LLOYS SLAYING OF 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL I LEXINGTON, Ky. One of thc most serious rjots In tho country's history followed the slaying ot J 10-year-old Geneva Hardemann by Will Lockett, a noro, who confessed and was sentenced to bo electrocuted. The mob that stormed the county court houao whero the negro was on trial grew so great and so threatening that Governor Edward P. Morrow calle'd out troops of tho Flm Division to Kuard tho Jail. Picture shows thc riotcr3 being forced back after fi.o of their .number had been killed and many others wounded. MINUS HULLED; FiRST mm !S IT DEAD I Martha Bales, colored, told Judge A. E. Pratt of the district . court this morning that she had remarried after being told that her husband had been killed in action in France. Sue added, however, that she had just been informed by her mother that the former husband is not dead. She asked for the annulment of her mar riage with Joseph Bales, and the re quest was granted by the court. The woman said she read the name or her husband, W. Douglas, in the cas ualty list, but that lately he was seen in Caspar, Wyo. Why the original husband has not returned to the wife seems to be a mystery. n n ! A CORRECTION j In last Saturday's issue of The Stan dard the cut of the Spcrry Flour com- pany building was inadvertently des ignated as the "Albers Bros. Plant." Thc Albers p'rnc was shown on an other page of the prpor. MARRIES MILLIONAIRE 1 NEW YORK Peggy Hopkins, Broadway atar, recently married J. Stanley Joyce, millionaire Chl 1 cago lumberman. This Is tho brldo's third j matrimonial ven ture. nn I EVEN HORSES CAN BE HONEST. i An Irishman once said a nag to a gentleman warranting the animal to be an honest horse. Some time after th gentleman asked him what Bej ; by an honost horse. . "Well, sir," replied Pat, "whenever I rode him, he always threatened to throw me, and he certainly never de ceived me." Houston Post. i A WAG. A WAG! j j This is truly a spiral flight," saidi I the young lady ns they climbed the I iatatr house cupola. ' 'R:.thrr per spiral, I would end it.' , rcpl od her stout escort mopplnp his beadpd hrow Boston Transcript. iflGDEH Pi! PIK : 1Y BE HELD IP BY SISTE I Whether the east side of Washing ton avenue north of the Ogdca rivti -y bridge wllf be paved this spring may depend upon action taken in Salt Lake tomorrow when city and county com' mlssioners meet with the stale road j commission, , j J The paving of tho boulevard in 0? den canyon, , preliminary work cd ( I which has already been begun, a l ; j may depend upon the outcome of the meeting. The state announced recently that , difficulty was boing experienced la j ! marketing state road bonds at par. 1 'was pointed out also that cost of road l building material is very high. The an- ! nouncement was made that in vietf ot j these conditions state road buildup projects and state aid to other road j, projects might be postponed" or cur- i tailed. teEllf REPORTER SUITS MS IF j; SPRRG I l! Two little birds building a i U were seen this morning. U Voting women yesterday took auwu , lae of the warm day to display aon p of '.he stvles which will be worn tn h spring. While pumps and straw w were in evidence and the wearing j u spring raiment was not confine" Li the lair sc. , , . rlrei I , U.i the corner of Twenty-fifth n'J fi and Washington avenue e-Vor r ternoon at about 2:30 o'clock, a ou u was observed wearing aPP6','" : ,! "rushed" the season, to say the ca ft H had a beautiful pair of grc ? Ins trousers, a deep greei i eo-u .a laro straw hat with a gaudy band. a low cut shoos. Last but by no a least, was tho hosiery worn by tne , Groin, with large red polka dot . j the color arrangement and as sr tj inchos of shin was visible betijeJJ j the cuffs of the trousers um , i -of tne oxTords. the screaming colors traded attention. . . iw i While this example is probabl) " J most radical attack of tho spir ( H spring that has yet manifes J "J , . several cases of a milder nature vi . noticeable. . , fhn.; f- In the windows of men's furnisr f i, shops some of the latest Ideas displayed. , nin "U While thc samples of fcminia f 'ty i parol seen about thc streets " jtj ' day were exceedingly pleasani w J 1 eye, it is beyond tho capaclt t ' mere, man lo relate tho typ?. p . t ftj,' , or other particulars regardm,, i tt ery in any other way than 10 Jf, , I ; "They certainly aro becomifli.- ; JO " in'JCi1 ' Ono can't help but feel iJ , when one meets a pickpocket. Our idea of a useful to0"10 , m who can discover a substitute iw CASTOR IA , For Infants and ChUdrcn , gtj lnUseForOver30Yea Tju